Second Chance Ranch
Trying to start over in a new city, Debra finds herself somewhere she never thought she would be: unconscious on handsome rancher Edward's land. He finds her and nurses her back to health. As she recovers, Debra struggles with her feelings about Edward and how she might fit into his idyllic world. In the meantime, she discovers shocking truths about her childhood, her identity, and painful memories start flooding back to her. Will what she remembers help her with a new life with Edward at his ranch? Will she be given a second chance of happiness at Second Chance Ranch?
Second Chance Ranch Free Chapters
Chapter 1 | Second Chance Ranch
Edward rode his horse Majesty around the tree line to the top of the hill. His dog, Scout trotted happily beside him. Edward stopped for a while and took in the view. Scout sniffed around for a while before he ran off. Edward sat on his horse and watched Scout for a while then rode down the hill after him. He followed him down into the valley and stopped by some bushes. Edward dismounted Majesty and walked over to where Scout disappeared into the bushes. "What did you find, boy?" Edward asked as he slowly walked over to Scout. He peeked around a tree and saw a body lying there. He stepped around and crouched down next to the body. He checked for a pulse. He slowly rolled the body and noticed it was a woman. He put his cheek down close to her face to check for breathing. She was alive. He pulled off his radio from his belt. "Joe, where are you at?" He talked into the radio.
"I am checking the fence in the east pasture."
"Bring the truck down to the valley on the north side of the ridge."
"Yes Sir. I am on my way."
Edward turned the channel on the radio. "Cal, can you call Doc and ask him to come out to the ranch. I found someone in the valley."
"Sure Boss. Anything serious?"
"I'm not sure. They're alive, but unconscious. I should be there in about half hour or so."
"I'll call him right now, Boss."
Edward put the radio on his belt then checked the woman for a pulse and breathing again. He felt her pockets for any identification but found none. He moved her hair out of her face and noticed it was covered in bruises. He checked for broken bones but didn't find any. He got up and looked around the area for anything out of the normal, but there wasn't anything there. He bent down and scratched Scout's head. "Good, boy, Scout."
Edward waited outside one of the guest room in his house when the doctor came out the door. "How is she, Doc?"
"Besides the facial bruises and dehydration she seems all right. There doesn't appear to have any broken bones or internal injuries. I gave her IV fluids. She is still unconscious."
"Any idea how long she has been out there?"
"I would say she has been out there for at least a couple of days. Do you want me to make arrangements for an ambulance to come and get her? They can take her to the hospital, but they wouldn't be able to do much more than I have."
"Let's wait and see if she wakes up."
"All right. Let me know if she wakes up. I will be back tomorrow."
"Thanks, Doc." Edward said. The doctor walked downstairs. Edward knocked quietly on the door, then opened it slowly. He peaked his head inside. "Can I see her?"
"Yes. She's cleaned up and I put some clean clothes on her."
Edward walked into the room and over to the bed. "Has she moved or said anything?"
"No. I don't think she is from around here. She has well-manicured nails and no calluses."
"I will call the sheriff later to see if there is anyone matching her description."
"I could shoot the person responsible for doing this to her."
"So, could I. Can you stay here with her until I get back? She might be scared if she wakes up in a strange place."
"Of course. I have the late shift tonight."
"Thanks, Janet." Edward said then walked out the door.
Edward walked out of the house and down to the barn. He checked on the horses in each stall as he walked through the barn. He went into the office and poured himself a cup of coffee.
A man walked in. "How's the mystery woman, sir?"
Edward turned around. "The doc says she's dehydrated and banged up as you saw, but she will be fine, Joe."
"I asked a couple men to look around for anything unusual out where she was, but they haven't reported anything yet."
"Well, have then head back. There is a storm moving in. We need to get everyone settled in for the night."
"Yes sir. Already on that."
"I know I can count on you."
"Thank you, sir." Joe said then walked out of the office.
Edward walked around and sat down at the desk. He checked the computer and printed some papers. Another man walked in. Edward looked up. "Hey, Josh. It looks like that new mare is giving you trouble."
"Yes, a little. But don't worry, she won't get the best of me."
"I will start working her tomorrow is the weather isn't too bad."
"What is this I hear about a mystery woman in the house?"
"Scout found her unconscious in the bushes. Doc says she should be fine. She didn't have any identification on her."
"How did she end up all the way out there?"
