Black Rainbow
After an erotic one-week fling with a musician she meets in a bar, Thea Cunning never expects to see Levi Black again. Then Monday morning comes around, and she discovers that her former lover is not only her professor, but he's also one of the top criminal lawyers in the state of Massachusetts. With everyone in class vying to be one of the twelve disciples—a group of twelve students that Professor Black takes under his wing—tensions run high. Thea considers dropping his class, given their passionate week together and their undeniable chemistry. After all, there are other (less infuriatingly sexy) law professors on campus. But to accomplish her goal and get her father out of prison, Thea knows she needs to learn under the best of the best—and that's Levi Black. But can she learn under the best, without being under the best?
Black Rainbow Free Chapters
1 | Black Rainbow
LEVI This was going to be the worst week of my life. It had to be. After the week I’d just had, I knew there was not a thing in the world that could top it. I had met the woman of my dreams, and I’d fucked her all across the city. How could anything top that?
I was tempted to call her now, or swing by after work, but we’d made a deal; it was meant to be just a one-week fling. After our week was up, we agreed that we’d both go our separate ways.
Why had we made such a stupid fucking deal?
Sighing, I scrawled my name on the board for the fresh new lambs. I was always surprised that many of them had even graduated high school, and the fact that they had been accepted into Harvard Law made me wonder whose pockets had gotten fatter.
I was known as El Diablo by most – well – all the law students, even the ones that managed to pass my class. Regardless of what they thought of me, almost all of them applied for jobs within my firm after graduation. It led me to the belief that they were all masochists... I had taught them well.
“Come in, and sit anywhere,” I told them as they filed in.
As I listed over two-dozen books on the board, I heard a chorus of whispers echo though the class, but this didn’t stop me from moving on to my second column of titles.
“If you haven’t read any of these books, get out. You will fail, and once that happens, there is no hope for you. I do not care if your mother was sick, your house caught fire or even if you were taken off the planet by aliens. If you want to pass this class, and if you want to be a lawyer, working for it isn’t enough. You’ll need to bleed for it,” I said, placing the chalk down.
I waited for a moment, smiling to myself as I heard a few students rise from their seats and leave. It was the same story every time I chose to teach.
Thank God I only teach one class.
“My name is Professor Black. Now that we have weeded out the weak…” My words trailed off as I turned to face the class.
There she was, my girl, sitting in the front row, dressed in tight, dark jeans, with one of my shirts under her blazer. Her brown eyes went wide, and her mouth dropped open as she stared back at me.
Flashes of her lying naked in my bed, with myself embedded deep within her, as I kissed down her dark skin, of me gyrating against her hot, sweaty body in the club, of making love in my car, all of it, came rushing back to me.
Fuck. This can’t be happening.
Looking up, I found what appeared to be a hundred eyes, focused on me. I cleared my throat and began again. “For those of you who have stayed, I expect that you’ve heard the rumors, and let me assure you, they are all true. By the time you are finished with this class, I’m sure you will have more to add to them, but for now, come up, sign your names, and grab a syllabus.”
She didn’t move. She remained in her seat, her gaze transfixed on me, looking as mortified as I felt. One by one, I watched them come forward, but not her.
Finally, she got up, grabbed her things, and then stopped. She looked as though she was trying to decide whether or not to run.
Run Thea! Please, for the love of God, run.
But of course she didn’t. With her head down, she came forward, signing her name as Thea Cunning, before taking a syllabus from my desk. I took a step back from her. I couldn’t touch her… not after everything we had done together.
I had screwed one of my students, repeatedly.
“Who can pay attention with him up front?” a girl whispered to her friend beside her.
“I heard he’s a total Nazi, but he’s one of the best lawyers in the state. If you’re in good with him, you might even get a place at his firm. Even a recommendation from him and you’re set,” the blonde whispered back.
The moment I saw him, I just knew that I was going to be in for one hell of a semester. I had screwed one of my professors. Hell, I had licked honey off his chest! This was not supposed to happen. It was supposed to be one week of amazing sex, and then we’d never ever see each other again!
