Scoring With the Player

Scoring With the Player

Chapters: 26
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Kendall Ryan


!! Mature Content 18+ Erotica Novel!! His protective streak runs a mile wide. She won't let her past define her. I know it’s time to move on from my rocky past and get back out there and start dating again. It’s just that every time I think about it, I get all nervous and sweaty. Good thing I have a secret weapon to help me—my best friend, professional hockey stud Owen Parrish. He’s the king of hookups, and promises he’ll be my guide through the world of online dating. With his help, I know this won’t be as hard. • • • I’ve never been this hard in my entire life. My friend Becca wants my help hooking her up with some douchey guy from a dating app. I said I’d help her—but now I’m noticing all kinds of things I can’t ignore, like how pretty she is behind those baggy clothes and messy buns. I want to be the one to help her, to show her the ropes in the bedroom, and it turns out, Becca’s game to let me take a more hands-on approach. But what happens when she’s ready to take her newfound confidence and move on? I’ve never been boyfriend material, but for her, I want to try.

Erotica Romance BxG Friends To Lovers Second Chance Bad Boy

Scoring With the Player Free Chapters

Chapter One: Drunken Confessions | Scoring With the Player


“Come on, that’s it. Nice and easy. One step at a time.”

With my hands on her hips, I guide Becca slowly down the hallway toward my bedroom and away from our friends still partying hard, including my sister, Elise, and my best friend, Justin, who have recently become an item.

“But I’m not even tired,” Becca says, a huge yawn interrupting her in the middle of that statement. “I could keep going for hours.”

I chuckle. “Right. Humor me, then.”

Our group of friends had gone out for some drinks to celebrate after we obliterated our opponents in tonight’s hockey game, and then several of us ended up back here at my place to continue the celebration.

It’s almost two in the morning, and like any good friend would do, I’m helping a very drunk Becca to my room where she can sleep it off, since there’s no way I’m putting her in an Uber with a stranger at this time of night. That’s definitely not happening.

“Take my bed. I can sleep on the couch in the media room,” I say after steering her into my room.

I close the door behind us, shutting out the noise of the party. Most people have gone home by now, but there are still a couple of guys hanging out in the living room.

“You mean you’re actually going to take a break from sleeping around tonight?” she murmurs, her voice playful and a little surprised.

“I don’t sleep around that much.”

Okay, yeah, I do, but still, I don’t know why she’s calling me on it. Becca and I have been friends for years, and she’s never commented on my overly enthusiastic sex life. Just like I don’t comment on hers, or the lack of it. Which is exactly the way I prefer it. I’ve never let myself think about Becca as anything but a friend.

While she sits on the edge of my bed to remove her boots and socks, I hunt around in my dresser for a clean T-shirt she can wear to sleep in. When I turn to hand it to her, she’s halfway through undressing, her pants unbuttoned as she tries to shove them down her hips, awkwardly and with a lot of grunting.

I toss the T-shirt on the bed beside her and turn my back to give her some privacy.

She seems unconcerned right now about putting on a free show, but I know in the morning she’ll be horrified to learn she did that. Becca is normally so modest and composed. I don’t remember the last time I saw her get drunk like this.

“I’m safe now. You can look.”

When I turn, she’s standing across from me dressed in a soft gray T-shirt with my team’s logo that engulfs her five-foot-four frame, hitting her below the knees. She looks so small, I can’t help but grin at her.

“You good now?”

“Yup. But don’t lie to me, Owen.” She takes a step closer and jabs her finger at my chest. “I know you better than you think.”

I smirk at her. “Oh yeah? And what is it that you think you know?”

I’m suddenly a little worried about what she might say next.

My sexual appetite isn’t exactly a secret. Ever since making it to the pros, I’ve indulged probably a little more than was necessary, but I have no qualms about this. I’m young and single, living my best life after years of hard work and dedication to my sport.

I’m having fun, and no one gets hurt by false promises of more than one night. And I’m sure as hell not ready to settle down. But now with Becca looking at me like I’m a puzzle she wants to solve, I find myself feeling a little uneasy.

She purses her lips, thinking. “Honestly? I kind of wish I could be like you.”

She wishes she could sleep around? That’s news to me. Not to mention, any guy in his right mind would be perfectly happy to introduce her to the business end of his dick.

