Losing Faith

Losing Faith

Chapters: 40
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: R.C. Wynne


!! Mature Content 18+ Erotica Novel!! One couple. One fantasy. Multiple partners. Will their marriage survive? "What's your fantasy?" Faith Greer knew her husband truly wanted to know, but was she ready to tell him? Would he really be able to handle the fact that her fantasy was her charismatic boss, Edwin Coldwell? Selby wanted Faith to open up and explore more sexually. He wanted them to join the swinging world and see what adventures there were to be had. However, little did he know that his adventure was just across the street. Wanting to please each other, the Greers decide to explore an open marriage, hungry to feed their sexual appetite for sexual adventures and rediscover those relationship firsts again. All is well when they explore their sexual side together, but what if they played with others without the other one present? Sex isn't always just about sex, and soon hearts are involved and emotions run high. As they explore their desires, they discover how it affects not only their marriage, but the relationships around them—family, friends, even coworkers. The question is, will their marriage survive? Or is Selby truly losing Faith?

Age Rating:18+ Erotica Romance Contemporary BxG Love Triangle

Losing Faith Free Chapters

One | Losing Faith

I hate Mondays. Why can’t we just go straight from Sunday to Tuesday and forget this whole Monday concept? The alarm screamed at Faith Greer as she yanked the covers up over her head and attempted to stuff the excess into her ears. It didn’t help.

“Rise and shine, gorgeous.” Selby sat on the edge of the bed and strove to pull the covers from his wife’s head. “It’s a beautiful day, and you’re wasting the best part.”

“I thought being in bed was the best part.” She sighed as the covers disappeared. She hated morning people.

Selby only laughed as he set a hot cup of coffee on her nightstand. “Only if we’re having sex, and since we’re not, it’s time to get up.”

“I’ll let you fuck me if I can sleep through it.” She spread her legs and laid her arms out flat.

“You could sleep through me fucking you? I’m wounded.” Selby left the side of the bed and grabbed his shoes.

“I’m tired. Get over it. Pretend my snores are moans.” She kicked the covers back within arms’ reach and snuggled down. “I’ll even snore loudly.”

“Oh, no, no, no. Upsie daisy.” Selby walked back over and ripped the pillow from under her head. As she reached for it, she felt the covers being yanked away, as well.

She opened her eyes only enough to glare at him. “You, Selby Greer, are an evil man.”

His smile was better than morning coffee. “So you’ve told me.” He patted her tummy and then walked out of their bedroom, his shoes dangling from his fingers.

Faith couldn’t help but watch him leave, her eyes mesmerized by his faded Levi’s snug against his ass. His blond hair, even washed and combed, was a shaggy mess. He needed a haircut, and she knew he’d get one soon, because he hated the way it hung around his ears. Still, she loved that brief period where he let it go. It gave him a rugged, unkempt, beachy look, which she adored. It was during this period that the thin strands swished across the top of his shoulders, drawing her eyes to his casual but confidant stride. He was fit, with an athletic build but not that of a bodybuilder, which suited Faith just fine. She liked to lay her head on a firm chest, not a rock.

Selby turned the corner and was out of sight before Faith turned her gaze to the ceiling. Why couldn’t she be born rich so she could pay someone else to deal with Mondays? Oh well, she thought, nothing for it but to get this day started.

Faith forced herself out of the warm spot that had cradled her throughout the night. She turned the shower on to allow the water to heat up and then stared at herself with blurry vision in the mirror over their dual sinks. It was definitely a Monday. Her wheaten hair was all knotted and resembled the aftermath of a cat toy rather than her hair. She pulled down on her cheeks, examining her forest green eyes, for what she didn’t know. With a groan, she pulled her burgundy nightie over her head and tossed it onto the counter. Freckles dusted her slim body, her torso an hourglass shape she was proud of, and her breasts, while not huge by any means, were still pert and perky. She hadn’t always been so fit. When she met Selby, she was a pencil stick with hips. It didn’t help that at a quarter inch shy of five-ten she was only two inches shorter than he was. Heels were not her friends.

Steam billowed over the shower door, drawing her into the small stall where she allowed the scalding water to beat her pale skin. She hung her head under the pulsing jet and allowed it to massage her brain into wakefulness. She hated Mondays. The weekend was free and unstructured, and the two of them made the most of each moment. Mondays always seemed to give her separation anxiety, and she struggled those first few hours against feeling lost.

By the time Faith finished getting ready for work and downed that first cup of coffee, she came to life. Selby had packed her lunch and fixed her a cinnamon and raisin bagel with blueberry cream cheese, which waited for her as she emerged from the master bedroom into the kitchen. He took her Winnie the Pooh mug and refilled her coffee, adding two sugars and just a splash of cream. She might actually make it through the day.

