My Love, My Billionaire
Rosalia has never known life outside the walls of her house as a result of a mental disorder. Trying to free herself from the shackles of her family, she runs away only to fall into the hands of a ruthless businessman. Soon, she finds herself falling in love with him but not before family, betrayal, and lies tear them apart.
My Love, My Billionaire Free Chapters
Chapter 1 | My Love, My Billionaire
The continuous tapping of pen on table echoed through the almost empty room as Rosalia scanned the big glass table in front of her, looking for what next to play with.
“How do you feel today Lia?” The slightly bald man seated behind the table with glasses that almost hid the flesh pooled under his eyes asked her. She hummed, not sparing him a glance. He sighed in frustration. He was always not able to hold her attention for more than the five seconds. She would look at him and decide he wasn’t shiny enough to keep her eyes trained on.
“I’m okay I guess,” she finally answered when the pen she was tapping on the table grew two horns and demanded that she answer her therapist. She wanted to leave this boring place. The big room was ugly, void of emotions and toys. The only thing that decorated the walls were an old clock that she suspected would fall soon and a shelf that had been built into the wall. It contained mostly files from all her sessions with the man. Unsuccessful sessions.
“Any story you want to share with me today?” he asked. Rosalia tapped her index finger on her jaw as she stood up slowly and walked towards the shelf.
“I think I’m all out of stories…” Her eyes scanned his table for his name plate. “Leo,” she said sweetly when she saw it. “Maybe we should just play. I got new toys from Father yesterday. Trust me. You’ll love it”
Mr. Leo looked at the twenty-one-year-old in despair and curiosity. He has been her therapist since she was a kid, but up till this moment, her mind was something he could never understand. It was like she hadn’t grown. If anything, her child-like curiosity and excitement had doubled over the years. He watched her slowly pick up the little toy car she had left there the previous time and drop to her knees to roll its cute little tires on the floor.
“Lia, I’ve warned you about playing on the floor.” He started rubbing his temple “You’ll soil your clothes, and that’s no way for an adult to act.” He finished just as she turned back to look at him when his voice raised slightly at the end. He watched the tears cloud her eyes as she stood up from the floor and dusted her clothes in an attempt to get rid of the dirt.
“I’m sorry. I won’t do it again,” she said as she solemnly walked back to her seat. She folded her fingers on her lap and looked down at her feet.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you,” Leo told her. She didn’t hum in response this time. He looked at her wearily—her moods especially were what he struggled to handle. Even therapists had their limits. “I’m just trying to help, Lia, and you’re making it very difficult for me”
Her head turned swiftly to him, eyes narrowed and lips in a sneer. “I’m making it difficult for you?” she asked in disbelief. “Do you think I like being here? Having to keep seeing your fat face and bald hair. If anything, I’m the one that has to deal with you!” she yelled, tears running down her lean cheeks.
“Lia…” Mr. Leo walked over to where she sat and put a hand on her shoulder. He knew she didn’t mean anything she just said; it was just one of her moments. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you,” he said as he stroked her long dark hair.
“Maybe this will cheer you up?” He brought out the chocolate he had put away for her. This was their routine.
“Thank you!” She hugged him like her life depended on it and held the chocolate up in the air. “This is a different one.” She bit into the chocolate, moaning slightly as the hard substance melted into a warm liquid and slid down her throat. “Okay, this is my favorite now,” she said and wiped the lingering tears on her cheeks.
Mr. Leo chuckled. “I wasn’t so sure you’d like it.” He stood up and walked back to his seat. He watched Rosalia devour the chocolate in less than ten seconds, hands already outstretched for another. “You’re not supposed to have more than one chocolate in a day,” he told her.
“Mother won’t know. I won’t tell,” she said wiggling her brows at Leo. He huffed and gave her another one. “I’m not giving you another, so you better eat it slowly this time,” he said. It was too late; the entire bar was gone by the time he was done talking. “That was fast,” he muttered to himself.
“Thank you, Mr. Leo. I’m sorry for being mean earlier. I didn’t mean any of that.” She looked unable to meet his eyes.
“It’s alright, Lia.” The timer on his table beeped. “Before you go, did you think about what we discussed the last time?” She looked at him in confusion, unable to remember what he was talking about.
“It’s fine. You can go now.” He closed the file on his desk as she bolted up from her seat and left immediately. He loosened the tie around his neck and stopped the recorder on his phone. He couldn’t decide if it was a good thing that she didn’t recall their plan to get her away from the house she was currently trapped in.
Rosalia skipped down the remaining steps as she spotted her sister standing outside her car. She ran towards her and engulfed her in a hug before the older sister could protest.
“We’re going to be late for dinner if we don’t hurry along,” Melissa said, not returning the hug. Rosalia removed her hands that were wrapped around her sister’s neck and got into the car. She watched the houses dance past her and the buildings hide as she breezed by. It was like she was seeing everything for the first time as she stretched her neck to see a man dressed in a well-tailored black suit. Even Melissa would agree that he was really good looking.