"I have no idea. We will have to wait until she wakes up and can tell us." Edward said. "She's been beat up pretty bad. Maybe she ran away from someone and passed out there."
"Well, let me know if you need anything else."
"I will, Josh. Thanks." Edward said. Josh walked out of the office. Edward looked at different things on the computer, then shut it off and got up. He picked up the papers off the printer and walked out of the office.
Edward sat on a chair in the bedroom with the mystery woman in the early hours of the morning. It had been storming for the past couple of hours. Thunder rumbled the house and lightning lit up the sky. A big boom of thunder shook the house. The woman jumped as she woke up. Edward stood up. "It’s all right. It's just a storm." He said as he walked around to the bathroom and got a glass of water from the tap.
"Where am I?" She asked weakly.
"You're at my ranch." Edward said as he brought the glass over. The woman cowered away. Edward put the glass on the nightstand and stepped back. "I found you yesterday passed out on my property." He said as he stood back. "My name is Edward. Do you know how you got there?"
"No." She said weakly.
"Drink some water. It might make you feel better." He said. "Watch your IV. You don't want to pull it out."
The woman reached slowly for the glass of water. She tried to pick it up, but it slipped out of her hand and fell to the floor. Edward hurried to the bathroom, came out with a towel and wiped it up. The woman pulled the blanket up. "I'm sorry."
"No harm done." Edward said as he took the towel and glass to the bathroom. He refilled the glass with water and carried it to the bed. "Let me help you. You're still weak." He said as he sat down on the bed. The woman moved away from him. "I'm not going to hurt you. Take a drink and I will move away. I just want to help." Edward said then slowly moved the glass close to her. She put her hand on the glass with Edward's and slowly took a sip. Edward put the glass on the nightstand and got off the bed. "You should get some rest. I will call the doctor and tell him you're awake." He said then walked out of the room.
Edward carried a tray up to the bedroom later that morning. He knocked quietly then opened the door slowly. He saw the woman sitting up in bed. He carried the tray into the room and over to the bed. "The doctor said you should try to eat something."
"Thank you but you didn't have to bother."
"It wasn't a bother, miss." Edward said as he put the tray across her legs. "You need to get your strength back."
"Thank you."
Edward walked around the bed and sat down in the chair that he was in earlier. "In case you don't remember, my name is Edward. What is your name?" He asked. The woman didn't say anything. "You are safe here. You don't have to be afraid. I would just like to know your name so I can stop calling you the mystery woman upstairs."
"My name is Debra."
"It is nice to meet you Debra. Do you know how you got on my property?" He asked. Debra was silent as she took a bite of toast. Edward straightened in the chair. "All right. The clothes you were wearing were washed and are on the dresser or there are clothes in the closet if you prefer. You are welcome to stay until you recuperate."
"Thank you."
"Make yourself at home here. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." Edward said. He stood up and walked over to the door. "I can tell you have been through something awful, but you are safe here. Nobody will hurt you." He started out the door, then turned and looked at her. "I'll check in on you later." He said then walked out the door.
Edward walked up onto the porch in the middle of the afternoon followed by Scout. Scout walked over to the corner of the porch into the shadows. Edward stopped and followed Scout. He noticed Debra swatting down scratching Scout. "It looks like he found you again."
"Again?" Debra asked.
"Yes. He actually was the one who found you yesterday."
"I told you that you are safe here. You don't have to hide in the shadows." Edward said. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling a little stronger." She said as she stood up slowly.
"That’s good." Edward said. "Maybe if you are up to it, you would like to look around a bit."
"I don't think so."
"All right. Maybe some other time." He said then went into the house.
Later that night, Debra carried two cups of coffee into Edward's office. She set one down on the desk in front of Edward. "Mrs. Gardner asked me to bring this into you and to tell you that she would see you in the morning."
"Thank you."
"Can I get you anything else?"
"No, thanks."
"All right. I can see you are busy." Debra said then walked out of the office. She carried her cup out the back door and sat down on one of the chairs. She sipped her coffee as she watched the sunlight disappear over the ridgeline. She sat there for a while just listening to the sounds in the growing darkness. Suddenly, a raccoon came onto the porch just a few feet away from her. Debra screamed and climbed up onto the back of the chair.
Edward ran to the back door and opened it. Scout was the first one out and chased the raccoon away. Edward went over to Debra. "It's all right. It's gone." He said as he grabbed a hold of her arm.