Selby stood by the kitchen counter sipping coffee out of a mug with a giant picture of Grumpy on it. Besides his jeans and deck shoes, he wore a blue and yellow Hawaiian shirt. Casual. He owned his own used bookstore, so every day was casual Friday for her husband. She envied him. She worked in a construction office and had to have some sort of business casual attire, which to her point of view was the same as business dress up. There was nothing casual about it. Edwin Coldwell, her boss, wanted the girls at the office ready to meet a client at all times. While Faith didn’t really mind dressing up, she would have preferred jeans and a T-shirt.

“Want to trade places with me today,” Faith said, as she held her mug with both hands in front of her. “I’ll run the bookstore, and you can sit in an office with Cherish all day.” Spending the day with her younger sister had lost its appeal after the first week of working together, even if there were muscle-bound men to distract Faith at times.

He just smiled at her. “I really don’t think the guys would appreciate my ass as much as they do yours. Besides, I prefer the solitude of my shop. Workplace politics don’t get along with me too well. And it’s Monday, isn’t it?”

She gave him a quizzical look. “Meaning?”

“Cherish always calls out on Mondays according to you.”

Faith nodded as a slight laugh escaped her. “Very true, which means it’ll be quiet today. I can handle that.”

Selby placed his mug in the sink before leaning over and giving Faith a kiss on the forehead. “That’s my girl. And speaking of handling it, I need to get going. Have a great day, love.”

“Oh joy,” Faith said as she watched him scoop up his briefcase and the latest Terry Brooks novel. As the door to the garage shut, Faith took a deep breath. She might as well get the day underway.

As she crossed the Melbourne Causeway her phone dinged. Glancing at the text she read, Tracey wants to have dinner Wednesday night. She says she misses you. You up for it? Faith couldn’t help but smile knowing what Selby meant behind his “up for it”. Tracey owned Joe’s Bakery & Café across from his bookstore, and ever since he introduced the two women, he hoped for some girl-on-girl action between them. Tracey was a hot little redhead, but Faith had never crossed the girl-on-girl line and wasn’t sure she wanted to start. There were still so many other lines Selby and she were crossing.

Dinner, yes, she texted back and could picture his mischievous grin as he read it. Well, at least the dinner date would give her something to look forward to as she struggled through another Monday.

Before she knew it, Faith drove her Toyota pickup onto the grounds of the new Rutherford Construction, Inc. offices. They had recently moved the business from within the city to four acres west of I-95 on Eau Gallie Boulevard, one of the more isolated areas in Melbourne.

One of the major construction conglomerates in East and Central Florida, Rutherford Construction handled office buildings, hospitals, and million-dollar homes and even did some work for the major amusement parks that filled Orlando. The founder, Neal Rutherford, was a self-made man who started flipping houses in the ‘90s and then just kept stretching his reach until he was one of the most sought-after contractors in Florida. Rumor had it he was even putting his fingers into projects in Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi.

Faith only met Neal once at a Christmas party three months back. He was a powerful-looking man, still in perfect shape at fifty-two, with short salt and pepper hair and a trimmed mustache to match. He caught the eye of every girl in the office, all four of them.

She parked her small pickup on the side of the building, snatched up her purse, and headed for the front door. The morning sun brought a smile to her face as it warmed her hair, contrasting with the breeze that cooled her face. Neal wanted the Brevard offices close to the interstate since their jobs were located in so many different locations. Of course, some of the bigger locations had a trailer on site for immediate needs, but the bulk of the operation was housed on this small four acres of land practically in the middle of nowhere. It housed two buildings, the offices, and a warehouse, and had plenty of room for trucks and materials. Eau Gallie Boulevard dead ended into the St. Johns River, and air boats and lovers in parked cars crowded the area, but it was otherwise pretty quiet. There was an animal shelter, a giant flea market, a Park & Ride parking lot that always seemed to be empty, and the new Fire and Rescue Training School. Otherwise, it was a gravel road surrounded by palm fronds and alligators. It was peaceful, even if a little scary at night.

Most of the men were getting the materials they needed for that particular day’s assignment loaded into their trucks and ready to go. Some were still arriving, however, and honked at Faith as she walked to the main doors. She turned, waved, and then sashayed her ass into the office. Forget sexual harassment. She wanted men to flirt with her, whistling at her to show their appreciation of her attributes, and working with construction workers definitely boosted a girl’s self-esteem. It turned her on for them to want what they couldn’t have.

