Her Russian Brute
Sola: Ivan Rustanov is a total jackhole. He has no conscience, and now he’s forcing me to stay in his remote mountain home as his prisoner until spring. He’s no holds barred, and dangerous–the kind of guy you just know has a body count somewhere in his back story. He wants me in his bed, but that will NEVER happen. I hate him. Or at least I should. Shouldn’t I? Ivan: A few years ago, having a curvy prisoner in my home wouldn’t have been a problem. A few years ago I wasn’t broken and damaged beyond all repair. I thought I was dead inside… until she came along and awakened me in ways I never thought possible. But what happens when her past and mine collide? Can a monster like me ever become the man she deserves? Find out what happens in this last standalone novel in Theodora Taylor’s wildly popular Loving Russians series. Perfect for readers who like their Russian heroes scarred and in need of some heavy duty love redemption!
Her Russian Brute Free Chapters
Chapter 1 | Her Russian Brute
Ivan Rustanov was the current heavyweight extreme fighting (EFC) champion of the world. Nearly everyone who followed mixed martial arts fighting loved him. However, that evening, it was safe to say his family hated him.
Maybe it was because he’d completely forgotten the opera opening he was supposed to attend with them. Maybe it was because he didn’t make it to their box until a full thirty minutes after the start of the performance (and that was only because he’d used his family name and his bodyguards to bend the opera house rules about latecomers not being allowed into the main theater). Or maybe it was because his “date” chose to wear a tight red dress that barely covered her ass.
Personally, Ivan appreciated the effort it must have taken Svetlana to not only walk without stumbling in her mile-high stilettos, but to also take her seat in the box without revealing her very naked crotch to the world. He’d told her not to wear panties when he texted her less than an hour ago. And to her credit—and considering her time constraints—the Ukrainian lingerie model reported for duty with admirable attention to detail.
However his mother and sister weren’t remotely impressed.
“You cannot be serious,” his mother, Yelena, hissed at him from her seat when Svetlana excused herself to “freshen up.”
“You know all too well he is, Mother,” his little sister, Marina, answered before her older brother could respond.
“Why can you not find nice girl to spend time with?” his mother demanded in a lowered voice. “You should date one of your sister’s university friends. Nice girls from good families. Not harlots.”
“My friends are far too smart to get involved with Ivan,” his sister insisted.
She wishes, Ivan thought with an inner smirk. If only his sister knew how many of her friends he’d already slept with. He’d made it into a sort of game, checking at least two of them off of his inner list whenever he visited Marina at school.
His sister might consider herself above dating a fighter like him, but the rest of her friends were like moths to a flame with the boy who burned the baddest in their small circle of Russian elites. Her friends might have thought twice about openly admitting to his sister how much they liked the Rustanov with the chiseled face and 12-0 record, but did they melt underneath him as soon as he got them alone in a dark corner? Oh, da, they did.
As he watched Marina eye the seat Svetlana had vacated with frank distaste, he almost felt sorry for her. She would probably do exactly as his parents expected. Settle down with her boyfriend, the son of a fellow Russian elite. Make perfect little Russian elite babies. Do everything it took to further gloss over the fact that until a decade or so ago, the Rustanovs had been a century-old crime family before switching gears to become a highly successful legitimate operation.
And this was why his parents clearly preferred their dutiful daughter to their incorrigible son. Ivan might have a perfect knockout record, but his sister was the perfect soldier. Primed and ready to marry her boyfriend of two years as soon as they finished university. Whereas Ivan had dropped out of business school a mere two years in to pursue a career on the international fighting circuit.
He’d interned with his cousin, Boris, the summer before his third year of university, and Boris—who was a former underground fighter turned businessman—ended up training him. Now just a few years later, Ivan held a perfect record, and thanks to his good looks and bad boy reputation, he’d landed several endorsement contracts. Adding millions to the billions he already stood to inherit as a scion of one of the richest families in Russia.
