Just Dance

Just Dance

Chapters: 44
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: A. O. Anjay


Waitress by day, stripper by night, Lila Walker is your average girl with big dreams. She wants to become a well-known singer and performer—something that's pretty hard to achieve if you come from her background. But despite being an orphan with an adoptive mother who detests her, Lila holds on to her dream with every fiber of her being, hoping for a miracle. And that miracle comes in the form of Beamlights Entertainment, the wildly successful record label founded by the late music sensation Cage Turner, aka CG. The company has produced a lot of stars, the most prominent being the Sparks, a popular boy band, and the Beamer Girls, a girl group. When one of the Beamer Girls gets into an accident and is unable to dance, the race is on to find a replacement in time for their next tour. With luck and a little bit of charm, Lila manages to get an audition. But all is not as it seems within Beamlights Entertainment's walls. With secrets, lies, and deceit around every corner, will Lila be able to keep up with everything that comes with being a Beamer Girl? Especially when she learns she isn't who she always thought she was?

Romance Contemporary BxG Family Drama Coming Of Age Famous

Just Dance Free Chapters

Chapter 1 | Just Dance

Lila's POV:

The food was burned, and it was totally not my fault…

Well, maybe it was? But not entirely. Mrs. Stella would be home any minute, and if she found out about this latest mishap, she would kill me.

"Lilaaa, mom's going to kill you when she finds out. You know that, right?" Tessa cooed beside me, grinning wickedly.

"Shut up, Tessa," I groaned as I washed the pot, desperate to get it all clean before her mom arrived. "It's your fault the food burned in the first place. You know that, right?"

"Oh, puleeeze…" Tessa drawled. "Don't drag me into this. If you hadn't gotten so lost dancing to the Sparks' latest single, you would have smelled the food burning," she shot back. Curse my love of dancing! Now I was in such trouble.

"Just shut up so I can finish washing this pot and start another one!" I yelled. That did it. Tessa kept quiet. I let out a huff and poured the burnt oats—or what was left of them—into the trash bin, then rinsed the pot, filled it with fresh water, and set it on the burner.

Oh great, now I smelled burnt too. I hurried over to my room and changed my clothes, repacking my hair, which had gotten all over the place, before I went back to kitchen. There, I measured out a new batch of rice and began cooking.

"I'm hungry…" Tessa whined.

"Well, if you can keep quiet for another fifteen minutes, food will be ready."

"I hate you," she muttered.

"Me too," I replied, chuckling. Today was Saturday, which was why we weren't having cereal for breakfast. Tessa's mom worked the night shift, and that was why she wasn't home yet. But she would be soon, and if I didn't hurry, I was going to get seriously punished for not only burning the food but for wasting it as well.

Well, I guess I should introduce myself to you. Hi, I'm Lila Walker, the adopted daughter of Stella Walker. Tessa here is her biological daughter. Her husband died a few years after Tessa was born, so it was just the three of us now. He had been the nicest, coolest man I'd ever known—and the main reason I was even adopted. He loved dancing, and so did I. Mrs. Stella didn't really fancy me, but they didn't have a child, so they thought they'd make do with me. Now that he was dead, her treatment of me had only worsened.

With Mrs. Stella being super mean and cold towards me, you'd think Tessa would follow in her footsteps and treat me like crap, but no, Tessa was the complete opposite. Only very few people knew this, but she was actually my best friend. She knew and kept all my secrets. She kind of reminded me of her dad, and like a big sister, I took care of her too. With the food all ready, I set about doing the rest of my chores. Just then, my phone rang. I picked it up. It was Lily, a friend of mine.

"Good morning, Ruby," I greeted. "What's up?"

"Good morning, Lila. Where are you?"

"Still at home…I might be a little late to work today."

"Seriously? Well, you better hurry. The boss is in a bad mood, and if you don't come soon, you might get fired."

"I said I'll come. I'm just waiting for Mrs. Stella to arrive."

"By the way…" Ruby chirped, "I have something to tell you!"

