Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies

Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies

Chapters: 106
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Faith Summers and Khardine Gray


I’ve heard things about The Dark Odyssey... Sinful things… It’s the hottest taboo club in town. The wild masquerade lingerie parties they hold every night are the perfect playground for the daring and adventurous. Everything changes when the masks go on. And, so do I… I’m the shy wallflower who decided to go there for her birthday. That was how I met Joshua Tanner. Joshua Tanner as in my new boss. I just didn’t know that at the time… I never knew that the man who enticed me to live out my wildest fantasy was the same man who’d hold the future of my career in his hands. The shocker came the next day at work. Along with a daring, risqué offer from my new boss I couldn’t refuse. He wants me to be his. His while he trains me. His to play with at the club. His to own and possess. It’s temptation I can’t resist. I just don’t know what will happen when the fantasy ends. What if I want more?

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Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies Free Chapters

Book 1 — Chapter 1 | Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies


Sexy, confident, daring…

That is what I will be tonight.

I’m going to be this sexy, confident woman and leave the me of the past behind.

Tonight, I will be wild and daring.

Not Miss Goody-Two-Shoes Giselle St. John, who spends her life buried in law books.

It’s my birthday, and this is the new me. I look like a million dollars and feel like a new woman doing something different and unknown.

Tonight is about me, and I’m living it, especially with the big day that awaits me tomorrow as I start my new job as a junior associate at Tanners.

What is the point of being en route to a successful legal career if you have no life?

Or, if you’re me, watching your ex-boyfriend inform the world how badly I sucked the life out of him, and he is enjoying his newfound happiness with his host of Victoria’s Secret models because he kicked his boring-as-shit ex-girlfriend, aka me, to the curb.

That is how Kirk described me on national TV days ago for all to hear.


I wish someone could have told me years ago to stay away from him. It would have saved me years of stress and the heartache of a bad breakup because yes, he did indeed kick me to the curb.

I do wish, though, he could see me tonight.

I may be nervous as hell dressed in a violet baby doll negligee under a matching silk robe and heels to match, but I’d gladly inform his ass I’m anything but boring and I don’t drain the life out of people. I know how to have fun, and I can be wild.

That’s why I’m here tonight, at The Dark Odyssey, a sex club.

I’m here with Rachel and Jia, my two best friends, who often frequent the place. We’re third in the line to get our masks for the masquerade-themed lingerie parties they hold here every night. The two are dressed alike in blood red slips with sheer netted robes.

Rachel turns to me and giggles, tucking a lock of her dark hair behind her ear. Of the three of us, she’s the wildest. I’ve known her since I was five, and I swear my first lesson on sex was taught by her. Over the years, she’s kept up to date on everything, so this is the norm for her.

“Can you look a little less stiff?” she says to me and shakes her head.

Jia gives me a smile. “Yes, dear, it’s not you who’s supposed to be stiff. Save that for your guy.”

They both start laughing.

Rachel leans into me and gives me a pointed stare. “You always get this stiff look on your face when you’re thinking about Kirk. Tonight is about leaving all the shit outside.”

She points at the doors a couple has just walked through. You can tell they’re VIP because they walk on ahead past the line and carry on down the corridor, strolling along like they come here on the regular.

I return my attention to Rachel and nod. She’s right. I’m leaving the shit outside. All of it.

“Believe me, I am,” I say, looking from her to Jia. “There’s no shit on my mind. I’m just nervous… but it’s the excited kind.”

I groan inwardly when they exchange disbelieving glances, confirming my suspicion since Rachel came up with the idea to come here. Pure and simple, she didn’t expect me to say yes.

They’re both excited for me to join them in the wildness they usually get up to, but they’re expecting me to flake out, freak, then leave.

The shit with Kirk happened days ago, not only embarrassing me but crushing me because it felt like the last blow. When I declared I wanted to go wild for my birthday and bring in my twenty-sixth year doing something different, she didn’t expect me to agree to a wild adventure at The Dark Odyssey.

