Doctor Vagina's Son
The sequel to DOCTOR VAGINA... I had no choice but to return for vengeance. That man who was supposed to be my father abandoned my mother at the altar in favor of another woman. I despised him. He never bothered to look for me. My mother repeatedly told me that I reminded her of him. She always says, "I am a carbon copy of my father, and possibly worse." “Like father, like son,” they always say. But this time, I returned to show him that "A son can defeat his father."
Doctor Vagina's Son Free Chapters
1 | Doctor Vagina's Son
I was checking myself in the full-length mirror, adjusting my tie and putting on my Hugo Boss Desire cologne, which instantly attracts the attention of all the girls and women who catch a whiff.
“Here you go, Knight,” I said as I raised my chin, beaming with self-confidence. With my dark navy blue Armani suit, which cost $15,000, and my special edition diamond Patek Philippe wristwatch, which cost $80,000, along with the Armani laser shoes and this cologne, no woman or girl on the face of the planet can resist my allure. I chuckled, knowing that I was irresistible not only because of what I was wearing but also because of the look that God had given me. My piercing blue eyes, thick lashes, and perfect brows, paired with my perfect black hair and new unique haircut, make a stunning combination. Everything I'd worked for throughout my life culminated in the way I worked out at the gym every day to tone my abs and build muscle.
I turned my head to the wall and looked at the picture of my father that I had pinned there for nearly twenty years. It looked fine. That's right, it was my father, Angelo Knight, a world-renowned gynecologist.
This was the one I despised the most. It was important to me to have his picture on my wall because it served as a constant reminder of what he had done to my mother. How he broke her heart and abandoned her in the church, treating her as if she were an insect for another woman, was beyond comprehension. He also decided to forget about me because he was thinking about the same woman.
I kept his picture from when he was in his thirties in front of my eyes to motivate myself to be more attractive than him, wealthier, and more popular. Yes, it was all done in the name of vengeance. But, at the very least, I am grateful that I have developed into a handsome and well-known gynecologist, even though I am only twenty-seven years old.
And today marked the beginning of my quest for vengeance. I'd been gathering information about him since my mother and I returned from Australia a year ago. He had completely forgotten about me because he had adopted a girl named Julia! I fixed all of my attention on her. I can't deny that fate played a role in my decision to become a gynecologist, as the girl decided to pursue the same career path and is now in her final year of college, with me serving as her lecturer. Today happened to be the day of her graduation ceremony, and I, as a lecturer at the same college, should be there to witness it and award her the certificate.
To be honest, it was difficult to persuade Angelo's wife to join me in my bed a year ago. I tried everything I could to make her come along with me. She isn't as young as she used to be and only rarely ventures outside the house.
It was for this reason I altered my plans and concentrated on exacting revenge on Julia by making her my own. Angelo's heart will be broken if she breaks his heart as well.
So, let's get started and see where things go!
When my mother barged into my room and exclaimed, "You look amazing," I regained my composure. "As always, you look great. I'm reminded of your father whenever I see you.”
I cut off my mother's voice and turned my body to face her, continuing her sentence that she had been repeating since I was a child, "And like father, like son, and I might be worse than him," I said.
I walked closer to her, huffing and becoming irritated. “Mom, how many times do I have to tell you that I am not like him?” I said softly as I kissed her forehead. "I insist on returning to defeat him in his career and break his heart for abandoning you twenty-eight years ago and never looking for me.”
“Unfortunately, I am afraid that you will turn yourself into a heartless beast,” she said, sighing in frustration and smiling. "Son, please understand that I want you to be the best in the world, but you are a carbon copy of your father in every way. I'm concerned that you might hurt yourself in the end.” She expressed what was on her mind and in her heart. I was well aware of how concerned she was about me. But what could I possibly lose in this war? Nothing! I am a man, wealthy as a result of my mother's inheritance and the generosity of my grandparents, and I have achieved academic success in the field of gynecology. I am therefore prepared to begin working as a gynecologist in my enemy's hospital. Yes, in my father's hospital.
When my cell phone rang, I snapped to attention; I looked at the time and said, "Mom, I have to leave right away. I'll give you a call later.” I kissed her cheeks and picked up the phone as I dashed out of the house to my Porsche, saying, "Yes, yes, I'm on my way," as I drove away. "I'll only need ten minutes.” And then I got off the phone.
My professor informed me that he was extremely busy and that he had run out of time, so he asked me to take his place in the opening speech of the graduation ceremony.
I jumped into my Porsche and cranked up the engine to full power. I needed to be there in ten minutes or less. It was an honor for me to be invited to this event. Everything seemed to be going according to plan, as if it were a lucky day for me.
I smirked, feeling charged and upbeat, even giddy with excitement.