With a smile at the wetness between her legs from the attention, Faith pulled open the door to Rutherford Construction and entered her day.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Selby finished adding several Sue Grafton novels someone traded in the previous week to the mystery section when he heard the cowbell over his front door jingle. “Lunch time,” he heard the soprano voice call out. He glanced at his watch, surprised it was already a quarter past noon. This Monday flew by.

He slid T is for Trespassing onto the shelf and then left the rest of the books in the box in favor of food. He hadn’t realized he was hungry until the call for lunch rang out. “Be right there.” He slid to the back room, snagged a Coke and a Dr. Pepper from the ancient fridge he kept in the back, and then made his way to the front counter where Tracey already sat on a stool Selby kept there for her visits, opening a Styrofoam container. He could smell the sauerkraut and knew the selection of the day was Reuben sandwiches. “Smells delicious.”

“Well, you know it is. I made it.” She nibbled on a corn chip as Selby handed her the Dr. Pepper. Tracey’s vibrant red hair kept falling into her face, forcing her to keep tucking it behind her ear. Even sitting on the stool, she couldn’t look Selby eye-to-eye. Standing, she was only five-five, and every inch was a treat for the eyes. Her hair fell just below her shoulders, pointing to a firm heart-shaped ass Selby just loved to watch walk back to the bakery. Her breasts were firm handfuls that always seemed to have hard nipples pointing out of her blouses. She was petite, but strong. People would not take advantage of Tracey Williams easily, and she ran her business with a firm hand and a gentle smile.

Selby sat in his big, black leather office chair, twirling it so he faced the tender frame of his lunch companion. “How’s your day going?”

She merely shrugged. “It’s Monday. Joe’s there, grumbling about the way I’m running his bakery as if he forgot he sold it to me. Joanie screwed up two cakes and a strudel, and Darrell was late with my food delivery this morning. I’m ready for a drink.” She gave him her fake grin with her lips pressed into a thin line.

Selby finished chewing a bite of sandwich before answering. He nodded as he said, “Yeah, that sounds like a Monday. Why don’t you just tell Joe to stop coming in?”

She slipped a slice of corned beef into her mouth, sucking the juice from her finger as she withdrew it. Selby had to shake the erotic thoughts out of his head. “I feel sorry for him,” Tracey admitted. “His kids moved away right after he sold me the place, so he doesn’t have anyone here. Besides, he’s not really that bad. He’s like my father, if my father still talked to me.”

Selby nodded his head. “I just can’t understand a father turning his back on his daughter, for any reason.”

Tracey shrugged. “It is what it is. My choices in life didn’t get his stamp of approval. Of course, when dear ol’ Dad is against you, Mom has to follow suit, so she ignores one of the children she shot out from between her legs.”

He almost choked on his lunch at her brutal description. “You’ve never told me what decision you made that caused them to exile you.” He doubted she would now, but it didn’t stop him from being curious. As far as Selby knew, only her brother kept in touch with her.

“What does it matter? No one bullies me into their way of thinking. My life is mine to live as I see fit, and I refuse to allow others to control or manipulate me.” She dropped her sandwich back into its container. “People have to accept me for me, even my parents.”

Selby took another bite of his sandwich. He agreed with Tracey, up to a point. Some choices, he knew, were just too much for traditional people to handle. Most would not accept the decisions Faith and he made with their lives, but then, there was no need to shout everything they did from the rooftops, either. Selby was a firm believer in living your life and only answering questions when asked. There was no point in volunteering things just for the shock value.

The rest of their lunch was idle chitchat about other shop owners downtown. The man who ran the British store was secretly seeing the lady behind the counter at the candle shop, and it was all hush-hush, which meant everyone was talking about it. Another street party was being planned to attract business. Selby never worked one, and Tracey thought the only thing they attracted were drunks. Still, since it was the bars organizing it, they were reaching the crowd they wanted.

“Oh, Faith said yes to Wednesday night. Where do you want to go? Our place?” Selby tried to look innocent, but Tracey’s laugh told him it didn’t work.

“I know Faith is becoming adventurous, but I doubt she’s become that open. Yet.” Tracey’s smile told him, however, that she would be willing if it were ever to happen. He was halfway there. “How about that small Italian place out by the interstate?”

Italian sounded good to him, so they set a dinner date for seven and then lunch was over; all too quick for his taste. Selby watched her perfect ass sway back across the street to her bakery to finish her day. He smiled the entire time, wondering if he would ever see her without those white shorts covering her ass.