I did, though, much to their shock, which is how we ended up here.

“Well, just know there’s nothing to be nervous of,” says Jia, the girl who’s been coming here since she was eighteen even though you have to be twenty-one to get in. “It’s fantasy and adventure.”

“Yes, but if it gets too much… we’ll understand if you leave,” Rachel imparts with a crude accusatory look that’s telling me she’s thinking back to when I left her cousin’s bachelorette party because there were too many strippers.

I felt it was disrespectful to Kirk to have some guy up in my face with his cock hanging out wanting to show me a good time.

They thought I was being too good. Turns out they were right. That was the first time I thought Kirk cheated on me, although I had no real proof.

“I’m not leaving,” I tell them with a nod of my head and a lift in my shoulders that makes my long brown hair drift around my elbows.

“You sure?” Rachel quirks a brow.

“Yes,” I answer with more insistence, and again they look at each other.

“Okay, Giselle… it’ll be good if you stay. I think you’ll find it different, and you may surprise yourself.”

“I’ll be fine.” I smile because it’s all I can do.

To be honest, I’m just thinking this is the wildest thing I’ve ever done, and I have no other thoughts past that. Except the fact that I’m still wound up about all the negative things Kirk said about me. As if it wasn’t hard enough to move on from a three-year relationship and the fact that he’s the only man I’ve ever been with. After being broken up for the last six months, his words were like salt on a reopened wound that had been healing.

We get to the head of the line, and the receptionist greets us. She’s beautiful with bright auburn hair and large green eyes.

“Welcome to the Dark Odyssey, ladies,” she beams. “Are you here by yourselves looking for an adventure, or are you meeting someone?”

“We’re here for an adventure,” Rachel answers for the three of us, and the receptionist smiles.

“Fantastic, here are your masks and bags,” she says and hands us each a black mask and a little sheer bag that reminds me of the sort you’d get at a wedding with a party favor. It’s smaller, though, with a silver coin inside.

She sees me looking at mine and smiles wider.

“The coin is to give to the person you want to spend the night with or have an adventure with.”

“I would just give it to them?” I ask. I can’t imagine it. What would I do? Just walk up to a guy and hand him the coin?

I’m going for this wild thing, but this borders more on bravery.

She nods, and Rachel and Jia giggle.

“It cuts out the worry of shyness. People know what the coin means, so if you meet someone and you gel, then you take it from there.” She makes it sound so easy. Maybe it is.

“Thank you,” I answer.

“Have fun.” She laughs, and Rachel links her arm with mine, pulling me along.

“It will be great,” Rachel muses as we hand over our jackets at the coat check.

We keep our mini purses holding our phones, put our masks on, and the three of us walk down the marble floor corridor leading down to a huge set of doors.

The doors open automatically for us, and we head inside, stepping straight onto the dance floor, enveloped by the vibrant club mix, the multicolor strobe lights, and the people dancing.

Just like a normal club, there are bouncers at the door. Hunky-looking guards who look like they were pulled from the set of a film.

Fascination is the first thing to take me because everyone is wearing masquerade masks of all types and description, and the majority of women are dressed in lingerie. It looks more like an erotic carnival, and the way the place is artfully decorated alone is enough to suck you in.

The beauty becomes more apparent as we walk further into the clash of bodies having a great time.

The multiple levels with baroque balconies attached to it are stunning. A bar, heaving with people, is ahead of us on the dance floor. Exotic dancers, some topless, are stationed on podiums on either side of the bar, and they too are dressed in lingerie with masks.

What takes my breath away, however, is the gold ceiling that seems endless. It all really does have a Venetian, European, feel to it. Many years ago, my dad took me to Venice, and I loved it. This feels like standing in one of the theaters.

I was about to continue the comparison, but before I can even bring my eyes down, I see the first thing to truly shock me.

There are naked acrobats on aerial hoops having sex. Like, actual sex, and in the air.

I have to squint and crane my neck because I’m not sure if what I’m seeing is real.

