Reveal Me

Reveal Me

Chapters: 12
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Jennifer Probst


!! Mature Content 18+ Erotica Novel!! One Masquerade Ball. One Chance to Reveal All Secret Desires. One Fiery Encounter. One Shot at Love. Are you ready to reveal all? A Man Who Knows What He Wants: Leonardo Sinclair never expected to fall for the fierce yet vulnerable woman he meets at his friend's masquerade party, or for her to disappear without a trace. When his cousins sign him up with the mysterious FANTA-C agency, he finds her back in his bed. This time, Leo's not about to let her go. But can he convince her she's safe to reveal every hidden part of her soul before she walks out of his life again for good? A Woman Ready to Explore her Desires: Scarlett Rose has always been tempted to explore her wilder side, but for years, she'd been humiliated and emotionally abused by her ex. Now that he's gone, she's finally ready to embrace her true self. Safely hidden behind a mask, she attends a ball held in the famous Blasphemy club and meets the man who not only embraces her but demands her complete surrender. Once the mask is stripped away, will she be brave enough to reveal her entire self and take another risk on love? Or will her past ruin the chance of a brand new future?

Romance Erotica Contemporary Meant To Be BxG One-Night Stand

Reveal Me Free Chapters

Chapter One | Reveal Me

Leonardo Sinclair stepped into the cool darkness and swept his gaze over the soaring, vaulted ceiling of the converted church. Colorful frescoes decorated the walls and thick marble columns lined the open area. Massive stained-glass windows offered protection from the curious gazes and judgments of the outside world. A smile touched his lips as he took a deep breath. Damn, it’d been a long time since he indulged in his favorite vices.

Good thing he’d come to Blasphemy for play rather than forgiveness for his many sins. The popular Baltimore BDSM club was everything he’d hoped it would be, and he intended to enjoy every moment before it was time to head to Vegas.

Adjusting the plain black mask he wore, he moved forward, appreciating the large circular bar made of gleaming marble and the intimate set up of leather couches, chairs, and private nooks where couples gathered to chat and play. The sexy timbers of hip-hop ground out from the speakers and urged crowds onto the dance floor. He savored the scents of musk, sweat, and sex drifting in the air, heading toward the bar. He usually hated themed parties such as a masquerade ball, but when one of his brothers from his Navy days asked him to do something, he did it. So, when Jonathan and Cruz had invited him to the party before he put the East Coast behind him, he’d agreed.

Now, he was glad. The muscles in his neck and shoulders softened from the long car drive. He’d grab a drink, try to find his buddies, and play with a sweet subbie tonight. Someone easy and experienced. Someone he’d enjoy for a few hours in mutual satisfaction and never look back on. Someone—

“About time you got here,” the familiar voice called out.

He turned around with a grin, shaking his head at the wolf mask covering the top half of Jonathan’s face. “Got stuck in traffic. Please don’t tell me I’m supposed to be channeling some sort of animal here?”

“Like an ass? Nah, you’re good. Let’s just say I’m in the mood to hunt tonight.”

Leo laughed and they embraced. Jonathan’s quick wit and humor made for an easy friendship, but it was his fierce loyalty and work ethic that earned Leo’s respect. With his staggering height and long blonde hair, he had a quiet presence that screamed authority. “Is there a particular target you have in mind?” Leo asked. “Or is it an open field?”

Jonathan’s gaze narrowed thoughtfully. “Oh, there’s a target. Her name is Hartley. Tonight’s her first time at Blasphemy.”

“Sounds promising. Cruz on board?”

“You better believe it,” another voice said from his left. Leo turned, recognizing Cruz’s short, dark hair and tattoos over warm brown skin even beneath the smooth, famously carved white mask. Shorter than Jonathan, Cruz had bulging muscles that either had a woman running in fear or begging for more. They clapped shoulders, and a fierce wave of emotion clipped through him. He’d forgotten how much he missed his friends. It had been too long.

Leo raised his brow. “Are you supposed to be the lamb to his wolf?”

Cruz winked. “Wouldn’t you like to know? Besides, gotta keep her guessing. Much more fun that way, as you’ve told us many times.”

They all laughed. Leo waved his hand in the air. “This is amazing. I can’t believe you’re both part owners of this place.”

“We’ll introduce you to the other Masters later,” Cruz said. “Now that we have the boat building and restoration business under control, we’re able to enjoy ourselves a bit more. The people at Blasphemy have become a second family to us.”

“I’m glad, you deserve it.” After the Navy, they’d all struggled with finding the right fit and place to settle down. The military seemed the only thing that could temporarily satisfy his innate restlessness—always pushing him toward the next adventure. It was good Jonathan and Cruz seemed to find their fit here in Baltimore. Maybe he’d finally find his same place in Vegas. God knows, his cousins had been on his ass for years to go out and join them.

Cruz motioned him over. “Come on, I’ll get you a whisky and we’ll show you around.”

“Sounds good.”

