Playboy's Heart

Playboy's Heart

Chapters: 24
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Nana Malone


The Playboy Prince has lost his princess… The hell I have. It took me this long to find her, so I’m not letting her go without a fight. Everyone will know just how far I’m willing to go for love. Just how far I’m willing to go for…her. As it turns out, love is a stronger motivator than vengeance.

Romance Contemporary Interracial Couple BxG Second Chance Bad Boy

Playboy's Heart Free Chapters

Chapter 1 | Playboy's Heart


I swayed on my feet as I tried to remind myself that today was a shitty day to die.

Tell that to the burn in your side.

Funny thing was pain was a hell of a motivator. So was rage. He wanted to hurt what was mine. To take her from me. I might be a selfish asshole, but I would do whatever it took to protect my family.

I inspected my side and the slash of red peeking through my shirt. It stung like a whore’s nails, but it was shallow. I’d live. The key was to make it through this and get home to Imani. "No one's looking for a fight. Maybe you have the wrong bloke."

The other man scoffed. "No, I think I have the right asshole. Did you really think I would give her up so easily? She fucking belongs to me. I gave her time to come home on her own, but now she thinks she's going to marry you? Fuck that. If she won’t come willingly, I'm going to drag her ass back with me."

Imani? Fury flooded my veins, and I forced myself to take a deep breath. I had to stay in control. There was no way in hell I was letting this guy take Imani anywhere. She hadn’t mentioned another ex besides Ryan. Not like you've spent a lot of time talking about your pasts. That was a good point. But if she had a homicidal ex, that was probably a good thing to mention before we’d slept together. "I don’t know who you are, but I'm going to give you the chance to get the hell out of here. Imani isn't going anywhere with you. And if I see you around me or her again, it's going to be unpleasant for you. Are we clear, mate?"

The guy’s brows drew down and furrowed. "Who the fuck is Imani? Is that what you’re calling her now? Did she change her fucking name? I couldn’t give a shit. I'll call her what I like. And all I’m clear on is that I'm taking Abbie home."

I faltered. Abbie? I'd assumed the homicidal arsehole was looking for me. But no, he was lying in wait for my brother. And Abbie.

Fuck. Abbie.

This was her ex, Easton. She hadn't gone into detail with me about the guy, just that she'd had a rough go of it. Lex had filled me in on the guy's more violent tendencies.

"You have the wrong bloke. But I'll do you a solid. If you get out of here now, I won't call the police to come collect you."

More with the furrowed brow. "You think you can make me leave? I'm not going anywhere without her."

As I cautiously stepped onto the barge, Easton rushed at me, intent on taking me out at the legs. Rolling onto the balls of my feet, I shifted my leg out of the way while snapping one hand around Easton's arm and the other around the back of his neck and aggressively assisted him facedown to the deck. For good measure, I delivered a punch, feeling the crunch of Easton’s cheekbone under my knuckles.

Just like in training, I backed out of the way. "We don't have to do this." But the truth was I wanted to do this. This guy wanted to hurt Abbie. Wanted to hurt Lex. They were my fucking family. For once I wanted to be there for my brother.

Easton popped up, and his fingers gingerly touched his cheek as he glared at me.

He moved like a fighter.

Just my luck, but that was fine by me. It had been a while since I'd sparred, and I could use the workout. Easton sprang forward again with a straight punch. I deflected it by letting my left hand slide up his right arm and off-lining the punch. But Easton was quicker than he looked, and his knuckles grazed my eye.

I countered with my right, and Easton's head snapped back. With him exposed, I advanced with another punch to his throat. The fucker went down with both hands clutching his throat.

Stay down arsehole.

I could feel the tenuous strings of control snap. I wanted to kill him. Wanted him to hurt.

I hauled him into a more advantageous position with my left hand, then delivered punch after punch after punch. "You're not so big and tough now, when someone fights back, are you? You prefer someone small and helpless?" I hit him again, the rage taking over.

In my mind's eye, I could picture this guy taking his hand to Abbie. Then in my mind, Abbie was replaced by Imani. With a furious roar, I hit him again.