This morning I had missed him, but I had known it was over. I needed to focus on school and on getting my life together. I had promised myself that I would do this; that I wouldn’t let anything get in my way, yet here I was, staring at Levi… and to think that just two days ago I had… Oh God.
I had to transfer. I was going to transfer.
“Ms. Cunning,” he called, and I jumped slightly.
“Yes, that’s me,” I muttered, raising my hand, knowing full well that he knew who I was. He didn’t even look up, he just kept reading the other names.
God had the most twisted sense of humor.
2 | Black Rainbow
D A Y 1
All I really needed was a drink. No, not just a drink, but vodka. I was willing to drink it straight from the bottle. It was only by luck that I saw the lights of the upcoming nightclub called Twenty-Four through my foggy, rain-covered windshield.
Parking as close to the entrance as I could, I grabbed my purse before dashing out of my car and into the rain. This was a bad idea. It was pouring, I was annoyed, and I didn’t have someone to take me home if I got drunk… which I most likely would. But right now, I didn’t care, because what I really needed was a drink.
I sound like an alcoholic. Jeez.
The bouncer looked at my ID, and then at me as I stared passively back. He nodded and waved me in. I didn’t pay attention to any of the couples grinding onto each other as I made my way across the dance floor, and to the bar.
“Vodka anything, fast,” I said to the bartender who wore a top hat atop an unruly mop of brown hair.
“Tough day?” he asked, his eyeliner eyes narrowing, as he poured me the nectar of the Gods into a glass.
I downed the whole thing in one shot, before coughing and taking a deep breath.
“You could say that,” I sighed, waving for him to pour more.
“Please tell me you’re not a recovering alcoholic,” he half joked, pouring more into my glass.
I smiled at that. “Maybe.”
His brown eyes brimmed with worry, and I rolled my eyes. “My mother died two months ago. Today is her birthday, and right now, I really don’t want to be at home, alone with all of her crap. So just keep them coming.”
“I’m sorry.”
I’m not sure if I made him feel better or worse, but this time he filled the glass, and I tried to be more civilized.
“What’s your name? Because I believe you and I are going to be very close by the end of the night,” I muttered sipping.
“Tristan,” he said, then added, “I’m sorry about your mother, hon.”
“Don’t be, she was a horrible person,” I muttered truthfully. “I’m Thea.”
“Nice to meet you Thea. Drinks are on the house.”
“No, it’s okay, I don’t want any pity.”
“It’s fine. I’m screwing the boss,” he said, dropping me a wink, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“If you keep giving away drinks, you will be screwed all right.”
“You’re the first customer I have ever had that’s fought me on free drinks.”
“I’m sure but—”
“No buts,” he replied, cleaning a glass. “Drinks are on the house.”
“Fine. How about the house pays for the first three drinks, and I pay for the rest?”
“How many do you plan on having?”
I shrugged. “As many as it takes until I’m numb?”
“Are you always this honest?”
“Only to the person who’s controlling the booze.”
He laughed, shaking his head at me. “Fine, the first three are on the house. Did you just move to Boston?”
“Yes and no.” That was all I was giving him, and he nodded, accepting my answer as good enough.
I was just about to ask for a couple slices of lime, when the lights in the place dimmed. A blue light illuminated the stage as a very attractive man, took center stage with nothing but a guitar in his hands. His hair was dark, almost black, like a starless night. His eyes were a deep emerald color, so striking that even in the dimly lit bar I could see them. Every time the light hit them, I felt myself being drawn in more and more.
Sitting on a stool, he played softly, almost as though he was trying to put us all at ease.
“This song isn’t dedicated to anyone… yet,” he whispered into the microphone, which gained him a few whistles and claps.
Rolling my eyes, I turned back to my drink.
“I carry a smile when I’m broken in two, all because of someone like you,” he sang.
“What the hell?” I whispered to myself.
“Fooling the world; none of them know you as I do. Why not me? Why never me? Standing right here you masterful puppeteer.”
I don’t know if it was the lyrics, or just the way that he sang them. Either way I found myself unable to look away from him, even to drink. It was as though I had come here just to hear him sing.
