Chapters: 37
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: ladykelly_writes


I thought he was mine,then he's taken away. I wish I never had him so that it wouldn't hurt as much as it does right now." Rina Richards never knew she could find love. She had a normal job, simple life until the two knocked on her door. The billionaire and his son. She opens her heart for them not knowing that the same love would once break her into pieces. Would she be strong or succumb to this abyss of the game of love once calamity strikes since destiny decreed that they meet.

Billionaire Romance Meant To Be Possessive Arrogant Surprising

BONDED HEARTS 1 Free Chapters

Chapter 1. | BONDED HEARTS 1

Don't be upset when there's a detour on your way to destiny. Keep a good attitude and it will work out~ Joel Osteen.

New York City ,USA.

My dream ended abruptly as I was shaken back to reality.I wake up as if it's an emergency,as if sleeping had become a dangerous, almost lethal thing to do.My heart beats faster,I can feel my head buzz together with panic as my eyes lock with the clock at my bedside.The clock that was in fact supposed to be waking me up.It didn't!I was late,so pissed off by the stupid old alarm but instead of getting frustrated by it: I had to stop farting around.

I launched out of bed in panic,my hair as usual looking like a confused bird nest.I was about to skip a shower but a reminder of my workline dreaded me from doing it.The running up and down serving customers and handling of food didn't seem appropriate. It isn't Rina.

I rub the sleep out of my eyes really fighting back the aching urge to retreat back to the comfy bed. Why is sleep always so sweet in the morning?

Taking the fastest shower of my entire existence with my breakfast being skipped.

Here I am. 15 minutes to be late. Time seems to not be my side.

What a way to convince my boss that I am a competent employee. Competent huh?

I got to escape his wrath the first time but how was I going to convince him the second time?

I am not a morning person? Aah no, that's way not appropriate. I had a massive headache? That's tempting but na-ah, what if I really get ill and besides I already used that excuse for last time.

Traffic? Bingo! I can go with that. Everyone blames traffic. Why not me?

I tie my hair up in a loose messy bun. Already made up my mind on pushing through with the hurtless lie. I put on the only dress I have in my closet, which was also the one I had first set my eyes on. I match with white rubber shoes, quickly doing the laces .

I am too late for make up that I just pick my leather strap bag and match out after locking the door , dropping the key safely inside the bag, making sure it actually hit the bottom of the bag and not the ground like last time. Better safe than sorry. I was damn sorry last time when it actually didn't hit the bag but who knows where.

No matter the hurry, always keep the key safe. A rule I intended to keep wholeheartedly and strictly religious since the day I ended up paying a huge amount to the grumpy landlord for bringing his door down. A simple reminder of that incident just makes a painful bile rise up my throat. My hard earned cash through sweat,tears and unfortunate times ,blood. Wasted it .just .like that.

It hit a bloody nerve.

Luckily, I work at a small restaurant a few blocks away and so I could save on bus fare and time. Oh,how bad I wish I could fly today with the distance seeming so far than usual.

I am surely going to be fired today. I can feel the gnawing in my gastrointestinal tract and this was not due to hunger but panick! I try to brush it off, urging myself to relax.

Take a huge breath in Rina and out, aah. Good . You got this.

I was about to cross the pedestrian lane when I was stopped by a loud screech. Definitely a car's.

I died. Not really.

I screamed. The loudest scream that would definitely make me wince and cringe when I hear it for a second time.

That was definitely the day I heard my heart beat,loud!

I was trans-fixed rooted on the ground an attempt to move even a muscle being fruitless. The only thing left being to block my face with my arms awaiting for the impact that would lent me paralyse or dead. Which one was worse?

I dreaded for both.

After several long agonising seconds of silence, awaiting for an impact that luckily didn't come. Luck was by my side it seems.

I open my eyes,my eyelashes faintly batting against my lids when I blinked. My muscles felt weak just like my energy. I let out an exasperated sigh. For the first time in life appreciating even the simplest sigh.

A cold sweat washed over my face and chest- heart trying to escape through my throat the first chance it could get.

I took my time to place a shaky hand on my chest , holding the other to my knees maybe for support as they were shaking terribly. I dared to still stand at the same spot. Shutting my eyes for a second and eventually opening them to send the deadliest glare to the person behind it all and that, wasn't me but the man inside the tinted car.

In all it's glory,a black Mercedes stopped before me. The car was spotless clean, beautiful and looked like many years of my salary summed up to have it but that ladies and gents was far in the deepest depth of my mind. The only thing I could see before me was a dangerous tool that was almost to cause my downfall.

That's why I will never own a car. Not because I don't know how to drive- well, that's true but strongly because. I was scared of driving. I was scared to die.

I continuously failed on my driving classes. Not able to own a license after numerous times of giving the poor tutor a heart attack making him give up calling me a clumsy fool.