"You can tell me when I get to work. Gotta go now. See you later," I said and hung up, smiling while continuing with the rest of my chores. Tessa was in the living room watching TV.

Breakfast was soon ready, and I dished it out, pouring a glass of milk for each of us and settling down to eat.

"Took you long enough…" Tessa muttered, stirring her bowl.

"Can you just eat?"

"Whatever…" she mumbled, lifting a heaping spoonful to her mouth. I scoffed and hurriedly ate mine. Just as I was about to scarf down the last spoonful, there was a knock on the door. My heart missed a beat. Mrs. Stella had arrived. I took the plates to the kitchen and cleaned my hands before walking over to open the door.

"Good morning, Mrs. Stella," I greeted warmly. "How was work?" I opened the door wider for her to enter. She looked at me scornfully as she walked in, totally ignoring my greeting.

"Where's Tessa?" she asked instead.

"Mom!" Tessa called out and hurried over to hug her. I just stared at them.

"Hi, Mom. How was work?" Tessa asked.

"Fine, dear, I'm just tired," Mrs. Stella replied.

"Then you should get some rest. Here, Mom, Lila made oats for breakfast. Why don't you have some before you rest?" Tessa asked her.

"I think I'll pass—wait!" She stopped abruptly. I looked at her.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Something smells…burnt," Mrs. Stella pointed out. The hair on my neck rose. Mrs. Stella was going to find me out! What should I do?

"Burnt?" I repeated.

"Yes…burnt. Don't you smell it?" she asked me. I gulped. I knew better than to lie, so I didn't reply. She looked at Tessa.

"Don't you, Tessa?" she asked. Tessa shrugged.

"I don't know."

Mrs. Stella glanced at the both of us before walking into the kitchen. I quickly picked up my bag and phone, ready to bolt out of the house if the need arose.

"I knew it!" Mrs. Stella's voice thundered from the kitchen. "Something did burn. Lila! Did you burn the food again?"

"It was an accident," I said back.

"An accident…" Mrs. Stella soon arrived in the living room with the burnt oats. "You burn my food and say it's an accident!?" she yelled again. Didn't she just say she was tired?

"I'm sorry…" I muttered, lowering my head while taking a step back.

"Come over here, you wench!" she said as she moved towards me. I turned and ran out of the house, hopping on my bicycle and speeding away.

"I'm really sorry, Mrs. Stella! I promise it won't happen again!" I yelled as I pedaled.

Phew…that was close.


Arriving at my workplace, I parked my bicycle and walked into the restaurant through the back door. Hurriedly changing into my work clothes, I wrapped my apron around my waist and went into the kitchen. Ruby saw me and scoffed. I rolled my eyes.

"Good morning," I greeted.

"Good morning," she answered reluctantly.

"Come on, don't tell me you're angry with me?" I said quietly.

"Why wouldn't I be? You're late. Again! I had to lie to Mr. Jones about your mom having an accident. I told him you needed to be in the hospital to take care of her."

I chuckled because I couldn't help it. "Seriously? My mom had an accident? Of all the lies to use!"

"What did you expect me to do? I had no choice!"

"Anyway, I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I promise."

"It better not…" she mumbled, taking a tray on her way to serve a customer. I waited until she came back and then looked at her keenly.

"So…what is it you wanted to tell me this morning that couldn't wait?"

Her eyes brightened at the question. "Oh, that…" she began. "It's nothing much. Have you listened to the new single the Sparks just released? It's amazing!"

"Of course I have!" I said excitedly. "It's the reason I got into trouble this morning."

"Let me guess…you were dancing to it?"

"Yeah…and the food burned," I said despondently. "Mrs. Stella is going to kill me when I get back. I barely escaped this morning," I added.

"Lila and trouble…" she said, crossing her fingers, "are best friends." I glared at her, hitting her playfully on the butt. She laughed out loud.

"Hey, you two! Start working and stop talking!" our boss barked at us. We froze and hurriedly grabbed trays as our boss glared at us.