I'm transported back to our chat last week when we met for coffee. Listening to Becca complain about her dating life, I thought it was nothing more than a little dry spell, but now I'm starting to think maybe there's a lot more to it than that.

“Um, why?” I manage next.

“I wish I could have a more relaxed attitude like you have about sex. You just seem to enjoy yourself and have a good time and not overthink it, I guess. That’s all.”

I shift my weight, realizing how close we’re standing. “Yeah, that’s true. I enjoy it for what it is.”

Something doesn’t add up. Becca is a good girl. She’s not the kind of girl who does casual hookups—she’s the kind of girl you settle down with once you’ve sowed your wild oats and are ready for monogamy. She’s serious, and straight-forward, always has been.

She reaches up, patting my chest, whispering and giggling at the same time. “You know, there are rumors that you have a really big dick. I’ve been on message boards and seen girls talk about him—I mean it.”

I almost swallow my tongue. Drunk Becca is freaking hilarious and has absolutely no filter. What exactly does one say to that? “Thank you” feels inappropriate. And I’m certainly not going to disagree with her, so I opt to stay quiet.

“Okay, then.” I clap my hands together once. “Enough with the bedtime stories. It’s time for you to sleep off the booze.”

She drops onto my bed, sighing dramatically, and as she does, the T-shirt I gave her rides up her thighs, giving me a clear view of her panties beneath.

They’re light blue. Cotton. Basic. And still sexy as hell.

I swallow and take a deep breath. “Becca, close your legs.”

She sits cross-legged and looks up at me. “Hmm?”

“I can see your panties.” I make a point of looking down at her lap and swallow. “Please close your legs.”

She seems unconcerned about this, probably because she’s so comfortable with me. And it’s not like they’re even sexy panties, but my body doesn’t care.

Becca is gorgeous, poised, sweet, and smart. Just because we’ve always stayed firmly in the friend zone doesn’t mean I don’t notice how attractive she is. You’d have to be blind not to.

I should tuck her in and leave. I definitely shouldn’t be standing here ogling her like she’s on tonight’s menu. She’s a good friend to my younger sister, Elise, and she’s a good friend to me, one of the only females I’m close with to be honest. She works at the arena, and I cannot, will not fuck anything up by objectifying her.

“You’ll be comfortable in here, right?” I hear myself asking.

She nods and smiles. “Thank you, Owen. What would I do without you?”

I suck in a harsh breath between my teeth. “Becca. Your legs.”

“I mean, here I am all broken, and you’re being so sweet to me.”

“You’re not broken.” My voice has a hard edge to it, and I clear my throat, trying again in a softer tone. “Why would you say that?”

I know her history, and it’s awful. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it.

Becca survived a brutal attack her freshman year at college, and the upperclassman who tried to rape her only got a slap on the wrist. It was some bullshit technicality that the judge latched onto. The deed hadn’t been completed before the fuckface was pulled off of Becca by a bystander, who I wish I could thank. Still, the attack left a lasting impression on Becca. I didn’t know her then, but I do know she’s been through years of counseling to deal with it, and still carries the emotional scars. How could you not?

She grabs my pillow and hugs it to her chest. “It’s just, I want to move on, you know? I don’t want to be defined by my past. But every time I get close to someone . . .”

“What?” I ask, stepping closer to the bed.

She shakes her head. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just a big pussy when it comes to hooking up.”

Realization of her choice of words hits her, and Becca starts laughing. “Pussy. Oh my God!” She clamps one hand over her mouth, still giggling.

I chuckle along with her. “You don’t have to hook up and sleep around if you don’t want to. There’s nothing wrong with being choosy. Hell, I think it’s a damn good thing.”

She licks her lips, curling her legs under her in the center of my bed. “I know. It’s just, I feel like I’m finally at a place where I want more, and I have no idea how to go and get it.”

I’d already met her through Elise, but it was when Becca started working in the office at the arena that we became instant friends. I used to tease her about why she never dated, and then she finally told me the truth. She’s dated casually but has a hard time trusting people and opening up, and anytime a man attempts to take it to the next level, she completely freezes up. Which makes sense, obviously.

“I mean, seriously, do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been kissed?” Her eyes are wide and eager.


“A long freaking time.”

