His Achilles Heel

His Achilles Heel

Chapters: 31
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Jo Hayward


To the outside world, Marcel is a successful businessman, but he lives a secret double life as the leader of a powerful mafia group. One fateful night, he nearly runs over Nyasha, only to realize she has been brutally attacked by her husband, Malcolm. Coincidentally, Marcel is Malcolm's boss, and when Nyasha goes to thank Marcel for taking her to the hospital—as well as taking care of the hospital bill—Marcel suddenly has the urge to protect her. He gives her shelter while he helps her process her divorce from Malcolm, and they settle into a routine as Nyasha accepts a job at his company. But as they continue to interact, Marcel's feelings for her deepen, and their dark secrets begin to surface. They've each accumulated quite a few enemies, all of whom seem desperate to keep them apart.

Romance Thriller BxG Love Triangle Crime Office Romance

His Achilles Heel Free Chapters

Chapter 1 | His Achilles Heel

"What the..." Marcellus Martinez cursed as he swerved his car out of the road. 

Out of nowhere, a woman had run onto the empty street, clutching her stomach. It was raining cats and dogs as he stepped out of his car, ready to shout at the crazy lunatic. 

"What is your problem? It's a matter of fact that women are a nuisance, can't you see where you are going?"

"Please help me," she whispered before passing out.

Looking down at the still, bleeding figure, he muttered a string of curses under his breath as he contemplated what to do. A car slowed down, coming to a halt as the driver jumped out of the car. 

"What happened," she asked, pulling out her phone.

"I don't know, she just ran out of nowhere," he said in a flat tone.

"Help me get her into my car. She is losing a lot of blood," the woman yelled out.

Bending down, he scooped her up as her head rested on his shoulder. A flash of lightning illuminated the sky as he walked towards the woman's car. He caught a glimpse of the woman, making him frown. Placing her in the car, he turned to leave without as much as a backward glance.

"Wait, where are you going? I need your help. We need to slow down the bleeding."

"Do I look like a medical doctor to you?"

The woman looked shocked as he continued to walk away from the car.

"Please, sir," she called out as he reached his car. Sighing, he locked his car after parking it away from the road and headed back to the other car.

"You can drive," she said as she slid into the back of the car. 

Nyasha's POV

"Miss, can you try to sit up for me," I heard as I opened my eyes to find myself in a cool, sterile room.

Each movement was painful. Malcolm had really done a number on me as I looked down to find thick bandages around my abdomen.

You are probably wondering what happened to me and who Malcolm is.

Malcolm is my husband, and he is the reason I am in the hospital. After spending all of his salary on alcohol with his buddies, he expected me to provide a meal when he refused to let me work, resulting in no food in the house. This was not the first time I had tasted my own blood in my mouth, but it was the first time being admitted to the hospital. Now, aside from worrying how I would face him again, I wondered where I would get money for the hospital bills.

"Ma'am, can you hear me?" Dr. Alexis said with a worried look as I caught sight of her name tag.

"Hmmm, yes, yes. I am fine, thank you. I need to leave. How much is all this going to be?" 

"Don't worry, the bill has already been taken care of."

Looking at her completely puzzled, I asked who had paid as she began telling me what had happened. Handing over the card, I looked at the name: Marcellus Martinez. 

"Martinez, Martinez... As in Marcellus Martinez of Martinez Industries? No, anyone else but him," I cried. "He was Malcolm's boss, and from what Malcolm had mentioned, the man was ruthless. He never talked much, but he had a sharp temper.

"He helped me bring you here. Just go thank him at least," Alexis said, knowing what must have been going on in my mind. 


"Umm, Mr. Martinez?" He heard his secretary mutter.

"Spit it out. I don't have all day."

"You have a visitor," she said looking at the bedraggled state of Nyasha with a frown. She stood out like a sore thumb with her dark chocolate skin, short hair, and oversized clothes. 