They moved past the dance floor and deeper into the club, unveiling specialized theme rooms that catered to every dark, delicious whim, and a beautiful high platformed stage for various demonstrations. Leo crossed his arms and watched a willowy blonde floating above her Dom, her naked body bound with intricate rope work that offered her up like an artistic sacrifice. Low moans broke from her lips, and her body shook and shivered under her Dom’s flick of the whip.

The crowd surrounding them was respectfully silent, yet caught up in the sensual tension ready to explode before them. Leo enjoyed the tight feel of skin over his bones, and the low punch of heat in his gut that preceded the anticipation of mastering an open, willing female. He’d always known he needed more in his sexual relationships, even young. The deep satisfaction of pleasuring another, of stripping away the walls and bullshit to get to the core—to become truly free with another—that’s what kept him coming back to BDSM.

“Your wristband marks you as an experienced Dominant,” Jonathan said, walking back toward the bar section. “All the subs have color coded bands that mark their limits and experience level. You’re free to roam and pick from the crowd and all rooms are available for your use—we’ve approved you for full access. We’re using the masquerade theme to build membership, encourage more of the newbies to participate, and hopefully push some soft limits. Masks must stay on at all times. It’s up to the individuals at the end of the session if they want to exchange true identities.”

“Thanks. Honestly? This is one of the nicest clubs I’ve seen. You two have done good.”

Jonathan nodded, pride shining in his eyes through the mask. “You still have to head out tomorrow?” he asked. “We were hoping you could stay with us for a few days.”

“Appreciate it, but the new job starts and I want to get settled in.”

“No better place than Vegas to bust some criminals. Who would’ve thought a math nerd could be so in demand for gambling?” Cruz smirked.

Leo laughed. “It was either DC or Sin City. Guess which one is a better fit?” His math talent had started young, and he’d learned early he could make buckets of money by gambling. Until he got busted by the casino’s highly-paid security boss. Instead of a hospital visit or getting black balled, they offered him a job in Atlantic City. It fit his needs for a while until the restlessness hit again, and he enlisted in the Navy. His cousins were all poker dealers settled in Vegas, and had already set him up with a job. The idea of being around family called to him. He’d been alone for too many years, relying on his service buddies, but he missed his cousins and felt ready to stay in one place for a while.

Jonathan gave a mock shudder. “It may be good for sin, but I wouldn’t be caught dead in the desert. No water, no beach, and no boats. Sounds like the devil’s terrain to me.”

Cruz rolled his eyes. “You can take the surfer dude out of California, but you can’t take California out of the man.”

Leo chuckled. “I get it. But the pay is good, the air conditioning is cold, and the women are hot. Plus, I need a new challenge. The casino has been getting jacked lately and they think I can make the bust. Could be fun.”

“No doubt you’ll do it. And if you get bored, you always have a place here,” Jonathan said, slapping him on the back.

He nodded. “That means a lot.”

“Any idea what type of submissive you’re looking for tonight?” Cruz asked.

“Been a while since I’ve indulged,” he admitted. “I’m open to all possibilities, as long as the woman understands it’s one night with no strings.”

“Good, cause we’d like to introduce you to someone. Someone we think you’d enjoy,” Cruz said. The man’s dark eyes practically glinted with conspiracy and the zeal of a set-up. Cruz had always had a hidden soft side underneath that hard-assed demeanor.

“Trying to play matchmaker?” He cocked his head and studied his friends. “Or keeping me away from your sweet thing so she doesn’t fall for me and dump you two?”

Cruz snorted. “Dream on.”

Jonathan grinned. “She’s a friend of Hartley’s. I’d like to hook her up with someone I can trust. She’s newer to the lifestyle. Only been a member for the past few months and hasn’t played often. I think you’d get along.”

Leo considered, then shrugged. His friends knew his tastes well, and though he usually preferred experienced subs, introducing a newbie into his world was always a fun challenge. “Sure.”

Cruz and Jonathan exchanged a satisfied look. Interesting. His friends weren’t the matchmaking types.

He wondered if this Hartley was the cause, and hoped it was. They both deserved happiness. They’d gone to the Naval Academy together, were partners in the boat building business, and liked to share women. It was hard to settle down with a woman who’d be a good match for both of them, and open to a ménage situation.

God knows, he couldn’t find that type of connection, and he was only one Dom, not two.

Jonathan’s gaze sharpened past his right shoulder and a slow smile tugged his lips. “Speak of the devil,” he murmured. “Here she comes.”

Leo turned. Then froze.

Holy shit.

He’d been an experienced Dom for almost a decade, and not once had he felt the earth beneath his feet shift. He was known for his control and tight rein on his emotions. He didn’t believe in star-struck first love, gazes meeting across a crowded room, or anything that stunk of sugar spun romance that held no depth.

Until now.

