

Chapters: 16
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Leigh James


MIDNIGHT ROYALS BOOK TWO The second rule of vampires is: be careful what you wish for! AUDRINA The Vampire King has made it clear what he wants—me. But how can I convince him that I'm not Mate material? The Underworld is dangerous and mysterious. I need to get back to the human realm in order to protect my sister. But I'm drawn to handsome, mysterious King Dalca like a moth to a beautiful but deadly flame. I'm getting close, close enough to get burned... GABRIEL My virgin rejected my proposal. She says we're from two different worlds and that she doesn't belong in mine. And yet, she's chosen to stay by my side for the remainder of her contract. Audrina says one thing but does another. She’s awakened the beast. If that’s what she wants, she’s going to get it…

Vampire Romance Contract Marriage BxG Family Drama Good Girl

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Audrina | Chosen

“What the FUCK?” I screamed. “Gabriel—help me! She’s a vampire! She’s a fucking VAMPIRE!”

Those were my last words before Leonora launched herself at me, fangs bared.

She landed before me in a crouch, eyes blazing. “You didn’t know what we were?” 

My entire body violently trembled. She was so close to me. Those fangs… “W-We?”

“Insipid human!” Leonora threw her head back and laughed. Her white-blond hair tumbled over the shoulders of her red gown, her fangs sparkled in the light. She was gorgeous, but positively feral. “What have I been jealous of? The king tells you nothing, not even what he is.” 

I swallowed hard. “I knew what he was—”

“Liar!” She hissed again and I almost peed myself. “You cannot hide from me. I can smell your deception, human.”

“Y-You should let me go.” I had to reason with her. “He won’t hurt you if you let me go.”

“Ha! My king will thank me for coming back to him, for returning to his bed—which has been too cold without his Leonora.” Her blue eyes flashed, challenging me.

“You’re broken up. You’re m-married to someone else now.” I took a tiny step backward. “Isn’t your husband looking for you?” 

She bared her fangs. “I don’t care if he is. I’m reuniting with the king. It’s time I took my rightful place as his queen.”

I needed to keep her talking—without enraging her. Every passing second was a chance for Gabriel to rescue me. “I thought you left him. He was alone for a long time after, wasn’t he?”

“Yes, I was young and stupid when I chose Ivan. But my king mourned me because no one could take my place. He’s been alone forever.” A frown clouded her beautiful face. “Until now.” 

She crouched lower, all the better to launch herself at me. 

Fuck. “He’s not serious about me,” I babbled. “This is only our first date. And like you said, he didn’t even tell me he was a v-vampire.”

“That’s because he was trying to trick you into his bed to be his eternal-love slave, while earning points from his subjects for his conquest.” Still crouched, she rolled her eyes. “You are nothing but a pawn.”

“Is that—is that true?”

Leonora hissed. “It is the truth that Gabriel cares more about his kingdom than anything, even his neglected bed. But you’ve bored me enough—you’re out of time. How dare you try to take my king. Stupid virgin. It’s so annoying how the men turn into puddles around you!” 

She tossed her hair again, a sly smile spreading over her face. “But I shall cheat them all; Leonora shall be the one to drain the virgin.” 

She moved so fast she was a blur. Before I could comprehend what had happened, she was standing right in front of me. She wrenched my head to the side, baring my neck. 

“Ow! Please, don’t hurt me!” All I could think of was my sister. If I died, she would have no one.

Leonora inhaled deeply. “It won’t hurt…much.” 

Icy fear needled my spine as I felt her cool breath against my skin. She dragged her fangs along my neck, stopping to inhale again. “Mmm, delicious. I suppose I can understand what he sees in you. Pardon, what he saw in you. For it shall be no more.” 

She reared her head back, fangs bared and glittering.

Oh my god! I said a silent prayer that my sister would be okay.


Gabriel and two of his brothers burst into the room. Leonora cursed and tried to bite me, but Gabriel threw himself at her. As he leapt through the air, he snarled. 

Then his fangs sprang out. 

He landed on top of Leonora, knocking all three of us to the ground. I scooted away, my back against the wall.