Joe and a couple of other men ran around the side of the house. "Is everything all right, boss?"
"Yes. It was just a raccoon." Edward said. The men walked around the house.
Debra moved back away from Edward. "You must think I am such a city girl."
"They have scared me a time or two. It’s nothing to be ashamed of." Edward said as he put his hand out. "You can get down now."
Debra grabbed his hand and climbed down from the back of the chair. Once she got on both her feet, her legs gave out. Edward caught her around the waist. Debra grabbed a hold of him. "I guess my legs aren't so steady." She said shaking.
"Let’s get you inside." Edward said then lifted her into his arms with ease. He carried her to the door, opened it and walked inside. He carried her to the sofa and put her down. "I'll get you something to drink." Edward said as he walked towards the kitchen. He got a glass and filled it with water. He carried it into the room to Debra. He handed it to her and sat down on the other end of the couch. "I know that you have been through something horrible, but you can trust everyone here. You are safe here."
"You keep saying that, but I don't feel safe anywhere."
"Nobody will let anything happen to you. You have to believe me."
"I want to believe you, but I'm not sure I can."
"That's fine. I can understand how you must feel after an ordeal that you went through." Edward said as he picked up the remote to the television.
"You don't have to sit here with me. I am sure you have other things to do."
"I can use a break. Besides, there is nothing that can't wait." Edward flipped through the channels and stopped on some kind of movie. He sat back on the couch and they watched the movie together.
When the movie was over, Debra sat forward. "I think I am going to go to bed."
"Are you able to make it upstairs?"
"Yes. I am feeling better. Thanks for asking." Debra said as she got up. "Good night, Edward."
"Good night." Edward said as he watched her walk to the stairs and up them. He sat back and stared at the television not really watching it.
Debra walked out onto the porch with a cup of coffee in the morning. She sat down on one of the chairs and drank her coffee. After a few minutes, she heard cheering and yelling from down by the barn. She couldn’t see where it was coming from. She slowly and cautiously walked down the steps and across the yard towards the barn. She stopped a couple of times to look and listen around her. She stopped by the corner of the barn and watched Edward in a corral with a horse. He fell onto the ground, but quickly got back on. The horse jumped and bucked around the corral trying to get Edward off of it. Edward held on and eventually the horse calmed down and he was able to ride around. Edward turned and looked right at Debra. Debra quickly ducked around the corner of the barn. She stood there for a moment then hurried back to the house.
Edward walked onto the porch later that afternoon. Debra was sitting on the chair looking at a magazine. Edward walked over to the door, then stopped before he opened the door. "Would you want to go for a ride with me?"
"I don't think so, Edward."
"There is so much to see around here. Are you scared to get on a horse with me?"
"The last time I was on a horse was at the fair when I was a kid."
"There's not much to it. All you have to do is hold onto me." Edward walked into the house.
Debra got up and started to pace back and forth across the deck. As soon as Edward came out of the door, she stopped in front of him. "Edward, I don't think I can do this."
"Yes, you can. There is nothing to it. I won't let anything happen to you."
"I don't think I am up to do it."
"You look a lot better. Please, Debra, give me a chance."
"I can't, Edward." Debra said in a raised voice then walked around him and into the house.
Edward stood there for a few moments, then walked down the steps.
Edward knocked on Debra's door later that evening holding a plate and a bottle of water. He opened the door and slowly walked in. Debra was sitting on the bed reading a book. Edward carried the plate over to the bed. "I missed you at dinner, so I brought you up a plate."
"I'm not very hungry."
Edward put the plate on the nightstand. "It's there if you want it." He said then walked over to the door. "I'm here if you want to talk. I'm a good listener." He said then walked out the door closing it softly behind him. He went downstairs and into the office. He sat down at his desk and started working. He worked for a while until he heard Debra come downstairs. He stopped and listened for her. After a few minutes, He got up, picked up his coffee cup and walked out to the kitchen. Debra was standing in front of the sink drying her plate. He poured himself a cup of coffee. "Would you like some coffee?"
"No. Thanks." Debra answered.
"So, where did you grow up?"
"All over. We moved a lot."
"That must have been tough."
"Yes, at times. I didn't have many friends."
"Where do you call home now?"
"I am in-between places now. I just left New York."