His damn tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. Were his eyes bugging out like a horn dog pre-teen? If his reaction hadn’t been so surprising, he’d be humiliated. First impressions were critical during an initial Dom and Sub meet, and he’d just committed a newbie mistake. Staring at her like a love-struck school boy gave her the upper hand. Fuck—he’d never live this down.

“Leo, this is Hartley Farren, and her friend Scarlett Rose. Ladies, you may address Leo as Sir since he is not a Blasphemy Master.”

They gave him a respectful nod, Hartley in an intricately patterned soft black mask that covered her eyes and nose and extended down unevenly over her cheeks. It almost appeared more tattoo than lace. And Scarlett in a more traditional sparkling black-and-red cut-out mask that made her eyes appear huge.

Still unable to communicate, he concentrated on Hartley and tried to get his shit together. Hartley smiled sweetly, a nice blush of color on her cheeks as she greeted him. Her sideswipe look at Jonathan and Cruz told him everything he needed to know. The little subbie was just as intoxicated with his friends as they were for her. He managed to murmur a greeting and say a quick prayer of thanks Hartley wasn’t the one who had him tongue-tied. No, it was the woman standing quietly at her side who stole his full attention.

Everything about her seemed like a contradiction. Though she stood completely still, an intense energy pulsed from her aura, reminding him of a downed live wire, crackling in sharp, intermittent bursts. Coal black hair fell almost to her waist in wild waves, untamed and made for his fingers to fist and pull. Inky dark eyes met his gaze directly, without a shred of shyness or hesitation. Framed by lush lashes, they tilted slightly outwards like a cat, emphasizing the angled cut of the simple black mask that hid half of her face. Her lips were full, and painted in the color of her name—a bold slash of blood-red.

His gaze probed; studied; analyzed. Her outfit was pure temptation. A skimpy red slip in shiny satin. Dipping low in the front, her cleavage teased him, and the fabric clearly showed her hard nipples. Her skin was pale, smooth, and looked soft to the touch. She was all ripe curves—ass and breasts and hips, and his fingers itched to touch and hurt and soothe. It looked as if she’d been about to get dressed, then decided to go out as is. The kicker was something so simple, probably not many Doms would notice.

Her bare feet.

Most women enjoyed wearing fuck-me shoes at a club. Besides feeling sexy, it gave them a sense of power and height. He’d always been more turned on by the vulnerability and bravery of no shoes. If she was indeed new to BDSM, her choice indicated an almost rebellious courage that stiffened his cock and sped up his heart rate.

How long had it been since a woman struck him speechless?


His continued silence must have urged her to speak. “It’s nice to meet you, Sir,” she said. Her words were slow and deliberate, with a husky smokiness that curled at the edges. Damned if he couldn’t wait to hear her beg him in that delicious voice.

Finally, words sprung free from his throat. “The pleasure’s mine. I hear we’re both new to Blasphemy.”

“Yes, Sir. I joined two months ago,” Scarlett said, her eyes still on him. Right where he wanted them.

“And what about you, Hartley?” he asked with a smile.

“Scarlett spoke so highly of the club, she helped convince me to give it a try,” Hartley said, chewing her bottom lip. “Now I’m just hoping I don’t mess anything up.”

Jonathan took her hand. “You’re not doubting that we’ll guide you every step of the way, are you?”

“Oh, no. I mean, no, Sir,” she said.

“Maybe we need to show her exactly what that means,” Cruz said, his voice full of dark, sensual promise.

Jonathan nodded and tugged Hartley between them. “Mmm, maybe we do.”

Leo studied Scarlett. She seemed amused by the interaction, not fretful, which told him she was comfortable enough to know Cruz and Jonathan would never hurt Hartley.

“Come with us, little one,” Cruz commanded. “It’s time for your first lesson.”

“Lesson?” Hartley asked, dark eyes going wide.

Jonathan flanked her other side, guiding them away. “No speaking unless asked a direct question. Leo, Scarlett, I’ll check in with you later. Have fun.”

His friends left them alone amidst the squeak of leather and hiss of whip; the grinding music and clink of glasses; the smell of sex and sweat hanging thickly in the air.

Leo waited. He figured she’d either chatter, step back nervously, or dive right in with questions. And once again, she surprised him.

She said nothing.

Those Gypsy eyes stared back, not with challenge, but with patience. Waiting for him to lead. Waiting for him to speak first. She may be a newbie, but Scarlett had already pleased him faster than some of the more experienced women he’d played with in the past.

Oh, he was going to enjoy the evening very much.

“I’d like us to get to know one another before we discuss play. Would you like to go talk?” He offered his hand with an invitation she was completely free to decline.

Her gaze assessed him. He watched the thoughts flicker across her face, noting she had a mind that preferred logic to emotion. Fact and figures trumped impulse. He’d spent years in the lifestyle studying women and their thought patterns, finding how each unique personality needed a particular type of play for maximum effect. He’d begun to wonder if the scientific game of figuring them out had become more important than the physical aspect. Damn depressing, but this woman had already pushed his buttons without saying anything. Perhaps, there was something more here.

