One Wild Weekend With Tyler
!! Mature Content 18+ Erotica Novel!! Horses aren't the only thing to ride at the Laughing Cat Ranch... I should be a little more excited about visiting a working ranch in Montana. I mean, there's an actual cowboy on the brochure, and he's smoking hot. Maybe if I wasn’t a workaholic, I’d be looking forward to getting away from it all. But my brain doesn’t have an off switch, and the cowboy who looked good enough to eat on the brochure just doesn’t cut it in the flesh. While Liam is an over-the-top flirt who grates on my nerves, his half-brother Tyler is the exact opposite. He’s just as gorgeous, but he’s rude, gruff, and hates his brother’s agritourism idea as much as he hates his long-lost brother. Something is decidedly off at the Laughing Cat Ranch, and I aim to get to the bottom of it…Well, after Tyler and I make use of the bed in the fishing cabin.
One Wild Weekend With Tyler Free Chapters
Chapter 1 | One Wild Weekend With Tyler
Friday, 3:24 pm…
From inside my fourth-floor office in downtown Houston, I release a weary sigh.
Five hours I’ve been working on this damn account. Five hours of trawling through receipts, invoices, and bank accounts with absolutely nothing to show for it.
I accept defeat and turn to look out the window to the coffee shop across the road.
There’s a steady stream of customers, but I know I’ll go to the front of the line if Molly sees me come in.
A smile twitches at my lips. Having my oldest friend right across the road from my office not only keeps me steeped in coffee, but it also means I can drop by when I need to destress.
I roll my shoulders, step out of my office into the reception area, and wave at Christine. “Coffee?” I mouth.
On the phone, dealing with a client, she shakes her head and taps her wrist, reminding me I have a phone call soon.
I push through the glass doors to the elevators, smiling as I see a lawyer who works alongside me also sneaking out. “Coffee break?” I ask her.
She groans and shakes her head. “Divorce proceedings. I’m due in court.”
I wince and offer my commiserations as we travel down to the ground floor. She looks sidelong at me. “Lucky you’re sworn off men.”
I laugh even though I feel anything but lucky. “Yep. That’s me, single and carefree.”
She chuckles because after working alongside me for three years and knowing some of my history with men, she knows I’m anything but carefree.
“How’s your dad doing?”
I force a polite smile. “Still refusing to retire.”
She shakes her head. “Can’t say I’m surprised. I guess that’s where you get it from?”
I bristle at the comparison to my workaholic and extremely distant father. Even if there’s an element of truth in it. “They say you live what you learn.”
And I learned early on, my father’s work was more important than anything, including me.
She sighs wearily. “Ain’t that the truth. What about your mom? She still teaching?”
Since I’d rather not talk too much about my parents, I steer the conversation back to her. “She is. What about your eldest? Isn’t he going to college soon?”
When she launches into a laundry list of her son’s achievements, I smile and nod at the right times, and ask just enough questions to keep her talking about her family rather than mine right until we reach the ground floor.
I step out of the elevator and wish her family well before I walk across the lobby and we part ways.
Inside with the air conditioning, immersed in my work, I’d forgotten how hot it is outside.
Almost everyone that passes me by is either sweating, red-faced, or looking decidedly uncomfortable.
Traffic is congested, commuters ready for the long weekend, leaving the city to beat the Labor Day weekend rush.
I press my lips together and try not to breathe in the hot air that burns my lungs.
The road is near its melting point and sweat is already trickling down my back. My make-up is probably running and all I can think about is getting out of this unbearable heat.
I make it across the street, uncomfortable and in desperate need of a cool drink rather than the double espresso I planned on.
Inside the coffee shop, I moan softly as cool air caresses my body like a welcome hug.
Almost everyone inside is drinking iced coffees, so I settle on that too and stand in line.
I don’t have to wait for long before Molly spots me. From behind the counter, she gives me a nod and gestures to the whipped cream she’s currently squirting over a glass filled with ice.
