Seducing The Rock Star's Sister

Seducing The Rock Star's Sister

Chapters: 28
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Poppy Forbes


Bad boy rocker Mick Davies has been caught with his pants down far too many times. His bandmates are feeling the strain from their lead singer’s antics, leaving their label no choice but to send in a new tour manager in the hopes of getting control over the spiralling situation. But Mick has other ideas. What better way to show his wild ways can’t be tamed than by seducing the manager’s sister-in-law? A charming smile, the heart of gold routine, and she would easily become Mick’s latest conquest. Or so he thought... Candice Bryan has had it with musicians. Her lead guitarist ex-boyfriend, Felix, made sure of that. She fell for his sweet and sincere act and had her heart shattered into a million pieces. Then she met Mick. His pick-up lines are played out. His seductive swagger is a joke. Yet it’s the vulnerability he shows in caring for his sister that melts Candice’s icy facade. But when the truth about Mick’s agenda comes out, Candice finds herself facing heartache once more. Will Mick choose love over spite? Or will he let his one chance at happiness slip away like a fading drum beat?

Romance Contemporary BxG Cheating Bad Boy Famous

Seducing The Rock Star's Sister Free Chapters

Chapter 1 | Seducing The Rock Star's Sister


I don’t want to rehearse today. My head is proper pounding thanks to the alcohol and the sharp right hook I took from some prick last night. I rest my head against the cool window of the SUV as Rex, my bodyguard, is giving me shit for having to bail me out of jail for the third time in two weeks. I don’t care about that. No one ever presses charges and the asshole had it coming to him. Telling me my band, The Talons, is never going to be as good as The Hestons. It’s a great way to get me to kick your ass. What’s worse is last night I learned my arch enemy, Knox Bryan, lead singer of The Hestons, has a wife who apparently is a tour manager. Specifically, my band’s new tour manager. Now I have to work with the lead singer of The Hestons’ wife every fucking day for the next ten months.

“And another thing Mickey, Violet is going to see the news and wonder what the hell is going on again.” I tune back in to hear the end of Rex’s lecture.

Violet, my sixteen-year-old sister, is at the best boarding school my money can buy. Thanks to the shitty parents we grew up with, the best place I could think to keep her safe was miles and miles away from London. Violet is smart—really fucking smart—and she needed to be somewhere she isn’t distracted by everything going on, and I know I’m making it worse with all of these nights out.

“I know. You’re right,” I say.

“Why the hell are you trying to end up in jail permanently when you are just about to embark on another world tour? For someone who has basically everything, you’re doing a really good job screwing it up.” Rex glances at me through the rearview mirror.

“You do realize you work for me, right?” Even though it might be true, Rex has been a pseudo father for me and Violet since I hired him when I was seventeen. Now at twenty-one, Rex is the only person who knows everything about my life and still puts up with me.

“I wouldn’t give you shit if you didn’t need to hear it.”

We don’t talk the rest of the way and I lean my head against the window again, trying to nurse the hangover. You’d think for someone who grew up with parents who were addicts I’d stay away from the stuff, but I don’t. I need an escape just like everyone else.

We pull up to the rehearsal space and there are tons of fans and paparazzi outside. I slink lower in my seat and cover my face from the flashes. Rex pulls up as close to the door as he can and when he lets me out, I hear people screaming my name. Most of them sound like young girls but I don’t look back. I don’t need another story about how rough I look.

I get into my dressing room and The Talons guitarist; Tommy Gardner is sitting on the couch waiting for me.

“Mate what the hell happened last night?” Tommy grins at me. His black hair is the same color as mine but his is so long it spills over his shoulders and covers one of his eyes. He is chewing on his lip ring, a habit he does a lot when he’s confused, which he always is.

“Don’t know really. This tosser got in my face about The Hestons being better than us.” I sit down on the chair across from him and run a hand through my unkempt hair. I don’t have time to go home and even with coming straight here, I’m an hour late.

“The bird you were with last night was bummed when you got hauled out of the club.” Even though he’s lived in London for the last nine years, his accent reflects his Liverpool roots.

“Right, well, she wasn’t much after she sucked me off in the bathroom.” I grin at him, and he lets out a whistle.

“Lad, I can’t believe you’re that brave. What if the paps get a whiff of it?” Tommy grabs his guitar from beside him and strums a few chords quietly.

“Then I’ll be on the front of all their little papers as I always am and be labeled as a prick or bad boy or handsome lead singer.” I rub my chin. When I’m in the tabloids, I fall into one of those categories, but mostly I’m considered an asshole.

“Anyways, I was meant to tell ya you’re late. Caroline is waiting to have a chat in her office.”