"Five minutes is all I have to spare," he said, ending the call.

"You may go in," the secretary said, looking worried.

Knocking on the door, she waited to hear a response. Hearing his deep clipped voice, she entered the office, her heart hammering against her chest. As she walked in, he kept staring down at his papers, a scowl marking his features. As he looked at her, she felt ashamed as blue eyes roamed from her toes to her head. This was her best dress, but she knew that in others' eyes, it looked pathetic. 

"How may I help you?" he said with a frown. 

"I...I… I'm the lady you saved yesterday. I just wanted to say thank you," she said softly before looking down. "If there is any way I can repay you, please let me know. So I can at least pay off my debt to you."

"Do I look like I am in need of anything? Like I am lacking?"

"No, not at all, sir," she said as she began to tremble out of fear.

He frowned at her state before saying, "If you are done, I have a meeting to attend to. I am sure you know the way out."

Walking out of his office, she spotted Malcolm, who had an angry scowl on his face. 

"Don't even think of coming home if you want to live. You are an embarrassment," he said angrily.

As Marcellus left his office, he saw the exchange between Malcolm and the young lady from earlier.

Chapter 2 | His Achilles Heel

Marcellus continued walking, thinking. Whatever Malcolm had said to the young lady had instilled more fear as all color drained from her luscious chocolate skin. Shaking his head to clear such thoughts, he went ahead with his meeting, which by his standard, went perfectly as each department presented what they had achieved within the last four days of that week.

Turning to his PA, Theo, he gave him instructions before leaving the room. 

Continuing with work, he was surprised when Theo informed him he was leaving—it was already well past nine in the evening. Once he locked his office up for the weekend, he left the building, driving at a leisurely pace. Spotting a familiar figure sitting on a bench close to the accident scene, he slowly came to a halt.

"Get in!" His deep voice pierced the evening silence as teasing raindrops began to come down from the heavens. 

Dark brown eyes shot up to him in panic before recognition appeared. She shook her head no as she tightened the sweater around her. 

"Woman, get in so I can take you home before you fall more ill," he snapped harshly.

"No thank you, sir," she responded as he cursed and drove away.

Reaching his house, he started preparing his supper to relax himself, but that woman kept intruding on his thoughts once he managed to clear them. It was already raining rather heavily as he thought of the cut she was sporting, thinking of pneumonia and other infections. Cursing, he put on a sweater heading back out to see if she was still there. Spotting the bench, he saw no one as he got out of his car in search of her.

Spotting someone standing by the bus stop shelter, he realized it was her.

She let out a blood-curdling scream when he tentatively placed his large palm on her shoulder. Looking up, she found dark blue eyes staring at her with a frown marking his face. His full pink lips set into a thin line with a stubble covered jawline. 

"Calm down, woman, do I look that terrifying that you had to shatter my eardrums?"

"Sor...so...sorry, sir. I didn't know it was you," she said, taking a step away from him.

"Come on, let's go," he said, walking away from her as he pushed back his now wet dark locks of hair.

Turning, he found her rooted to her spot before she said, "Thank you for the offer, but I have no place to go. Besides, you have already done more than enough considering I am still alive."

Running his hand through his hair, he sighed. 

Stubborn woman indeed.

"You can start paying off your debt by allowing me to take you out of this bad weather," he said in a flat tone. 

At the prospect of paying off her debt, her eyes popped wide open.

Slipping into the car, he turned on the heaters once she settled down. An awkward silence filled the car as he drove them back to his estate.

"Sit," he said pointing to a chair in the kitchen.

Finishing off his preparation of supper, he worked efficiently whilst she sat studying her surroundings, taking in the clean modern kitchen. 

"Any food allergies I should know of?"

"I'm allergic to peanuts," she said softly as he prepared the salad and removed the assorted nuts he had taken out.

She thought to ask him if he needed any help but decided against it; judging from his facial expression, he didn't want to be interrupted.