I give her a wave and take a seat and enjoy the cool air as I wait for her to join me.
When the line of customers has slowed enough for her to leave her assistant alone, she arrives at the table with an iced drink, loaded with cream.
She slides it across to me as she takes a seat. “Hey. I was going to come see you. I have something you might be interested in.”
I put my lips on the straw and drink while she pulls something out of her top pocket. “What’s that?”
She unfolds it and lays it flat on the table, pushing it towards me. I keep drinking as I look at pictures of green fields, horses, and a very good-looking cowboy on what appears to be a brochure for a ranch in Montana.
“A ranch?”
Molly nods. “Yeah. I won a weekend stay as a raffle prize ages ago. I’d completely forgotten about it until a few days ago when they called to remind me.”
I cock my head at her. “It looks great. Better than spending the weekend in this heat.”
She screws up her nose. “That’s the thing. It expires this weekend, and I can’t go. I was wondering if you’d like to take my place?”
It’s such an unexpected offer. I’m sure my jaw must be hanging open. “Um.”
She chuckles. “Before you say no and make excuses about being too busy, let me paint a word picture for you.”
I try not to laugh as she pretends to paint the space between us. “Wild, open spaces, luxury cabin, clean air, hot cowboys, no cell coverage, no internet, just complete and absolute…peace.”
I snort a laugh. “If you think it sounds so good, why aren’t you going?”
She drops her hand and sighs. “I have a wedding to go to. I tried to get out of it, but I couldn’t.”
Her eyes narrow. “So, what do you think? You fancy a weekend out in the country free of charge?”
Maybe if I had someone to take, I’d jump at the chance. But no cell and no internet mean zero ability to work. “What am I supposed to do all weekend?”
She points to the brochure. “Plenty of things to do. It’s a custom-tailored package, specially designed to immerse you in what a dude farm is like.”
My eyebrows rise. “A dude farm?”
She chuckles and flips the brochure over so I can read the back. “Not what you’re thinking. Although there will be dudes. But it’s basically a working ranch. Horses, cattle, cowboy-type stuff.”
I finish the last of my drink and glance around the coffee shop at the wilted-looking customers. “Where would I stay?”
She taps on the brochure. “In a cute little cabin. Full room service, horse treks, bonfires, fishing, all included.”
I check my watch and sigh as I see how late it’s gotten. “I mean, it sounds great. And I appreciate the offer, but I’m not sure it’s for me.”
Molly rolls her eyes. “Why? Because you can’t spend all weekend working like you usually do? Come on, it’s a long weekend. You need a vacation, and I really think this could be great for you.”
I know I shouldn’t, but I shake my head. “Sorry. I do appreciate it, but I’m not really—”
Her face contorts into a scowl. “Zoe, when was the last time you had a day off? I know you have an important job, but you can’t carry on like this. You’ll burn out before you hit thirty.”
Since thirty is still a few years away, I shrug, which seems to antagonize her further. “What do you think is going to happen if you step away for the weekend?”
I frown back at her, highly aware time is ticking away. If I delay anymore I’ll miss my phone call. “It’s not that easy for me. People rely on me.”
She shakes her head slowly. “Oh, come on. No one is indispensable. The world isn’t going to come crashing down just because you don’t answer your phone for three days.”
I push back from the table and move to rise. “I need to go. I have a meeting in five minutes.”
She blows out a puff of air. “You’re really turning down an all-expenses-paid vacation in a beautiful location to sit in front of your computer all weekend?”
I have no reply, so I move towards the front door. “I appreciate you asking, but I just can’t.”
She stares up at me. “Wow. It’s really come to this, has it?”
I’m not entirely sure what she means so I tell her so. Her response takes me right back to our childhood, sitting on the grass on her front lawn, her holding a worm and dangling it in front of me.
A smile makes her lip twitch. “I double dare you to go, Zoe Foster.”