In the middle of the parking lot, I stopped the car. I didn't have a lot of free time. However, I happened to be in the way of another Ferrari. I couldn't have cared less about this.
“Hey, move your fucking car,” screamed a young lady from her car window.
I got out of the car and walked over to her side, leaning into her window to see no one but Julia.
"Prof, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you," she began. She blushed in embarrassment as she said this.
"Get out of your car right now," I said, raising my brows. I was on the verge of commanding her.
She stepped out of her car with caution and trepidation, and all I could think about was how gorgeous she was. I hadn't seen her in a dress before this time. I was on the verge of drooling over her appearance, but I forced myself to keep my feelings to myself.
To be completely honest, Julia was a bit of a tomboy. I kept an eye on her. She was a good student at the university and attended all the lectures. Despite the fact that she was always athletically dressed, she preferred to wear baggy clothes. As a result, I had no idea what her body looked like at all. However, based on what I witnessed in front of me, she appeared to be a goddess. In the modeling world, she stood almost 6 feet tall and had the perfect figure to match. Her waist was also tiny. Her hairstyle, which had previously consisted of a bun, had now been reshaped into a long ponytail.
Not to mention that she had green eyes and blond hair, which made her stand out. She did, however, appear to be lovely.
“Prof, sorry, we have to go inside now,” she coughed in a sexy voice as I continued to stare at her, intently checking her from top to bottom. I didn't realize how intensely I was scrutinizing her.
I sighed and said, "Oh, sorry, I was thinking of the opening speech." I shook my head and changed the subject.
She drew a circle around her mouth as if she didn't believe what I was saying. That's why I overlooked her and hurried inside to where the graduation ceremony was taking place.
At all costs, I avoided looking at her again after that first glance back. I strode confidently onto the stage as if I were the most powerful man on the planet. Already, everyone's gaze was drawn to me. Then I took a deep breath and began my opening speech with a confident, charming smile that could easily make the girls kneel in front of me: “Please accept my apologies for being late; it was not my fault. However, it is...” I paused and searched for Julia with my eyes, and then I pointed to her with my finger, saying, "That gorgeous girl over there, Julia, as I recall... She…” It was only after that I started to run out of steam. To get a little under her skin, I said something like, "Well, let's say she owes me an apology, or else I might not give her the graduation certificate." I teased, only half-joking.
Then I adjusted my suit jacket and spoke formally, saying, "Okay, I really enjoy making jokes, but not right now." I'm well aware of how many of you worked tirelessly to get to where you are now. Consequently, let's give each of you what you deserve.”
When they finished clapping, a line of professors walked up to my side, each holding a certification in their hands, and they began naming and calling one after another. Julia kept her gaze fixed on the ground until she was called to the stage. She was embarrassed. I insisted on personally presenting her with the certificate, saying, "Congratulations, Julia. However, as I previously stated, you owe me an apology.”
She smiled and said, in hushed tones, "Sure." She trembled as if she were a virgin. Something about her piqued my interest, and I was even more eager to get my hands on her as soon as possible.
I stalked out to my car as soon as we were finished. Julia had already arrived and was waiting for me. She coughed in an attempt to get my attention. I had already noticed her, but I tried to keep my gaze away from her.
“I'm sorry, prof. I'm sorry. I sincerely apologize.”
“That isn't enough,” I said as I twirled my body and looked at her. “I'd like to ask you for a favor.” When I leaned closer to her face, she gave me a startled response.
"Yes, sure."
Every time I got closer, she moved backward until her back hit the door of her car. It was a frustrating experience. I did, in fact, trap her between my hands. "Come out with me on a date," I said, leaning in close to her face.
She blinked several times, each time faster than the previous one. “Me?” she exclaimed, almost as if she were about to pass out. "Please don't make fun of me.”
“I am not,” I said, shaking my head. "And I'm going to insist on taking you wherever you want to go tonight. Unless, of course, you have a boyfriend."
I was aware that she had no boyfriends. I'd already gathered all the information I could think about her.
She stuttered, fiddling with her fingers nervously, "I – I don't have a boyfriend," she said after a moment. “All right, we can go wherever you want.”
The words came out slowly from her mouth, her lips curling as she spoke, and she bit her lower lip subconsciously. This caused me to become dizzy. I had no idea that I would develop such a strong attraction to her.
“All right, see you tonight at 10 p.m.,” I said as I moved my fingers slowly to her neck.
I lowered my hands to my suit and handed her my business card, telling her to call me at 9 p.m. "It is my pleasure to come and pick you up.”
The girl kept her gaze fixed on me as if she had been enchanted by me in some magical way.
“Since you are no longer my student, I am allowed to kiss you,” I said as I leaned in close to her face and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. I smiled and waved goodbye, knowing that the first step in my plan had already been completed and that I could relax.
