!! Mature Content 18+ Erotica Novel!! Luke Williams, CEO of Williams Corp., was obsessed with finding someone to love forever. He watched his parents, Natalia and Chase Williams, find their way to each other after years apart, and they inspired him to find his own love. But, after a broken heart, Luke's ideals shift dramatically, and he becomes an ice-cold person. That all changes when Camilla Cortes enters his life. She's feisty, sexy, caring, and knows how to make him see hearts. She breaks down his walls and teaches him how to love again. But just when it seems like Luke might have finally found love, he learns who Camilla's mother is. Can Luke look past her heritage? Or will he walk away from her forever?
His Free Chapters
Chapter 1 — The Interview | His
Camilla Cortes’ POV
“Baby, I’m preying on you tonight, hunt you down, eat you alive, just like animals, animals, animals…”
I jumped out of bed when I heard my best friend, Alex, singing off-key. I got up, rubbing my eyes in an attempt to rid them of the blurriness from being awoken too early. I walked down the stairs of our three-bedroom apartment to find Alex singing her heart out while making pancakes. Usually, I would laugh my ass off at her for trying to sing, but I felt this needed special attention.
I quickly snuck back to my room and grabbed my phone. Coming back down the stairs, I hid behind a wall and recorded Alex with my phone. It was hard not to laugh while I recorded her.
Alex was a blonde-haired beauty with blue eyes and pink lips. She was around 5’7”, a whole inch taller than me. Most people thought blondes were dumb airheads who had no idea what was happening around them, but Alex wasn’t like that. If anything, she was the most intelligent and diligent person that I’d ever met.
She always puts others before herself and was really funny when she wanted to be, of course. I watched her as she jumped around to the bass in Nicki Minaj’s hit “Only.” Did I forget to mention that she loves to rap? She knows all of the latest rap hits as if they were her symphony.
I couldn’t help it this time, so I did the unthinkable. I laughed. I laughed so loud that Alex jumped and turned around, surprised to find me standing there. I quickly hid my phone and shuffled my feet nervously.
“Morning,” I mumbled to her, shifting from side to side.
“Hey,” she smiled brightly at me, a little too brightly.
“Did I wake you?” she asked, piling pancakes on a plate before handing it to me.
“No, I woke up all by myself,” I said, annoyed with that fact.
“Well, humans tend to do that.” She smiled; her sarcasm was not lost on me.
We stared at each other for a good few seconds before we both burst out laughing.
“What’s the plan for today?” she asked me while sipping a cup of coffee.
“I don’t know. What’d you have in mind?”
“I’m not sure…it’s 7 now, so you tell me.”
“What?!” I gasped, grabbing my phone to check the time, and just like Alex said, it was seven o’clock.
“Oh crap,” I groaned, stuffing a pancake in my mouth before running up the stairs and straight to my room.
I headed straight for my closet and started to go through all the clothes I had. I threw them on the bed one after the other. I didn’t even notice when Alex came into the room.
“Hey, are you—” I cut her off when I accidentally threw a black jacket in her face.
“Well,” she said as she took the jacket from her face, “that answers that question.”
“Lo Siento mucho pero…”
“Woah, hold up,” she said, her hands in the air as if to stop my words, “Deep breaths.” She pulled me to sit in a chair that was in the room.
“In,” I followed her instructions taking in a deep breath.
“Out,” I exhaled slowly. That was pretty relaxing.
“Now tell me, Mama, what’s wrong?”
I took a deep breath before I spoke. “Remember that interview I have to be the assistant to the CEO of Williams Corp.”
“I remember.”
“Well…it’s today at 9 am, and I’m not ready yet…I didn’t even remember until you mentioned the time,” I rushed the words, starting to freak out.
“Hey! Don’t freak out; we got this.”
She turned around and quickly glanced around the room before turning back to me with a smile on her face.
“Up…off you go,” she said while pulling me towards the bathroom.
“What am I going to wear?” I asked, a pout on my face.
“Leave that to me,” she said, a smirk on her face.
“Okay,” I mumbled, confused.
I closed the door behind me and quickly shed my clothes. I took a quick shower, all the while making sure not to wet my hair. Stepping out of the shower, I grabbed a towel and quickly dried myself. I wrapped the towel around me and stepped into the room.
“Great, you’re done,” she squealed, “Put these on…you can borrow my black pumps to go with it. I’ll go get them.”
I silently watched as she left the room. I went into my chest of drawers and took out a matching pair of black undergarments. I quickly donned the outfit that Alex picked out for me, and I’ve got to say that I love the look. It’s a black knee-length skirt with a red camisole and black jacket, the very one that I accidentally hit her with.
“Here we are,” she said as she entered the room and handed me the shoes.
