Chapters: 38
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Honesty577


"The way you behave...behave around me, with me; it's highly inappropriate. I don't want you to think I'll be your little assistant that you fuck on top of your desk or in the break room. If that's your intention, I think it's best if you fire me, or at least send me back to work for Mr. Cain," I told him. After a couple seconds of silence, I turned to face him to be greeted with a hard look on his face. "Amelia...I'm sorry if you thought that was my intention, I can see where you would get that idea...and I apologize for my lack of communication, in what I want." "So what do you want?" I asked, my voice sounding strange. I cleared my throat. He reached forward, taking my ice cream and placing it on the bench, his hand moving to my chin making sure I held eye contact. "You...I want you, Amelia," he answered, his voice soft but held a level of firmness. I sat there looking at him, his eyes filled with emotions and unspoken words that had me melting under his gaze. "What do you mean—" "Please don't make me repeat myself, I find it quite annoying," he replied, his other hand moving from my knee to thigh, the grip firm. "Well, you're my boss, telling me that you...want me. I think I'm going to need some clarification, Xavier," I said frustrated and he swallowed hard, his Adam's apple moving. I wish I could know what he was thinking. Before another thought can pass through my mind, his lips are on mine

Romance Billionaire BxG Forbidden Love Office Romance Good Girl

HIS Free Chapters

Prologue | HIS

Amelia's POV:

We all gathered in the conference room, none of us really knowing why we were here. I walked over to Samantha, who was in the corner pouring coffee. She handed me a cup and I took it, saying a small thank you and scanning the room.

"Do you know what's going on?” I asked as we walked over to the chairs near the window taking a seat.

"I'm as clueless as you, but I heard people saying, they think they're letting people go,” she said, sipping her coffee. Before I could reply, the door opened and the room went quiet. Everyone began taking their seats, clearing the view of the entrance. Mr. Cain and Mr. Brown walked in standing at the front of the room facing everyone.

“Good day everyone,” they greeted and the room replied.

"As most of you know we have been, well, we haven't been doing as well as we were two years ago. So after some careful decision-making, Mr. Brown and I have decided to merge with Persons L.T.D, some of you will be transferred to his staff.” Mr. Cain said, pausing and giving us time to take it in; the room erupted in chatter. Most of them complaining, while I was just happy I wouldn't be losing my job. Mr. Cain motioned for silence and the room soon became quiet once more.

"Now that you all got the chance to take it in, I'd like to introduce Xavier Persons,” he introduced politely, clapping following his statement, as the door opened a man appears shaking his hand. Confidence radiated off his 6’1 figure, his black hair combed perfectly, his navy blue tailored suit holding his perfectly sculpted body. All eyes were on him, but he went unfazed as he turned to face the room.

"Nice to meet you all, as stated before my name is Xavier Persons. You will refer to me as sir or Mr. Persons, I'm a very fair man but I will not tolerate disrespect. I can be very demanding, some would label me as perfectionist, but if you're a hard-working employee you have nothing to worry about,” he said walking around the room.

"Some of you will be transferred to my staff, as I'm sure Mr. Cain and Mr. Brown already informed everyone. Only a small total of five people, Hunter Bryan, Terrance Faint, Brittany Astor, Camilla Dairy and Amelia Davidson. Everybody else, you may leave,” he said, and my heart sped up slightly. I didn't want to leave, I was comfortable here, I knew where the break room is I knew how to get extra food, I-

"You're expected to gather your things and be downstairs in half an hour, there will be car waiting outside to carry you to my abiding. I don't tolerate tardiness, so be on time or find another job,” he said once everyone left, his eyes one me, making me wonder if he heard something.

"Once you arrive, you will get a tour, as well as getting assigned your responsibilities. If you have questions, feel free to ask your head of department,” he added looking at his watch.

“I'll see you all in a half an hour.”

We made our way to the elevator. Terrance clicked the button to the correct floor as nervousness washed over me. The box in my hand heavier than I would've liked.

"Let me get that,” Hunter said laughing. I smiled, handing him the box.

"Thank you,” he smiled, turning to face the doors. This building was much bigger than my previous place of work and the design was modern, I liked it but with my fear of heights I hoped I didn't have a desk near a window. The doors opened, and we stepped out immediately being greeted by Mr. Persons, his eyes landing on me. I cleared my throat, uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Follow me,” he told us in a firm voice, and we did as he lead us to a desk a couple feet away. We were immediately greeted by a brunette who looked as if she could be a model. Everybody had someone they would be gay for, and I think she could be mine.

