Falling for Mr. Billionaire 2
Sofia has finally left Benjamin, ready to move on and live her life with Elijah and Emily—and the baby currently growing inside of her. The baby Benjamin doesn't know about. But nothing is ever as easy as she wants it to be. When Benjamin shows up on her doorstep, she's not sure how to feel. On the one hand, she doesn't want him back in their lives. On the other…she still loves him. Will it take nearly losing him for her to realize what he means to her?
Falling for Mr. Billionaire 2 Free Chapters
Prologue | Falling for Mr. Billionaire 2
Sofia's POV.
"I don't think you ready for this, Sofia. You haven't been the same after everything," Anna said as she ran her hand through my hair. I was dressed up for this funeral. I wore black even though I wasn't feeling well. I wanted to go to where Benjamin was now. I wanted to be with him.
"You think you can do it?" Charlotte asked, lowering her eyes.
"I can do it," I mumbled, looking down.
"Have you decided what you will do after this?" I knew what Charlotte was asking me. I still hadn't made a decision, but after everything, I didn't even know if I could live anymore.
"I will have to move on for my sons and daughter." My heart was broken. I never wanted any of this. I never wanted my be—I shut my thoughts down because thinking about everything just made me dead. Life was so surprising.
"I can walk to the grave with you," Damien offered, giving me a weak smile. "You don't have to do this alone. We all here for you." I knew everyone was hurting too, but they all just wanted to comfort me. They all grew up together, and if I fe;t like dying right now, then I was sure they were already dead inside.
"It's fine. The funereal already started. I'll just visit the gave now, and don't forget—I survived prison." I picked a rose and walked away. I didn't get why everyone was treating me like a small baby. Benjamin already sent me to jail once, but today, standing here—I wished I could go back to that time. There was no way we could bring back a dead person, especially when you were the reason they were dead. I wished none of this ever happened.
I walked to the grave, and my heart started beating faster. I started having flashbacks of all the memories of us together. He was the reason for my happiness. His sweet touch, his arrogance, his rudeness, and his love for me made me feel alive. How could I live without him?
The fresh breeze played with my hair as I put the rose down. A tear of shame, remorse, and everything else I felt dropped from my eye. Life went on no matter what happened. I remembered what he told me.
"You know you’re the reason for everything." I took a deep breath as tears started streaming down my face. "You’re the reason everything happened. If it wasn't for you, I would've never been—" I paused my speech, crying. How did it get to this? First jail, and now this. "I love you so much, Benjamin. You’re the reason I came here today. I miss you so much. And I can't live without you. I have told everyone I can, but the truth is I can't do it without you. I wish none of those things ever happened. After you sent me to jail, I made sure to hate you. I hated you for ruining me, but somehow, I just could never hate you. Elijah, Emily, and Oliver will never be the same. I don't know if they can live without a father. I already miss you so much, Benjamin. I don't know how I will live without you, but now, I have to do it for my children. Please forgive me for everything I did to you."
Chapter 1 | Falling for Mr. Billionaire 2
Almost 2 months later.
Sofia's POV.
"Boo." Nicholas came out of nowhere. I swear he was crazier than anyone I ever met before. I literally hated him because he was arrogant, but he had a good side too. He just reminded me so much of Benjamin, who hadn't visited us once since we moved to Paris. I knew Benjamin was heartbroken, but so I was I. We were never good for one another, so it was not like it was going to be that difficult to move on from each other. I still loved Benjamin. I always had and always would, but life should go on, and if he could move on, so could I.
The day I left Benjamin, I never signed the divorce papers because I knew once I signed those papers, we would be done. But after the videos and magazines I had seen of him with another women, I knew he had moved on. So I signed them, and now, I was single. Not that anyone cared.
"Nick, when will you grow up? This isn't your house, so stop breaking in," I shouted, annoyed, but he rolled his eyes and walked away. "I'm talking to you."
"I came to fetch Elijah for school and to take you to work, so calm down, beautiful. I'm not here to kidnap you," he replied, jumping on the couch.
"Eli," I shouted, and my son came running from upstairs with his school bag. "Be good at school and please don't hit people just because they don't like you," I begged him as I went on my knees, and he nodded, smiling. "Now give me a kiss." Elijah gave me a kiss, and I gave him one too.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming?" This was the question I created so many lies for—just because of Benjamin. He never answered my calls, so I wouldn't even know if he still wanted his children or not.
"Elijah, if we don't go to school now, I won't buy you an ice cream," Nicholas said, picking him up. He always somehow helped me even though he was a jerk.
"Bye, Mommy." Elijah waved as they both left the house.
I quickly went upstairs and started to get ready for work because Nicholas would definitely give me a warning if I was late for work.