It’s so ridiculous I snort a laugh. “We’re not kids anymore. You can’t make me do things that way.”
Her eyes are narrowed as she gets to her feet and jabs her finger in my direction. “Do I need to remind you what happened the last time you didn’t accept a dare?”
I pull a face at her and ignore the customers who now seem very invested in our conversation. “Um,” I say.
“Yeah. A big um. You missed your chance with Todd. If you’d kissed him that night, he never would have married Crystal right after graduation.”
I expect her to drop it when I step outside into the stifling heat, but she just follows me and blocks my path.
I scowl at her. “Don’t you have customers to look after?”
She nods but plants her feet, letting me know she’s not planning on taking no for an answer. “Think about this then. Out there no one knows you’re an uptight workaholic with no life. You can be anyone you want to be. Who knows, you might find a sexy cowboy for the weekend?”
I have no interest in a cowboy, sexy or otherwise. But the idea of being someone else for the weekend does hold a certain appeal.
I glance at my watch. I have three minutes to get back. With a sigh, I realize it’s quicker to just agree to go. “Let me see if I can clear my schedule.”
She grins and looks way too pleased with herself. “Fabulous! I’ll call the guy and tell him to expect you.”
I haven’t actually agreed, but she lets me move, so I steal my chance and near run back to the office.
Rather than wait for the elevator, I get my cardio in and dash up the stairs to the fourth floor.
Christine raises her hands and taps on her watch. “I know, I know,” I say as I hurry back to my office.
I make it to my desk, breathless and sweaty as my phone rings. I take a second to compose myself before I answer.
But it’s not who I expected. “Hey babe, I’m back in town. Want to catch up?” Derek slurs.
A cold chill runs down my spine. Damn it. Not now. He is not calling right now. He is not back in Houston. “This isn’t a good time.”
With Derek it’s never a good time. As per usual, he ignores me. “Come on, don’t you miss me a little bit?”
I check there isn’t another call coming in before I answer. “No, I don’t.”
“Don’t be like that. We had some fun.”
I don’t have time to walk down memory lane. I’m sure I temporarily lost my mind when I let Molly talk me into having a drink with him that night.
I was drunk and depressed after a phone call with my dad, so I let her talk me into going out.
Derek was gorgeous and fun, and I convinced myself it was kind of cool sleeping with the drummer in a band.
For a year or so, it worked fine. He’d let me know when he was in Houston, and we’d get together.
I didn’t need to worry about him wanting more because he was always on the road.
Until my brain started buzzing me that I was settling, and I checked his cell and realized Derek had women all over the country.
“Please stop calling me. It’s over. It was over two months ago, and it’s still over.”
His voice comes out shaky. “Why don’t I swing by this weekend? Talk face to face?”
I know him too well to know that was not a suggestion. Whether I want him to or not, he’ll show up, probably drunk, probably with a gift, and I’ll have no chance of convincing him to leave.
The words tumble out of my mouth. “I won’t be there. I’m going away for the weekend.”
He’s so stunned; I hear nothing but his breathing. “Are you seeing someone else?”
The red flashing light that signals another caller prompts me to wind things up. “If I was, that’s none of your business. I have to go.”
His voice comes out aggressive. “So, you are seeing someone? Hope he knows he’ll always be second choice to your cell phone.”
I know where this is heading, so I hang up, take a breath, and prepare to put my professional voice on.
As I answer, I know I have no choice. It’s safer to just not be there when he comes crawling back, begging for another chance.
Whether I want to or not, I’m spending the weekend at the ranch.
Saturday, 11:26 am…
I’m about ready to go pick up a deer I saw on the road when I spot Liam stalking towards me.
My shoulders stiffen, jaw clenching as I try not to look at him. Instead, I pull my gloves on.
“We had a late booking. Woman coming all the way from Houston.”
From the irritation etched on his face, I know what he’s going to say before he says it. “She can’t ride.”
I climb in the tractor before shaking my head. “Get someone else to teach her.”
