A Billionaire's Lost Love
Ryuk Mingyu, a woman who came from a chaotic, working-class family, got a new job! Where? At Nam Corporations, one of the big three companies in the city! She applied for a regular employee position, but, as if luck were on her side, she was chosen by the CEO himself to be his new secretary. This choice, however, was only the beginning of a challenging new chapter of her life. Being handpicked by the CEO personally, she became the target of bullying by her office mates on the top floor. Especially Chun Minju, the daughter of one of Nam Corporations' biggest partners, who has the biggest crush on the CEO, Nam Jinho. Ryuk Mingyu only wanted a stable job to support her family. But little did she know that fate brought her to Nam Jinho for a specific reason. The only question is will she remember who he is?
A Billionaire's Lost Love Free Chapters
Prologue | A Billionaire's Lost Love
"Mother, how many times must we discuss this?" Jinho groaned as he shuffled important papers on his desk.
"You can't blame me for constantly bringing up this topic, dear," his mother replied over the speakerphone. "You've done nothing but drown yourself in work. Your father and I aren't getting any younger."
"But I'm not the one who's responsible for continuing your bloodline," Jinho stopped as he looked at the phone. "In matters such as this, you should discuss this with Taeyoung."
His mother sighed and said, "Your brother still has a long way to go. You're the eldest and you're already set in your career. It's high time that you find a bride for yourself and settle down."
"Can't I decide that for myself?" he asked as someone lightly knocked on his door. It creaked open and his assistant, Kim Hyeongu, peeped through the small opening.
"I already agreed to that and look at where we are now," she replied. Jinho gestured for his assistant to enter as she continued, "You always ask for more time. Yet, it's been seven years since you said that. Still, you're on the top of the most eligible bachelors in our city." She added, "We already gave you enough time. Don't force us to do it for you."
"I know I asked for time. And I still do. My business has attracted more partners and expansion is inevitable. At this point, settling down is out of my priorities," he argued as Hyeongu arranged the new arrivals. Accidentally, Jinho bumped the other pallets that Hyeongu carried. His eyes widened as the files scattered all over the floor. He offered to help but Hyeongu declined and started to pick up the papers.
"Until when will your business be your priority?" his mother answered. Jinho watched as Hyeongu collected the scattered files. But his world stopped when he saw a specific file.
"Jinho? Are you listening to me?" his mother raised her voice as it came out of fade.
"Oh, un, yes, Mother," he replied as he snapped back to reality. "Mother, can I call you back? I need to do something important."
His mother sighed. "Will you be joining us for dinner?"
"I'll let you know."
"Okay. Don't work too much."
"Yes. Bye." Jinho quickly turned off the speakerphone. He turned to his assistant and said, "Hyeongu, may I see that resume?"
Hyeongu's brows furrowed. He skimmed through his files and pulled out the first resume that he saw. He then showed it to his boss.
Jinho nodded eagerly and Hyeongu immediately handed it to him. Jinho read the resume and asked, "What's this for?"
"We currently have an opening for our production floors. She's one of the passed applicants," Hyeongu explained.
Jinho smiled and asked another, "Do we have a job opening here on our floor?"
Hyeongu thought carefully before he answered, "The only opening we have is the secretarial position. Miss Park has sent in her resignation letter, and it was effective immediately."
Jinho nodded as he finished the resume. He handed it over to him and said, "Give the position to this applicant. Her credentials seem to be proper for the job."
"Uh, of course, sir," Hyeongu nodded. He was confused as he couldn't understand his boss' decision. He already read the said resume and her credentials weren't suitable for the position. But he knew he couldn't argue against it as his boss was already set on it.
"Is everything ready for my departure?" Jinho asked as he stood from his chair.
"Yes, sir. I had everything settled for you," Hyeongu replied. "Your luggage is all ready. Your private plane will undergo its final checking tonight. And you're set to fly out early tomorrow morning."
Jinho nodded. He turned to his assistant and said, "While I'm away, I entrust everything to you. As much as I want to bring you with me, someone has to stay behind and manage the company."
"I promise you, sir, that I will do my very best to keep the company in check," Hyeongu replied as he bowed his head for a quick moment.
"And while I'm away, handle the training process of our new secretary," Jinho continued. "You're well-familiar with everything that a secretary does in my company. Show her the ropes and keep a close eye on her. Should she struggle, give her a helping hand at all times."
Hyeongu nodded.
Jinho's phone buzzed. He checked it for a while before he slid it back into his pocket. "Looks like one of our partners wants to have a late-night dinner with me," he remarked.
"Should I have the car ready for you, sir?" Hyeongu asked.
Jinho nodded as he started walking.
Hyeongu followed closely behind him and spoke to his inner ear, "Have the car be at the front door. Mr. Nam has an appointment."
As they headed to the elevator, Jinho couldn't help but allow a slight grin to appear on his face. He just couldn't believe that after such a long time, he found her at last. And to be able to have her as his secretary, he finally felt that it was his time to catch up with everything.
And throughout the night, only one name played over and over in his mind.
Ryuk Mingyu.
Chapter One | A Billionaire's Lost Love
"For today's weather forecast, it will be a warm, sunny day from morning until the afternoon. But do remember to bring your umbrellas along as scattered rainfall is to be expected across the country…"
The radio newscaster faded into the background as I reviewed the job offer sent to me. It was sent via e-mail. But I took it upon myself to have it as print-outs so I could bring it everywhere.
My heart pounded and my hands shook as I read the job description. Never, in my wildest dreams, did I expect to be given such a high position at such a prestigious company. I was already thankful when I passed the evaluation as a regular employee. But when I was told that I was given the secretarial position, I was over the moon.
"First day at a new job?"
My head shot up as I saw the driver's eyes through the rearview mirror.
