Charmed By A Steel City Hustler
Charm is defined as the power or quality of giving delight or arousing admiration. Bash Malcolm has all of that, and so much more. He is the successful entrepreneur behind a thriving legal business, has a trophy wife who turns every man's head, and lives a life most men only dream about. But there is something missing from his picture-perfect life. A drunken night of passion with the forbidden Lois causes more than just your average relationship problems. Bash finds himself caught between two women he deeply cares for. His decision will shake more than just the house he built. The chemistry between Lois and Bash is instant, and sparks fly for these two star-crossed lovers. What happens when Bash and Lois are exposed in the worst way? Secrets and family skeletons will shatter both their marriages. Can Lois trust Bash with everything when her world explodes? Will Bash have a change of heart after being betrayed by his own family? Get all the answers and so much more in this drama-packed stand-alone.
Charmed By A Steel City Hustler Free Chapters
Chapter 1 — Dirty Deeds | Charmed By A Steel City Hustler
“Lois, we need to go now, baby. Come on. Let me up,” Sebastian said sliding me from atop his body. His sexy caramel complexion was adorned with tattoos and well-defined muscles. I pouted because I did not want our time together to end so soon. I sighed loudly and slid over to put my robe on.
“Stop it. You’ve got that lip poking out like a kid throwing a tantrum.”
He came over to me, kissing my forehead and trailed down to my lips. I reciprocated and looped my arms around his neck, pulling him into me. He pulled me up into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. I began moaning into his mouth, knowing that would get him hot.
“Bash, please make love to me again. One last time,” I whispered into his ear, then snaked my tongue along his lobe. I pulled back to peer into his hazel eyes. They made me weak every time we connected. He was intently focused on my face, but his head below was growing toward my center.
“We're going to be late for the dinner party. But the way you are leaking right now, how can I resist?”
“Ah!” I squealed as he threw me to the bed and planted himself in between my legs, kissing all over my full breasts. He penetrated me, and we both let out soft moans. His strokes were deep, long, and so powerful that my thighs were clapping back. I got so caught up in the moment I didn’t hear our cell phones going off on the nightstand.
We tried to ignore them, but they continued back-to-back. He stopped thrusting once it was clear the phones were going to continue. He reached over and grabbed both in one swoop. The name on the screen immediately ruined my sexual bliss.
“Hey, baby,” I said into the phone while rolling out of the bed in search of my clothes. I listened to my caller and responded when needed. I told him I would be at the destination shortly. I put my heels on and searched for my blouse and skirt. Turning around I saw that Sebastian was fully clothed and staring at me. Damn, he moved fast as hell.
“Baby, huh? Well, I guess I will see you later then.”
Yes, he was nursing an attitude about my comment, but what could I do about that? I rolled my eyes, located my clothes, and put them on. I picked my purse up to walk out of the hotel room without another word to him. This was starting to be a routine once our sexual romp was over. One of us would leave upset at the other or the situation.
“Thank you, everyone. First and foremost, I would like to thank my beautiful wife, Lois. She has supported me for the past six years. She is my backbone, my ribs, and the air I breathe. When I’m stuck on a case late at night, pacing the floor, she wakes up with an attitude and says some smart remark.”
The crowd broke out in laughter at his corny line. I just rolled my eyes and took a sip of wine as he continued.
“Lois will sometimes make a statement that opens my mind to a new angle of the case, and I solve it. This partnership is not only my accomplishment, but hers as well. Honey, stand up and let them get a good look.”
I reluctantly stood up, and the room erupted in awes. The clinking of forks against wine glasses. I sat back down and took a small bite of the dry baked chicken on my plate.
“Sis, I know you are so proud of Donnie, and this promotion means big bucks. Cha-ching.”
I looked over at my older sister, Lola, making that comment and just plastered on a fake smile. She was always worried about the size of a man’s wallet. Lola didn’t put much stock in the size of his heart or brain.