But it is, and it’s not just one couple. The aerial hoop is connected to some rotating device attached to the ceiling, and as that couple floats away into the darkness, another comes into view in a different sexual position where the guy has the woman hooked around his waist. The man’s legs seem to be the only thing holding them up.

They float by, and my eyes move down only to freeze again at the scene before me.

It makes me stop mid track, and my lips part.

I don’t know how I didn’t see it before, but along the sidelines of the dance floor are cubicles and alcoves with padded leather sofas. Inside the cubicles are people having sex.

They seriously are… and just like that too, with everyone watching.

Of course, I knew I’d see people having sex. It’s a sex club. I just didn’t think it would be as… well, like this… not what I’m looking at.

Across from me is a woman with not just one but three guys. She’s straddling guy number one while he pounds into her pussy, while guy number two pounds into her ass. Guy number three feeds her his cock. While the scene reminds me of something from a very wild porno, I can’t look away.

I want to. I feel like I should, but I’m so intrigued and… aroused, that I can't.

I’ve heard things about The Dark Odyssey. I knew it was wild and unreal, but damn, this is sinfully wild.


I don’t know if simply describing the scene before me as sinful is enough.

A hand tugging on my elbow pulls me from my thoughts. It’s Rachel. She looks at the scene too and smiles.

She leans in and says, “It’s normal.”

The music is loud, but I heard her, and I’m shocked. But I guess I would be if I’d only ever been with one guy and was of the part of the population who thinks sex is reserved for the bedroom.

“Come on,” she says, pulling me away from the scene as the music changes to something more upbeat.

The crowd goes wild and again, and I’m immersed in the electric vibe of the place.

We start dancing, and I actually lose myself in the music. I’m so lost that I don’t feel the weight of eyes on me until the song nearly ends.

It may be crazy to think someone could watch me in a crowd like this, but the intensity of the gaze is so strong that I turn around and find myself looking up at a man on the first-floor balcony who’s definitely watching me.

Our eyes lock, and he makes a point of scanning my body. As he does, heat curls through me.

Although he’s wearing a black mask that covers half his face, I can see he’s gorgeous. His presence oozes wild sexual confidence, and the black button-down shirt he’s wearing does a good job of showing off his wide, powerful, muscular shoulders. I can just make out a pair of black slacks too. The balcony covers the rest of him.

He has longish hair with the sides tapered, and although he’s definitely a good thirty feet away from me, I can see the sharp structure of his exposed cheekbone and a light of interest in his eyes directed at me.

Aware that I’m staring, I turn away, back to Rachel, who’s noticed I was looking at him.

Again, she leans in. “Confident, sexy, and daring. Remember?” She giggles, reminding me of my mantra of affirmation, and twirls around.

I laugh when a guy slips his arm around her and the two start dancing. To my left is Jia, and she too has found a guy.

None of this surprises me because this is something that always happens whenever we go out. No matter where we are. These two are the female versions of playboys. They like to play hard and believe life is for living it up.

I continue dancing but soon become lost; I don’t even get to be the fifth wheel. Things seem to happen faster here.

When a guy with a gold mask starts dancing with me, that sensation of being watched returns.

The guy seems handsome enough from what I can see outside of his mask to catch my interest, but I lose him when I look over my shoulder, back to where I was previously staring. My mystery guy isn’t where he was before. I can’t see him anywhere, but I can feel him watching me.

It’s so strange, or maybe it’s me who feels strange.

The music changes again to something sensual and slow. Since I’m not paired up with anyone, I head to the bar.

A cute bartender with blond dreadlocks gives me a smile when I approach.

“Hi,” I say.

“Wow,” he replies, scanning my face. I guess I should be happy he’s looking at my face and not my breasts, which I’m showing more of than usual. “What can I get you?”

“Just some water, please.” I know that’s not sexy, confident, or daring, but I’m a lightweight, and the last thing I want to do is get drunk at a place like this where I’m completely out of my element.

