His to Love
He has to be in control—it's all he knows. Relentlessly focused on his philanthropic enterprises, Trevor Lawton avoids relationships at all costs. Until he meets her. Now he's upping the stakes, risking it all to possess the beautiful, innocent submissive. The uncompromising Dominant terrifies Shelby just as much as he fascinates her. She'd be crazy to agree to his outrageous demands. But she's as trapped as he is, ensnared by the searing promise of love in the billionaire's dark eyes. Trevor's sensual demands threaten to consume her as he struggles not to lose control. He's driven by the undeniable need to have her body and soul, laid bare, only for him. Will seven days be enough?
His to Love Free Chapters
Chapter One | His to Love
“I want your submissive.”
Stunned, Shelby Salazar sucked in a frantic breath. “What?” From her place, kneeling on the floor, she glanced up at Master Trevor Lawton.
The stunningly handsome Dom thumbed back the brim of his cowboy hat and met her gaze. The makeshift poker room of the Quarter—New Orleans’s elite dungeon—swam beneath her.
Though decorum dictated that she look away and refocus on the wooden planks beneath her, she was helpless, ensnared in the compelling trap of his steel-laced blue eyes.
She’d had a crush on the mysterious billionaire for at least a year, since she first saw him brooding and alone in the club’s bar area. With his dark hair and unyielding jaw, he was the stuff of her submissive dreams. But Shelby was smart enough to realize her fantasies were safer from a distance.
He had a reputation as an exacting Dominant, and she was relatively new to the scene. As much as he fascinated her, he also terrified her.
For a flash of a second, she saw something in his eyes. Pain? Longing?
At her fanciful thought, she shook her head.
Trevor severed their silent connection, and her breath whooshed out. Just the brief interaction unnerved her.
Instead of looking away, he swept his gaze down her body, lingering for a few seconds on her chest. In keeping with the Western-themed night, she’d selected a white demicup bra. As much as she wanted to be bold, her innate shyness had won out before she left the house, and she’d slipped into a studded leather vest. Her sterling silver bolo tie with its beautiful mother-of-pearl conch had been a rare indulgence. She’d spent over a month shopping for it, and the way it caught the light when she moved made it worth every penny.
Trevor continued his slow perusal and paused again at her pelvis. In addition to white leather chaps, she wore a pair of pink panties. Though she was covered, she shivered, as if completely exposed to him.
When he looked at her face again, his slow smile told her he found plenty he liked.
Her breaths threatened to strangle her.
When he finally turned his focus away from her, she momentarily grabbed hold of the poker table to steady herself.
“What do you say, David?” Master Trevor asked.
She was absolutely certain her friend and occasional escort would say no to Master Trevor’s outrageous suggestion.
Instead, stunning her, David walked one of his few remaining poker chips through his fingers. “I’m not sure I heard you correctly, Lawton.”
His response made her reel.
“I’m quite certain you did. I want your submissive.”
Wide-eyed, she shook her head. She wasn’t David’s sub and never had been, but Trevor couldn’t know that.
In the sudden, tense silence surrounding them, Master Trevor continued in his calm, confident manner. “I’d like a month, but I’m willing to start with a week.”
A month?
“You’ll have to make this a little more interesting to me,” David responded.
What the hell was going on here?
A small voice inside her urged her to shout out her objection. Instead, a deep, feminine part of her blossomed. For a wild moment, she pictured herself naked and humbled in front of him.
Shaking, she pushed the unnerving—if exciting—image aside.
“I’m listening,” Trevor replied.
This can’t be happening.
“If I win, you make a twenty-five-thousand-dollar contribution to the Shaughnessy Community Law Offices.”
She swayed forward before catching herself.
“One moment, Sirs.” The dealer signaled to one of the dungeon masters. Presumably, he wanted to summon Mistress Aviana, the club owner.
What was normally a fun game at the club’s annual Western theme night had taken a stunning, outlandish turn.
David Shaughnessy, one of a group of people she’d hung out with since college, was an attorney with an overly generous heart. He accepted cases others wouldn’t, and he took on a significant amount of pro bono work. His offices were borderline derelict, and he’d never met a sob story that didn’t tug his heartstrings or hurt his wallet.
Because she helped out at his law center from time to time, Shelby knew he had spent months, if not a year, trying to get an appointment with Master Trevor. Along with mentoring entrepreneurs, the billionaire was a renowned philanthropist. But it wasn’t easy to get past the layers of people who protected him from the thousands of requests he received each year. There was a formal process in place. So far, David had not made it to the second round of selection.
Time dragged, and Trevor checked his high-tech Bonds watch before settling his gaze back on her.
When nerves were turning her inside out, Mistress Aviana finally swept in, electrifying the air with her larger-than-life personality. This evening, she wore cowboy boots emblazoned with turquoise-colored sugar skulls. Her booty shorts and matching leather mini-top were decorated with fringe that glimmered when she moved. In addition to an oversize hat, she’d selected a turquoise duster jacket. As always, she was the most stunning woman in the place.
Out of respect, Trevor stood, and his dull silver spurs scraped the hardwood floor. He stood well over six feet tall and had impossibly broad shoulders. His tailored shirt showed his trim waist. But there was something even more compelling. The man was cloaked in an undeniable aura of command. In a club filled with Doms, he was the ultimate alpha.
Following suit, David, too, pushed back his chair. Unsure what she should do, Shelby remained in place, her heart thundering.
“Evening, Milady.” Trevor kissed the Domme’s hand.
His gentlemanly manners made Shelby want to swoon.