What if today was one of those unlucky days and I shouldn't at all have gotten out of my house. I should start reading my horoscope. It might come in handy in such times. I understand now why Niaka always reads hers.

"Hey you!Do you want to kill me? What's wrong with those stupid things you call eyes huh?!"I scream pointing my finger at the tinted window screen although I could barely see a thing.

I was angry. Furious. Going berserk. All I felt like doing was to wrap my hands round the victim's neck and strang-

"I can sue you for this you know,it's what we call attempted murder!"By now I was starting to attract a massive crowd all eager for a priceless show. That,it looked I was ready to give but in the process. Forgetting I was late for work. Dimwit!


"Who will you sue? might be joking darling."a deep husky voice said.

I looked at the man infront of me who had just emerged out of his car.

As clichè as it may sound, but on seeing him.... believe me when I say, my whole world froze! All the courage I had; thrown out through the window just like that. Unfair.

He had the kind of face that could stop you at your tracks. I guess he must be used to that: the sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they look his was,followed by a nonchalant gaze.

He had a prominent sharp jaw skillfully curved and the strength of his neck showed by the intertwining muscles that defined his whole body, he was handsome despite of how bad I wanted to deny it.

He had tousled dark brown hair which was thick and lustrous.His eyes were a mesmerising deep ocean blue and had thick eyebrows that slopped downwards in a serious frown.Strong arms,bold thighs,a firm broad chest and I bet inside that expensive armani suit he was wearing was a torned body with packs.

The clearing of the throat snapped me out of my stare, I yelped at being caught staring.

"Like what you see? Anyways.I expected that. You should watch where you walk, it's a public road and not your mother's place"he spat through gritted teeth,his forehead creasing as he looked my way. His voice was laced with so much venom that took me a back. This guy isn't serious. Wait … .I thought I was the victim here. That totally rebooted me from the trance I was in. How dare he?!

"Look here douche, you almost killed me there and you are the one pretending to be the victim! You should watch where you are going. If you don't know mister this is a pedestrians lane. If you can't follow road rules, don't drive! " I scoffed, throwing daggers his way but this only made him angrier just by the way he clenched and unclenched his fist.

This world will be one better place without such careless drivers.

"Talking with a rude guy like you is just as useful as a chocolate teapot."I insulted getting numerous gasps from the crowd. Well wasn't that a beautiful come back.

"You clearly don't know me lady. Second, you have a foul mouth. I am wasting my precious time talking to a beggar like you. "

Did he just insult me?

" Oh you foo-"

I look over to the city clock behind him. I gasp on seeing the clock arm. That being the glorious moment I got to realize that I was just a mere employee and not the boss.

"Oh no, I am late!"I shout running off the road as I hear him yell but ignore him not looking back.

"Hope to never see you! Free advise, watch where you walk if you don't want to end up dead ."those were the last words I heard before taking a turn.

He is still persistent on giving me such a stupid advise when he is clearly the one at fault here.

I never want to see his ugly face again either.


I was in my car from LA heading to a conference meeting in New York when I nearly knocked down a girl crossing the road, but luckily caught the brakes on time.

"Shit!"I curse , releasing the breath I was holding ,my hands still firm on the steering wheel.

However,on looking at her, I appreciated her beauty and curves. That was a normal thing to do right?

She had rapture-brown eyes,puffy heart shaped pouting lips,her black ebony hair tied up in a loose messy bun with some curls touching her forehead. Her voice, sugary angelic voice that was pleasant to hear but she just had to ruin it with her foul language.

Her crescent shaped eyebrows inclined slightly as she stared down at me.

She had this hour glass shaped body with a thin waistline that could fit perfectly on my hand.

"Who will you sue? might be joking darling." I scoff and I am not at all surprised when I catch her staring at me.I don't blame her though,no one can resist my looks.

She was beautiful and as odd as it may sound,she managed to move something inside me. I hated this feeling. I despised her for making me feel even the slightest little bit of emotion.

They are all like that, just like her. Innocent face, beautiful but gold diggers and selfish. Wolves in sheep's clothing.

She didn't know who I was. That amused me,a total hurt to my precious ego.

Everyone knew who I was and no one would dare talk to me in such a foul way.

She was feisty, strong and admirable.She kept on cursing and ranting about how young she was going to die.She managed to attract a huge crowd. My hands were itchy , wanting to satisfy themselves by just a touch of her skin but withdraws from the thought.

She glances at something behind me and gasps.

"Oh no ,I am late!"she shouts running towards the street, leaving me feeling empty and cold.It's just a silly girl, ill mannered and I was getting late for the meeting.

I however was not looking forward to attending it,my father being the one that pushed me towards it, taking it as something to distract me from the reality of my life. My son...

"Hope to never see you!!!!" I shouted knowing well that I wouldn't since I never stayed in New York. I look at her retreating back, watching as she disappeared. I enter inside my car, the crowd that she had created had by now dispersed.

