Chapters: 182
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Canis Major


Five years ago, her parents and their beloved sister died tragically in a car accident. She automatically becomes the sole heir of the fortune of an Alvin Mehram Claire. Also the father left a message which she thought was very strange. All guardianship, including custody of her as long as she is not old enough to hold power in the Claire Group, falls on her sister’s fiancé; Sebastian Sachdev Rendra Two people with different characteristics must unite to carry out what is stated in the will. As the years go by, one by one what is hidden is revealed, including the premeditated murder of Claire's family. Where she, Fathie Bernessia Claire, the sole heir is also threatened with her life. Until an event occurs that makes Sebastian feel she has failed to take care of Fathia. Almost handed over the power that had been held in the hands of the person who turned out to be the mastermind behind the Alvin Mehram family accident. At the same time, Fathia can't stay silent with the injustices that she just found out after being covered up for the past five years. She also works together to avenge the death of her family. Also met with Sebastian who she had loved since the beginning of the first meeting. Will she get justice? Or is the danger even more threatening for Sebastian's safety as well?

Billionaire Romance Age Gap Love At First Sight Unexpected Romance Broken Family



Sad News.

June 2, 2014.

Without hesitation, Fathia ran through the school corridor. Drops of sweat had already started forming on her forehead. She didn't care. Her mind was solely focused on the principal's office. They said... someone was sent from her father's office.

Since yesterday, she had been feeling restless. And until she finished breakfast, she hadn't received any news from the people she cared about. Usually, her older brother diligently contacted her whenever he had a chance. Ah, perhaps they were all busy with their own affairs.

That's what Fathia tried to reassure herself with. She tried her best to concentrate on all the exams until... the call for her arrived.

Her heart raced, and her eyes made sure once again that she was heading to the right place. Throughout her time at Bina Nusantara School, she had never set foot in this room. She only visited the teachers' room a few times, and that too with specific purposes. Delivering assignments and other instructions from her homeroom teacher.

It took her a few minutes to calm her racing heart and catch her breath, a consequence of her earlier sprint. Feeling composed enough, she mustered the courage to knock on the perfectly carved wooden door; Head Master, at its center.

"Good afternoon, sir," greeted Fathia when she was finally inside the rather large room. She was only allowed in after being invited. Her eyes wandered slightly, trying to hide her nervousness. Fathia didn't want to move from her position near the doorway just yet. To the right, she was presented with a large glass door cabinet full of numerous trophies and certificates of appreciation. Fathia's school was considered one of the top schools in all of New York City.

She immediately lowered her gaze when Horrison Stone turned to face her.

"Ah, Fathia," Horrison cleared his throat briefly. He glanced at his interlocutor for a moment and then continued speaking. "Please, have a seat, dear."

Fathia complied, and as she settled into her seat, her forehead furrowed in confusion. She knew this man, but what was the matter?

"Fathia," called the man.

"Sebastian." Somehow, the uneasy feeling she had been experiencing intensified in her chest. "What's going on?"

What Fathia received was not an immediate response, but rather an exchange of glances between the principal and the man she knew as her beloved brother's fiancé; Sebastian Sachdev.

"Please... pay close attention to this news and," Sebastian paused for a moment, feeling the pain he had been holding back since earlier. Especially when he pronounced a name that stirred his emotions. "Your parents and... Felice," Sebastian closed his eyes briefly, feeling the ache he had been carrying. Especially when he uttered the name that touched a deep place within him. "Were involved in an accident last night."

Fathia didn't blink. She just stared at Sebastian without a break. Absorbing all the words she had just heard.

"And... they all passed away on the spot."



June 3, 2014.

The drizzle didn't bother the girl wearing a black dress. She stood resolute among three neatly covered mounds. Beautiful flowers were scattered over them, each bearing a name that made her part of the family.

The glasses she wore merely served to conceal her swollen eyes from crying. Especially when the funeral car arrived at their grand residence. She wailed, screamed hysterically until she passed out several times. But still, the three people she loved so much would never wake up to greet her again. They lay stiff, facing God with happiness.

Left behind was Fathia, still very young, facing the world alone. The ground she had stood upon felt shattered without any support, especially when Sebastian delivered this sad news. Fathia's collapse worsened when, for the last time, she was allowed to look at her three family members: Papa, Mommy, and her beloved sister, Felice.

"Miss, have some milk first," offered Naomi a moment before they all headed to the funeral. Since yesterday, Fathia hadn't eaten or drunk anything. Everything tasted bland and filled her up at the same time.

"No, Auntie. I don't want to," Fathia refused while wiping her tears. Family members, whether from her father's or mother's side, started arriving. They all hugged Fathia and conveyed their condolences. Fathia still couldn't believe that everything had happened so quickly.

She recalled the night before when Felice had reminded her to be careful during exams. If her grades were good, a reward of a vacation to Bahama awaited her. Fathia pouted because the same reward had been given last year too; a vacation to Bali.

If she remembered correctly, that night her parents had given her many pieces of advice. From taking care of her health, not forgetting to eat regularly, to one thing that disturbed her now.

"Fathia must be a strong woman. Face everything that comes your way. Never think about giving up. The Claire family never surrenders, Fathia. You must remember that," Alvin Mehram Claire said while lovingly patting Fathia's head. His gaze was gentle yet firm.