She reached out and took his hand, allowing him to lead her to the private area away from the main activity of the club. He chose a room that reminded him of a library, comfortable with the dark leather chairs, thick burgundy carpeting, and bookshelves filling up the far wall. An antique light burned low on the desk, wrapping them in dark intimacy. The room was perfect for playing naughty secretary, and the quick image of her sprawled on the desk, her bare bottom lifted for the slap of his hand, burned his vision.

She lowered herself onto the sofa, the short hem of her slip hiking up past her thighs. Her skin was pale and smooth. He couldn’t wait to see the contrast of his darker skin against hers, sliding in between those gorgeous plump thighs to pleasure her.

As if she caught his thought, her breath hitched, so low he barely heard. Her fingers tugged the hem down in a display of nerves, before settling back into her quiet intensity.

Yes. This woman would be fun to watch shatter. Now he needed to find out how deep her control really went.

“I’d like to begin with some questions. I ask them so I can get all the important information to decide what you’re looking for and what you need tonight.”

“Don’t you believe I already know what I need?”

Her voice reminded him of classic Lauren Bacall—growly, sexy, and deep. Already, her intellectual challenge told him her brain was usually in control of her body. His favorite type of woman to play with. “No. Many times a sub thinks she knows, but her Dom sees something more. How much do you know about BDSM?”

“I started with research from books and the Internet. Then I took the orientation at Blasphemy. I’ve been a member for a few months.”

Good, at least she had some hands-on experience. He’d met way too many women turned on by erotic romance and diving into the club scene without realizing what was fact and what was fiction. Safety was always priority number one.

“Have you scened often?”

She stiffened. “No. Just twice.”

His brow quirked. “Why?”

She considered him before giving an answer. Beneath her inexperience lay a touch of a brat—one of his favorite types. She seemed to naturally want to challenge a Dom. He’d need to use a firm hand. “I didn’t really connect with the Doms.”

Interest piqued. “Did they push too hard? Force you to say your safe word?”

She shook her head. “No, the opposite. I was frustrated after the session. During my orientation, I dealt with the Masters which I found more satisfying.”

Hmm, she probably played with newer dominants and couldn’t forge a connection. “Did you try to communicate your frustration to them? Tell them what you wanted from the experience?”

“It wasn’t their fault they couldn’t get me off.”

Interesting. Her tone held a touch of hostility, contradicting her words. There was something deeper going on and he intended to figure it out. “Some matches don’t work out, just like in the vanilla world. Your Dom is responsible for giving you pleasure, and it’s not your fault if you weren’t satisfied. Unless, of course, you kept something important from him. Was that the case?”

She shook her head.

“Then we’ll need to remedy that experience.”

She nodded, but he glimpsed the flare of doubt in her dark eyes. He lowered his voice in warning. “Since you are aware of the club rules, I’ll expect to hear ‘Yes or No Sir’ or we’ll need to begin our session with punishment.”

Those red lips opened in a tiny O, then snapped close. “Yes, Sir.”

“What do you do, Scarlett?”

“I’m a statistician. I’ve worked for the government the past five years but I’m moving to the private sector.”

His interest peaked. A math nerd and a submissive. A heady combination. He, too, loved the calming effect of numbers and solving the puzzles they offered to understand the world. It was hard finding people who became passionate about the beauty of mixing simplicity with complexity through math. He bet she had issues shutting off that powerful mind and concentrating on her body. He made a mental note.

“I notice you haven’t checked off many hard limits for a beginner.” Her bracelets clearly showed she was open to pretty much anything, including sex. “You’re open to pain. Flogger, spanking, cane, whip? Preferences?”

“I was told while I experimented with my threshold I could always use the club’s safe word—red—or yellow, to slow down.”

He nodded, pleased. “Correct. Since we’re only playing tonight, I’ll concentrate on core basics rather than testing limits. That’s for your future Dom to decide during your training. Do you agree?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“And sex is on the table?”

Not even a slight blush marred her pale cheek. “Yes, Sir.”

His cock twitched. He tamped down on his arousal and concentrated on the conversation. Plenty of time for his little head later. “Tell me about your background. I’d like to make sure you have no triggers.”

“I don’t.” He arched his brow in warning. “I mean, I don’t, Sir.”

“It wasn’t a question, Scarlett. I never go into a play session without feeling comfortable about my sub. This is for safety—for both of us.”

Her chin tilted up slightly. Definitely defensive. Definitely a secret there he was dying to probe. “I’m divorced. It became a bit rocky at the end, but it’s been a year now so I’ve worked through it. I went to therapy, so you won’t have any surprises.”

Admiration cut through him. He always believed everyone should get counseling just to get through life’s pitfalls but it took guts to ask for help. “I’m sorry. Did you engage in BDSM play with your husband?”

“No, Sir.”

She didn’t seem to want to expand, so he pushed further. “Light bondage? Blindfold? Role play? Anything?”