"That is a long way away," Edward said as he leaned against the counter. "Why were you afraid to go for a ride with me today? Is it because you don't know how to ride or because you are afraid of whoever did this to you is out there somewhere?"
"I just couldn't do it."
"Just so you know, I don't have anybody new working for me and nobody here would ever raise a hand to a woman without answering to me. I wouldn't put up with that." Edward said then sipped his coffee.
"I don't know how I got on your property. I woke up in a ditch somewhere and started crawling."
"So, someone beat you up and dumped you in a ditch?"
"I guess. I don't remember how it happened. The last thing I remember is that I was at the hotel bar drinking and then I started feeling dizzy. Some guy offered to take me to my room. I don't remember anything after that."
"It sounds like you were drugged," Edward said. "You didn't have any identification on you. You said you left New York. How did you end up here?"
"I was flying to Los Angeles for a job. I had a long layover, so I got a hotel room."
"I am sure they put all your stuff in storage, but I could take you back to the hotel and get it."
"What if the person who did this is there? I can't." Debra said as she started to cry. She walked out of the kitchen and to the back door.
Edward walked up behind her a few moments later. "You are safe here, Debra. Nobody will hurt you. You have to believe me."
Debra turned around and looked up at Edward. "I can't believe anyone anymore." She said then walked around him and ran upstairs.
Edward was working a horse in the corral the next morning when the doctor walked up. Edward stopped what he was doing and walked over to the fence. "How is she doing, Doc?"
"She is looking better, but I am worried about her health. I was told she didn't eat dinner last night or breakfast this morning. If she doesn't eat to get her strength up, she's going to need to go to the hospital."
"Debra has been through a lot. I don't know how to help her."
"Well, I took some blood for testing, but if she doesn't start eating, I am going to have to admit her to the hospital. They will probably force her to eat and possibly put her under a psychological hold."
"She isn't crazy, Doc. She just needs some time."
"Well, you are the one who helps lost causes, are you not? I will give you a few days until the tests come back."
"Thanks, Doc." Edward said. The doctor walked away. Edward started to work the horse again.
Chapter 2 | Second Chance Ranch
Edward rode Majesty up to the porch later that afternoon. Debra was sitting on the chair on the porch. "Let's go for a ride."
"No thanks."
Edward dismounted and walked up onto the porch. "Yes, Debra, you are going for a ride with me. I can and will pick you up and throw you up there if I have to." He said with a determined look on his face.
"Would you really do that?"
"Do you really want to find out?" Edward said as he stepped closer to her.
Debra stood up. "No, not really."
"Then let’s go." He said as he walked back to Majesty. He mounted then waited for Debra to walk around the horse. He instructed her on what to do and helped her get on behind him. Mrs. Gardner came out the front door with a bag. She threw it up at Edward. "Thanks, Mrs. Gardner. Just put your arms around me and hold on." He said then slowly rode off. Debra tightened her rip around Edward. as he rode away from the house. He rode up onto a hill overlooking a pasture below. "We'll stop here for a while." He said. He helped Debra off Majesty. She hurried away. Edward dismounted and walked over to a clearing. He opened the bag and pulled out a small blanket which he laid on the ground. He sat down on the edge of it. "Come sit with me."
"What if I don't want to?"
"Do you want to find out?"
Debra slowly walked over to him. She sat down on the opposite side of the blanket. "I thought you said you would never hurt me."
"I won't hurt you. In fact, I am trying to help you." Edward said as he took some sandwiches out of the bag. He tossed one at Debra. "I know you didn't eat your dinner last night or breakfast this morning. Then I was informed you refused lunch. You need to eat."
"I don't have an appetite," Debra said as she put the sandwich on the blanket.
"Well, we aren't going back until you eat something." He said as he opened his sandwich and took a bite. "So, what did you do in New York?"
"I was an accountant."
"Why were you going to LA? Did you get fired or something?"
"Yes, I was fired for my own stupidity," Debra said as she picked up her sandwich.
"Would you care to elaborate?"
Debra took a bite of the sandwich and chewed slowly. After a few minutes, she looked at Edward. "I was having an affair with one of the bosses."
"So, the relationship went south, and he fired you?"
"Yes, something like that," Debra said then took another bite. "Tell me about yourself. Is this your family ranch?"
"My family died when I was twelve. I was put into foster care and turned into a delinquent. Me and a couple of foster brothers stole a truck one night. The owner decided to make us work here for community service instead of pressing charges on us."
