Escorting the Royal
Prince Clive's grown tired of his crown's heavy burden. As heir to the throne of Astos, he's one of the most sought-after bachelors in the world. When his sister gets engaged and electrifies the public with news of a royal wedding, all eyes are on Prince Clive. Will the perennial bachelor bring a date? And if yes...who? Gorgeous escort Tarryn gets the opportunity of a lifetime: accompany the handsome, reclusive prince to the royal wedding. The money for the assignment is insane—and everything she needs to turn her family's life around. But Tarryn has a troubled past, one that just might catch up to her when the press splashes her image all over the internet. Tarryn and the prince are from two different worlds. They could never be together. But their arrangement turns into a scorching, unstoppable attraction. Can true love really conquer all?
Escorting the Royal Free Chapters
CLIVE | Escorting the Royal
I read the text from my friend again. I have the perfect solution.
There is no such thing, I texted back. This is the wedding from hell. There’s no ‘perfect’ in hell!
Chase immediately responded. You might as well have fun while you burn. Shrugging emoji.
The sound of heavy breathing interrupted my conversation; bloody Herbert was still chasing me. I tucked the phone into my pocket as he advanced. The steward was short, his stubby legs buckling beneath his round belly as he attempted to power-walk toward me across the South Lawn.
“Your Highness.” Herbert sounded desperate and perhaps as though he might cry.
“I’m still ignoring you.” I headed toward the palace, and the little shit struggled to keep up.
“Your Highness, please. The King said that you must give a response—”
“Tell him my response is that he should stuff it.” I grinned, picturing a red-faced Herbert relaying my message to the King. “Tell him I’m tired of his commands and that I’ve gone rogue.”
“Oh…dear. Oh my.” The steward fretted as he chased after me. “What about Princess Isabelle? What shall I tell her?”
I stopped walking and faced him. Herbert, my father’s top steward, was one of my least favorite people at the palace. He’d been tattling on me since I was a little boy. “Tell her I said congratulations, you imbecile.”
He opened his mouth as if to speak. Then, after a moment, in which he looked pretty confused, he closed it.
I took that as my cue to escape—I turned on my heel and fled. This time Herbert didn’t follow me.
Maybe, after all these years, he was finally smartening up.
* * *
The respite didn’t last long. My younger sister, Izzie, threw open the door to my study. “What do you mean—congratulations? You already said congratulations! I don’t need your bloody congratulations—I need your cooperation!”
I arched an eyebrow as she slammed the door behind her, dramatically collapsing into the armchair across from me. My sister glared. Her chocolate eyes narrowed as she looked me up and down. Her dark-brown curls tumbled over her riding jacket. She smelled like fresh air, but her expression was dark, like a basement—or perhaps a tomb, where she might very much like to bury me.
“Hello, Izzie.” My feet were up on my desk; I didn’t bother to take them down.
“Don’t you dare hello me!” Her eyes flashed. “Father said you were making idle threats.”
“I’m not sure I would characterize them as idle.” I smiled at her without warmth. “What can I do for you?”
Izzie groaned. She’d lost weight for the wedding, and her cheeks looked hollowed out. I’d feel sorry for her if she wasn’t my nemesis—and also, our father’s little puppet.
She sat forward. “Will you please come to the wedding? Please? I am literally begging you.”
I could tell she meant it; Izzie never begged. “I told you I would come to the wedding,” I said. “But on my terms, not yours.”
She lifted her chin. “I don’t think it’s too much to ask you to find a proper date.”
“You’re right. It’s not.” When she looked relieved, I quickly added, “That is, if I had a proper date. But I don’t. I’m not seeing anyone, and I won’t do it just for the press. I told you, I’m done playing the game.”
“D’you think—for once—that you could put our family first?” Izzie’s voice shook.
“I’ve been putting our family first since the day I was born.” As heir to the throne, it wasn’t as if I had much choice. “Whether I like it or not.”