I sat watching as he ran his hands over the strings of the guitar. I was transfixed, bewitched, and overwhelmed. I could feel my throat closing up.
“I should go,” I muttered to myself when his song was over. But I simply sat there, staring down at my drink and unable to move.
Finally, I lifted my glass and swallowed its contents, and Tristan, my good old trusty bartender, poured me a new glass. I didn’t feel like crying. In fact, I didn’t have any more tears to spill. I was just tired. I had spent the last three and a half months with my mom. We fought, we cried, and then she died – in that order.
“Can I buy you a drink?” a voice behind me asked.
I turned to find the same devilishly handsome man from the stage, standing right beside me. He stood over six feet tall. He was fit, but not in the bulky, bodybuilder sort of way. His skin was fair and flawlessly smooth, his lips were full, his features were chiseled and well defined, yet still, it was his eyes that truly captured my attention. Without being aware of it, I leaned in towards him and smiled. He was totally at ease.
“Tristan, should I let him buy me a drink?” I turned to the man behind the bar. Tristan snorted, looking over at the man who waited for a yes.
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Thanks man,” the man said, frowning at Tristan while I laughed.
Tristan replaced my drink, which I had not yet finished, with something new and pink.
“Still vodka?” I asked him.
“Still vodka,” he nodded.
Smiling, I turned to the Casanova and shrugged. “Looks like I already have a drink, but, seeing that you’re empty-handed at the moment, I’m happy to buy you one,” I teased. I turned and dramatically rapped my knuckles against the bar. “Tristan! Give our friend here something manly.”
They both laughed at that.
“I’ll have what she’s having,” he said taking the seat beside me.
“You do see this drink is pink, right?” I asked him.
“I think I’m comfortable enough with my sexuality,” he winked.
This was usually the point where I left guys at the bar, but for some reason, I just shook my head. I didn’t want to leave yet.
“You were good, by the way.”
“What?” He smiled as he leaned towards me.
I pointed to the stage and grinned. “Your song, what did you think I meant?”
“Nothing,” he laughed. “And thank you, I didn’t think anyone noticed.”
“Why wouldn’t anyone notice?”
He raised an eyebrow and looked out over the dance floor. Following his gaze, I noticed that everyone was glued to each other, and no one seemed to care what kind of music was playing. It was Sunday, so I guessed everyone wanted to end their weekend on a high note.
“At this point, they might as well not have clothes on.” I tilted my head to the side, watching as a man’s hand worked its way up his partner’s dress.
“That’s what they’re working towards,” he laughed. “I’m Levi by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, Levi,” I said trying not to seem interested. He was attractive, but I was more the type who’d rather look than touch.
Yeah right.
“This is the part where you tell me your name.”
“Really? Do you do this often?”
“Do what?” he asked with a frown.
“Sway women with your sultry music, then offer them a drink while staring deeply into their souls with your sexy green eyes, in order to get their names.”
“Sultry music? Sexy green eyes? Are you sure you aren’t the one that does this often?” He grinned so wide it was contagious.
Damn him.
“You’re good.”
“I’m sure you’re better.”
Oh damn him to hell.
“Dance with me,” he said, extending his hand.
“I may be black, but I have no rhythm whatsoever,” I informed him. “I’m a terrible dancer, and I mean awful. I’ll step on your toes—”
He didn’t seem to care, because he took my hand anyway, and I shivered at his touch… I bloody shivered, as he led me towards the middle of the dance floor and pulled me closer.
“You’re going to regret this,” I told him.
“Believe me, that’s not possible,” he whispered, spinning me around until my back was pressed against his chest.
I stopped breathing. I was afraid if I did, I would moan. I could feel him, all of him, behind me.
“Just relax, give in to the music,” he whispered into my ear, and once again it was like I had no control over my body.
He’s definitely done this before, I thought to myself. But I didn’t say anything. I just lifted my arms up and wrapped them around him as the music blasted around us. His hands softly grazed over my thighs.
“I still don’t know your name.”
“That’s because I still haven’t told you,” I whispered, turning back to him. His hands went to my waist and we both stared at each other.
