Paradise Falls

Paradise Falls

Chapters: 42
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Lexi Lawton


!! Mature Content 18+ Erotica Novel!! FOR THE STAFF OF THE PARADISE FALLS RESORT, THE ONLY THING HOTTER THAN THE SUN IS THE SEX… Three couples. Three different stories of lust and love and second chances. Jessica & Travis Having been destroyed by her ex, Jessica Wallace buries herself in work, devoting all her time and energy to being the best manager the Paradise Falls Resort has ever had. She has no time for men or relationships. But when Travis Hale—the boss’s son—is hired as the new accountant, work is no longer her priority. He’s going to make sure of that. Unfortunately for her, he’s hiding a secret that will shatter her world. Vanessa & Connor Connor Wallace is living it up as the head bartender of the Paradise Falls Resort—until Vanessa Valentine shows up on the island. She’s the one he let get away, the woman whose heart he broke, the woman who still possesses every part of him. Her presence is a constant reminder of just how badly he’d hurt her, and she’s not doing a damn thing to ease his guilt, either. But he’s determined to make things right…if she’ll let him. Madison & Steven As the newest employee of the Paradise Falls Resort, Madison Tate loves everything about her job—especially her sexy boss, Steven Lane. Too bad he never seems to notice her, and even if he did, she’s not sure she could handle him. His playboy reputation is legendary. But that’s not going to stop her. One way or another, she’s going to make him notice her, and when he does, she’s going to make sure his attention stays focused solely on her.

Age Rating:18+ Erotica Romance Forbidden Love First Love BxG

Paradise Falls Free Chapters

Part I—Travis & Jessica: Chapter 1—Jessica Wallace | Paradise Falls

My stomach knotted as the door opened and Franklin Hale walked into my office. He rarely came to the island and when he did, it usually wasn’t to offer praise for a job well done. I couldn’t begin to guess why he was here now.

“Miss Wallace.” He smiled and nodded. “How are you today?” He closed the door, and the click of the latch made my heart jump.

“Fine. And yourself?” I smiled as warmly as I could.

“Good. Good.” He nodded again and took a seat in the chair in front of my desk. “I really appreciate all you do around here.”

My jaw dropped. A compliment? Was he ill? “Um, you’re welcome.” I smoothed my hands down my dress then sat opposite him, the large oak desk the separating us. “I love Paradise Falls and everyone who works here. We really are a family.”

“Well, your family is about to gain a new member.”

And there it was. I knew he’d come here to shake things up; he always did. “A new employee?” I asked with a raised brow. As the resort manager, I normally did all the hiring.

“Yes. A new accountant, actually.” He ran his ridiculously expensive silk tie through his fingers before letting it flop back into place.

“I didn’t realize we were looking to hire a new accountant.” I’d been handling all the books since Melinda quit a year ago. Back then, I’d asked Franklin to hire someone, and he’d told me no, said we could save money if I just did it all. But over time, I quickly realized there was no way I could be both the manager and accountant for a growing luxury resort. It was too much. Yet, every time I thought about handing over the finances to someone else I broke out in a cold sweat.

“I figured it was time, considering the rate of growth we’ve seen over the last year. I want you to focus on our guests and ensuring our employees are providing the best customer experience.”

“Okay,” I said slowly, pursing my lips. “Well, I have a friend from college. Vanessa Valentine. She has her own successful accounting firm, and I know—”

He held up his hand to silence me. “It would be a conflict of interest to have a personal friend of yours working in accounting.”

I laughed. He didn’t. “Oh.” My shoulders slumped. “Right. Of course.” He wouldn’t let me hire a respectable accounting firm because I was friends with the owner, but he had no problems letting me handle the books. Or letting my brother work as the head bartender. Why wasn’t that a conflict of interest?

“Besides, I’ve already hired someone.” He stood and tugged on his suit coat. “He’ll be here any moment, actually. I expect you’ll welcome him as you do any other employee.”

Nothing like giving me enough notice. “Yes, of course, sir.”

He flashed me a bright smile. “Wonderful.” He glanced at his watch. “Well, I need to get back to the mainland for another meeting. It was a pleasure, Miss Wallace.”

“Likewise.” I saw him out and then headed straight for my secretary’s desk.

“Apparently we have a new accountant starting today.” I rolled my eyes.

Amy cleared her throat and shifted in her chair. “We do?”

