Flames in the Fire

Flames in the Fire

Chapters: 26
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Lillith Mykals Kennedy


John and Ellie Bradley have the kind of love everyone wants to have, except there's one problem: Ellie is sick. John must find a way to balance his ill wife, a demanding job, and meddling in-laws. As John cares for Ellie in her last days, he reflects on their marriage and the love of a lifetime.

Romance Contemporary BxG Meant To Be Marriage Protector

Flames in the Fire Free Chapters

Chapter 1 | Flames in the Fire

John POV

“You are not listening to me, John. Ellie is sick. She is too sick for you to take home. It would be best if you put her in a long-term care facility. She needs round-the-clock care until she dies,” Dr. Joshua Newbern says to me sternly.

I look over the wall of awards. He probably knows more than I do, but I know my wife, and I will be damned if I put her in a hospital to die alone.

“I said I am taking her home with me,” I say.

Josh stares at me. I think he is stunned that I am refusing to do what he wants.

“Listen, John. I have known you and Ellie for twenty years. I mean, we all went to high school together. I remember the day you two got together like it was yesterday. I have been here every step of the way for her. So I am begging you to listen to me,” Josh pleads with me.

I shake my head. “I am taking her home, Josh, and that is final. That is what she wants to do, and that is what we are going to do,” I say.

“She will not live long outside the hospital. You know that, right? So will she consider staying a few more weeks?” Josh asks me.

“Ellie is headstrong and a fighter. You have no idea what she is capable of, and neither do I. She wants to go home, and that is what we are going to do. Please make the arrangements and discharge her,” I say.

Josh takes a deep breath. “You will need home health, a nurse around the clock, and someone to sit with her. She cannot be left alone. How are you going to do this and be a cop?” Josh says.

“I will figure it out. I will hire someone to stay with her. My insurance will pay for a nurse. We will work it out,” I say.

“John, I understand why, but I do not agree with it,” Josh says.

“No, you do not understand. Your wife is healthy. My wife is dying. She is a beautiful young woman, and she is going to die. I want her to die where she wants to die and not in some damn hospital or long-term care facility with people she does not know. Ellie wants to go home, and I will make her last days perfect,” I say.

Josh starts scribbling on papers. “I will write the orders for everything she needs. But, John, if it gets bad, I want you to call me immediately, and I will come to her,” Josh says.

“Thank you for everything you have done for Ellie,” I say.

“Everybody loves Ellie. There are a lot of people who will help you with her. But, unfortunately, I do not see her living long outside of the hospital, and there are no treatments left for her,” Josh says.

“I understand perfectly. It is what she wants,” I say.

I walk out of his office and down the hall. I take the elevator up to the fifth floor. I want to cry, but I cannot right now. I have to have my brave face on when I see Ellie. I get off the elevator and walk to her room. When I reach room 5523, I take a deep breath and then go into the room. Ellie looks up and smiles at me when I walk into the room.

“Is Josh going to let me leave this horrible place?” Ellie asks.

I sit down on the side of the bed. “Of course, he is going to let you leave. We are going home as soon as he writes all the orders for you,” I say.

Ellie touches my face and smiles. “Thank you for not making me stay here, John. I want to go home and see my animals,” Ellie says.

“Oh, I thought you wanted to go home to be with me,” I say to her.

“Yeah, I guess you are a bonus. I need you too, but you don’t have a fur coat or a wet nose,” Ellie says.

I have always said she loved her animals more than me. I know she misses all of them. Her rescue dogs and cats mean the world to her. She has been in the hospital for three weeks this time. Her best friend comes over every day to help feed them while I am at work. Ellie has the heart of a saint. I think that is why I do not understand why someone so special has to be so sick.

The nurse knocks on the door. “Mrs. Daniela Bradley, I have your meds,” she says.

“Ellie, please, it is Ellie,” she says softly.

“Sorry, Ellie, I have your meds. Dr. Newbern will be by with your prescriptions to take home and your orders,” the young nurse says.

“Thank you,” I say to her.

Ellie takes her meds. I sit on the side of the bed. I know she will be sleeping soon. The pain medicine always knocks her out. She hates it, but without it, she does nothing but screams. It is unfair for someone who could dance the night away to be confined to a wheelchair. She cannot walk anymore. She cannot brush her hair without half of it falling out. I look down at her nails. Her nails were painted every day, and now they are brittle and cracked. Her beautiful glowing skin is replaced with scales from the treatments. No matter how she looks to everyone else, to me, she is the most beautiful woman on earth.

Ellie reaches out to hold my hand. “I love you almost as much as my animals, John,” Ellie says with a smile on her face. I laugh.

“I love you too,” I say.

I hold her hand until she falls asleep. I need to make some calls to get the house ready for her. Her health has deteriorated so much over the last three weeks we will need a hospital bed and a shower chair. I need a nurse for when I work to stay with her. I will give her everything she needs to live out the remainder of her life in our home. I want to make sure she has everything she needs. 