“Mistress Aviana.” David acknowledged Mistress Aviana with a nod.
Several people had followed her into the area, and a few others wandered over to see what was happening.
“I understand an unusual bet has been proposed.” She glanced first at David and then at Trevor.
“Indeed, Milady. Master David appears to be alarmingly low on funds.”
Aviana looked at David.
He shrugged.
“I’m guessing he had an ulterior motive for sitting down at this particular table.” Master Trevor angled his head to one side.
Earlier in the evening, there had been eight people playing Texas Hold’em. Now it was down to just David and Master Trevor.
“Master David?” Mistress Aviana asked.
David shot the imposing Domme a wry smile.
Shelby blinked. Could Trevor be right? Had David invited her to join him with the intention of wagering her?
“As I suspected.” Trevor gave a sharp nod. “Nevertheless, I’m happy to continue the game, under David’s terms.”
“Most unusual.” Mistress Aviana glanced at Shelby. “It’s my understanding that Shelby is not an owned slave.”
Aware that everyone was looking at her, Shelby raised up a bit and shifted uncomfortably. “That’s…” After gulping down her nerves, she tried again. “That’s correct, Milady.”
“Therefore, it’s not Master David’s right to wager you.”
“Unless Shel is willing,” David added.
What? The scoundrel had planned this.
“Why don’t you ask her?” David’s voice was steady, as if he were confident in her answer.
Damn you. From conversations their group had shared, David knew Master Trevor fascinated her. And because she was friends with David, she knew how desperate he was for money.
“I agree with David,” Master Trevor said into the pulsing silence. “I’m all about consent. Let’s see what the sub wants.”
A shiver of fear mixed with desire raced up her spine as she and the terrifying Dom made eye contact again. He’d obviously noticed her sneaking peeks at him all night.
Intuition screamed at her to end this madness. But something more primal drove her. She was enjoying this. An unfulfilled part of her wanted all of his focus on her.
“Please come with me, Shelby.” Mistress Aviana crooked her finger. “We need to have this discussion away from the table.”
Swimming in confusion, Shelby looked toward Trevor—rather than David—for guidance.
He offered his hand. After a slight hesitation, she accepted. With restrained strength, he helped her up; then he pulled her toward him to capture her chin.
What would it be like to be in his arms?
She inhaled his barely tamed scent, drowning in his masculinity.
Then, so quiet that no one else could hear, he said, “Make no mistake, if you agree and I win, you will be mine for a week. Be careful with your decision, Shelby.”
“Ah, I have work.” It was an excellent excuse, but her traitorous mind spun with possibilities. “Well, I can reschedule some of my clients or get a colleague to cover for me so that I can have a couple of days off.” There was one case, the Lemieux divorce, that no one else could take. This would be their third—and hopefully last—session. “Friday I have to be there.”
“Understood. I’m not far from the city. You can commute from my house.”
“Shelby?” Aviana prompted. “With me, please.”
With seeming reluctance, Master Trevor released Shelby.
After shooting David a fierce scowl, she hurried after the club’s owner.
Mistress Aviana, flanked by her most trusted dungeon monitor, Tore, strode past the bucking bronco that had been brought in for tonight’s event, then pushed through a door leading to a more intimate part of the club. Then she continued to Rue Sensuelle—known by the regulars as Kinky Avenue. There were numerous small settings, separated by partitions, each designed to cater to a particular kink. A schoolroom, a boss’s office, even an examination room. When they reached one that was unoccupied, Aviana waved Shelby inside.
Aware of the church pew in front of her, she squirmed.
“I’m not in the business of bartering submissives between two Doms who are indulging in a pissing contest.”
Shelby grinned at Mistress Aviana’s bluntness. “I understand, Milady.”
“And I’m guessing you’re not accustomed to being swapped between men?”
“Me?” The suggestion was ludicrous. Men did not vie for her attention. “No, Ma’am.” She resisted the urge to draw the lapels of her vest even closer together, as if it could shield her from this uncomfortable meeting.
“Tell me how you’d like to proceed. If you don’t want to be a pawn, I’ll put a stop to their nonsense.”
“I’m…” She twisted her hands in front of her. If David won, the money would be huge. And if Trevor won, she would have an experience she’d never forget.
Did she have enough courage to be bartered by two Doms?
“Yes.” She bit her lower lip. “I’m willing.”
“This must be a very exciting evening for you, in that case.” The woman smiled. “I can vouch for Master Trevor. If he’s out of line, he will answer to me.”
“Thank you, Ma’am.” Nervous about the evening’s outcome, her feet leaden, Shelby followed Aviana as they returned to the table.
Tore stood off to one side. The dealer hadn’t moved. David had pulled his few remaining chips closer to him. Master Trevor had a leg propped on top of the other, at ease, relaxed.
Now that she was back, she didn’t know what to do.
As if intuiting her confusion, Master Trevor nodded toward the floor, about midway between himself and David.
Taking a breath, reassured by her potential Dom’s confidence, she knelt.
Aviana glanced between both men. “I’ve spoken with Shelby, and I’m satisfied that she’s agreeable.”
“I can’t tell you how delighted I am,” Master Trevor said, the sound of his deep voice dancing shivers across her nerve endings.
Aviana folded her arms and nodded to the dealer. “You may proceed.”
“Do we have a bet?” David asked.
“Indeed.” Though he spoke to David, Master Trevor looked at her. “Indeed we do.”
The dealer burned the next card before turning over the fifth—and final—one.
Shelby held her breath.
The jack of spades.