“Yes. And whenever he or she arrives, please send them right to my office.”

“You got it,” she said.

I returned to my office and busied myself with gathering all the books and financial paperwork to hand over to the new accountant. I really wished Franklin had let me hire Vanessa. She would’ve been perfect for this job, and I knew she was looking for a change. I moved stacks of paper from one side of my desk to the other in a feeble attempt to make it appear neat and organized. It was more than just a nervous habit. I thrived on order and organization and schedules. I knew that and did nothing to quell it. In fact, I was so preoccupied that I hadn’t noticed anyone walk in.

“Excuse me, Miss Wallace?” He tapped lightly on the door.

My head snapped up, and I froze. The man standing in my office was tall, well over six feet, with brown wavy hair that just barely grazed his broad shoulders, and he had naturally tanned skin. Black, pin-striped Dolce and Gabbana slacks hugged his hips. A black silk tie hung down the front of his white button-up shirt that was pulled deliciously taut across his muscular chest. He was a gorgeous man—a man who belonged in a place like this, a man who often graced the brochures we sent out. There was no way he could be the new accountant. Accountants didn’t look like that. Accountants were geeky looking and wore glasses. Didn’t they?

Deep brown eyes stared at me intently as a self-assured smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth. I hated smirking men. But what I hated even more was that he looked damn sexy doing it. Confidence, arrogance, and the hint of being a smooth operator oozed from his pores. He reminded me too much of my ex, Mark. I disliked him immediately.

“Are you Jessica Wallace?” he asked.

I cleared my throat. “Yes, and you are?”

“Travis Hale,” he said, stepping further into my office.

I stood. “Hale?” I had to have misheard him.

“Yes.” He sighed. “As in Franklin Hale is my father.”

Unbelievable! I curled my hands into fists and fought to keep my face expressionless. I wasn’t allowed to hire a friend, but Franklin could hire his son? What kind of bullshit was that? That was the drawback to working for a family-owned business, I supposed. I took a deep breath. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Hale.” I extended my hand, and an involuntary grimace contorted my face as I shook his. An accountant with rough, calloused hands? I couldn’t help but wonder what he did in his free time to make his hands so rough. A shiver worked up my spine, and I pulled my hand from his. “Please, sit,” I said, nodding at the chair across from me.

Once he sat, I studied him for a moment. I could certainly see the resemblance between him and his father. “So, Mr. Hale, tell me a little about yourself.”

He grinned. “What is this? An interview? I was assured that I had the job, Miss Wallace.” Cockiness dripped from his words, and his tone was just as bad.

I gritted my teeth. “Yes, I’m sure you were.” There was a sneer to my voice that I hadn’t intended. “And I’m sure you were told that I would be your direct supervisor.”

He nodded.

“I like to know who is working for me. Now, if you don’t mind.” I began to move papers around on my desk again, hoping to avoid his intense gaze. My nerves were frayed, and my anger was slowly building. How on earth could I be an effective boss when he was the owner’s son? Clearly, anything I did or said would be reported to Franklin, and I would come out looking like the bad guy. This was a no-win situation for me, and for the first time since taking this job, I wished I hadn’t. I blew out a breath and tampered my dramatics. I was a professional, and I’d be damned if I was going to let one employee ruin a job I loved.

“Well”—he folded his hands in his lap—“I attended Harvard Business School where I received my doctorate in accounting and finance. Upon graduating, I worked for Congressman Bouchard, and then took a position with the University of Hawaii.”

“Why did you decide to leave the University and come here?” I met his gaze and noticed the way he was watching me shuffle papers, like he found it humorous and confusing all at the same time. I stopped and folded my hands atop my desk.

“It was time for a change. I don’t like being cooped up in an office. I prefer to be outside. Paradise Falls just seemed like a good fit,” Travis said.

“If you like the outdoors so much, why did you devote your life to a career that requires you to be cooped up inside?” I smiled despite the unease coiling in my gut. With a resume like his, he could work anywhere he wanted. Surely there was a bigger reason he’d chosen to come work at his father’s resort.

“Because numbers don’t lie. They are simple and constant.”

I couldn’t argue with that. “Why now? I mean, this business has been in your family for a long time.”

“All my life.” He grinned, and my stomach fluttered. “I guess I wanted to prove to myself and my father that I could make it on my own. I didn’t need him to give me a job to be successful.”