“This isn’t about you, Clive.” She shook her head. “It’s about the biggest day of my life. I don’t ask you for much—”
“All everyone does around here is ask—”
“I don’t ever ask you for anything. Not anymore.” Izzie’s cheeks turned pink. “I gave up a long time ago. But I’m asking you for this: please come to the wedding and bring a date. That’s all the reporters have been hounding me for. They don’t even care about my dress. All they want to know is who Prince Clive is bringing. You know how unrelenting they can be—it’s been impossible.”
“Then it’s time we stop giving in to them.” My temper rose. Over the past fifteen years, the press’s obsession with our family had become unbearable. When I’d been growing up, the constant public scrutiny had been a nuisance; with the internet, it had become an all-consuming pain in the ass, one requiring continuous care and feeding.
“I understand how you feel, but the situation is what it is,” Izzie said, her voice firm. “You can’t hide from this by going off and digging a ditch in some remote village.”
“That’s hardly fair.” Even though I’d vastly prefer to flee to a remote village and dig a ditch.
Izzie sighed. “My wedding’s in three weeks. We can’t change the world in three weeks. Everyone wants to see the prince with a date—it’s been years since you’ve been linked to anyone. They have a right to be curious. Whoever you marry will be queen someday…”
“I disagree.” My shoulders tensed. “Just because I’m a prince doesn’t mean my personal life is for public consumption.”
“You’re a public figure. You’re the heir to the throne. That makes it the public’s business.” Izzie frowned. “Hey… What about Freya Wilson? She’s already invited. I know she’d love to hear from you.”
Freya Wilson was a reed-thin, auburn-haired socialite who’d been circling me like a shark for years. My cousin, the Duke of Clifton, had asked her out several times. Finally, she’d flatly refused, informing him that a duke held no interest for her; she wanted a prince. “I’ll pass.”
“Fine.” Izzie jumped up from her seat. “I don’t care who you bring. Just find someone acceptable. Figure it out soon—she needs to be vetted. I promise I won’t ask you for anything ever again.”
I snorted.
“You really are a prat, you know that?” Izzie hustled to the door, giving me one backward glance. It was the most honest expression I’d seen on her face in years: a mixture of hurt and hatred.
“If you don’t come up with someone by the end of the day, I’m calling Freya.” She slammed the door for dramatic effect.
Fuck. Izzie drove me crazy. She was both my father’s puppet—always conspiring with him—and also the press’s darling. Izzie always played the game. I don’t know how she had the stomach for it, but she did. She was even marrying the most boring man on the planet, George Smith—even his name was boring!—because my father had arranged the match.
I, on the other hand, had lost my taste for conformity. Like in a fairytale, I’d consumed a drop of poison and would never be the same.
I’d had a girlfriend, once. I’d met her at university. She was Lithuanian, from a working-class family, and was attending uni on scholarship. She’d been so loyal and sweet—that is, until my father paid her to break things off with me.
Much to my surprise, she took the money and ran.
In her defense, it was an awful lot of money. But that experience took away all my illusions that I would ever lead a normal, happy life. Who was I ever going to be able to trust? My father believed he was in control of my life and that it was his duty to make choices for me.
What I wanted didn’t matter. What mattered was being a royal—our image, our lineage, our removed and superior position with the people of our tiny country.
Everything was a duty. Even my sister’s wedding.
But I was heir to the throne. So one day, I would be King. And no matter my mixed emotions about my family, I truly loved my country. So, therefore, I would do my best to serve the people of Astos.
My sister was right. I needed to go to her wedding, and I needed a proper date because it was customary. I sighed and took out my phone, re-reading Chase Layne’s text. You might as well have fun while you burn.
You know, he might be on to something.
Send me the number for the agency, I wrote.
My sister wanted me to bring a date. So…what if I hired one?
Chase sent me the contact information immediately. I’d been friends with the American quarterback for years; we’d met ages ago at Wimbledon. I’d never met his second wife, but I’d heard she was lovely and that they were incredibly happy.
I’d also heard she’d been his escort.
I wasn’t looking for a wife—I was looking for a date. I was also looking to point a big middle finger right at my father’s face, even if he never knew the truth…
I took a deep breath. And then I called AccommoDating.
* * *
“We will test her for sexually transmitted diseases,” the Madame purred. “I guarantee clean girls who follow strict birth-control protocols. You can relax about being intimate with her and enjoy yourself.”
