Into His Zodiac
Ava loves the idea of breaking free from her loneliness and yearns for passionless love. However, this desire poses a major problem for her on her aligned path because it previously led to a futile relationship she thought could last forever. But her cosmic stars, which had something new in place for her, guide her into a new wave of overwhelming and unspoken connection with her soul's pair, destined by fate. He was matured for her ,an alluring billionaire, her perfect addiction, her delusion and her worst nightmare least did she expect. Could she have been warned from the onset?
Into His Zodiac Free Chapters
CHAPTER 1 | Into His Zodiac
From the depths of the ground floor, an increasingly frantic voice persistently called out, "Ava! Ava!" But alas, the resounding silence that followed was as profound as it was unyielding. After the third entreaty, a remarkably handsome young man swung the door open, revealing Ava's seemingly immovable form still ensconced beneath her oversized white blanket, her pretense of slumber expertly maintained. Yet, her façade was destined to crumble, for she was rudely jolted from her feigned slumber. Her body, cocooned on her left side under that voluminous white shroud, had been caught unawares.
In this familial drama, it was none other than Alexander, the ten-years-her-senior older brother, who chose to take matters into his own hands. With a playful yet exasperated demeanor, he hurled a golf ball toward her, accompanying it with a teasing admonishment. "Young lady, Mum's calling. Get up, will ya?" His hands found comfort in the pockets of his attire as he awaited her response, a picture of casual indifference amidst the commotion.
Meanwhile, lurking in the shadows like an unseen puppeteer, Jasmine observed the unfolding spectacle with a mischievous smirk gracing her lips. Having absorbed enough of this morning's theatrics, she executed a silent exit, slipping away unnoticed as she descended the staircase. Her departure did not elude the watchful gaze of Freya, who had been anxiously anticipating Ava's emergence. Freya finally allowed herself a sigh of relief, coupled with a hint of disdain as she couldn't help but scoff. She posed the impatient inquiry, "Where is Ava? Where is she?"
"Don't know," Jasmine shrugged. "At her age, she should know better. I'm already late for my morning class as it is." She reached for an apple in a basket on the table, took a bite, grabbed her school bag, and made her way outside.
Meanwhile, Alexander, still attempting to get his younger sister out of bed, was puzzled by Ava's sudden change in behavior. He was walking towards Ava's bed when Chloe handed him his ringing phone. He paused and glanced at the urgent call, sighing, "I can't believe this." He then left the room to attend to the call.
Chloe, left alone, took it upon herself to clean Ava's room. But her task was interrupted when Ava suddenly stood up from her bed, grabbed a hoodie from her wardrobe, picked up her Air Pods Max from the desk, and hurriedly left. Startled, all Chloe could manage to say was, "Ava?" as she stood there, stunned by the unexpected turn of events.As Ava hastily left, she put on her headphones and pulled her hoodie over her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she noticed her mum, but almost ignored her, not stopping her pace. Freya couldn't hold back and yelled, "You haven't gotten dressed yet?! Goodness! Do you have any idea of what it takes to be privileged enough to get enrolled into such an expensive school?" Ava stood there, quiet and holding back her tears, but Freya continued, "Go back to your room and get dressed! You are definitely sitting for your test today!"
Not heeding Freya's command, Ava walked away, disturbed by everything that was going on inside her. Something was tearing her apart, but nobody seemed to pay any attention. She made her way to the gate, tears still rolling down her cheeks. The compound was vast, and it would take her about five minutes to walk to the exit. Alternatively, a car would only need three minutes to leave the grand mansion of the Waltons.
Meanwhile, Jasmine was losing patience, getting angry at Ava's apparent lack of tact. She pressed the car's horn continuously to get her mother's attention, but as she saw Ava storming out of the compound, she was amazed by her little sister's behavior. Jasmine noticed Freya walking towards the car, irritated and ready to drive her off to school. Giving up on the horn, Jasmine let out a scoff.
Freya got into the car and stepped on the gas pedal, speeding towards Ava. Jasmine, trying to collect her thoughts, asked, "Mum, what's going on?". Freya, was still focused and visibly upset, when Jasmine continued , "Christ's sake, what is going on? What's wrong with everyone today? The heck!" The tension in the car was palpable. Freya hit the brakes, turning to Jasmine, and spoke in a hot temper, "Don't you ever dare use that tone on me again, woman!" Jasmine felt stung by her mother's sharp words and turned her face towards the window, wearing a frown.
