Lycan Princess, Fated Luna

Lycan Princess, Fated Luna

Chapters: 123
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Soma Hoffer


Moving to the city and opening a tea shop is a great idea...or so Soma thinks. But that idea soon takes a turn for the worse when Detective Marks targets her and puts her in the middle of a war between him and Oliver Stone, the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. When Oliver buys tea, he is hit with Soma’s intoxicating scent, exposing her as his mate. Not wanting to scare her, Oliver tries to take it slow and introduce himself. But when Detective Marks burns her store down and almost kills her, Oliver is forced to expose his wolf side to save her. Will she accept him, or reject him and run?

Werewolf Romance Contemporary Mate BxG Crime

Lycan Princess, Fated Luna Free Chapters

Chapter 1 | Lycan Princess, Fated Luna

Soma’s POV:

 Moving to a new city was never in my plans, but staying in the small town where I was raised wasn’t either. Packing up my small Jeep, I wiped the tears from my cheeks, said goodbye to my family, and headed out. Finally, I was off to find the true meaning of life and finally open the tea store I talked about as a little girl.

 I was from a rundown town in Colorado, heading east and hoping the grass was greener. My mother was from New York, and my father jumped around Colorado and never left.

 Getting on the highway made my heart skip a few times. I was making my dream a reality. I didn’t have much, but I knew what I wanted and would make things happen. I had a good head on my shoulders, and I had enough money in the bank.

 I had a good friend in New York already put a payment down on a building, so I had a place for the tea shop. He had already set my apartment up, so now there was the drive and the excitement of setting up. I didn’t know much about the state and how everyone would be, I was excited, yes, and even more, I was scared.

 Two days later.

 Exhausted from the drive, Nick met me at the apartment. He didn’t stay long. He showed me where my apartment was, kissed me on the cheek, and let me carry my bags in. I barely made it to my bed before I crashed for about twelve hours.

 Waking up the next morning, I felt refreshed and ready to tackle the next day. I took a shower, unpacked my stuff, and looked around the apartment. It was small, but it was all I could afford since New York was pricey, and I wasn’t sure how I would do with the tea shop. My parents weren’t rich, but they would help me out if things weren’t that good here. However, I had faith I would be okay.

 I noticed a package sitting on my dining table.

 “Soma, here’s everything for your shop, along with some new teas I know you’d love. -Nick”

 I smiled. Nick was a good friend of mine. He was going to London, so I knew he would be sending me more tea when he found it. He would help me keep the store stocked with other teas. We went all the way back to grade school. He had always supported me and my dreams of being the tea lady. He wanted to be a world traveler, and I would have gone with him had it not been my dream to be in New York.

 Grabbing the box, I was excited to see what the store looked like; I needed to make arrangements for how much product I would need to order. I was scared about the cost of how much it would put me back, but I knew, in the end, it would be worth it. I wondered how many people drank tea in this part of New York. Nick said there were a lot of interesting people around here when he did a walk around and asked people about it. I was hoping he wasn’t just being nice about this whole thing.

 Putting the address to the store into the GPS, I had butterflies all over again; I was like a little girl on Christmas morning. I couldn’t wait to see what this place looked like. Driving only took about twenty minutes. The traffic was horrible, but I couldn’t ask for less, right. The constant honking and the yelling from people made me chuckle a little. 

 Turning down the final road, the road was quiet, which was nice but sad. I was hoping the place was busy. The front of my shop was empty, making my stomach drop a little, but that was expected. Getting out of the car, I looked across the street—a coffee shop, a book store, and clothing store. So, I had a coffee shop I had to compete with. Great. But I had a feeling this wasn’t going to be a bad thing. Maybe I would meet some new faces and the owners would be cool. Hopefully, there wouldn’t be anything bad between us.

 I let out a sigh, but I couldn’t let that get me down. I had to work a little harder, but that gave me a little more motivation. I had to remember what Nick said—a little more sugar just makes the bees come faster. I chuckled at that.

 Unlocking the door, it was dark and chilly, but I was able to find the lights quickly and was surprised to find there were many unopened boxes against the wall. Holding my breath, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I wasn’t sure what Nick did while he was unpacking my new life here in New York, but something gave me a good feeling. I smiled a little too wide.

 Walking over to the boxes, I opened a few of them, and they were packed with all types of teas. “What?” I said out loud. “Nick? Seriously.”

 Pulling out my phone, I dialed his number.

 “Finally,” Nick said chuckling in the phone. “I thought you were going to sleep all day, Sleeping Beauty.”

 “How much did this cost you?” I said, opening another box. I was amazed to see how much product he’d bought. There was enough here to stock my entire store. I wasn’t sure how I would repay him. This was too much.