My husband, Adonis, was already bringing home a hefty salary. I only invited her so that I could have someone normal to talk to. Adonis was a corporate attorney who also took on white collar crime cases, and tonight was a celebration of him making partner.
“Congratulations, honey. You were great up there,” I said, embracing him and planting a soft kiss on his cheek. His facial expression was warm, but his body tone said something else.
“Lola, you look marvelous tonight. Flying solo?” he asked my sister. I took another sip of wine and tried to bite my tongue. This was one of those moments I had to remember where I was. He always addressed me last if my sister was present. The others at the table spoke to him, and we sat down. I gulped the last of my drink down and flagged down a waiter.
“Ease up, dear. Don’t want to get tipsy and make a fool of me in front of my colleagues.”
I whipped my head to stare at my husband. I was preparing to curse him out something awful but was stopped by a voice from behind me.
“I say get fucked up, Lo, and let loose. Shit, these stuffed shirt conservative people need some type of fun up in here. D, congrats, my man, on all this promotion and fanfare shit. My bad I’m late, business calls, you know how that goes. Oh, what’s up everyone else. Don’t bother with introductions because we may never see each other again,” Sebastian said walking around the table and taking the empty seat next to Lola.
The other people at the table were slack-jawed and silent. I stifled my laughter by coughing a bit. Sebastian could make an entrance, that was for damn sure. Adonis had that fake smile plastered on his face looking stuck like Chuck.
“Boo, you made it finally,” Lola said sounding like a giddy schoolgirl. She had her hands all over him.
“Lois, you look good tonight,” Sebastian said staring me in the eyes and causing my clit to jump instantly.
“Thank you.”
“Thank you for showing up, Sebastian, even though you missed my speech. Business, huh? I didn’t know you were into that type of work now,” Adonis said with a smirk on his face. I exchanged looks with my sister. She asked Adonis to introduce her to some colleagues to prevent the two from getting into a heated debate. This was a normal routine with the four of us. Adonis and Sebastian did not get along. More like Adonis insulted him at every turn he could.
Adonis came from money, and he smelled like it from a mile away. Sebastian owned a bar/restaurant business and was a street pharmacist, as I like to say. Lola proclaims he was a big-time drug dealer but retired some years ago. He was defiantly rough around the edges but educated, nonetheless. Sebastian did not have an Ivy League education, but he was highly intelligent and read people very well.
Strange how my sister could calm down Donnie with some ghetto humor. Bash preferred to sit and talk to me when these instances happened. Someone joked one time that we married the wrong men and should swap. The joke was hilarious last year when it was made, and everyone got a kick out of it. Now it was starting to become a weirdly twisted reality.
“I only play nice because you want me to baby. Your husband is asking for an ass whooping,” Bash said drinking some champagne and pulling out his cell phone to return a message. I wasn’t going to argue with him, given he was right. I just smiled and looked out onto the dance floor where people were dancing and having sparkling conversations. These parties were the highlight of my marriage in the beginning. I loved getting dressed up and being on my hubby’s arm supporting him.
The energy in the room was lit, and everyone contributed to it but me. I was dressed in a simple, yet elegant black gown that had a long split up to my thigh. The dress was backless, and my breasts were held up perfectly by the plastic cutlets underneath it. My chestnut hair was pulled into a bun on top of my head, with a bang pulled out and stray pieces hanging in the back.
Adonis had not even taken a second look at me since we left the house to come here. My sisters’ husband, who had fucked me like crazy earlier in the day complimented me on sight. The feelings I had for Bash were real, not some six-year marital itch. He was more than ready to come out and be open about us, but how could I hurt my sister like that? My marriage to Adonis was all I had known for the past six years.
Chapter 2 — How It All Began | Charmed By A Steel City Hustler
Six Months Ago.
“Adonis, I am sick of this shit! Every other weekend it is the same thing a case this, client that. You care more about that company than me,” I yelled through my phone. Adonis had been tapped a year ago to be in the running for partner since a senior member had passed away. I was excited for my husband given this was a great opportunity for him, well us. I had been a legal assistant at his firm for two years now, working with the lower associates.
