Mommy for Billionaire's Baby
Every time Nathan introduces a woman he wants to take seriously, he always runs into one obstacle. Naina's ownership. It's incredibly difficult for that child to even smile and speak politely to the woman Nathan is dating. Because of this, Nathan chooses to be a full-fledged Raptor playboy instead of dealing with Naina. She says, "I only want Mami Seira!" She even talks with a scowl! Doesn't she know that the woman she's talking about is already married? Should Nathan really become a home wrecker before he can ruin someone else's marriage? That's just crazy! Not to mention... Oh my God! What kind of test is he going through? Because of Naina's words to her grandmother, Nathan is more often introduced to women who are older than him! They even have red hair! "Enough, quickly choose a red-haired woman that Naina also likes. Mommy’s getting a headache from Naina's requests. What kind of person is this 'Mami' that is often called?" Nathan can only slap his forehead! Does he really have to marry an older woman?
Mommy for Billionaire's Baby Free Chapters
Chapter 1 | Mommy for Billionaire's Baby
Nathan didn't care about the heavy rain pouring down on Jakarta as he made his way to the hospital. It was as if all the pent-up emotions were being unleashed. Even though Nathan was inside the car, he could see the conditions outside. He should have started feeling scared. Considering the turmoil in his heart due to the news he had just heard, everything around him felt fleeting.
He just wanted to reach the hospital.
"Sir, can you go faster?" he asked the driver.
The driver, Mr. Jack, could only sigh softly. "Please be patient, sir. I also want to go faster, but the roads are not friendly."
Nathan grumbled in frustration. His phone had been vibrating who knows how many times. Countless messages he had ignored. Was it better to ignore the questions he knew were directed at him and avoid getting more restless?
"Sir, we have arrived."
Nathan didn't care that his shirt was wet. He also ignored Mr. Jack's shout to be patient. How could he be patient when the news felt like an earthquake of hundreds of Richter scales had hit his world? Everything was shattered. His beloved brother, Noah Sinclair, and his wife... oh God!
"Naina!" Nathan shouted as soon as he arrived in the lobby. The only thing bothering him was Naina. The four-year-old child was very close to him. How was she doing? What actually happened? How could they be involved in an accident that... Nathan suddenly felt dizzy just thinking about it.
"Are you Mr. Nathan?"
Usually, Nathan would get angry when he was called "Mr." Nathan is still young, hey! He just finished his business studies! But this time he didn't care. "Yes, I am. Where is my family?"
"Please come with me."
His prayers multiplied. He kept chanting them in his heart, hoping that God would grant him a miracle, especially for his brother and his wife. But...
"I'm sorry. Mr. Noah Sinclair died on the spot. As for his wife..."
"Brother!" Nathan whispered. His hand was reflexively covered. His body went limp. If there hadn't been support nearby, he might have fainted. But his brain quickly thought. "How is my sister-in-law, Doc? Jannet Sinclair?"
Right. He also needed to know the last condition of his brother's wife.
"We tried our best, but unfortunately..."
Nathan could only close his eyes tightly. His hands clenched so hard that he felt his fingertips turn white. He didn't care about his tears falling and wetting his cheeks. The image and laughter... "Naina." Nathan opened his eyes. "How is Naina, Doc?"
"That child is receiving intensive care. The head injury is quite severe, but we're doing our best."
At least, those words were a sign of great hope.
"Do your best, Doc," Nathan pleaded fervently.
"Doctor Cha!"
Both turned immediately.
"The patient is experiencing bleeding. The hospital's stock for the patient's blood type is running low. I've contacted the Blood Bank, but they don't have any available. The patient's blood type is O negative." The nurse spoke continuously, but Nathan didn't pay much attention except for one thing: Naina was in critical condition.
"Find it quickly."
Nathan was left alone after the doctor excused himself to attend to his niece. This situation made him weak, slumped in a corner of the hospital corridor. The loss he had just learned about shook his heart. Just two days ago, he was still having a meal with his brother and his wife. They were happily joking around with Naina!
But now...
He folded his knees, burying himself there. Crying. Just like the rain that didn't seem to want to stop pouring outside.
"Mr. Nathan."
The call made him look up. "Yes?" He quickly wiped away his tears.
"Sir, help us find a donor out there. We've tried our best to contact them, but we need many. We request your cooperation."
Nathan fell silent.
"If not, the patient named Naina's condition could become more critical."
"Of course." Nathan would fight. "I'll help find one."