The bell over his door rang as an elderly couple entered, said good afternoon, and started browsing. Selby went back to organizing the recent additions to his mystery section with images of Faith and Tracey spread upon his bed, making him wish he was either alone or at home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Faith had been right. Not that there had been any doubt in her mind she wouldn’t be, of course. Cherish called out for the day, claiming she hurt her back over the weekend moving furniture. Faith knew it was a lie, or at least a cover-up. Knowing Cherish, she wore herself out over the weekend or merely hated Mondays. It became a pretty common occurrence. Her sister may not call off every Monday, but it was frequent enough to be noticeable; at least to Faith it was. Edwin either didn’t notice it or didn’t care. To be honest, Faith didn’t care either. Cherish was moody, her emotions sometimes coming out like a roller coaster ride that’s gone out of control. The office was a much more pleasant environment to work in when Cherish stayed away.

The day seemed set on fast forward, which was great for a Monday, and the fact there were only two hours left to her daily prison sentence pleased Faith. She glanced at her list of To Dos and gave herself a satisfied pat on the back when she saw all but two things checked off. Four girls worked at the Brevard office of Rutherford Construction. Ashlynn Leighton was the receptionist and worked out in the front lobby. She was a sweet girl, but not the brightest. Her sole purpose seemed to be eye-candy for the male clients who could stare at her store-bought tits and not care if they were kept waiting.

The other three worked in what the men affectionately called the Girls’ Den, a small office with three desks and several file cabinets. Cherish was human resources, in charge of all employees, the hiring, firing, and keeping track of vacation days and sick days, which was ironic considering how often she called out. Nessa Sanchez was a part-time employee, there to tend to the overflow of assignments the other girls couldn’t do, which quite often relegated her to answering phones and filing when she was there.

Faith kept track of everything else, job assignments, trucks and equipment inspections, and customer complaints. She started out as Nessa, part time and doing the filing, but Edwin Coldwell had been impressed enough with her work ethic to make her full time and dump a heavy load of responsibility on her. She had loved it, but her sister hadn’t been the same toward her since. Of course, they had never really been close, but Faith’s promotion made it worse.

“How’s it going in here?” Edwin stood in the doorway. Faith saw him glance at Cherish’s desk and then turn to Nessa and her.

“Almost quitting time, so I’d say pretty well,” Faith said as she paused from going over a contract and turned to face her boss. He was a powerful man, standing three inches over six feet with broad shoulders and thick arms. His stomach was just beginning to gain that middle age paunch, but he still looked solid with strong arms and legs that could pin a girl to the bed as he drove into her. A Salem cigarette perched behind his right ear almost hidden by his raven black hair. So far the color gray had left him alone.

Nessa glanced up at him, a smirk giving her a mischievous look. “Forgot Cherish wasn’t here?”

Faith glanced at the dark-haired girl, woman really, even if she was ten years younger than Faith, not understanding the question. Then she saw him take the cigarette from behind his ear. “Well, it’s time for a smoke break.” He put the cancer stick between his lips and left.

Nessa just chuckled and went back to her files. Faith stared at the empty doorway, at the spot where his ass had been just seconds ago, and could still see the way his tight jeans had highlighted its firmness. Maybe I should take up smoking.

The rest of the day went by just as fast, and before Faith knew it, Nessa was packing up to go home. Faith looked up at the clock. 5:05. It was definitely Monday, and Cherish wasn’t there. If she had been there, then the office would have closed thirty-five minutes ago. With a sense of pride, Faith checked the last thing off her list and began shutting her computer down. Nessa said goodbye and left before Faith could return the farewell.

She just chuckled to herself as she put pens and reading glasses into her purse. She couldn’t blame the younger girl. She was ready to go, as well. Work was great, but home was better.

“Heading out?” Faith turned and saw Edwin walking into the room.

She stood, slinging her purse over her shoulder, keys dangling from her fingers. “I was, unless you needed something else.” She waggled her eyebrows at him as she pursed her lips into a smile.

Edwin laughed, the sound deep and inviting. “Too many people still here, otherwise…”

Faith walked by him and patted his ass on the way out. “You always tease me.”

He turned and watched her walk down the hall. “As if you’d let me do anything else.” His eyebrows lifted as he gave her a challenging smile.

Faith paused at the door that opened to the lobby and smiled back at him. “I’m not the one who keeps giving excuses.” She blew him a kiss. “Goodnight, Edwin.” And then she left.

On the drive home, she wondered what she would do if Edwin ceased teasing and acted on his taunts. He flirted with all the girls, offering services outside of their job descriptions, but Faith never knew him to follow through on any of it. Of course, Nessa called him a dog and a player, insinuating their boss did anything and everything in a skirt. Still, Faith never saw or heard any evidence suggesting it was true.