Rosalia sped off to her room once they got home, skipping the stairs two at a time. “Be down in time for dinner!” Melissa screamed, making Rosalia laugh. If only her family knew she would never make it to dinner. She hurriedly locked her door once she was inside her room. She looked around as if to commit her room to memory before pulling out the little bag that was hidden under her bed.
Making sure everything she considered essential was in the bag, she dragged it to the window. Very soon, it would be completely dark. She was just a couple hours away from freedom. She bounced on her toes before sitting down on her dresser. The only life she has even known was the one within the walls of her home and her therapist’s office.
It had taken her many years to plan her escape. All she yearned was for a place outside these walls, away from her overbearing parents, her sister included. She didn’t hesitate to remind Rosalia of all her flaws every chance she got. She had spent all her years in pain, but now, she was going to be finally happy.
Braiding her long curly hair was a lot of work for without the help of her nanny. She managed anyway. She zipped up her black leather jacket which was a nice finish for her spy-like ensemble. It was dark enough now for her to slip out of the house.
After a dangerous minute of hiding away from servants and her sister that was already sitting at the table, she jumped off the balcony, landing with a thud and a possibly broken ankle. She dragged herself across the yard before climbing onto her bike and zooming off. It was a good thing there was something like Google Maps—she wouldn’t have known her way to the train station otherwise. She didn’t have a particular destination. All she knew was she had to be very far away from her family and the train was her only ticket out.
Chapter 2 | My Love, My Billionaire
If there was something worse than a bad day, Sean Derero was currently having it. He paced his office, trying to clear his head. In one hand was the report from the asylum his ex-girlfriend had been confined in and in the other was a note from her. She was finally going to get him.
“Slow down, man. I’m sure this is a prank or something,” Dex said. His supposed best friend tried to get his friend to stop pacing. He hated that he was in a situation like this because of him. He had introduced Sean to Betty two years ago when Sean launched one of his various clubs. It had been all rosy at first until she had seen the unsigned love note that had been sticking out of Sean’s diary.
“She almost killed me the last time! How am I supposed to deal with this right now?” Sean rubbed his forehead before finally collapsing on the couch in his office. He loosened his tie and threw the file on the ground. How a petite girl of barely five feet could escape big, muscled men was beyond him. He wouldn’t be surprised if she had seduced them. Sean couldn’t deny the fact that she was beautiful despite how much he wanted to. He had fallen for her looks. If he had used his head instead of his eyes, there was just a little chance he wouldn’t be in this situation.
Sean’s phone rang. It was the detective. Betty is still in the asylum, man. I don’t know how you got that note, but I can assure you it wasn’t her. She’s sound asleep as we speak. Stay safe, man. That was all the information he was given. Sean groaned deeply. This was her handwriting; he was sure of it.
“Why don’t we just chill at the club, so you can cool off,” Dex said from beside him, clasping a hand on his shoulder. Sean shrugged his hand off. He wasn’t in the mood to be surrounding by loud music and half naked girls.
“I’m alright, man. I’ll just head home and take a nice cold shower,” he said. Dex gave him a sly look. “Not for the reason you’re thinking of,” he added before flipping his friend off.
“I’m not taking no for an answer, Sean. You’re coming with me” Dex took the files carelessly strewn across the floor and put them on the pile on Sean’s desk. He would have to deal with that later. Dex’s phone rang, but he made no move to pick it up from the table.
“Aren’t you going to get that?” Sean asked him. Dex ignored the question. “Want to fire up before we get to the club? You know it’s easier to handle the girls when you’re a little buzzed,” he said instead. Sean nodded absentmindedly as his phone rang again. This time, it was a number he hoped would stop calling.
“I told you to leave me alone” he said once he disconnected the call. Dex perked up at his voice but said nothing. Sean gripped his phone harder as the unmistakable voice of the person that claimed to be his father filled his ears. He was tired of this crap. The same old voice calling to say he was his father and wanted to meet up. For all he knew, he had no parents—abandoned and left for the worst in front of an old orphanage when he was born. Now that he was rich and had everything he thought he wanted, someone was trying to play father.
A knock interrupted his thoughts, and he put his palm over the speaker. Anna, his personal assistant, poked her head through the door. “You have a phone call, sir. Mr. Grata wants to set up a meeting,” she said, reading off the giant tablet she held.
“Tell him I’m busy. I’ll contact when I deem it necessary”
Anna nodded. It was exactly the answer she had expected from him. She looked further into the office to see his best friend Dex. She had been hoping her boss would be alone—seemed like the short dress she was wearing under her long jacket was all in vain.
Sean’s gestured his hand towards the door, and Anna took it as her cue to leave. One day, she promised herself, she was going to get him to love her.