I really couldn’t take it anymore. Maybe it was the alcohol, or because he was insanely attractive, or because I just wanted to feel something, but I closed the gap between us. That was all the invitation he needed to take charge.
His arms wrapped around me, and his hands found a position on my neck as he drew me in for a kiss. He tasted amazing. I grabbed him by his hair and pulled him closer. I wanted… needed more of him. Before I knew it, I was pressing myself against him.
Releasing his hair, my hands slowly wandered up under his shirt, and I savored the feel of his smooth, rock-hard washboard abs, while his warm, almost feverish hand cupped my breast, relaying a promise of things to come.
Finally, we broke away from each other for a moment so that we could breathe. I wanted him so badly, I would have taken him right there on the dance floor.
“My name is Thea,” I whispered.
“Your place or mine, Thea?”
“You think you’re going to get lucky?” I asked him, and he kissed me again. The moment he did, I moaned into his mouth and gripped onto his hair. But he pulled away all too soon.
“I think I’ve already gotten lucky,” he smiled.
“Your place it is then,” I whispered, and he took my hand.
I barely remembered to grab my purse before he led me out of the club. By the time we got into his car, we both were trembling. As we drove through the city’s streets, I took the time to admire his profile in the intermittent glow of the passing streetlights. His fingers gently traced patterns along the sensitive skin of my thigh. It was such a small, mindless action; still my breath caught in my throat and my mind went blank. Before long, my hand wandered into his lap and I groped him through his pants. He didn’t say a word as we drove, but I could feel his mounting excitement.
He pulled up right in front of a beautiful townhouse in the better part of the city. Somehow I managed to regain a little bit of my composure as he opened the door for me. Anyone looking at us wouldn’t have guessed anything indecent was happening, yet the moment I touched his hands, I felt myself flush, and a wave of heat spread over me.
He fumbled with his keys, trying to get the door open, and I reveled in the fact that he was either extremely nervous or so excited that he couldn’t think straight. I took pride in either prospect.
The second we were inside, he spun around and pinned me against the door.
“Thank God,” he said against my skin.
He brushed his thumb across my hot, swollen lips, and lightly trailed his fingers down to my waist. His touch lingered for only a moment before he dragged my shirt up over my body. Lifting me up, he carried me towards his couch, allowing us both to fall back onto it. With him on top of me, I could feel the length of him through his jeans, but that wasn’t good enough. Pulling on his belt, I bit his lips impatiently, and he laughed as he understood the urgency of my actions. Moving away from me, he rid himself of his clothes and returned to help free me of mine.
The way his hard body felt against mine…I wanted to touch all of him, but when I tried to reach for him, he pinned both of my hands above my head, and proceeded to gently kiss and lick my nipples. He teased me slowly, enjoying how I shook under him. I felt like I was losing my mind.
“Damn you,” I sighed.
But when one of his hands trailed down my stomach and between my legs, I couldn’t help but melt in his hands. This wasn't foreplay; it was torture.
“Fuck. You look so sexy…” he hissed, as if I were doing anything to him.
His grip on me loosened as I kissed along his jawline. Finally free, I allowed my hands to wander back to him, and this time he didn’t stop me as I gripped him. I tightened my hold on his member, moving my hand up and down agonizingly slow, torturing him, just as he had done to me. His breathing shortened, and his eyes seemed to darken as he watched me work him. I liked the fact that he seemed to be fighting an inner battle, trying to control himself. But I didn’t want him to be controlled, I wanted our torturous version of foreplay to end.
“Condom?” I asked him.
“Back pocket.” He nodded to his pants on the ground.
With my other hand, I grabbed it and tore the wrapper open with my teeth. Then, without wasting any more time, I put it on him.
We watched each other as I positioned myself over him. I could feel him, he could feel me. He grunted in frustration and grabbed my waist, flipping me onto my back and thrusting forward.
“Yes,” I moaned as he pinned both my hands above my head with his right hand, and he used his left hand to grip my thigh.
He grunted, slamming into me.
“Yes!” I cried out, as he thrust into me, harder and harder, with so much force the couch moved with us, and I didn’t even care. My breasts bounced freely, and he grinned, kissing them both before kissing my lips.