My shift in the restaurant was over, and it was time to head to the strip club. I know this sounds weird, but up until now I hadn't told Ruby that I worked in a strip club. Mainly because she'd freak out and try to talk me out of it. But Mrs. Stella forced me into the work for extra money to take care of the family. I hated it so much, but I had no choice but to do it.

"Hey, Ruby. I'm leaving now," I announced as we finished cleaning the tables.

"Really? Want to come over to my place then?" she offered.

"No thanks. I've got more work to do today. I'll see you tomorrow."



"Are you hiding something from me?" she asked. I scoffed.

"Of course not," I lied. "It's just that Mrs. Stella found me a second job, and I need to be there. I tell you everything…" Well, almost everything, I added in my mind. She didn't put two and two together.

"Okay. Maybe tomorrow then."

"Yeah, bye." I gave her a quick hug and a peck on the cheek before changing back into my own clothes and heading out. Since I'd ridden my bicycle here, I had to ride it all the way to the strip club, listening to songs on my playlist as I went.

It was late evening by the time I arrived, and of course, I had to use the back door. Sir Patrick, the owner of the strip club, was in the dressing room, instructing the strippers. I walked over and greeted him.

"Oh, Lila…you're here. I've been expecting you."

"I see…" I mumbled.

"You're dancing in the VIP section today. Remember to put on a great performance so you get those tips. Hurry and change. They're all waiting for you."

"Okay, sir," I replied, smiling brightly. He nodded and walked away. My fake smile dropped the second he left, and I heaved a sigh. Time to change. Picking out the most seductive outfit I had, I let my hair down and applied some makeup on my face. I immediately transformed from a sweet, naive girl into a super sexy diva capable of making thousands of men drool. As much as I hated this job, it was one of the few ways I could express my passion for dancing because Mrs. Stella literally banned me from dancing in her house. I ran my hands through my hair, puffing it out, and put on my mask. Then I threw on something that looked like a bathrobe and walked out of the dressing room.

Mr. Patrick was already waiting for me. The moment he saw me, his face lit up.

"The stage has already been set. Everything you'll need is there. So go out there and put on a great show.

"Okay, sir," I said, nodding. I took the stairs to the VIP section. A curtain hung across the stage, so no one could see me yet. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, calming myself. After a while, the curtain lifted and I cat-walked onto the stage, watching as men gawped at me. It was the bad kind of attention, but at this moment, I had no choice but to like it. The drumroll faded out, and Focus by Ariana Grande started streaming from the speakers. And, just like that, my feet began to move to each beat. Twisting and turning, I heard the cheers get louder. It felt like I was in a trance, and for that short while, I was home.


The show was over, and I could hear the screams and shouts as they accompanied me backstage. It was a great experience, but I was glad it was all over. I just had to wait a bit while Sir Patrick got my pay, most of which would go straight to Mrs. Stella. After a while, another worker called me into Sir Patrick's office, and I stood there, waiting for him.

He eventually finished what he was doing and handed me a parcel. It was heavy with what I hoped was a lot of cash.

"That's your pay for tonight. Congratulations, the men liked you, so I added a little extra."

"Thanks a lot, sir."

I nodded as I walked out of his office. Now that my job here was done, it was time to go home and face Mrs. Stella. My stomach churned just thinking about her. She'd been a lot meaner to me lately.

I changed out of my stripper dress and put on my regular clothes. After fixing my hair, I took the money out of the parcel Sir Patrick had given me and divided into thirds. Then I put two thirds back into the parcel and the remaining one third in another purse. It was my only way of saving some money, otherwise Mrs. Stella would just take everything. After securing everything in my bag, I walked out of the strip club. I mounted my bicycle and started riding home. As I neared the house, I slowed my pace and parked on the porch. The lights were still on, so I couldn't sneak in tonight. I gently knocked on the door.

After a while, it opened, and a frowning Mrs. Stella appeared.