For the past six months, he lived and breathed at that firm, barely coming home or spending any time with me. I had also heard water cooler rumors that he was sleeping with one of his clients. I never let the gossip bother me until his ass stopped coming home on the weekends.
“Lois, what the hell do you want me to do? This is big for me; I worked my whole life to get here. I’m not going to take a break because my wife wants to act like a child.”
“A child you are unbelievable. When was the last time we did anything together? Hell, when was the last time we made love? I’m talking about longer than a morning quickie in the shower that you could barely get excited for.”
“Oh, so now you wanna say I don’t satisfy you? Well just pull out all that raunchy shit you keep in the bottom nightstand drawer to satisfy your horny nympho ass!”
Adonis slammed the phone down in my ear. I wanted to cry, but I refused to give him the satisfaction. This sitting at home waiting on a man routine was not me, and I was over it. I showered and threw on a purple peplum dress with the six-inch stiletto heels to match. My hair was fresh in the Senegalese twists my little cousin put in. I pulled the top portion into a ball on my head and let the back hang free.
I walked out to my car with no destination in sight and hopped in peeling out on to the roadway. The drive was serene as there were few cars out, and the weather was decent. I saw the sign for Bash’s Bar and decided to pull over. Sebastian, the owner, was my sister Lola’s husband of the last two years, she met him at this bar, I think.
I always figured he was into illegal business given his style and constant slang speech. Bash was 6’2 caramel, muscles, and all kinds of artwork adorned his body. Lola had picked a winner, and a part of me envied that. He doted on her and gave her the world.
Lola took it all and flaunted that shit for those she considered haters. The bar had a nice vibe to it, live DJ and the crowd seemed to be a mix of all incomes. I took a seat on a high stool and ordered a double shot of Hennessey on the rocks.
“That’s a strong ass drink for such a small woman.”
I heard Bash say from the other end of the bar. He walked over and told the bartender that he would serve me. I rolled my eyes because the last thing I wanted was another man telling me what to do or how to feel.
“I am a paying customer and not in the mood for any crap. So, serve me what I requested, or I can go elsewhere,” I said in a harsh but firm tone. Bash started busting out laughing, I must have missed the joke.
“Wow, sweetheart is that your upset tone? You need to loosen up, there is no need to be making threats. You are family and I would never send you away. Seems like you are going through it, so the bottle is on me tonight. Under one condition you hand over those keys. I will take you home tonight.”
His smile was so beautiful, I handed them over in exchange for the first of many shots. Four hours later my head was floating from the brown cognac coursing through my veins. I had spilled my guts to Bash about my fight with Adonis.
How he was a neglectful workaholic. A prick that cared only about his image and landing big cases. Bash listened and laughed when my ‘posh tone’ as he called it kicked in. He said I was too well spoken and needed to let my inner black person out. Who says stuff like that to people? What the hell is an inner black person?
The clock read 1:30 a.m. Last call, and the waiters started herding all the patrons out. Bash had logged out the register and notified the bartender to finish up. I stood up and felt like I was flying and ended up tumbling backward into Bash’s awaiting arms. He smiled and picked me up bridal style and took me through the back door and up a pair of steps.
I was so dizzy from all the alcohol and bouncing up the steps I felt my stomach turning. He opened the door to what looked like a studio apartment. The urge to purge came flooding up my throat, and I quickly hopped out of his arms.
“Down the hall to the left. Yo don’t throw up all over my floor woman.”
He yelled from behind me laughing, I couldn’t even give a response. I emptied my stomach contents into the toilet bowl, then dry heaved for a few seconds. The last time I was this drunk was at a college party with my roommate. Standing up I looked through the medicine cabinet and found a new toothbrush to clean my mouth out.
The simple act of brushing my teeth was a challenge. This would be the last time I got shit-faced like this again. The room across from me had a bed that was calling my name I took three steps into it and let my body fall into the thick comforter. The warmth was so welcoming that sleep was going to take me in no time.