I opened my mouth, allowing our tongues to dance around each other.
“So tight,” he hissed.
“Harder!” I demanded, not caring who heard me.
He made me feel so good.
He released my hands, and I immediately grabbed for his shoulders as my legs wrapped themselves around him. He kissed the sides of my face, then our lips once again met.
“Come for me,” he whispered, and I nodded, unable to speak.
As my mouth parted, and my breasts pressed against his chest, I arched my back and pressed into him until I could no longer contain myself. “Levi!” I cried out.
“God, you’re beautiful.”
I tried to catch my breath, but for the love of God I couldn’t. I moaned as he held me and trailed kisses down my neck. I pushed him onto his back and mounted him once more.
I looked down at him and grinned, riding him hard. I pinched my nipples, allowing him to watch as I bounced on him. His hands worked their way to meet mine. He cupped my breasts, and I covered his hands with my own, keeping them in place as he thrust upwards into me.
“Thea—” He bit his lip, fighting back his moan.
With my hands on his chest, I took in the sight of him; wild, sexy, hungry for me. I loved it.
“Come for me,” I repeated his earlier sentiment.
He grunted his release. He rested below me for a moment, gasping as did I. I didn’t want to get off him and he pulled me downwards to kiss his lips.
“You think we can make it into the bedroom next time?” he teased.
“There’s going to be a next time?”
“God, I hope so.”
I smiled, “Say when?”
“Twenty minutes?”
I raised an eyebrow at him, “What am I going to do for twenty minutes?”
“We are going to keep up our energy.” He kissed me again, and I returned it. “Don’t go anywhere.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” I told him, admiring his physique as he walked away.
Smiling to myself, I settled back onto the couch for a moment.
That was fucking amazing. He was amazing. It was like he knew where I wanted to be touched and when. He wasn’t even afraid to bite me. I never minded a little pain with my pleasure.
“What do you want to eat?” he called out from the kitchen.
I rose from the couch and stretched, not caring in the slightest that I was naked. As far as I was concerned, he had already licked, bit and seen it all.
“I have crackers, I can make sandwich—”
Walking up behind him, I placed my hand on his back and he jumped. Looking at me over his shoulder, he swallowed, unable to tear his gaze away from my naked form.
“Do you have strawberries?” I asked him.
Gazing past him, I spotted them in the door of the refrigerator and reached under his arm to get them. The cold air made my nipples harden, which I knew he noticed. Taking the can of whipped cream, I sprayed a little into my mouth and licked it off my lips.
“You don’t mind?” I asked, waving the can at him.
He shook his head. “Not at all.”
“I love whipped cream, don’t you?” I whispered placing a squirt of it onto my finger.
I offered my finger to him, and he took it eagerly. He sensuously sucked the cream from my finger and ran his tongue along the length of it before allowing me to slide it out of his mouth.
“I’m loving it more and more each second,” he whispered, and I handed him the can.
“It’s your whipped cream, you should taste it from where you want.”
“You’re driving me crazy,” he whispered, more to himself than to me, as he took the can and sprayed a squirt of cream onto my shoulder. I tilted my head to the side, giving him room to lick it off of me.
Next, he placed it on my breasts, but before he could lick it off, I took a strawberry out of the carton and allowed its tip to glide through the dollop of cream before I took a bite.
“These are some really good strawberries,” I whispered.
He stared at me without saying a word, and I could see that he was awaiting my next move. Eager to please, I took another strawberry, and repeated the action before giving it to him to taste.
He accepted my offering with a smile, “Now I know I’m dreaming.”
“Then enjoy it; I know I am,” I said to him.
He couldn't stop himself as he licked along my skin, working his way downwards. I moaned, enjoying the feeling of his lips.
“Oh, I plan on enjoying this!” he whispered, cupping me between my legs. I gasped, but that didn’t stop him from placing two fingers inside of me, “I think our twenty minutes are up.”
“Time sure goes by fast here,” I laughed. “What do you want to do?”
“I want to fuck you until you can’t walk straight,” he said as he pressed me against the counter top.