"Good evening," I greeted cautiously, but I only got a glare and hiss in reply. I bent my head. Tessa was peeking out from behind her, and I gave her a tiny wave. She smiled at me. Immediately, Mrs. Stella stretched out her hand, and I gave her the parcel.

Almost as soon as the parcel touched her hand, she walked in and closed the door, locking me out. Stunned, I hit the door, hoping she'd let me in.

"You'll be sleeping out there tonight! That's your punishment for wasting my food," came her voice.

"But I already apologized. I promise it won't happen again."

"Doesn't matter. You'll be sleeping out there tonight." Then I heard her say to Tessa, "Go to your room and don't you dare let her in through the window!"

Tessa replied, "Not cool, Mom. Not cool."

After banging on the door a while longer, I leaned against it, dropping to the floor. My life sucked. And I couldn't even pay to stay in a hotel for the night; she'd ask where I'd gotten the money.

Blinking back tears, I brought out my phone, put in my earbuds, and let music flow through them. The night would soon get freezing cold. Hopefully, this music would distract me.

I slowly hummed the song until I fell asleep, right there on the porch.

Chapter 2 | Just Dance

Lila's POV:

Slowly opening my eyes, I yawned, half awake. It was dawn, and the sun was already rising on the horizon. I looked around and realized where I had slept. Mrs. Stella had locked me out. Since it was already morning, maybe she'll let me. I struggled to stand up as my feet were already numb after being exposed to the cold last night. Rubbing my hands together, I pursed my lips and knocked on the door.

This time she opened the door, and I saw from her dressing that she was ready to go out. I quickly greeted her. As usual, she didn't reply but gave me a list of chores that I had to do before she came back, along with a stern warning in case I dared not finish them all. But I know better.

"I've put some ingredients in the kitchen. Make breakfast for you and Tessa. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am."

She walked out of the house and I watched her leave. Then slowly I walked in and, after closing the door, sagged against it. Tessa came to meet me.

"Hey," she greeted meekly. "Sorry about last night."

"It's okay… It's not your fault. I shouldn't have burnt the food." I said, and she cocked her head to a side.

"Let's forget about that. What did Mom say?"

"As usual, a list of chores I had to do before she came back."

"Can I help?"

"You want to?"


"Okay… But once you get tired, rest, okay? I don't want to get another punishment for making you work when you clearly volunteered."

"Deal." She affirmed as we made a fist bump.

"Damn… Your hands are cold." She muttered. I chuckled bitterly.

"I'll have a hot bath later. But first let me make you breakfast."

"Okay…" she said as I walked to my room.


After making Tessa breakfast, I did a little of the chores I was assigned to and then had a shower. Coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body, I sat in front of my mirror and started combing out my hair. I didn't have a hair dryer and the only way to get it dry quicker is to keep combing. Takes a lot of time but I have no choice. My hair is actually the most favorite part of my body even though I look fantastic. So long and wavy, it complements my dancing every time it flips and sways. Reasons why I let it down when I dance. But that's not even the issue now.

The issue now is that I have a weird birthmark. I'll say it weird because I have seen nothing like it. It's just right behind my right ear, so most times it's being covered by my hair. Only very few people have seen it and if you were far from me, you wouldn't know that it was there. It's been there long ago, even before I got adopted by the Walkers. As I combed out my hair, I stared at the birthmark. Tessa had once said it looked like a tattoo, but who gives a really young child a tattoo right behind her ears?

'that person must be really crazy.' I thought to myself as I packed up my hair. I stared at myself and managed a small smile. Then I stood up and went to look for clothes to wear so I could continue the rest of my chores. I can't afford to get into another punishment. Of all the sicknesses in the world, the flu was the one I hated the most.


Author's POV:

Somewhere in the Beamlights Entertainment building, a group of girls were in a dance studio, rehearsing their latest choreography. Their names were Alya, Ivy, Tori, and Ximena. They are members of the famous girl group named beamer or otherwise called beamer girls with Ximena being the leader.

