A Deal With The Devil
Rachael Smith ends up making a 3 month deal with the obnoxiously rich Colton Hastings. It gets complicated as the fake pretend starts to feel real and emotions get involved. As they fight their own feelings, they realize they also have to help in the murder case of Nick Mills and prove that Racheal’s mother’s (lawyer) client might actually be innocent and not the murderer everyone claims he is. As the dots connect, the case becomes personal and might even solve the mystery behind the death of Racheal’s father.
A Deal With The Devil Free Chapters
Chapter 1 - Who the hell owns these death devils? | A Deal With The Devil
"Is it too late now to say sorry? Cause I'm missing more than just your body. Is it too late now to say sorry? Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah. Is it too late to say that I'm sorry now?" I sang completely off tune to Justin Bieber’s song, tapping my foot on the floor of the car as my fingers tapped on the steering wheel.
I shook my head, letting the wind coming from the open window to caress my face. I smiled bobbing my head with the song. Looking at myself in the mirror, my smiled widened. The sun shone directly on me, making my light blue eyes sparkle like ocean waves and brown hair look lighter and shine like sand on a desert. Somebody take a picture!
My phone suddenly rang and I scowled at the name, 'Simone'. I swear if she starts complaining again about how her crush doesn't notice her, I'll kill them both and bury them in one coffin. Stopping the playlist which now played Selena Gomez songs, I picked up the call.
"Sup? I'm driving."
I didn't hear anything for a few seconds and then a gush of heavy breath. "I didn't call to speak about Trey, Racheal."
"Oh okay then. Heya!" I exclaimed, my mood getting better instantly.
"You are such a bad best friend." Simone complained.
I let out a short laugh, taking a right turn. "Give me a break. He's all you talk about. 'Trey said this', 'Trey did that', 'Trey is my soulmate'. Like girl you're just in high school, you don't find your soulmate that soon in this generation. He is most probably banging someone as we speak."
"Wow! You are so romantic." Simone said sarcastically. I could imagine her shaking head in surrender.
I rolled my eyes, scowling at the crowd in Starbucks. It's just 4 in the afternoon and it is already overfull. Bet they are just here for the free Wi-Fi. "Honey I am just realistic." I replied over the phone, trying to find a place to park.
"It doesn't hurt to hope."
"It does. Hold on, gotta find a place to park." I threw my phone on the side seat without waiting for a reply and grinned when a saw an empty pace a few cars away. I went there and almost turned the car in until I saw it wasn't actually empty.
"You got to be fucking kidding me." I honked furiously at the sight. Three bikes lay parked in the area for car parking. I blew a strand of brown hair from my face, glaring at the bikes somehow hoping they would drive themselves to the bike parking area.
"Who the hell owns these death devils? I am going to destroy their life. This is a car parking! Bloody blind asses." I swore gritting my teeth.
A honk from behind deepened my scowl. "Yeah yeah I'll park somewhere else." I muttered to myself and backed up the car but the person behind me seemed in a lot of hurry and instead of waiting for me to drive away he simply stepped up on his accelerator and crashed into the back of my-well my mother's car, it resulted in me instantly loosening my grip on the wheel and dear Julie went straight ahead crashing into one bike which fell sideways, making the other two fall.
I stared in disbelief and horror at the sight and winced as the sound of something breaking and falling on the ground cut through the tense air. I turned behind to cuss at the other driver but he was already way ahead. I closed my eyes, fingers gripping the wheel tightly. I finally opened my eyes, my lips in a straight line. "It is my mom's car you asshole." I shouted looking in the direction of the runaway car.
"And it's a fucking red Lamborghini." I punched the wheel, wincing as the pain flowed to my nerves. “Poor Julie.”
I glanced around and saw a few people staring but no one ran and threatened to take me to the police station for bike assault.
I sighed in relief and immediately backed out on the road going as far as possible from the scene of unfortunate crime. I glanced at my phone and sighed seeing that Simone had already cut the call. Well I couldn't blame her.
It was after 10 minutes of driving, all the while looking behind anxiously for any sign of three furious bikers until I found a good garage, far from the scene of stupid accident.
I drove inside and saw a few guys cleaning and doing all that shit on the cars. I got out of the car and cleared my throat making a few look at me. Their eyes widened as they saw the car. Yeah it's a Lamborghini, a just crashed Lamborghini.