 “That is for me to know, and for you to sell,” he said. “You think I’m going to let you venture into a new city not knowing how you’re going to do alone?” He giggled. “I wanted to give you a welcome to your new life.” I could feel him rolling his eyes at me. We’d been friends for a long time, and I should have known he would have done something like this. It was kind of like a sendoff. He would come back at some point.

 “But Nick, this is thousands of dollars of product,” I said, looking around. “I don’t know how I can repay you for this,” I said, taking a deep breath.

 “A thanks for always being there gift, Soma. If it weren’t for our friendship, I wouldn’t have survived all the shit they gave me for being me,” Nick said. “Don’t worry. You are going to get more and more from me once I plant my happy feet in London. Go and get your store set up. I expect lots of news about your progress. Oh, and you better be dating soon. Your virginity better be gone before you turn twenty-one.” He giggled. He knew I wasn’t looking for a relationship, and I was sure I wouldn’t find one here. Back home, I was practically a loner, except for him, and it sucked for me. I hated not having a boyfriend and experiencing the love that a man should offer.

 “No.” I laughed. “I am not going to date. I didn’t in high school, and I don’t have plans to do anything like that soon,” I said, rolling my eyes. “I love you, Nick. Call me when you land.”

 “Don’t worry. I will,” he said before hanging up. 

 I knew this was going to be a lot of work, but with Nick using his money to buy all these products, it was saving me a lot of money. It was going to stress me out knowing he went out of his way to make my store come alive. I was scared I would fail him. But, he had faith in my store and me. I knew he was going to be happy to see me succeed. I wondered if the coffee shop across the was busy. 

 Walking to the window, they were busy, as was the book store, so I hoped I would have people come to my shop. Turning back to the boxes, now I just had to figure out where I wanted everything to go. 

 Fall was coming, so I have to keep to the season. Everything about fall made me happy. I needed to find things that went with it. I would have to shop around for decorations, and that would be the last thing on the list. It would be great.

 I decided to put the fall things towards the front of the store, and the stuff I liked near the back. I knew just because I liked the stuff didn’t mean others would. The store was a cute little place; I knew I could make it into something great for me and the people that came in. I smiled at the vision I saw when it would be finished. I had a lot to do. I was going to be exhausted, but at the end of the day, I knew it would look great.

Chapter 2 | Lycan Princess, Fated Luna

Oliver’s POV:

 Looking out the window, I noticed a woman across the street; she must be the new owner of the shop. A man was there yesterday. He had talked to the realtor a few weeks prior, and I noticed he was bringing in a lot of product.

 “Oliver, what are you doing?” Micah came over to the window and stood next to me. “Ah, another business to compete with… She’s got a nice body, though.” 

 “Yeah, another one out of your league,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Something about her though. Something special. Besides, you have a mate.” I said, walking away from the window.

 “And you don’t, so why don’t you go and introduce yourself? Hell, she might even be yours,” he said, egging me on. “You should have some fun while you can. She’s new in town, and before she has men lined up around the block for her, you better make your move. Otherwise, someone else is going to make you look stupid.”

 “I don’t have a mate. That ship has sailed. I don’t want one now.” I growled, sitting down behind the desk. “Besides, we have issues to work out like Detective Marks, in case you’d forgotten.”

 “The vampires are the least of my worries. The last time I checked, he’s fishing for nothing,” Micah said, rolling his eyes. “Besides what is he going to do?”

 “Take this business down and put us out there against the Council again. I don’t want the shit show again. Micah, I finally have the pack relaxed. We finally have our land back.”

 “And we’ll keep it this time. Detective Marks has nothing on us. We have this covered this time. Besides, you need a vacation. Go across the street, check the girl out, and invite her to have coffee. Get laid.” 

 “Yeah, werewolf gone wild with human,” I said, rolling my eyes. “She and I are in different worlds, Micah. We cannot do this,” I said, getting up and leaving him in the office. I needed to take a walk.

 Pushing the door open, I felt the cool breeze on my face. I glanced over. She was outside again, leaning against the wall with her eyes closed. As I got closer to her, I saw she was more beautiful than I thought she was. I wanted to walk across the street and strike up a conversation but decided to keep walking.

 “Oliver Stone, so nice to see you walking,” Detective Marks said with a growl.

 Looking over at the Detective, I really didn’t want any of his bullshit. I already had enough on my mind and now he was standing in front of me. What else could go wrong for me today? “What can I do for you, Marks?” I growled. “Last I heard, this is a free fucking country.”