A couple of the spectators in the room whispered. There were three spades showing. Definitely the potential for a flush. With the jack, a straight was a possibility.
She looked at David. His eyes were wide, and a quick grin flashed across his face before he schooled it away.
She released her breath. David’s work meant everything to him and many people in the New Orleans area. And it appeared he was going to get just that.
The dealer nodded to David. He turned over his pocket cards. The eight and nine of spades.
Yes. She grinned. His flush was likely unbeatable. No doubt, by tomorrow, he’d be planning his building’s remodel.
Then, aware of the silence pulsing around them, she hazarded a glance at Master Trevor. Unlike David’s, his face was set in unreadable lines.
“Sir?” The dealer signaled for Master Trevor to show his pocket cards.
Steady, betraying nothing, he flipped the two cards lying facedown on the felt.
Ace and queen of spades.
Royal flush.
She gasped as the room spun. David clamped a hand on her shoulder. This… She couldn’t comprehend it. The odds against Master Trevor prevailing had been astronomical.
Seeking understanding, she looked at him.
He captured her gaze. In his eyes, she read reassurance and promise, two things she desperately needed.
“Well fucking played, Lawton.” Then, seeming to draw on the same composure he used in the courtroom, David extended his hand toward Master Trevor. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you.” He stood. “I’m honored to have Shelby as mine.”
Her tummy dropped.
David crouched in front of her. “Fuck, Shel. I’m sorry. I really thought I’d win.”
For a moment, so had she.
“If I’d have thought…”
“I know.” Which one of them was she trying to reassure? “It’s okay.”
“This could be a great opportunity for you,” he added quietly.
“I’ll take good care of her,” Trevor promised.
David stood. “You’re damn right you will.” After another reassuring squeeze on her shoulder, he left.
“Game’s over, everyone!” Mistress Aviana clapped her hands. “I invite you to partake in the unique pleasures of The Quarter.”
Tore extended his arms wide to encourage the stunned spectators to walk away.
Because Master Trevor had yet to give her any instructions, Shelby remained on her knees, her gaze downcast as the noise in the room diminished.
At this point, she realized it was probably a good thing he hadn’t given any commands. Adrenaline raced through her body, and she doubted she’d be able to follow any direction, no matter how simple.
“You’re free to go,” Mistress Aviana said to the dealer and Tore.
With sharp nods, they did as she said.
Mistress Aviana strode toward Trevor. “I trust this is only about you wanting to play with Shelby,” she said to Master Trevor.
“She’s under my protection.”
“I expect nothing less,” Mistress Aviana said. “As I told Shelby, this transaction happened at my club, so I have an obligation to her.” To Shelby, she added, “If you need me, call.”
“Thank you, Milady.”
“We’d like to use a private room,” Trevor said.
The words sent tiny shockwaves through Shelby. The private rooms were upstairs, and nudity was permitted. The club’s safe word was always honored, and scenes were monitored. But the distance from the dungeon meant the players had much more intimacy.
“I’ll have Trinity arrange one,” Aviana replied.
“With your indulgence, I’d like to spend a few minutes here with Shelby first.”
“No more than fifteen. We need to reset the area.”
“Of course, Milady.”
There was respect in Master Trevor’s tone, but also finality. For him, the conversation was over.
The spiky heels from Mistress Aviana’s boots clicked against the wooden floor as she left.
The sudden silence, the realization that they were alone and that for the next seven days she was his submissive, made Shelby’s pulse echo in her ears.
“Before I take you upstairs, there are a few things I want to know about you.”
Commanding, broad and beautiful, he loomed over her.
“Tell me about your relationship with Master David.”
“We’re friends, and there’s never been anything more. We’ve never slept together or scened together. He’s part of the group I went to college with. I’ve only been here a few times, and mostly it’s for special events. Theme nights, in particular. I’ve never come by myself.”
“Go on.”
“Really? You want to hear all this.”
His silence was unnerving. He’d told her what to do, and he’d meant it. “Anyway, we—my group of friends—make an evening out of it. Dinner. Then we sometimes go to breakfast before heading home.” Shelby paused to drink in a breath. He continued to wait. “I guess I’m trying to say that David looks out for me.” And he’d represented her during her divorce. “In the interest of full disclosure, I’ve done some work at his law center.”
“Have you?”
“When possible, he likes to use mediators. It can sometimes resolve things quicker and less expensively than going to court.”
“That’s what you do?”
“Yes. I wish I could volunteer more time.”
He drew his eyebrows together. “Volunteer?”
“Maybe you didn’t know. Almost none of his clients can afford to pay him, which is why he’s in a ridiculous amount of personal debt. The building he’s in is old and crumbling. He puts in sixty-hour weeks and works harder than anyone I’ve ever known. He’s… I don’t know. Feels a personal obligation to be a savior. Most often, he’s the last hope for most of his clients.” Realizing she’d gone on too long, said too much, she exhaled. “What I’m trying to say is that I know how much winning the bet meant to him.”
“I appreciate your loyalty and your honesty.” Master Trevor crouched in front of her, then tipped back his rakishly perched hat. “So tell me this, my bold little sub. Would you have agreed to go home with any Dom who’d been prepared to make that kind of wager?”
“No,” she admitted with some reluctance. “No, Sir.”
He placed his finger beneath her chin, compelling her to look at him.
“Then it’s personal?”
He was relentless in his quest for answers. She didn’t have the courage to tell him the truth…that she was incredibly attracted to him or that she’d fantasized about him a thousand times. Frantically she searched for a safe answer. “You have a reputation as a Dominant who is demanding but fair.”