"Well, that was nice of him, I guess."
"Yes. He didn't have children of his own, so he took us in. We helped him build up the ranch into what it is today." Edward said.
"So, he helped you, and then you helped him. Where is he now?"
"He died several years ago, and he willed this place to me."
"What about your foster brothers?"
"They moved away and went into law enforcement. I was the only one who realized that this is where I belonged." Edward said. "They still come by from time to time and stay for a weekend."
"It’s nice to have family around I guess."
"Yes, it is. I have kept up with the tradition that he had. We give second chances to people and animals. I have been told that I help lost causes. I just try to put them on the right track. I give people a job until they decide what they want to do and help animals over trauma or other problems."
"Aren't you just a saint?" Debra said sarcastically.
"No, I'm not. I am far from a saint, but I see good in a lot of things. I rescue horses and work with them. Some say I have a gift for that kind of thing, but I know it is something more than that. I am the one people come to for help because I help lost causes."
"So, do you consider me a lost cause?"
"No. You were hurt and I took you in so you can get better. I could have sent you to the hospital, but I didn’t want you to wake up alone and scared. You were never alone while you were unconscious. I always had someone there with you."
"Thank you. I appreciate that."
"But now I am being told that if you don't start eating, the doc will put you in the hospital to make you eat."
"Would you really let him do that?"
"I don't want to, but you need to eat to get your strength back. He says you are looking good, but if you don't start eating, I won't have a choice."
"Like I told him, every time I eat, it makes me feel sick. I keep it down, but it feels like it won't stay there." She said then took another bite of her sandwich. "He took some blood to run some tests."
"Yes, he is giving me until the tests come back to get you to start eating." Edward said. "I can tame the wildest of horses, but I really have trouble reading how people feel."
"I should have said something." Debra said. "So, how far does your land go?" She finished her sandwich.
"As far as you can see," Edward said. He pulled a couple of bottles of water out of the bag. "After we get done here, I can show you more. I would really like you at least try to eat a little so the doc can stay off my case." He handed her a bottle of water.
"Thank you," Debra said then smiled.
"You have a beautiful smile," Edward said smiling back. Debra looked away and opened her water. She took a long drink. Edward took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. That was a little out of line."
"It's fine. You don't have to apologize." Debra said then got up. She walked over by the tree and stood there looking across the land.
Edward got up after a few minutes, folded the blanket, and replaced it into the bag. He walked over to Majesty and stroked him. He walked around and mounted him. "Are you ready to see more before we head back?"
Debra turned around. "Yes." She walked over to Majesty and Edward helped her mount up. He turned and started riding slowly down the other side of the hill. "So, you have horses and cows."
"Actually, they are cattle."
"Oh, there's a difference?"
"Yes. Around here we consider cows for milking. We raise ours for beef." Edward said. "We also have chickens, a couple of hogs and a couple of sheep."
"Do you use all of them for food?"
"Yes, actually. Except for the horses of course." He said. "Do you know much about animals?"
"Only what I have read about. Since we moved so often, I wasn't allowed to have any pets."
"We really don't have any pets here. Scout thinks he is, and I only allow him in the house on occasion, but he is a working dog."
"What about wild animals? Do they come around often?"
"Not too much. Usually, Scout keeps then away from the house." Edward said. "They are more scared of you than you are of them."
"I don't think so. That one didn't seem so scared the other night."
Edward rode across a creek and through some trees to a clearing overlooking a field of cattle. "It is amazing to look at, isn't it?"
"Yes. Are there males and females in there?"
"Yes, for now. They are breeding. When the females go out of season, we usually separate them. It reduces the stress of males dominating the females."
"How long after that do they give birth?"
"It’s about ten months." Edward said. It is a full-time job here, but I wouldn't change it for the world."
"So, even though you own the place, you still work all the time?"
"Yes. I have a head person for each aspect of the ranch, the cattle, the horses, the farming, and the living quarters. I help out wherever I am needed, but I work on the horses that need me." He said. "That’s what I was doing yesterday when you saw me in the corral."
"You saw me?"
"Yes. I knew you were there before I looked over. Why didn't you come closer?"
"I didn't want to disturb you." Debra said.
"I wouldn't have minded." Edward said "Hey, boss, where are you at?" Someone called over the radio.
Edward pulled a radio off his belt. "I am at the south fork. What's up, Buck?"