“No, Sir.”

Her stark admission told him more than he needed. Though he wanted more, he was pretty damn sure her ex hadn’t been into bedroom kink and it had eventually become a problem. He studied her stiff body and distant eyes. No, this wasn’t the way to go into their first session. She needed to be open to the experience or he’d be fighting ghosts he wasn’t sure of. Going with his gut, he dove for the jugular.

“Little one, I understand it’s hard to spill your innermost stuff to someone who’s a stranger, but in under an hour, you’re going to be naked, wet, and coming on my tongue. We could do this the hard way, or the easy way. The more I know about what you want and are looking for tonight, the better it will be. Use the mask as a tool to allow yourself to take the leap. But also know, I will strip away not only your clothes, but all those walls you’ve built to protect yourself. Now, make your decision.”

Shock flared in her dark eyes, before quickly becoming masked. But she didn’t duck her chin or try to hide. He watched her mentally step back and recalculate. Leo didn’t know if she was ready to dive deep yet, but he sensed if he didn’t push, they both may regret it later. Sex wasn’t just an orgasm or feeling good for a few minutes. It was the biggest mind fuck of all—because it started with the brain, and who a person was at the very core. The right type of sex took all that mess, twisted it up, and released it hard and fast, like the crack of a champagne cork. Afterward, both body and mind were cleaner. Quieter. Saner.

And that type of sex could never be boring.

Especially with this woman.

But he’d pushed harder than with others, and could have blown the whole damn thing. If she was an intellectual, she may not be able to let herself take the leap and tell him. Maybe he’d—

“I was married for three years to a man who slowly eroded everything I originally liked about myself.”

Leo stilled. She spoke with a steady calm, but he caught the slight tremor in her body. Moving on pure instinct, he tangled his fingers with hers, offering her warmth, squeezing slightly in comfort. Damned if she wasn’t tearing down every preconceived notion about what she’d be able to handle. This type of raw truth was rare this early on, and he’d make damn sure she felt supported. “Tell me about it, little one.”

Her fingers squeezed back, accepting his offering. “I didn’t think it was wrong to want more out of sex. Oh, sure, we started with vanilla, which was fine, but after the first year, I realized I craved other things. Dirty things. When I brought it up, he was shocked. Began telling me I was messed up to ask him to spank me, or tie me up. I tried to let it go, but my need kept getting worse. I tried talking to him. Asked him to experiment.”

“He didn’t want to?”

She shook her head. “Over time, I had to fake my arousal, but he could tell. I think it made him feel like less of a man, and he started taking it out on me. First, it was my weight. I was too big, not sexy enough for him to want me. Called me fat and useless. Then it poured out in all aspects of our life together. From how I did my job, to how I cleaned the house, and everything in between. I was a failure of a wife. I was a failure at turning him on. It went on and on. And finally, one day I realized I didn’t even know who I was anymore. I looked in the mirror and saw nothing. Or at least, nothing I liked.”

Anger thrummed in his veins, heating his blood. Oh, if he could bash her ex’s face in, he’d be over the fucking moon. Typical shit. His ego got threatened so he took it out on his wife. “Sounds like you were strong enough to realize he has a serious condition.”

She cocked her head. Coal-black waves spilled over her right cheek and tumbled over her shoulder. The scent of citrus drifted to his nostrils. Clean. Tangy. Sharp. Like her. “Condition?” she asked.

“Yeah, your ex is a true asshole.” He relished her smile, then leaned into her space. The air between them crackled to life, twisting tight with a delicious sexual tension that couldn’t be forced. Oh, his hands itched to get all over those gorgeous curves and show her how sexy they were. “Damned if you haven’t impressed the hell out of me, Scarlett Rose. First, you were strong enough not to let him win. To claim who you were and walk away. Second, you were brave enough to tell me the truth. That’s a woman I want to be with. A woman I want to give excruciating pleasure to with my mouth and tongue and teeth. Tie her up with her thighs spread wide and fuck her till she begs for mercy. Spank her ass till she’s dripping wet and hot.” Her pupils dilated at his words. “Would you like that?”

“Yes, Sir.” This time, her words came out ragged. He raked his glance over her tight nipples, and noted her rapidly racing pulse. Citrus mingled with the musky smell of arousal. She liked the dirty talk. Good, cause so did he.

“Then our play will begin. Call me Sir at all times. Use the word yellow to slow things down. Red if you want things to stop completely.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Don’t be afraid to use it. Gaze lowered as I lead you to our room. No speaking unless spoken to.” He studied her lush body, allowing a slight smile to rest on his lips. He hadn’t looked this forward to a session in too long.

“Shall we begin?”

Chapter Two | Reveal Me

Holy crap.

This was really happening.

Scarlett tried not to shake as she followed him through the writhing crowd on the dance floor, down the long hallway, and deeper into Blasphemy. The thrum of the music and chatter dimmed, until just the teasing flick of a whip drifted from various doors, along with low groans and grunts sounding like both pain and pleasure.