“That’s probably an accurate assessment.” He lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “But that’s hardly enough to put your life in my hands for a week.”
His words sent a shiver through her. That was exactly what she was doing. “I’ve seen you play.”
“Have you? Often?”
Every chance she had. “You seem confident. I don’t know, maybe in tune with the women you play with.” Focused and relentless. Swoonworthy. “I don’t have much experience. Although I’m guessing you might have figured that out.”
“The way you squirmed while David and I were playing the game? Your impatient sighs?”
He’d been studying her that closely?
“The way your gaze strayed all over the room?” He cracked a smile, transforming his features, taking any sting out of his words, and devastating her all over again.
He dragged a chair over. Not surprising her, he sat, but left her kneeling helplessly before him. “Tell me what you’ve done, what you’d like to repeat. What you’d rather not do again.”
Because it made the conversation easier, she glanced down at his boots. Even though they appeared to be hand-tooled, they were marred, scratched by the years. The dark color of his jeans had faded slightly, meaning the denim had broken in, and now it hugged his strong thighs.
When she met his gaze again, she realized he’d never looked away from her. “Most times, I end up watching rather than participating.”
“Are you a voyeur?”
“No. It’s the dynamic that keeps me watching. There’s a formality, isn’t there? Or there can be.” The elegance by which you exert your control. “The surrender.” Sometimes even passion. She sighed. “Does this make any sense?”
“Anything you have to say, I want to hear. Keep going.”
“The best way I can explain it is that there’s a psychological dimension to BDSM play that I’ve never experienced. Fiona and Hannah—my friends—talk about it. Turning control over to someone else.”
“I’m honored that you’d choose me.”
Time stretched and twisted into a vortex of possibility. “I’m scared.” She paused. “Nervous, a little. And…” Oh God, she was going to blurt it out. “But I don’t know why you want me when you can play with anyone here.”
“Woman, once I saw you, I had no other choice. I’m attracted to everything about you.” His quick smile softened him and calmed her fears. “Even your misbehavior.”
In that moment, nothing existed but him. He was her whole world.
After a few seconds, he cleared his throat. “You’ve played privately?”
“No. Just here at the club.”
“Impact play, then, I take it?”
“I’ve tried a paddle and a flogger.” She paused, debating whether or not to go on. “I haven’t told anyone else this…”
“You’re safe with me. I appreciate your trust.”
She lifted each knee in turn, fidgeting from mental, rather than physical, discomfort. “You asked what I didn’t like. One Top used a tawse on me. It hurt like hell, and I didn’t enjoy it.” While she struggled to express herself, Trevor remained quiet. He steepled his index fingers and regarded her in a way that told her he’d wait forever if that was what she needed. Shelby sipped from the cup of courage he offered. “It comes back to the psychological implications that I was talking about. I was being daring, and I expected something wonderful. But it was awful. Then it was over. I was in some pain the next day. You know, as if you’ve worked out too hard. And I had bruises that lasted for days. Instead of pleasure that I’d had before, I was disappointed.” She sucked in a breath. “I’m rambling.”
“Not at all. Did you have any aftercare?”
“He had someone else waiting for his attention, so I thanked him for the scene, then went and changed. I went out to eat with Fiona and Master Andrew before driving home.” She’d been unable to fall asleep, even after a long soak in a hot bathtub. “I haven’t played since.”
“You haven’t…? At all?”
“Did you talk to anyone? The friends you mentioned?”
She shook her head. “I’m hoping that wasn’t a typical experience. So I want to give it one more chance.”
“You really are bold.”
“Am I?” The gruff praise woven in his voice sent her pulse into a frenzy. She wanted more and more of it, even if she pretended nonchalance. “Maybe I just want to find out if it can be as good as some people insist it can be. I’ve heard of subspace. In fact, I’ve seen people who seem lost in a scene.”
“Once again, I’m honored you chose me. Thank you.” He stood and extended a hand toward her.
After fighting back the sudden knot of nerves in her tummy, she reached for him.
Chapter Two | His to Love
When Shelby slid her palm against his, the electricity of her trust—hot and powerful—arced through Trevor.
She blinked up at him, and she took in a sharp breath. Did the connection rock her as much as it did him?
What the ever-living fuck was happening here?
Life had taught him to be cool and calculating. He didn’t make ridiculous wagers. And he never allowed his dick to do his thinking for him.
But from the second Shelby had awkwardly knelt near the table, he hungered for her.
It wasn’t a maybe. It was a driving, consuming need.
She’d been fidgety, and not nearly close enough for him to touch her, even though he’d wanted to. He’d known he could reassure her by lacing his fingers in her hair or simply caressing her shoulders.
As the evening progressed, he caught the beautiful wannabe sub looking at him. There was innocence in her wide green eyes, captivating him, grabbing him by the jugular, refusing to let go. That—maybe—he could have ignored.
But when her beautiful lips parted slightly, he imagined her beneath him, her hands pinned above her head. Her surrender to his demands would be total and oh so damn sweet.
For the first time in his life, he shoved aside his rules—about women, submissives, money—just to spend some time with her.
And now, she was his. For one week.
Trevor helped her up. She was so damn small, lighting up his protective synapses. “Do you want me to call you Shelby?”
With a small grin, he cocked his head.
“I mean…” She cleared her throat. “Shelby is fine, Sir. Thank you.”
“Is it a scene name?” For numerous reasons, protecting their identities, or because it gave them more mental or emotional freedom, some people selected alter identities for their time at the club.