"I just got a report that a pack of wild dogs were spotted in the hills. They could be headed this way."
"Get a couple of crews together to keep an eye on the herds tonight."
"Will do, boss."
Edward put the radio back on his belt. "We should head back."
"Will they attack us?"
"You are safe at the ranch. They usually don't come too close."
"That's good to know."
Edward turned Majesty around and rode slowly back to the house. He stopped at the bottom of the porch steps and helped Debra down. "I hope you had a good time."
"Yes, thank you. It felt good to be out."
"Maybe we can do it again sometime."
"Maybe." Debra said then walked up onto the porch. Edward rode off towards the barn.
Edward sat at his desk after dinner working when Debra brought in coffee. She set it down in front of him. He looked up. "Thank you."
"Any word about the wild dogs?"
"No, not yet."
"That's good." She said as she walked over to a bookshelf. "Do you mind if I borrow one of these?"
"No, help yourself."
Debra looked at the books and pulled one off the shelf. "I will return it when I am finished."
"There's no hurry."
"Is there anything I can do around here to help?" Debra asked. "You have been nice enough to open your house to me and I wish I could give back a little."
Edward stopped what he was doing and sat back in his chair. He sipped his coffee. "I don't expect anything from you in return for me helping you." He said. "Your top priority is getting yourself stronger."
"I know, but I feel like I should be doing something than just sitting around the house." Debra said. "Mrs. Gardner seems always busy but doesn't want me to help her."
"She has her own ways of doing things."
"I can do a lot of things if I am given a chance and shown how."
"I can talk to Mrs. Gardner about it and see if she can think of anything."
"Thank you." Debra said. "I'll let you get back to work." She walked over to the door.
"You don't owe me anything. I enjoy helping people and animals." Edward said then took a deep breath. "Just to let you know, I contacted the authorities about what happened to you."
Debra turned back towards him. "I wish you hadn't."
"I couldn't let it go after what he did to you. If he did it to you, he could have done it to other women. Who knows if he could have killed someone.”?
"And what has come of it?"
"Nothing yet. I am sure they will want to get your side of the story and to see if it checks out. The day I found you, I took pictures of you and sent them along with what you told me. When I hear anything from it, I will let you know."
"It's not like I would have been missed by anyone. Nobody knew where I was going, and I don't talk to my parents. I don't even know if they are alive anymore."
"I'm sorry. I should have talked to you about it first."
"What is done is done." Debra said then walked out of the door of the office.
Debra got out of bed round eight the next morning. She changed her clothes and went downstairs. She poured herself a cup of coffee, found some bread and put them in the toaster. Mrs. Gardner came in the back door. "Good morning, Mrs. Gardner."
"Good morning, Debra. How are you feeling this morning?"
"Better, thank you." She said as she took her toast out of the toaster. She sat down at the counter.
"I sent Raul to my place to get some things that you might like to keep yourself busy." She said. "I'm not sure you are into crafting, but you said you like to sew."
"I haven't tried anything, so I can give it a shot."
"Great. Edward left early before I got here. He is tracking the pack of dogs."
"I heard gun shots early this morning. Then Edward got up shortly after it started getting light out. I didn't sleep very well last night."
"You get use to sound like that around here."
"Do you think Edward likes me?"
"Edward likes anyone, but if you mean really likes you, you better open your eyes a little wider. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you in any way."
"Sometimes it seems like he wants to say something to me, then backs down or changes the subject."
"He might think it is too soon to broach that subject after what has happened to you. I am sure he will come around."
"I feel safe when he is around."
"That's good. I have work to tend to. I will have Raul put the stuff up in your room. Help yourself to anything. I don't want any of it anymore."
"Thank you, Mrs. Gardner." Debra said. Mrs. Gardner walked out. Debra finished her breakfast then walked out onto the front porch. She sat down for a few minutes then went back inside. She went upstairs and into her room. A box sat on the bed. She sat down and looked in the box. She pulled out a crafting project and started working on it.
Edward came up to Debra's room shortly after lunch carrying a plate. He slowly went inside. "Are you busy?"
"No, come on in."
Edward walked further into the room. "I brought you lunch."
"I must have lost track of time. I got busy doing this."
"I know the feeling. If my stomach wouldn't growl so loud, I would skip meals." He said as he sat down at the foot of the bed. He handed her the plate. "How are you feeling?"
"I think I am starting to get my appetite back." She said as she took a bite of the sandwich.