Excitement flicked her nerve endings. Already, the anticipation of what could happen tightened her nipples and gave her that roller coaster feeling in her tummy. All those years of trying to ignore her darker desires sprang up and practically screamed for release. She was going to have sex with a stranger tonight. A stranger who’d bring her to orgasm by doing things to her she’d only dreamed about. A stranger hidden behind a simple black mask, but who burned with an inner fire that both aroused and terrified her.

She kept her gaze demurely lowered, but his image had already imprinted on her brain. When Hartley had mentioned Jonathan and Cruz wanted her to meet their Navy friend, she’d been hesitant. Her first official sessions at Blasphemy had been disappointing. She’d been hoping to meet a Dom who knew exactly how to arouse her, but the moment she’d gotten naked, those damn negative voices flared. The harder she’d tried to ignore them, the worse they got, and instead of getting wet when he’d put his hands on her, she’d gotten stiffer and more miserable.

The second time, she requested the flogger, hoping that would give her the push needed to get out of her head. She’d liked it, but didn’t achieve anything close to orgasm, so she’d figured maybe it wasn’t for her.

But tonight, she had her mask. She’d finally feel safe enough to push her limits. Her fantasies revolved around submitting to a man she’d never see or hear about again. Since Leo was both experienced and trustworthy, Scarlett figured he’d be perfect to help her. She’d only be in Baltimore for a few more nights before heading to Vegas. This was her last shot to experiment at Blasphemy before she moved.

Though, she had a sinking feeling Leonardo Sinclair would not be a man easily forgotten.

From his sinful black hair, sexy stubble, and rock-hard body, he was a man who ate up the space in a room, and owned it. Simply dressed in black pants and a black t-shirt, he shimmered with trapped, animal like energy. The way he regarded her in utter stillness caused goosebumps to prickle her skin. That hooded, dark gaze traveled every inch of her body, probing her gaze behind his mask with such punch, Scarlett was terrified he already knew every one of her secrets.

Corded arms held intricate tattoos in artistic beauty. She loved tats, but had never dated a man with one. It took discipline not to reach out to trail a finger over the gorgeous designs and ask a dozen questions. Of course, that action would have gotten her punished.

Oh, my, what would it be like to have this man punish her?

When he sat and spoke with her, the warmth of his hands had surprised and comforted her. Though he seemed deliberate with every movement, he was quick to offer touch, which had immediately softened her. How did he seem to know what she needed when they’d only met? Was it because he was a practiced Dom? Or was it this particular man?

The questions danced in her mind with every step toward the play room. Scarlett snuck a quick peek at his tight ass, framed perfectly in those neatly pressed pants. He was easily over six two, and seemed to automatically part the crowds ahead of him like Moses and the Red Sea. He walked like a man who knew exactly what he wanted and had no doubts he’d achieve it. The sheer boldness of his confidence made her immediately wet, until she felt the damp lace of her panties cling to her inner thighs.

God, he hadn’t even touched her yet. She hadn’t been this wet in so long, she feared some of her erogenous parts had been broken. Looks like they only needed a good lube.

She tamped down on the ridiculous thought, fighting back a nervous giggle that was completely foreign to her, and entered the farthest room on the right. She blinked against the sudden darkness, tensing only slightly as he shut the door with a soft click behind her.

Relief flooded through her veins. He’d chosen one of the simplest rooms in the club. There were no hard-core themes, which may make things easier. She’d refused to mark limits with her bands. She’d been locked up for so long in a sexual prison, Scarlett hated to reject anything, even if it scared her. Now she just had to hope her courage didn’t fail.

Her gaze travelled over the giant St. Andrew’s cross and beautiful red cabinet that held an array of floggers, nipple clamps, vibrators, and other toys. The four-poster king size bed was dressed in earth and burgundy tones, with thick blankets and fluffy pillows. The walls were covered in red velvet, wrapping them in a sound proof haven. Somehow, the simplicity lent to an air of intimacy the other more elaborate rooms lacked.

Leo moved in front of her, and she focused on his shiny black shoes.

“You may look up.”

His voice was like gravel mixed with sand—rough, gritty, earthy. She fought a shiver and stared back at him.

“I have an important question.”

She tilted her head, curious. “Yes, Sir?”

“Did you look up at any time during our walk here?”

Crap. She blinked, taking a moment to sift through her options. Then fell back on truth. “Yes, Sir.”

Had his lip twitched slightly or was it her imagination? “Why?”

Her cheeks warmed. “Because I was staring at your ass.”