Furthermore, even though Selby and she had opened up that part of their lives to new adventures, Faith wasn’t sure she was ready to venture in that direction. She liked the security Selby provided, the strength to allow her inhibitions to fall away and explore that dark side she had always ignored. Until a year ago, she denied those fantasies even existed. Yet, they were there, and she was nervous about where it would take her.

By the time she arrived home, Selby’s car was already in the garage. As she entered their quaint beachside haven, the sound of Journey telling her to Don’t Stop Believing mingled with the aroma of stir-fry. Selby stood at the stove pushing food around in the wok, dressed in shorts and a blue Quicksilver T-shirt. As the scent of cooking vegetables and sizzling meat assailed her senses, she was glad he made it home before her. She loved when he cooked.

Dropping her purse on the white Formica counter, Faith snuggled in behind him and slid her hands around his waist and up his firm chest. She laid her cheek against his back as she squeezed, breathing in the scent of him. “I missed this.” Her voice came out soft and content.

“What? My cooking?” She could hear the smile in his voice.

Faith squeezed again. “Nope. You. I missed you.”

Selby set the wooden spoon on the stove and turned to face her. She never let go, allowing his body to turn in her arms. As she glanced up into his deep, ocean blue eyes, he leaned in and kissed her nose. “You mean all those burly construction workers couldn’t keep you from missing me?”

She gave an exaggerated sigh. “Well, they are nice to look at, but I fit so much nicer in your arms.”

Selby licked her nose, laughing. “But in order for you to know that you would have had to try their arms around you.”

She shrugged. “Perhaps.” Her grin was mischievous, and he just shook his head, laughing, before returning to the stir-fry. Faith kissed the back of his neck. “I’m going to go get as comfortable as you. How long do I have?”


She kissed him again as she gave his ass a squeeze and then passed from the kitchen to the master bedroom. From the speaker system throughout the house, Journey finished, and Styx was urging her to Come Sail Away. She unzipped the side of her dress pants as she kicked her heels toward the closet, and her breathing relaxed as the business attire slid down her thin legs. It was a different mindset being in work clothes and only now, as she shed them like unwanted skin, did she feel as if she could relax. The cream-colored blouse and bra were next, followed by her black thong. The thought of just remaining nude tempted her, but then they would never eat. Instead, she grabbed a lavender sundress and slipped it over her head.

“All comfy,” she said as she spun in front of the mirror. “Selby Greer, you are one lucky bastard.”

“Don’t I know it.” He leaned on the doorframe, watching her with insatiable eyes. “Now, let’s eat.”

Faith felt the blush warm her cheeks at being caught staring at herself. “You mean dinner, right?” She walked toward him and slid the sundress up tantalizingly close to her pussy as she gave her husband a sultry come-hither glance.

Selby groaned and went back to the kitchen. “Grab the wine, vixen,” he called as he picked up both plates and headed to the back deck.

Faith smiled and did as Selby ordered.

Two | Losing Faith

Faith sat at her desk, spinning a pen in her fingers as Jed Jorrell went over the Polawski file with her. Rutherford was in charge of building a series of office buildings off Babcock Street for Mr. Vincent Polawski, and while everything Jed recited was routine, not to mention boring, Faith enjoyed listening to him talk. His tone was deep and playful, and you could always hear a smile in it, even when he read boring reports. She never noticed before how intoxicating his voice was. Nor had she noticed his hands with their long, thick fingers she could imagine caressing her nipples into taut, little pebbles aching for him to pinch them.

Faith gave her mind a mental shake, bringing it out of its bedroom thoughts, and sat up straighter in her desk chair as she focused on what Jed said. However, she blushed at the wetness between her legs. She couldn’t believe how easily her mind went to sex these days. She had worked with these people for four years, and for the first part of that, the majority of her time at Rutherford really, she had only seen them as coworkers. Now, everyone had the potential of being a fuck buddy, at least in her fantasies.

She blamed Selby. Ever since he took her to that festival in Key West, sex seemed to be a permanent thought in her mind. The past few months had been a whirlwind of sensations she never thought possible and which now battled inside her mind against what others told her as she grew up was right and wrong. At times, it was all very confusing.

“Did you hear any of that?”

Faith glanced up and saw Jed handing her the manila folder, which held the report he just finished reading, and which she had ignored. She felt her face flush as she took the folder. “Of course, I did.” Yet, she knew Jed had caught her daydreaming. It was a good thing he couldn’t read her mind. Her pussy grew wetter at the embarrassment of being caught.