“Any man alive would be happy to kiss you.” My voice comes out a little tight.

She nods. “It’s what comes after the kissing that makes me nervous.” Then she looks up and meets my eyes, her bright blue gaze inquisitive and demanding. “The only guy I’m comfortable with is you. I mean, if you wanted to take a break from all the hookups and help me get back in the saddle . . .”

She starts giggling again, and my heart fucking stops.

“Saddle. Get it?” She chuckles, raising her eyebrows dramatically while she pokes me in the ribs.

I hope like fuck I’m hearing things, because otherwise I’m pretty sure Becca just suggested we have sex, and there’s nothing about that scenario that makes any sense.

“How much have you had to drink tonight?” I ask, my voice sounding as tense as my body feels.

She taps her fingers to her chin, pondering this. “Two margaritas at the bar.” She counts those on her slender fingers. Her nails are painted pale pink. “And then I think a couple of tequila shots when we got back here.”

“Who let you have that much tequila?”

She shakes her head. “I’m fine. I’m not even that ’toxicated. Plus, this is the most genius plan I’ve ever had, really, Owen. It’s brilliant.”

Averting my eyes, I groan. “Please, for the love of God, close your legs.”

“Huh. Why?”

“Because I can see your panties.” For the fourth time.

“Oh, sorry.”

Does she seriously think I’m mad? I’m about to go certifiably insane.

Becca twists one long dark lock of hair around her finger as her gaze wanders over my body. “I hope you haven’t shaved your chest, because I love the hair on it.”

I’ve never heard words like this come out of her mouth in the four years we’ve been friends. My heart begins to hammer against my ribs.

“I mean, I know you’re probably a lot bigger than the toy I use, but we could at least try.”

Toy? My mouth has gone bone dry. Focus, Owen.

“Becca, I’m not going to fuck you.”

“Why not?”

Why not? Sweet fuck. I can’t with her right now.

“Because. You have issues with intimacy and trust and . . .” My mind goes completely blank. Where the fuck am I going with this?

She’s nodding. “Exactly. And you could help me get past those insecurities because I trust you completely, and we’re besties.”

I shake my head. “You should sleep it off.”

Several tense seconds tick by. Neither of us moves.

“Can I just at least look at it?” Her words come barreling out, her tone hinting at annoyance.

She’s annoyed with me? Oh, that’s rich. I’m trying to do the right thing, and she’s making my job ten times harder. Literally.

“Look at what?”

Her gaze drops to my crotch. “Your penis.”

My eyebrows shoot up. “You want to look at my dick?”

“No. Well, yes. I mean, please, Owen. I need to prove to myself that there’s nothing scary about this, right?”

Something painful squeezes inside my chest. She needs help remembering that men aren’t scary, and she feels safe enough with me to not only talk about it, but also ask for my help.

Fuck. I rake my hands through my hair as my mind runs at a million miles an hour.

I would do anything for this girl. The moment I really got to know her, I became protective of her. Even though her request is crazy, there’s this achy feeling in the center of my chest for her.

“It’s just a plain ol’ wiener, right? Nothing to be scared of. But every time I even think about it . . .” She squeezes her eyes closed and gives her head a firm shake. “I freeze.”

“Becca.” I stop beside the bed and place one hand on her shoulder. Her eyes open and latch onto mine. “You can’t be serious here.”

“Just one quick peek before I go to sleep?” she asks again, those big blue eyes still peering hopefully up at mine.

Christ. Why won’t she just drop this? Doesn’t she know my self-control is hanging by a thread? I’m a guy . . . and a woman wants to see my junk, so, of course I’m actually contemplating it.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Understatement of the century.

She scoffs. “The guys in the locker room have probably seen it eight thousand times. It’s not a big deal.” She pouts, pushing out her lower lip.

Apparently, because I’m a masochist who has no problem showing off his dick, I start to soften to the idea. “One quick look, and then I’m leaving and you’re going to sleep.”

She bounces up and down on her knees, practically giddy. “Yes. I promise.”

This is so fucking weird. Like a twisted version of show and tell.

“You’ve got ten seconds, Becca.”

She nods in agreement.

I’m wearing athletic shorts, so it’ll be simple to pull them down my hips. Yet there’s nothing simple about the way Becca’s gaze appraises me. Her brow is crinkled in concentration and her expression is serious. It’s like she’s studying for a damn calculus exam.