“Water?” He raises his brows. “Can’t I at least get you some fruit punch? If I mix the fruit, it will make me look more creative. I’ll feel like I’m doing something.”

I chuckle. “Okay, I’ll have fruit punch.”

He tips his head and sets off to make my drink.

I watch him make the drink like he would a cocktail. He places it in a glass with fruit on the side, sugar syrup drizzled around the edge, and a little umbrella.

“That’s on the house,” he says as he places it before me.

“Thanks so much.”

“Holler if you need anything else.”

“I will.”

He winks at me and moves to the next customer.

I sip on my drink and look to my left just in time to see a naked couple step into a glass box on the stage ahead of me. My eyes widen as I realize it’s an exhibitionist box.

The couple look so excited. As they close the door on the box, it lifts into the air for everyone to see. The guy stands behind the woman and instantly starts to fuck her. I watch as their moves turn faster and faster until he has her pressed right against the glass. The look on her face is so… well, it’s what I would call rapturous. It’s not just happy, excited, or thrilled. It’s more than elated.

The cheers of the crowd below that’s gathered encourages them, and that’s when I get it.

It’s all for show. All of it. It’s all a show to bring forward the fantasy. The people doing it do it, and the people watching can be intrigued too.

What’s my fantasy?

I actually don’t know.

“You look like you would enjoy that,” says a voice behind me.

It pulls me away from the sight of the couple in the box the same way the intensity of the stare did when I was dancing.

I’m actually not surprised to see the voice and the stare belong to the same person. The same man.

What throws me is his presence. He’s tall and towers over me at what I’d say is probably six feet six. I’m five four. In my heels, I barely reach the top of his chest.

He looked gorgeous standing on the balcony. Up close he’s more. The exposed side of his face shows off a high cheekbone chiseled to perfection, and I wish I could see the other side of his face.

Especially as his bright blue eye takes me in with that interest that makes my body come alive.

I swallow hard, aware that I’m staring again, and I haven’t answered his question.

His question-slash-statement of basically the exhibitionist box being my thing.

“I’m sorry, what?” I ask. This here is my chance to be confident, sexy, and daring. I’m here under the persona of such. Now I just have to work it.

The corner of his mouth slides into a sensual smile, and he leans closer.

“The exhibitionist box looks like your kind of thing. Ever been in there?” he asks. His smooth baritone voice is low in timbre, sexy just like him.

I’m flattered that he thinks I’m daring enough to have sex in public like that. Not boring or life sucking.

“No, I haven’t.”

“Oh.” His gaze drops from my eyes, touches my lips, then flicks down to my cleavage and over my body for a once-over. “So, that’s your fantasy?” He smiles wider.

My lips part, and I think about it. I imagine being taken in the exhibitionist box for all to see and somehow, I don’t think of the part where people are watching. I remember the rawness of the couple and the way they looked. That’s the part that entices me.

“I don’t know,” I answer, unable to keep the quiver out of my voice. “It seems… bold.”

He chuckles deep and low. “I didn’t think bold would be a problem for someone as sexy as you.”

He thinks I’m sexy. I’m definitely liking this guy a lot.

“Well, there are just a lot of people watching.”

“But the box fascinates you?”

I smile. “Maybe.” I don’t know what I’m saying. I guess I am probably being a bit too honest because the box did fascinate me. Something bold comes over me, though, the longer I stare at him. “Does the box fascinate you?”

“Yes,” he answers without a moment’s hesitation, and I can’t help the image that sweeps through my mind of us inside the box, naked, of him taking me in that raw animalistic way I saw in the man as he owned the woman’s body.

My mystery man smiles at me like he can tell what I’m thinking, and my cheeks flush.

“Is… that your fantasy?” I ask, homing in on the confidence I’m striving for.

“I don’t know. Not sure what sort of fantasy I’ll be living out tonight. I’m… still trying to find out. There’s a lot to do here.”

“Is there?” I looked at the website, but honestly, I was so focused on the part of just coming here that I didn’t pay much attention to everything else. I know the place is huge with themed rooms and a sex dungeon. The owners really went to town in their creation of the fantasies.

