

Chapters: 63
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Sassy Girl


"He waltzed into my life and treated me like I meant the world to him. I saw him as an angel until I realized he was the devil incarnate." Kris Morgan's life was smooth sailing until she bumped into Lucian Fox, a typical bad boy who could melt her panties with just one look. He treated her like a queen, and she saw him as her angel—until she realized he was her father's murderer. Their happy relationship went downhill as quickly as it had started, her love for him growing into intense hate. But then, no one ever said it would be easy to cut ties with the devil...

New Adult Contemporary Romance Opposites Attract BxG Unexpected Romance

Angel Free Chapters

Chapter 1 - Strange boyfriend | Angel


Why exactly did I agree to come clubbing with Paige?

I asked myself for the umpteenth time, stealing a glance at Paige who was on the dance floor having the time of her life. The bitch could drag me to hell if she had her way. While she was having a good time at the dance floor, my little pathetic self was sitting at the bar, nursing my third glass of booze with an annoying talkative beside me, chatting my ears off.

Yay, this is so much fun! I cheered myself on.

"So, you wanna dance?" The chatty stranger who was sitting beside me asked. He had been chatting my ears off ever since he arrived. He simply didn’t care about how disinterested I was.

"Errr, not really. My boyfriend won't like that," I transparently lied.

It was a lie that had become a part of me. I was surprised it didn’t jump out of my mouth at the first attempt of the opposite sex talking to me.

Don’t judge me.

It was the only way of getting unwanted guys away from me. For instance, in such a situation where I had to blatantly say no, it would have unnecessarily dragged the conversation, but suggesting that I have a boyfriend would end it quickly.

See. I'm a genius.

"But I don’t see him around..." He looked around to convey his point, making me roll my eyes.

"He w…" I attempted to cover up with a lie but was interrupted.

"Hey baby, sorry to keep you waiting," a deep voice spoke from beside me. Instantly I felt someone slide onto the barstool next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

What the hell? I raged on mentally. Well, I'm actually in need of a pretend boyfriend, so let's just say God sent an angel.

"He's here already. My boyfriend." I smiled sweetly at the guy who had asked me to dance.

He looked at the guy whose hand was still on my shoulder and scurried away.

Huh? Is he that ugly for you to run away? I wondered, before daring to look at the angel who rescued me.

Slowly, I turned my head and came face-to-face with a man who could only be described as a god in human form.

Oh my God! My subconscious screeched in disbelief. God sent an angel indeed. I mean only angels can be this good-looking, right?

He had dark silver eyes and jet-black hair which made him look divine, complementing his god-like look. Strands of his hair fell on his face. His sharp jaw seemed as if it was carved by God himself. And the silver lip ring attached to his pale pink lips was my last undoing. With my eyes glued to his lips, the only thoughts that claimed my mind was:

I love guys with lip rings. I want to know how it feels to kiss one.

Wait! You don't even know him, Kris! I reminded myself, finally breaking out of my trance.

"You're an angel, right?" I blurted out before I could stop myself.

A deep chuckle left his lips. It sounded heavenly, making me internally swoon.

God, can I please keep him till you need him again? You said we should ask and it shall be given unto us. Those were my thoughts.

How I'd become godly in a second, I couldn't understand.

"I'll be your angel," he replied confidently.

Wait? Is he not my angel yet? I frowned in confusion.

"Kris, oh—err."

Fucking Paige. You just had to come at this moment.

I snapped my head in her direction. "I'm going to use the bathroom. Sorry for disturbing your moment." She winked at me before turning to leave.

Should I turn around? What if God has taken him away?

Slowly I turned my head, luckily he was still there.

Yay! God answered my prayer.

"You done eye-fucking me?" he asked after a moment.

That seemed to snap me out of my trance.

"Err, I wasn't eye-fucking you." I was never going to admit that.

"Of course you weren't." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Wait? What was that little act for?" I suddenly remembered how he had pretended to be my boyfriend.

"Just take it as help from me." He shrugged.

"Didn't ask for it. Do you normally go about helping people you don't know?"

"No, but you looked like you needed it at the time."


"Yeah. You have a very expressive face. I'm sure the guy knew you were lying."

"Whatever, at least he left. So I guess I owe you a thank you."

"Nah…I don't take thanks." He shook his head slightly.

"A drink then?"

"I can get one for myself."