Sliding my hands under the waistband, I draw my shorts down a couple of inches and stop. The top of my manscaped pubic hair is visible now, but nothing else.

I watch Becca carefully, waiting for any signs that she’s uncomfortable, that this is a horrible idea and I should slam on the brakes. But she bites her lip, her eyes wide as though she’s waiting to unwrap a long-awaited Christmas present.

Fuck it. I’m already going to hell anyway, so I might as well fast-track this ride. I shove the shorts the rest of the way down until gravity does the rest and they drop to my ankles.

Thank fucking God I’m soft.

It’s not a wish I’ve ever made in the presence of a beautiful woman before, but right now, I’m extremely thankful that my cock is, well, mostly soft. Our conversation over the past few minutes excited me for reasons unknown, but I managed to contain myself, for the most part. My dick hangs heavily beside my thigh, only slightly swollen in interest.

Becca leans closer. “Oh. That’s . . .” She swallows, her gaze still glued to my crotch, and I’d give anything to know what she’s thinking. “That’s interesting,” she finally says.

Interesting? My eyebrows shoot up. Not exactly what I wanted to hear. “Interesting?” I echo.

She nods, leaning closer. “It’s just not what I was expecting.”

I can’t ask her what she was expecting, because the words lodge in my throat as she moves closer to the edge of the bed where I’m standing.

“May I?”

When she reaches toward me, I freeze. She isn’t serious, is she?

“I can’t see the whole thing.”

Confused, I glance at myself to see it’s lying down, covering my balls. I have no fucking idea what she intends to do, but I find myself nodding.






Carefully, like she’s cradling a newborn puppy and not a dick—the dick attached to one of her best friends, mind you—Becca lifts it in her hand.

The second I feel her warm palm against me, I start hardening, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. She’s touching me, and my body doesn’t seem to know the difference. It’s game fucking on.

I count backward from a hundred and pinch the bridge of my nose with two fingers, inhaling a huge shuddering breath. “Hurry up. Your ten seconds are almost done,” I hiss out.

The warmth of her delicate hand is shattering my self-control. I know this should feel weird and wrong, but it doesn’t. Not at all. I hate that it doesn’t. I need to put a stop to this, but apparently I suck at saying no to her.

I dare a glance down at Becca, and she’s looking at me in wonder. “Oh, it’s, um . . .” She lets out a nervous chuckle, her hand still gingerly wrapped around me. “It’s getting harder.”

I release a slow exhale, pressing the heel of my palm to my forehead. “Yeah, there’s a woman touching it, in case you didn’t notice.”

“Oh, right.” She drops me immediately and holds up both hands, her palms facing me. “Sorry. I’m done now.”

I tug up my shorts and tuck my now fully erect dick behind the waistband. Just fucking fantastic.

I pull back the sheet on my bed and gesture for her to climb in. When she does, I pull the blankets up over her, tucking her in securely like my mom used to do to me when I was little.

“Get some sleep.” I turn off the lamp beside my bed, leaving only a small sliver of light peeking in under the door from the hallway.

As I make my way to the door, she yawns and then whispers, “Thanks, Owen. You’re the best. That didn’t even freak me out, so I think you definitely helped me.”

My heart squeezes again, and I nod in her direction. “Good night, angel.”

Outside in the hall, I close the door to my bedroom and lean up against it. My head falls back with a thud, and I close my eyes.

Fucking hell.

I can’t believe that just happened. I can’t believe I let that happen. I can’t believe how fucking good her hand felt. Fuck.

Voices come from Justin’s bedroom, and I realize that he and Elise are talking. The door is open, so I stop as I walk past, leaning against the door frame to peer in at them.

“Hey,” I say softly.

Elise looks at me and apparently reads something in my expression. “What’s wrong? Is Becca okay?”

Define okay? I rake one hand through my hair and blow out a sigh. “Can I talk to you?”

“Sure,” my younger sister says, her voice a little uneasy like she already knows something’s wrong. She’s too damn perceptive for her own good.

She follows me out into the hall but I keep going, heading toward the media room, which thankfully is now empty. I doubt Becca would want anyone to overhear this conversation, and I intend to make sure we have privacy. We enter, and I take a seat on the couch while Elise remains standing.