Eventually, Easton stopped flailing. It was only after he fell with a thud onto the wooden floor of the deck that I staggered back. The other man lay in a whimpering, moaning heap on the ground. Adrenaline and anger coursed through my veins, and my hands shook. I wanted to kill him. Could kill the guy. Nobody would miss him.

But if I did that, I'd never see Imani again. Or my brother. As it was, I'd probably gone too far, letting my emotions get the best of me.

Hands still shaking, I pulled my phone out and dialed 9-9-9. When the operator answered, I directed the police to the barge. Lex arrived just after I hung up.

"Fuck me, Xan, don't tell me you were on time for once, the one time I was—" My brother cut his words off short when he saw the man in a heap on the ground. "What the fuck?"

"Had a bit of a nasty surprise waiting when I got here."

"Jesus, Xan." Alexi gawked at me. "Is he alive?"

"Easy, baby brother. Don’t you hear him moaning? Police are on their way."

Some of the tension rolled off Alexi's shoulders, and he studied me closely. "And you? All right?"

I glanced down at my hands. "Nothing a bucket of ice and a pint can’t solve."

Lex narrowed his eyes. "Did he get you in the eye?"

I smirked. "Lucky hit."


Before he could finish asking, I cut him off. "That's Easton. I think he figured he could surprise you, or, even worse, Abbie. He was out of his mind, saying he was taking her back home with him."

Lex’s usually calm demeanor slipped, and I saw something in him I hadn’t seen in years, the will and the intent to do whatever it took to protect someone… even kill.

He lunged for the git, but I stepped into his path. "Easy, Lex. I took care of it. He's alive and the police are on their way. You have nothing to do here."

Lex shoved at my shoulders, but we were too evenly matched, and I stood my ground. "Not going to happen, so relax."

Alexi tried once more to move past me, but it was a half-hearted effort. "He would have killed her," he said, his voice wavering.

"Then aren’t we all lucky that I was here instead? Abbie is safe, and you didn’t have to dust off your rusty-ass Krav Maga skills."

My brother sneered. "I'm not rusty."

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. If you had been here, he would be dead. Let me take care of you for once." I let the unspoken speak for itself. Alexi had killed once to protect me. There was no telling what he would do to protect the woman he loved.

The police came and took a statement, and an ambulance picked up what was left of a semi-conscious Easton as the police interviewed us. All the while, Lex remained quiet, speaking only when someone asked him a question. He provided the police with the security tape. But when he saw Easton's face, what I had done to him, Alexi gasped.

When the police left, Lex asked me softly, "You wanted to kill him, didn’t you?"

I waited for the shame or guilt to wash through me, but it never came. "Yeah, but I didn't."

Alexi was quiet for a moment. "I'm grateful for what you did for her. When I think about what would have happened if she had been here…"

There was something that sounded like anguish in his voice, and I turned to face him. "I didn't just do it for her, Lex. If that had been you and he'd gotten the jump on you…"

Lex's next question was softer. "Do you still love her?"

A tight fist squeezed my gut. What the hell was I supposed to say to that? "I do love her.” I scrubbed my hands over my face and winced at the sting of pain around my eye. “But not the way you think. She's family to me. Just like you are. No one touches my family without losing a pint of blood or two." I shrugged. "If he had hurt Imani, I would have done the same. Just like I know you would have."

Lex swallowed hard. "I—I’m grateful you were here."

"Me too."



I let myself into our place with my brass key and smiled.

Careful now, it’s just pretend.

Even if it was just pretend, I liked thinking of the flat as our place. Soon, I would go back to my normal life. I needed to call Felix tonight. He'd left for Ireland two days ago, and he wouldn’t be back for another two days, so we were due for a catch-up. But I wouldn't be able to see him until the weekend if my rehearsal schedule kept up. I was way overbooked, but I’d find time. I missed my bestie.

When I let myself in, the lights in the kitchen were on low, but the living room was dark. Had I left them on? Had Xander turned them on for me remotely so I wouldn’t come home to a dark house? He knew I had no idea how to work the remote security app. He’d taken to doing things like that for me. I didn’t know what had changed, but after the club last weekend, he’d been different.

It was as if some invisible barrier between us had been torn down by force. If I didn’t know better, I'd say he was the perfect boyfriend. He treated me exactly how I would want someone to treat me.

Except how much of that is real?