"Everyone will be staying with Sarah with the exception of Ms. Davidson,” he said motioning for me to follow. Hunter handed me my box, flashing me a smile. I returned it following speedy Gonzalez who was already in the elevator. I stepped in, feeling as if I just finished a two-hour workout. Why did they get the nice lady, while I got stuck with 'Mr. Stick-Up-His-Ass'?

The doors opened into an office. He stepped out, and I followed him as he opened a door to an office. Would you look at that, an office inside the office. He took the box from my hands as if it was a feather, motioning for me to sit in seat in front of his desk.

Soon, he was sitting in front of me, looking at me from across his desk. His eyes scanned over me and he bit the inside of his cheek, his hand moving to his chin brushing over his light stubble.

"Remove your hair from its ponytail,” he said, his voice firm. I looked at him confused but the look in his eyes made me know better than to argue. I hesitantly removed my hair tie, my hair falling down my back and over my shoulders. I ran my hand through it pushing it away from my eyes he nodded in approval looking at me.

"You're required to be on call whenever you're needed; your work hours are from 8 to 6. You must not be late, I will not tolerate you being late and if you are going to be late call ahead of time and inform me. The room that you saw earlier is your office. You're allowed to decorate it however you please, the door to the left of it is our break room. There are notes on the laptop inside of your office with things you need to know, like where certain rooms are, how I like my coffee, etc.,” he said, before looking down at his watch. This man was intense without even trying. I sat there confused; he just gave me the rules, but I still didn't know what my job title was.

“Mr. Persons?”

"Yes,” he answered looking at me.

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is my job here?”

"My assistant.”

Chapter 1 | HIS

I really need somebody, tell me, you're that somebody.

I'm hoping that this someone could be you.

Cameron J—Superficial.

Amelia's POV:

It's almost been a week since I started working for Mr. Persons and as his assistant I could formally confirm that he was a controlling dick. I got some curtains to cover the windows in my office, I don't think I could work while staring at the ground from so high up in the sky. Mr. Persons buzzed for me and I looked at the clock to see it was only 11:29 a.m. I got up wondering what I did wrong now, his coffee was perfect I had the copies he wanted on his desk, I'm early and I sent him a copy of his schedule today. I walked out of my office to see him taking off his jacket putting it on his back of the chair. Even though he wasn't the best boss he was damn sure a good-looking man that I would prob a-

"Your hair remove it from the ponytail," he said not looking at me, I rolled my eyes doing as he asked.

"How has your day been?" He asked rolling up his sleeves turning to me leaning against his desk.

"Okay," I replied my voice laced with confusion.

"Have you eaten?" He asked me crossing his arm his muscles flexing slightly.

"No, I was just about to head out for lunch," I answered and he nods his eyes running over me.

"Follow me," he said walking towards the elevator leaving me to trail behind. After a minute we were downstairs we stepped out of the elevator all eyes going to us, well not me mostly him but he remained unfazed with his head held high, eyes in front he opened the door and I walked out saying a small thank you. It was actually weird well not weird more unusual since he doesn't us-

"Ms. Davidson," he called out and I looked up at his towering figure, he motioned towards the door he was holding open.

"Sorry," I said slightly embarrassed walking into the small restaurant. He pointed to seat and I sat down watching as he walked up to the counter.

"Amalia," I heard a familiar voice call out followed it to see Hunter standing with a coffee in his hand.

"Hey Hunter."

"I haven't seen you, in what feels like forever and we work in the same building," he said smiling

"I've been busy, I've up to my neck in work," I said sighing and he laughed rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah I understand, I haven't been this busy since University," he replied making me laugh at his comparison.

"I've got to get going but we should meet for lunch, tomorrow?"

"Yeah tomorrow," I replied and he smiled walking off, he was-

"Who was that?" The firm voice asked and I immediately know who it was, I can't even think without him int erupting.

"Hunter," I said as he held out his hand for me, his eyes following Hunter's retreating figure. I held his hand hesitantly and he pulled me to stand walking off to open the door the food in his other hand.

"What did he want?" He asked walking beside me as we made our way back.

"He asked me to go for lunch tomorrow," he nodded and before I knew it we were back in the office he placed the bag on the table taking out two lunch boxes and two bottles of water.

"Here," he said handing me one of the lunch box and a water, I took it saying a small thank you.

"How much do I owe you?" I asked walking to my office. I placed everything on my desk peeking out looking at him.

"You don't owe me anything, eat we have a meeting soon," he said his voice firm and cold as he sat down not looking in my direction.