I search for the right words to say as she looks down at me expectantly.

So, Becca just touched my dick . . .

Yeah, that’s not going to work.

“What happened? You’re freaking me out,” Elise snaps.

Stalling, I lick my lips, still in complete shock about what just happened in my room. God, I can still feel the warmth of Becca’s hand if I close my eyes.

“If you touched her, Owen, so help me God . . .” Elise plants one hand firmly on her hip.

“I didn’t touch her,” I croak out, shaking my head.

“Then what happened?”

“She wanted to . . .” I swallow. Nope. Can’t say that either. “She touched me—but just for a second.” Well, ten to be exact.

Elise lets out a noise of angry surprise. “What the hell? Why would you let her do that?”

“I know. Fuck. I shouldn’t have. But she said something about not wanting to be afraid anymore, and that she trusts me.”

Elise frowns and then sighs. “Oh, Becca.”

“It’ll be okay. Hopefully, she won’t remember any of this tomorrow.”

At least, that’s what I’m banking on.

Chapter Two: Tequila = Truth Serum | Scoring With the Player


After getting a lift home, I’m now at one of my favorite parks in Seattle. A place I hoped might calm me. Sadly, I have no such luck. Instead, I’m going through the motions, forcing myself to do my usual five-mile run.

And judging by the way the contents of my stomach are sloshing around and rebelling at that fact, I’m about to puke. Either from drinking an obscene amount of tequila last night or from the memory of molesting my bestie. Take your pick.

My lungs burn and my heart is in my throat, but I press on, pushing my legs faster, even though I know I can’t outrun the memory of what I did last night. Adele sings in my ears about lost love, and my chest heaves as I suck in painful gasps.

I haven’t been loved and experienced bone-crushing heartbreak like Adele, so I don’t know the agony of her loss, but I’ve been trying to put myself out there and date. I’m twenty-five years old, and while I don’t mind being single and have a great group of friends and a job I love, of course I’d like to find someone who makes me weak in the knees. Someone who makes me want to sing at the top of my lungs about love, just like Adele does.

I’m too old to be this inexperienced with love and relationships, and far too young to be so jaded about both. Apparently, I’m quite the freaking mess.

As I run, my mind wanders to Tom from Tinder and Sam from Soul Mates Inc.

Okay, those aren’t really their names, but it makes it sound more fun.

Their actual names are Bryce and Alec. I’ve been seeing both casually for a couple of weeks now. Coffee dates and cocktails and a walk in the park, benign things like that. They’re both perfectly nice, capable men with real jobs and kind eyes, guys I wouldn’t mind taking home to meet my mother. And yet I freeze up like a garden hose in a Minnesota winter when they so much as lean in for a kiss or try to initiate any kind of physical contact.

I keep telling myself that I’m normal, that I’ve healed and moved on . . . but that lie is getting harder and harder to believe since the idea of physical intimacy with a man scares the living daylights out of me.

Enter last night’s drunken escapades, brought to you by tequila and her best friend, poor judgment.

My cheeks burn at the memory of the things I said to Owen. Fucking Owen, who gets more ass than a toilet seat. One of my best friends in the entire city of Seattle who just so happens to be a pro athlete with endless patience and a stockpile of dirty jokes. As the goalie for the Ice Hawks team, he also has nerves of steel. And to his credit, when I started talking all kinds of crazy, he barely even flinched.

“If you wanted to take a break from all the hookups and help me get back in the saddle . . .”

He probably thought I was kidding. A girl can hope.

Yes, he’s attractive, and worst of all, he knows it. He’s a playboy extraordinaire, and I had no business risking our friendship by asking him to whip out his junk—and for what? Some stupid little experiment?

I’m not going to let myself think about his man parts right now. My despair doesn’t deserve to take a back seat to all that miraculous manhood in his pants. But, holy hell, it really was spectacular.

Deep breaths, Becs.

I crank my music louder, pressing my earbuds tightly into my ears as I push myself faster along the asphalt path. I don’t even like to run. Yet here I am every weekend, counting down the miles until I can be done.

Okay, maybe I like it a little bit. At least, I like the fact that my five-mile runs afford me a doughnut on occasion and all the Chinese food my pocketbook can handle. And those little heart-shaped cookies with the frosting sold in the bakery by my office. Those little bastards are why I run.