Ivan was now arguably the most famous Rustanov in the world, even more so than his cousin Alexei, the man who currently ran the family empire from his compound in Texas. But that didn’t stop his immediate family from regarding Ivan with disdain that night, as if he’d invited a leper—as opposed to an up-and-coming lingerie model—to the opera his family helped finance.
“This is not the kind of woman you bring out with you in public,” his father told him during the intermission as they stood side-by-side in the men’s restroom.
Normally a public restroom wouldn’t be considered a private enough spot for a father and son to have this sort of exchange, especially during intermission in a crowded theater. But in this case, two of the family bodyguards stood outside the restroom’s front doors, giving all the other men who were desperate to pee “fuck-off” faces, while Ivan and his father took their sweet time at the urinals.
“You should find a nice girl, someone your mother likes, for public and take a pet for private.”
“Just like you,” Ivan said, knowing exactly where this conversation was headed.
“Just like a Rustanov,” his father answered. “Rustanovs do not bring girls like that to the opera.”
“Why not? I heard rumors Cousin Boris actually married his pet for a short time.”
“Boris is only half, and maybe not right in the head. I think Alexei tolerates him because others are afraid of him, and that quality is good for conference room negotiations. But you have same qualities as Boris, and you are a full-blood. Plus, Boris has been off in the States for almost whole spring and summer this year. Soon, I feel, the time will come for him to step down and for you to step up in the Moscow office. Soon our full line could once again take over the Russian side of our empire.”
His father zipped up his pants. “But not if you continue participating in these silly fights of yours.”
Ivan hated the way his father spoke of the cousin who’d trained him, and he barely kept himself from openly rolling his eyes at his father’s dismissal of Ivan’s career choices. MMA fighting was a billion dollar industry, yet his father referred to the sport as if it were simply a bunch of hot-headed children tussling inside a ring.
“You must return to university,” his father insisted as they washed their hands. “Finish your business studies like your cousins, Boris and Alexei, so they will respect you.”
He sneered at his son in the typical Rustanov way. “You are becoming too old for those fights. And your mother does not like these girls you bring around.”
Like Ivan gave one fuck what his mother liked. If it were up to Yelena Rustanov, he’d only date girls who sat around drinking tea all day and telling her how pretty she still looked in her tennis outfits.
Yet, family was family…
He stayed for the rest of the performance, and even managed not to doze off thanks to a very subtle over-the-pants hand job from Svetlana. But as soon as they headed toward the limo line, he started making the necessary moves to depart.
“Svetlana has promised to make an appearance at a club opening tonight, and I will escort her there,” he told his family while they waited for their limo outside the theater. They were, as always, placed at the front of the opera’s busy pick-up line, even though they hadn’t been the first to arrive for the performance. Just one of the many perks of being among the theater’s most generous donors.
“But what about the opening night party?” his mother demanded as he kissed her on her rouged cheeks. “We are hosting it at the house. You must come!”
“Perhaps I will stop by later,” he replied. Meaning, “perhaps I will stop by never.”
Marina barely tolerated his kiss when he bent down to touch his lips to her cool cheek.
“Why must you always be such a bastard?” she hissed in his ear. “Is her life not hard enough?”
He merely gave his sister a cool look. Their mother had grown up rich and pampered and had only become more so over the years, thanks to Alexei’s solid investment strategy and his knack for collecting ailing corporations during the last few economic downturns. With this money, their father had given Yelena everything she had ever wanted, save his fidelity.
Ivan doubted 99.9% of the world—which was also the number of people who possessed less money than his family did—would feel sorry for his mother.
“I will text you the address of the club we are heading to,” he answered his sister. “Stop by later if you become sick of being a bore.”
Before she could respond, one of the guards informed them the family car had arrived.
Forever the dutiful child, Marina glared at Ivan as she followed their parents into the back of the sleek stretch limo.
The glare was wasted on him, however. He only spared his sister the minutest of glances before heading back towards the lobby. To rejoin Svetlana, who’d promised two of her friends would meet them at the club…and would be more than willing to do whatever it took to keep their favorite fighter thoroughly entertained.