“What’s she like?” I stand and look in the mirror. The guy from last night had landed a good punch on my jaw and it’s already showing a bit of a bruise. My thick midnight hair has enough wax in it that it has kept its shape of slicked up but going every which way. My blue eyes look tired, which is nothing new with how much Tommy and I go out.

“She’s all right. She’s like a mum. She and Brandon have bonded already. I heard them chatting about Knox and “My Amazing Girl” earlier.” He places his guitar beside him on the couch.

“Lovely.” Though Brandon Murphy is the person I’ve known the longest in this band, we are not friends. Not anymore anyway. He used to be my best mate and we grew up together, but we had taken different paths. He’s complacent with getting other bands to write our songs, like Knox Bryan. Knox had produced and written our newest number one song, “My Amazing Girl” which I’m guessing now is about my new tour manager.

“Maybe we can get her fired?” I don’t even know the girl, but I know I already don’t like her.

“Come on, lad. She can’t be worse than the last guy. That dude was so fucked on cocaine he took our per diems. At least with the mum, we know we’ll get paid.” He shrugs. “Also, her husband is like a rock god. We can’t exactly piss him off.”

“He’s the worst.” Not everyone shares my hatred of Knox, clearly, but they don’t know what Knox did to me. I don’t think he even remembers and it’s not something I ever want to relive.

“Come on, no one’s written more number ones than him. And Rick’s not going to can her. No one else wants this job or wants to put up with our shit.” He chuckles.

“We’re not that bad,” I say, and Tommy raises one eyebrow. “Right. I’m off then.”

I give him a wave as I head out my dressing room down the corridor to Caroline’s new office. When I get to the door, I stop for a second to inspect her from afar. She’s bent over her keyboard, typing ferociously.

“Mick. Come in,” she says when she finally looks up at me. She gets up and motions me to come inside. She holds her hand out for me to shake and smiles. I just look at her hand and sit down without saying anything.

“Okay,” she says and sits in her office chair. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine.” I keep my answer brief. I don’t want to engage too much.

“Are you looking forward to kicking off the tour?” She smiles and I narrow my eyes. She’s annoying me.

“Sure. Where are you from? American?” I ask.

“No Canadian.”

“Interesting. Look, let’s not get in each other’s way. I know the reason you got this job is because of your husband so just do your job and we won’t have a problem, okay, sweets?” I’m patronizing her.

When her eyes connect with mine, there’s fire in them. “First off, never call me sweets. Second, my husband most definitely did not get me a job that will take me away from him and my daughter for ten months. He actually likes having me around. Last, I got this job because I have worked on many tours.”

“Many tours? You look maybe twenty-four. How many tours could you have possibly done?”

“I’m thirty. If this is the foot you want to start off on, then fine. But you’re not going to get rid of me by being a dick. I’ve handled my fair share of assholes in my career and you’re just another one I can deal with.”

“So, Miss Priss has a bit of bite. Perfect. You’re going to need it because you’re not going to last. You’re tough now but just wait.”

“Miss Priss? Wow. Tell me something. What’s it like?” she asks, and I frown.


“Being so far up your own ass.” She crosses her arms.

“It beats having a stick up it,” I shoot back and stand up. “I’m out of here. Tell Rick I’m leaving.”

“You have to rehearse.” She stands in protest.

“Guess you can tell them you pissed me off and this is your problem now.” I shrug and head down the hallway back to my dressing room. She doesn’t bother to call out after me and I slam the door when I get inside.

“It didn’t go well I take it?” Tommy says from the couch.

“Call that chick you’re dating. Get her to bring a friend. I need a drink,” I say and switch into a different shirt.

“It’s like two p.m. mate.”

“I don’t care. Do it now,” I growl.

Tommy types something into his phone and a few minutes later we’re heading out the door. We hop into my car and get Rex to drive us to the address Tommy’s girl had given him. When we walk into the dingy pub, I’m thankful it’s empty. We slide into the booth, and I order a shot of whiskey and a pint. After about an hour and a half and a few more drinks, I hear Tommy call out to two girls in the entrance way.

“What are you, daft? I think they can see us. We’re the only ones in the place.” I’m staring at my phone, so I don’t really look at the girls when they get to us. Tommy greets them and I finally gaze up at them.

“Mick this is Nadine and Candice.” They smile at me. I slightly remember the hot brunette with the killer hazel eyes is Nadine, the girl Tommy’s been dating on and off for the last few months. My gaze turns to the woman next to her, Candice, and my cock twitches in my pants. She’s beautiful with her wavy, long blonde hair that is just begging me to wrap my hands in. Thought it’s dark, I can see her light green eyes radiating and she has freckles strewn across her nose and cheeks. She slides into the booth next to me while Nadine sits next to Tommy.

“So, you’re Mick Davies,” she says in an Irish accent.