That and the chance to clear my head, apparently.

My running app announces that I’ve passed mile two, at an embarrassing pace of 12:06 per mile, but whatever, at least I haven’t thrown up my coffee yet. I’m counting that as a win. Possibly my only win on this dark and awful day.

A shadow of someone coming up behind me catches my attention. The bulky shadow grows larger and I edge to the right, making room to be passed—it’s not like my pace will be hard to overtake. Any serious runner would whiz right by me. But the shadow slows, falling into step next to me. I glance over and stop in midstride.

“Owen?” Breathless, I pant out his name in complete shock.

He’s never run with me before, so he’s literally the last person I expected to see. I assumed he’d be sleeping off his own hangover at best, or at worst, ignoring me until the zombie apocalypse hits.

“Hey.” He stops next to me, his expression is neutral, his cool gray eyes appraising me. “Thought I’d find you here.”

I place my hands on my knees, bending over to draw deep lungfuls of air as my heart beats uncomfortably fast. “What are you doing here?”

I dare a glance up at him, thankful my eyes are covered with sunglasses.

He’s in a pair of black athletic joggers, a white T-shirt, and a black baseball cap, which is pulled down low. He hasn’t shaved in at least a week, and the stubble covering his jaw is dark, at least a shade darker than his messy brown hair.

Owen turns to face me, his expression relaxed, not giving anything away. “The better question is, how the hell are you running after all that tequila?”

“I really don’t know.” I huff out a sigh.

I sneaked out of his place early this morning when I woke with a pounding headache and a constant reel of flashbacks playing in my head of the night before. All I could see was myself having way too much tequila, Owen being a gentleman and taking me to his room and offering me his bed, and then me throwing myself at him and practically mauling the poor guy.

Not practically—I did maul him. I held his penis in my hand.

Not my finest moment.

“Can we talk?” he asks, his voice much softer than normal. “About last night.”

I groan and push a stray strand of hair that’s escaped my ponytail behind my ear. “I was kind of hoping we didn’t have to.”

Owen chuckles, but something about it seems forced. “Come on. It won’t be that bad. I’ll buy you a cup of coffee.”

I nod, choosing to ditch the rest of my run and face last night head on. We walk in silence to a coffee shop on Bryant and sit at a round table for two after purchasing a large ice water and a muffin for me, and a coffee for Owen.

“Are you sure you don’t want a latte? I know they’re you’re favorite,” he says, lifting his cup to his lips for a small sip.

I shake my head, grabbing my water. “I think I need to rehydrate. But thanks.”

He wouldn’t let me order just a water, and insisted I get something to eat too. I love the banana muffins here, but my stomach is still rebelling. At what, I’ve yet to pinpoint.

“So, listen, the things that happened last night. Can we just . . . clear the air?”

“Mm-hmm,” I mutter with a squeak, then stuff a bite of muffin in my mouth. Chew. Swallow. Breathe. Act normal. You’ve got this.

“Okay, cool. Because I couldn’t sleep at all last night. If I did anything to fuck up our friendship . . .”

He thought he fucked up our friendship?

I hold up one hand, stopping him. “Owen, you didn’t. At all.”

Positioning the straw to my lips, I take a long sip while my brain scrambles in sixteen different directions as I consider how to play this.

Pretend like I don’t remember last night?

Then why would I have rushed out of there this morning like my ass was on fire?

Admit I do need some help overcoming my fears, and it wasn’t the tequila talking?

I’d rather die by a thousand paper cuts.

A third option emerges, and before it’s even fully formed in my brain, I latch onto it like a newborn to a nipple.

“Owen Parrish?” a female voice calls out from across the coffee shop.

Both of our heads turn at the same time to take in the petite blonde headed for our table with her eyes locked firmly on Owen.

She stops beside Owen, peering down at him, oblivious to the fact that he’s here with someone else. “Why didn’t you call me back?” she asks, pouting out her lower lip like a lost puppy.

“Uhhh . . .” Owen makes a noise of surprise in his throat, his gaze darting to mine.

I grin at him. If he thinks I’m going to help him out of this situation, he’s crazy. I sit back and get ready to enjoy the show.