"That's good."
"Did you track the dogs?"
"Yes. We had to kill a couple of them that attacked, but we chased the rest of them away. We brought two young pups back with us. We accidentally shot the mother dog."
"Were they sick?"
"No, just hungry we think. I have the vet coming to check out the pups."
"Did anyone get hurt?"
"No. Everyone is safe."
"That's good."
"I got word about your situation. I don't know any details, but Ace, my brother is coming tomorrow to talk to you." He said. "Are you up to talk about it? If not, I can postpone it."
"No, it's fine. I have to deal with it sooner or later." Debra said as she finished her sandwich.
"I'm sorry I went behind your back and asked him. I originally sent him your photo and asked him to check missing persons."
"It's fine Edward. You did what you thought was right. And it is, but maybe I just don't want to deal with the demons that follow."
"I will be here with you through all this. We can deal with the demons together if you want."
"Thank you."
"I want you to know that whatever happens, you are more than welcome to stay here."
"We will see what happens."
"I should get back to work." He said then got up. "I guess I will see you at dinner."
"I'm sure you will."
Edward smiled then walked out of the room. Debra got back to work on her crafting project.
Debra walked into the dining room, but nobody was there. She walked into the kitchen and saw Mrs. Gardner in front of the stove. "Is there anything I can help with?"
"No. It is almost done. Edward called and said he would be late, so it is just you tonight. I will put his in the microwave"
"Did he say how late?"
"No. I will be leaving after I get this done. Just leave the dirty dishes in the sink. I will get to them in the morning."
"I can do them. I don't mind."
"It is Friday night. My husband always takes me to the diner Friday night and then we either go to the movies or a drive or a walk."
"That's nice."
"I am sure if you would like to go into town, one of the workers would be more than happy to take you."
"I don't think I am ready for that."
"All right."
"Thank you for the box of stuff. I started doing one already."
"I am glad you are getting use out of it. I used to do a lot of it, but my arthritis has been acting up and it is too difficult to do any of it anymore."
"Well, I appreciate it."
"I have more at my place if you would like them."
"I'm not sure how long I am going to be here."
"All right. If you want them, you are more than happy to have them." Mrs. Gardner said. "Dinner is done." She said as she turned off the stove. She dished out Debra's food and handed it to her. Debra took it to the dining room.
Debra was in the kitchen doing the dishes when Edward walked in. "Sorry I missed dinner. I had to take care of something."
"That's all right. I will heat it up while you wash up."
"Thank you." Edward said as he left the kitchen. Debra turned on the microwave and continued to dry the dishes. Edward came back and sat down at the counter. Debra took his plate out of the microwave and set it in front of him. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." She said as she handed him a fork.
"You do know you didn't have to do the dishes.Mrs. Garner would have done them in the morning."
"Yes, I know, but I wanted to help."
"Did she leave something in the oven?"
"No. I made dessert."
"If you wanted something, Mrs. Gardner could have made it for you."
"I didn't think of it until after she left. I don't mind at all." She said as she turned around. "I know I am your guest and you have been nice enough to let me stay, but I have been living on my own since going off to college. The last few days have been nice to just sit around, but frankly, I am starting to get bored."
"Well, just don't overdue yourself. The doc hasn't said you were back to being one hundred percent."
"I won't overdue myself. It didn't take me long to make it." Debra turned back to the dishes. She finished drying them and put them away. She poured coffee for herself and Edward. She placed his in front of him. "Mrs. Gardner said the crew goes into town. Do you ever go in with them?"
"I usually don't go in with the crew. I go into town a couple of times to check the mail and to run errands, but I don't go in to socialize."
"So, you don't feel the need to go in to have a drink or a date?"
"I am not that kind of guy." He got up, scraped his plate in the trash and put it in the sink. Debra started to wash it. "I don't do one-night stands. I am looking and want much more than just a companion." He took the plate from her and dried it. He put it in the cabinet. He turned to Debra and touched her arm. "I want to know that I'm not the type of person to jump into bed with just anyone."
"I didn't mean to imply that you should. I just think everyone needs to unwind every now and then."
"I can find other ways to unwind." He said then took a step towards Debra.
Debra stepped back breaking the contact between then. "Edward, I am not ready for anything."
"I apologize, Debra. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He said then walked around the counter. He gulped down his coffee and walked out of the kitchen.