As the car approached Ava, Freya rolled down the window and pressed the horn, signaling for Ava to stop walking. However, Ava refused to even look at her mother. Freya yelled, "Ava! Get into the car!" but Ava replied tearfully, "Mum, I can't. I just can't."
"You can't? You have a test to write today, and you can't?" Freya exclaimed. Ava remained quiet but continued walking, now at a faster pace. Freya tried to drive slowly beside her, urging her to talk, "If you have a problem, talk to me. I'm your mother, and I care for you, Ava. Can we talk about this...?"
Ava cut in, "I just can't! I just can't, okay?! I didn't study. I am not prepared to sit for the test. I'm just going to fail and embarrass myself in front of everyone. I can't take the test." With that, Ava ran off, leaving Freya sighing, feeling lost about what was going on in her daughter's mind. She was deeply worried and honked at Ava for the last time as she watched her daughter run away.
Giving up, Freya mumbled, "Teenagers are so difficult," and turned to look at Jasmine, who had thrown her face towards the window, quietly chewing her apple. Freya finally resolved to drive her daughter to school, hoping to find a way to understand and help her through whatever struggles she was facing.On leaving the house, Ava was crying her eyes out and kept on running with loud music playing in her headphones. After the phone call, Alexander returned to Ava's room to find only Chloe there, cleaning. Chloe noticed he was looking around, speculating to see Ava, and mentioned, "She went for a walk."
"And Madame?" he asked.
"She is off already," Chloe replied. He paused for a while, nodded, and left.
Three years ago:
Ava looked out the window, smiling broadly while feeling the fresh breeze. She closed her eyes, finding calmness within herself, as the car rode on, enjoying upbeat music through her Air Pods Max. Jasmine sat beside her and texted her friend about their location. Their personal driver asked, "Ma'am, where are we going today?"
Jasmine received a notification at 2:00 p.m sharp, "Come to the pool." She then replied, "Nearest pool, please." Upon arriving at the location, Ava took off her headphones, and the two sisters, dressed in stylish and expensive clothes, approached the venue. Kylie screamed, "Jasmine!" and ran to hug her, smiling at Ava. "My God, Ava looks so grown now. I'm so jealous that she is almost taller than me," Kylie playfully flipped her hair and smiled.
Ava took her cousin's joke lightly, saying, "Uh, Christ! It's not that serious, Kylie”. Kylie, being the same age but three months older than Jasmine, introduced her friends and cousins to each other, all of whom were of the same caliber. They were led into the dressing room to change into their swimsuits. Sitting by the poolside, Jasmine asked, "What's the occasion, Kylie? Let the cat out of the bag already."
Kylie, submerged in the pool, surfaced, and Ava insisted, "Yes, Kylie, let's hear it." Kylie's friends, also in the pool, chanted together, clapping, "Let's hear it! Let's hear it!" Ava and Jasmine joined in the excitement. Finally, Kylie revealed, "You remember Brian, my crush for about five years... (giggled) I proposed... and... he said... yes!!!"
"Whoa, Kylie, are you serious?" Jasmine exclaimed, stunned. "This is awesome! I'm so happy for you!"
"And I'm so happy for you, since you'll be leaving us to study abroad... and not until you get into the water," Kylie playfully dragged Jasmine into the pool. Her other friends joined in, cheering, "Let's celebrate and be merry!" as they swam and had fun.
"Kylie, congratulations!" Ava called back, smiling. Kylie returned the smile and said, "You're next." Ava scoffed playfully with her legs in the water, but Kylie assured her, "Trust me," and swam off, leaving Ava to smile and sip juice by the pool, enjoying the merry atmosphere and conversations.
Later, as they emerged from the refreshing embrace of the pool, their sun-kissed bodies glistening with droplets of water, Ava, driven by an adventurous impulse that had always simmered within her, decided to venture back into the cerulean expanse despite harboring the knowledge that she was not a strong swimmer. With each step toward the water's edge, she could feel the anticipation and trepidation mingling within her like a dance of fire and ice.
Once she immersed herself in the water, Ava attempted to mimic the graceful strokes of a seasoned swimmer, her arms slicing through the liquid medium. Yet, as she ventured further from the pool's edge and the reassuring safety of shallower waters, her confidence began to wane, gradually transforming into a chilling realization that she was in over her head—literally. Panic gripped her as the pool's center seemed to stretch endlessly before her, a vast expanse of liquid uncertainty.