"What do you want then?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'll let you know but just know you owe me, Kris." He answered, staring into my eyes.


"Wait…how do you know my name?"

"Weren’t you the one who called me an angel? Well, angels know everything," he stated, his lips curling into a smirk.

With that, he got up and left, leaving me in a state of confusion.


It was Monday morning. Let me tell you, I hated Mondays. If it was up to me it would have been added to the weekend or better yet, removed from the week altogether.

I felt like I was still hungover from the alcohol I had consumed on Saturday night at the club. However, thanks to Paige, I was up and ready to start the day.

I didn't know how she was completely fine. She must be superhuman.

How sweet! Bitch.

She was driving me to school because I was in no position to drive myself.

"I have a feeling you'll be sleepwalking all day." She laughed looking at me from the corner of her eyes while focusing on the road.

I gave her the middle finger which made her chuckle louder.

A few minutes later, she pulled into the parking lot of Queens High. Yeah, that was the name of my school. For a school that was coeducation, it had a really weird name. I got out of the car and was making my way into the building when I heard someone calling my name.

I turned to see Chris, my other best friend.

Yeah, we kinda have the same name. Kris. Chris.

He walked up to me and hugged me. "You look like shit," he said in my ear.

"Trust me. I know."

"Beautiful shit, nonetheless." He grinned, releasing me from our embrace.

What the hell? There’s no such thing as beautiful shit. But then, that's Chris for you.

"OMG…guys, have you seen the new students?" Lexi came rushing towards us.

Y'all meet Lexi. My third best friend. I know I have a lot of best friends. You don't have to tell me.

"Oh, yeah. I saw them on my way here, they were heading towards the principal's office," Chris added.

"They're so hot." Lexi sighed dreamily while fanning her face.

I rolled my eyes at her attitude. Lexi found a lot of guys hot. And most of the time, only a few of them were qualified for that title. Either that or my scale of rating hot guys was way higher than hers. Nonetheless, I wasn't fazed by her description.

"Are they that good looking?" Paige asked doubtfully, her question mirroring my thoughts.

"Yeah. I would do one of them if not both. They're that hot," Chris responded, stressing the HOT.

Yes, Chris was bisexual, so he got his way with both sexes, since he was really hot himself, to the extent that I would be into him. But he was too much of an ass wipe and I saw him as my elder brother, which was surely mutual.

"Uh-huh. Kris, I'm gonna get a glimpse of this hotness. You coming?" Paige inquired, glancing at me.

"Nah, I'm gonna get a place to sit till classes start."

My legs were still wobbly which is why I couldn't risk moving unnecessarily, and it was just some really good-looking guys. Nothing special. I was sure I would see them around before the day ended.

"Okay. I'll give you a detailed description of them later." Paige grinned and sauntered away with Lexi by her side.

I turned to Chris and we both walked into the building. He was giving me updates about his weekend which I wasn't listening to since my brain was foggy with sleeplessness.

I wondered how I would make it through my classes all day.


Finally, classes were about to begin. My first class was in Mathematics.

Ugh, kill me now. I hate math.

It was a miracle I had passed it. I walked into the class and took my seat at the back with the sole purpose of snoozing my way through it. The classroom was almost full, but the teacher had yet to arrive, so I rested my head on my desk. I was minutes away from dozing off when the door suddenly shot open, creating a loud bang, and in came Mr. Dale, our math teacher. Always the attention seeker, but this time he entered with a stranger beside him.

A very hot one. Scratch that, smoking hot. Like I could see the smoke around him.

My foggy brain was doing wonders on my eyes.

"Good morning, class," Mr. Dale greeted. "We have a new student," he announced.

"Tell the class your name," he said looking at the ‘hottie’.

Yes, I've nicknamed him.

"I'm Valentine Fox," Hottie replied in a deep voice. I was certain that more than half of the girls in the class orgasmed at the mere sound of his voice.

"Alright. Find a seat. Let's start today's class," Mr. Dale said.

Hottie looked around the classroom. His hazel eyes met mine for a nanosecond before switching to the seat next to me, which was the only vacant one left.


He strode towards it, sitting down next to me. I had a strong urge to look at him, but I decided against it and focused on the teacher.

A few minutes into the lesson, I lost concentration as every equation on the board was looking like jargon to me. I opened my book and began sketching a baby with wings.

I was almost done with my doodle when Hottie spoke to me.

"Is this how you always spend your math class?" I looked towards him at the sound of his voice.