“Take this too,” she told me, holding out a red handbag for me, “I already put in everything you’ll need like your phone, charger, notepad, and some cash.”
“Oh my gosh,” I squealed, “thank you so much.”
“It’s no problem,” she smiled before a slow smirk took over her face, “it’s time for makeup.”
I groaned when she mentioned it.
I hate makeup.
Chapter 2 — I Got the Job | His
Camilla Cortes’ POV
I nervously shifted my foot as I looked around. I was currently sitting in a chair in the waiting area of Mr. Williams’ secretary’s office. I glanced at my wristwatch to see that it was now exactly 9 am. After taking the bus a few blocks from where I lived, I was at Williams Corp at exactly 8:50 am. It was at that time I met Mr. Williams’ secretary, Hailey.
Hailey was a beautiful middle-aged lady. She had shoulder-length chocolate brown hair, big brown eyes, and a pretty smile. She was quite lovely and made me feel comfortable right away.
“Camilla, dear.”
I looked up to find Hailey smiling at me. She had one of those motherly smiles, which was understandable since she was a mother of three.
“Yes, Hailey.”
“He’s ready to see you now.”
I took a deep breath and shakily stood up. This was it; time to land me a job. But why did I suddenly feel so nervous? I was qualified, so I really had nothing to worry about. But the people before me must have been qualified too, which made me wonder if I was good enough. The doubt in my mind must have shown on my face. I really was an open book.
“Don’t worry, dear,” Hailey spoke reassuringly, “you’ll do great.”
Hailey walked ahead of me towards Mr. Williams’ door and pushed it open.
“Luke, dear,” she said, “Miss Cortes is here.”
“Send her in,” a deep voice responded.
I stepped inside, nervously glancing around the room. It was an elegant office. The walls were painted white, while the furnishings varied between black leather and glass. I walked up to the desk where Mr. Williams sat with his back turned to me. I couldn’t help but admire the view—it was spectacular.
“You may sit,” he spoke softly.
“Thank you,” I mumbled in reply as I sat in one of the chairs facing his desk.
I sat there for around two minutes in complete silence before he finally decided to swivel around in his chair. When he did, my heart jumped up to my throat. I thought he was an older man, but I was pretty surprised to find a young man with black hair and beautiful green eyes staring back at me, and then he started smirking.
“Like what you see?” he asked cockily.
I quickly snapped out of my surprised state. I can’t believe I was just checking him out, but never would I admit it. He was obviously one of the most handsome men I had ever seen, but he was too proud of his looks. He reeked of arrogance and appeared to be self-righteous. I decided to play it cool and be professional.
“I’m just shocked that you’re not a lot older,” I replied, a smirk now on my face as I saw his eyes widen in surprise. He probably expected me to drool and fall at his feet, which I totally was…on the inside.
He cleared his throat before he spoke again. “Let’s carry on with this interview, Miss?”
“Miss Cortes.”
“Right, Miss Cortes,” he continued, “Why do you think that you should get this job?”
“I won’t lie to you, Mr. Williams, this is a great corporation, and I can tell that there’s a lot of work to be done. I pride myself on being very hardworking, and I can promise you that I will always give my all to ensure that things run smoothly on my end.”
He studied my face as if searching for something. I stared right back at him, refusing to let him see how intimidated I was. This was unlike any interview I had ever been in. He was mostly silent, which was quite unnerving.
He swiveled around in his chair to face the wall once again. He spoke while gazing out of the building.
“I expect you here first thing Monday at exactly 8 am. Do not be late.”
“W-what?” I gasped. “I have the job?”
He swiveled around again, this time to face me. “Don’t you want the job?”
“Yes, of course,” I nodded my head. “It’s just you didn’t ask about my qualifications and stuff like that.”
“You graduated from Yale University with first-class honors. You used to work at a law firm out of town as an assistant,” he paused, “shall I continue?”
“No need,” I breathed out, “you won’t be disappointed.”
He didn’t say anything else as I stood and turned to leave. I could feel his unwavering and intense gaze on me as I left the room.
I couldn’t fathom why he would be staring at me like that. I mean, just look at him. He’s like a Greek God. The dark hair, the beautiful eyes, the delectable body.
“Camilla dear,” Hailey called as I walked out of Luke’s office, “how’d it go?”
I smiled at Hailey, thankful that she unknowingly calmed my thoughts.
“Well,” I said with a sigh, “I got the job!”
“Oh my gosh,” she squealed, “I’m so happy for you.”
“You call up some friends and celebrate. I’d go with you, but I promised my baby girl that we’d go to the carnival.”
“Maybe next time,” I said, smiling at her.
I left the building with a smile on my face. I had a new job with a sexy boss that I’d totally—oh crap! I really had to stop thinking about him in this way. This may just be harder than I thought.