Jed just laughed. “Sure you did,” he said as he stood. “Well, everything’s in there if you need to look it up.”

“Thanks,” Faith said as she watched him leave her office, still chuckling.

When he left, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. My god, Faith. What has gotten into you? But she knew. What she didn’t know was why the embarrassment of being caught, lost in her private fantasies, caused even more excitement between her legs.

As soon as Jed cleared the doorway, Edwin walked in, his cigarette resting behind his ear. Faith glanced at the clock. 10:15. He was right on time. “How are you girls doing?”

“Doing well,” Faith said as she watched Cherish stop what she was doing and grab a cigarette from her purse. “Break time, I see.”

Edwin smiled at her. “Lung killing time. Be glad you don’t smoke.”

“But why? If I smoked, I’d get extra breaks.” Faith smiled back. “Maybe I should just pretend, so I can stand outside for a while.”

“Perhaps you should just work.” Cherish walked over to where Edwin stood. “Shall we?”

Edwin glanced at her and then back at Faith. “Did you want to take a break and join us? It’s a gorgeous day outside.”

Cherish’s mouth dropped open for just a moment before she caught herself and clamped it shut. Still, it was obvious to Faith her sister did not care for the idea of Faith tagging along. Of course, that alone made her want to join them. Instead, however, she said, “No, thanks. I was just giving you a hard time. Maybe next time, though.” Faith didn’t understand the relief on Cherish’s face. Did her sister hate her that much?

Edwin didn’t seem to notice Cherish’s reaction. “You can give me a hard time anytime you want.” He winked at her. “Feel free to step away from your desk anytime you need. Everyone needs a break. Just be glad you don’t smoke.” Smokers always told non-smokers that, but they never took their own advice.

Faith just nodded as she told them to have a good time. She spun around to her monitor and read back over the file Jed handed her. As she glanced over it, she realized she had been daydreaming through most of what he said. She had to reread the entire file. But man, it was worth it.

“Hey, Faith, do you know where Cherish is?”

Faith was about to groan at not being able to get anything done because her office had a revolving door. However, when she noticed the lady standing behind Ashlynn, she was glad she kept quiet. “Mom? Is something wrong?” She stood to her feet and took a couple of steps closer to the two women.

“Why on earth would anything be wrong? Does anything have to be wrong for me to visit my daughter?” Faith noticed the singular “daughter,” but didn’t comment.

“No. No, of course not.” She glanced at the blond receptionist and smiled. “I’ve got it, Ashlynn. Thank you.” She didn’t watch the girl leave. Instead, she turned Nessa’s desk chair around for her mother and offered it to her with an open palm. “Cherish stepped out for a minute, but she’ll be right back. What brings you by?”

Valerie Driscoll sat rigid in the desk chair, her legs pressed together and her back ramrod straight. Her hands rested on her thick black purse perched on her lap as if she needed the barrier between her and everyone else. Her short dark hair halted at the base of her scalp, as if afraid to grow any longer. Faith had always thought her mother had a harsh look about her with thin lips that always seemed pressed into disapproval and a narrow nose between tiny brown eyes. She was thin, too thin for Faith’s tastes, and made to look even more so by her five-foot-ten body. She was a haughty lady, and Faith had always thought her mother born too late in history.

“I was going to let Cherish take me out to lunch. Do you know how much longer she’ll be?”

“Lunch sounds fun. You should come up sometime and let me treat you one day.” Faith forced her voice to sound pleasant. “There’s a nice little café down on John Rhodes that has the best chicken salad.”

Her mom’s lips never moved into a smile. A smile would have been nice, at least a faint sign of promise that lunch could happen. “Oh, I thought you were too busy to have lunch away, or that you would have it with your husband or one of your many new friends.”

“New friends? And my husband’s name is Selby.”

“I know.”

“Mom? What are you doing here?” Cherish stood in the doorway, Edwin a step behind her.

Valerie Driscoll stood up, her purse strap still clutched in both hands. “Obviously being told I’m too stupid to know her husband’s name.”

Faith looked at her mother’s back, which was all she saw of her now, and just rolled her eyes. Edwin wasn’t sure what to do as his eyes flicked back and forth between all the women in the small office. Faith wanted to tell him to run.

“Edwin, this is my mom, Valerie. Mother, this is Edwin, our boss.” Cherish didn’t move from the doorway. “Now, what are you here for, Mom?”

“Lunch. I thought you and I could grab some lunch and discuss Jordie’s upcoming birthday. I have some great party ideas, and I was nearby.” Valerie ignored Edwin, as if the introduction hadn’t happened.