I nodded, pleased with his answer. Maybe I was reading too much into the situation and this wasn’t anything more than an owner hiring a family member. “As I’m sure you know, we are very customer oriented, and even though you won’t have any direct contact with our guests, you are officially an employee and therefore eligible for a bungalow rental on the other side of the island. Shall I set you up with one?”

“Is that where you stay?”

His question caught me off guard, and I blinked several times. “Uh, yeah. Why?”

“Then yes, I’d like one.”

My heart rate accelerated, and I had no idea why. Sure, he was sexier than any man I’d seen in a long time, but so what? He wasn’t a piece of meat, and I wasn’t looking to get involved anyway. Besides, he was my employee. And the boss’s son.

“You’ve been handling the books thus far, correct?”

I nodded again. Man, he jumped from topic-to-topic quickly. I was going to have to pay attention to what he was saying and not how he looked if I was going to keep up with him.

“Then it looks like we’ll be spending a lot of time together.”

I stared at him. “Excuse me?” My heart lodged in my throat, and I clenched my thighs, praying the sudden throbbing wouldn’t spread any further. Why did the idea of spending time with him excite me so much?

“You’ll have to bring me up to speed on the books and how things work around here,” he said. His tone was all business, exactly how I should be right now. What was wrong with me?

I sighed. “Right, of course.” I hoped my disappointment wasn’t too obvious. Then an idea struck me. It was something I knew I shouldn’t say, and being this was a family business, he’d probably know I was lying, but I couldn’t stop myself. “It’s company policy that bungalows are for employees only. Spouses, children, and pets are not allowed.” And honestly, what other way would I learn about his current relationship status? Not that I had any right to know.

Travis smiled at me. A wide, bright smile that touched his eyes, making them lighten a shade. It was breathtaking. “Good to know,” he said.

I stood. “Shall I show you to your bungalow, or will you be making other arrangements?” I held my breath, waiting for his answer, hoping he’d say he’d make other arrangements, if for no other reason than to make it clear he was off-limits. More so than he already was anyway.

When he stood, he towered over me by at least a foot. It should’ve been intimidating, but it was oddly comforting.

“Lead the way.”

I exhaled loudly, not sure how I felt about his response. Not only would I be working with him, but he’d also be living close by, too. So not good. “You first,” I said. He walked in front of me, and my gaze drifted to his ass. It was firm and very well showcased by his slacks. He’s my employee and the boss’s son. He’s my employee and the boss’s son. I had a feeling I was going to have to make that my new mantra.

Chapter 2—Travis Hale | Paradise Falls

My father had been holding out on me. If he’d told me from the start how hot my boss was, he wouldn’t have had to beg me for a month to take this job. But now I was glad I’d agreed. I could get the information my father needed, and maybe, if I was lucky, I could get what I wanted, too—some one-on-one personal time with the lovely Miss Wallace. Just looking at her had aroused me, but seeing the fire in her eyes, the determination in her words and movements made my cock rock hard.

After taking the afternoon to get settled in my bungalow and connecting my laptop to a secure server, I’d gathered the books and started to go through them. I spent all afternoon and most of the evening looking for anything out of the ordinary or any inconsistencies, but from a cursory look, everything seemed to be in order. There were a few questionable expense accounts, but that didn’t imply guilt. It could be a matter of an inexperienced person listing expenses incorrectly and simply not knowing any better. And if I had to guess, that’s all this was.

Dad was convinced Jessica was the one stealing, considering she’d been the one handling the books, but I disagreed. Even though I’d only spent an hour or so with her, I knew she wasn’t a criminal. She was too collected, too professional. I knew her type—all work and no play. Still, I wanted to spend more time with her, get to know her a bit better, dig a little deeper into her life.

I changed into a pair of cargo shorts and a T-shirt then headed toward the beach bar, hoping to mingle with some of the staff and get a bit of information about our fearless leader. When I arrived, the bar wasn’t that crowded, which was no surprise considering we were headed into the off-season.

I leaned up against the far end of the bar and watched as Miss Wallace mingled with the guests and the staff. She was dressed in a wispy cotton sundress with a plunging neckline. It was a huge improvement over the suit she’d worn earlier. Long blonde hair that had been braided before was now loose and hanging down her back. I noticed the natural sway to her hips as she walked, and my hands ached with the need to grab those hips and pull her against my body.