"So? Uh how bad is my car?" I asked timidly, fidgeting with my fingers. My mom is so going to kill me.
"Real bad." A guy answered, shaking his head at the car.
Yup, I am definitely dead!
I could see the guys felt sorrier for the car than for me. Guys and their wheel love!
"This gonna cost you a lot sweetie." A voice came from somewhere under and I barely held my gasp as I saw a girl with golden hair tied up in a messy bun and face full of dust stand up, wiping her hands on the napkin on the car bonnet. If it weren't for her pretty prominent chest and girly voice, she could have just been identified as a guy.
I squinted my eyes to get a better look, she somehow looked familiar despite the dirt covered face and clothes. "Uh Alexia is that you?"
"Guessed it right Smith." She said, going to the nearby water tap and washing her face. "Covering up for my worthless brother."
I gave her a sad smile. She was a year elder to me and had just graduated from high school. Her brother, twin, Maxim, was as she said, worthless. He never did anything but drink and party and boost up the sale of condom companies. I could swear condom companies got 50% of their income from him.
"Where is he now?" I asked, watching her examine my car.
"Max? Probably with this new red haired chick." She shrugged.
"You should stop coming here for him. It's his job." I told her, feeling sorry for her.
"We need the money Smith. I want to go to college. Anyways there are plenty scratches on the back and the front. The paint's gone and the side-"
"Just tell the final price." I cut her in between, I didn't really need to know what damage I did on my mother's favourite car.
"It's a Lambo so around $6000." I almost had a heart attack. "But I'll do it for $5500."
I opened and closed my mouth like a goldfish, staring at Alexia like she just said the most startling and terrifying thing ever, which probably was in my case.
"Five thousand and five hundred dollars? Did I hear correctly?" I rubbed my ears hard. I knew I should have obeyed my mom and cleaned my ears.
"Make it five thousand but that's it. I can handle the boss." Alexia said, tapping the bonnet with her finger.
Handle my mother too!
I shook my head. "My mom isn't going to give me that much. I'd be surprised if she even gave $100." I protested, wanting to rip my hair apart. She can't know this or else she'll flip out and definitely have me grounded- forever or ban me from eating Nutella and ice cream and cakes and every food I love. Just the thought is appalling.
Food and I are lovers for forever!
"Sorry sweetie! This is the best I can offer." Alexia said sympathetically. "How did it happen?"
I sighed at the horrible memory. "Some assholes parked their bikes in the car parking and I thought it was empty so I went there to park. Just when I was finding another parking place, this jerk who better have a dying patient to attend, crashed into me making me crash into those bikes and then he drove off full speed." I breathed out. "The population of assholes is increasingly drastically."
Alexia grinned. "You better have a valid license sweetie and hope those bikers don't go to the police."
"What! It was their mistake. It was clearly a car parking."
She shrugged. "Hope for the best. Let me know soon. We need to get working on the car or your mother will get suspicious." Patting me on my shoulder she walked away.
I pressed my forehead with my fingers, suddenly feeling dizzy. "I'll let you know in 15." I called out and walked out of the oil smelling garage.
My mother had a small Chevy but it was old and we just used it in case of emergency. This certainly was an emergency but what would I tell her about the Lambo disappearance? She never goes to work without it and just because it's a Sunday I got to drive it.
Leaning against the wall I thought of my options -
1. Call and tell mom and die.
2. Call and tell Josh, my brother, and let him tell mom and die.
3. Not tell mom, get $5000 by working until I die.
Yeah all options end with me dying. Fan-death-astic!
Sighing to myself I took out my phone and my finger paused on call 'Josh the ass' drawing circles just above the phone but not touching it. Should I? Ugh whatever just do it!
I waited for my idiot younger brother to pick up the phone, as I taped my fingers on thigh, a sign I was super nervous.
"Big sis." His bored voice flowed through the phone and I straightened, my heart beat increasing.
"Brother!" I greeted over-sweetly, grinning and crossing my fingers. "How are you?"
There was a slight pause and I vaguely heard the sound of another human voice before his voice came through again. "What did you do now?"
"Me? Pssh... nothing. Nothing at all. What can I do?" I chuckled nervously, waving my hand in the air.
"Oookay. This sounds real bad."
"Oh you have no idea." I said, in a low voice, lightly banging my head on the wall.
"You said?"