“I WILL DRIVE A STAKE THROUGH YOUR HEART!” Gabriel roared. He clamped his hands around Leonora’s neck and choked her. She fought him, trying to wrench free, her eyeballs bugging out in her head. But she was no match for the king. He sat on top of her, pinning her to the ground, showing no mercy.

“Someone hand me a stake!” he bellowed.

“Gabriel, no!” Iulian was right behind him. “You can’t kill her the week before my wedding—she’s Bianca’s cousin, for Christ’s sake!”

Stefan reached my side and carefully wrapped his arms around me, dragging me away. “Are you okay?”

“Y-Yes.” But tears sprang to my eyes. “I think she was about to bite me. With her fangs. Because she’s a v-vampire.”

“Yes, yes, but you’re all right now.” Stefan patted my hair.

“Stefan, get your freaking hands off of her!” Gabriel roared, his hands still clamped around Leonora’s throat.

Stefan calmly raised his hands. “Brother, please. I am not attempting to hit on Ms. Hawthorne at the moment. But if you keep acting like an ass, I might change my mind—”

“Enough!” Gabriel turned back to Leonora, who had turned purplish. “I will have your heart on a stake, Leonora. You are a traitor. How dare you touch my Audrina. When I think what could have happened…” He squeezed her throat tighter, and her eyes bulged. 

“Brother, let her go,” Iulian said firmly. “We will send her to supernatural prison. After the wedding, you may make a voodoo doll out of her for all I care. But we cannot have such a controversy right before my nuptials. The blame is clear—Leonora is the villain. But we must follow the rules of retribution. Your rules.”

The muscle in Gabriel’s jaw bulged as he slowly released his grip. Leonora splutters and choked as she curled into the fetal position. 

He leaned over her. “You are not fit to lick her boots. I shall see you humiliated in front of the entire court.”

“You…” She clutched her neck and wheezed. “I want you back…”

“You always were a fucking idiot.” He rose and turned to me. “My Audrina… Are you all right?”

I opened my mouth and then closed it.

And then I promptly burst into tears.

* * *

I woke up some time later in the white bedroom next to Gabriel’s. It was quiet, dark. But of course it was dark—we were underground, in the Dalcas’ lair.

Their vampire lair. 

I sat up and wiped my face, then turned the light on. The chandelier came to life above me, sprinkling cheerful brightness into the room. But it was only for show, just like everything else.

He was a vampire. Gabriel was a vampire.

They’d taken Leonora away in shackles. And then Gabriel had carried me to my bedroom, positioning me carefully on the big, white bed.

“Audrina, I am so sorry. I didn’t want you to find out this way.”

I’d stopped crying long enough to tell him to get out, and then, completely overwhelmed, I’d cried myself to sleep. 

I put my face in my hands. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t get the image of Leonora out of my mind. Her long, white hair, her eyes filled with hate, her glittering fangs. Her words rang inside my head. You didn’t know what we were?

Gabriel had told me he was the King of the Underworld. But I’d never guessed he was a vampire. No, Audrina, you thought he might be Batman…

When we’d first arrived in Charleston, he’d given me another chance to leave. But I hadn’t taken it—I’d taken a ride down the elevator instead. Because I was curious. Because I was excited, and let’s face it, because he was so hot. 

Not for the first time, I felt like a fucking idiot.

I’d worn the gown he’d chosen for me. I’d asked his permission to kiss him in the elevator. I’d been giddy with desire. Having him touch me, feeling his attraction… Our bodies mingled together in the dark corner, his big palm against my sex, and then his mouth, oh my God… It had been the most exhilarating night of my life.

The worst part? It wasn’t just because of the sexiness. It wasn’t just because of the gorgeous gown, or the excitement of attending my first party. It was because of him.

This morning, head in my hands, body still vibrating with fear and disbelief, all I could think of was him. 

What was the other thing that the terrible Leonora had said? He was trying to trick you into his bed to be his eternal-love slave. You are nothing but a pawn. 

He’d meant something to me, but it had been a mirage—a trick.

And now I had to find a way to get out of the vampire king’s lair.

Gabriel | Chosen

I paced outside of Audrina’s room, cursing myself.

I’d royally fucked this up.