Bad idea, Travis. She’s my boss, and that was a line I couldn’t cross. Not only would it complicate things, but my father would also skin me alive. I averted my gaze. She was off limits, so I’d find someone who wasn’t—someone who would entertain me for the evening and hopefully get my mind off Jessica Wallace. Fat chance of that actually happening. She’d been the only thing on my mind since I met her several hours ago.

“What can I get ya?” the bartender asked.

“Whatever you have on tap,” I said. “What’s your name?”

“Connor.” He walked away long enough to fill a glass, then he returned and set it in front of me. “And you are?”

I grabbed the beer and inclined the glass in his direction. “Nice to meet you, Connor. I’m Travis Hale, the new accountant.”

He laughed. “You sure don’t look like an accountant.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot,” I said. But he looked like a typical bartender—youthful face, well-built, dark hair and eyes, and he had a calming demeanor that made even the most reserved person want to stop and tell him their life story.

“Well, welcome to Paradise Falls, Travis. Let me know if there’s anything else I can get for you.”


He took a few steps then broke into a wide grin. There’s my favorite girl. You’re late tonight,” Connor said.

I followed his gaze, and my eyes landed on Miss Wallace. She looked even better up close. I watched her smile at Connor, give him a hug, and kiss him on the cheek. A pain formed in my gut, and my grip on the glass tightened. Was she seriously dating the bartender? He didn’t seem like her type. “Miss Wallace.” I smiled.

“Mr. Hale,” she said with what sounded like genuine surprise. “Have you met Connor? He’s the head bartender.”

“Yes, we’ve met.” I glanced at Connor’s arm, which was still around Jessica’s waist. My eyes narrowed. As if she knew what I was looking at, she stepped away and gave me a weak smile. I listened and nursed my beer as she exchanged work talk with Connor. My assessment of her had been spot-on: She was all about her job. I wondered if she ever cut loose and had fun. Did she even know how?

“Well, you gentlemen have a good night,” she said.

“Leaving already?” I raised a brow, challenging her.

“Yes, I have some work to do.”

It was nearing ten p.m., and she was still working? I should’ve known. Might as well use the opportunity to my advantage. “Speaking of work, I spent the afternoon going over the books, and you’ve done a great job with them.”

She smiled, and her green eyes lit up. “Thank you. You didn’t have any trouble with them?”

“No, but I do have a few questions regarding some of the expenses,” I said cautiously, gauging her reaction. Liars always had a tell, something that gave them away, and I needed to learn what hers was. But she didn’t flinch. In fact, she didn’t seem surprised by what I’d said, and I wasn’t quite sure if that was good or bad.

“I’m headed back to my office now. If you’d like to walk with me, I’d be happy to answer them for you,” she said.

I hesitated. I really wanted to get her back to my bungalow, but I could improvise. I had imagined what it would be like to fuck her on that desk of hers. “Ladies first.” I waved my hand in the direction of her office.

“Did you get settled into your bungalow?” She fidgeted with her keys as we walked.

I tilted my head. Did I make her nervous? “Yes, thank you. They’re bigger than I thought they would be.”

She laughed softly, and everything inside of me clenched. God, that sound was heavenly. “Yeah, they look tiny from the outside, don’t they? The place is yours until you decide to leave, so you’re free to decorate it however you’d like.” She stopped at the main building. I grabbed the door before she could and motioned for her to go in.

“I don’t have the books with me, so I’ll have to work from memory,” I said as she unlocked her office door and walked in.

“That’s okay. Anything we don’t get to tonight, we can discuss tomorrow.” She walked around to sit in her chair.

Not wasting any time, I launched into my questions about some of the suspicious expense accounts I’d found. She had a reasonable explanation for all of them, which meant they really were legitimate, or she was one hell of a liar. I hoped to hell it was the former because I didn’t want to report to my dad, or my real boss, that Jessica was embezzling money from the resort. But my gut was telling me she was innocent, and my instincts had never led me astray before.

“Is there anything else?” she asked around a yawn. She propped her feet on the corner of her desk and rested her head against the back of her chair. There was a hazy, sleepy look in her eyes. Damn she was gorgeous.

“Not that I can think of right now.” I was too busy admiring her long, slender legs. I’d bet anything they’d feel perfect wrapped around my waist as I buried myself inside her. I wanted to make her scream my name while begging for more. My cock strained behind my zipper, and I shifted in my chair to ease the ache in my balls.