"Nothing, where are you?" I asked, straightening again.
"Friends place." He answered vaguely and then the same voice came again.
I smirked as I recognized the voice. "Sarah huh? Wait till mom knows about this." Yes! Blackmail material finally.
"What? No!" he shouted in slight terror making me grin viciously.
"You know mom hates her and you are with her. If mom comes to know-" I left it hanging, looking at my baby pink painted nails with small black dots on it.
"You won't tell her." He warned. I could see him scratching his knee, his sign of fright.
"Oh yeah? And why not?" I challenged him.
"Because you called for a reason and you are in deep trouble and from your tone before it sounded more serious and worse than mine. So I warn you. You tell this to mom and I'll find out why you called and tell it to mom along with the fact that it was you who ate the cookies that day, not our neighbour's cat."
I scowled at the phone, hating that he was right. My trouble was certainly worse than his. I sighed. "How much money do you have?"
"Are you taking my drugs? Oh my God! Mom is going to flip. You are so dead. Is that why you walk like a zombie now-a-days? Jeez Rach-"
"I do not walk like a zombie." I shouted, stopping his rant. "I was just tried that day."
"Yeah from having too much weed?"
I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "I don't do drugs Josh, relax." A paused for a second. "A friend needs some money right now."
"Well then I don't have any."
I gave my phone a dirty look, somehow hoping we were on FaceTime so he could see it as it was for him. "Thanks for nothing."
"And remember I don't want to be an Aunt until I reach 23."
"Don't worry I use good quality." And the line went dead.
I looked at the phone shaking my head. He was just a 15 year old and already walking the path of a bad boy. Soon tons of girls will be all over the house. Talk about fun!
"Decided what you want to do?" I jumped at the voice, my hand flying to my chest.
"Alexia! You scared me."
She grinned. "Sorry." She didn't look even a bit sorry. "So?"
I nodded. "Let's go in."
She shrugged, turning and going inside the garage again. I followed her silently thinking the ways mom would kill me.
"So how much was it?" I asked, again hoping I had heard it wrong all the time before and it was just $200, even $500 would do.
"No problem with my hearing." I said to myself.
"You don't have to pay it all together you know." Alexia said, giving me a small smile.
"You'll have to wait for years then." I snorted.
"Or I could help you." I turned at the new voice and stared at the guy with dark grey eyes and dark brown hair, dressed in a white V neck and light blue low waist jeans that showed off his immense gym efforts.
"Colton Hastings." I greeted impassively. The jerk of senior year, a complete flirt whose head wouldn't enter the Pacific Ocean because his ego was bigger than it.
"Racheal Smith." He greeted back, with a smirk of amusement.
"I don't need your help." I said glowering at him. As much as I hated to admit it, he was definitely something to drool over but his actions made him dangerous and a certified player. Apparently he was dating the head cheerleader, Monica Moore, after dating her best friend. He was someone a nice girl like me should stay far far away from.
Sighing I folded my arms over chest uncomfortable as his intense gaze never left my face. "What? Go!"
He raised his eyebrows at me and took a step to the left. I glanced behind him and almost fainted at the sight. There lay one of the bikes I had previously crashed into.
Fuck. My. Life.
Chapter 2. - It's a done deal | A Deal With The Devil
I blinked repeatedly. Please let my eyes be seeing impossible things! But when I saw the mirth on Colton's face I knew I was right in the middle of the deepest horse shit ever.
"That isn't my fault." I shouted, throwing my arms up in exasperation. "That was a car parking. C-A-R. You know the thing that runs on four wheels?"
He nodded slowly. "Yeah the thing that broke my precious bike's mirrors, scratched the sides. Might I add I had this red design recently painted and it's already spoilt?"
I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "Your mistake for parking there."
"You should have looked before crashing into them." He retorted, seemingly at calm considering his bike was just crashed and the paint was ruined.
I waved at him dismissively. "I don't have time for your senseless accusations." I turned my back to him, looking at an amused Alexia and equally amused workers.
Oh yeah, who doesn't enjoy a free show?
I slowly turned to face him again, anger bubbling through my veins. "What?"
"Bike repairing is going to cost that much." He nodded casually, as if ordering food at a small diner.
I pressed my lips together, resisting the urge to snap his neck in two. "Haha so?"
"Pay it."
I raised my chin, staring at him. My hands forming fists as my teeth clattered against each other in ferocity. "Fuck no."
