His Only Attraction

His Only Attraction

Chapters: 45
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: KIMLEE9901


Sean, a notorious gang leader in town took an interest in Valerie, a regular college student who knows nothing about him. When she kept bumping into him, she convinced herself that she didn't want anything to do with him, but deep down she knew she was lying to herself. She wanted to know more about this mysterious guy and they started going out. Sean couldn't tell her right away about who he really was as he had a mission to accomplish: to find a traitor among his people. He needed to choose which task he had to finish. To save his empire or winning the girl's heart. Problems began to appear once Valerie knew about what Sean was doing for a living. The fact that his enemy knew about Valerie making Sean anxious and a fight began to spark in their relationship. Sean's greatest fear came true when Valerie was kidnapped. But soon he found out that the traitor was no other but his own sister, Georgina. Devastated by the truth, he managed to get the information out of her and quickly held a search party. Valerie was rescued and Sean finally captured his rival. He tortured and killed them without Valerie knowing. But unfortunately, Valerie suspected him as she had been filled with information about Sean and his work during her capture. There was a tension between them the moment Valerie realized that what she had been told might be true. Then the fact that Georgina had died from suicide brought Sean's feeling down. Later, Sean decided to leave the gang to his second in command, Larry. After everything that had happened, he realized that he needed to get out of this dangerous world and build his new life. A happy normal life with Valerie.

Romance Contemporary BxG Opposites Attract Friends To Lovers Crime

His Only Attraction Free Chapters

Chapter 1 | His Only Attraction


I was sitting alone at the halte bus and it was raining heavily. The bruises on my body that I received not long ago started to react, making me winced everytime I moved.

One of my guys had been stealing from me and all this tine he had been working for my enemy. I knew something was off about him when I first met him but my second in command who also my best friend, Larry recommended that he was skillful and he trusted him because he once saved his sister. I couldn’t say no because at that time, I needed more men and also he seemed qualified.

When we found out he had been betraying me all this time, Larry was so upset and angry towards himself. I ensured him that it wasn’t his fault, but he just couldn’t take it. He kept blaming himself that he locked himself in his room all day.

Me and Larry had known ech other since diapers and he’d been like a brother to me. I only shared my thoughts to him and he was the only person I talked to informally. I was ignorant kind of guy when I talked to my men and they’d go silent once I entered the room. Respect filled their eyes and I needed that to make sure they knew who I was and wouldn’t dare to cross me.

But still, there had been someone dared stabbing me in the back and being me, I’d always hunt the person down and I’d torture him until he begged me to kill him.

Few hours ago, my man found out who the ‘rat’ had been working for. It was Paul Fernando, one of my biggest enemy and he had always been jealous of my success. I guessed he wanted to find my weakness to destroy me. I was the most fearful gang leader in this town and I mostly owned everything here, including the police so it was natural that I had many enemies.

I went to Paul’s place with some of my men to give him some lesson for trying to cross me. We shot everyone in the house, leaving no witnesses behind. When I reched Paul’s office, I spotted Paul himself and the ‘rat’ who had betrayed me. They both looked at me with fear and shock. I instantly went red the moment I saw him. I punched him hard making him stumbled to the floor but he got up and started to punch me back. Paul just stood there watching the whole scene like a coward he was. I received some of his attcks and knocked his head hard towards the wall.

After the ‘rat’ was unconscious, I turned to Paul who was begging for his life. But being me, I never gave a betrayer a second chance.

“You know how I felt about people crossing my limit, Paul but still you did it. Any last words?” I said as I pressed the gun on his temple.

“No, please Sean, I’m so sorry, man. Please, I’ll work for you if necessary”, he begged and I scoffed.

“You think I’ll have another rat working for me again? That’s where you’re wrong, Paul. I’m gonna give example to the others for not crossing me next time”, with that, I shot him right to his brain.

Satisfied with my perfect shot, I was about to give the same lesson to the ‘rat’ but when I turned to where he was lying, he was nowhere to be seen. I scanned the whole room and still no sight of him. That son of a bitch escaped!