“The one and only.” I give her a grin.

“Hmm. I don’t get it.”

“Don’t get what?” I ask. The server moves across the room towards us.

“Your appeal. You’re quite fit but I don’t get why girls are always falling over themselves.” She orders a beer from the server.

I must be experiencing shell shock because I don’t know how to reply. No girl has talked to me like I’m a no one since I got famous four years ago.

“Maybe I’ll show you my appeal a little later.” I wink and she bursts out laughing.

“I’m only here because my friend likes yours. Don’t be confused. I will never go home with a guy like you.” She grabs her phone from her purse and starts to scroll through Instagram. I can’t help but look down her top. Her shirt is cut so low I can see the edge of a black lacy bra barely peeking out. I want to run my tongue over every inch of her body while it seems she wants nothing to do with me.

“Have we met before? Have I done something to offend you?” I ask. Great Mick. Way to sound like a little bitch.

“Not me particularly. Do you know how Tommy and Nadine met? She was out at a party one night with my ex’s best friend Danny—Danny Baxter,” she explains.

“Danny Baxter from The Hestons?” I can’t seem to get away from those assholes.

“Yup.” She takes a sip from her beer that was just dropped off.

“Who’s your ex?” I ask.

“Felix Norton.”

“I thought he was shacked up with Knox’s sister?” I ask. How Knox let any guy in a band near his sister is beyond me. I would never let Violet get near anyone in my band, let alone date them. She’s too precious and smart to be corrupted by some jerk like me.

“Correction—he was shacked up with her.” She smiles and the blood drains from my face.

“You’re not…” Fuck.

“Yep.” She takes another sip of her drink.

“Candice Bryan.”

“The one and only.”

“Knox’s sister.” This girl cannot be related to him. My hands are burning to touch her but my hatred for her brother is causing my head to almost explode. My eyes start to inspect her, and they land on her long legs exposed thanks to her tight black skirt. My fingers are itching to reach under the hem and my pants get tighter at the thought.

“I think so. That’s what our parents say,” she says. It pulls me out of my daydream of throwing her down on the table and taking her right here, right now.

“You don’t even look alike.” I swallow hard, trying to quiet the part of my brain that’s yelling at me to not even talk to this girl anymore.

“I look like Da and Knox looks like Mum.”

“So, what happened with your man? Isn’t he like thirty-eight? How old are you?” I am baffled by how this gorgeous woman was ever with a douchebag like Felix. While Knox is at the top of my shit list, Felix is a close second.

“I’m twenty-four, and probably ‘cause he was a good shag,” she says, and I spit out my drink.

“Who are you?” I look at her angelic face and just want to kiss her. I want her smart mouth to be wrapped around my cock. I want to take her to bed so she’ll forget all about Felix.

“Candice. Nice to meet ya or I guess not really. I hear you’re a jerk off from my sister-in-law.”

“I gave up being nice to people a long time ago so if she doesn’t like it, she can quit,” I say. The anger bubbles in my stomach. Caroline is fucking my mood up and she’s not even here.

“Babe, I think you’re going to live a lonely life if you keep this up. Anyway, now I’ve done my job as the wingman, I’m gonna go. I would say I hope to see you around, but you know, I don’t really.” She slides out of the booth and adjusts her long hair so it’s over her left shoulder.

“Can I get your number?” I haven’t asked a girl for her number in years. They’re usually throwing them at me.

“No, you can’t. Ciao darling.” She blows a kiss at Nadine and walks out of the pub.

I need to see her again, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure I do.

Chapter 2 | Seducing The Rock Star's Sister


Mick Davies is just as hot as I thought he was going to be. When Nadine asked me to go out with them, I didn’t think his crystal blue eyes would pull me in. I could see mischief and sex pulsating from them, but behind those intriguing attributes, sits a vulnerability. My sister-in-law, Caroline, called me earlier in the day to complain about what an asshole he is, and I immediately sided with her. Not only is she family, but she’s also my best friend. Still, when I sat next to Mick, I could feel my heart rate increase and when my hand accidentally brushed his, my body was set on fire.

The cool air hits my face as I slide into the rideshare I ordered when talking to Mick. It’s too chilly to be wearing what I am right now, but I need the cold to shatter the heat I feel in between my legs just thinking about Mick Davies. I can see why girls throw themselves at him, however I can’t be another notch on the belt. I’ve already been with rock stars and found out the hard way how it feels when they cheat on you. I sigh as the driver pulls away from the curb and the bad decision I was only seconds away from making. My phone rings and I grab it from my purse.

“Hi Caroline,” I answer.

“Hi, love. Are you free? Why don’t you come over for dinner? Lottie would love to see you and honestly, so would I after the day I’ve had.” She lets out a breath.