“Let’s get out of here,” he said immediately after he hung up. He took his suit jacket from the arm of his chair, and Dex followed with a glass of scotch in his hand.
“Take it. You need it more than I do,” Dex said. He thrust the bottle into Sean’s hand as they entered the elevator. Sean gulped it down, feeling the fire burn through his throat down to his stomach. When the two got out of the elevator, half the staff were already gone, taking the buzzing feeling of the building away. Sean acknowledged no one as he strode out of Derero Corporation; his usual cold demeanor was back.
Sean reminded himself that he was a successful businessman and the most sought-after man in the entire state. And not even a crazy ex was going to ruin it for him. His driver opened his car door, and they drove with Dex following with his own car.
The Dark Hour night club was already full even though it was barely even dark enough to club. Sean went through his private door at the back entrance to the club. Dex shut the door as they walked through the narrow dark passage to Sean’s office.
“Let’s get this party started!” Dex yelled as he popped open the wine he had retrieved from Sean’s stash hidden behind his shelf. He gave Sean the bottle and popped another for himself.
“Do you want to head downstairs? Pick up a few girls?” Dex asked and raised a brow in suggestion. Sean shook his head and discarded his jacket. He laid on the couch at the far end of the office. “I’ll just stay here for a while.”
“Okay, man.” Dex left the office to the club that bustled with life below them. He was surely getting wasted. A voice stopped Dex just as he got off the last stair.
“Is it safe assume Mr. Derero is upstairs?” the sultry voice said from beside him. The tall figure stepped out from the shadows and let the club lights illuminate her face. Dex nodded and walked past her in a haste. He hated the way she made him feel, like his heart was going to explode at any second. He knew she liked Sean instead so those feelings of his were forbidden.
Sean groaned when there was another knock on the door. “I’m not coming with you, Dex. Just leave me alone,” he said and put his arm over his face. The music from downstairs filled the room, letting him know the door had been opened. He waited for Dex to try to get him to stand up, but he didn’t see or hear him. He finally sat up, curious.
“You’ve been declining meetings with me, Mr. Derero.”
Sean froze at the voice. “Melissa,” he said. The lack of warmth in his voice didn’t faze Melissa a bit. She was used to it. “What are you doing here?” he asked, slowly standing up and sitting on his big chair situated perfectly behind his glass table.
“We need to talk,” she said.
Sean rubbed his temple, his forehead already aching. “I believe that’s what we’re doing now.” He watched her eyes turn into slits in irritation.
“The New Land Project. We want in,” she said.
“I’m not looking for a partnership right now. I made that clear the first time you called.”
“My dad is not one to take no for an answer.”
“There’s always a first time for everything. If we’re done, I’d like to get going,” he said, not even sparing her glance.
Melissa hummed slightly so Sean didn’t hear. She was here for two reasons. Now that the first one had been taken care of, she had to get the second thing she came for. A kiss. She stood up slowly and walked toward Sean with an exaggerated swing of her hips. Everyone knew Sean was a hard man to get, cold-hearted and hot as People Magazine put it, which only made her want him even more.
“You didn’t reply to my last text,” she whispered and leaned over his desk to give him a generous view of her chest.
“There wasn’t anything worth replying to.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, already tired. He hated it when women came onto him. It was like they were begging for his rejection. He stood up and gathered his jacket in his arms. “I’ll be leaving now. You know the way out.” He walked to the door, but Melissa stopped him before he could open it.
“Just dinner! I promise you’ll never set your eyes on me again,” she said. She was desperate, and Sean knew it. She only hoped she would be able to flush him out of her system then.
“I’ll have my assistant send you the details,” Sean said before leaving, making Melissa breathe out in relief.
Sean walked hurriedly out of the club through the back, so no one would see him. Luck really wasn’t on his side. A bunch of teenage girls that were trying to get into the club saw him and started screaming his name, making him turn, eyes wide in surprise.
“Sean!” the girls screamed, running towards him. His car was trapped between him and the girls. There was no way he would get to it on time before the girls. He turned swiftly and walked to the back of the club. He wondered who he had offended. It wouldn’t be long before the media would show up, always wanting a story.
He saw a cab waiting just outside. “Drive” was all he said before slumping into the seat in relief.
The driver looked at him. His eyes widened when he realized who it was “Mr. Derero? Where should I take you to?” he asked and sped off.
Sean thought about it for a while. He couldn’t ask him to go to his house. He couldn’t let anybody find out where he lived. It was the only place he could be away from the eyes of everyone.
“The train station. Stop at the mall first, would you?”
Sean walked into the station, pulling the face cap that was covering his head closer to his face. He walked onto the train, hoping no one would recognize in him. He remembered having to stay on the train when he was younger so he could beg for food to survive. He quickly pushed the creeping thoughts away, his eyes immediately stopping at girl with curly black hair framing her face. She wasn’t giving him the I want you in my bed eyes, so he walked to where she was and sat beside her.