I shake my head and catch the steering of the car tightly. I sigh as my eyes wonder to the photo in front of me that brought a painful sting in my heart, remembering someone that I lost.

"Levi. Where are you son?" I trail my fingers on the photo ,a horn bringing me out of the trance.

" Get out of the way!"someone shouted from the car behind me making me start off the engine and drive off.

Chapter 2. | BONDED HEARTS 1

Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it?It makes you so vulnerable. It opens up your chest and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up"-Neil Gaiman.


I make it to the restaurant but not in time and as expected, I find my manager at the door step beyond furious, throwing daggers my way, making me shudder and tremble underneath his stare .I feel like peeing on myself right now or the earth to do me a favor and just open up and burry me alive.I swallow a big lump of saliva and take slow steps towards him . Scared of how he would react.

"Rina Richards,lovely of you to grace us with your majestical presence. At 7:45am! Tell me was it headache again or better yet you had a running stomach that you couldn't be here on time!"he shouts,I flinch grasping tightly on my strap bag .I guess it's a day I kiss my job goodbye .I am doomed.

"Mr Peters, what a beautiful morning it is and the traffic , you can't believe it ,so hectic."I say faking one of my best smiles that it hurt.

Beautiful morning? Seriously Rina.

"Rina, traffic huh! As shown in your resume,you stay few blocks from here,so your house now shifted?"he asks his arms crossed at his chest. Why didn't I think of that earlier!?

"Sir, you see I-" I start fidgeting on my hands as I stammered.

"You what!" He shouted, making me yelp. His intense gaze burning holes on my forehead bringing weakness to my knees and not in any way helping with my situation. I felt disgusted with my own voice.

"Umm...I just moved out to a new house recently sir. I couldn't tell you since it was my day off yesterday."I stuttered while he eyed me suspiciously as if sensing I was making it up.

Oh heavens have pity on me today. Please. It's just this one small lie. Pretty please.

Sudden pause, abrupt silence that forced me to look up at him just to make sure he was still there. I catch my breath as I see his lips in motion,my left hand at my back, crossing my fingers.

My heart was beating so fast that I had to keep my free hand on my chest,maybe in an attempt to make my heart stay in place. The flipping in my stomach as I swallowed the bile rising in my throat.

"Is that so?" He asks raising one of his brows eyeing me stonily. I was lost of words that I only managed to nod my head. Freaking great!

"Okay. I will let you pass this time since you are a hard-working and loyal employee." Phew…

" But! " Oh no…I knew there was a but.

"To compensate for the time lost you would have to close the shop later on today. Mrs. Richards I hope this behavior won't be repeated. Next time, wake up earlier."he emphasised the last part. Did he know that I had woken up late? I brush off the thought and quickly head towards the staff area. Thanking whoever is above for keeping my job. The thought of staying alone at night making me shudder but better that than losing my job.

Never make the same mistake twice, There are so many new ones, Try a different one each day.


I stare blankly at the young man cladded in a grey suit and pants standing before the board. The projector focusing his marketing presentation on the motherboard. I was however not attentive to whatever he was saying, I could barely hear his voice but the constant movement of his lips as he pointed the jockey on the marketing graph.

The men inside shaking their heads in approval while most smiling in acknowledgement. The secretaries behind them taking down important notes. I felt void and empty. For the first time in my business life I had never felt disgusted by a mere presence of being inside this four halls.

I felt irritated. I wanted to scream and just let out this raging fire inside me that was slowly killing me and wanting so bad to be freed. I needed my son . He is my weakness and I don't know if I can ever live without him. For, a part of me was dying each day without him.

Why am I even here when I should be out there looking for Levi!?

My mind was nowhere inside the four walls. It was drifted back to that fateful day, when I lost my son. I kept on thinking of my 11 year old son who disappeared two days ago. Maybe it was my fault,if only I had not pick up that darn call he would still be by my side.


"Papá,look at those clowns. Dad just look at them." Levi shouted pointing at something at the back. At the same moment my phone vibrating on my trousers.

I take it out to find it from the office, although I had promised Levi to have nothing to do with the office for a day, I picked it up. A call wouldn't hurt. I was wrong,it could and that in an imaginable worst way ever.

"Dad, just look at them." Levi insisted tugging on the hem of my suit.

"One minute Levi." I silence him with a finger on my lips watching him as he grumped and rolled his eyes.

I turn away from him to attend to the call. It was the biggest mistake.

"Yes Mrs Fox. Make sure you hand them the contract first. Send the remaining details of Madrid limited to me. That's it and make sure you take care of Hernandez proposal too. Inform me of the outcome later in the evening."I cut off the call after a few yes from my secretary.