"Would you prefer the police?"
I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "You wouldn't dare."
His lips lifted to the right to form a threatening smirk. "Try me."
I folded my hands to stop them from making contact with his well sculpted nose. "Are you challenging me? It was your fault for parking at the wrong place."
He shrugged. "The police would believe me. And it's $3000 by the way."
"What?" I repeatedly inanely.
"Three bikes."
"You are fucking kidding me! I am not paying for those shitloads. I can barely pay for myself." I finally screamed, taking few steps towards him and poking him on the chest in annoyance.
He tilted his head to the left. "I can help you."
My eyes narrowed. "Oh yeah by how?"
"I have money." And then I realized that his family owned the Hastings Corp. one of the leading companies in the IT field. Every student who could speak Computer wanted to be a part of it.
"Great!" I clapped my hands delightfully. "Pay for me too." I turned to Alexia. "He'll pay." Grinning to myself I started walking towards the door.
"I don't do stuff for free Smith."
I froze in my steps, not surprised by his words. Of course he would want something. I heard footsteps and soon Colton was standing in front of me with folded hands and a smirk, his grey eyes filled with complacency like he had just acquired something he never should have.
I breathed out heavily. "What do you want?"
"You to do whatever I say."
"I am not giving you a fucking bj." I shrieked punching his chest.
He stumbled a bit at the force and looked at me crazily before bursting out into laughter, heart wrenching laughter. I heard the workers laughing too and my face turned red in embarrassment. I tapped my foot impatiently and rather crossly as I waited for him to stop his hellhound laughter. To be true it was kind of attractive. Ugh unattractive I mean.
"Are you done yet?"
He looked up at me and shook his head, continuing to laugh. "Your mouth is too small."
I bit my lip from screaming profanities. "The urge to slap and punch you till death is colossal and so appealing."
He straightened, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "You thought I was going to ask for a bj. My gosh!" and he burst into laughter again.
I punched his arm hard but he only stumbled a bit. I think I hurt my knuckles more than his arm. "Keep laughing. Bye." I snapped, walking out of the garage.
"Hey! Hey! Smith!" he called out and I heard footsteps running behind me. I didn't stop, I kept walking, ignoring him.
He finally caught up on me, grabbing my arm and making me stop. I shook it off his hold, folding them under my chest, away from his touch. "Is there anything sensible that comes from your mouth or just STD driven saliva?"
He instantly sobered up, his face turning hard. I felt a smirk creep on my face.
"I don't know! Why don't we exchange saliva and see?" he challenged, raising his eyebrows at me.
"I don't steep that low."
"Could have fooled me."
"Seems easy."
"Shut up."
I snorted. "No."
"$8000 in total."
That shut me up.
"So when are you going to pay it all?" he asked, inserting a hand into his jeans front pocket while smirking arrogantly at me.
I scowled at him. "When you get a time machine and undo the accident."
"Hilarious." He stated with a blank face.
I grinned. "That's my talent."
My smile faded, as my lips turned downwards. "Will you stop doing that? I am not paying you."
"You don't have any other option."
"Oh for God's sake your father owns around a zillion dollars. You should be the one paying for me not the other way round." I said in vexation.
"That's why I said I have an offer, a deal."
"Yeah well I am not becoming anyone's personal slave." I vowed, holding my head high.
"You won't be a slave, just help me." He specified.
I sent him a straight smile. "In what? Satisfying your sexual frustration?"
His expression turned neutral and hard. "Why do you always associate me with sex?"
I shrugged. "Because that's what your image in school is - 'Colton Hastings the always-eager-to-fornicate jerk'."
He opened his mouth to oppose but stopped. "Did you just say fornicate?"
"So what?" I huffed. "The actual words were too slang."
Colton chuckled, shaking his head. "I think you already said fuck many times. I really want you to take this deal. You are going to be fun."
I bit my lip from smiling. Me and fun? Ha that's like liking Nutella with mayonnaise. Impossible.
"Hey Smith! What of your car?" I titled my head and saw Alexia standing a few steps behind Colton with hands on her hips.
I struggled to choose from my non-existent options. "Can I call and tell you later? Please? Just keep the car here for tonight. I can trust you right?"
Alexia bit her lip and finally answered after 10 long seconds. "Yeah cool. But just this night."