“Sure. I’ll just scoot home and then come over around five-ish?” I look at my watch. It’s only four p.m., which gives me the perfect amount of time to take a quick shower and change. Why had I agreed to go to a bar in the middle of the afternoon? I need to start making better life choices.

“Sounds good! See you soon.” Caroline clicks off and I smile. I love my family more than anything and that’s the best part about moving to London.

When Felix and I broke up, I thought I was going a lose a piece of me I wouldn’t get back. After the third time I found out he was cheating on me, I was done. Even though a part of me knew it was a lot more than three times, I couldn’t fall out of love with him. But this time I had to be done. Looking around the place I rent not too far from Knox and Caroline, it’s far more depressing than the house Felix and I shared in Belfast. It’s older but does exude some charm thanks to the fireplace in the living room. This flat is a lot smaller than what I’m used to, but it’s mine.

I get into my bathroom and use a makeup wipe to clean off the goop around my eyes. I climb into my shower and wash away any thought of Mick Davies. I need to keep my wits about me, but he is beautiful, and my body won’t let me forget his effect on me. I immediately turn the shower knob to freezing cold to remind myself men in bands are trouble. I hop out of the shower and tie my blonde hair up. Looking in the mirror, I repeat the mantra, “Men like Mick Davies only hurt women like me,” over and over again till the words lose their meaning. At least we won’t be interacting any time in the near future.


I get to Caroline’s, and Lottie greets me with a giant hug before running off to watch TV. That kid is obsessed with music videos. She’s always telling me about videos I need to check out. This five-year-old knows more about entertainment than I do. I help Caroline with dinner and Knox asks me twenty questions about how I’m spending my time. As my big brother, he thinks it’s his job to remind me I need to find a career and start being financially independent. Before Felix, I trained to be a hairdresser and worked in a salon for a year before I left to tour with The Hestons.

After we have dinner, Lottie heads to bed and Knox goes back to the studio. They’re finishing up their newest album. I want to ask how Felix is, but it always leads to an argument, so I hug my brother and watch him head out the door.

“Come sit.” Caroline places a teapot and two cups down on the coffee table. I sit beside her while she pours me a cup.

“So today was bad huh?” I ask and take a sip of tea.

“I don’t really know how to describe it, Candy. He is just such a dick. I thought going back to touring would make the passion I’ve been missing come back, but I just feel burnt out and the tour hasn’t even started.” She fiddles with the cup’s handle.

“Caroline you’re going to be brilliant! There’s nothing I’m more sure of.” I smile at her and place my hand over hers.

“Thank you for saying that, even though I don’t believe you. Mick is trouble Candice. He’s mean and surly—”

And hot.

I shake the thought from my head, hoping I don’t accidentally say it out loud.

“I just can’t believe he’s caused so much shit within The Talons. The band is basically on the verge of breaking up. No one likes each other and Mick is the cause of it all. He has lead singeritis.” She takes a long sip of her tea and places it back down on the table.

“What?” I laugh.

“When a lead singer thinks he’s better than his band, it’s basically the beginning of the end. It’s a partnership. One, unfortunately, many lead singers forget.”

I nod. Felix used to talk about the same thing. He said the only reason The Hestons are successful is because of Knox, but Knox without them, without Caroline, would be a different person. My perfect brother had issues with drugs a year after his fame started to climb. All of us had our moments with him, trying to get him clean but it was Caroline, and ultimately Lottie, who made him realize the path he was going down was going to cost him everything.

“I think Knox is worried about going on tour alone,” Caroline’s admission interrupts my thoughts.

“Why? He’s come so far. There’s no way he’s going to go back to the old Knox.” I frown. Even the thought of it makes my parents’ faces flash in my mind. If Knox were to fall off the wagon, it would put my parents in an early grave.

“I know. He just worries is all.” Caroline looks out the window then back at me. “Mick just seems like a mini-Knox, the one I used to know, maybe that’s why I’m so worried about working with him.”

Mick’s eyes flash in my brain. This kid has been penetrating my thoughts since this afternoon and thinking about him is just going to get me into trouble. But I can’t help the way I feel when the thought of running my hands through his unruly curls makes my panties almost melt. The way his tongue danced back and forth in his mouth while he was thinking made me want to rip his pants off in the bar. Maybe one night with him couldn’t hurt? As soon as the thought comes, the daunting feeling of my breakup shoots back into my heart. Losing Felix was the worst thing that had ever happened to me and I’m not going to do that again. I need to focus on resettling my life here in London and doing what Knox says—finding a job. I don’t need an asshole lead singer screwing it all up. Even if the lead singer will be starring in my dirty dreams for the next week. Hey, if I can’t let him touch me, it doesn’t mean I can’t touch myself while thinking about him, right?