“It’s Melanie, right?”

She rolls her eyes. “Melissa.”

“Right. I’m sorry about not calling. I just thought it was kind of a . . . one-time thing.”

The crease in her forehead deepens as she looks at him like he’s grown a second head. “We had sex three times. I’m not great at math, but to me, that’s not a one-time thing.”

Owen clears his throat, clearly a little uncomfortable. And obviously thinking he slept with her two times too many. “I’m sorry if I led you to believe something was going to happen between us. I’m not really a relationship kinda guy.”

Without another word, the blonde grabs my ice water from the table, dumps the entire thing into Owen’s lap, and then storms away.

I snicker into my fist as he stands, sending ice and water running from his crotch onto the floor. A barista hurries over with a push mop and tells him not to worry.

Owen looks down at me, frowning. “Fuck, I’m sorry you had to witness that.”

Shrugging, I stand and grab my earbuds from the table. “I think I still have one of your sweatshirts at my apartment. You want to come change?”


I lead the way out of the coffee shop, chuckling at Owen, who waddles like a duck as he follows me. Watching a man who’s six foot four and two hundred twenty pounds of muscle waddle is rather hilarious, and I can’t help but grin.

“That was quite a show back there.”

“Ha-ha,” he says dryly, flashing me a dark, mocking look. Then he nudges me in the ribs with his elbow. “I’m really sorry about that.”

“Stop. It’s fine. She’s probably just some psycho fan.” I wave him off.

He doesn’t need to apologize. I’ve hung around Owen long enough to know this is how things go. He’s not an asshole, but he is a celebrity. He’s young and wealthy and talented, and on one of the best teams in the entire league. Everyone wants a piece of him.

I know he garners a lot of female attention. It’s never bothered me before, and I’m not going to let it bother me now. Especially not when we have bigger things to worry about. Like, oh, I don’t know, the entire weight of our friendship hanging in the balance.

We reach my building and climb the stairs to the second floor. When I unlock the door, Owen steps in behind me, stripping his T-shirt off over his head.

I reach for it, trying hard not to notice his eight-pack abs or deliciously firm, sculpted chest. “I’ll put it in the dryer while I find the sweatshirt. You want me to throw your pants in too?”

He shakes his head. “I’m okay.”

I make a noise of disagreement. “You can’t walk around in wet clothes. Just give them to me.”

“Trying to get me out of my pants again, huh?” He smirks at me, obviously trying to lighten the mood.

I chuckle, even though my cheeks grow warm. “Just come on.”

“I’m, uh, not wearing any boxers.”

“Oh. Right.”

And we’re right back to where we started—me trying desperately not to picture his dick.

This is ridiculous. It’s Owen. One drunken mistake isn’t going to come between us. I won’t let it. Even if I’m now blushing furiously over the fact that he goes commando. Come to think of it, I realize there were no boxers to contend with last night either.

Composing myself, I swallow. “They need to be dried. Go change into my robe. It’s clean and hanging on the back of my bedroom door.” I shoo him toward my room, and he goes without complaint.

A moment later, he emerges dressed in a pink terrycloth robe, and I erupt into a fit of giggles.

“My, my.” I wiggle my eyebrows at him. “Pink really suits you. It brings out your—”

“Fuck you.” He coughs into his fist, his signature playful smirk on full display.

I shake my head, still laughing. “No, you look . . . so pretty. Adorable even.”

Extending his arms out to his sides, he does a spin, encouraging me. “Laugh it up, Becs.”

Relief washes through me at the realization that maybe, just maybe, our friendship hasn’t been completely ruined. If Owen is still joking with me and poking fun, there’s a chance we’ll be okay. Because really that’s all I want—to come out on the other side of this unscathed. Well, and to be okay with the opposite sex, but baby steps. Am I right?

He settles onto the couch while I grab a couple of bottles of water from the fridge. I was serious about being dehydrated.

“We were interrupted back there,” he says, uncapping his water once I settle in beside him.

I nod, sucking in a deep breath. “Yep. I, uh, was about to tell you about a proposition I have for you.”

“I’m listening.” He sets his water bottle down and leans back on the couch, showing me I have his full attention.

