Before You Say I Do

Before You Say I Do

Chapters: 46
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Jhema


"I know you don't want to hear this...I still love you. I'm sorry..." "Love isn't enough..." A year after their break up, David still wants to be with Korede for the rest of his life. But Korede is about to get married to the rich and handsome Mide. Will David risk it all to win her back? Can he get through to her before she says, "I do"?

Romance Contemporary Billionaire First Love Love Triangle BxG

Before You Say I Do Free Chapters

Chapter 1—One Year Later | Before You Say I Do

"Late again!" David cursed again under his breath as he scrambled through the heap of papers and sheets on his study table looking for the drawing plans he had finished the night before.

The time was 7:15 a.m., and considering the distance from his home to his workplace and how congested Lagos traffic was every Monday, David knew he was already done for.

David was an architect and worked in a construction firm owned by his best friend since College, Azeez. It would be the third time David was going to show up late at work in the space of a week and he wasn't so sure that being the best friend to the son of his boss would save me this time.

Growing impatient by the second, his search became more aggressive, sending papers flying all around the bedroom. Just then, he heard a knock on the door.

He paused for a while, wondering who it could be but later chose to ignore it.

The knock came again, more rapid this time.

"For Christ's sake!" he yelled in frustration as he reluctantly left the desk to the front door.

"Who's there?" he yelled as he got close to the door.

"It's me."

He sighed at the recognition of the voice and jerked the door open.

"What is it?" he said to Naomi, his ex's younger sister. His ex from a year ago!

"Good morning to you too. Thank God I saw you today."

He gave her a long stare with a raised brow. What could she want?

It didn't matter right now though, he thought. He had more important things to do. He turned back and headed to his room and without his permission, she followed.

"You haven't been answering anyone's calls or texts. Why?"

"I've been busy," he replied sharply, then returned his attention to his search.

"Well, it's really important, so I decided to come check you here."

He banged a fist on the desk in frustration. His patience with her was starting to wear thin.

"Then spit it out already. I don't have all day."

"It's about Korede. You still love her, don't you?"

Her sentence stopped his search immediately. Suddenly, he realized that the drawing plans he was looking for were resting at the far end of the desk. He quickly gathered them together then turned to face Naomi.

"What?" he asked in confusion. He tried his best to forget all about Korede and what they had together. Why would she bring her up?

Naomi's eyes looked sympathetic. She like the next thing she was going to say could blow up the whole area.

You still love her, don't you?

“What did that have to do with anything?” David thought.

At that moment, images of Korede began flooding through his mind. Her sparkling brown eyes, her lovely hair, her soft skin…

"Come on, Naomi, say what you want to say!" he barked as he tried to fight back his thoughts.

His tone startled her a little.

"Okay, okay…" She drew a deep breath before she continued. "Korede is getting married."

David was stunned!

Had it been that long? Did she find someone else already?

"And so?" David asked. "What do you want me to do with this news?"

"So you're saying you don't care?"

"Why should I care?" he said, holding out his arms. "I wasn't the one who gave up on us. She broke up with me!"

"I know you don't mean that," Naomi replied. She glanced over to the bed, not feeling like standing anymore. "Can I sit?" She didn't wait for his reply as she strode to the side of the bed and sat across the edge.

"Look, I understand how mad you must be right now, but I wouldn't be here either if I didn't think my sister was making the biggest mistake of her life," Naomi declared.

David didn't say anything, his silence urging her to continue.

"So there's this rich guy she started seeing immediately after you two broke up, and he proposed to her early this month. I'm not saying he is a bad guy or something, but I can tell that Korede isn't really happy even if she doesn't see it."

"Is that why you came here? Because you need my help in convincing her to call off the wedding?"

Naomi looked at him. "I know you still love her."

David gave a short laugh. "I don't, Naomi…And even if I did, what do you expect me to do? Walk up to her and be like, ‘Hey Korede, I'm sorry for not saying a word to you for the last one year, I was angry at you before, but that's over now. I just wanted you to know that I am still in love with you and that you should ditch your fiancé for me! How does that sound?’"

Naomi sighed.

"I knew this was going to happen," She got to her feet. "I shouldn't have come here in the first place. I'm sorry for disturbing you…Goodbye, David."

David stood and watched as she walked out of the room. Soon, he heard the living room door creaking open and closing shut. He bowed his head and rested slightly with his hands on the desk as he tried to process what had happened.

He felt bad for how rudely he treated Naomi; she was like a sister to him. But why now? he wondered. And how did she expect him to take the news in the first place?

Korede was getting married!

He gave a slight shrug and went back to packing up his bag for work.

"Whatever, I don't care," he mumbled to himself. He and Korede had ended what they had a long time ago. It was over, period!

Chapter 2—Hope and Fate | Before You Say I Do

David got to work an hour later after Naomi had left. Not wanting to draw much attention, he chose to sneak into his office from the back. Little did he know his best friend, Azeez was waiting by the door.

Azeez and David had been best friends since college. While David studied architecture, Azeez studied Civil engineering to fulfill his father's wishes to carry on in the family business. Securing a job isn't a walk in the park, especially in the city of Lagos filled with unemployed graduates looking for a breakthrough. So, Azeez's father offered David a job alongside his son and has been part of the family since.