I could smell her scent, fear co-mingled with sadness. I could also sense her anger. She was livid with me for keeping my true nature hidden. I’d planned to tell her I was a vampire—of course I had. But it was too much all at once. I didn’t want to scare her away.

I knocked on her door. “Audrina?”


“Chef has prepared breakfast for you.”

“Leave me alone.” Her voice was hoarse.

I went back to pacing.

I reviewed the events from the night before. Audrina had granted me permission to touch her at the party; she’d initiated physical contact with me in the elevator. After that, we hadn’t been able to keep our hands off each other.

At some point during the evening, I’d crossed a line with myself. I’d decided that I would take her. I would claim her and make her mine. But although I’d answered Audrina’s questions about what the term “claim” meant, I hadn’t gotten into the mechanics of it. She didn’t yet understand that it meant…forever.

Claiming a human virgin was a serious thing. It differed vastly from merely biting or having sex with one. A vampire could do either, or both, without claiming the virgin. For example, I could have taken Audrina’s maidenhead at the party. I could have pinned her against the wall and plundered her. Sinking my fangs into her creamy flesh and drinking her blood was another option. Because the scent of a virgin was irresistible to us, most vampires in my position would have done both. 

But I had abstained.

Because without claiming her as mine, Audrina would have no obligation to me, and also, no protection. I would merely have deflowered her, making her fair game for any other vampire to seduce or attack. She would never be a double-virgin again. Had I taken her maidenhead or pierced her neck—or both—without offering to make her mine, I would have sealed her fate. I could never claim her after that.

A legitimate claim involved several steps. First, the vampire stated his or her intention to claim the virgin. Then the virgin needed to give informed consent—which meant that the virgin must know what the vampire was, and the exact terms of the claim.

Once there was a proposal and informed consent, consummation was required to seal the arrangement. The vampire achieved this by having sex with the virgin while drinking from him or her. 

I had never personally experienced consummating a claim. But legend had it that the act was explosive, addictive, and the greatest pleasure any vampire, or human, could ever know. 

Once consummated, the virgin was supernaturally protected from all other vampires. No one could attack them. No one could drink their blood or have sex with them; they belonged to their vampire master exclusively and were safeguarded by the connection.

Still, claiming a virgin often led to primal, territorial behavior on the part of the vampire. The sex was addictive, as was drinking their pure blood. Even after the claim was consummated, and the virgin was protected, many vampires hoarded their mates. They obsessed over them—having sex with them, drinking from them, worrying if anyone else was thinking about having sex with them or drinking from them… 

The vampire and his claim were monogamous, unless again there was express consent on both sides. The vampire drank only from the virgin. The vampire only had sex with the virgin. This was why many vampires abstained from such claims; it was a massive commitment. Most of my kind enjoyed plundering the field too much.

Claiming a virgin was also a permanent arrangement. It could only end one of three ways: in marriage, in death, or in the virgin’s release by the vampire.

In all my time, I’d never heard of a vampire who’d released their virgin. The bond was too strong. Most chose to eventually marry and to make their virgins immortal. Sometimes the vampire’s existence ended; the virgin was then set free. Or the virgin’s human life ended for reasons outside of the vampire’s control, and thus, the claim was dissolved by nature itself. 

But no one released a virgin. 

I, for one, believed that the ability to release your virgin from the contract was yet another of our many tricks. Vampire rules required we explain the rules of claiming to our prospective mates before they could accept. Telling the human—who was often weak with lust at the time the proposal was made—that they might one day be released from the arrangement made the terms more attractive. Little did the humans know no vampire had ever, over the centuries, exercised that option.

The ability to release the virgin was smoke and mirrors. It was a contract term in name only—one designed to get us exactly what we wanted. 

I stood outside of Audrina’s door, hands clenched. 

I’d been willing to claim Audrina, to make her my mate. My desire to do so had not abated. Which meant that I was prepared to take her away from the only life she’d ever known—the sunlight, Hawthorne Hall, her beloved sister. I had hoped that last night, in the throes of passion, in the depths of her desire, she would agree to the arrangement.

But the morning brought a fresh set of circumstances. 

I knocked on her door again.

This time, she didn’t bother to answer.