"Thank you, sir." The nurse left again, leaving Nathan busy with his phone. He called anyone he knew, informing them of the situation as briefly as possible and what he needed. Sometimes he sighed in annoyance, sometimes he raised his voice. Often, he held back his sobs to maintain his focus until...
"Um... maybe my blood type matches. I've been watching you searching for a donor. Since earlier," a skinny girl in front of him spoke. Her eyes quickly scanned and made judgments. How could this skinny girl, oh... that is if she matches.
"I'm O negative," the girl rolled her eyes slightly annoyed. "Whatever, I'm just offering myself."
"Okay!" Nathan immediately stood up. "Let's go to the examination room first."
"But the payment is expensive, right?"
God... in times like this, there are still people expecting a big reward? It doesn't matter! Nathan will pay! Expensive! No matter how much, as long as Naina is saved!
That's his promise.
"Aren't you curious about the payment?" the girl asked with a mischievous giggle. Her eyes looked at her conversation partner with great interest.
"I come from a wealthy family. Don't worry. Whatever you want, if your blood can save my child, I'll pay. Multiples if necessary."
The girl burst into laughter.
"Um... I don't need money. I'm also rich." She casually waved her shiny black hair.
"Then?" Nathan couldn't wait. Who asks for a high payment when they intend to help? What did the girl say earlier? She's also wealthy? Then why ask for a high fee?
"Marriage with me in the future."
Nathan's eyes widened.
"Don't worry, not now. Maybe in the future? I'm still in high school, you know."
Chapter 2 | Mommy for Billionaire's Baby
If only smashing the laptop could get all his work done, Nathan would do it. But it's impossible! Everything is in chaos! Oh my God! Why does Nathan have to encounter days when Tasya turns into a scatterbrain?
"Stay patient, Nathan," he said softly, rubbing his chest as a form of relaxation he could manage. "Tasya must be outside the office, that's why her work is so strange."
He took out his phone, which was always kept in the drawer. Without needing to look at the contacts, given how often he contacted and was contacted by Tasya, he immediately made a phone call. His assistant was always quick to respond, but she also often caused frustration.
The balance between them made Nathan both dizzy and proud.
But only Tasya could withstand working with Nathan. After the sudden departure of Faldom's owner and CEO, leaving behind numerous projects and employees who were somewhat dependent on the company, Nathan took over everything. Every single detail was in his hands.
Despite the immense pressure, especially from his sister-in-law, Janet Sinclair, he didn't care. The most important thing was to keep the company running. Although the strangeness became more noticeable over time, Nathan tried to investigate while continuing to grow Faldom.
Perhaps because of these demands, Nathan always acted seriously and matured over time and in urgent circumstances. However, Nathan still longed for a carefree life, even having a foreign girlfriend, for example. Instead of sitting upright, analyzing the company's progress, making important decisions, and dealing with the complexities of his personal matters.
This made Nathan somewhat impatient when there was no one who could match him. His firm and disciplined impression, accompanied by sharp glances, earned him respect from both friends and enemies. It felt like he needed to wear that mask. So that he wouldn't always be underestimated due to his position as the successor, and for leaving his brother behind.
Oh my God! If only he could scream and earnestly ask for his brother and sister-in-law to still be alive. To see how healthy Naina, their child, was. Instead, he was burdened with two heavy responsibilities on his shoulders. Being the replacement heir and a father figure, even though he had never experienced marriage.
Tasya Rosmerry, a sadistic name, is now sporting front bangs as a hairstyle. Her straight black hair reached her shoulders, and she still wore braces since she started working with him. And what annoyed Nathan the most was why her glasses always had thick frames. Couldn't Tasya choose a more suitable one for her face? If Nathan were to give an evaluation, Tasya's face was quite pretty. But why didn't she want to show it? So, she remained single.
Ugh! He cared too much about his assistant's love life! What about himself? How many years had he been alone without a companion? If it was just women who accompanied him occasionally, don't even ask. He didn't lack entertainment and stress relief. They were just distractions from the never-ending routines.
"Yes, sir?" she asked on the other end. Nathan's hearing was fine. There were children's shouts and cheerful music in the background.
"Where are you?"
"I'm at Time one, sir. Naina doesn't want to come home. I'm struggling to persuade her."
Nathan closed his eyes tightly. "But you know you have work today, right?"
"I also want to work, sir," Tasya replied with an annoyed sigh. "But Mrs. Sunie dragged me along for shopping, sir."
"You sent all the wrong emails, Tasya!"
"The correct ones?"
"The incorrect ones!" Nathan snapped. "Meet with Mrs. Sunie and tell her that you've been requested to return to the office!"