She shook her head. “No. Shelby Maria Virginia Salazar, if you want to be formal.” Then she smiled, dazzling him. “My parents couldn’t decide which grandmother’s name to use as my middle name, so they selected both.”
“Wise choice, I’m sure.” He took a moment to drink her in and savor the way her thick dark hair flowed down her back. Though he appreciated her very sexy outfit and soft pink leather boots with spiky heels, it was her feminine curves and slightly open mouth that crashed testosterone through his bloodstream. It had been months—years—since he’d had such a raw reaction to a woman. “I’d like to look at you.” With reluctance that surprised him, he released her. “Will you turn for me, please?”
She did, exposing her bottom to him. When she faced him again, her eyes were downcast, as if uncertain of his reaction.
“You’re captivating, Shelby Salazar.”
“I’m…” She shifted her weight from foot to foot. “Thank you, Sir.”
He waited.
Without prompting, but with vulnerability making her tremble, she met his gaze. “Being looked at makes me a little uncomfortable. I want to be bold, but then I can’t seem to make myself take the actions.”
With the way she watched, rather than participated, he should have guessed that. Suddenly he was glad he’d asked for a private room. “I hope that after we’ve played together, you’ll be able to see yourself the way I see you.”
“I… Maybe. Sir.” Her half smile was forced and perhaps disbelieving.
That, he hoped to change. “If you’re ready, I’d like to get you upstairs.”
“Uhm… Yes. Of course, Sir.” Her voice wobbled.
“We’ll need to collect my toy bag from the coat check.” Because he wanted everyone to know she was his, he offered his elbow.
After blinking away her obvious surprise, she accepted.
They emerged from the makeshift room into the thunderous noise of the main dungeon.
This evening, there was a lasso competition, with squealing, giggling submissives as the target. A mechanical bronco situated among large crash pads was the dungeon’s main feature.
Shelby stopped and pointed. “My friend is next in line.”
“Would you like to watch?”
“Really? You don’t mind?”
“Not at all.”
They joined the circle of spectators. “That’s your friend? Master Andrew’s new submissive?”
“You know him?”
He leaned in close to hear her over the thumping music.
“Wait.” She held up a hand. “Of course. You probably know most of the people here.”
Trevor knew that Andrew was besotted with the woman. Over drinks at the club’s bar one night, he’d confessed to wanting to collar her. So far, Fiona had resisted the idea, much to Andrew’s utter frustration.
Until tonight, Trevor hadn’t been tempted to claim that kind of responsibility.
Shelby moved in closer to him to watch while Andrew accompanied Fiona toward the contraption.
The operator gave directions, and then Andrew assisted Fiona into position, and she tucked her hand beneath the strap.
In response to something Andrew said, she scooted forward.
After Fiona nodded, Andrew stepped aside, and the operator turned on the machine.
People cheered as she threw her free arm in the air to counterbalance the bronc’s rocking and spinning.
One of Fiona’s breasts, the nipple covered with a sparkling pasty, slipped out of her bra cup.
“Yee-haw!” a man shouted.
Fiona held on for a few more seconds before being tossed unceremoniously into the air. She landed on the thick crash pad with an oomph and a giggle. Before she could stand, Andrew was there to help.
“Eighteen seconds!” the operator called. “Well done!”
While blocking her from view, Master Andrew adjusted her top to safely tuck away her breast.
The next sub climbed aboard the piece of metal, and Shelby rose up on her tiptoes to talk to him. “That looks like fun,” she said.
“Maybe you should try.”
She looked at the bronco, then back at him. “I’m not sure I have enough courage. And the whole thing with being the center of attention.”
Now that she’d mentioned it, he was intrigued by the idea of watching her shift her weight as the operator turned up the speed on the ride, making her writhe and twist.
Fiona, face flushed and grinning widely, pointed toward them. When Master Andrew nodded his permission, she made a beeline toward them.
“You did great!” Shelby said.
“It was a total blast.” Fiona grinned. “Except for the chafing on my inner thighs.”
“Good thing you’re a masochist, pet,” Andrew commented as he joined them.
“Yes, Sir.” She giggled.
Trevor shook the other man’s hand.
“Have you met my…” He paused and cleared his throat. “Fiona?”
“A pleasure,” Trevor said.
She offered a cute little curtsy to go with her big smile. No wonder his friend was intrigued by her.
“We saw David and heard what happened. With the card game.” Fiona ignored both men in favor of focusing on Shelby. “You look like you’re okay with this. Are you?”
“A bit nervous.” Her voice wasn’t as unsteady as earlier. “But yes.”
“Meet me for brunch tomorrow?” Fiona squeezed Shelby’s hand. “I want to hear all about it. Like, everything.”
Shelby looked up at him. And he liked that she’d consulted him. “Perhaps next Sunday might be better?” he suggested.
She flushed. “Uh…yes. I’ll be with Master Trevor this week.”
“You can’t be serious! I thought it was just for tonight!” Fiona’s mouth opened into a wide O. “David didn’t tell us that. Rat bastard. How dare he do that to you? A whole week?”
“Why don’t you visit us?” Trevor suggested to defuse Fiona’s growing ferocity. “Tuesday? Wednesday? After work? Evening cocktails on my pontoon boat?”
“Really?” Fiona blinked. “That sounds awesome.” Then she hesitated for a moment. “Would you like to go also?” she asked Andrew.
Andrew nodded.
“Bring a swimsuit if you’d like to jump in the pool or the lake,” Trevor suggested.