I smiled, “Let’s get started then.”
“Ahh,” I groaned, grabbing the side of my head as I sat up. Damn vodka always did this to me.
Looking around, the first thing I noticed was that this was not my room. The second thing I noticed was the sound of the shower running.
Shit, I thought, as the memories of last night flooded my mind.
Tiptoeing around, I searched for my clothes on the bedroom floor. Moving into the living room, I found my bra and skirt, and I hurriedly redressed myself.
“Making your escape?”
I snapped back to see… Levi? That was his name, right… To see Levi, dripping wet and clad only in a towel, which was loosely draped around his waist, accentuating the V shaped cut lines on his hips.
“Seriously, do you have to look like that in the morning?” I sighed, trying to draw attention away from myself, as I got ready.
“Like what?” he questioned.
I waved my hand up and down in front of him before giving up in frustration, “Never mind. Thanks for last night, it was umm… I should go—”
“Do you want breakfast?”
It was at that moment that I noticed the heavenly aroma of bacon and eggs. The smell was so alluring that my stomach growled. Truthfully, I longed to indulge in a good, hearty breakfast, but I couldn’t stay.
“No thank you, I should really get going. We really don’t need to do the thing.”
“The thing?”
“You know, where we both try to have a civil conversation after a one night stand.”
“Actually,” he corrected with a smile, “it was a four night stand; one in the kitchen and shower not to mention our first go on the couch and then in my bed—”
“Yep, got it…”
“Thea,” he called, moving towards me, and I found that I had to force myself to not look at him.
Urgh! Damn him!
He cupped my face, “We could make this awkward, like you are trying so hard to do, or we can have some breakfast.”
“I’m going to end up screwing you again.”
“That would mean that we spent two days together.”
“One night and half of the morning is hardly two days,” he chuckled, letting go of me. “If you want to go, then go, but you can’t blame me for wanting to spend a little more time with the best lay I’ve ever had.”
“You must say that to all the women you pick up at bars,” I smiled.
He shook his head and grinned. “Have breakfast, and then I’ll drop you off at your car.”
“Fine, I’ll stay for breakfast,” I said, “but only if you put on a damn shirt or something.”
“You’re wearing mine.” He nodded at the shirt I’d coveted.
“Well, you ripped mine,” I retorted.
“Touché,” he replied, and with that, he moved aside and gestured for me to enter the kitchen.
“Do you mind if I use your bathroom first?” I asked him.
“Yeah, go ahead.”
“Thanks,” I muttered, happy that I at least had my toothbrush and other necessities in my purse.
LEVI Once she was gone, I rushed back into my room to get dressed as quickly as possible, seeing as how she appeared to be a potential flight risk. She was drop dead beautiful, sexy, funny, and just sinfully amazing in bed. At the very least, I needed to get her number. Hearing another door open and shut, I rushed out in a panic, and was dismayed to find that she hadn’t returned to the kitchen.
“You keep records,” she called from above, allowing me to breathe freely once again.
She stood on the upper level of my town house, along with the rest of my music and books. Climbing the stairs, I tried my best to be as relaxed as possible.
“Yes I do. It’s old fashioned—”
“No, I like it. Everything sounds better on vinyl anyway,” she said, running her hands over my collection.
“I always say that, but no one believes me with their smart phones,” I snickered.
She stopped sifting through the pile and gasped. Then, she wordlessly lifted a record from the stack and held it up to her face. Her entire expression transformed into something I couldn’t quite decipher.
“Curtis Mayfield — a Curtis Mayfield album!” she crooned.
“You know Curtis Mayfield?” I asked, kind of surprised.
Most people didn’t listen to music like that anymore, unless of course, it was in a commercial.
She looked at me like I was crazy. “Talk about soundtrack to my childhood! My grandmother was big on records. You really have a cool collection here.”
“Thank you, music’s a hobby of mine.”
“And your first love is books I’m guessing?” She laughed, looking at all the books I had scattered everywhere. “Law books too.”
“You got me. I’m really a nerd.”
