Pregnant with my Enemy's Baby

Pregnant with my Enemy's Baby

Chapters: 35
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Anna Kendra


When Elena Thunder finds the most perfect man to kiss at midnight on New Year’s Eve, she thinks it's fate. Little does she know that Knight Blaze isn’t as simple as he seems and that the only reason he spends the night with her is because he has something entirely different on his mind. Come morning, Knight leaves Elena feeling hurt and betrayed and with something she’d have never anticipated from a one-night stand with a stranger: a baby conceived on New Year’s Eve. But, Elena isn’t weak, and she doesn’t let heartbreak bring her down. She decides to raise her child without a father. Fate has other plans for her, however, as she accidentally bumps into Blaze once more during a fashion show, and this time, he’s determined to make her stay.

Billionaire Romance Contemporary Enemies To Lovers One-Night Stand Pregnancy

Pregnant with my Enemy's Baby Free Chapters

Prologue: Deal? | Pregnant with my Enemy's Baby

Elena’s POV

“Come on, Elle! Don’t go with the boring purple dress, it looks like a bunch of lavender puked all over you!” Risa, my best friend for the past three years wrinkled her nose at the dress I currently held in front of me.

“Why?” I frowned. “It looks cute! I like this dress,” I told her as I looked into the mirror and found nothing wrong with it, but Risa shook her head vigorously.

“Honey, that dress screams safe! I mean, look at it! High neckline, knee-length and full sleeves!” Risa whined. “It’s New Year’s Eve for God’s sake! There’s no point in being safe and all saintly! Bring out the little black dress, pair it with those killer fuck me heels, and we’ll be good to go!”

I turned my gaze towards the long red devil stilettos that Risa was pointing at and winced. Those were the kind of heels that we wore on the runway, six inches and ready to kill. My feet were already sore from wearing heels all the time to fashion shows but to wear them at a bar? I shook my head instantly.

“Nope! Not wearing them!” I told Risa straight away. “You can borrow them if you like but I’m sticking to comfort.”

“Fine, go with the wedge.” Risa shook her head disapprovingly at me. “But I’m finding you a little black dress.”

And so, Risa and I dug around in my closet until we came upon this really cute black dress that was made completely out of lace and had a full sleeve and hugged my figure to the T. I had to wear a black slip under the dress but once I had the dress on, I have to admit, it looked fabulous on me.

I let my naturally wavy dark brown hair down my back and curled it further to add more bounce. I had a few natural blonde highlights in my hair that made it unique; it was why I never dyed my hair, in fear that it would ruin the natural highlights. Next up was the makeup. Risa helped me don a smoky eye and blood-red lips, and with a pair of black crystal danglers, I was ready to rock the party.

Risa had chosen a shimmering green number to match her eyes and I helped her with her statement over-the-top eye makeup and red lips. She looked gorgeous with her wild curly red hair and a slight dusting of freckles on her nose. No wonder she was one of the best models in our company and an equally great friend.

When we were both done and ready, we took a couple of pictures to post on social media and then opened a bottle of wine to take a few sips while our cab arrived to take us to one of the most happening parties in Hollywood. There would be a lot of familiar faces today and a lot of people who I could only ever hope to get close to. The highlight of my fashion career had been this November during a show for Louis Vuitton when I had the opportunity to escort Rita Ora on the runway. That’s as close to a high-ranking celebrity that I’d ever gotten to, but Risa keeps assuring me that it was only the start. After all, I’m only 23 and have a long career ahead of me.

“We look good, girlfriend,” Risa told me as she tucked a stray hair behind my ear. “Make sure to have fun tonight.”

“You know I’ll have fun,” I told her as I leaned my head against hers. “It’s one of the biggest parties in Hollywood! And I’ll have you there with me.”

“That’s not the kind of fun I’m talking about, Elle.” Risa turned me to face her. “Go ahead, live a little! It’s been three years.”

I sighed. This has been a reoccurring conversation between us for a while now. “Risa, I will when I think I’m ready.”

“You are ready!” Risa shook my shoulders. “You’ve just been holding back thinking that he-who-shouldn’t-be-named will change his mind and come back to you. It’s been three years, Elle. If he wanted to come, then he would’ve by now.”

