My Sweet Love
Malinda Kristen is an orphan who lost her parents in a car accident. After growing up in an orphanage, she gets a job as a maid in a wealthy man's mansion. There she meets Russeli Ryan, a musician who has no emotions whatsoever. Despite his cold seriousness, they bond over music and become friends. However, Russeli Ryan’s music is criticized because of his lack of emotion, just one of the reasons his father keeps pestering him to find love. To appease him, Russeli agrees to go on a blind date that his father has arranged. But where does this date leave Malinda? Her bond with Russelli is starting to seem stronger than friendship. Will they find love, or will it all be destroyed?
My Sweet Love Free Chapters
Chapter 1 | My Sweet Love
Malinda POV
"We have to leave Malinda. Come with me," Russeli whispered to me as he held my hands.
It was late at night, and we were in a big mansion owned by my boss. The man I love was right beside me in the room that had only a thin window with the moonlight coming through.
"No Russeli, I can't go with you," I protest. I knew running away was not the right thing. Things don't always end well for me. This was something I was sure of, and I felt uneasy even if this was the only way I could be with him.
"Trust me, Malinda." His blue eyes were staring into mine, and his eyes held an emotion that I couldn't explain. "Please, we have to leave before the guards and my father find us."
He was right. We had to leave, and fast. But still, how far could we go before they discovered us? I was already in tears as I shook my head profusely.
"Russeli, though we love each other, I can't leave with you. Please understand, I am just an orphan and...and…" My lips quivered. All this was my fault. "I can't fend for myself. That's why I am working here as a maid."
Russeli could see my tears and I knew it broke his heart. He holds my shoulders and makes me look up at him. "I don't like that you and I can't be together. I hate keeping our relationship a secret. I hate that my father rejected you. I can't bear to see you hurt like this.
"Come with me. We can flee and go far away to a place where we are free to do whatever we want, a place where we can live together and be a couple." He held my hands and gave a gentle squeeze. "Please, Malinda."
"Russeli...” I looked into his eyes, but my vision was blurred with tears. Was this the right thing to do? The question echoed in my head.
"Trust me..." I heard his voice again and a part of me wanted to stay, but the part of me who loved the man was stronger and would go miles away with him.
"Okay." I nodded and he pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my forehead.
"Thank you, thank you,” he said with joy in his voice. The tune of his voice was so happy that it seemed like I had just accepted a marriage proposal.
"We have to leave, and we have to leave now," he told me and held my hands in a tight grip. "Let's go."
We both ran out of the room. Surprisingly the guards that were standing there didn't notice us. It all happened quickly, and we left the mansion.
Russeli opened the car door and we both got in, but not unnoticed. A guard had spotted us and raised an alarm. Russeli started the car in haste and stepped on it, speeding off past the gate before they could close it.
Soon we were on the highway, Russeli still speeding. I looked in the side mirror and I could see some cars behind us, following us with the same speed.
This was a car chase just like one of those deadly ones I’ve seen on TV. Tears pooled in my eyes as I looked at Russeli. "What do we do? They are after us."
Everything was making me sad. Why did love have to be this way?
"We’ll be out of sight very soon," Russeli assured me and accelerated. He held my hands with his free hand, while the other was on the steering wheel.
His hand was warm and giving me comfort within my soul. "I love you, Malinda." He turns his eyes to look at me. "And I will protect you."
I looked at his handsome face. He was the most handsome man I had ever laid eyes on, and through sheer luck, he had come across my path.
"I love you, Russeli," I said softly, and he looked at me with the cutest smile on his handsome face. At this moment, it felt so perfect, like there was peace around us and no car chase. Just us enjoying a joyful ride. I flashed him a smile too.
But all hell broke loose when we turned to face the road. A big truck came crashing into our car and glass shattered as our car flew in the air like we were in a spin ball.
The car rolled once, twice, and then finally stopped after the third roll. There were pieces of glass with blood everywhere. I looked at Russelli and his eyes were on me.
We were both choking on our blood as we reached our hands to touch each other, but to no avail. Before my eyes, Russeli closed his eyes, and soon after, I couldn’t keep mine open either.
Chapter 2 | My Sweet Love
Three Months Ago Malinda POV
My name is Malinda Kristen, and I am an orphan. I lost my parents at the age of six in a car accident, and I was sent to an orphanage since I had no other relatives to take care of me.
When I turned twenty, I knew I had to leave the orphanage and find a job, so that I could assist the children in the orphanage who had become my sisters and brother.
Luckily, I found a job as a maid at a very wealthy man's mansion. I did not qualify whatsoever to find a proper job, so I decided to work here since the pay was worth it.