After settling on Wednesday night at six, he lightly touched Shelby’s spine. “If you’ll excuse us?”
She shuddered, something he wouldn’t have known if his fingers weren’t on her bare skin.
Fiona gave her a quick hug and whispered something into her ear.
“I promise,” Shelby said as the hug ended.
Andrew and Fiona remained where they were, watching as the next volunteer walked toward the innocent-looking mechanical horse.
“Thank you for inviting them out. That was really nice of you,” Shelby said when they neared the coat check. “I know it will make Fiona feel better too.”
Shelby’s happiness was worth anything to him.
After picking up his play bag, they made their way to the second floor where they checked in with the dungeon monitor standing behind a podium.
“You’re in number six, Master Trevor. Mistress Aviana scheduled you for an hour.”
Which wouldn’t be nearly long enough. “Thank you.”
Trevor guided Shelby toward the end of the hallway. When they reached the correct room, he closed the door behind them. The sudden silence wrapped them like a cocoon.
While he placed his bag on the metal side table, Shelby wandered to the middle of the floor and folded her arms around herself. When he turned toward her, she cast a nervous glance at the spanking bench, then back at him.
The sturdy piece had a tall, thin center beam and two other beams, one on each side, so her knees would be supported. Red vinyl covered the horse, and it was artfully decorated with two dozen metal rings. There was no limit to the ways he could secure her.
He opened his bag and removed a small flogger that she eyed warily. “Do you have a safe word?”
“You’ll laugh.” She tore her gaze away from the implement to meet his eyes. “Tangerine.”
“Tangerine?” he repeated. Despite his attempt to remain neutral, he grinned. “It’s unique. You’ll actually remember it during a scene?”
“I hate tangerines,” she said. “I’d never forget that.”
He laid the toy on the table. “And how about a word for slow?”
“I’ll go with yellow.”
“Did you use either the evening you were subjected to the tawse?”
He walked toward her. “Is there a reason for that?”
“I know this is ridiculous, but I was afraid of disappointing him.”
“Listen to me, Shelby.” Gently he took hold of her shoulders and rubbed his thumbs in tiny circles. Her skin was like silk, and she deserved to get what she wanted. “You will never disappoint a Dominant by using a safe word. We’re not assholes. I don’t want you to do something or act heroic because you think it will make me happy. It won’t. In fact, it will piss me off.”
She scowled.
“I mean it. Scening together, playing, isn’t meant to torture you. Yes, I may encourage you to try things, do things that push your comfort zone. But I never, ever want you to cross your boundaries. Not for me. Not for any man.” He stopped moving his thumbs. “Tell me you understand.”
“I’ll try.”
He needed more than that. “Shelby, the scene won’t be fun for me if you suffer needlessly. It won’t deepen our relationship, and in fact, it will destroy trust. Hearing your secrets is an incredible turn-on. That takes more guts than remaining silent. Is that possible?”
“You ask for a lot, Master Trevor.”
“I do. Your emotional honesty. Your vulnerability.” Maybe there was nothing more difficult.
“I…” She twisted her fingers together. “I’ll do my best. That’s all I can promise.”
His pulse accelerated. “I’ll be watching you, but I don’t have psychic powers.”
“There goes my whole fantasy. Up in smoke.” Her words were light, laced with a teasing air. “Trying to defuse the situation? I thought Doms were all knowing, all powerful.”
Negotiating was too serious for joking. “This is a two-way relationship, Shelby. You have to be an active participant.”
Her slender shoulders trembled a little, showing she understood what he’d said and revealing her trepidation. Despite that, she tipped back her head. Her beautiful eyes, the color of uncut spring grass, were wide, unblinking with no pretense, no artifice.
Trevor had told her he appreciated her trust, but it was so much more than that. She humbled him. The emotion plowed into him, hard. He’d worked hard for everything he had, sacrificing years of his life in pursuit of his dreams. He’d been driven, allowing nothing to get in his way.
But now the weight of the responsibility he had for Shelby settled over him. He waited for the obligation to chafe. It didn’t. Instead, he wanted it. Embraced it.
Silently he vowed not to fail her.
Very slowly, he released his grip on her. “Is there anything I need to know? Medical or physical conditions, perhaps?”
He nodded. “How about your limits? Hard and soft.”
“To be honest, I don’t really know. That’s embarrassing, right?” She wrapped herself a little tighter. “Canes terrify me. I can’t even watch those scenes. There’s something about the sound of them, even.” She shivered. “And I don’t want to do anything that will break my skin.”
“Understood. And is the tawse a limit?”
“Actually it’s…” A small line formed between her eyebrows. “No. I might be willing to try it again, with you. But…”
He waited, giving her time to sort through her answer.
“I guess I want to be more than a random sub who gets spanked and forgotten.”
The soft pain in her voice gutted him. “I’ll tell you this, Shelby. You are not the type of woman to be easily forgotten.”
She gave him a half smile. Trevor was suddenly a greedy man. He wanted a dozen more.
He extended his hand, and she finally lowered her arms. “Come with me.”
She slipped her hand into his, and he drew her toward the side table. He liked having her close, her scent, that of innocence and unconscious seduction. Trevor wanted to wrap his hand in her hair and kiss her deep. Later, he planned to do exactly that. “I want you to unpack my things. As you take each toy out, talk to me about it. Let me know if you’re interested in trying it. Place it off to the left if you’re not. If you’re unsure or it’s a soft limit, place it in the middle of the table. We can discuss those at another time. The things you want to start with should go on the far right side.” He picked up the small flogger and dropped it back in the bag. “Whenever you’re ready.”
