Betrayed Wife's Return: Her Second Chance Billionaire

Betrayed Wife's Return: Her Second Chance Billionaire

Chapters: 118
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: lottiedawson25


Abigail's heart sank when the doctor uttered the words, "I'm sorry, but you lost the baby." The news devastated her, and she couldn't help but blame her husband and his mistress, Hilary, who also happened to be her step-sister, for the loss. Abandoned by her father and betrayed by the man she loved, Abigail was left with nothing but pain and sorrow. However, her childhood best friend, Baron Turner, came to her rescue and offered her the support she needed to get through the darkest days of her life. With Baron's help, Abigail was determined to seek justice and make those wronged her pay for their actions. Six years later, after her father's death, Abigail returned to take what was rightfully hers. She wanted to claim the inheritance that her father had left behind, but she soon realized that there was more to the story than what she had initially believed. As she began to uncover the truth behind her parents' case, she realized that secrets had been hidden for far too long. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, Abigail was determined to seek justice and avenge her family's name. She knew she couldn't do it alone, but with Baron by her side, she was ready to do whatever it took to ensure justice was served.

Billionaire Romance Childhood Sweethearts Friends To Lovers Betrayal Broken Family

Betrayed Wife's Return: Her Second Chance Billionaire Free Chapters

1 - Betrayal | Betrayed Wife's Return: Her Second Chance Billionaire

Abigail's POV.

After parking my car, I went outside and held the pregnancy test in my hand tightly to show my husband. I returned from my business trip to inform him of the good news I had received in Paris. Also, today is our wedding anniversary.

"I am home!" I declared.

"Ma'am, Abigail!" Sarah, our maid, welcomed me with joy. She took my bags while smiling at me. She is the maid who is friendly to me, and she never gossips behind my back.

"I got you a souvenir from my trip, so please take the blue bag inside."

"That is too much, Ma'am. I cannot take it."

I chuckled and said, "No, take it. Please do not be shy because I purchased it specifically for you."

"Do I even have a choice?" She giggles. Sarah is young, and she was forced to work for us to cover her college tuition and her mother's medical expenses.

"By the way, where is Gerald?" I inquired, and her smile vanished instantly. "Is anything wrong, Sarah?"

"Uh, no. He is upstairs, Ma'am."

"Great! I have fantastic news for him and can not wait to tell him!" I exclaimed excitedly.

I rushed upstairs, excited, and did not wait for Sarah to respond. I do not have time to see my father because I want to tell my husband about the news I discovered. I paused in front of our bedroom door and turned the doorknob with great enthusiasm.

"Honey, I am home!" I come to a halt when I see the clothes scattered on the floor. My eyes began to move, eventually landing on the bed, where I discovered my stepsister and my husband. "What is happening here?" I muttered.

"You slut!" I took large steps towards them and immediately pulled Hilary's hair with all my strength. "How could you!"

"Let me go! Gerald, help me!" Hilary was attempting to flee from my grasp.

"How dare you sleep with my husband?" I yelled in her face and rode on top of her, repeatedly slapping her. "You are a whore!" I kept hitting her.

"Abigail, release her!" Gerald tried to get me off of her, but I stayed on top of her. "Abigail, you need to stop!"

"How dare you!"

"Hilary!" Someone pushed me away from her, and when I looked up, I recognized Hilary's mother, Auntie Priscilla. "How could you hurt my daughter?!"

"How can she sleep with my husband?!" I responded with rage.

She crossed her arms and responded, "If you were not so preoccupied with work, you would understand why. Furthermore, your husband is also interested in this!"

"Gerald would not do that! Never!" I exclaimed.

"How certain can you be, Abigail? How confident are you that he will not look at other girls? How sure were you?" That question prompted me to think. I stood up and looked at him, but he averted his gaze as if my father's second wife were correct.