His forehead crinkles in annoyance. “There isn’t anyone else. Billy’s got the weekend off and Sue is in Silver Falls until Tuesday.”
I can see where this is leading, so I don’t bother to engage him. “I’m here to help run the ranch, not give lessons.”
A vein starts to bulge on his temple, letting me know I’ve riled him up. Again. “I need you to give her a lesson so she can make the afternoon trek with me.”
I glare at him. “That wasn’t the agreement.”
He sends me a glare of his own. “Are we going to have a problem?”
My body goes rigid as irritation surges through me, heating my veins. “You should have asked me before booking so many guests.”
His eyes narrow. “This is my place now. I run things my way. If you don’t like it, you can leave.”
I bristle, bitterness creeping over me as he sends me one of his smuggest looks.
As if that weren’t enough of a reminder of what I’ve lost in the past year, he aims another dig as he steps in front of me. “Plenty of other wranglers would kill for this job. You have a place to stay, food, so quit being a pain in the ass.”
We stare at each other, neither blinking, anger burning the more I look at him.
He won’t back down. I know he won’t. He’s got too much invested in this agritourism idea to let me just stay in the background where I belong.
No matter how much it kills me, no matter how much Dad would have hated city slickers crawling all over his ranch, I have no choice but to do what he says. “When’s she arriving?”
The triumph on his face makes my fists curl. “She flew in last night. Driving from Silver Falls. Should be here soon. Enough time for you to get the roadkill taken care of.”
I place a hand on the steering wheel. “Right,” I say.
He turns on his heel and calls over his shoulder as he stalks towards the chicken coop. “And don’t drag your heels. There’s a storm front moving in.”
My lip curls and I spit a curse as I start the engine.
If this morning hadn’t started out bad, it’s heading that way. Scraping deer and other roadkill off the highway is a job no one ever wants.
Depending on how many animals are out along the mile stretch of the highway that borders the ranch, it could take me longer than the time he’s given me.
But I can’t leave them all. Not when their decaying carcasses attract coyotes and mountain lions.
I head out the gate and turn on to the highway, keeping an eye out for anything that will attract predators to the area.
Liam would never lower himself to haul roadkill and take them to the dump. He’s all show. A wannabe who’d be screwed without me and the other ranch hands.
He doesn’t spend his days trying to think about how to get the run-off from the workshop to somehow drain further down the stile.
He’s not the one shifting eight-hundred-pound hay bales around using a tractor with a clutch that keeps slipping.
It’s not Liam fixing the shed or the fence. He’s too busy bull-shitting the guests, telling them about how much of an authentic cowboy he is, all while the ranch faces multiple problems he’s completely obvious to.
He might have found a way to bring in more money, but if he doesn’t start pulling his weight, there won’t be a ranch left.
I spot a deer that hit a car a few days ago and pull over. With a sigh, I jump down and crouch down to scrap the remains of a buck off the road.
When I’ve managed to drag the rotting carcass to the bucket, I growl as I climb back on the tractor.
With my luck, the girl I’m supposed to be teaching will be a stuck-up princess and I’ll have to spend the entire weekend entertaining her.
I have no hope of procrastinating so I just head to the dump, taking note of the animals I know I don’t have time to collect today.
Starting to scowl, I prepare to return to what used to be my favorite place in the world.
Laughing Cat Ranch was one of the most successful ranches in the county.
But that was before my half-brother showed up and destroyed every last Goddam thing I loved.
Chapter 2 | One Wild Weekend With Tyler
Saturday, 12:24 pm…
After several wrong turns and a last-minute phone call, I arrive at the ranch.
My already frayed nerves only increase as I check my cell, and grimace at the confirmation she was right about no cell access.
I need to be contactable. My job isn’t nine to five. I never should have let Molly talk me into this.
I climb out of my car, stretching my back out, and am immediately met by the smell of manure, hay, and an extremely good-looking man wearing a cowboy hat.