Staring at him was like looking straight at the sun.

Well, not really, but you get what I mean.

"Errr...actually yes. Math is not my favorite subject," I stated, still looking at him.

"Do you always look at people that way or is it just me?" He smirked.

I was caught in the act, but I definitely would not let him believe that.

"Mhm, I can practically see your over-inflated ego, but just so you'd know, I wasn't staring at you. You kinda look like someone I know so just confirming," I lied.

He smirked harder and shook his head. "Oh, yeah?"

"Mhm." I nodded.

His eyes drifted to my doodle and he took my note to have a proper look.

"What do you call this?" He raised a perfectly shaped brow.

"A baby angel." I grinned.

I know I draw weird things. I think my middle name should be weird.

"It's cute. Do you do this often?" he asked, referring to the sketch.

"Umm, yeah. But only in class when I'm bored. It's a great way to pass time." I shrugged. "You should probably listen and stop talking to me. It's your first day," I added as I took the note from him and continued my drawing.

"Nah, I'd rather talk to you than listen to this boring lecture." He winked and I rolled my eyes.

We ended up conversing throughout that period. At the end of class, the teacher left and everyone was making their way out while I was still packing my things. I wasn't in a hurry, and again, I had no strength to rush.

I'm still hung-over, remember?

Hottie got up to leave, "See you around, errr…"

"Kris," I offered.

"Mhm, Kris. I like the sound of your name. I like you." He grinned, flashing me his dimples and I rolled my eyes.

With that, he left. I lazily strapped my backpack onto one shoulder and trudged outside, heading to my next class.

I finally made it till lunch break without collapsing. Immediately when the bell went off, I took myself to the cafeteria with the hope of meeting my friends there.

When I got to our usual table, it was unoccupied. I had arrived earlier than usual. I decided to take a seat and wait for them. I sat down and dropped my bag at the foot of the chair only for me to raise my head and see a figure looming over me.

I was shocked at who it was.

Do angels visit when you do not need them?

I'm sure you know who it was already. The guy, I mean, the angel that helped me at the club because you don't expect me to believe that a guy acted along with my lie just to deceive another guy and didn't even ask for my name?

Shit like that only happens in movies. I was even under the influence of alcohol, so it might never have happened. I was certain that I was only hallucinating due to my hangover and because I was really tired.

The dude can't be real.

I closed my eyes, opened them, and rubbed them with my hands, but he was still there with an annoying smirk on his face like he was laughing at an inside joke.

I decided to speak up. "Err, hi?"

"You done eye-fucking me?" He smirked.

"I wasn't eye-fucking you. Just felt you looked familiar."

"Oh yeah?" He arched a brow, a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Mhm, my angel?" I grinned, feeling dizzy because this couldn't be real, so I played along.

"Of course you still think I'm a fucking angel." He rolled his eyes.


"Aren't you…?"

"Hey, Lucian. Ooh, you've met my new friend," a familiar voice interrupted us from beside me. I turned to see Hottie standing next to me.

Huh? Do they know each other? Is he also an angel? I wondered.

"I've met her before," Angel replied. "On Saturday, at a club," he explained.

At this point, I didn't know what was going on.

"Oh, well. Kris, Lucian is my elder brother." Hottie smiled and I looked at Angel as he flashed me a lopsided grin.

All this hotness is making me dizzy.

They both took their seats across from me. It took a snap of their fingers to make me realize it was all real.

"You okay?" they chorused.

"Yeah. Just a little tired," I lied. Well, it's technically the truth.

"Ain't you gonna get your lunch?" Angel asked.

"I'll get it for her since she seems tired. What do you want?" Hottie asked and I told him. He got up and left to get our meals.

Looking at them, I could see the slight resemblance. They both had jet black hair and adorable dimples, but while Hottie had hazel eyes, Angel had silver eyes and a lip ring.

"I'm sure you're now convinced I'm not an angel?" He smirked.

"Err, yeah sure. But considering how we met, it's just so strange for someone like you to help someone like me at a club." I waved my hand at him to emphasize my point.

He raised an eyebrow at my words.

"I mean you're hot as fuck and I'm just plain old me." My hand flew to my mouth at what I had just uttered, but he let out a deep chuckle.

"Speaking of help, you owe me," he stated.

"Oh, yeah. What's it gonna be?" I was damn curious.

"I'll let you know," he replied.