"They are mistaken, right? They are telling lies in order to destroy our marriage. Am I correct? This was a mistake. Hilary did something, and you did not want to sleep with her because you were too drunk, correct? Respond to me, babe. Answer me!"

"They are not lying." His response caused me to take a step back and nearly pass out from shock, especially since I was not expecting it. I was not expecting my husband to confirm it. "What?" I laughed while trying to hold back my tears.

"Abigail, we were in a relationship before you left. I know what you are thinking, but I adore Hilary, and it was your fault that I fell in love with her.

I scoffed and laughed sarcastically. "Me? After I was betrayed on our wedding anniversary. After finding you two lying in my bed, I felt foolish for trusting you. Am I still to blame? Seriously?" I felt like my heart had been stabbed numerous times as a result of the unbearable pain I was experiencing inside. Even my knees are trembling as a result of what I discovered upon returning from my business trip.

"Dad will know about this, Gerald. You will pay for this!" I dashed outside to tell my father about this, but before I could reach the stairs, someone grabbed my hair and slapped me.

"Where do you think you are going, Abby?" It was my father's second husband, Auntie Priscilla.

"I will tell my father, and you and your daughter will be out of here!"

"I do not believe it is going to happen."

"Get outta my way!" I pushed her out of the way and was about to leave when she pulled my hair again to stop me.

"You are not going to ruin what I have worked hard for! I will not let you!" She exclaimed loudly. "Let me go! Let me go!" I said, attempting to escape her grip, but she was strong. That is why I started pulling her hair, too.

"Hey, take your hands off of my mother!" Hilary joined us, and I am quite pleased to remind them of who I am in this household. "I said let go of my mother!" Hilary pushed me down the stairs in one swift movement, and I began rolling until I reached the ground floor.

"Abigail!" Gerald screamed from the top of the stairs, and I saw Hilary rush back to the bedroom, while Aunt Priscilla rushed down.

She was looking at me, but I could see a smirk on her face—a smirk of accomplishment. I began to feel something coming out of me, and when Aunt Priscilla's eyes widened, I knew I was bleeding.

"You are p-pregnant?" She mumbled.

"Please s-save my baby..."

"I already warned you, Abigail. If you listened to what I said, you would not have to face these consequences.


"Abigail! What happened to you?!" I heard my father's voice, and he sat next to me, holding my head. "Get the car ready!"

"What happened with her, Priscilla?"

Aunt Priscilla's gaze remained fixed on me as she responded, "She fell down the stairs, dear. She did not see it."

I wanted to tell him she was lying, but I felt so helpless knowing my child was in danger and my husband was having an affair with Hilary. My head hurt, but my heart shattered even more.

"Dad, help me..." After saying those final words to my father, everything went dark.

2 - Fake Lost | Betrayed Wife's Return: Her Second Chance Billionaire

Abigail's POV.

"How's my baby?" I inquired after seeing my father with Gerald.

They exchanged glances before he sighed and looked at me, "Abigail, please forgive me. But you have lost it.

My world collapsed in an instant, and I replied, "What? "It cannot be."

"I'm sorry, Abby."

"No!" I turned at Gerald and said, "You! It was all your fault! Your mistress pushed me, which is why I lost my child!"

"Watch your mouth, Abigail. My daughter has nothing to do with your reckless actions!" Aunt Priscilla intervened. I had no idea she was here, too.

I scoffed, "Dad, she pushed me. Hilary is the reason my baby died!"

"Abby, my daughter. You need to rest, and I will make sure whoever cleaned the stairs gets punished," Dad said. That leaves me perplexed because it appears that he was unconcerned. "Dad. I lost my child. Your grandchild."

"Hilary would never dare to do that, Abby. She's your sister."

"Step-sister." I corrected and stated, "She is not my sister and will never be! Hilary seduced my husband, and now she kills my baby in order to have my husband!"

"Enough already, Abigail!" My father raised his voice for the first time, which was unusual given that he rarely got angry with me.