“Yeah.” His eyes sparkle like he just got an idea. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

The way he said that tempts me to tell him to just call me that, or whatever he wants.

“Giselle. My name’s Giselle.”

“Wow.” He’s the second man to say that to me tonight. When he says it, though, it effects my body more deeply. “Nice name. My name’s Josh.”

That suits him. I imagined him with a strong name like that.

“I like your name too.”

“Thank you, Giselle. You’re here with your friends?”

I raise my shoulders into a little shrug. “We’re here for my birthday, though it looks like they’ve kind of deserted me.”

A glint touches his eye. “Oh… happiest birthday to you.”

“Thank you.”

“I was about to explore. Do you want to come with me? Maybe you’ll find the fantasy you're looking for.”

Oh my God… if I go with him, I know what that means. Exploring a sex club with a gorgeous man looking at me the way he is can only lead to one thing.

And didn’t I think that was going to possibly, potentially, happen by coming here?

Confident and sexy… daring…

The words run through my mind, and the molten heat in his eyes makes my answer come easier.

“Okay,” I agree.

He holds out his hand to take mine, and I take it.

Chapter 2 | Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies


As we move away from the bar, I’m aware of his large hand covering mine and the way our fingers entwine.

The daring voice that’s been whispering to me since I decided I was coming here tells me it’s a sign of how my night will end.

He leads me to the first floor, where I’d first seen him, and stops by a large room that’s as big as a hall, where all I can see is bodies clashing together. Naked bodies of the people in there having an orgy.

Until tonight I’d only ever heard of things like this and seen a hint of on TV a few times.

This is the real deal, and the sight is too much. I can’t tell where the bodies begin or end.

All I see is arms and legs, and people moaning and groaning in a chorus of pleasure. There are men with women, women with women, men with men. It’s every kind of pairing imaginable, everyone linked together.

A warm finger slides over the small of my back. I didn’t even realize I was no longer holding Josh’s hand. He’s leaned down close to my ear. I turn to face him, and my cheek brushes against his.

“This your thing, sweetheart? You seem to like this too. We can go in… if you want.”

My mouth goes dry, and I swallow past the lump that’s formed in my throat.

“Or… is it too much?” he adds. “Too many hands everywhere. I don’t know if I like the idea of sharing you… with anyone.”

I can’t process. Between him, his words, and the orgy in front of me, I’m lost in my thoughts.

“I’m… I… I think I’d like to look around more,” I answer, and instead of taking my hand again, he keeps his hand on my back and ushers me away from the room and we walk down a dimly lit corridor.

“Orgy not your thing?” he asks with a wicked smile.

“I don’t think so. It’s too much.” Too much for me, but he sounds like he would do it, or is well versed in it.

“I figured. It’s your first time here, isn’t it?” he observes, glancing at me as we walk.

“Yeah, do I stick out like a sore thumb?” I laugh nervously.

“No, I’m just perceptive. I watch people’s reactions and try to figure out their inner thoughts. Just like I knew the orgy might be too much for you, but you’d be a natural in the exhibitionist box.”

We stop, and he faces me, taking a lock of my hair.

“You think so?” I ask.

“I do think so, but you wouldn’t be going inside so people can watch you. You’d be going in for the freedom of it. The wildness of the idea. The same way you’d fly the aerial hoops if you could.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “You saw me when I came in?”

“I watch, and I see what I want to see.” He watches the lock of hair curl around his finger and allows it to drift back to me. “Come, maybe you’ll like this next attraction.” He points, and we continue walking down the corridor.


“That’s what the club owners call it. They think of everything as a show or an attraction to enhance the fantasy of the place, or create one.”

I was right, then.

“Where are we going?” I ask when I hear water ahead of us. Water and more moans and groans.

“It’s called The Halls of Fantasium.” He looks ahead. The lights darken, and the music cuts.

It’s all water, and as we turn, I see why it's called that. It looks like an erotic version of Fantasia.