* * *

“Bianca’s family is in an uproar.” Even though it was ten in the morning, Iulian poured himself a whiskey. “Leonora’s mother is in hysterics—she’s demanding to see her.”

I glowered at my brother. “That is hardly my concern.”

Iulian grimaced. “I know that, and you know that, but it does nothing to quell the drama! Even Madam Ives is upset. She feels responsible—”

“She should—”

“But it is not her fault that Leonora was driven insane with jealousy.” He downed the whiskey and poured himself another. “Your choice of companion was enough to drive us all to the brink. Bianca and I could not believe the number of couples mating at the party, it was more action than any brothel.”

I coughed. “No one was complaining last night.”

“Of course not, brother. Everyone enjoyed themselves—it was the party of the century. My point is people were caught up in the moment. Your connection with the virgin, and her obvious, nubile excitement, were infectious. Your talk of claiming her had everyone electrified. Such passion ignites others. We could not expect Leonora to remain immune.”

“She was going to drain Audrina,” I thundered, “and you are looking for my sympathy? The only thing anyone should expect from me this morning is a sharpened stake with Leonora’s name on it.”

“Do not misunderstand me,” Iulian said quietly. “You did nothing wrong. But you must see that she was so wild with jealousy and regret, she could not control herself. That does not make her innocent, but it makes her slightly less culpable.”

“No, it doesn’t—”

“Brother, think it through. Leonora did not attend the party intending to attack your date. She wanted to be included for the same reason as all our other guests: it’s a royal celebration. It’s an event, one to see and be seen at.” 

He paused for a moment. “No one expected you to bring a virgin, let alone to state your intention to claim her. It was extraordinary, as was your clear passion and happiness. Leonora saw you had moved on, and that your new choice of mate was a triumph by any standard. She was swept away by her emotions, her basic instinct. No one in their right mind would attack the king’s virgin. That being said, we should afford her the same rights we’d grant to any other prisoner.”

I shook my head. “I am the king. It is weak for me to be merciful to someone who comes after what is mine.”

Iulian watched me carefully. “It is not weak to be merciful, brother. I am begging you—do not stake Leonora. Give her the normal prison term. Let her mother visit her if that’s what she wishes. You lose nothing. Audrina is safe. She is yours. No one will ever touch the king’s mate again.”

I frowned.


“Fine,” I bit out, “I will grant Leonora the standard punishment. Have Cristian handle the arrangements, I know you have much to do.”

Iulian bowed. “Thank you. You are a worthy king, one who inspires all of our devotion.”

When he rose, his eyes were sparkling. “Speaking of devotion—you must tell me. How was the claiming? I’ve heard so many tales. Was it as exquisite as they say?”

I coughed. “I don’t… I don’t know.”

Iulian looked puzzled. “I’m sorry?”

“I said, I don’t know. I did not claim Audrina.”

“You decided it was not worth it?” His brow furrowed. 

“No.” I shook my head. “It was not my decision.”

His eyes widened. “She did not accept the proposal? I am shocked—she was ripe for you last night, ready. Bianca believed there was more to it, too. She could sense her thoughts; the girl has feelings for you.”

I winced. “I did not… I did not offer her a proposal.”

“Ah. You just took her?”

I coughed again. “No.”

Iulian frowned. “I don’t understand.”

I took a deep breath. “She remains a double-virgin.” 

My brother looked gob-smacked. “How…?”

“She locked me out of the room.”

Iulian almost choked on his whiskey. “What?”

I glowered at him. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” 

He took one look at my face and immediately composed himself. “Absolutely. I will leave you to attend to your business.” 

“Thank you.” 

Iulian hesitated. “We leave for Vegas in a few hours. Are you… Are you still coming?” A hopeful note crept into his voice. The party would not have the same status if the king did not attend.

No matter what else happened, I would not let my brother down. “Of course, Iulian. But I cannot speak for Audrina. In order to keep this private, can I ask for your discretion in this matter? Please do not speak of the situation, not even to your Bianca. I will settle the matter and deal with it before the plane departs.”

“You have my vow. I will not say a word.” He swept into another bow and then took his leave.

I sighed as the door closed behind him. I was alone again—except for Audrina.

And I had no idea what to do with her.