This time, she caught the curl of his lower lip. “Such a bad girl for disobeying.” He clucked, reaching out to tug her long hair, moving his fingers through the thick strands, rearranging them over her breasts. “Such a good girl for telling me the truth.” Still stroking, he let his hands coast over her straining nipples, brushing lightly against the satin fabric so the delicious sensation streamed through her blood, turning to liquid heat. She tried to keep still, but the teasing rhythm continued until her body arched for more. He murmured under his breath, then those gentle fingers grasped her nipple and twisted. The sudden bite of pain hit, then shimmered into a strange aching pleasure, wringing out a gasp. His voice held a dark satisfaction. “I’ll decide whether to punish or reward you in a bit. For now, take off your clothes.”

He stepped back a few inches and crossed his arms. The sudden distance reminded her he was in charge, and the thought softened her muscles. She just had to obey. If she kept that mantra in mind, she’d do fine.

Lifting her chin, she slowly lowered the straps down off her shoulders and let the blood-red satin fall to her feet. Trying to remain graceful, she bent and scooped up the skimpy slip, folding it neatly. Her red lace thong was brand new. She’d waxed herself clean and indulged in a seaweed wrap so her skin was smooth and polished. Excitement and shame mixed in a heady cocktail, dampening her underwear.

“Beautiful. Now the rest, and hand them both to me.”

Swallowing, reminding herself she was safe behind her mask, Scarlett dragged the thong over her hips and stepped out of it, then handed them over with a trembling hand. He brought the fabric up to his nose and took a deep breath. “You’re very wet.” Her ex would’ve found fault with such arousal but Leo’s dark eyes glinted with satisfaction. “Does this excite you? Standing in front of me naked while I’m still fully dressed?”

She swayed slightly but held his gaze. “Yes.”

“Good. I want you to spread your legs as wide as possible and interlace your fingers behind your head. I’m going to examine you. You can keep your gaze on me.”

She refused to bite her lip in weakness—absolutely refused. It was so damn cliché. Grinding her teeth in determination, she focused on the heat pulsing between her thighs and obeyed. The humiliation of being displayed for his pleasure should have shocked her. Instead, her mind began to fizz pleasantly, softening all those sharp voices and constant assessments that kept her continuously distracted.

He watched her while he closed the distance; his gaze an almost tangible thing as he probed every open part of her, raking from the top of her head to her red painted toes. Lingering on the hard tips of her breasts, down her belly, and to the junction between her thighs, already plump and damp. Scarlett fell into the fantasy, the sense of freedom pulsing in her veins. Finally, she was able to let go. Finally, she—

You have to shop at the fat women’s store. Do you think that’s sexy?

I can’t even get an erection looking at you naked but you’re still blaming me for our lousy sex life.

Suddenly, Peter’s mocking gaze was in front of her. Suddenly, her nakedness wasn’t erotic and beautiful, but something to cover up and be ashamed about. She blinked, trying to shove the image away, her arms shaking with the effort to hold the pose when all she wanted to do was duck and hide. All she saw was her ex’s stare of rejection as he looked over her body. Even hidden behind her mask, she couldn’t escape the shame of rejection. Her initial arousal faded. Nerves overtook that delicious sense of freedom and in that moment, she just wanted to go home.

The firm grasp on her chin yanked her back.

Leo loomed over her, a frown creasing his brow. “What happened, little one? You went somewhere that hurt you.”

Shame washed over her. She’d been wrong. She wasn’t ready for any of this. It was exactly what had happened the last two times. Now, Leo would blame himself for not being able to arouse her. God, she didn’t blame him. How many times had she worked on her self-worth in therapy, beginning to accept who she was—physically and mentally and emotionally—intent on never making apologies again. But the first time she stood naked in the club, her old fears reared up, crippling her. He didn’t want someone with these sort of hang ups, especially for one night.

It took everything she had not to duck her head in humiliation. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

His frown deepened. “For what? Tell me the exact thought you had right now. Don’t think—just tell me.”

“I’m too fat and probably won’t please you.”

Mingled shock and fierce rage blasted from his eyes. His grip tightened on her chin. He leaned forward so his lips were inches from hers. He uttered each word with deliberate softness contradictory to the fierceness of his gaze. “Did you say you were fat?”

“Yes,” she said miserably. She’d failed. The moment she tried to bare herself, the past roared back and crippled her confidence, even behind her mask. All this training and hopefulness leading up to this night dissipated like smoke.

“Who told you that?” he demanded. “Your ex?”

She gave a tiny nod, his fingers still gripping her chin. Scarlett waited for him to back away politely, and allow her to get dressed to leave.

“Are you saying yellow?” He stroked her cheek with such tenderness, she blinked in confusion. “Do you want to leave?”

The truth tumbled up from deep inside, surprising her with its brutal intensity. “I don’t want to feel unwanted.”

A curse blistered from his lips. He lowered his forehead and pressed it against her in a shattering intimate gesture. “God help that asshole if I ever get my hands on him,” he muttered. He cupped her face beneath the edges of the mask, tilting her closer. His breath rushed warm across her lips with the clean scent of mint and the darker scent of whiskey. “Do you know how you made me feel when I first saw you? Like a schoolboy—clumsy and tripping on hormones, desperate to touch you, fuck you, please you.” His lips brushed hers softly, like a whisper. “Your body is pure Eve, lush and full and tempting. You, Scarlett Rose, are sheer perfection and now I’m going to have to punish you so you never forget it.”