We walk into a room that’s filled with blue and lilac fluorescent lights. Mirrors shimmer, and the walls have sparkling water running down them like a waterfall.

Pressed against the walls are couples having sex.

This setting in here feels more intimate. Wild though it is because the couples are still having sex in the open, the way they touch each other is more sensual. I could imagine coming here with someone I’m in an actual relationship with. We’d do this for fun.

“You really like this,” Josh states, and I look up at him, blushing.

“It’s more subtle.” I always avoid giving a definitive yes or no if I’m not too sure about something. It’s a habit that’s been drilled into me from being an attorney. Being neutral is safest.

He grins and takes my hand again. “Let’s go this way if you like subtle.”

We make our way into a room as dimly lit as the corridor was, but it’s slightly darker.

I look around and realize it’s just us. We take another step, and the floor looks like it moves, but it doesn’t, really. It’s water beneath a glass floor that flows and lights up a soft iridescent color as we walk on it.

“Oh wow,” I muse.

“They have a thing about water here.”

“What is it about water?”

“It’s a natural aphrodisiac. Subtle.”


He releases my hand and walks around me, looking me up and down. I like what they’ve done in here; a sexual feeling is humming in the air, and the lighting isn’t like most of those places where you’d turn the same color as the lights.

It makes it so I can still enjoy the man who’s giving me so much attention.

“What are you doing?” I ask when he stops behind me and his eyes are glued to my ass. It’s obvious he’s checking me out, but I want to hear what’s on his mind.

“Watching,” he answers.


“Yes. I’m watching and wondering what your fantasy is.”

“What about yours? What’s your fantasy?” I turn to face him.

“Right now… it’s you,” he says, and desire pools low between my thighs.

“Me?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

“It’s you, and I’m wondering what you’d look like with the robe gone.”

I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone more forward than him, and I’ve certainly never met a man who looked at me the way he does. Like he wants to possess me.



I don’t know if that makes sense. It’s the feeling I get, though, from his pensive stare, along with the feeling that he’s being gentle with me. Feeding me spoonfuls of what he’s truly like. It’s the tone in his voice. Like he’s holding back.

Since I never really intended on keeping the robe on, I take it off, and the coolness of the room graces my shoulders.

He stops just in front of me and takes me in. Like every man I’ve ever met, his eyes go straight to my breasts. You tend to get a lot of attention with double Ds. Double Ds in a baby doll negligee that makes my cleavage even deeper is practically the same thing as having a sign on me saying ‘Please look’.

When he looks, though, I don’t mind it.

He smiles, and his perfect white teeth sparkle against the light. “Well… now I’m wondering what you look like without the mask.”

I remember reading this part on the website. You take off the mask when you want to reveal yourself, most often to the person you choose to be with for the night.

Since it’s definitely not the first time he’s been here, I’m sure he knows that.

“Do I get to see you, Giselle?”

“What would it mean?”

“What would you want it to mean?” he throws back.

At first, I smile, then I try to bite it back. “I don’t know.” That answer is me entirely. My fail-safe, and maybe the coward's way out. “What if I wanted to see you without your mask?”

“I have no problem with that, Giselle,” he answers. “What if I wanted to give you my coin? Would you take it?” He walks around me again, and my heart stops. I swear it does.

This is it, the moment of choice, and I guess the moment I’ve been gearing up for since I stepped through the doors of The Dark Odyssey.

Sex, and sex with someone who isn’t Kirk.

It’s laughable that I would even think about it like that because it wasn’t even like Kirk was really mine towards the end of our relationship. It all started when he got drafted to play pro ball for the Warriors, Chicago’s home football team. He changed. That was a year before we ended, so I don’t know why I’m even thinking about him now as Josh circles me, waiting for my answer. People might think the sun shines from Kirk’s ass because as the quarterback, he led his team to victory at nationals, but he’s got nothing on this guy.

Josh stops in front of me, waiting for my answer.

“I’d take it,” I say, and something dark and sinful lights up his eyes.