She laughed, and it was beautiful. Her whole face seemed to beam. “Six pack abs, plays the guitar, listen to records, and is a book nerd… better watch out or I might just start to like you.”
I hoped so.
Moving closer to her, I took the record from her hands and set it down on my old gramophone to play.
“Dance with me.”
“That’s how I ended up naked in your bed the first time.”
“I know,” I told her, flashing my best smile.
I took her hand, and once again it was like I was on fire. Just touching her had that effect on me. It was crazy. She broke out into laughter as we let the ‘70s take over. She no longer seemed shy about dancing as we both jumped around each other. Whenever she laughed, I felt the urge to laugh with her. She was…beautiful.
As the song slowed down, I pulled her in, spinning her around. She landed so close to my lips. What was this? Why did I want to kiss her again so badly? I didn’t even know her last name, and yet it was like every part of me was crying out for her. She swallowed slowly as though she was fighting the same battle I was.
Finally, I took the risk and kissed her. It was supposed to be a soft, simple kiss. But I couldn’t even control that. Her tongue slipped into my mouth, and I gripped her ass, lifting her up. Her legs circled around me as I pushed her up against the wall. I could feel her pulling at my pants as I shoved her skirt back up.
“Just a quickie,” she said to me between kisses.
“Yeah, just a quickie, to get it out of our systems,” I nodded, turning her around and remembering how good she felt last night.
“Mmmm,” she moaned with her hands on the wall, as I slammed her hard from behind.
Her back arched, and my hands slipped the shirt she wore, my shirt, from her shoulders.
Groaning in frustration at not being able to take off her bra, I simply pulled it down to where her skirt was instead, and enjoyed the feel of her in my hands. Every part of her was real and mine. Leaning back against me, she moaned into my mouth as we passionately kissed.
“Ahh!” she moaned, as I pushed us both against the wall.
So fucking good, I thought to myself. I simply couldn’t get enough of her.
“Levi,” she called out for me, and I brushed her hair aside, bringing her head back to my face.
“Scream my name,” I told her.
“Make me,” she challenged.
She was perfection.
“This is crazy, right?” I finally whispered, putting my car in park beside her truck.
“What?” she asked quietly.
“The fact that we had sex, I can’t even count the amount of times, and yet, I still want you,” I confessed, leaning back against my seat.
“Yeah, it’s crazy,” she muttered, then she went silent. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she spoke. “I don’t know, maybe there was something in those drinks… because I’m not saying I don’t want you either.”
“You aren’t looking for a relationship are you? Because I can’t—”
“Believe me, I can’t handle a relationship,” she replied, cutting me off.
For a moment, I felt as though we were on the same page. What could be the worst thing that happened if I ask for sex? Sex seemed to be all she wanted as well.
“How about we just… I don’t know, fuck for the next week? I don’t have to work until next Monday, and maybe by then we’ll—”
“Have it out of our systems?”
I looked at her and nodded with a laugh.
“Just one week?” she verified.
“One week. Sex, food, us, and then, we get back to reality.”
She went quiet for a moment, and then grinned widely. “That’s dangerous Levi. I’m going to ruin all other women for you.”
“It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
“How about we alternate days? We’ll spend tomorrow night at my place and then the day after at yours?” she asked me.
“Sure,” I said as smoothly as possible. On the inside, I was dancing like a mad man.
She reached into my pants and grabbed my cell phone, after she made a point of grabbing another part of me first. I smirked but didn’t say anything.
“Do you like cats?”
“Like pussy?” I asked innocently.
She looked at me with a blank expression before we both broke out into a fit of laughter.
“No, like normal cats, with four legs, fur and whiskers.”
“I don’t hate cats,” I said.
“Okay, I only ask because I have one. I just wanted to make sure that you weren’t allergic or something or that it isn’t going to be a problem,” she said, placing my phone back into my pocket. “I put my number in your contact list. Come over around eight tomorrow night.”
“You just moved to Boston?” I asked.
“Yes and no,” she replied, dismissing the question. “I’ll see you at eight, Levi, and don’t be late,” she said, kissing my cheek before getting out.
For some reason, I knew this was going to be the best week of my life.