In the throes of a desperate struggle, Ava's valiant efforts to stay afloat ultimately faltered, and the cold embrace of the water began to close around her, its relentless grasp pulling her down into the depths. In the midst of choking gasps and frantic flails, she unleashed a heart-wrenching scream for salvation, a cry that pierced the air with the sheer terror of impending doom.
But in the nick of time, like a guardian angel summoned by her desperate plea, a fine gentleman, spurred by instinct and a noble sense of duty, sprinted toward the pool's edge with the speed of a sprinter chasing victory. Without hesitation, he propelled himself into the water, each stroke propelling him closer to Ava's struggling form. With unwavering determination, he reached her, wrapping his strong arms around her beleaguered frame and, with a mighty effort, hauled her gasping and sputtering back to the safety of the pool's edge.
Ava, her heart pounding in her chest like a trapped bird yearning for the open sky, clung to the pool's edge, trembling as she struggled to regain her composure. The deafening rush of her own breath filled her ears as she drew desperately needed oxygen back into her lungs.
The commotion had not gone unnoticed by the others, and Jasmine, along with a cluster of concerned onlookers, emerged from the poolside shadows to investigate the tumultuous scene. Jasmine, her voice quivering with a mix of relief and gratitude, hurriedly identified herself to the rescuer. "She's my sister. Thank you for saving her life," she proclaimed, her words carrying the weight of a debt that could never be fully repaid.
Ethan, the courageous savior of the moment, offered a reassuring nod, a gesture that spoke volumes of his humility and selflessness. With a calm demeanor, he leaned down to offer some advice, firmly yet gently advising that Ava should avoid pools and deep waters, given her limited swimming ability.
Once Ava had been safely handed into the care of her sister Jasmine, she retreated to a more private space to dry herself and change into the comforting embrace of her casual attire. Despite her physical rescue, the traumatic incident had left its mark, and she reappeared before the concerned gathering, her eyes still haunted by the harrowing brush with disaster.
With a collective sigh of relief for Ava's safety, Jasmine made the difficult decision to cut short their gathering, addressing her cousin, "We'll be leaving. I think that's all for today." Kylie waved her farewell and chimed in, "Thanks for hanging out." Ethan, his worry for Ava still evident, approached her to inquire about her well-being before offering a heartfelt, "Take good care of yourself, Ava," as he departed.
Kylie, unable to resist a smug grin, leaned closer to Ava's ear and whispered, "I told ya," before joining her other friends in a jovial exit. As Ava, still grappling with the whirlwind of emotions that had gripped her, began her slow walk toward the waiting car, she couldn't help but wonder about Kylie's enigmatic statement. As the car's impatient horn blared its presence, she quickened her pace and, with one last look back at the pool, climbed into the vehicle that would carry her back home, the waters of the pool now a mirror reflecting the ripples of her unexpected adventure.
Ava went to a drug store to buy antidepressant pills, after displaying her stubborn behavior as she refused to take her test at school. Outside, a billboard caught her eyes, displaying the same phrase, "MEETING DEADLINES AND BOSSING UP TO BILLIONS," with a picture of a young, well-built man on it. Passersby were talking about the popular magazine and the billboard, with one person remarking, "He is more than gorgeous. Anyone would be lucky to have him as a baby daddy." As she left the store, she was given a magazine, but she showed no interest and threw it into the nearest bin. Ava scoffed, not believing her ears, and took a cab. What was her motive? The Innocent and young , Ava’s stubbornness was disturbingly questionable.
CHAPTER 2 | Into His Zodiac
Three years ago:
After the soothing cascade of water had enveloped her in its embrace, offering respite from the sweltering heat of the day, Ava embarked on the arduous journey of her post-shower routine, her mind swaying between the mundane tasks that occupied her day-to-day existence and the prospect of the forthcoming dinner with her family. The evening sun cast long shadows across the room, imbuing it with a warm, amber glow that spoke of serenity and familial togetherness.
As Ava descended the stairs, she was beckoned to the dining table by the mellifluous voice of Freya, the matriarch of their household. Freya, a beacon of maternal warmth and care, sought to forge a connection with her daughter, to bridge the gap that often grew between parent and child as the latter ventured into the unpredictable terrain of adolescence. Her inquiry, "How did your day unfold, my dear?" was imbued with genuine curiosity and affection.