My duty was to serve my boss his tea, do some laundry, and a few other duties. It wasn't so stressful since I did all this when I lived at the orphanage.
Today I was doing my normal duty. I was serving Mr. Gilbert in his study room when the door flung open. I looked up to see who it was since I knew that no one was allowed in here and there was no one in this mansion apart from Mr. Gilbert.
But what stood at the door made me still, stunned. A young handsome man with broad shoulders, blue eyes, and a straight, pointed nose stood in the doorway. I knew he must be in his early twenties since he was full of energy.
He stopped and stared at me for a long time. His eyes held a feeling I couldn't explain, but the stare was only for a brief moment. He looked away and headed over to Mr. Gilbert.
"Dad, I want to talk to you," he said as he sat down facing Mr. Gilbert. I realized it was his father. I didn't know my boss had a son, though I guess I only started working here two weeks ago.
"What is it about?" Mr. Gilbert asked him.
The young handsome man looked at me and then back at his father, and I knew what that look meant. "In private, dad," he said in his alluring voice.
"Oh." Mr. Gilbert turned to me. "Leave us now." I put down the remaining book I was arranging on the shelf and left the room, closing the office door behind me. Outside I exhaled softly. Damn he was sexy, I exclaimed in my head and walked away to do my other Job.
"So what is it?" Mr. Gilbert waited for his son to continue, leaning back in his chair as he put down the pen he was holding to give his son his full attention.
"Dad, my music was a hit!" Russeli exclaimed with joy. He was so happy to break this news to his father. He had been working on the hit song for a while now, and he had rushed down to report to his father about it.
Mr. Gilbert grins, obviously happy for his son. "At least what you studied overseas wasn't a waste. Congratulations." He smiles, satisfied with his son’s success.
"Dad, I am about to write a new song." Russeli said with a goofy smile on his lips.
Mr. Gilbert stopped smiling and put his hands on his chin. "But there is something you lack."
Russeli paused, and looked at his father curiously, raising his brow. He knew he had everything he needed to compose a good song. "And what would that be?"
"Emotions," Mr. Gilbert said in a simple word.
Russeli narrowed his eyes and exhaled softly. "Here you go again, Dad." He was expecting him to say something else and not some emotional gibberish. "I don't think I will ever have that." Russeli crossed his legs and put his chin in his hands.
He had never fallen in love, yet he writes love songs. But to Russeli, love was a fallacy.
"You're singing without emotions and that is damn crazy!" Mr. Gilbert said seriously this time, he had oftentimes told Russeli about this, but it had always fallen on deaf ears.
Russeli cutely shook his head. "Alright, I heard you." He raised his lips upwards. "But I have to go practice now…you know, practice how to have this emotion you talk about."
Gilbert sat up. "You don't have to practice. You have to meet people," he told him seriously.
"People," Russeli scoffed. He had met a lot of people, and still no emotions. He glanced up at his father. "Like, which people?"
"Ladies, Russeli, ladies!" Gilbert demonstrated with his hands and Russeli chuckled.
"Dad, I’ve met a lot of ladies outside the country and around the city. I have dated a lot of them, but nothing, Dad. No feelings. I don't love any of them. They aren't people I should have emotions for." He spoke indifferently.
"My company produces music, and I sing with emotions because of your mother, whom I love, and it is a real feeling." Gilbert lifts his hands to his chin. "Get into a real relationship with someone. I can set a date for you, son," he concluded.
"Dad..." Russeli looked at him like it was absurd. In the past few years, his father had set him up with different classy ladies. Still, all of them meant nothing to him.
"Next week, okay?" Gilbert cuts him off.
"I am tired of meeting lady’s, Dad. Must girls be so troublesome...” He frowns. "No wonder I hate them." His father was always pushing him to ladies he didn't want. Maybe that was why he even disliked them more.
"That's what music requires! As long as you sing love songs, you need emotions," Gilbert explains.
Russeli rolled his eyes, no longer interested. He remembered something and looked at his father sharply. "Well, that aside, who was that lady here when I came in?"
"Oh...” Gilbert picked up his pen again. "The new maid." New indeed. Now Russeli knew why he hasn't seen her here before. "She is an orphan who pleaded I hire her as a maid," Gilbert explains further.
"Okay...” Russeli said nonchalantly and got up from his chair. "I will be off now." He walked towards the door.
"Don't forget about the date next week!" Gilbert called out.
"I won't. I am just curious to know who the lady you will set me up with will be this time," Russeli said before swinging the door open and shutting it behind him.
He shook his head at the thought of the new date his father would set for him. He had met numerous ladies, and it would be easy to brush this one off too. He climbed up the stairs and went into his room, caring less about the emotions his father talked about.