"Fathia is Papa's daughter. You won't easily give up like Kak Felice, who often wins tenders, right?"

Alvin chuckled, touching Fathia's chin with affection. "You're right. Be like Felice. But remember one thing. Papa prefers you to live life the way you want in your heart."

Fathia furrowed her brow, and it deepened when her father continued.

"Because your heart knows best where to find peace."

"I don't understand, Dad." That was true. Fathia didn't understand this. Her thoughts were only about school, engaging in activities she chose to fill her spare time, and coming back home. Her life was not colorful. It was just normal. Even for a fifteen-year-old teenager, having a close friend of the opposite gender held no interest for her. It was entirely different from her friends.

Their conversations never strayed far from, "Look, he's so handsome, right? Our Student Council President?"

"You don't need to understand. Someday you will. Just remember Papa's words, okay?" Alvin gazed at Fathia intently. Finally, the youngest daughter nodded and smiled slightly, affirming her father's request.

What she never expected was that it would be the last message before they parted ways in different worlds.

Once again, Fathia wiped her tears. The memory weighed heavily on her.

"Let's go home," someone said, making Fathia turn. She had to look up since the man beside her was towering. He had a sturdy build, especially with his black shirt that got a bit dirty at the bottom. During the funeral procession, he didn't hesitate to help with lowering each casket into its final resting place.

"I'll be fine alone, Sebastian," Fathia replied as she tended to her parents' graves, slightly crouching as she wanted to reminisce a little longer.

"I'll accompany you," he replied.

Fathia turned again, and indeed, Sebastian was there too. Standing beside her. "Kak Sebastian, you should go home. I want to be alone."

"I won't let you be alone."


The Moment Before the Reading of the Will.

June 6, 2014.

Three days had passed since Alvin, his wife, and their eldest child were buried. The news about them spread throughout Indonesia. The owner of the second-largest retail business in New York City had tragically passed away, filling the columns of newspapers and online news pages. It was also broadcasted on TV.

However, Fathia didn't want to hear any of it. For her, the three of them were still there. Still in an important meeting discussed in Levine Village. Fathia remembered their visit, which was also intended for the soon-to-be-inaugurated new factory.

The sound of her bedroom door being knocked made Fathia lift her face from the pillow. She didn't want to move from there at all. Naomi prepared her meals and made sure the young lady ate properly, although it was difficult to persuade her.

"Just come in, Auntie," Fathia replied, slightly tightening her voice. She thought it was Naomi entering, but she was mistaken. Sebastian entered with a sharp gaze directed at her. Without hesitation, he sat at the edge of her bed without asking for permission. Not far from where Fathia was sitting, now looking at Sebastian with a mix of surprise and recognition. "Sebastian," she whispered softly, just to make sure if this man was indeed the one she knew.

"Why didn't you want to eat this morning?" Sebastian asked.

Fathia looked down again, shaking her head slightly in response.

"Eat, Fathia."

Again, Fathia shook her head. "I just want to be with Mommy and my sister, Felice."

One thing that Fathia now remembered about Sebastian's behavior towards her. Without hesitation, Sebastian picked her up, causing Fathia to scream, but he ignored it. Only when she was seated inside a sedan that she recognized as belonging to the sharp-eyed man, did Sebastian speak. "We're going to eat."

"But I don't want to!" Fathia protested.

"Eat, Fathia!"

For the first time, Sebastian used a dominating tone, making Fathia's spirit suddenly shrink. All she did now was tighten her grip on the seat belt that encircled her body.

Throughout the journey, Fathia and Sebastian were silent. His strong arms gripped the steering wheel tightly, unknown to Fathia, there was a tinge of regret in his heart for the harsh tone he used earlier. When the engine was turned off, indicating they had arrived at their destination, Fathia refused to speak.

"We're here," Sebastian unfastened his seat belt and turned briefly to look at Fathia, who imitated his movements. "I'm sorry for speaking harshly earlier."

That apology succeeded in making Fathia turn her head, making them face each other at last. Those eagle-sharp eyes had now transformed into a much gentler gaze. Fathia remembered that look Sebastian always gave her when she was with Felice and her fiancé. Yes, Sebastian was Felice's fiancé. Fathia felt that they both shared the pain of losing the same person.

"Yes, I'm sorry for causing trouble," Fathia accepted his gentle touch, closing her eyes for a moment, savoring it. "Felice said you like 'soup kare’ here."

Then Fathia's eyes darted around, and she finally laughed. A joyful smile appeared as this little thing somewhat diminished her sadness. "Thank you, Sebastian."

"We'll eat, okay. Later in the afternoon, there will be a reading of the will by Mr. Ronald. You know him, right?"

Her smile vanished right away.


Sebastian didn't mince his words when he informed her. When they arrived at her home, it was already filled with family members from both her mother and father's sides. They all looked at Fathia with keen interest, as if ready to be led by the fifteen-year-old girl. Fathia shivered in fear as she observed them all, tightening her grip on Sebastian's hand, who didn't move from her side.

"I'm scared, Sebastian," Fathia whispered softly when they sat in the living room. Some of the people there were familiar to her, while others were not.

Hearing Fathia's complaint, Sebastian tilted his head slightly towards her, trying to comfort her. "I'm here. Just stay calm."