Ximena, who is also the daughter of the Nikita Turner, wife and manager of Beamlights Entertainment, is the absolute queen bee. A super classy proud bitch, she literally rules the land as she thinks she's the queen and there is absolutely no one that can question her. Why would they? She's CG's daughter! Everyone not only adores her but they fear her as well because one flick of her fingers and you're fired. Her girl members actually fear her more than they love her, but what can they do? She's the reason they are what they are today. Ximena knows this and isn't scared to use it to her benefit.


Ximena's POV:

"1, 2, 3,4 left, right, sway, point and boogie down." I lay out the instructions as we practiced. Even though I know the rest of the girls are tired, we have to get this choreography right.

"Do it again." I ordered. The girls mumbled a bit before doing what I asked them to do.

"No, no, no. You're doing it all wrong! How many times am I going to go through this process with you girls!?"

Tori was the first to speak up.

"I'm sorry, but can we get a break? I'm thirsty." She complained, and the rest mumbled in support. I scoffed, such knuckleheads.

"Okay fine…take five," I said and dismissed them. They hurriedly went to their water bottles and drank from it. I called on the assistant who was on standby and she hurriedly came with a bottle of water. I drank a bit from it before returning the bottle, and then she handed me a towel and my phone. I unlocked it and immediately went through my social media feed. I saw news concerning the Sparks' latest release. Their new song, 'Only You,' already had 50 million views on YouTube! Wow, I'm not going to lie; it took my crew a whole month to reach that feat and they already got it within three days. They sure have a lot of fans.

Dean Montero, leader of the Sparks boy band. Hmm, still as charming as always, I thought as I saw his picture. Maybe I should go check up on him later today. Ever since we broke up, we barely talked. I'd hate to admit that the reason our relationship ended was because of me. After a while of scrolling, I dropped my phone and stood up.

"Okay girls, break over. Let's continue with the rehearsal. Remember we're not leaving here until we've perfected the choreography so focus!" I spoke up, and we began dancing. After a while, our practice session ended and we walked out of the dancing room.


Author's POV:

"Okay, listen up girls. We'll be going out tomorrow to get our costumes, so get ready for that. In the meantime we'll all be going to our penthouse so you can help me out with my home spa treatment. Tori… You'll do my hair, Ivy… My facial treatment, and Alya will do my nails. This one is chipping off."

"I'm not doing anything." Alya mumbled, and Ximena stopped walking, then turned to Alya.

"What did you say?"

Alya pretended she didn't understand what Ximena said. "Nothing."

"Much better." Ximena said, and hissed. The rest of the girls rolled their eyes, but they didn't dare say anything. That's the way she uses them, even if they are supposed to be equals.

Ximena clicked her fingers and one assistant came rushing towards her with a bag in her hand.

"Give that to Alya." She instructed. The maid hesitated for a while before stretching the bag towards Alya. Alya scoffed and grudgingly collected it from her. Ximena smirked.

Pissed off by the treatment she gets from Ximena, she mumbled to herself, "Always treating us as slaves even when we are not. Just because her father owns the industry." Unfortunately, Ximena heard it and began fuming internally. She waited until they got to a flight of stairs and intentionally stuck her foot out so Alya could trip and fall down the stairs. Her plan worked and Alya tumbled down the stairs, the rest watched in shock, unable to do anything.

"Ximena! What was that for!" Tori spoke out, enraged.

"To teach her a lesson. She should learn to never mess with me." She replied and giggled wickedly. Alya kept rolling down the stairs until she got to the very end. The rest of the girls rushed to her, leaving Ximena alone.

"Alya! Are you okay?" They all chorused together as they saw Alya groaning on the floor.

"My leg…" she groaned, "it hurts."

"Quick, let's help her up." Ivy suggested, and they went to help her, but Alya only fell back onto the floor and yelped out in pain.

"Quick, call the ambulance!" Ivy yelled to the workers. They hurried to that. Tori looked up at Ximena and glared at her, but Ximena only looked away, clicking her tongue.

'serves her right.' she thought to herself as she hummed and then walked away, leaving the girls to themselves. No one dared stop her.