"You can come get your food. There is no maid for you here," he spat, carrying his plate to the table as she rose up to dish her own food. Taking her food, he frowned, looking at the "empty" plate. 

"Is that all you are having?"

"Yes," she whispered, eyes cast down.

He remained silent as she sat waiting for him to finish his food before clearing the dishes away, cleaning them.

"Thank you, I should get going before my husband starts looking for me," she said before he stopped her seeing her blood-soaked shirt.

"Max!" He yelled as a bulky man walked in a few minutes after. "Take her to the hospital and then to her home," he said as he walked away, leaving her baffled.


"Mr, you can just leave me here. I will find my way back home alone," she said in a pleading voice as the man's features softened. 

"As you wish, ma'am," he said, giving her a smile.


Marcellus's POV

Sitting in my office, I stood to stretch out my legs as I left my office to walk around. Spotting Malcolm as he growled angrily into his phone, I frowned, wondering who he was speaking so harshly to. 

"You know you can never leave me, or I will send you back to your home," he said, making several heads turn as he looked up to find my eyes on him.

With a hand signal, I told him to come over.

"I do not like my employees mixing business with personal issues. Make sure it does not happen ever again," I told the man. He was clearly angry as he replied politely before I dismissed him.

The following day I received a call from the hospital. 

"Mr. Martinez?" 


"This is Dr. Alexis. Can you please stop by the hospital? It is rather urgent," she said before hanging up.

Leaving the office, we headed to the hospital, this time I took Max with me in case there was trouble. 

I found the woman sitting in the waiting room as she held her broken wrist, which was already clutching an inhaler. 

Now what?

"Sir, I am so sorry. I tried to stop her from calling you, but she refused," she began to cry. 

The doctor showed up in the nick of time as she broke down capturing the attention of other patients.

"You called me. What is this urgent matter you mentioned?"

"Well, you were the only contact she had on her, and she refused to give us the name of her next of kin. I need to notify the authorities, but she refused and is withholding the name of the perpetrator who did this. The environment is not conducive enough for her to live due to her asthma as well as her injuries. Already she is suffering from an infection which could break out into a fever soon if proper care is not shown."

"So, you called me why? Because you found my number on her? What exactly do you want me to do? The woman is married, obviously her husband can take care of her," I said, seeing her become pail as she started to tremble. "Next time, inform me of the purpose of your call before pulling me away from my work," I said, putting my shades on as I turned to leave.

"Come by my house at five o'clock sharp, don't be late." 

Sitting in my home office, I heard the doorbell go off, a smile forming on my face. She was right on time. 

"Punctuality. I like that," I said, looking down at the woman. She had changed her outfit, trying to make herself look presentable.

"Follow me," I said as I tucked my hands in my slacks, stepping out of the house. Going to the back of the house, I slowed down for her to keep up a small smile forming on my face. 

"What is going on with you?" I indicated her wrist and swollen cheek once we came to a halt in front of the pool. 

"Nothing, sir," she said, eyes cast down. 

What I did next even surprised me as I tilted her head up, looking into black gems that could reveal the hidden truth within an instant. 

"Speak," I growled, making her flinch back as I frowned at her reaction. 

"My husband has a temper, and even if I tried to leave him, I would be sent back home. I came here for work, to make some money to send back to my family after graduating with a business degree. My marriage to him provided my green card, and he has all my documentation," she blurted out, regret showing on her face at revealing such.

"I will help you leave your husband, secure a job, and the proper documentation so that you and your doctor friend stop bothering me," I said, turning away from her.

"Thank you very much, sir," she said, going to her knees—a sight I never wanted to see again—as she looked at me like some god. I was just a mere man like her; there was nothing great about me, a fact my parents had hammered into me as I grew up.

"You may leave. Max will take you to one of my apartments. You will be safe there," I said as I stood with my back to her. 

What are you doing, Martinez? I thought to myself.