If any of it at all.

He'd said he was meeting Lex for a drink, so I didn't expect him for a while. Maybe I’d have some time to shave and do the girl thing. As I slipped my shoes off, I tossed my keys on the table in the foyer.

But when I reached for the light switch in the living room, a deep voice halted me. "Leave the light off, Imani."

My heart jumped as my adrenaline spiked, but I instantly quelled the panic. I knew that voice. "Xander? I thought you were hanging with Lex tonight. Why are you sitting in the dark?" I reached for the light switch again, and his voice got even deeper. "I said leave it off."

I stilled then licked my lips nervously. "Is everything okay?"

I dropped my bag on the kitchen counter.

"Come here."

Something wasn’t right. Tentatively, I stepped toward the shadow on the couch. "Okay. You want to tell me what’s going on?" When I reached the couch, I paused, unsure of what to do next.


My gaze slid to the floor so I could avoid any obstacles in my way. "Xander? You’re freaking me out a little. What’s the matter? Talk to me.”

“What's the matter is I need you. Fuck now, talk later.”

With a wave of his magic dick wand, heat pooled in my core, easily setting my blood on fire. As if I was the only one who could give him what he wanted. What he needed.

"Okay," I whispered, unsure of exactly what he wanted from me. "I'm here."

"Bend over the couch. Knees on the cushions. Brace your hands on the backrest."

"Uh…" My voice trailed off. I trusted him. Knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I could refuse if I wanted to. Not that I wanted to.

I just had no idea what was prompting his current mood, and I was slow to comply. He didn't say a word, just waited patiently for me to do as he said. I started to shake as adrenaline pumped through my veins.

The couch dipped as he stood, and he shifted behind me. When his big hands cupped my ass and flexed gently, I swallowed hard and held my breath in anticipation.

"You are so fucking gorgeous.” His voice was a harsh whisper against the shell of my ear. “You’re all I can think about, and it’s pretty fucking distracting.” While he spoke, his hands slid over my arms gently. "Do you understand that you distract me at work? When I'm supposed to be focused? All I can think about is touching you again.”


He leaned forward and nipped my shoulder hard enough for me to yelp. “I feel out of control." Using his tongue, he laved the stinging injury. “I don’t want to be out of control.”

Not sure what to say, I whispered, "I—I’m sorry."

His voice was tight. "Are you? Or are you trying to break me?"

"What’s happened? Are you…"

My voice trailed when he slid his hands up over my back, unsnapping the buttons along my spine in a swift motion. "I've been dying to do that since I dropped you off at rehearsal earlier. In the car, I considered ripping it off of you."

He sounded desperate, like he was barely hanging on to his control. "Y-you could have done that before we left.”

"I should have. Then maybe I wouldn’t feel like this."

Was there something I’d missed? Was something wrong? “How do you feel?"

His voice was soft, but I could tell he still spoke through clenched teeth. "Like I’ll die if I don't touch you right now."

His hands trembled as they smoothed down my back, making me feel his desperation. "I'm yours."

Chapter 2 | Playboy's Heart


I stared down at her. Her strong back was bare now, and I could see the strength in her muscles. She'd straightened her hair today for rehearsal, and it hung thick and free. Her leggings-clad arse was upturned toward me. I wanted to bite it.

And spank it.

And Christ, I wanted to fuck it. Would she let me?

No. Not tonight. I needed her too much. Control wasn’t even in my vocabulary right now. The fury was too close to the surface. Hell, I shouldn’t touch her at all. I should have gone to Notting Hill, called Miriam or someone else from the service and worked out my frustration.

The problem was that I only wanted her. But I was on a precipice between sanity and oblivion. I wanted to mark her in ways no one else had. Christ, I was losing it. She wasn’t a whore. I couldn’t treat her like one. I wasn’t going back to that place. Not with her. She mattered. Tonight, I’d thought I was protecting her. When I thought Easton wanted to take her from me, I’d considered killing him. And I could have done it easily.

That was how much she owned me now. And she had no bloody idea.

I'd come straight home after leaving Lex's and tried to calm myself down. But everything I'd tried had just made me more keyed up. It alarmed me to realize that what I needed was her.