Cherish just shook her head. “It’s only ten-thirty, Mom. I can’t take lunch, yet.”

“No, no. Why don’t you go ahead and take it, Cherish?” Edwin said as he pushed into the office. He glanced at Faith and concern filled his eyes. “After all, she came up here to see you. Matter of fact, make it a family thing, and all three of you go. Ashlynn can handle the phones for an hour.”

Faith’s eyes widened at the suggestion, and she wanted to kick him. Cherish saw the expression and smiled, but Valerie’s back stiffened. “No, I’m good,” Faith blurted out. “I need to get this file Jed gave me finished.”

Valerie’s back softened as she turned to face her middle child. “Are you sure? You just said you wanted to do lunch sometime.”

Faith smiled. If only her mother meant those words, but Faith knew the truth. It was only a show now for a man Valerie had already dismissed as unimportant. “I’m good. You two go and enjoy.”

With a nod, Cherish grabbed her purse and locked her desk. Mother and daughter walked out the door without so much as an “I’ll bring you a doggie bag back.” Faith watched them leave, both saying goodbye to Edwin on their way out as she sat there wondering what she ever did to her mother.

“I, um, screwed up?” Edwin sat on the corner of Nessa’s desk. His hard body was soft with concern at having caused trouble or hurt feelings. His dark green eyes were tender, and Faith just wanted to crawl into them and hide.

She put on a strong smile as she leaned back in her chair. “No, it’s all right. Mom and Cherish have always been close, which has never made sense to me. Then again, Cherish allows Mom to dictate some of her life, if not most, and I don’t. My mother has always been a control freak.”

Edwin nodded. “Family politics are never fun, and from what you’ve shared before, your family has a lot of inner politics.”

Faith turned and stared out the window. It had been the politics that made her rush into Selby’s arms. He had been her escape. He still was.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Selby entered the house through the garage, and Disturbed blaring through the house speakers assaulted his ears. Well, something has set her off. He weaved through the house to his office where the music originated and turned down the volume on electric guitars and drums. He inhaled the silence.

Dropping his briefcase by his desk, he went in search of Faith. It didn’t take long. She was in the kitchen butchering carrots and hurling them into a pot of boiling water. “I want to hug you, but I think I want you to put the knife down first.” He stopped at the edge of the counter and bent his head, attempting to peer into her eyes. “Bad day at work?”

Faith kept chopping at the carrots, and Selby assumed he would need a new cutting board before long. “Work was fine. At least, it was until my mother showed up.”

He should have known. No one could work Faith up more than Valerie Driscoll. Selby always believed that to be the older woman’s superpower. He chose not to say anything, though. Instead, he just walked around the counter, turned Faith to face him, and wrapped his arms around her, careful of the knife. He never knew what to do when Faith’s mother decided to be a bitch, so most times, he did the only thing he could and just held Faith, letting her know he was there for her. The only other option was illegal; if they ever found the body, that is.

He felt her squeeze him tight before wiggling out of his arms. “I have to finish dinner,” she said as she turned back around.

Selby kissed the back of her head. “I’m going to wash up.” Faith just nodded as he gave her ass a pat and headed for the master bedroom. Once he was in their room, he took a deep breath. He could kill Valerie Driscoll, at times. She was the only rough spot in their lives. The sad part was, he saw no reason for it. Faith did nothing to antagonize her mother. Valerie was just a bitter, old woman.

He ran cold water over his face, washing away the workday and the bile that erupted in him against his mother-in-law. No mother should treat their child that way. Of course, Cherish and Dennis, Faith’s older brother, were never assaulted with their mother’s vile disposition. For some reason, it was only Faith who bore the brunt of her hatred. Selby stared into the mirror as if it were a crystal ball. I wonder why that is?

Faith served dinner on the back deck, while the waves of the Atlantic beat a steady cadence in the background. They took almost all their meals there because Selby enjoyed it. What was the point of living on the beach if you never took advantage of it?

Faith had everything set up, and the Goo Goo Dolls now played through the speakers, a sign she was calming down. She had even lit the tiki torches that edged their wooden paradise. The March breeze had a bit of a chill to it, but in Florida, it was never truly cold, at least, not to Selby. While he loved traveling, nothing compared to Florida for a tropical paradise.

“How about a walk after dinner?” He slid into his chair as he picked up his glass of Merlot.

Faith had changed into a tan sundress, foregoing the bra and, with any luck, the panties, too. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail, revealing her small ears and slender neck. She must have laid out within the past few days, because her dusting of freckles was more pronounced as it led down her shoulders and chest. Selby couldn’t help but smile at how beautiful she was, and he wanted—hungered—to lean over and kiss her small nose. “We can do that if you want,” she said as she scooped cooked carrots onto her plate.