Owen really is a good friend. When I met Elise four years ago, I never could have imagined I’d become such close friends first with her, and then her brother. They’re even the ones who helped me get a job working for the team. I’d been an administrative assistant for years, but now I report directly to the team owner.

It’s my dream job, and Owen’s always been there for me. He’s the one who taught me how to change a flat tire, where to find the best burger in town, and all about the team lines and training schedule. This doesn’t need to be any different, right?

“First, I’m sorry for how I acted last night. The things I said . . . the things I did . . .”

He holds up one hand, stopping me. “You’re forgiven. It was a little . . . unexpected, but you don’t need to apologize. I was there too. And I wasn’t that drunk. I’m a big boy; I knew what I was doing.”

He certainly is.

A big boy, that is.

My cheeks turn warm again. Focus, Becca.

Owen has always been good to me. Ever since I befriended Elise, he’s been there—buying our drinks, holding open doors, making sure we got home safely anytime we went out. Simply put, he’s easy to be around. Sweet, and fun, and easy going.

But despite all that, what I just witnessed with Puck Bunny Barbie proves that I can’t get involved with Owen. As if I had any doubts before. For the record, drunk me just got confused for a hot second. But I’m good now.

“I’m more concerned about you. I want to know you’re okay,” he says, concern in his deep voice.

I nod. “I’m fine. And I didn’t mean for all that to come out last night that way, but apparently tequila is my truth serum.” I pause, waiting for Owen to laugh or flash me that signature smirk, but he does neither, so I press on. “I know I need to put myself out there more, and it’s why I signed up for some of those dating apps and have even met up with a couple of guys. I’ve started pushing myself to go out and meet people.”

Owen puts his hand on mine and gives it a light squeeze. “That’s great, Bec.”

I nod. “It’s been fine so far. I’m good with talking to new people and meeting up for drinks. It’s just that every time things start to get physical, I freak out and make an excuse to leave.”

He frowns, squeezing my hand once more. “You went through some seriously bad trauma in your past. It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to take things slow. It’s okay to say no.”

He sounds like my therapist. The one I stopped seeing because all she did was encourage my neurosis, and my progress stalled to a halt. I need someone who’s going to challenge me. Push me outside my comfort zone. Encourage me to move on. I can sense it deep in my bones that it’s the only way to move forward and reclaim who I want to be and the life I want to live.

“Slow is fine, but I feel like I’m not moving forward at all. It’s been six years . . .” I leave the rest of that sentence unfinished.

“Okay . . . so, what do you want to do about it? How do you feel you can move forward?”

“Well, I think I need some help. No, I know I need some help. Someone to push me over the edge. Someone I feel comfortable with. Someone who knows my history. That someone being you.” I grin cautiously at him, feeling optimistic but also way out of my element.

With Owen’s broad shoulders and massive chest, his ready smile and playful jokes, the guy just oozes sexuality. It comes so naturally to him. It sometimes makes me feel a little anxious around him, yet if he notices that I’m a woman at all, he’s never let on. But right now . . . he just looks confused.

Owen’s dark brows push together. “That’s your proposition?”

I nod.

“But how can I help?”

I shrug. “You’re the king of hookups. I thought you could teach me, coach me through getting back into the dating scene. Be my wingman. Talk me down from the ledge when I freak out. That kind of thing. I trust you, and I know you know what you’re talking about when it comes to all of this.”

He weighs my words as if I’ve just proposed an arranged marriage or something equally as outlandish. “Can I think about it?” he asks, rubbing the back of his neck, looking somewhat nervous.

What’s there to think about? I figured he’d give me an enthusiastic yes and be dishing up dating advice faster than I could blink.

The dryer buzzes, and I jump up quickly from the couch.

“I’ll grab your clothes,” I mutter, almost tripping over myself as I rush away from him. When I return, I hand Owen his clothes, and he goes into my bedroom to change.

When he emerges, he heads for the door and begins slipping on his shoes. “I have to get going. We have a team skate in a little while.”

I nod, following him to the door. “Thanks for the chat.”

He grins. “Of course.

I pull open the door and lean against the frame, watching him move past me. “Think about what I said. I know with you as my guide through the world of online dating, this won’t be as hard.”

Owen looks deep in thought, his lips pressing into a firm line as he heads out. He turns briefly to look back at me.

“I’ll think about it. See you soon, Becs.”