However, before the answer could escape Ava's lips, the tranquility of the dinner table was shattered by the unanticipated intrusion of Edward, the ever-watchful father figure of the family. Edward's sudden interjection carried with it an air of gravity that eclipsed the pleasantries of the evening. His words hung in the air like a heavy fog, "Kylie's parents called this evening to check up on Ava..." The utterance was pregnant with unspoken concern, and it sent ripples of tension through the assembled family members.
Silence descended upon the room, a deafening silence that seemed to stretch into eternity as each individual grappled with the implications of Edward's revelation. The weight of unspoken questions bore down upon them, and their eyes darted between Ava and Edward, seeking answers that remained elusive. Edward's gaze, in particular, was fixed upon Jasmine, the close friend and confidante of Ava, as if imploring her to shed light on the enigmatic events of the day.
In this charged atmosphere, Edward turned his attention towards Jasmine, his voice laced with a blend of fatherly concern and inquisitiveness. He inquired, "What do you think transpired during your outing at the pool today?" Jasmine, a delicate soul who had always struggled to confront difficult truths, felt her heart quicken as she grappled with the impending confession. Her words emerged haltingly, "She... she mis... she... she mistakenly slipped into the pool and nearly drowned, but Kylie and I went in to pull her out."
However, the air seemed to thicken with an unspoken tension as Jasmine's words hung in the air. It was as though a tempestuous undercurrent lurked beneath the placid surface of her explanation, a suspicion that her narrative concealed something more profound and troubling. Unbeknownst to the others, Jasmine had woven a fabric of deception, a falsehood that threatened to unravel in the face of truth.
Edward's penetrating gaze shifted from Jasmine to Ava, his eyes piercing through the veil of secrecy. With a voice that brooked no deception, he directed his question towards Ava, "And can Ava corroborate this account based on your report? Ava, can you recount the same events?" The pressure of truth bore down upon Ava, her conscience compelling her to confront her own role in the unfolding drama.
Summoning the strength of honesty, Ava embarked on her confession, her words flowing with an unwavering commitment to the truth. "Jasmine and Kylie were indeed in the pool, enjoying the cool embrace of the water ," she began, her voice steady. "And I, too, harbored the desire to partake in the aquatic revelry. I ventured into the pool, hoping I would be able to swim too. Yet, I found myself ensnared in the depths of the water, sinking and gasping for breath."
The room fell into a hushed silence once more as Ava's confession hung in the air, the gravity of her words sinking in. The truth, once veiled in ambiguity and half-truths, now stood stark and unassailable. Ava had bared her soul, acknowledging her own recklessness, and the revelation of her near-drowning stirred a maelstrom of emotions within her family.
The truth, as unwelcome as it may have been, had come to light, and Ava's admission had shattered the façade of deception that had threatened to undermine the bonds of trust within the family. In the crucible of honesty, they found the opportunity for growth, healing, and the reaffirmation of the unbreakable ties that bound them together.
Edward saw that Jasmine was lying and furiously rebuked her during dinner. With tension mounting, Ava experienced an asthma attack right there at the table. Thankfully, she was quickly aided by her pump to ease her breathing. Edward made a harsh decision in the heat of the moment, declaring that Jasmine would no longer be allowed to study abroad as punishment for not looking after her sister properly. He stormed out of the dinner table, leaving Jasmine annoyed and in tears. She ran to her room, leaving her food untouched.
The bitter feelings Jasmine had towards Ava became evident in this moment of crisis. Alexander and Chloe helped Ava into her room after her asthma attack. As Ava stepped into her room, she noticed her phone vibrating on the table beside the lamp. Despite the phone call, she let it vibrate until it eventually dropped to the floor. With her mind racing and emotions stirring, she couldn't bear to answer the call at that moment, uncertain about who could be calling her at such an hour and what more might be thrown her way.
The air from outside blew through the opened windows and the hanging curtains, heightening Ava's tension. Shaking, she slowly walked to the table to pick up her phone, which had stopped vibrating for a moment. She paused, feeling the cold air passing through the window and giving her goosebumps. As the phone started vibrating again, she mustered the courage to answer the call, curious to know who the caller might be.