“I think I’d prefer if you just showed me what’s in there.”
“Why is that?”
“This seems too personal.”
“Ah, Shelby. Everything we do for the next week is going to be personal.” To the extreme. “I intend to explore every part of you, excavate your deepest secrets.”
She shivered as she looked up at him. “Should I be scared?”
“Should you?”
For a second, neither of them blinked.
Her eyes darkened, as if a storm approached. “You might not like what you find.”
Shelby’s words were light, but the apprehension hiding behind them was real. Suddenly he wanted to take away anything in her past that had hurt her. “Maybe I will.” He lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
“I hope you’re not disappointed, Master Trevor.”
He liked the way she said his name, with respect, maybe a hint of admiration. Holy hell. She was stunning. “I won’t be.”
“Uh, we didn’t discuss sex.” She knotted her hands into tight little fists at her sides.
“Go on.”
“Will you expect us to sleep together?”
“You are utterly desirable.”
At his words, she trembled. He liked that he had that power over her. “But I want to make it clear that I don’t expect you to engage in intercourse. I’d never demand that from you. Sex and scening do not have to go together, and as you know, very often they don’t. But if you’d like it, I’m more than happy to make love to you. Take you. Make you mine.”
“I’m…not on birth control.”
“Understood. I will always protect you, Shelby.”
“Well, then, if it works out, we can. I mean, that is, if we both want to.”
Trevor winced. He’d never lacked for willing romantic partners. Her nonchalance was nearly a mortal blow to his ego. “I promise you this—when, if, we have sex, you will desire me every bit as much as I desire you.”
“I didn’t mean to imply that I didn’t…” She blushed and turned away. “I mean, you’re a very handsome man.”
Her hesitant, honest words soothed him, making him grin. Oh yes. Most definitely, he intended to have her. “Whenever you’re ready, please continue.”
After nodding and uncurling her hands, she opened his bag wider.
The first thing she picked up was the small flogger. “I think I’m interested in trying this.”
“Excellent choice.”
After a soft breath, she pulled out a Wartenberg wheel. “I saw one of these at a vendor show a couple of months ago.”
At theme nights, the club often allowed members to showcase their wares. “Curious?” When she didn’t respond, he suggested, “Try it. On your palm. Then if you like it, on your arm.”
She did. “It’s not as intense as I thought it would be.”
“It can be, depending on the amount of pressure used. May I?”
She blinked but dropped it into his open hand.
“Will you take off your vest?”
After a slight hesitation, she shrugged out of it, and he placed it on the side table. Then he drew the spiky metal wheel across the enticing flesh of her right breast, above her bra cup.
Her gaze followed his action.
“Harder?” His question was soft and inviting.
“Uhm…” After a moment, she nodded. “Yes.”
He liked her boldness. He retraced his motion, this time with enough force that she sucked in a shallow breath. “Yellow?” he asked. “Tangerine?”
“No. In fact, it’s amazing.” She frowned, as if searching for the right words. “As if my skin is alive. On fire.”
He offered the handle back to her.
Without hesitation, she laid the medical toy next to the flogger before taking a breath and pulling out a set of lightweight tweezer nipple clamps. She tipped her head to the side, as if considering.
He nodded.
Next she fished out his most serious pair of Japanese clovers meant for advanced players.
“These are an absolute no. No, nope, no. No. Hell no, even.” Shelby shook her head so furiously that he grinned.
“Good to know.”
She dropped them, and the strike of metal on metal jarred the silence.
Hurriedly she reached in again.
With a frown, she placed a bottle of lube in the middle of the table. Then she withdrew a small metal butt plug. “Oh. God.”
He watched her reaction—a wrinkled nose, and again, that curious tilt of her head.
“I don’t know what to say about this.” She studied it, then looked at him.
“Soft limit?”
“I don’t know.”
“Meaning?” When she hesitated, he asked, “You’ve never played anally?”
She pushed out a soft breath. “No.”
“As in zero experience? No fingering? Tonguing?”
“Absolutely not.”
Shocking him, a small blush crept up her cheekbones.
Trevor was captivated. In that moment, he realized how jaded he was. He scened with women who knew what they wanted and were forthright about it. This—being the first to introduce her to certain experiences—would demand something new from him. Patience. And it gave him a thrill he’d never found outside of his financial pursuits.
Realizing she was still holding the toy and looking to him for some sort of guidance, he brought himself back to the present. “Is it something you want to place off-limits, or would you be willing to try, given the right circumstances?”
Her blush deepened. “Can we talk about that later?”
“Of course. For now, put it in the consider pile?”
Rather than drop it, she placed it carefully before pulling out a blindfold. Unhesitatingly that went on the yes side of the table.
She fished around until she found his dragon’s tail. “Maybe.”
“We’ll have plenty of time in the next week to explore everything.” The two sets of restraints were an immediate yes. Interesting.
When the bag was empty, she hugged her shoulders and dug her fingers into her skin. Nervous tension radiated from her in heated waves. “Now what, Sir?”
“First of all, take a breath. Wait on my direction.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Practice stillness.”
She puffed out a gentle scoff. “I don’t think you have any idea what you’re asking for.”
“Perhaps I do.” Intensifying her emotions. Heightening her physical responses. Engaging her emotions. Expanding her psychological awareness. “I want to see more of your body. Look at it. Touch it. Begin to explore it. I appreciate that it may be difficult for you. But it’s going to happen, unless you need to refuse.”