I kiss her on the forehead. I love you always, my Ellie.

Chapter 2 | Flames in the Fire

John POV

I sit on the side of the hospital bed, watching the most beautiful creature I know to sleep soundly from her pain med. I would give anything to take the pain from her. Why couldn’t it be me sick? She does not deserve to be lying here in this cold hospital. Soon, my Ellie, I am taking you home today, my love.


Noah and I sit at the bar. How in the hell I let him talk me into coming to his sister’s wedding. I do not want to be here. Jana and I broke up last week, and I do not want to be around anyone. I want to be at home alone, mad at the world.

“Have a drink,” Noah says, handing me a shot.

“Really, you want to get me drunk?” I ask him.

“If you are going to be a sourpuss all night, you should go ahead and get drunk,” Noah says.

“You know I do not drink,” I say.

“Yeah, that is right. Mr. Straight, how could I forget?” Noah says, laughing.

I have never enjoyed drinking or wanted to drink. I got enough of alcohol watching my father drink himself to death. I look across and see her, Daniela Morris. I cannot help but watch her walk into the reception. At least on this night of hell, I can see her beautiful face.

“Well, is that flame still burning?” Noah says.

I have always had a crush on Daniela, but we come from separate sides of town. Her family is wealthy, and mine, well, we are just your typical middle-class working people. I have not seen her since we graduated from high school three years ago. Yet, she is still as beautiful as ever. She went to college, and I became a cop, just like my father.

“Shut up!” I say to Noah.

“You should go talk to her. My sister invited her to the wedding, and I know there is not a plus one for a fact. She is single,” Noah says.

“She would never talk to me,” I say.

“Why not? You are a catch!” Noah says, laughing.

I sit watching her walk across the room in her long pale pink dress, her blonde hair flowing beautifully. She is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. But, Daniela is not just beautiful; she is kind and has a smile that lights up any room.

Noah jumps up from the bar. “I will be back, my friend,” he says as he dashes away. Noah goes straight to Daniela. I see him talking to her and pointing at me. I am going to kill him when this night is over. I want to crawl under something.

Noah returns without Daniela. He smiles like a jackass, and I want to punch him in the face. “Guess what she said, Mr. Perfect,” Noah says.

“Why did you do that?” I ask him.

I feel a small hand on my shoulder. I turn around, and Daniela is standing behind me. “Hi,” I say. It is all I can manage to get out.

“Hi,” she says softly. “I am sorry. My idiot friend here is drunk. I hope he was not rude,” I say to her.

“No, he told me that you wanted to dance with me,” she says.

“He did. I am sorry, Daniela, but I do not dance,” I say.

“Ellie, no one calls me Daniela anymore. Just Ellie,” she says.

“Ellie, I am a terrible dance partner,” I say to her.

“I am a great teacher, come on,” she says. She reaches for my hand. How can I say no to her?

I take her hand, and she leads me to the dance floor. A slow song is playing as she gets close to me. “I promise I do not bite, John,” she says.

“I am sorry, I am a little nervous,” I say. I smile at her. I feel like an idiot standing here, letting her lead me.

“See, you are not so bad; you are doing great,” she says.

“What did Noah say to you?” I ask Ellie.

“He said that you were dying to ask me for my number but that you were scared of me. Are you scared of me, John?” she asks me.

“No, I am not scared of you. I did not think you would ever give me your number or talk to me,” I say.

“Hmmm. So you are afraid of me,” Ellie says, laughing. That smile.

“Okay, fine, I am terrified of you,” I say.

“I tell you what, John. I will give you my phone number on one condition,” Ellie says.

“What is that?” I ask her.

“You have to promise me that you will call me tonight after you drop me off at home,” Ellie says.

“Oh, you need a ride home?” I ask her.

“Yes, I came with my mother, and I would be forever grateful if you got me out of here,” Ellie says.

“Deal, I do not want to be here either,” I say.

“Really, you do not want to be here with me?” Ellie asks.

“No, No, No. I want to be here with you, just not at this wedding reception. Noah dragged me here,” I say.

“So, are we ditching this wedding reception or what?” Ellie asks.

“Let’s do it,” I say to her.

Ellie leads me off of the dance floor, and we sneak out the back. We run across the parking lot for my car like two kids playing hide and seek. We jump into my truck laughing.

*Present DAY*

“John, John, John,” Ellie says my name over and over in her sleep. I rub her hand, waiting for the nurse to come back with her release papers.

The door opens, and the nurse finally comes into the room. “Dr. Newbern has her orders ready. I called an ambulance to take her home. They will be up in a few minutes if you want to go ahead home and wait for her. Home health should meet you there,” the nurse says.

“Thank you,” I say to the nurse.

I kiss Ellie on the forehead. “I will see you at home, my love,” I say to her. I leave the room. I cannot help but break down as I walk to the elevator. I am not ready to lose her. I know it is coming, but I am not prepared.