 Detective Marks looked at me. Something about him was off. I wasn’t sure if it was because he was out close to dark or because he was on a mission, and I caught him off-guard by being on the street when normally I stayed inside. “I didn’t think you’d be out. Why are you wandering around?” he said, narrowing his eyes.

 “Window shopping,” I said. “Last I heard, vampires don’t like the sun?”

 “Sun has set,” Marks snapped. “Doesn’t your coffee shop close soon?” Marks asked, walking around me. “I see you have some competition,” he said, looking at the girl locking up her shop, getting into her car, and driving away.

 “Don’t bother her, Marks. I’m sure she isn’t going to be trouble,” I said, looking at him. “Besides, I’m sure she’s not going to be around long enough to make much money,” I said, turning to walk back to the coffee shop. “Be warned, though. Vampires often turn up dead.”

 “Be warned yourself, Stone. We hunt in packs, and humans go missing all the time. She does look tasty,” he said, licking his lips. I wanted to break his neck right then and there but maintained control.

 I wanted to turn around and kill him, but I knew we couldn’t act like that. I needed to get a couple of people to watch over the girl regardless of whether he would do anything to her. I didn’t know her.

 “Well?” Micah asked as I came back into the shop.

 “Well, what?” I snapped.

 “What did that damn vampire want?” Micah asked, walking back to the office with me. I wasn’t in the mood to discuss it him, but he needed to know my plan.

 “He threatened the girl across the street. I am sending a couple of warriors to protect her,” I said, sitting down.

 “You’re sending warriors to protect a human?” Micah growled. “Why? You didn’t want to go and speak with the girl; we cannot spare our warriors to protect a human unless there is something more to this,” he said, slamming his hands down on the desk. “Tell me, Oliver. Why the fuck are you protecting her?”

 “Because I fucking want to. Shut the fuck up about it; I’m Alpha!” I growled, using my Alpha tone.

 “Fine.” Micah rolled his eyes. “I will get Jake and Ryan here, and we will figure out where she lives. You will ensure they are safe too,” he said, walking out of the office. I could hear him complaining.

 I sat back in my chair; I knew I was taking a chance with protecting her. But there was something about her that made me want to protect her. Something I couldn’t place. I needed to get closer to her; maybe after she opened her shop up,I would pay a visit and talk to her. Maybe that would give me a good enough reason to figure out what this feeling I felt was. 

 My wolf was even going crazy; he couldn’t give me a reason either. We both were in the dark as to why there was this sudden pull when I first laid eyes on her. 

 Walking back to the window, I stared at her shop. I decided since she wasn’t there, I would go over, look into the window, and see what she was selling since she didn’t have a sign yet.

 “Where are you going, Oliver?” Micah called.

 “Across the street and then we should head to the pack house before it gets too late,” I said before walking out of the shop.

 Crossing the street and going up to the window, I was surprised she had the place finished and set up. 

 “Tea?” I said out loud. “She is an interesting human.”

 “She sells tea?” Micah said, coming up behind me.

 “Looks like it,” I said, turning to face him. “We better help her out.”

 “How are we going to help her out, Oliver?” he asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Ensure she has the customers, for one,” I said, rolling my eyes. 

 “But that is cheating, Oliver, and you know that,” he said, crossing his arms. “Come on. Let’s get our store closed up. You know the bloodsuckers are going to be coming out, and we don’t want any more issues with them,” he said, leaving me standing there.

 He was right; I couldn’t help her out like that. I had to let her get her own business, but I felt I had to help her somehow. I knew the people in the area, and there were some people that liked tea. I would take tea off the menu and recommend her shop—that would get her some business.

 Glancing at her store one more time, I jogged across the street to catch up to Micah. He smiled. I knew he was telling me to make myself known to her, but I wasn’t ready for the introduction yet. Soon, but not yet. I needed to keep my distance in case Marks was serious about his threat. I hoped he stayed away from her. If he didn’t, then he would force me to introduce myself to her.

 We finished closing down the store and headed to the pack house. I needed to meet with the two warriors that I would send to protect her. They needed to know to keep their distance and make sure Marks didn’t know they were protecting her.

 There was a knock on my office door. “Come in,” I said. Jack and Ryan came into the office and sat down.

 “Micah said you wanted to see us? Something about a special assignment?” Jack asked.

 “Yeah, there is a human girl I need you two to protect. The vampires have their eyes on her. something about her is special,” I said. “Tomorrow, when we open, you two are to come with us, hang out, and follow her home. You will follow her and protect her, but you will need to stay out of sight.”

 “Understood,” Jack said. “Anything else?”

“You will take shifts of twenty-four hours. That way one of you will be here and can keep me posted and the other with her,” I said, looking away from them. “At least until I know more about her. That is all.”