I grinned. "Thanks a lot Alexia. What's your number?"
"I have it." Colton answered, winking at Alexia who blushed a little but rolled her eyes. I looked at them with a frown.
"Seriously? You did her too?" I asked Colton in a mild whisper not wanting Alexia to hear it.
He turned to him. "Jealous?"
I scoffed in hilarity. "Of a walking STD? Hell no!"
"Denial is the worst form of truth."
"Believing in delusional things is a form of boosting low self-confidence."
He raised his eyebrows. "Seems like you have low self-confidence."
"Ha." I snorted. "What makes you think that? I am not the one sleeping around so girls can do oh and ah to increase my self-confidence."
Someone cleared their throat and my faced turned pink in embarrassment.
"We didn't have sex." Alexia said, glaring at Colton and then turned to me. "Just listen to the deal once. You need the money. He's not really all that bad."
"Yeah he is worse." I muttered to myself.
He rolled his eyes but a small smile decked his face. And I realized maybe, just maybe there is more to this bad boy exterior.
Secrets no one knows and facts no one believes.
"So I'll let you two discuss the deal." Alexia said, smiling at us and going into the garage.
We looked at each other for a few silent seconds until he cleared his throat. "I don't sleep around that much."
I smiled. "That's not what the cheerleaders say."
"They say you are a geek, a nerd. Are you?" he took a step closer to me.
I looked into his grey eyes. "Do I look like one?"
His eyes ran over me, face to toe, making my skin tingle everywhere his eyes landed. Finally they came back to look into my eyes. "Nah you are too hot for a nerd."
I let out a soft chuckle. "Does this usually works?"
He grinned and shrugged. "Most of the time."
"Is that your best?" I challenged, taking a mini step towards him.
He looked out at the small gap left between us and back at me. "Ever heard of a princess?"
My eyebrows drew closer in confusion. "Yeah?"
"Take my number. Call me if you wanna be treated like one."
A laugh escaped my mouth as I shook my head. "I had read that one, should have seen it coming."
"I would offer you a cigarette but you are already smoking hot." He winked, smirking at me.
"Okay I knew that one." I said, still laughing.
"What has 142 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk?"
I paused thinking for an answer but nothing came to my mind. "Um I don't know?"
He grinned proudly. "My zipper."
At this I couldn't even control myself I hunched on my knees laughing crazily. "That was a good one." I wheezed out between my non stopping laughter.
"I know." He winked at me. Shaking my head in amusement I straightened up.
"So about this deal?"
He shrugged. "If you're in then you are all in and it will be a secret. No one would know except Alexia."
I nodded, thinking over it. "I have my rules."
He snorted at that. "I am not even surprised."
I twisted my lips. "Funny." I held my right hand near his face, counting off on the fingers. "Rule no. 1: No touching at inappropriate places. Rule no. 2: If I am not comfortable doing whatever you want then I won't do it. Rule no. 3: This deal is on for only two months. Rule no. 4: I'll add more rules as they come to my mind."
He pressed his lips together in extreme contemplation but sighed. "Three months and you can't say no to everything. I'm not paying off your garage bills for nothing."
I nodded my head in agreement. "Okay so mind telling me what I have to do now?"
He smirked. "Go home, have a nice long bath and wait for my text."
"I can do with the first two but I don't like being ordered around so step around carefully." I warned, shaking my right forefinger at him.
"I like a woman in command." Colton winked.
"Hah I'm sure you do. You must be used to having brain dead girls under you." I retorted, giving him an over sweet smile.
"Don't make me repent this deal."
"Oh I already am."
"Remember $8000."
I waved him off. "Yeah yeah. Whatever."
He smirked, knowing he got me there. "So it's a done deal for three months?" He raised his eyebrows, putting his hand forth for a handshake.
I looked at the long fingers and perfectly aligned nails and then at his patient face. Sighing to myself I put my own hand into his and ignored the tingles that flowed through every nerve as his fingers curled around my hand and shook it lightly. The rough skin felt good against my soft skin. "Yeah three months."
"Goodnight then." He winked, removing his hand from mine and turned to walk away.
"Hey wait!" I called out, suddenly remembering something. "You don't have my number."
"What makes you think that? I have my ways Smith." And with one last wink I saw him take a turn and disappear from my sight.
I let out a long breath, leaning on the nearby wall.
Looks like I just made a deal with the Devil.