I groaned and punched the wall hard making blood came out from my knuckles. I didn’t care of the pain I felt. I only focused on finding that ‘rat’ and wht would I do to him once I found him.

I came downstairs to find my men dragging the dead bodies to the main room. I asked them whether they saw that ‘rat’ running away, but they all shook their heads. Now I got more angry. How could a house full of men couldn’t spot a bleeding man coming down here. I left the house telling them to go back without me. I needed to calm my anger because it wouldn’t be pretty if someone triggered my bad mood now.

And here I was sitting ll all alone in the halte bus, waiting for the rain to stop, making my mood more sour.

After sitting for like forever, there was a girl running towards the halte bus. She slightly wet from the rain, obviously came here for the same reason like I was. She placed her bag at the seat and took off her wet coat, revealing her skinny petite body. She folded the coat against her chest and sat.

I stared to the sky, grumbling when then rain would stop. I’d been sitting here for almost an hour and the rain was getting heavier. I was thirsty and hungry since I only had a muffin this morning. My body started to ache again, earning a wince from my mouth.

“Are you ok there?”, I heard a sweet voice talking. I turned to my right and the girl just now stared at me curiously with her dark eyes. She had beautiful eyes.

I didn’t say anything, still taken back that she would dare talking to me. People in this town knew who I was and they wouldn’t dare to stay in the same place as me, let alone speaking to me. When I still didn’t say anything, she cme closer to me, making my eyes widen. Was this girl out of her mind? Did she have a death wish?

She sat next to me, examining me with her gorgeous eyes. She then opened her bag and grabbed something with wrapped paper.

“Hungry?”, she offered the wrap towards me. I looked at her shocked. She just offered me some food, for one of the deadliest man in the country.

I shook my hed no though I was so hungry. I looked away from her curious eyes, hoping she would leave me alone but my grumbling stomach betrayed me.

“Here, It’s ok. I made it myself”, she said again.

“I don’t want to take your lunch”, I said huskily.

“It seems like you need it more than I do”, she said again, waving the food near my face.

I gave up and took the wrap from her. She smiled as I opened the wrapper, revealing PB&J sandwich. I wasn’t a fan of it, but for some odd reason, it tasted like the most delicious thing on earth. It made sense though because when you’re hungry, everything seemed tasty.

When I finished, she offered me bottle of water. I accepted it and drank a little since I had taken her lunch. There was no way I’d taken her drink too.

I turned to look at her but realized she was busy reading a book intently. I could see her frowning at the content of the book and she looked distressed? I didn’t know for sure but she looked tired. When she realized I had finished, she closed her book and placed it back inside her bag.

“Feel better?”, she said softly that made my heart melt.

“Yeah. Thanks a lot”, I said groggily. I never really talked to girls. I usually had them underneath me, if you know what I mean.

“It’s no problem”, she said cleaning up the mess I made.

“I’m Sean”, I offered my hand to shke, something I never did to girls.

“Valerie”, she shook my hand. Her hand was silky smooth.

“I gotta go now. Thee rain’s almost stop and I’m late to work”, she said apologetically. “Are you gonna be ok by yourself here?”, she barely knew me but she seemed to care.

“Yeah, my friend will come and pick me up”, I said, looking at the clock.

“Ok. I guess I’ll see you around”, she said, leaving me alone. She had her coat covered her head while walking in the rain which almost stopped. I watched her until I couldn’t see her again.

Valerie. I didn’t know why but I relly wnted to know her more. She was sweet and didn’t throw herself at me like other girls I met. When her gorgeous eyes met mine, my heart seemed to beat faster. I never felt this weird feeling, but I really wanted to see her again.

Chapter 2 | His Only Attraction


It was busy day at the cfe that I hadn’t got the chance to have lunch today. Actually I hadn’t had lunch for almost a week now since the number of customers increased everyday. I didn’t eat much in the morning so I’d be starving around lunch.

“Val, can you get the tabe 6 for me?”, Laura, one of the workers asked me as she took the plates from the counter.

“Ok”, I mumbled. And that was how my day went everyday. I worked my ass off, coping with the rude customers and my talkative boss. I never thought working part time as a waitress would be this stressful.

