Dangerously His
She thinks of herself as a good girl, an angel. But this sweet little angel can't keep her eyes off the devil...
Dangerously His Free Chapters
Chapter 1 | Dangerously His
Today is a normal day—well, if you ignore the fact that today is my first day in the new high school and I'm almost shitting my pants because of the stress I'm under. I know that juniors are supposed to be pretty cool and relaxed, but that just isn't how I am. To make matters worse, I don't know anybody at school because our family moved here only a week ago. During that week, I stayed in the house and watched Netflix, instead of going out and interacting with my new neighbors.
I stretch my arms and legs, slowly coming to the realization that the summer is over. Grumpily, I push myself out of the bed and start dragging myself to the bathroom across the hall.
My reflection almost scares me. Holy crap, I look horrible. Damn it, it will take me forever to look decent. I grab a brush and work my way through the dark nest on my head until it looks decently straight. Then, I wash my face and apply mascara to make my blue eyes pop, and go get dressed. By the time I'm done, I'm late. Quickly, I grab my lunch from the counter, put it in my bag and start running to school.
Oh God, I hope I don't get lost. I know the general idea of where it is—because my dad showed me the way on some map he found on Google—but with my sense of orientation, I could easily end up at some deserted beach where I would get killed by some psycho, even if this is Montana.
Thankfully, after a good five minutes of running, an old building, which I recognize as my school, starts to show up in front of me. I pick up my pace and soon make it to the parking lot. When I see that there are no people outside, I start panicking and quickly walk into the school, looking for the principal's office, where an elderly woman greets me with a big smile on her face. “Hello dear. How may I help you?”
"Hi, my name is Sophia Watson and..."
"Oh, you're the new girl! Of course, come in!” she invites me in, making me smile with relief at her cheerful personality. “Here, this is the map, and this is the paper on which you have to circle the courses you wish to take this semester.” She tells me and I quickly check the options, deciding that I definitely prefer Biology to Physics.
A few minutes later, I'm back in the school hallway with my nose deep in the map, trying to find my math class. I groan to myself when I see that it's on the other side of the school, and start to put the map back in my bag.
And then I hit something hard.
"What the fuck?" A deep male voice whispers from above me, and I look up to see a pair of green eyes staring angrily down at me.
"I'm sor..."
"Don't fucking apologize, just watch where you're going." He interrupts me.
I furrow my brows. Who the hell does he think he is? I might be new here, but I sure won't let people talk to me in that way. I give him a fake smile. "Well, I was doing something and didn't see you. Maybe you should watch where you're going as well, considering you crashed into me just the same. I hope your ego isn't so big it's blocking your vision. Maybe you should go see an optician in that case. Or a psychologist."
“What the fuck are you talking about? Who the hell are you?” he takes a step closer, narrowing his eyes.
“I'm someone who won't let you talk to her like that, dick. Maybe if you met more people with a spine, you might actually have turned out okay. Shame, really.” I push him further and his nostrils flare at my words.
“Watch your words, little bitch. You're obviously new here, but let me be kind enough to give you a tip.” He says lowly, slowly cornering me into a wall. “You really, really don't want to get on my bad side.”
I lift my brow. “Or what?”
He smirks the kind of smile that sends shivers down my spine. “Keep up this little attitude of yours, and you'll find out.” His jaw clenches and his green eyes slowly seem to turn a darker shade of green, almost so you could mistake them for black, and suddenly, I'm not as brave anymore. Who knows what an asshole like him could do to protect his pride?
Luckily for me, I didn't have to find out, because in that moment, the bell rings.
Oh, sweet mother of Jesus, thank you.
He slowly backs away from me, rage burning in his eyes, but he knows that people will be swarming the halls any moment now.
This is the first time I actually check him out. He is tall. That is my first observation. And he really is tall; probably a foot taller than me. On his head there is an unruly mop of brown locks and a piercing in his brow. His arms and neck are completely covered in tattoos and he looks dangerous, dangerous but hot as hell. I look into his eyes and see that they are still looking at me, observing me, judging me.
"This isn't over yet." He says, and a second later the pupils fill the hallways and take him with them.
Chapter 2 | Dangerously His
"Hey, are you okay?" A kind voice brings me back to reality. I tear my eyes away from where the mysterious man left and look at the person speaking to me. He has short brown hair and is quite tall, but still shorter than the guy I just fought with. His brown eyes look a bit worried but they seem nice.
"Yes, I just dozed off a bit." I reply.
He smiles at me and nods. "I know the feeling yeah, it happens to me a lot."
I smile back at him and outstretch my hand. "I'm Sophia, I'm new here."
He takes my hand and shakes it a little. "Right, I've never seen you here before so I guess that makes sense. I'm Liam."
I quickly grab on the opportunity of making a new friend. "Hey, do you happen to know where English is? I already missed Math and I don't want to be late."