He extends his hand, a broad smile on his tanned face. “Zoe? I’m Liam Cooper.”
A nervous smile grows as his fingers curl over mine. There’s something about him that sets me on edge.
“Hi. I’m a little early. Um, don’t suppose you have a phone I could use?”
His smile only grows, teeth unnaturally white as he releases his hand. “Ah, your friend warned me you’d try to tie up my landline.”
I try for a smile since he’s obviously unsympathetic to my plight. “Molly exaggerates. I just need to make one—”
He shakes his head, a wide grin on his face that seems out of place. “Sure. You can make a phone call. Right after you take a riding lesson.”
Not sure what else to do, I jam my hands in my jean pockets, feeling increasingly awkward. “So, I’m being blackmailed?”
He grins even wider. “You could call it that. I’d prefer to call it, facilitating your relaxation.”
I’m not sure what I expected, I was half convinced the brochure had hired a model, but Liam is every bit as attractive in real life.
No wonder Molly was so keen for me to come in her place. I can only imagine the number of women who come here solely based on Liam’s picture on the brochure.
By the time he’s retrieved my overnight bag from my car, I’m growing uneasy at the way he’s looking at me. Like I’m a prize he aims to win.
His bold appraisal of me brings back way too much of who I came here to get away from.
Derek was charming, gorgeous, and he promised me the sun and the stars, but he turned out to be a complete and utter flake.
To distract myself from thinking about charming men, I look at my surroundings and take in endless acres of green grass, swooping up hills, with black dots in the distance I can only assume are cattle or horses.
There’s a large building with an ‘Open’ sign, seating out front, and flowers along the deck.
A couple is seated out front, talking, wearing cowboy hats, and drinking coffee in the sun.
It’s as gorgeous as the brochure claimed it to be. And the more I take in the ranch’s proprietor, the more I realize Liam Cooper is too. And from the confident swagger, it’s obvious he knows it.
I’m still trying to convince myself he’s just being friendly when he leads me in the direction of three small log cabins. “Molly signed you up for the afternoon trek.”
I swallow and follow him along the pathway. Of course, she did. She’s probably phoned him and told him I want to do everything. “I guess I should give it a go.”
He smiles so suggestively that if I weren’t already on alert, I’d be now. “I’ll go saddle you a horse. Unless you’d like me to show you the other ways to relax around here, darlin?”
Darlin? His eyes drift south as we walk, and all the wind leaves my lungs.
I can appreciate he’s gorgeous, but just like my ex, he’s too mindfully gorgeous. And men like that, men who know the effect they have on women, and who spend more time styling their hair than I do, are never the sort of men who stick around.
I scramble to find an excuse, and it comes out a little harsh. “I’m sure you must have other things to do.”
His eyebrow raises and a flickering of either annoyance or amusement appears. “I always set aside a little time to welcome a guest.”
I’m sure that’s true, but I still feel distinctly uncomfortable as he hovers at the doorway to my cabin.
He’s waiting for an answer, looking at me with a smile I’m sure makes women weak at the knees.
I swallow and at movement coming from behind him, glance over his shoulder.
A tractor comes to a stop beside my car, and another man, dressed in jeans, boots, and a plaid shirt, jumps down.
He looks so irritated, brow knotted and face twisted in a scowl. Dressed the way he is, it’s hard not to compare him to a young Clint Eastwood on the set of a western.
Liam seems to notice my attention has wandered and turns so he can follow my gaze. His shoulders stiffen. “That’s my brother, Tyler. He’s the lead wrangler. It’ll be him getting you acquainted with a horse before this afternoon’s trek.”
His eyes land on me and he stares with so much intent, my cheeks flush. “Or if you prefer service with a smile, I could teach you?”
I gulp and shake my head almost immediately. I know exactly what he means by service. “No, thank you. I’ve taken up enough of your time as it is. I’ll just go inside and unpack.”
His eyes narrow, but the smile is back in place before I can blink. “Whatever you want, darlin.”