No, he wasn’t thinking about his family at all. In fact, he was already lazily turning toward what would surely be a coke-filled night of debauchery. Which was why the blast, when it came, only caught half of his face. Which was why the bomb, planted by his father’s enemy, didn’t kill his victim’s entire family as intended. Only Ivan’s father, Ivan’s mother, and Ivan’s sister.
Ivan, the media claimed afterwards, had been lucky—suffering terrible but not fatal injuries.
Little did they know that despite his continued existence, Ivan hadn’t survived the blast. That night, the devil-may-care fighter was killed. And in his place rose a vicious slaughterer. A brutal assassin. One so bloodthirsty, that the man who ordered the bombing, his soldiers, and his sons, would all die cursing his name and wishing, as he himself often did afterwards, he’d been in that limo.
Chapter 2 | Her Russian Brute
“It’s not you, it’s me, Scott,” Sola told the caller as she reversed her mentor’s car out of the strip mall parking space. “I feel like we’re in two different places in our lives. You’ll be joining a new team next season, and I still don’t know where I’m going to land once I’ve graduated from ValArts. We both have these huge lives in front of us, and frankly, I think we’re much too different to make things work together. We’ve been drifting apart for a while now. I think it’s time for us to break it off. But I’ll always think fondly of you, and, um…thanks, I guess…”
She cut her eyes towards the Lexus’s Bluetooth display screen. “C’mon, say something! I’m dying here.”
“Well…there’s a lot of good stuff to work with, but you really shouldn’t start a break-up speech with ‘it’s not you, it’s me.’ That’s so cliché,” her best friend, Anitra, answered.
“Okay, okay, good feedback,” Sola said, mentally filing her friend’s comment away.
Thank God she’d met the soon-to-be doctor during her first year at ValArts, when Anitra had mistaken her as the only other black student in their Directing 101 course. After an awkward explanation about her heritage—Guatemalan parents, one of whom had curly hair and much darker skin, likely due to an ancestor of African descent, Anitra had answered, “Well, we’re the only women wearing glasses in this class. So…”
So…they’d ended up becoming best friends. And remained such, even after Anitra dropped out of ValArts to attend school in West Virginia on a scholarship for a BS/MD Accelerated Medical Rural Health Program.
But luckily for Sola, the future doctor still remembered everything they’d learned during their first year Theater Lab course about providing critique and giving good notes.
“Anything else?” Sola asked, as she negotiated the car Brian had left at J.J.’s bar a few days ago out of the parking lot and onto one of Valencia’s busier streets.
According to Brian, only a few decades ago Valencia had been home to nothing but a few goat farms, several orange groves, and a young art school: the Valencia Institute of the Arts. But thanks to the sprawl from nearby Los Angeles, the formally small desert town was becoming busier and busier by the year, and ValArts had gone on to become one of the most prestigious universities in the nation for students of both visual and performing arts.
“You’re making it seem like it’s mostly you who has all the issues in the relationship,” Anitra said in response to Sola’s question. “I’m concerned he’s not going to realize what a douchebag he’s been to you after you’re done breaking up with him.”
So much for giving good, impartial notes. “Nitra...”
“I’m just saying you might want to come right out and tell him he doesn’t deserve you, because he’s a controlling asshole who doesn’t know a good hairstyle when he’s sees it.”
Sola shook her head at the radio. Anitra was still way more bitter about the second of only two major fights she and Scott had ever had over the course of their relationship.
Albeit, the hair one had been pretty major. Scott had lost it when she’d shown up at his condo in Marina Del Rey with her hair cut short after a summer spent interning with Brian in New Mexico. The ensuing argument became so intense, Sola ended up leaving early and taking a bus back to Valencia. She spent the entire ride texting with Anitra about how insane Scott had been, yelling at her like a lunatic. Anitra agreed his reaction had been way out of line, too.