I groaned. I hadn’t been with anyone in a long time, but I would not have sex with the escort. Paying women for sex was human trafficking in my book. I wouldn’t take part in something like that—I wouldn’t support it.
But would I pay for her to pretend to be my date? Hell yes. Anything was better than being trapped with Freya Wilson!
“I don’t plan on using that particular set of services,” I said quickly. “But thanks for letting me know.”
“Really?” The Madame, Elena, surprised me by not sounding at all surprised. “Well—please remember that you have the option. You might change your mind when you meet her. My agency employs some of the most gorgeous women in the world.”
“I just need someone who can behave in a civilized manner. No binge-drinking, no drugs, nothing inappropriate.” My cousin, the Duke of Clifton, had once brought a young woman to one of our parties. She’d had too much champagne and attempted to swing from the chandelier. They had banned the Duke from the palace for a month after that…
“I think I have just the girl. She’s young, early twenties. Is that acceptable?”
“And she’s blond—platinum blond. Long, thick hair, athletic, gorgeous skin…she’s quite stunning.”
My cock was stirring. Fuck. I was a sucker for long, platinum hair—the Madame had done her research.
“She sounds perfect. And although your fee is exorbitant, I’ve heard good things about your services. This has to remain completely private. I’ll take care of the details on our end, but you need to make sure the woman you send to Astos is clear on these terms. I’m paying her a lot of money, but it’s a onetime deal. If she comes back at some point, looking for more or threatening to sell her story to the press, she will be very sorry. Are we clear?”
“Crystal, Your Highness.” Elena sighed, a happy sound. “I am so glad you chose AccommoDating. Trust me. You won’t be disappointed.”
“You’d better be right about that.” I hung up before she could tell me more about the hot escort.
I needed a proper date. I needed no strings. I did not need to be fantasizing about having sex with a hooker. The very last thing I needed was a messy entanglement, or worse, setting myself up for being blackmailed.
Hiring an escort for my sister’s wedding was bad enough.
And “bad enough” was…good enough for now.
TARRYN | Escorting the Royal
My client wriggled his pale, hairy ass in the air. Then he waited.
I sighed. I would never get used to this. No matter what the Madame said, no. Just…no.
My client popped the pacifier out of his mouth. “Tell me I’m a bad boy!”
I gritted my teeth. “You’re a bad boy.” The worst. Honestly, this guy was a freak. He was wearing a freaking bonnet!
Being an escort meant you shouldn’t judge—it was part of the code. Our clients had their hang-ups. There were always reasons for it, reasons best left alone. But the internet had just made everything worse because now there were chat rooms. Chat rooms gave people Ideas. Bad Ideas. Like…bonnets. And pacifiers. And being spanked by an escort.
“Aren’t you going to spank the bad boy?” My client sounded gleefully hopeful.
I sighed again. “Of course I will—you bad boy.”
He was paying me two thousand dollars! It was the least I could do.
* * *
I called Elena on my way to the T. “Do not ever give that John to me again. He made me spoon-feed him applesauce!”
“Honey, they are all babies.” The Madame sighed. “You already know that. Plus, he pays cash.”
“I don’t care. He gives me the creeps.”
“They all give you the creeps,” she said, which was true.
“If you want to keep working for my service,” Elena continued, “you’re going to have to toughen up. My daughters said they want to take horseback riding lessons. Do you know how much private riding lessons cost?”
“No, Elena, I don’t.” Horseback riding was decidedly outside my budget.
“Of course, I understand, I understand.” But Elena seemed distracted. “Listen, can you come into the office later? I might have an assignment for you—a lucrative one.”
That got my attention—I stopped walking. “How lucrative?”
“Private-horseback-lessons lucrative,” she purred. “It’s a top job. I’ve narrowed it down between you and one other girl. Blond versus brunette. Come in, and we’ll see, okay? You might want to adjust your attitude—this could be your big break.” She hung up before I could ask more.
I hustled to the T. Sometimes AccommoDating, the escort service where I’d recently begun working, got seriously rich clients. There were rumors that some of the girls had earned up to a million dollars for one assignment. I would spoon-feed a baboon for a million dollars!