“Except a phone call.”
He chuckles as he hands me a key and twists the door open for me. “Room service finishes at eight and starts at six. Tea and coffee provided. There’s a list of activities you can sign up for. And right after the trek, you can use the phone.”
I force a smile, wishing he’d just leave me alone, but he walks inside the cabin and places my bag down.
Since I don’t want to be in my room alone with him, I watch the lead wrangler pull out a hose and start to wash the front of the tractor. “What’s he doing?”
He scratches his chin. “Washing the bucket. He was picking up roadkill and taking it to the dump. Everything has to be sanitized afterward.”
I nod slowly. “That’s part of his job? Picking up roadkill?”
Liam smiles. “Sometimes, the state does it. But left too long, it attracts predators that we’d rather keep away from our livestock.”
My eyes stay locked on Tyler and his clean-up job. “Oh.”
Liam breezes past me, way too close for it to be a mistake. “Don’t worry. Predators rarely come into the ranch.”
I swallow. Wondering what on earth I’ve gotten myself into. Flirty cowboys, enforced horse riding lessons, and dangerous animals weren’t part of my weekend relaxation plan.
I step back into my room, hand on the door. “Well, thanks.”
He tips his hat. “Let me know if you need anything. Tyler will be here in a few minutes for your first lesson.”
I can only hope his brother isn’t as flirtatious. The last thing I need is unwanted male attention.
I’m so desperate to get rid of him I just nod and almost close the door in his face.
I lean against the closed door, look around the small cabin, and blow out a breath.
With a sigh, I flop back on the bed and stare at the ceiling thinking about Derek, about my to-do list, now on hold till I get back to civilization.
A knock at my door makes me jump. With a sigh, I peel myself off the comfy bed, and open the door to the surliest expression I think I’ve ever seen on a handsome man. “You ready for your lesson?”
He stares at me, looking even less enthusiastic than I feel. Oddly, it’s a welcome relief after his overly friendly brother.
I gesture to my clothes. “Is this okay? For riding?”
He looks me over, takes in my jeans, and boots, and nods. “What do you weigh?”
My jaw slackens and I frown hard at him. “I beg your pardon?”
“For the horse.”
It’s an explanation of sorts but delivered so rudely. I fold my arms across my chest and scowl back at him. “I don’t know exactly. Maybe 110?”
He looks me up and down and seems to frown even harder. “You sure about that?”
Any worry I had of him also being a flirt was obviously unwarranted.
For brothers who both got lucky in the gene pool looks-wise, their personalities are as different as chalk and cheese.
I go for sarcasm and hope he picks up on it. “Are you always this charming?”
His face relaxes a little and the faintest of wry smiles appears. “Pretty much.”
He steps back onto the grass. “Liam should have saddled Star for you by now. You ready?”
I nod even though I’m not ready to get on a horse for the first time in my life.
At least I don’t have to worry about him flirting with me like his brother.
The way he’s looking at me, with such obvious disdain, it’s a wonder he’s even going to teach me.
I step back and try not to stare as she closes the door and joins me on the front porch.
She’s beautiful. Long dark hair to her waist, high cheekbones, dark eyes with long, lush lashes. Shit. She’s a walking hard-on.
I’m surprised my brother hasn’t magically appeared to take control of her lesson himself and give me more jobs no one else wants.
He must be busy. Because even for him, he’s been slack. As we approach the training ring, I see he’s saddled Gypsy, a 15-hand Morgan and extremely free-spirited horse Dad gave me for my eighteenth birthday.
Worse, Gypsy starts stamping her foot and shaking her head when she sees me, letting me know Liam’s pissed her off.
I frown at Burt, one of the oldest stable hands and the only man to stay on after my father died.
I turn to Zoe and gesture to where Gypsy is standing waiting beside the mounting block. “This won’t be a good horse for you. Wait here and I’ll go saddle another. And tie your hair back, it could get caught on something.”