“I know, Risa, but it’s not because of him!” I shook my head. “I just haven’t found the right guy yet!”

I had once thought that he-who-shouldn’t-be-named was the right guy for me, the one as people call it. He had been my first everything, my first crush, my first love, my first kiss…and then my first and most devastating heartbreak. It wasn’t my fault that the incident had left me a bit wary of men. But maybe Risa was right, maybe I was holding back in hopes that he’d realize his mistake and come back to me. But Risa was also right that it’s already been three years now. If he wanted to, he would be here by now. It was my time to move on.

“Then how about this, if you find the right guy tonight,” I made a face at her but she held up her fingers to my lips. “If you find the right guy tonight, you won’t hold back, if you want to take things further.”

“Eww, Risa! I don’t like the whole one night stand thingy.” I whined.

“No one said it has to be for one night!” She rolled her eyes at me. “But at least get started!”

“Alright, let’s just say that I do find some hot guy tonight who is a gentleman and the loving and caring type,” I air quoted with my fingers while mentally rolling my eyes. “Only then will I decide if I want to go ahead with this crazy theory of yours.”


I sighed. Was I really making such a stupid deal? After that devastating breakup three years ago, my life had turned completely upside down. Even with my big brother as an example, I couldn’t help but think twice even before exchanging phone numbers with a male colleague and dates had been completely out of the question. I’d shut myself in this tiny bubble where no one could get to me and I didn’t let anyone close.

Risa had been with me since the day I arrived in Los Angeles, and I trusted her with every breath I took, but she had a wild streak in her that I couldn’t understand sometimes. Regardless, the deal was more of a dare. She had helped me come out of my shell for good in a lot of cases and she’s helped me face so many of my problems head-on. What could go wrong with this one deal?

“Deal,” I told her, placing my hand in her outstretched one and shook on it.

If I had only known then how my life was about to turn upside down within the next few hours, I would’ve never made the deal. I would’ve just stuck with my broken heart and waited for a man who I knew was never coming back.

Chapter 1: The First Blow | Pregnant with my Enemy's Baby

Elena’s POV

The sun streaming in through the huge windows woke me up in the morning and the first thing I felt were arms around my waist.

A smile formed on my face as I remembered last night. I’d been wandering the club alone, saying a few hellos to people I knew. My friends, who I’d come here with, had disappeared into the dark with either strangers they had randomly picked up at the bar or with their boyfriends/girlfriends. I’d been left at the bar because I didn’t have a boyfriend and I’d refused to hook up with anyone…that is until Knight Blaze.

Black haired and blue-eyed, he’d stood out amongst the crowd even in a grey sweater and worn-out blue jeans. Strong jaw, high cheekbones, eyes that saw right through you, and a body to die for; he had been the centerpiece of the club frequented by celebrities. There was this aura of power around him that made me think that he might be someone you wouldn’t want to mess with. And yet he’d been nothing but polite all throughout the night.

It had been around ten when I’d met him. He’d offered to buy me a drink but I’d had to refuse. I’d only had two virgin mojitos by then and one shot of vodka, but I’m a lightweight and I’d rather not go down that path as I’d seen many people in my profession fall from grace. As a model, we are constantly under stress and many of us give in to alcohol and drugs to take the edge off and get them through the stress of keeping in shape. But people tend to get addicted too soon and it causes them to lose their careers. So I’d politely declined Blaze’s offer.

But instead of giving up and moving on to someone willing, and there had been plenty of them, he’d stayed with me and we’d talked and talked and talked. We’d even gone out of the club and had dinner in a small restaurant. He hadn’t exactly been dressed for a club outing where everyone was in full bling but that hadn’t diminished his charm one bit. Even in the restaurant, he had stood out with his personality alone. And the best part had been, he actually listened to everything I had told him. Which is why he had declined the restaurant's special of seafood pasta and ordered a Cesar salad instead.

And then the clock had struck twelve and everyone in the restaurant had cheered and couples had stolen sweet kisses. And then I’d turned to face Blaze, my eyes locking with his searing blue ones and I hadn’t realized when our heads had leaned in, our lips touching midway. The sparks had been blinding and then there had been no looking back.