Throughout dinner, Selby tried to engage Faith in conversation, but she wasn’t having it, answering in short, clipped phrases. Perhaps she hadn’t calmed down as much as he thought. She stared down into her plate, seeming lost, even though she barely nibbled at her food. It was pretty much just him and the Goo Goo Dolls.

After dinner, he helped clear the table and, even though she said she’d get the dishes, he stood there, dried them, and put them away. Faith would talk. She just needed time to get through the storm of emotions that churned inside of her. As much as Faith said she didn’t care, Selby knew she did. Deeply. Yet, nothing they ever did had changed her mother’s bitchy behavior, and truly, there was no reason for it. Faith always did everything her mother wanted. It wasn’t until the past few months that Faith had decided to shed her conservative skin and explore her sexual side. Of course, her mom didn’t know about their exploits. Still, Faith’s newfound lifestyle had altered the way she carried herself. Perhaps it was that change in confidence Valerie Driscoll despised. Faith was no longer under her mother’s thumb, and the woman hated it. Selby would not permit Faith’s mother to control her ever again if he had anything to do with it.

And he had a lot to do with it.

“What are you thinking?” Faith held a plate out to him.

He smiled as he took it, running the rooster covered hand towel over it. “I was thinking of stripping you once we got on the beach and taking advantage of you.”

“Were you now?” Faith leaned back against the counter, drying her hands, dishes done. “And what makes you think I’d let you?”

Selby put the plate in the cupboard as he dropped the towel on the counter. He slid in front of her, gripping the counter with a hand on each side of her, so she couldn’t escape. “Because, Mrs. Greer,” he leaned in and dusted her neck with kisses, “I know you,” he kissed her throat, feeling her lift her head, giving him access, “for the little tramp you are.” His tongue brushed her flesh like an artist painting as he licked down her throat to the top of her dress, kissing his way to her chest.

Her groan filled his ears as her hands draped over his. “Am I now? Is that what I am?”

Selby pulled his hand out from under hers and slid the strap of her sundress off her shoulder, following the string with soft kisses as he slid it down her arm. “Yes,” he moved to the other side, “you are.” He slid the thin strap off her other shoulder and down her arm. “And you love,” he kissed her warm flesh, “every minute of it.” He leaned back, grinning at her as he pulled the dress down over her chest, freeing her small globes to the cool air. “Don’t you?” He lowered his head and ran his tongue over her hardening nipple, feeling the small pearl contract from his touch.

Faith’s hands came up to his head, her fingers threading into his hair. He could feel the tightness of her body as passion replaced the cold emotions of the day. “I’m beginning to.” Her voice was husky, filled with the lust she felt.

He slid his hand up her thigh, pulling the dress up with it. Her flesh was warm to the touch as he slid his hand between her legs. She eased them apart as his fingers grazed higher. Her pussy dripped with need as he plunged two fingers into her, making her gasp with pleasurable surprise. As his fingers strummed her sex, Selby used the other hand to free his swollen cock from the confines of his pants.

Faith never moved, her head tilted back, hair falling behind her. With his cock free, Selby slid his fingers from her wetness and lifted her into the air, his hands around her thighs. Faith braced herself with her hands on the counter, wrapping her legs around his waist as he eased his cock into her sweet cavern. He held her in place as he fucked her, his cock driving into her with a slow, steady rhythm, her whimpers feeding his hunger.

Selby leaned down and kissed her chest, her shoulders, as his hips pounded into her thighs. Faith was helpless to move, her hands on the counter and his under her thighs keeping her airborne. Her moans echoed off the kitchen cabinets as he felt her body tense and her legs begin to stiffen with the orgasm he knew was close to exploding. He gripped her thighs tighter, thrusting into her faster, spearing her with his hardness.

Her inner walls pulsed around his cock, sucking him as well as her mouth could. He could feel his balls tighten, ready to explode. Faith cried out as her body started to shake and buck against him. His own orgasm hit as he felt his cock erupt deep inside of her as her passion dripped between them. Her tits bounced, and he wanted so badly to lean in and take her taut nipples in his mouth, but he remained frozen in place, holding her up until her body relaxed.

The ripples of pleasure subsided as she lowered her head to gaze into his eyes, a smile widening her cheeks. “So much for the beach.”

Selby lowered her feet to the floor as he felt their juices drip between them. He pressed up against her, kissing her neck. “I couldn’t wait.”

Faith wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tight. “I’m glad you didn’t.”