"Yeah, sure. I have English now, too so you can just come with me." he says and I grin at him. "Okay."
English turns out to be great, I sit next to Liam and throughout class we make jokes about the teacher. Beyond happy that I found someone to hang out with already on the first day, I walk with him to the cafeteria after the class to have lunch together. “So how do you usually spend lunch here?” I ask him casually when I see his cheek grow slightly pink. “Um, I just eat. Nothing special.” he answers. “Yeah, but with who?”
He shrugs. “Alone, usually.” I frown. “What? Why?” It seems odd to me that he doesn't have any friends. Hopefully, he's not a creep or a weirdo and that's why everyone's avoiding him.
It seems unlikely, though. His personality is just too warm for him to be unaccepted in society.
For a moment, his eyes glance in the direction of my only other acquaintance in this school.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me!" I whisper to myself and Liam gives me a weird look. Of course he's pointing in the dick's direction.
"Do you know him?" Liam asks me and I roll my eyes.
"I met him in the hallway today. Well, actually crashed into him and he got all pissed off and stuff. He's a complete ass." I tell him, huffing. Liam smiles at me, but when I look at him across the diner, he's intensely staring at me, almost as if he heard me.
I roll my eyes again, just to see if that would get a reaction from him and I almost miss it, but he clenches his yaw so hard I think his teeth might fall out. They don't, though and I pout to myself. It would be nice to see how his ego would have shrunk if he lost all his teeth.
"Well, that guy right there is the reason for my social status." Liam brings me back again. "We got off on the wrong foot in the Freshman year and he bullied all my friends until nobody wanted to hang out with me again." he tells me and my disgust for the guy grows even more.
"That's horrible." I say and look at Liam. "Well, don't worry about it, okay? I'm gonna keep hanging out with you no matter what the douche-bag thinks or does." I smile at him and he smiles back.
The lunch break was over though and we had to return to classes, in my case Biology. As I walk towards the classroom I don’t think much about how this class is going to go, but as soon as I step into it, it turns into my worst nightmare.
There are 19 people in it; and 10 tables for 2. Only one person doesn't have a partner and in that moment, I would rather sit down next to the Devil himself, than next to him. But then again, I should have known they're basically the same person anyway. As soon as he sees me he groans and looks out the window. Unsure of what to do, I stand in the middle of the classroom for a couple of second before the teacher notices me.
"Hello, miss...?" he says and I look at him.
"Watson." I reply.
"Well, miss Watson, please take a sit next to mister Jarvis there. We are about to begin." So his surname was Jarvis. Cute.
I nod and head to the desk, but even before I make it there, the Devil speaks up. "There's absolutely no fucking way I'm sitting next to this bitch."
I gasp and expect the class to do the same, but nobody seems shocked at all; even more, half of them seem like they're about to fall asleep any second now. Professor, however, looks up at the asshole.
"What did you say, young man?" he asks.
"I said" he begins again, “that there's no fucking way that I'll sit, much less work with miss Watson, because she is a fucking bitch." he repeats, saying miss Watson mockingly, but with his entire body giving off a bored vibe. The teacher looks slightly mad, but I'm not, not really. I must admit that I am slightly hurt, though.
"What do you have to say to that, miss?" the teacher asks me.
I purse my lips and reply, “In that case, I'd also rather not work with the egoistic dick sitting behind this desk." I must be honest when speaking to the teacher, right?
This time the poor old mad has had enough.
"Both of you! To the principal's office immediately!" he yells, pointing his finger to the door.
I scoff and leave the classroom, quickly walking to the principal's office in rage, when someone suddenly yanks me back by my arm. "Ow! That hurt!"
"You fucking bitch!" the Devil yells at me. "Look what you did! If I get another warning I can get expelled! If you even know what that means, you stupid-" he yells at me but I interrupt him, slapping him hard across his face.
His head turns to the left, a look of pain on his face. "Who the fuck do you think you are to yell at me? It was your fault as well! If you didn't call me names we wouldn't be here in this mess, so don't even try to put the blame on me! Again!" I scream in his face. I have had enough with him acting like he is a God or something. He slowly turns to look at me, his eyes the complete opposite of that they looked like this morning. The expression on his face chills me to the bone, making me gulp.
He stares at me for a few seconds, then roughly pushes me against the wall and comes so close to me, I honestly think he might kiss me. Instead, he brings his mouth to my ear, lightly brushing against the skin on my cheek, and whispers, “Don’t ever hit me again sweetheart, or I will fucking destroy you." He removes his mouth from my ear, so that he can look at me. I didn't realize it before, but he's holding my hands up against the wall, so that I can barely move. He makes eye contact with me and keeps on pressing me like that to the wall, his hands cold like his soul and it at that second in time it seems to me like I'll never need to breathe again.