“One very important thing you have to remember,” she said, interrupting my erotic thoughts.

I resisted the urge to groan. She hadn’t stopped talking about work at all in the hour we’d been here.

“Staff is not allowed to fraternize with the guests.” She pointed at me. “Or with other staff members.”

This coming from the woman who was screwing around with the bartender… I simply stared at her. Was she serious? Didn’t she realize we were on a fucking island? That the only people we came into contact with were the guests and staff members? “So, what do you do for fun then?”

“We’re not here to have fun, Mr. Hale. We’re here to work.”

I began to regret my decision to take this job. Well, if being in this tropical paradise was going to be as horrible as she was making it sound, I might as well do something to make it interesting.

“Let me get this straight.” I scooted toward the edge of the chair and rested my arms on her desk. “We’re not allowed to have spouses, girlfriends, or boyfriends in our bungalows, and we’re not allowed to ‘fraternize’ with the guests or the staff.” I paused and ran a hand through my hair, trying to hide my smile. “Then how is anyone supposed to find any relief?”

She dropped her feet from the desk, straightened, and cleared her throat. I laughed as her face turned crimson, but I didn’t relent. “Having a sexually frustrated staff can lead to a hostile working environment,” I said.

“I don’t make the rules, Mr. Hale. I do, however, have to enforce them.”

The edge in her voice excited me in a way I hadn’t been in a long time. She was feisty, and I liked that. A woman who could—and would—challenge me, turned me on. It’d been so long since I’d met a woman who’d pushed my buttons like she was Lately, all the women I’d met had been too eager to abide by my every wish. It was getting boring.

“You enforce them, but you don’t follow them,” I said.

“Excuse me?”

“It appeared to me that you were fraternizing with Connor tonight.” I leaned back and draped my arm over the back of the chair I was sitting in, waiting for her response.

“Not that it’s any of your business, Mr. Hale, but Connor happens to be my baby brother.”

Open mouth, insert foot. I nodded, not with acknowledgement of what she’d said, but with relief. It was now my mission to befriend Connor. Then another, disturbing, thought struck me. All the questionable expenses were related to the bar. Was it possible she and her brother were in on this together? My stomach rolled, and I swallowed back the bile rising in my throat. I did not want to find out Jessica was stealing. Taking a deep breath, I decided it was time to put work aside for the night. “We’re not on the clock, you know. It’s okay to call me Travis.”

“I’d prefer to keep things between us professional.”

I bit back a smile. I’d give her that little victory—for now. But I had every intention of making things personal between us. Very personal. “Do you ever go to the mainland?” I asked.

“Rarely. I’m usually too busy with work to have much of a social life,” she said.

The chances of her having a boyfriend then were slim. That pleased me. “You really should make more time for fun, Miss Wallace.”

She began to shuffle papers on her desk. She’d done that earlier, too. It was clearly a nervous reaction. That much I knew, but what I didn’t know was why she was nervous. I had a hunch, though, and it was time to find out if I was right.

“Here, let me help,” I said. Standing over her desk, I grabbed a pile of papers, straightened them, and then put them on the opposite corner. I picked up her stapler and turned it at an angle before taking all her pens out of the holder and flipping them around so that they were tip up. I glanced over and she was staring at me with that same incredulous look she had on her face earlier that morning. Her jaw was open, and her eyes were wide. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing.

“Something funny?” she asked.

“You should see the look on your face.” Her shock turned to a scowl. A certified scowl. I loved it. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” I held my hands up in a show of surrender. “I’ll put your stapler back the way it was.” I reached over and adjusted it.

“Stop,” she said, standing.

“Is it the pens?” I asked with as much innocence as I could muster. I reached for them, and she grabbed my hand.

“Please stop,” she said.

“I was just trying to help.” The feel of her fingers on my wrist was electric. I glanced down at her hand, and she quickly let go. I put my palms flat on the desk and leaned over it so I was almost nose to nose with her. My first instinct was to kiss her, but that could possibly land me in a nasty sexual harassment lawsuit and that’s the last thing I needed. Instead, I said, “I believe a thank you is in order.”

“Get out of my office.” She pointed at the door, but I didn’t miss the tiny quirk of her lips, the start of a smile she was fighting to hide.

I gave her a quick wink, watched her cheeks blush, and then without another word, I walked out of her office.