"What's your excuse this time?" Azeez demanded. He didn't seem angry, but he wasn't pleased either.

"I'm so sorry, bro—"

"This is the third time man," he interjected immediately. "I'm tired of covering up for you…You need to get your shit together."

David sighed.

"Will you keep quiet for just one second and listen to me? I wasn't late this time because I slept in…Naomi came to my place this morning."

"Korede's sister? Why?"

David looked over Azeez's shoulder as he heard footsteps approaching. No one was in view yet.

"Quick, let's go in first," he said as he fumbled with his keys before finally getting it open. "Alright, enter!"

Azeez chose to sit partly on the desk, one foot dangling from the high table and the other firm on the ground for support. David dropped his bag on the two-seater chair by the side then stood with his arms folded and two fingers on his lips.

"She came to tell me that Korede is getting married."

Azeez didn't look surprised at all.

"Hold on. Did you know?"

He didn't say anything but rather looked away, scratching his head. David was furious.

"You knew, and you didn't tell me? Guy!"

"Hey, don't blame for anything!" Azeez replied. "If you hadn't unfollowed all her social media accounts and cut off your relationship with everyone close to her, you would have known too. I didn't tell you because it seemed like you didn't want anything to do with her anymore."

"But—" David paused in an awkward silence then screamed in frustration as he slapped his forehead. "Why is this happening now?"

"Why did Naomi go all the way to your place to tell you her sister was getting married? I'm sure it wasn't to make you feel bad."

David rubbed his forehead with his fingers as he spoke.

"She thinks Korede is marrying the wrong person and wants me to stop it somehow."

"For real?" Azeez asked, finding his statement amusing.

"Yeah," David replied. "And it sounds funny really…We are no longer together, so why should I care?"

"Dave man, listen to me, you're a grown man and shouldn't be thinking like that. First of all, consider Naomi's words. She is an adult too and should understand the gravity of words when they are spoken."


"She could really mean what she is saying…And then again, women can be crazy. I can testify from Aminat at home. She might just be acting all out because she doesn't like the man."

David sighed.

"What's your point?"

"Your decision would be based on two things: that you're not willing to reopen that chapter of your life again, or that you care enough that you want to find out what is going on…Either way, I know you still love her."

David's muscles stiffened in shock.

"No, I don't!"

Azeez chuckled as he came down from the desk.

"Bruh, you still do. Everyone who knew you then and still knows you now can see it. You're just living in denial."

David was stunned by Azeez's words because he knew Azeez was right. Despite how he tried to forget about Korede, he never stopped loving her.

"Even if you're right," David said, staring deeply at nothing in particular. "Are you saying I should go and scatter a wedding?"

Azeez laughed again.

"No man," he said, tapping David on his shoulder. "But I'm here for you whatever you choose to do."

To David, Azeez was a young man with the wisdom of an old man. David knew he had some advice to give.

"What would you do?"

"What would I do?" Azeez asked. looking up the ceiling and stroking his goatee. "I would meet up with Korede to talk things out at least and get a proper closure…The way y'all ended things was messed up," he added with a slap to David's back.

David forced a smile and nodded.

"Thanks, bro."

"You're welcome, man. Now, let’s get back to work!" Azeez said, heading for the door, then pausing as soon as he remembered something. "What about the building plans?"

"They are right here," David answered then opened his bag to bring out some drawing sheets, which he handed over to Azeez.

"Nice," Azeez commended as he flipped the pages over to check if the specifications were correct. "You're too good! It's perfect man."

"Thanks," David said with a smile.

"Alright, then, talk to you later."

Azeez walked out of the office, leaving David to ponder on his next decision.

He walked to his seat and turned on his computer. Down in the list of all his files was an untitled folder containing hundreds of Korede's pictures which he could never bring himself to delete.

He opened it and started viewing them one by one.

Maybe that was why his feelings for her never died. Or maybe he had hoped that they would be back together someday and that was why he kept them.

Hope. Fate Was fate smiling on him by trying to turn his hopes into reality? Could it be?

No! It couldn't be, not like this!

David laughed at himself. Some moments ago he was lying to himself about how it didn't concern him and now here he was.

He stopped scrolling through as soon as he saw a picture that was his favorite. Korede wore a short white gown and posed in a grassy field, her smile as radiant as ever and her dark skin glittering from the sunlight.

What do I do?

Despite his gut warning him not to open up any old wound, he felt he had no other option but to follow his best friend's advice. Judging from his creepy photo viewing act, it was clear to him the wound never healed up anyway.

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and called Naomi.

"Hi, Naomi."

"David. I'm surprised you called."

"Listen, I'm sorry for how I spoke to you earlier at my place. I didn't mean to."

"Yeah, I understand. It's okay."

"So…I wanted to ask…does Korede still teach in that school?"

"No, she stopped teaching a while back to plan the wedding…Hold on, do you want to go see her?"

"Yes, I do."

David could feel Naomi's excitement from the other end of the phone.

"Great! She is at the hall they rented for the wedding reception planning decorations. I will text you the address right now."

"Okay, thanks."

"And good luck, David," Naomi said after a brief pause. "You will need it."