I took the train home, standing with my back against the wall, paying close attention to my surroundings. I never scrolled on my phone while on the train. I never read a book. Instead, I stayed alert, making sure no one got too close to me and that no one was watching.
The T reached my stop, and I climbed the stairs from the platform carefully, confirming that I was alone. I checked the street before I went up the stairs to my apartment, the third floor of a tri-level with a sagging porch. All clear.
I always paid close attention, and I constantly scrutinized my surroundings. I had to.
“Mom?” I turned the key and went inside, dead-bolting the door. “Mmm, it smells so good in here.” My mother had made lasagna, one of my favorites.
My mother came around the corner, drying her hands with a dishtowel. She looked like she always did—fabulous. My mom was blond, pretty, and forty. People often thought she was my sister. Since she’d had me at sixteen, it made sense.
“Hi, honey.” She smiled at me.
I peered past her. “Where’s Ellie?”
“Shh, she’s still down for her nap.”
“Oh.” I fought the urge to pout. “Will she be up soon? I have an appointment.”
“Don’t worry about it—she knows how much you love her.” My mom patted my arm. “I took her to the swings this morning, and I think they tired her out.”
My heart twisted. “She loves the swings.” I didn’t want to think about what I’d been doing while sweet Ellie was at the playground…
My mother narrowed her eyes at me. “You okay?”
“I’m fine,” I said, brushing the question off. “I’m going to go take a shower, okay?”
“Sure, honey.” God bless my mother. She didn’t pry, and she didn’t judge. What she specialized in was worrying. And cooking.
Mom disappeared back to the kitchen, which she commanded with fierce intensity. The way my mother showed love was through food. Good thing I had a fast metabolism because she loved me a lot.
I peered into Ellie’s darkened room as I headed for the shower. She was in her little toddler bed, on her side, her chest rising and falling. Her blond hair fanned out over her pillow. She looked like an angel, a gift from God. Which, I supposed, she was.
She was my angel. She was also my secret.
* * *
AccommoDating, Inc. was located in Boston’s trendy South End, a far cry from my apartment in a run-down section of Dorchester. The office was airy and elegant, but I still hated it.
I hated it because I loathed what I did for a living. But have you ever tried to pay over three-hundred-thousand dollars’ worth of medical bills with waitressing tips? Good luck with that! Someday I’d go back to school and get my degree. Someday I’d have a proper job, and I wouldn’t have to spank men with hairy asses for a living. Someday.
But as I checked in at the front desk of AccommoDating, I knew today was not that day.
“Hello, Tarryn.” Elena came out from her office, a broad smile on her face. “Thanks for coming in.”
“Sure thing.”
Elena, the Madame, was tall and imposing. With her black spiked heels, she stood well over six feet. Today she wore an onyx pantsuit, square-framed glasses, and her signature maroon lipstick. Her short hair was pushed off her face. I wasn’t sure how old Elena was. Her daughters were in high school; that was the only detail about her private life she’d ever shared with me.
None of the other girls knew how Elena had gotten into the business. It was a bit of a mystery.
“Come on. I need to discuss a few things with you.” We headed into the back room, where we kept racks of clothes, shoes, and accessories. One of the perks of working at AccommoDating was the clothes. Elena shopped for us constantly so that her employees had stylish, expensive outfits to wear on assignment. She wanted us to look good, and to fulfill an expectation: a beautiful, perfect woman, the best that money could buy.
Business was booming. Clients paid a lot of money to spend time with one of AccomoDating’s escorts.
“So.” Elena’s heels clicked as she turned to me. “Elisabeth is going to arrive in a few minutes. But I wanted you here, first.”
“Okay…?” Elisabeth was the agency’s top escort. Like Elena, she was tall and imposing. Her long chestnut hair cascaded over her shoulders. Elisabeth had a body that wouldn’t quit—she was so beautiful; it was hard not to stare.
“You know I don’t like to play favorites,” Elena continued, “but Elisabeth has worked for me for a long time. She’s very professional. She’s earned my trust.”
I had a feeling I knew what was coming next.