And when she’d told her mentor, Brian, what happened when she returned home earlier than expected, he’d said, “I think I can understand what a young woman such as yourself might see in a football player. It’s a common enough trope, though in this case the handsome soldier is bearing pigskin instead of a sword. However, I don’t think that fellow is for you, Marisol. I doubt he’d know Tosca from Don Giovanni if you gave him a libretto to follow along. And I’m sure Eddie would agree with me on this if he were able.”
That was Brian’s way of saying she could do better than Scott, and that if his husband, Eddie, weren’t suffering from a rare debilitating neurological disorder that manifested in various states of dementia and catatonia—with the rare “good day” thrown in every few weeks or so—he’d totally agree.
Sola, too, had started to have doubts about what had, up until then, been a more or less fairytale relationship between her and the boyishly handsome second-string running back for the L.A. Suns.
But then Scott had shown up at the auditions of the thesis play she’d been stage managing to get in more tech hours, and finish what should have been a six-year program in only five. Even though the play was a spoken drama, he’d auditioned for the role of Sola’s boyfriend with a charmingly off-key version of The Fray’s “Over My Head.”
Every other girl in the theater had melted and looked at Sola like she’d be crazy not to take him back. And so she had.
After all, he really did seem genuinely sorry, and at that point, they’d been together for over a year. Ever since meeting on a commercial she’d PA’d the summer before. Not that long ago, she’d been shocked that a sandy-haired football player from Omaha would even pay a nanosecond of attention to a poor Guatemalan art student like herself.
But just a year and a half after he sang for her forgiveness, Sola regretted not listening to Anitra and Brian. Scott had become more and more controlling since they’d gotten back together. Often calling to check up on her at odd times, and sometimes showing up at her place out of the blue.
She couldn’t so much as mention a male, even in the context of one of her plays or classes, without him accusing her of cheating. In fact, the last two times they’d had sex, it had been because he’d shown up in the middle of the night without warning. Supposedly it was because he missed her. But Valencia was over an hour from where Scott lived in Marina Del Rey. And she could tell by the way he’d looked around the small cottage she rented for next to nothing from Brian, that he was searching for evidence that she’d been with another guy.
But the most damning fact of their doomed relationship was that Scott hadn’t been able to spend any time with her since September. He was having a bad season with the Suns, and he’d told her not to visit him during the season because he “didn’t want to be distracted by sex.” Sola had been somewhat relieved, too, because with only a year left to complete the rest of her MFA requirements—including all her tech hours, since she’d have a thesis opera to direct during her spring semester—she’d be pretty busy herself.
However, being busy was one thing. Not missing your boyfriend one iota in over three sexless months was another. Which was why, as much as she hated to hurt anyone’s feelings, she really needed to break up with him this weekend—the first one in thirteen they’d managed to schedule together.
But that didn’t mean she wanted to stomp all over the guy.
“I just want to break up with him,” she told her best friend as she carefully drove the short distance back to her little guesthouse, which sat just behind the Craftsman Brian shared with Eddie.
“I don’t want to make him feel bad about himself. He’s already upset about getting traded to Omaha after missing that pass in the playoff game. If I start listing reasons and stuff, it’s going to be like I’m piling up on him.”
“I guess,” grumbled Anitra. “But I really think somebody ought to let him know that the shit he pulls with you isn’t cool. Maybe I’ll text him...”
“Anitra, don’t you dare!” Sola insisted, knowing her bestie just might.
“Okay, okay, but only if you promise to call me right after. And take plenty of dialogue notes, because I want a blow-by-blow detail of what he says when you finally dump his sorry ass. That pixie cut was so cute!”
“Nitra…” Sola started to say with another laugh as she pulled up in front of the house.
But the laughter died in her throat when she saw what was waiting for her on the front lawn.
Scott, in all his gorgeous football player glory, stood there with what looked like at least half a marching band behind him. He smiled and the band started playing “Over My Head” as soon as her car came to a stop.
And just in case that wasn’t enough of a clue about what was going on, two majorettes rolled out a sign that read, “MARRY ME, MARISOL!”
Sola’s mouth dropped open.
And somewhere in the distance her best friend demanded on the other side of the car’s Bluetooth radio, “What’s happening? What’s going on?!”