His proclamation rung in the air the same time his mouth took hers.

The kiss was brutal. Stripped to the core of animal lust, his tongue pushed into her mouth with no finesse or gentleness, just a need to possess and claim and conquer. He plundered deep, stroking and biting, thrusting and ravaging her mouth, holding her head still so she had no choice to escape. He forced her to take all of him and surrender.

Something deep shifted within her. The kiss was savage but truthful, his fingers bruising her skin, his tongue deep in her mouth, his erection pressed hard against her thigh. In one quick movement, he cupped her ass and lifted her up, grinding her wet pussy onto his dick through the fabric of his pants. Pure need exploded within her and she rocked her hips greedily against him, trying for more, desperate to fill the aching emptiness between her thighs.

“This is what you do to me,” he growled, sinking his teeth into her lower lip, then soothing with his tongue. The delicious taste of him swamped her, dragging her deeper into this wicked world of pleasure. “As your Dom for the evening, you gave your body over to me, and I will not allow you to demean either of us by calling yourself fat.” He worked her over his straining dick, controlling her descent, scraping her clit just enough to keep her right on the edge. Scarlett moaned and wiggled closer, and then he slipped his index finger between her legs and plunged deep.

“You’re so wet and tight. Purely fuckable. I can’t wait to see you come.”

He added another finger, and she began to lose control, his words and touch ripping down the barriers until nothing mattered but getting that orgasm, that damn elusive, gorgeous, looming orgasm that was about to tear her apart. A greedy moan escaped her lips, and he laughed low, curling his fingers deep and hitting the magic spot that gave off shockwaves of delight. His control was absolute, and she sensed no matter how she writhed or begged, her orgasm wouldn’t come until he was good and ready. The knowledge thrilled her, breaking her up inside and emptying her mind completely. Nothing existed but him and what he could give her.

“Tell me right now—how do you feel?”

Her naked breasts bounced up and down as she writhed on his lap. The musky scent of arousal filled the room. Her legs were splayed wide open, and his fingers pumped deep into her pussy as he watched every flicker of expression on her face. Seconds before, she’d thought herself fat and ugly. Now, steeped deep in sensation, she knew this man wanted her on a level she’d never experienced—wanted not only to give her pleasure but to wring it from her body over and over again.

Her drugged eyes locked on his. Her voice came out in a throaty whisper. “I feel beautiful.”

Satisfaction carved out the lines of his face. She had a sudden urge to tug off his mask and memorize the rough, craggy features that could look so fierce yet tender. “That’s right. You are beautiful and fuckable and mine for tonight.”

He plunged three fingers deep inside, stretching her, and when she bucked helplessly, he scraped her swollen clit with his thumb. Once. Twice. God, right there, she was going to come, she was going to—

He set her back down on the ground and stepped away.

Her breath came out in choppy gasps. Her whole body tightened and screamed for release, but she waited, knowing there was more.

A small smile rested on his lips.

“Let’s try this again, shall we? Except this time, with restraints.”


His brow shot up. Swallowing back a needy groan, she fell quiet. He nodded his approval, and led her over to the leather wrapped, massive cross. Her belly slowly tumbled as he positioned her in front and began binding her wrists and ankles so she was stretched like a virgin sacrifice. Arms and legs widespread into a V, she tried instinctually to free herself but the cuffs held tight. The thrill of being restrained for anything he wanted to do shuddered through her, making her head feel fizzy.

Leo took his time, testing the space between her skin and the cuffs; double checking the attachments. “How does it feel?”

Exciting. Scary. Freeing. Intoxicating.

Her body felt flushed and alive; swollen and so sensitive, one touch to her clit would set her off. Then she realized he’d been able to quiet the chaos. Right now, she felt powerful and beautiful in her vulnerability of being exposed. Tied up to be used as he saw fit. More comfortable in her skin, the way she used to be before Peter began eroding her self-confidence. How had Leo managed to help her in such a short session?

“Good, Sir,” she finally managed to answer.

“Use your safe word if you need.” His gaze traveled over her naked body with obvious hunger. “Let me explain now what will happen, Scarlett. You will be punished twice. One, for insulting your body—which belongs to me. Second, for not calling me Sir. I’ll keep the first one easy. All you have to do is not come. Do you understand?”

Her wobbly knees gave out, but the cross held her upright. Not come? When her entire body was screaming for release? When just a touch may set her off like a rocket?

But he was dead serious. She’d heard of Doms not allowing orgasms—but could she do it?

Yes. Because she had to. She couldn’t fail. Scarlett stiffened her spine and her resolve. Her brain locked on the command given to her. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Eyes on me the whole time.”

She gulped in a deep breath, tried to lock her body into position, and swore to obey.