“I’m charging your ass a fee for being in my shit tonight. Starting rate is 59.95 gorgeous.”
I heard from behind me in a deep sexy voice. I rolled over to see Bash standing over me. He was in a white tank and pair of sweatpants that let all his glory be seen. He caught me staring and chuckled to himself. How embarrassing was that; the liquor had gotten the best of me.
“Aye, you are looking pretty hard there Lo. Let me find out you got a hard-on for thug fools.”
My face must have turned fifty shades of red, because he burst into a fit of laughter. To the point, tears were coming from his eyes. I was so ashamed regardless of my altered state of mind right now. Here I was drunk, emotional, and lusting after my sisters’ husband. He said it was okay and came to sit next to my body.
That was entirely too close for my liking. I sat up to face him. My head started spinning again, and I leaned down into my palms. A few tears left my eyes as I relived the events of today. Here I was imposing on this man when I should be at home cutting up Adonis’ favorite suit for payback on his selfish ass.
“Thank you for being a gentleman, Sebastian. I really needed this night to let my hair down.”
I didn’t finish my sentence as he pressed his lips to mine. Confusion fell over me as he pulled me closer, grabbing my right breast, and caressed it softly. I opened my mouth allowing his tongue to invade and explore with mine. He aggressively pushed me down and slipped in between my thighs.
“We can’t! I love my husband, and you love Lola.”
I managed to say and push him up from my face. He smiled down at me and spoke in a low, breathy voice.
“You need to feel affection tonight, and I got some pent-up frustration. Let’s just be what each other needs in the moment for now. We can worry about the rest in the morning.”
With that our torrid affair was born. Bash fucked me all night in every position imaginable, and he was not slow with it like Adonis. He was a pure animal with his lovemaking. He pounded my body roughly while kissing every inch of it. He licked from my toes all the way up to my forehead.
All the inner areas were thoroughly lashed by his wicked tongue game that had me crying out for mercy. I never had a man eat my pussy while suspended in mid-air. I found out that I was very flexible that night. Bash talked so dirty that I was feeling like a porno star. He had me speaking another language, and cumming at his will. I woke up the next day with not an ounce of guilt, but a new lease on life.
“Lois, do you hear me talking to you honey? Where are the multigrain cheerios at?”
Adonis was saying from the other side of the kitchen. I had zoned out on his voice when he started to complain about how last night could have gone better. He was never satisfied with anything that did not fully focus on him. Last night two people from the firm were celebrated, and he hated sharing the spotlight.
“Adonis, I made a grand buffet for breakfast, got up early to do it, and you want cold cereal?”
“Oh, please you are always up before Jesus and the Mexicans, pretending to exercise. You should go to the gym those home videos are not working at all. I am still stuffed from that gourmet food last night. A quick bowl of oats and coffee is just fine.”
I yelled at him slamming the plate of food into the sink along with everything else. I had slaved over the hot ass stove to make. That food last night was flavorless, and the portion size was fit for a toddler.
Adonis yelled for me to come back and act like an adult, talk to him. I continued up the steps to grab my briefcase and purse for work. The sound of his hard bottom shoes could be heard behind me, and then his voice boomed through our bedroom.
“What the fuck has gotten into you lately Lois? Are you going through one of those midlife crisis things? You have been emotional and irrational. You barely interacted with anyone last night outside of Sebastian.”
“You son of a…I am only 27, but since we're taking pot shots at one another. Are you going through one? Because your penis has the lifespan of a 70-year-old man! And those shoes are brand-the-fuck old from last season.”
I finished collecting my work items and walked out the room. This routine was getting old, and I was tired of it. My marriage was turning into a sitcom. Where the audience would laugh at the scene we just acted out. By the final five Adonis and I would make up and be happy go lucky again. This was not television, and wiggly my nose like Samantha from Bewitched would not make everything better.