Her eyebrows rise but she leans against the fence and anxiously looks at Gypsy.
I nod at Burt. “Where’s Liam?”
He shifts from where he’s leaning on the fence. “Had to go into town. He asked me to saddle Star. I told him she’s been limping, but in his infinite wisdom he’s decided that isn’t an issue.”
Anger bites into me as Burt shakes his head. “I saddled Gypsy instead. I figured if you were just leading her around, she’d tolerate a lesson.”
My eyebrows rise. I’m surprised he could saddle Gypsy, but it explains why she looks so perturbed, and he’s right, Gypsy would have been fine with Zoe if I was there to keep her calm.
But I have another problem. An ongoing one Liam doesn’t seem to give a shit about. “When did Star start limping?”
He shrugs. “She came back from the trek yesterday favoring her left.”
I spit a curse. Burt’s been around horses longer than I have. If he’s concerned, there’s reason to be. “Is the vet coming?”
He shakes his head and rubs his chest as though it’s bothering him. “Got hold of Joel’s wife and she thinks he’s planning on going to his fishing cabin till Monday while she visits her sister.”
I lean against the fence and watch Gypsy nibble at the lead rope attached her to clip. I say nothing, just work my jaw as I try to think of a way around this.
I exhale deeply as Zoe starts walking towards me, brow knotted in concern. “Is something wrong?”
I glance at Burt and grimace. Everything is wrong. Liam is putting the horses’ wellbeing behind his desire to keep the guests happy. “The mare you were going to ride this weekend is lame.”
Her eyebrows rise, but she doesn’t seem overly disappointed. If anything, she appears to be relieved.
Burt clears his throat and jerks his head towards the barn. “Why don’t we take a look-see?”
I’m not sure this is the sort of experience my brother wants to give the guests, but she’s already moving towards Burt.
I run my hand over my face, knowing Liam is somehow going to find a way to put this back on me.
Not only is she missing out on her lesson, but if she can’t ride Star, then the afternoon trek is out too.
By the time we reached the stable, I know for sure, this is Liam’s doing. By refusing to set weight limits on riders, he’s injured one of our horses.
Star is one of the gentlest horses we have. As I approach her stall, I don’t need to examine her hoof to see she’s in pain.
All my muscles tense as I try not to curse aloud in front of Zoe. As I enter the stall, Burt is way too open considering Zoe is around. “I thought you were going to talk to him about getting some weight restrictions on that website?”
I keep my hand on Star’s flank and speak in a calm voice as I gently lift her injured foot. “I did. Twice.”
I check the shoe and immediately see the soft tissue damage.
I release her foot and do a check of the others to make sure I have all the information before I attempt to locate our local vet.
Liam isn’t going to be happy. If Joel has gone to his cabin, he may charge a higher call-out fee to work on his vacation time.
I rub my hand over Star’s nose and shake my head. “Tell Liam she can’t be ridden. I’ll go find Joel. See if I can convince him to come take a look.”
I close the stall door and find Zoe’s staring at Star as if she’s annoyed.
I think she’s going to complain her weekend is ruined but she looks from me to Burt. “Is she in pain?”
When neither of us answer, her cheeks heat and she looks so concerned I could almost like her. “But she can be treated though?”
Burt nods, but his face is twisted as he rubs at his chest. “You okay?” I ask.
He manages a weak smile, but he’s growing paler by the second. “Fine. You find Joel. I’ll handle things here till you get back.”
I’m not so sure he is fine. But I can’t stay here and wait for Liam’s permission, so I turn on my heel to go try Joel on the CB radio.
I’m more than a little surprised when Zoe says goodbye to Burt and follows after me. “Is it normal for the lead wrangler to pick up roadkill?”
I frown sidelong at her. “What?”
She chews her lip and keeps pace with me as I head to the office. “It just seems out of your job description?”
I can’t answer that. Even though I want to. “He’ll be back in a few hours. I’m sure he’ll have other activities for you to do.”