“You, on the other hand, have been giving me some trouble. What’s with all the complaints? The client I sent you today is a repeat customer. He always pays cash, he tips generously, and he never even asks for penetration.” Elena frowned at me. “So what is the problem?”
“As relieved as I was that the client didn’t ask for penetration…” My cheeks burned as I cleared my throat. “I still found his requests off-putting.”
“The spanking?” Elena threw up her hands. “Is spanking some sort of a big deal for you?”
“No. It’s just the…” I fidgeted. “It’s just the yuck factor. Like, what is wrong with these men? Who wants to suck on a binky and get spanked when you’re forty?”
“Lots of people.” Elena looked incredulous. “You haven’t been doing this for very long, so maybe kink is a little new to you. But our clients use our service because they want to express their preferences freely and without fear of judgment. Do you understand that?”
I nodded. But understanding it and having to deal with it were two very different things…
“Part of the reason I asked you here is because you’re new. I think a fresh face is better suited for this client. Elisabeth is fabulous, but she’s been doing this for a long time.”
“Who is the client?” I was dying to know.
“I can’t tell you that. Not yet.” Elena pursed her lips. “This is a very delicate assignment, Tarryn. It’s extremely prestigious—there’s a ton of money on the line. So I need a complete professional. There is zero room for errors.”
At the mention of a ton of money, my heart rate kicked up. “I’ll do a good job, Elena. You won’t be sorry if you pick me for this.”
Elena’s gaze raked over me. “You’ve got the right look. But I need the right attitude.”
I licked my lips. “I can have the right attitude—I promise I’ll do better. The client today didn’t know I thought he was weird,” I said quickly. “I’m good at hiding my emotions. I’m definitely interested in the assignment.”
“Who wouldn’t be?” Elena grabbed a tablet from a nearby table and started tapping on it. “I’ve been running the numbers. If we meet the client’s parameters, this job will earn the agency an insane amount of money. And the girl who completes the job will earn seven-hundred-thousand dollars.”
I felt faint. “Seven hundred…?”
“That’s right. Seven-hundred thousand dollars.”
My heart thundered in my chest. “I’ll take it! I’ll do anything!”
“You might have to.” Elena pulled her glasses down on her nose. “If this client wants you to spank him, or spoon-feed him, or play with his balls, you better freaking spank him and spoon-feed him—while you play with his balls—and act like you like it! I’m not kidding.”
“I’m not kidding! I’ll be freaking flawless for seven-hundred-thous—”
Just as I was blurting out the number—the incredible, impossible, life-changing number—Elisabeth strutted in, her chestnut hair bouncing in waves against her ample chest. She eyed us with interest.
Not on my watch, bitch. That money was mine.
“Please,” I said to Elena, keeping my voice low. “I need this. I can’t even tell you how much. I promise you I’ll do everything that he asks, and I’ll smile while I do it. Please.”
My palms were sweating. This assignment would change my life—and Ellie’s life. And my mother’s.
“Fine.” Elena’s tone was calm. “But you are going to owe me for this one. Are we clear?”
I nodded. “Crystal.”
“You fly out on Friday. We have a lot of work to do between now and then. So sit tight while I deal with Elisabeth.” Elena clicked off toward the other escort.
Fly out? I wondered where I was going…and then I remembered I didn’t care. All that mattered was the money. So. Much. Money. Holy crap.
I heard Elena and Elisabeth talking. “I’m so glad you came in—I have a top assignment for you,” the Madame purred. “It’s a gentleman coming to town from Manhattan. He’s a billionaire. He’s looking for a date for the weekend.”
Elisabeth tilted her chin. “How much?”
Elena beamed at her. “Seventy-five thousand for two nights.”
“Not bad.” Elisabeth tossed her hair. “I’ll take it.”
As recently as one hour ago, I would’ve done just about anything for seventy-five-thousand dollars. But that would only be a drop in the bucket of what I owed. For years, our three-hundred-thousand-dollar debt loomed over us like a volcano, always about to erupt if I missed another payment. It was an impossible sum. It might as well have been three million, three billion. I could never get ahead.
But now, this was a chance of a lifetime…
I sat and silently prayed while I waited for Elena. Thank you, God.
Maybe sometimes, even sinners caught a break.