I needed her too damn much. And now here she was, offering herself up to me. My cock twitched painfully in my jeans, and I tried to rationalize with my inner demons. Telling them that they didn’t want out. That this was a result of my fight with Easton. That what I wanted was to take care of Imani. That I didn’t want to scare her off.

But the demons weren’t listening. Shaking with anticipation, I looped my hands in the waistband of her leggings and yanked them down her legs.

Her gasp was sharp, but she didn’t protest.

In the darkness, I could just make out the sweet lips of her pussy, and I wanted to bury myself inside her deep and never come up for air. Her scent surrounded me even as I fought for some measure of control. But it was no use around her.

With her knees apart, I helped her tug the leggings and her thong all the way off her legs.

When her legs were bare, I repositioned her so that her legs were parted, bracing her on the couch properly in the perfect position for me to slide home.

But as her scent wrapped around me, driving the need that took over my body, I knelt behind her. “So fucking pretty.”

The first taste of her on my tongue was better than anything I could think of eating. She was sweet, spicy, and I lapped at her swollen lips like a starving man. Please, God, please let me die like this. Let this be my final resting place.

Her breathy moans spurred me on, and I spread her lips with my fingers, exploring every inch of her. Unable to leave any part of her unexplored. When I wrapped my lips over her clit, she moaned my name and scored her nails on the fabric of the couch. That’s what I was looking for from her. Something deep and primal drove me on. I had to mark her as mine. I flicked my tongue against her clit, and she screamed. And when I slid a finger into her, pressing the raised flesh at the front of her tight, silken walls and stroking her G-spot, she came around me with a tight grip on my finger.

Watching her come, knowing I'd taken her there, should have calmed me a little, but it didn’t. It just drove me harder. I wanted more. Wanted to make her beg to come again and again and again.

I kissed her inner thighs before standing behind her. I quickly shed my clothes and grabbed a condom out of my wallet. Her smooth, wet lips beckoned to me and I couldn’t resist sliding the bare tip of my cock through her folds.

"Oh my God," she ground out.

When I aligned the tip to her sweet opening, I could still feel the tremors of her around the head of my cock. I stood perfectly still, letting her convulse around me, before I pulled back with a growl.

Shit. What was I doing? I’d never once had sex without protection. It didn’t matter how good she felt. I didn’t take risks like that. Sliding the condom on, I aligned myself back to her slick core.

Imani canted her hips backward, and I bit my bottom lip. Go slow, go slow, go slow. But I was too far gone to listen to my meddling brain. She was so wet, I slid in all the way with no resistance. Like she was made for me.

She gasped and dropped her head to the headrest as I drove into her again and again. Her inner walls stroked me, massaging steadily. My blood boiled, and I gritted my teeth against the impending orgasm, the feeling of freedom within reach. But it didn’t come. Focusing all my attention on her and the sensation around my dick, I gripped her hips tighter, my fingers pressing into her honey-colored flesh.

The sweat dripped off my brow as I filled her, so high on the feeling of being inside her that I never wanted to be anywhere else.

But I was no closer to letting go. "Play with yourself. I want to feel you coming around my cock."

She obliged, and I pumped faster as she chanted my name. But even with each slide in to her warm, slick depths, I wasn’t any closer to release. With a snarl, I released one hand and joined it to hers, sliding over her clit. I tried to rub faster, but she slowed me down. I tried to control it, but she intertwined our fingers, making me take my time.

When I yielded to her, the tingle started in my lower spine. Fucking finally. If I could just come, I could be rid of the fear that chased the adrenaline. I didn’t want to keep thinking about what would have happened if she'd been on the barge tonight. The moment I lost focus, the orgasm that was so close evaporated into thin air.

But hers slammed into her. "Xander! God. Yes. Right. There. Yes, yes, yes."

I fisted a hand into her thick hair as I fucked her. "You like that." Need drove me in as far as she would take me. Her only answer was a low moan. "I know you want more. I'm not stopping until you come again and again around my cock."

Leaning forward, I nipped the back of her neck and kissed that spot just behind her ear. But it was no substitute for kissing her. For feeling her lips against mine. Her tongue tangling with my own.

Suddenly, she grabbed the back of the couch and stopped moving, locking her hips in place. Imani turned her head and brushed her hair off her shoulder. "Xander."