"The first thing the caller said was 'Ava,'" and she replied, "Yes, this is her." Suspense filled the air as she awaited the caller's identity. The caller introduced himself, "I am Ethan..." Ava softly repeated his name, trying to remember where she had heard it before. "The lifeguard who helped you out of the pool earlier today," he explained. There was no response from Ava.
Ethan continued, trying to break the awkward silence, "Err... how are you feeling now?" Again, Ava remained silent, still processing the situation. Ethan then revealed, "Actually, errm... Kylie gave me your contact because I wanted to check up on how you were feeling after the incident at the pool." Still, there was no response from Ava, leaving Ethan uncertain.
Apologizing for bothering her, he said he would call later, but Ava finally broke the silence, realizing the importance of the moment. "You saved my life," she expressed, deeply grateful for his timely intervention at the pool.
"Of course, I couldn't just let you drown. Every swimmer's safety is my priority," Ethan replied with a smile. Ava giggled, and before anyone could tell, their conversation became a long one. Unconsciously comfortable with him, Ava found herself laying on her bed while talking to him.
From that moment on, Ava and Ethan became close friends. They would talk about everything and anything, and Ava couldn't help but feel drawn to him. She eagerly looked forward to their conversations, and soon enough, they became inseparable. They would call each other to check up and discuss their interests and preferences. Ava started to feel a deep connection with Ethan, believing he was a dream come true and everything she could ever ask for.
She remembered the moment when Kylie assured her that she was next, and when she finally understood what Kylie meant, she smiled and confidently said to herself, "Yes, I'm next." This memory resurfaced as she found herself at a family friend's wedding with her mom. As the vows were said and exchanged, the bride threw the wedding bouquet, and to everyone's surprise, it fell right at Ava's feet, catching everyone's attention as she was only seventeen years old at the time.Freya was beaming with pride and smiled at Ava while people were talking about her catching the wedding bouquet. She softly held Ava's chin and said, "You are a blessing," giving her a peck on the cheek before going to congratulate the newlywed couples. Ava felt hopeful about her connection with Ethan, as he was the first person she had ever caught feelings for, breaking her sense of loneliness.
On another day, during Literature class, a new student was introduced by the school's principal. Ava, however, was preoccupied with jotting down a note and didn't pay much attention. The principal left, leaving the professor to handle the introduction. The new student, surprisingly named Ethan Clark, introduced himself and mentioned being a lucky student on a scholarship. Ava raised her head, astonished by the coincidence of the name, but softly joined in, saying, "On a scholarship," and smiled.
The class applauded Ethan's introduction, welcoming him warmly. As lunchtime approached, Ava was putting her belongings into her locker when Ethan approached her, saying, "Surprise!" Ava was taken aback as she hadn't expected him to transfer to her school. She replied, "You never tried to mention you were transferring to Miller’s high." Ethan tried to convince her, "I didn't want to spoil the fun. It was a planned surprise."
Ava, feeling a mix of emotions, tried to ignore him, but he followed her, uncertain of her reaction.Ava playfully teased Ethan, saying, "I could have gotten you a present since it's our first time meeting each other and your first day here at Miller's High. Anyways, your loss." Ethan smiled and regretted, "My bad. There's still another time, right?" Ava scoffed, and he jokingly mimicked her words. They both laughed, and he gave up the playful banter.
After school, the two of them walked together, hand in hand, discussing various things. Ethan complimented Ava, gently shifting her hair backward and saying, "You look even prettier in person." Ava blushed and returned the compliment. As they approached the exit, they found Jasmine waiting in the car. Jasmine avoided questioning Ava, as she was still upset with her and held Ava responsible for not being able to study abroad anymore.
Time passed slowly, and Ava celebrated her birthday with a party at her dad's other house in Boston. Many of her friends attended, but she was hoping for someone else to show up, though she was eventually disappointed. Later in the evening, there was a knock at the door, and Chloe, Ava's personal maid, let the visitor in. Ethan stood there with a cake in his hands, and as soon as Ava saw him, she smiled gently and said, "Come with me."
She led him to a spacious lounge and Ethan wasted no time in apologizing for not showing up at her party. He then presented the cake to her, placed a candle on it, lit it, and said with a smile, "Happy birthday, Ava. Make a wish."Ava returned the smile and closed her eyes to make a wish. When she opened her eyes, she surprised Ethan by leaving a light kiss on his lips. He smiled and held her hands, but before he realized it, Ava had already snuggled into his arms. They were both excited to be able to spend more time together by being in the same school and seeing each other every day. Ava's friends were happy for her, embracing her new relationship, and they all loved Ethan too.