Sighing, I looked over my shoulder at Blaze, the position uncomfortable since he was holding me so close. His eyes were closed, long black lashes casting soft shadows on his cheeks, breathing even and his soft black hair fell to his forehead, nearly covering his eyes. My movement must have disturbed him because his brows wrinkled and he turned over in his sleep, removing his hands from my waist. I was a little disappointed by it, but I took the opportunity to get up from the bed and started padding around my apartment, looking for my clothes.

It’s strange how I’d told Blaze so much about myself yet I hardly knew anything about him. I think I’ve heard his name before, but I could be mistaken. All I could remember was him telling me that he was a businessman, which made a lot of sense since he was at the club last night.

Pulling my hair up in a loose bun, I located my bra and panties as well as my leggings and put them on before I went to my closet and pulled out a loose t-shirt. Throwing them on, I was on my way out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen when I noticed something on the small table I kept next to the door that wasn’t there before. I leaned in closer to get a good look and was barely able to suppress a gasp.

There, on the flower vase, amid a bunch of fresh pink roses that I had placed there yesterday morning, was a tiny spy cam which was only recognizable by the tiny red light that was impossible to notice from afar. And right next to the vase was Blaze’s wallet and watch. I remember him putting these here last night before he had taken off his clothes and joined me in bed. I had no idea he’d set up a spy cam while he was doing those and on top of that, the cam was directly in line with the bed.

“Found that, did you?”

Startled, I turned around to find Blaze standing a few feet away from me, already dressed in jeans and his sweater was in his hand. I hadn’t even heard him get up! He pulled on his sweater as I stared at him dumbfounded and a bit scared. Sweater donned, he simply gave me a smirk and reached out to gather his wallet, watch, and the spy camera from the table and tucked them away safely.

“W–what’s the meaning of t–this?” I asked, trying to keep my voice strong while my knees shook.

Who was he? What have I done? Why had I thought that bringing a stranger to my house was a safe option? Whatever I’d felt for him the previous night had all gone out the window. Instead, I was starting to panic inside although I tried to keep a brave front.

“You see,” he said with that same cunning smirk, his handsome features turning rigid and cold. “My real name is Knight Tyson. Knight Blaze Tyson, and I am the owner of Tyson Group of Industries.”

My eyes widened as I realized just who he was. Tyson Inc. was one of the world’s leading brands in the textile industries and he’d funded several fashion shows, including the one I’d participated in last month…and it was also where I’d seen him having sex backstage with Ava Cox, a married supermodel and the mother of two kids. That scandal had been leaked out into the newspapers along with a picture of them in a compromising positing and it had appeared on the front page of several big newspapers.

“Wait, you think I leaked that photo?” I asked, everything finally clicking in place. That’s why I had this feeling that I’d seen him before! That I knew him.

“You were the only one who saw us, Elena,” he sneered. “I never forget faces, not one so common. That’s why I needed something in return from you.”

My knees gave away from under me and I crumbled to the floor. Last night, when we’d shared such passion, where he’d made me feel special and loved, it had all been a lie. This was all his plan so he could have something to use against me, to blackmail me with. And he had never once let me in on his motives, never asked me if I was truly the one who had leaked those photos!

It’s true that I had caught them having sex, but I’d never told a soul about it! And I hadn’t even had my phone on me so how could I have had taken pictures. I’d run the other way as soon as I understood what had been going on.

There was so much I wanted to say, so much I wanted to do. I wanted to yell and scream at him for humiliating me like this, for filming a private moment that I’d cherished so much! But I couldn’t say a single thing as I sat on the floor, shivering like a fallen leaf in shame and humiliation, my voice stuck inside my throat.

“Don’t look so panicked. I’m not like you that I’d run to the paparazzi with this tape right now.” He spat at me. “I’m keeping this safe with me, but if you try to interfere with my life one more time, I won’t hold back.”

With that, he opened the bedroom door and walked away from me, not even bothering to listen to me and I heard the front door open and shut a few minutes later. I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I broke down crying on the floor, everything finally catching up to me.

Knight Tyson will find out the truth someday because the truth always revealed itself no matter what. But when he does realize his mistake, I will have no forgiveness in my heart to offer him.