"Emily, can I leave you?" I asked my six-month-old daughter, who was sleeping. "Your Uncle Nick wouldn't mind if I took you to work, right?" I talked to myself, and actually, that was a great idea. I couldn't trust anyone to look after my daughter when she was just a few months old. I wished Anna was here because I knew she wouldn't mind. "I'll wake you up and dress you after I'm done," I told her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
I quickly showered and got dressed as fast as I could. I already had breakfast with Elijah, but I knew this baby I was carrying was always hungry, so I’d just have to eat again before I left.
I woke Emily up and started feeding her. She was definitely the angel her father always wanted. As soon as I was done feeding Emily, I quickly washed her and dressed her afterwards. She was the opposite of Elijah. She was more like Stephanie, and Elijah was like Stella. I picked up her bag because I knew I couldn't breastfeed her at work.
"You have five minutes," I heard Nicholas’s annoying voice say. "It wouldn't look good for you if you were late for your first day at work," he continued shouting, and I quickly came downstairs with Emily.
"Give me two minutes just to eat," I asked nicely, and he nodded his head. "You can hold Emily for that long." I handed Emily over to Nicholas and quickly went to the kitchen to eat.
"I hope you don't take after Jay," I whispered to my baby as I rubbed my tummy and quickly ate as fast as I could. After I left Benjamin, a few weeks later, I found out I was expecting. I tried calling him without thinking, but thank God he didn't answer.
"Who did you finally trust to look after Emily?" Nicholas asked as I came out of the kitchen. "Is it one of your neighbors?"
"I'll look after her myself," I replied, taking Emily from him. "I have been in Paris for a month and a few weeks, and I don't have a friend, so I'm taking her to work."
"I'm your boyfriend, and a boyfriend has a—wait, you want to take her to work?" He started laughing, and I nodded my head. "No, Sofia. I'm your boss, and I can't favor you. I'm sorry."
"It's just until I make a friend. Please, Nicholas," I begged him, but he shook his head. "I'm begging you. I really need the job, but I can't also be a bad parent."
"Fine. Just until you get someone to look after her," he finally agreed, and I hugged him. "A kiss wou—" I looked at him angrily. "Never mind. Let's just go."
We all went in the car, and the whole car ride, he was talking about what I should do and stuff. He literally had a whole book written from the way he was speaking. I was scared because I was a billionaire’s PA before, and it was definitely not nice.
"You ready?" he asked as we went into the elevator.
"I'm not feeling well, Nicholas. Why don't you hold Emily just until we go to your office?" I replied, and he laughed as if I made a joke.
"You’re scared,” he uttered. "I thought you said you’re not scared of anyone," he added and I handed Emily to him.
"I'm not scared. I just want people to like me. After all, it's my first day. I want to make friends, Nicholas," I quickly defended myself, and the elevator stopped at our number.
Breath in and breath out, Sofia!
"Morning, sir." So many people greeted him as we walked past. I kept looking at the floor because I was too afraid to look at their faces.
"I'm not scared," Nicholas mimicked me. "You didn't even look up once, Sofia. Anyways, make sure Emily is invisible because I don't want her getting in the way of your work."
"Yes, Nichol—"
"Ahem." A women came in, clearing her throat. "Sir, I need you to sign these papers, and here is everything your new PA will need." Nicholas quickly signed the papers and told her to get out.
"We’re friends at home," Nicholas started, and I looked at him, confused. "When we’re at work, Sofia, you can't call me by my first name, and you can't argue with me."
"What must I call you then? Boss? Sir?"
"Mr Russo." He smiled, and I burst out laughing. "What's the joke now?"
"I have known you since I moved to Paris, which was almost two months ago, and you have been laughing at my last name being Valentines, yet yours is Russo."
"We will argue about that some other time. Now start working. I have to pick up a friend from the airport, and after that, we might go for drinks, but don't worry—I'll pick you up." I tried to open my mouth, but he started talking again. "All those files—I want them neatly done and everything up to date. Bye, Valentines." Nicholas left before I could even shout.
How am I supposed to look after Emily when he wants me to do everything in a day?
"Oh, yes, if anyone asks you where I am, then be a good PA and write their names down for me. I'll fire them," he shouted and left before I uttered a word.
Was he really that strict at work?
I definitely had to do everything unless I wanted to be jobless again. I waited for almost two months for this stupid job, so there was no way I'd get fired just because I couldn't do something so easy.
I locked the office door and put Emily down so she could crawl while I worked. I started working, and everything was really easy. I knew being a PA wasn't a fancy job, but I really missed this job so much. I loved being a PA to Mr Hassan, who fired me because of Benjamin, but this time, I promised myself that I wouldn't get fired, especially not because of Benjamin. Someone started knocking on the door, and I quickly got up and opened the door.
"What are you doing in Mr Russo's office?" a women asked, standing in front of me with a file.