It’s a dismissal but either she doesn’t notice I’m trying to get rid of her or she doesn’t care.
I pause at the bottom of the stairs and fold my arms across my chest. “The lesson is off.”
Her brow knots as she leans against the railing. “I realize that. I was just wondering if Liam is going to be so, uh, ‘hands-on’ with me all weekend?”
I nearly sigh aloud. Another woman falls prey to the real predator on the ranch. “I don’t have time for this. I need to go.”
A shallow smile grows on her face as she nods. “Maybe I should leave?”
She stares at me like I have the answer. I know what Liam would say if he were here. He’d do everything he could to convince her to stay. Possibly for the wrong reason.
But I’m not Liam. And I don’t really give a shit whether she stays or goes.
What I care about is getting Joel’s opinion before Liam decides to put a guest on Star.
“That’s up to you.”
I have nothing else to say to her, so I pivot on my heel and stomp up the stairs. I pick up the phone and dial Joel’s office.
There’s no dial tone. Possibly a downed line caused by the wind last night. I slam the receiver down and pick up the CB radio instead.
Movement from the door makes me frown. Zoe is leaning in the doorway, eyes on the phone, as I shake my head. “We don’t allow guests in here.”
She nods slowly, eyes still on the phone. “I’m sorry, but I really do need to make a quick phone call.”
I depress the talk button and ignore her as I try the channel Joel uses on his truck. “Joel? This is Laughing Cat. Do you have your ears on?”
Nothing but static comes back at me, making me think Joel’s already inside his cabin or he’s out fishing.
“Joel? What’s your 20?”
Nothing comes back at me, so I toss the radio back on the desk. I lean against the desk, eyes on Gypsy patiently waiting for me, and look at Zoe. “You should go back to your room and wait for Liam. He might be able to give you a partial refund.”
She shakes her head. “I didn’t pay anything. A friend of mine won this weekend as a prize.”
I barely acknowledge her as I walk past and head down the steps. I know she’s following me when I hear her light footsteps on the stairs behind me.
I turn and frown as she comes alongside me. “What?”
Her mouth pinches. “The phone. Can I use it?”
I shake my head. “It’s out of order.”
Her face falls. “Oh. Is there anywhere to get cell coverage?”
I should have known she’s addicted to her phone. Typical city girl. I gesture to the mountains where a cell tower has been placed. “We only get cell coverage closer to the tower. We’re in a valley and the terrain blocks the signal.”
I stride across the grass, ready to mount Gypsy when she steps in front of me. “Is that where you’re going? Higher elevation I mean?”
I know where this is going, and I’m pretty certain Liam would tell me to do what she’s asking.
I give her a nod and open the gate so I can retrieve Gypsy. Zoe hovers by the fence line. “You’re riding up the mountain? Is that safe?”
I work my jaw as I stare at her trying to figure out why she seems concerned. “His hut is on the water. Near the track that leads to the cell tower.”
She steps close enough for me to smell her perfume. “And how long does it take to get, um, to Joel’s fishing cabin?”
Now I know for sure she’s addicted to her phone. “I’m not taking you.”
Her brows knot together. “Why?”
I shake my head. “I don’t have time to explain this. I need to get Joel before Liam…”
I let my voice trail off before I say something I’ll regret. Liam tends to act before he’s fully considered the ramifications.
I expected her to be annoyed, I expected her to be lapping up Liam’s act, I did not expect her to say something to make me want to take her with me. “Well, this is great. I came all this way, only to be sleazed over by one brother and insulted by the other.”
She spins on her heel, and before I can think about what I’m saying, the words slip out. “Sleazed over?”
Her eyes dart around as if checking no one is listening, then she lowers her voice. “I’m sure he has all the women swooning…but…”
When she shudders, my eyebrows rise, and I find myself agreeing to take her.
Knowing she dislikes my half-brother after knowing him less than an hour is more than enough reason to let her tag along.