"Why do I feel like I am not your daughter? Hilary is not your daughter, Dad. I am. She is a slut!" I yelled, but my father only responded with a slap.

"Enough with this, Abigail."

I return my gaze to my father and touch the spot on my cheek where his hand landed. "I allowed you to marry again because I saw how happy you were with her. But once she entered our lives, you abandoned me, Dad."

"No, Abigail, I never do that. I always make sure that both of you are loved.

"Well, you are wrong!" I drew my gaze to my 'perfect' husband and took the paper he had given me when I woke up. He worked on the divorce papers before I returned from my business trip, and he handed them to me as if we had not lost a child. I sign it before throwing it at him. "I am so stupid for marrying an unfaithful man like you, Gerald. I thought I could trust you while I worked hard to make a better future for both of us, but you can not control your itch and sleep with her daughter.

"I was stupid enough to believe you would not dare to cheat on me, but I was completely wrong about you! I made a mistake by trusting and loving you! You are a disgrace! I would never forgive you, Gerald! Never." I cried and felt like a rock was resting on my chest, especially since my father was uninterested in my concerns.

I looked at my father, and I could see how Priscilla had manipulated and poisoned his mind to destroy our relationship. I regret my decision and now blame myself for being unaware of their true intentions.

"I love you, Dad. You have shown early signs of depression since Mom's death. So, as your daughter, I will do everything I can to make you happy again. You are happy with a woman you just met, and I am not selfish enough to interfere. So, when I discovered you want to marry again. I coordinated everything on your behalf. Now, it is your turn to return the favor."

"What are you talking about?"

"I want you to choose between me, your own daughter, and Aunt Priscilla." My father's silence made it clear that my wish was impossible. He looked at his wife as if he was seeking her approval, which made me chuckle sarcastically. "You're choosing them, do you?"

"Abigail, you don't understand. You don't need to ask me who to choose. I want you to stay with us in the same way, and I will not choose between you and my wife. She becomes a good mother to you," he responded, which made me laugh.

"Unbelievable! Why are you always looking at the negative side of things, Dad? I thought you would have my back, but what is this?"

"Abigail. Please do not complicate things for both of us. I love both you and Priscilla. I cannot pick between you two," he said. At that moment, I knew what my father's decision was. He cannot choose me over them. He can no longer prioritize me because these gold diggers have blinded him.

"You are not going to choose me, are you?" My eyes begin to well up with tears, and I am unable to bear it. "You are choosing her over me, Dad? Rather than your own daughter."


"Fine. I don't care anymore. Do you prefer her instead of me? Then go! I don't need a father like you! From now on, I am cutting our connection, and you are no longer my father—" Dad slapped me, causing me to stop speaking and start crying quietly.

"I give you whatever you want. I raised you, even if it was difficult. When your mother died, Abby, I became both your mother and father. "You are so ungrateful!" He responded.

"So I am the ungrateful one now, Dad? Before they entered our lives, you were my father. However, everything changed at once. Whenever I'm with you, I feel like I was adopted, and Hilary was your biological daughter," I said.

"You want me out of your life? Fine. I am going to end our father-daughter relationship. I will disappear in your life, Abigail. As your father, I will give you whatever you want. From now on, I am no longer your father." I was heartbroken when my father accepted it without remorse and then left as if it was no big deal.

Priscilla followed my father outside, and Gerald eventually followed. I was left by myself. I did not belong in this world anymore. I was stupid for pushing my father away, but it was too late to back out now. I made my father turn his back on me, and I was solely responsible for it.

Later on, the door opened again, and the doctor looked at me. I wiped my tears away, took the check from under my pillow, and handed it to him. "Are you sure no one knew about it?"

After taking the check from my hands, he nodded and said, "Yes, Ma'am."

"Good. Now, I want you to shut up and not tell anyone about my child. Got it?" I said.

"Sure, Ms. McAdams. You can count on me."