From the corners of my eyes, I saw Paige, Chris, and Lexi approaching us with shocked looks on their faces. Just as they got to the table, Hottie returned carrying a tray of food.

I should probably start calling him Valentine.

He placed it right in front of me on the table and took a burger from it as he sat down. Soon, my friends sat down after introductions were made. I knew they would bug me for details later.

I could feel all the eyes in the room on me. I wasn't used to the unnecessary attention, but all thanks to Angel and Valentine, everyone knew I existed now.

Chapter 2 - Saved | Angel


I woke up to hands shaking me on my bed, "Bitch wake up." They shook me again, "Wake up!” She screamed.

Fucking Paige.

"Why are you here so early and why are you disturbing my beauty sleep?" I asked with my eyes closed, pulling the comforter tightly against me.

"Well, I can't be home alone so here I am, bugging you. Now open your damn eyes or I'll give you an early bath." She said sassily.

"Who the fuck let you into my house at this time of the day?" I asked, snapping my eyes open. I was not ready to challenge Paige because I knew she would do it.

"I let myself in, duh. And lemme answer your unasked question, your mum gave me a spare key some time ago." She grinned.

"Y'all hate me." I groaned covering myself with the comforter.

"I'm happy it's beginning to sink into your brain." She laughed and I gave her the middle finger.

"What's the time?" I reached for my phone from the bedside table to see that it was 11 a.m.

"OMG!" I screamed as I scampered out of bed. I pulled on my pajama shorts and made my way out of the room.

Before you judge me, it was a Saturday and I'm not a morning person but I usually tend to wake up earlier than that.

I made my way to the kitchen with Paige on my tail. I brewed two cups of coffee with the coffee maker and handed one to Paige before I started making sandwiches for both of us. After I finished making the sandwiches, we were about to eat when I heard my phone ringing. I left to answer the call.

A few minutes later, I head back to the kitchen to eat. My gaze swept the kitchen island but I only saw one cup of coffee.

"Where's my sandwich?" I asked Paige.

"Right here." She tapped her tummy, grinning mischievously.

"What the—”

"Yeah, I know. I eat a lot these days." She interrupted me which earned her a glare from me.

"Don't worry you'll make another one. Easy peasy. And oh, I'll help myself with the coffee."

"Don't you dare!"

She gulped from it before I could stop her.

"I dare you." She laughed, taking another sip from it.

And there goes my breakfast. Bitch.

We made it till noon without killing each other. We were lying on a sofa in the sitting room lazily with our limbs wrapped around each other.

"How do you survive at home all alone?" She asked, stretching out on the sofa.

"The Internet and sometimes friends visit."

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, have I told you my life is boring? Well, not boring but it's still not fun. I'm mostly home alone because my mom is a doctor so she barely has time for herself let alone to spend with me. And as for my dad, well, he passed away. Don't feel sorry for me. It's no big deal. I mean it happened a year ago and I'm kind of over it, though it's still a hash topic for me. Also, I have no siblings. So, I spend most of my time alone at home or I hang out with my friends if they are free.

"Friends like who?" Paige asked.

"Who else if not you, Chris and Lexi?" For someone who was my friend, she could be dumb at times.

"You need to go out more. We'll have to do something about that." I could tell she was already planning our next big adventure.

Getting into clubs with fake IDs was just a tiny part of what Paige got me to do. The bitch was bat-shit crazy but I loved her for it because she added color to my boring life.

"Whatever it is you're planning, I'll have to think about it before I follow through with you."

"Oh, please. Just trust me."

Yeah, right. I rolled my eyes.

Whenever Paige asked me to trust her, she was going to do something crazy.

"And you're not allowed to say no." She wiggled her brows and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Oh, please…have a little faith in me. Oh, ye woman of little faith." She made a sad face.

"You're sick. And it's men of little faith, not women."

Don't be deceived by what we’re saying. We’re not that religious. It's just us saying what we've heard people say.

I know. We're weird.

"I know but you're a woman or do you have a dick that I don't know off?” She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Yeah. It's right under my pussy. Come take a look." I rolled my eyes.

"For a tiny second, I almost believed you." She laughed, "Okay let's be serious. What are your plans for tomorrow?"

"I don't have any plans."

"Great. We can—” Her phone rang and she picked it up. I tried to eavesdrop but I heard nothing. Minutes later, she ended the call and got up from the couch.