"What were you sa- Levi?" I turn to find an empty spot where my son had once stood. I wander my eyes through the massive crowd of adults and kids hoping to find him anywhere even tried looking at the ice cream parlor. Nothing.

I was left with a clench hurt and pity looks. I didn't want their pity. I wanted my son.

Clowns. He talked of clowns but at that moment neither the clowns nor Levi could be seen anywhere. They both disappeared just like that.


Where are you Levi?

We looked for him everywhere and as by now the detectives are still looking for him.It is as if he had just disappeared from the phase of the earth.The report still being the same each and every fucking day;

Nothing sir, still no trace of him.

I am tired of hearing the same thing each and every day! They were not looking hard enough, I was not looking hard enough! He is the only thing I am left with and now he is taken away from me. No one can understand this pain burning inside me. Who would understand if they have never experienced it themselves! The unbearable pain of a parent losing a child. My ex-wife leaving me before, breaking me to the point of almost giving up on life but the presence of my son giving me something to cling to. But now….. It's as if everything is crumbling down on me like ton of bricks. I am suffocating and slowly dying inside when a day passes without seeing him.

I thought it was a kidnap but the kidnappers could already have asked for a randsom by now. It could not be Lucy; his mother because she too is somewhere in England and wants nothing to do with her own flesh and blood. It can't be her!

Where could he be?

Is he healthy?

Is he afraid?

Could he be crying?

Could he be de- No!

"Shit!" I blurt out, hitting the mahogany table in front of me making the men around jump from their seats in shock of my sudden ourtburst.

"Sir,are you okay? Is it anything that I said?"the gentleman standing before the board asks,he looked anxious looking from me to the board.

"What do you think! Do I look okay to you?"I spit ,murmurs arising within the members.

" Just...carry on without me." I take out my suit from the back of the chair not sparing a look behind. My secretary hot to my heels.

"Cancel all my meetings. No matter how important it is. Take care of the Black's files and send it to me after you are done with it."

" Are you going somewhere boss?"the woman asks making me halt and turn to step towards her. She had that pitiful look written all over her face. I didn't want that. That She had nothing to do with my behavior but I did not need her asking me such stupid questions. Truth was stranger than fiction.

She steps back,pushing her glasses from the bridge of her nose.

"Don't question me ! You should know better than to ask me such a question. You hear me!" I shouted making her flinch as she looked at the floor. I suddenly felt like taking back what I said... she did not deserve this harsh treatment from me after all she was one of my loyal employee and it wasn't her fault.

"Excuse me, it's just that the whereabouts of my son is bugging me."I whisper loud for her to hear rubbing my temples, releasing the breath I was holding.

" It is okay sir. I understand." She says calmly.

"Good. Don't fail to send me the reports." With that I left the building set to go back to LA just to find any news concerning my son.

I won't leave any stone unturned till I find you son. We will soon be together.


I am exhausted! Tired and starving!!!

"Okay, we are off. Finish everything up Rina and remember to close up!" Amanda sneered making me roll my eyes.

" I know!" I retorted, hitting the wiping clothe on the counter. I had one hour, an agonizing hour and she just had to rub it on my face. Oh how I will wake up so freaking early tomorrow. Let her just wait and watch.

"Rina, I wish I could help you close up but my mother is still not feeling well. Are you sure you will be okay here by yourself?" Niaka asks,her voice laden with worry placing some of her thick black curls at the back of her ear.

I would love to bless you every single day Niaka. That's why we get along just fine after all, birds of the same feathers flock together.

" Don't worry. I will be fine here. Just go home and take care of your mother. Good night."I rub a hand on her arm, smiling softly at her.

" Okay. Goodnight and take care ." I nod my head as I watch them get out of the dinner,the bell above the door chirming as they left.

"All alone, better hurry up Rina." I mumbled going back to wiping and arranging the tables. I had to hurry up,this place looked really creepy during the night. It gave me goosebumps and a sense of someone watching me in the darkness.

I should stop watching those movies.

It was already 8:45pm when I had finished cleaning up. The garbage was the last and only thing remaining now before I went to my sweet home.

"I'm a sucker for you!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, singing and dancing to one of the songs in my playlist. The garbage bag on my hand as I headed out, suddenly being embraced with the cold. Cursing myself for not carrying a jacket,thank heavens for the shawl in the store room .

"I've been dancing on top of cars and stumbling out of bars and follow you through the dark , can't get enou-" I halt, taking out my earphones as I stared at the void of darkness before me. I still could hear the faint beat of the song but something was definitely amiss.

My eyes wonder to the darkness, taking slow steps towards the trash can.

"Maybe it's just nothing. I have to get out of this place." I shrugged throwing the bag in hand inside the can.

I put the earphones back on but withdraw them immediately on hearing a stiffled cry.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I dared to ask, fighting back the urge to run away.

Never blame any day in your life. Good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience. Worst days give you a lesson