Her eyes were unblinking. She was going to push through this. His heart responded with several rapid thuds. “You’re doing great. When you’re ready, please drop your hands to your sides.”
Slowly she did as he asked, her chest rising and falling in shallow motions.
“Concentrate on me. The sound of my voice. Block out anything—everything—except what I instruct you to do.”
“I’m not sure I can hear anything over the sound of my heart racing.”
He offered a reassuring smile. “I’ll repeat my commands if necessary.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
Her voice, tremulous, deep from a combination of anxiety and anticipation, was like a drug in his veins. “Please turn around and spread your legs as far as you can and bend over.”
She hesitated before complying. “This is more difficult than anything I’ve done with any other Dom here.”
“Because I’m really seeing you? There’s no one else waiting for my attention. You matter to me.”
“That’s the problem.” Her voice trembled with vulnerability. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“You won’t.” He remained where he was.
“Nerves are killing me.”
“That’s okay. It means the scene matters to you too.”
She nodded. Then, quickly, as if scared she might change her mind if she thought too long about it, she turned and bent into the position he required. Her dark hair cascaded onto the floor, and her pink panties stretched taut over her derriere.
“Can you spread your legs a little farther?” It would expose her more, and she would be concentrating on following his order rather than anything else. “Shelby?”
“Yes.” She wiggled on those sexy heels, and he enjoyed every moment spent watching.
Trevor took a step toward her and outlined the tender spots where her silky panties snuggled the tops of her thighs. Her breathing increased. “Lovely. Now reach back and part your ass cheeks for me.”
It took her so long to respond that he wondered if she actually would.
Gently, he placed his hands on her hips. “Over the next week, I want to learn everything there is to know about you. I’m suspecting some of it will make you uncomfortable. But if my guess is right, you want that as much as I do, even if it’s scary as fuck.”
She nodded.
After several seconds and clenching her buttocks tight, she reached back.
“I won’t touch your ass while we’re here.”
Slowly she relaxed.
“That’s right. Give yourself to me.” Anal play would take discussion and plenty of preparation. In the end, though, he would claim her there as fully as he did everywhere else.
He bunched the gusset of her underwear and moved it to the side. Then he took one of her hands and moved it to the thin scrap of fabric. “Hold it there.”
Though she trembled, she did as he said.
“Everything about you is gorgeous.” Her fingernails were a striking shade of hot pink. The sight of the bold color nails against her gorgeous olive skin made his cock throb. He hadn’t had a sub, or any woman, in months. Suddenly he wanted to take her fast and hard, possess her, claim her, mark her as his for the entire damn world to see. What the hell had gotten into him?
Trevor shook his head. He couldn’t let the sweet, sexy image of her make him react as a caveman. After clearing his throat, he tried to regain control. “Stand up slowly and turn toward me.”
Her motions had a bit more elegance to them than they had a moment ago, thrilling him.
After she faced him, she instinctively looked down.
“So beautifully done, Shelby.” He’d studied her after the poker game. Now he allowed himself the time to appreciate her.
Her unruly hair fell over the feminine curve of her shoulders. She had a lovely, kissable neck, and the mother-of-pearl concha lay alluringly against her throat, making him think, for a dizzying moment, of seeing her in his collar.
Where the fuck had that idea come from? He’d never put a collar on a woman, even temporarily.
Realizing she was waiting for him with no idea of his inner turmoil, he forced his focus back to her. “Please remove your bra.” For now, for his sanity, the chaps, panties, and the tantalizing little boots could stay.
She reached behind her to unfasten the clasp, then shrugged off the straps and allowed the silky fabric to fall to the floor.
Her breasts were lush, and her beautifully dark nipples were hard. “And your bolo tie, so it’s not in the way.”
After she removed it, she shook her head, tumbling the riotous mess of her hair over her shoulders.
When he arrived this evening, he’d thought he might opt for a short scene with a willing submissive. He had no idea he’d be thoroughly ensnared by a woman who knew nothing about her own power.
She handed over the bolo, and he placed it in a side pocket of his bag.
When he returned to her, he cupped her breasts and lifted them before flicking his thumb pads over her nipples.
Her knees bent. “Oh, Sir.”
Because her breathing had increased a little, he did it again, this time a little harder. “You like this.”
“Yes.” The word was half whisper, half moan.
He left her for a moment and returned with the Wartenberg wheel. “Keep your hands by your sides. If it’s easier, you may fold them behind you. In fact, do that. It will pull your shoulders back.” Which would force her breasts out. “That’s it.”
Trevor held one of her breasts in a cupped palm, then bent his head to suck one of her nipples. The bud stiffened as he swirled his tongue around it, and she swayed toward him.
When he eased back, she moaned.
“I’d take more of that, Sir.”
“Would you? Seems you can be a greedy little submissive.” He grinned.
In return, she gave him a small smile.
This was unique and welcomed. Teasing with a play partner, watching the tension drain from her body as they formed a bond with each other.
He circled her nipple with the spikes of the wheel, guiding it with his purposeful touch, methodical and light.
Her mouth parted a little.
With a small nod, he applied a little more pressure and went across her taut flesh.
“Damn.” Shelby made no attempt to pull away. In fact, she moved in a little.
Taking his time, he went a little deeper. Her eyes glazed over as she surrendered.
After a minute or so, she closed her eyes. Trevor used that opportunity to stop what he was doing.
Instantly, she blinked, then tipped her head to one side to study him.
“We’re just beginning,” he promised.
They had most of an hour still ahead of them, then days for him to awaken her senses.
Suddenly that thought was all-consuming.