I went to college in this town. It was considered one of the best school here and I was so glad that I was accepted since it was a public school so my parents wouldn’t struggle much for the tuition. I didn’t come from wealthy family with my dad being a accounting staff and my mom being a housewife. That was why I kept this job because the salary was pretty good compared to other part time jobs I had previously taken.

I ws in junior year at college. The lessons were harder and professor were meaner in giving homeworks, making me miserable since I had to struggle to keep up the good grades. My grades might slip a bit, but it was still considered good. My main priority right now are to graduate with proper grades and found a proper job so I could take care of my parents. They had been working hard for me and I didn’t want them to carry those burdens anymore.

Around 6.30, my shift was over and I was relieved a little, only a little. I still had to do my homework for the next day. Once I was in the apartment, I directly went to my room to shower and change. I was about to get to the bathroom when I heard my name being called in the living room.

"Hey, how was your day?", I asked Dani, my roommate and best friend since high school. Her parents bought this apartment for her and she offered me to stay with her.

"Just usual. Homeworks blah blah blah", she said boringly. "Anyway, we're going out tonight", her eyes lightened up.

"I can't, Dani. I still have homework for tomorrow", I said rejecting her.

"But you rarely go out anymore. Come on. James will be coming too and we'll go bowling with his friends", she pleaded. James was her boyfriend. They met at one of their classes in freshman year. I honestly didn't really like the guy but I couldn't say that to Dani.

"No, Dani. I have Mrs. Stone homework tomorrow. She'll give me hard time if I don't do it", I tried reason with her and she frowned.

"Fine", she groaned knowing that I wouldn't give in.

"OK, I'm going shower now", I said before leaving. It was clear that she was upset but I didn't care. She just didn't get it how hard it was for me to work and go to school at the same time.

After showered and got changed into clean clothes, I tried to do my homework. I had to admit, I was suck in this class but I still had to do it. I kept turning the pages from the book and read the whole thing to figure out the answers.

Finally around 10 PM I managed to finished it all though I wasn't sure of the answers. I decided to let it go and walked to the kitchen to have dinner. A very late dinner. I opened the fridge to see what I could cook but there was nothing I could make. Not even a milk. It was Danielle's turn to buy the groceries but she forgot. Again.

I sighed loudly and opened the cupboard to find some snacks instead. Luckily there was a big pack of Lays and some cookies. I'd just eat these then. What a dinner.

After finishing the 'dinner', I heard the front door opened and closed. Dani's home. She went in the kitchen and spotted me sitting with the empty packs of snacks. She frowned in confusion.

"You didn't do the groceries so these are all I could find to eat", I said.

"Oh, sorry. I kind of forgot", she mumbled quietly. Call me crazy but I didn't think she was really sorry.

"So how was your night?", I asked changing the subject.

"It was great. We had fun with his friends. I wish you were there though. It was kind of lonely when James talked non stop to his friends", she sighed. I slightly felt bad because I wasn't there when my best friend needed me.

"I'm sorry. You know how Mrs. Stone. She always picked on me", I didn't know why but that woman always tried to make me felt bad in front of the class.

"I know. It's just sucks without you", she smiled. I opened my arms signaling for a hug. She chuckled and came closer to hug me.

We pulled away and Dani was yawning loudly. We both laughed and told her to go to bed since it was almost midnight. I was exhausted too. We both said our goodnights and headed to our own rooms. Yeah we had separate bedrooms since this place was big. Dani's parents were rich so I wasn't surprised.

I collapsed on my bed feeling the soft mattress against my rigid body. This bed was heaven unlike mine back at home. I didn't know how long I laid like that. I was supposed to change into PJ's but this bed just didn't want me to leave. So I just slept on what I wore right now. I took my pillows and stuffed animal to cuddle. Yeah I was 20 and still sleeping with my stuffed animal. Even Danielle didn't know about it because she would make fun of me for the rest of my life.

I covered myself and took my Teddy Bear closer to my face. I stirred for few times to find my comfortable position. After I felt comfortable , I felt my eyes getting heavy and drifted into a deep sleep.