2 | Doctor Vagina's Son
After graduation, I drove to one of the spas, which was quite popular, according to what I'd heard. It was only open to men and only to the wealthiest men in the city. In addition, as soon as they saw my car and the clothes I was wearing, they realized that I was wealthy, which was all they were interested in.
However, something happened that I had not anticipated.
I was able to see my father! Angelo Knight. Yes. On the verge of sobbing like a small child, not like a twenty-seven-year-old man, I could not control my emotions. He didn't age a day, he didn't get wrinkles, he didn't get white hair, he just had a few gray strands on top. His physical characteristics were identical to mine, as was his height. Due to the fact that I observed him in the jacuzzi wearing his swimming suit, his body was perfectly toned. It was as if he had never aged and that life had never punished him for anything he had done wrong.
When the manager of the spa coughed to get my attention, I tried to remain calm. "Sir, we have swimming suits, and if you want to start with the sauna first, please let me know," he said.
I fixed all of my attention and all of my eyes on my father. Inside of me, the hatred is growing stronger. He was having a good time in his life. He was laughing hysterically while talking on the phone. What kind of person could live happily without his family? Without his son? Without knowing what happened to his only child?
All of the questions had been circling around in my head for years, and after meeting him, I couldn't stand the thought of waiting any longer. I was tempted to face him, but then I remembered what I had planned and that I would be spending the evening with Julia.
I made the decision to refrain from taking part. And I told the manager, "Yes, I'll need a swimming suit," which he confirmed.
And then I went into the dressing room to change. I stowed my suit on private shelves and secured it with a padlock before walking over to where Angelo was waiting.
"Can I join you?" I asked with a friendly smile and a polite "yes."
"Sure, it's huge after all; please go ahead," he said with a smile.
In order to keep his chuckling, Angelo put his cell phone aside. I wanted to start a conversation with him by saying, "I bet it's your woman," or something along those lines. I raised and mockingly lowered my brows.
He smiled proudly and nodded, rubbing the inside of his chin, saying, "sort of. She's my wife," he said.
In my defense, I said, "I never thought a man could be happy with his wife, to be completely honest." I hoped to elicit some information from him, but I soon realized that I was only harming myself, not him.
He moved closer to me, poured some wine into a glass and handed it to me, and then said to me, "She's my one and only love. I cheated on her and broke her heart on several occasions. I was on the verge of getting married to another girl whom I had just met. However, I was unable to do so in the end."It's a long story, but at the end of the day, the man can love his wife," he said to me, As if he wanted to convey to me the essence of his life experience in a few short words.
Immediately following, I inquired, "So, you're telling me you're happily married?"
Then he said, "You look familiar," and I trembled in response.
"You reminded me of myself when I was younger," he said at the end of his sentence.
I took a deep breath and poured myself a glass of wine. "I guess all men are the same at a young age," I said, trying to keep my gaze away. And I feigned a strange chuckle to go with it.
"I am Knight," I said as I extended my hands to him and introduced myself to him.
"Wow, my name is Angelo Knight!" he exclaimed enthusiastically.
"It's a pleasure to meet you."
Despite the fact that he had a slew of questions for me, I wanted to get the conversation over with as soon as possible, lest it derail my plans. I didn't want to put myself or my intentions out there too soon. So I jumped out of the jacuzzi and exclaimed, "I have to get out of here right now." "However, we should get together again."
"Sure, I'd love to," he stated emphatically. "We are able..."
I had to cut him off because I was in a hurry. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Angelo."
Surely he would ask for my business card, I reasoned. As a result, I had to flee.
I didn't even bother to give him a second glance. I just dashed out the door and into the shower room, where I immediately changed into my clothes. ' It's still 5 p.m.,' I said, fidgeting with my wristwatch and fuming. ' I'm not sure what I should do until she calls.' I was talking to myself.
I was so bored that I reached for my cellphone to see if she had sent me a further text message, but I couldn't find any. As a result, I made the decision to drive to Julia's house. Or, to put it another way, to Angelo's house. The thought of going back home and changing my suit, or even going shopping for a new one, did not appeal to me at all.
I just wanted to get this over with as soon as possible so that I could see Angelo's happy face turn to tears. I really wanted to break his heart over the girl he had adopted as a daughter. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of the sadness in his eyes. I wanted to tell him how much I despised him and challenge him with the truth about how I felt about him.
And, to my good fortune, I happened to notice Julia walking the streets with a few bags in her hand. I was about to get out of the car and pretend that it was all a coincidence, but I was stopped when I noticed a guy walking after her, shoe by shoe, like he was following her shadow.
As I rubbed my chin, I muttered to myself, scoffing, "So, did Angelo hire a bodyguard to protect his daughter?" And he didn't even care about looking after his own child!