However, not everyone at school was supportive. Ava had some people who didn't like her and labeled her the "naïve dreamer" because she grew up with certain privileges, leading them to believe she didn't grasp the realities of life. Despite this, Ava and Ethan remained happy and spent quality time together both in and outside of school.
Two years ago:
As their relationship progressed, Ava and Ethan celebrated their first anniversary, enjoying each other's company on the beach. "I can't believe it's been a year since we started dating," Ava expressed.
"I know, time flies when you're having fun. Happy Eighteen," Ethan replied with a grin.
Ava and Ethan's love for each other had only grown stronger throughout the year, despite the fact that Ethan was a part time worker and the lifeguard who saved her at the pool .She never cared ,although he was also from a family who faced financial struggles unlike hers. Meanwhile, Ava hadn't yet revealed their relationship to her family and was nervous about how they would react if they found out. Despite the uncertainty, Ava was determined to enjoy Lily's birthday party with Ethan by her side.
As the night went on, Ava's family started to question who Ethan was, and her nerves intensified.
"Who is this young man?" Ava's father asked.
"This is Ethan. He's my friend from school," Ava nervously replied. However, her dad sensed something more and decided to take Ava aside for further questioning.
Meanwhile, Ava's mother raised an eyebrow and asked, "Just a friend?"
"Yes, just a friend," Ava replied, hoping to keep their relationship a secret from her parents.
Despite her fears, the party turned out to be a success, and Ava's family grew to love Ethan. She felt relieved that they had accepted him, and she was convinced that keeping their relationship a secret was the right decision.
During the party, Ava mustered the courage to tell Ethan, "I love you."
"I love you too," Ethan assured her, hugging her tightly, as if it was his last.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly until one noon at school when Ava received a text message from an unknown number, stating, "Ethan is not who he seems to be." Fear gripped her, as she was deeply infatuated with him. Suspicion clouded her mind, and she started feeling uncomfortable around Ethan. She decided to block the number for a while, hoping to silence the unsettling messages.
However, her peace didn't last long, as she received another strange text from an unknown number while drying her hair after returning from the shower. The situation became more puzzling, leaving Ava perplexed and anxious about what was going on with Ethan.Ava recognized the address mentioned in the text by the stalker as her boyfriend’s workplace,and sarcastically replied, "What do you want? Stop texting me and mind your business. Get a grip and go earn a living, stalker!." After a while, the number wrote again ,suggesting she check on Ethan at work if she really loved him. Surprised by the stalker's knowledge of her relationship, Ava wondered how they knew about her, Ethan, and their connection since only close people were aware. In frustration , she grabbed her car keys and drove off to visit Ethan. To her utter shock, she found Ethan in an intimate situation with another girl on a sofa. Silent and unnoticed, she stood there drenched in tears.
Ava returned home from the drug store and hurriedly entered her room, wearing a serious expression. Along the way, she encountered Chloe and asked, "...Alexander?" Chloe informed , "Already off to the office. Sir says you should have breakfast... on the table." Ava had already left without giving Chloe the chance to finish.
In her room, Ava took a cold bath and searched until she found it—a beautiful ring safely kept in a yellow file. She wore it on her ring finger and took her antidepressant looking into a mirror hanging on the wall in her room. After doing her makeup and dressing elegantly, despite being only nineteen, she grabbed the file and the car keys. On her way out, Chloe spotted her and asked, "Where to, miss?" Ava, a spoiled rich child, retorted, "None of your business," and drove off.
Arriving at the tall building labeled "Miller's Corp," she was screened by security before entering. Walking with confidence, she was stopped by a secretary who inquired, "Who are you, and who are you here to see?" Without saying much, Ava presented the file and simply stated, "His client."The secretary quickly made a call and guided Ava. Upon reaching the office, Ava disregarded the guest in the room and boldly opened the door. She confidently placed the file on Leon Miller's desk and then proceeded to passionately kiss him, paying no mind to the lady observing from behind. Leon, a self-made billionaire at the age of twenty-nine, initially pulled back, momentarily taken aback, but responded to the kiss. The lady couldn't help but smirk, knowing that Leon was the prominent figure featured on magazine covers and billboards, having achieved remarkable success.