"Oh, um, yes," I replied with a nervous chuckle. My grip on the files tightened as I was reminded of the new territory I was about to enter.
The driver nodded and continued, "I'm sure you'll be just fine. You seem to be a person with a credible background. Where are you headed?"
"To Cherry Blossoms Street."
"Where in that street, specifically? That's the hotspot for big companies."
"Um, to Nam Corporations."
His eyes widened as he looked back at me through the mirror. "Nam Corporations? That's one of the most prestigious companies in the country," he said, surprised. "I heard that job applications aren't taken lightly there. You're one of the few lucky ones, I guess."
"Oh, um, thank you," I replied hesitantly. I didn't know how to react to that. If I accepted that with pride, he might view me as arrogant. However, I couldn't help but be filled with pride when I got accepted for a position in the company. To be the CEO's secretary was simply the cherry on top. My friends did assure me that I had bragging rights in regards to my new work. But I didn't need that. That wasn't in my nature to do so.
"Don't be nervous," the driver said as he turned right. "If you passed their hiring process, it means you've got what it takes to be in that company."
I nodded slightly. "Thank you for the encouragement, sir. That's very kind of you," I replied. I then looked out the window and let out a deep breath. I didn't realize that I was holding it in for far too long. Who wouldn't be nervous about such a big opportunity? Not many are given this chance, especially on the first try.
As I stepped out of the cab, I fixed my black coat and slacks before I proceeded to the door. Upon my entry, I couldn't help but marvel over the elegance of the building. Actually, I shouldn't be surprised. This was one of the big three companies in the city. I shouldn't be expecting less than grand.
The grey marble floor sparkled. The roof was made of pure glass, which allowed the natural light to enter. Thus, the whole structure was enlightened without the use of so much power. Very economically strategic. And the building was filled by men and women in all black ensembles.
I took a deep breath in and approached the receptionist. As I reached her, I said, "Excuse me, ma'am?"
She immediately turned to me and smiled, "Good morning, madam. What can I help you with today?" she asked.
"I'm here for my training. I was told to show this to you," I replied as I reached for my phone. I opened it and went to the Messages app. I then showed her the text message that was sent to me on the day I was told I was given the secretarial position.
She took the phone from me and said, "Give me one second." She went on her computer and typed in a few things into it. She turned back to me and said, "While we wait, you can have a seat here," she pointed at the lounge chair beside the reception. "And if you want some coffee, we have a coffee maker on the other side of the hall."
"Thank you very much," I said as I bowed briefly. I proceeded to the lounge chair and sat down. I then looked around as I tried to keep myself calm. I still felt the nerves crept up my body as I waited. And it didn't help every time somebody would leave or enter the building. They would look at me as they passed by. In an attempt to ignore the degrading stares, I stared down at the files I held.
"Miss Ryuk?" my head shot up as I heard the receptionist. She gestured for me to return to her, and I immediately walked up to the front of the reception. She handed my phone back to me and grabbed an ID from her drawer. "Here you are, madam," she said as she gave the ID to me. "You're called to the forty-ninth floor, which is our top floor. When you arrive there, show the ID I gave you. Then, tell the receptionist there that you're looking for Mr. Hyeongu. He will be the one to look after you," she explained.
"Thank you very much," I bowed.
She pointed to where the elevators were as we bid goodbye to one another. I bowed in respect and rushed to the elevator. Whilst I waited for the elevator to arrive, I wore the temporary ID and tried my best to calm my nerves. I was doing well but once I heard the elevator arrive, I couldn't help but be nervous again.
I just hoped that this day would go well.
"Ah, so you're Miss Ryuk," the receptionist on the top floor remarked as she looked at my temporary ID.
"Yes, ma'am," I smiled even though my cheeks were shaking. I put my hands behind me as she typed something into her computer.
She returned the ID to me and replied, "Mr. Kim will be here soon." With a smile, she added, "Allow me to be the first one to congratulate you and welcome you to the family."
My brows furrowed. Baffled, I said, "I'm sorry but why are you congratulating me right away? I'm still going to undergo training. I'm still not officially hired."
She looked around and lowered her voice, "Want to know a little secret?"
"Um, sure," I replied, a bit hesitant.
She gestured for me to come closer. She looked around one more time before she whispered, "I saw your records on the company files. You're already hired."
My eyes widened as I stepped away from her. My heart stopped for a second before it raced once again. My brain got a little dizzy as it took a moment to process what I just heard.
On the other hand, she beamed with gladness as she grinned enthusiastically at me.
"I'm sorry but you must have seen it wrong," I shook my head as I stuttered. "I find it impossible to be hired right away when I haven't started training yet."
"Honestly, even I'm confused but I swear that I'm not lying. Your profile on the system says you're already hired," she smiled. She added, "I guess you'll undergo training for the sake of formalities. But rest assured that you're already hired."
My mouth hung open as I was still in shock. That would be totally impossible. I couldn't be that lucky to pass the application process, be offered a high position and be accepted without proper training.
I was about to ask another question when the glass door to the main office opened. I turned to its direction and out came a tall man in a black suit. His hair was slicked back, and his square glasses complimented his slight jawline. In his hand, he carried a tablet as he approached us.
I glanced over at the receptionist, and she watched in awe as the man walked towards us.
"Good morning, sir," I bowed.
"Good morning, Mr. Kim. How's your day been?" the receptionist asked as she blushed slightly.
Mr. Kim smiled at her and said, "So far, everything's been smooth. How about you?"
She hid her face as she blushed even more. And when she finally composed herself, she cleared her throat and said, "Everything's much better now that you're here."
"That's good, then," he smiled at her before he turned to me. He took a good look at me and said, "Good morning, Miss Ryuk. Please, follow me."
I bowed and walked behind him.