I didn’t meet her gaze, and instead, kept looking straight ahead. I didn’t want to see the concern in her eyes. I didn't want her to see the desperation in me. I wanted to avoid the intimacy. Wanted to hide the truth from her—that I needed her. I didn’t want to, but I knew I craved her. I slid my fingers over her clit and reveled when she shuddered again. "Come for me."

She shook her head. "Stop."

The word was like a slap of ice-cold water, and I immediately stilled. "W-what?"

She moved her body forward away from me, and my hands tried desperately to hold her in place. "Xander, let me go." The sting of rejection had me stumbling back. But she reached out and took my hand. "Look at me."

I stubbornly refused, and I looked anywhere but at her. "It's okay. I’m going—"

"Xander." Her voice was firmer now, and I didn’t want to see the worry on her face. But I couldn't deny her and slid my gaze to hers.


She licked her bottom lip and I stared, mesmerized. "Look at me, please."

When I raised my gaze, I saw the heat I was accustomed to seeing. She wasn’t rejecting me. Then why had she stopped?

She must have seen the question in my gaze because she tugged me closer and shifted her position until she lay back on the couch. I settled between her thighs, and my gaze slid down her body. I swallowed thickly, homing in on her wet lips where I wanted to bury myself again. “I don’t understand.”

Her smile was soft when she spoke. “A second ago, you weren’t with me. Now you are.”

All it took was her tongue sliding over mine, and the promise of bliss was back. I started to spiral out of control again, but in a good way. The emotional connection I'd been avoiding, that’s what was missing.

Imani anchored me.

She took my hand and slid it to her breast, and I relished the softness of her skin. “Imani,” I breathed. She arched into my caress, seeking more of my touch.

The emotion welled so deep in my chest that I feared I might choke on it. God, she fit into my big palms perfectly when my thumb traced over a nipple. Her hips rose, bringing her slick sweetness sliding over my cock. I took full advantage, sliding home, seating myself fully inside her. When I stroked deep, she threw her head back, gasping my name.

With a heavy-lidded gaze, I watched her, the unabashed way she responded. And I knew in my bones that I was falling for her. The well of emotion spilled over the lightning starting up my spine. “Fuuuck me.”

Before the white-hot flash of heat took me, she started to come around my cock again, her tiny convulsions gripping me. When she fisted her delicate hands in my hair and pulled me to her neck, my orgasm slammed through me. Unable to keep anything from her, I poured everything I had inside her.

I blinked away the stinging in my eyes and nuzzled her neck. I wasn’t letting her go.

I had a few weeks until the gala. I could convince her to take me seriously, convince her to stay.

Whatever it took. I needed her too damned much to lose her.



After grabbing a shower and getting dressed, I watched her sleep. It was definitely high on the creep-factor scale, but I wanted to be near her. Early morning sunlight streamed into the bedroom through the shades, lighting her softly.

I wanted to photograph her. With the sheet thrown over her body and her hair rumpled and curling in every conceivable direction, she looked content. And I liked that I was the one who'd made her that way. I also didn't feel as out of control as I thought I would. Being with her hadn't spun me out. Just the opposite. It had anchored me. Once I stopped fighting her, that was.

She stirred, and her lashes fluttered across her cheek as she cracked her lids open. She smiled when she saw me. "Morning," she mumbled.

Unable to resist, I leaned down and kissed her softly. She was so soft, like her lips were made for kissing. Especially for kissing me. "Morning, love. Are you hungry?"

Her stomach growled in response, and she ducked her head under the pillow. "I'm always hungry.” She stretched her arms over her head, and the sheet covering her breasts slipped. Suddenly my mind was on a different kind of hunger altogether. But I beat back the urge to climb back into bed with her.

"Come on. I figured we could head to breakfast. Maybe call Lex and see if he and Abbie want to meet us."

She peeled her eyes open further and frowned. "You’re dressed. Why are you dressed? How did I miss you getting out of bed?"

I laughed. "Well, you were out pretty hard if I do say so myself."

She threw a pillow at me and I ducked. "Smug bastard."

I nipped her shoulder. "Too right. And as soon as we're back from breakfast, I plan on putting you in a comatose state again. But first I need to feed my...” My voice trailed off as I looked for the right word.