"So, I have to go. I have an appointment." She grinned.

Huh? Appointment? Knowing Paige, she was probably up to some adventure.

"You mean a dickppointment?" I coughed out, wiggling my brows.

She looked at me, feigning shock.

"You think so low of me. I'm hurt." She sniffed while wiping fake tears from her face. I started laughing at her.

"Go and enjoy your life, my child." I drawled, laughing. She attempted to smack my head but I scrambled from her reach.

"See ya later, bitch. And we're still gonna plan that outing later." She said, walking towards the door.


After Paige left, I took a nap.

Yeah, you heard me right. There are only two things I'm good at in life. The first is eating a lot of food and the second is sleeping. I sleep a lot. Like, have you seen me sleeping? I pass out while at it.

I napped for most of the afternoon. When I woke up I decided to go for a run.

I slipped on a pair of black joggers and a tank top before making my way outside as I plugged in my AirPods and connected them to my playlist. Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer streamed into my ears as I took off.

I ran for about ten minutes before I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I stopped to look at it. It was a text from my mom. I opened it and began reading it while walking.

Suddenly, I hit a really hard wall.

"Ouch…" I looked up.

What the hell? It's not a wall but a human body.

"Are you made of bricks?" I questioned while rubbing my forehead.

Shit. Shouldn't have said that. I scolded myself.

I was the one who was using my phone while walking.

"Err, I'm sorry, okay. I wasn't focused on where I was going." I raised my head to see a guy towering above me.

His eyes were red like those of a chain smoker and he had a mischievous grin on his face. I was scared by his appearance. I looked around to see it was dark and the street was deserted.

"Hmm, you're sorry. Well, I could accept that but you're a pretty thing so—” He croaked out.

"Excuse me?" I stepped back, my anxiety increasing.

He took two steps forward, reaching for my hand but I turned to run away. My body immediately came in contact with another hard wall.

Oh God, no.

I've watched movies about stuff like this.

I opened my mouth to scream but a hand was immediately placed over it and I began struggling. I thought about kneeing him in the balls but almost instantly he spun me around to face the first guy, with one of his hands covering my mouth and the other holding my two hands tightly.

"We've been watching your perky ass for some time now, you come for a run every evening. You're gonna be ours today." He laughed maliciously.

"She's not yours." I heard a voice approaching us from the darkness.

I turned my head towards the direction it came from but only saw a dark figure. I tried screaming with the hand covering my mouth but his grip was so tight that I could practically feel my teeth repositioning themselves.

"Whoever you are, I'd suggest you walk away like you've seen nothing." The guy holding me said in a menacing voice.

Please don't go away. I prayed silently.

"Last chance." The voice replied coldly.

The red-eyed guy turned towards the direction of the voice and was ready for a fight, however, suddenly his body dropped to the ground with a cracking sound, as if he broke a bone.

Upon seeing that, the guy holding me released me and ran away at the speed of light.

"Who are you?" Leave it to me to ask a stupid question after being saved.

"You're welcome." The voice rumbled.

Wait! That sounds familiar.

I knew only one person that had a voice that was deep and different.

"Angel?" I questioned in a shaky voice.

"You shouldn't be out this late." I heard the familiar deep voice reply.

Suddenly I remembered what had just happened.

"Wait, y-you, you just killed a man?" I asked in a shaky voice.

I heard no reply. I was almost convinced that he had left but then he released a breath.

"Would you have preferred they hurt you?" He asked coldly.

"N-no but, but that was too extreme." My reply came out in a shaky voice.

"But you're safe now." He took a step forward but I stepped back. "What now? You're scared of me?" His voice was colder than it had been.

Was I? He just killed a man within the snap of a finger. I definitely should be.

"I'm no longer your Angel?" He asked coldly.

"I-I have to go." I turned around and ran away as fast as my legs could carry me with the guilt of being responsible for a man's death gnawing at me.

I reached my house, rushing inside immediately. Throughout my run home, I felt as if I was being followed. After locking the door I checked the windows to see if anyone was outside. I saw a dark figure on the street. I knew who it was.

With shaky legs, I ran up to my room and locked the door. Thereafter, I closed the window in an attempt to get away from him.

Yet I couldn't get rid of the creepy feeling of being watched. And again, I felt dirty and bloody for witnessing a man lose his life. In haste to get clean, I rushed into the bathroom to take a cold shower, hoping it'll make me feel better.