"I'm his new PA—"
"Where is Mr Russo?" she asked, not even letting me finish what I wanted to say.
"He said he will be back soon," I lied because I didn't want to ask her name and write it down just for her to get fired. I knew how it fe;t to be jobless, so there was no way I'd get anyone fired.
"Is that your child?" she asked, pointing at Emily, and I nodded my head. "Children aren't allowed, so don't bring her next time and don't lock this door again. Mr Russo hates someone who locks doors." She left after looking at me like I was some disgusting thing.
"Wait," another women said before I closed the door. "Give these papers to Mr Russo, and by the way, Lex is just always bitter. Don't mind her." I nodded my head as I took the pages. "Why didn't you write her name down?" she asked, and I looked at her, shocked.
"How do you know?"
"I overheard, so next time, don't forget to write her name down unless you want to get fired," she told me, and I nodded my head, smiling. "I have to get back to work. Bye."
"Bye." She left in a hurry, and I closed the door, not locking it this time.
"Everyone thinks you don't belong here," I told Emily, picking her up. "I know you miss your papa. That's why you cry a lot at nights." I kissed her on the cheek, then put her down again.
I started putting everything in order, Emily didn't even bother me. She just kept playing with her toy and then fell asleep. I didn't even think that far. Where could I put her when there was no bed for her to sleep inn at work?
I picked her up and went to that girl who gave me the files. I was sure she knew everything about this place.
"Can I come in?" I asked, and she got up.
"You don't need to ask. Is something wrong with your baby?"
"No. She's fine, but she's sleeping," I replied and started to bite my bottom lip.
"I can keep her. I really don't mind her sleeping on my lap. I'm done with my work, and that arrogant boss of ours isn't here. So please, let me." I scanned her from top to bottom, and she was actually so excited to look after my baby. "I love kids. I promise I won't let anything happen to her," she assured me, and I gave Emily a kiss.
"Please call me if anything happens," I mumbled, giving Emily to her. "I'll be in Mr Russo's office, and thank you for being kind." She nodded, and I left her with my daughter.
Oh God, please let her be fine with that nice women!
I started working, and after an hour, I called Nicholas, but he didn't answer his phone.
Me: Please don't forget to pick Elijah up.
After a couple of minutes of working again, my phone peeped, and I quickly read the message.
Mr Annoying: I already did but I took him to my house because there's a maid there. I'll bring him to the office when take you home. I won't be at work the whole day, so make sure you write every name for me.
Me: You have a meeting today. I saw the file. It says Mr Singh will be here.
Mr Annoying: Make a plan please. Bye!
I left him on read and started working again.
"She's hungry," the woman I asked to look after Emily came in with Emily crying.
"I'll feed her. Thank you." I quickly took Emily from her and took her milk out to feed her. I sat on the chair, and she was really hungry because she couldn't wait to open her mouth when she saw the bottle.
"What's your name and your daughter’s name?" the women asked, and I looked at her. "Mine is Geneva."
"Sofia," I replied, still feeding Emily. "She's Emily."
"She looks cute. Is Mr Russo the father?" I laughed at her words. I only met that idiot almost two months ago.
"Her father lives in New York, I think." She looked at me, confused, and after that, we started talking about other things until Emily was full. Lunch time was nice, and Nick still didn't come back. It was almost time to go home, but I was worried about Nick. What is taking him so long?
"Let's go home," Nicholas said as soon as he came in. "How many names did you write down for me?" he asked as we got into the elevator.
"Where were you the whole day?" I quickly changed the topic because I didn't write one name down for him even though almost everyone was asking for him.
"I told you I was with my friend." He shrugged his shoulders as we walked out of the building.
"Mommy, I missed you," Elijah greeted me as soon as he saw me.
"I missed you more. Did you fight with anyone today?” I asked as I got in the car, and he shook his head. "That's my good boy." The whole car ride was silent, and I was too tired to make small talk.
"Thanks. Bye," I shouted as Nick drove off after dropping my kids and me off. "Elijah, are you sure you were a good boy today?" I asked as we entered our house.
"Yes, Mommy. And Em?" he asked.
"She was the best daughter," I replied, and he stuck his tongue out at her. "I'll cook, and you look after Emily, okay?"
"Okay, Mommy." I quickly left for the kitchen and started cooking. I was glad Benjamin taught me how to cook.
As soon as I was done cooking and I set the table for Elijah and me, the doorbell rang, and I quickly attended to it. I knew it couldn't be that fool because he had a copy of my key, and he never knocked or anything. He sent me a message to open the door for him.
"Hi." I was speechless to see Benjamin standing in front of me. He didn't even call once or visit since when we moved here, and today, when I finally accepted that he wanted nothing to do with us, he was here.