She slowly sat up. “Not sure what to call me, huh?”

“Guess not. We’ve been playing house and you’re posing as my fiancée, but that’s different now.”

She nodded slowly as she studied me. “I guess it is.”

I wanted to say the word. Mine. But that was too much and would certainly scare her off. So instead, with a nervous laugh, I said, “Don’t look at me. I haven’t a clue how to do this. But I know staying away from you isn’t really an option I’d like to explore any longer.” God, way to pussy out.

She chewed her lip. “It’s not like I have some kind of manual either. I don’t really— I mean I haven’t really had a lot of relationships. And I don’t really do the whole trusting-people thing, so this is hard.”

Panic flared in my chest. I was fucking this up.

She didn't want this. I scrambled for a way to make sure she stayed in my life. Fuck. We’d start with the bed. We were good there. I could bring her around with great sex, right? “Why don't we just take it easy and see where the meandering road leads? Maybe we’ll make a good team.” Fuck. Why did I sound like a complete wanker?

She looked down at her hands before slanting me a glance. “Xander, you’re paying me to be here. It doesn’t feel… right.”

Bollocks. I knew the money would come back to haunt me. “I already wired the rest of the money into your account this morning when I woke up.” My heart hammered as I searched for the right words. Not too clingy but interested. Yeah, more like desperate, mate. “I want you to stay because you want to.”

She frowned up at me. “Why did you do that? I could be the kind of person to walk out.”

No. Please no. Swagger, mate. Believe it. I shook my head. “Because I’d like the real girlfriend instead of the fake one, if you don’t mind. I mean, I’d like you to stay until I hear about the position on the board of the Trust, but even when you move back to your place, I’d like to see you. A lot. Exclusively.” Way to piss all over her, you knob.

My stomach knotted as I watched her. What if she said no? Well, I’d give her so many orgasms she’d be too weak to say no. That sounded like a solid plan.

She bit her lip and blinked up at me with misty eyes. “I’d like that. Just one thing, though.”

That knot loosened, flooding my body with enough emotion to make me shake. “Name it.”

“Maybe it’s time we start talking through some stuff? Last night was…”

Leave it to her to bring up the hard thing. I winced. “Believe me, I know how fucked up that was.” I swallowed. “You're not a whore. I shouldn’t have treated you like you were.” The hot wash of shame splashed on my face before she put a hand on my arm, and I had to resist flinching.

"You didn’t hurt me. And I didn't feel like a whore. Besides, some of my friends are whores."

How did she do that? Make me want to laugh even when things hung on the precipice of going horribly wrong. Through gritted teeth I muttered, “Fine. Not a whore then. But somehow, I guarantee if I check your inner thighs, I’ll find some bruises. I wasn’t gentle when we started." Or the two times I’d woken her up with my mouth on her clit and my fingers digging into her flesh. I’d almost forgotten a condom that second time too.

She sighed and gathered the sheet more tightly around her. "I liked it. If you must know, I've got a sex hangover. I've got sore muscles I didn’t know I had. And you're, uh, big. So yeah, I am a little achy, but I quite like the feeling. I can just imagine the state my hair is in right now."

My gaze scanned over her, cataloging everything about her from her slightly flushed cheeks to her heavy-lidded gaze and the beard burn on her shoulder. And her hair was in a tangled bird’s nest situation. I’d have to get some of those satin pillowcases she had in her bed for this room too.

"You're sure I didn’t hurt you?"

She squeezed my bicep. "I'm sure, Xander."

"Okay." Nervously, I licked my lips. "So, you're saying the chances are good I could not hurt you again?"

She laughed and flopped the pillow over her eyes. "Hell yes, but you’re going to have to feed me first. Because this woman cannot live on incredible sex alone."

"One massive English fry-up coming right up. But first, a kiss." I slid my lips over hers, and need slammed into me quick. But unlike the compulsions I couldn't control, the compulsion to destroy myself, this felt good. It felt light, like sunshine. I broke the kiss before I wound up crawling back in bed with her. "Let's get you fed."

“And then more kissing?”

The relief was almost crippling. She was staying. I had more time to convince her to love me. I could do this. “You drive a hard bargain.”