There was no response from Tasya. Maybe his assistant was still thinking or who knows, but Nathan needed Tasya now. He had to finish another project. If this report was already wrong, how could he proceed with the next tasks? Oh my God! When will Nathan be done being tested by Tasya's existence?
"Tasya?" Nathan called once again.
"I still have a functioning ear, sir," she calmly replied. "Do you want donuts with chocolate sprinkles? I'm heading home from the office soon. I apologize for sending the wrong email to Naina. I'll fix it right away."
When Tasya said that Nathan's anger subsided a bit.
"Okay. I'll wait." But before he disconnected the call, Nathan spoke again. "And get me a coffee, Tasya."
"Got it, boss!"
A faint smile appeared on Nathan's face. Well... maybe this is what makes Nathan feel that Tasya is indeed suitable to be his assistant. Not too flashy, although a bit slow. Although he admitted that her level of precision when she's serious is incredibly impressive, it makes him amazed. Maybe it was because Naina disturbed her earlier that she couldn't concentrate. It could be, right? Sometimes, Naina's spoiled behavior can be quite exasperating.
Nathan focused back on his work screen. The clock in the bottom right corner of his computer showed twelve-fifteen. His stomach rudely grumbled, demanding attention. "Oh my God!" He reached for his phone again.
"Tasya, share the mall's location where you had fun with Naina. Choose a restaurant you like. I'll join you. Order lunch for me."
Before Nathan ended the call, he could still hear Tasya grumbling about him. What did she say, "Crazy Raptor!"?
Was his handsome face really resembling a Raptor?!
Working with an annoying and troublesome Raptor-like Nathan should be something she can handle, right? It's not the first or second time her boss has abruptly changed his life's direction as he pleases, right? Like now! Fortunately, she hadn't queued up to buy coffee and donuts yet. Oh... now she has to follow him.
Actually, who is the inefficient one here?
Couldn't they have asked her to buy lunch instead? Why should the Raptor descend from his comfortable realm? Not that she minds. If it gets congested or the lunch menu takes too long to be served, or if the restaurant Tasya chose is too crowded, his mouth will eloquently give advice.
Tasya knows by heart what else Nathan will say.
"You're such a pain!!!" she exclaimed in frustration. Turning around while thinking, what type of restaurant would be suitable for her? It's lunchtime, right? When wouldn't it be crowded? But this is Surabaya. Mall conditions shouldn't be like in Jakarta, right?
In fact, she was forced to accompany Nathan and Naina to Sidoarjo. If it weren't for Naina's tears, she wouldn't have wanted to be the Raptor's tail. She's also burdened! If only Tasya could describe her troubles. First, she has to take care of Naina, who is quite a handful. That child is a dragon! She's incredibly active. Not only is she talkative and asks whatever she pleases, but she also can't stay still, and her energy is always overflowing. Plus, her way of speaking is so sarcastic, as if she's belittling others.
If only she were allowed to smack Naina, she would definitely do it. Unfortunately, Naina is Nathan's beloved niece.
Even so, despite all the troubles caused by Naina, Tasya doesn't mind. Holding hands with this actually beautiful child who's a bit neglected, how can she be properly taken care of like Malika, the black soybean in the advertising campaign on TV? Boss Raptor's busyness surpasses that of a president.
They laughed a lot during the journey to Sidoarjo. So, any other complaints from Tasya were deemed resolved. Tasya felt sorry for venting about Naina's issues. She couldn't bring herself to do it. Especially when they arrived at the grand house that, according to Tasya, falls into the luxury category.
Yes, a three-story house with tall gates, surrounded by many buildings on the right and left. Not to mention the well-maintained garden. And the owner of the house greeted them with a somewhat bourgeois appearance. Wearing a pearl necklace, her hair elegantly styled, and a batik blouse that Tasya believed must be quite expensive.
But one thing puzzled her. Not that, the grandmother of Naina often stared at her sarcastically. Especially when the middle-aged woman observed her boss.
It's as if they want to skin Mr. Know-It-All, Nathaniel Sinclair, the Raptor Boss. She doesn't want to ask too many questions, but it seems like their relationship isn't good. Oh well. Throughout the three years of working with Nathan, she didn't want to know too much about Naina or Nathan. Just enough.
"Hmph!" Tasya shook her head firmly. "Why bother thinking about irrelevant things like that?" She redirected her steps toward this Jakarta-themed restaurant. Hopefully, her boss won't have a problem with her menu choice. She has already ordered everything she thinks Nathan can eat. And she requested a somewhat private table.
Tasya knows Nathan's taste well.
"Oh my God, who's the girl he's bringing along now?"