Shadow Dweller: The Coming of the Light

Shadow Dweller: The Coming of the Light

Chapters: 48
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Lisa Thompson


Ivy's parents were ripped from her when they were murdered by the Shadow Dwellers. These murderers also injected Ivy with dark magic to try to turn her from a Light Dweller into a Dark Dweller. All her life, Ivy's parents kept her in the dark as to what she is, but now she's being forced to fight dark magic and train to save those lost in the dark. Nick, Ivy's protector, must convince her to trust him so she can learn the skills she needs. The only thing is, she trusts no one. Can Ivy overcome everything that's been thrown at her and resist the temptation of the dark magic that calls to her?

Fantasy Romance Unexpected Romance BxG Crime Police Procedural

Shadow Dweller: The Coming of the Light Free Chapters

Chapter 1 | Shadow Dweller: The Coming of the Light

Grabbing her books off the table, Ivy headed to her locker. It was Friday, she had three papers to write and some math homework. Grabbing the books, she needed from her locker, she headed out to the parking lot, where she spotted Drake Greenwood, her longtime crush, and his evil girlfriend Ashley.

Shivers ran down her back, Ashley looked in her direction, Ivy quickly looked away.

“Loser!” Ashley yelled in Ivy's direction.

She quickly ran across the street, her heart slowed down. Walking through the park to get to her house, she knew her parents wouldn't be home for a few hours, so she had some time to relax before her mother nagged on her about doing her homework, or dishes.

Halloween was two days away, one of Ivy’s favorite holidays, lots of candy. She smiled at the thought. Thunder crackled, lightning hit nearby, and then the rain. Ivy put her hood on and ran the short distance home.

Unlocking the door, she shook her wet jacket off. Heading towards the kitchen, Ivy’s stomach growled. Turning the corner, she almost ran into someone.

Ivy quickly backed away, holding her ground. “Who are you!” Her voice was shaking. “How did you get in here?” She glanced behind her, where two more men stood nearby. She couldn’t see their faces.

He didn’t say anything, his eyes never left hers. Ivy glanced around hoping to find something to defend herself with. Ivy looked down again, then back at him. He looked past her, she glanced again over her shoulder, another one stood even closer to her.

Ivy’s heart raced. “What—what do you want?”

He still said nothing, Ivy glanced down at the phone, she could dial 911 before he could take the phone from her. She thought about it again, looking back up at the man standing in front of her. He shook his head as if to warned her. She took a step closer to the phone, glancing over her shoulder the men stood still like they were statues.

Instead of going for the phone, Ivy leaped over the couch, running into the kitchen looking for anything to defend herself with. Grabbing a knife, she turned towards the living room. Two of the men with hoods, and the other creepy guy stood there.

He finally spoke, “Ivy, we can do this the hard way, or the easy way. Your choice.”

Ivy looked at him for a few seconds, the knife trembled in her hand. “We're going to do this my way. You three are going to leave and I'm going to stay alive.”

He took a step towards her. “You have half the plan right. At least you're thinking like us,” he said.

She shook her head in confusion. “What?”

He took another step towards her; Ivy took a step back, closer to the back door. “We're not going to kill you, that part you have right. However, we are here for your parents. They have to die.”

Ivy’s heart jumped into her throat. “Why?”

“Because they’ve killed off some of our people. You bear the mark we have; we need to teach you our ways,” he said.

He stood inches from her, if he wanted, he could grab her. “I am not what you think I am. I don’t even know what you think I might be,” she challenged.

“We are Shadow Dwellers,” he spoke. “I am Daniel. Drake sent me.”

“What the hell is that?” she said, confused. “Drake from school? You’re joking right?”

“No Ivy, we’ve been following you around since you moved here, to make sure you are who you’re supposed to be,” he spoke. “We see both shadows and whites, do you know what those are?”

Shaking her head, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Right, so you four are from the nuthouse. Guess what? Get out of my house!” she growled shaking the knife at them.

Daniel’s hand moved swiftly taking the knife from Ivy. She looked down at her hand, and then at Daniel. Twisting her body around trying to run from him, his arm wrapped around her neck. He held the knife inches from her neck. “Now, it’s my way,” he said. “Now, are you going to be a good girl and do what I tell you? Or do I have to gag you?” he asked.

Ivy shifted her weight. “I, I guess I don’t have a choice, now do I?”

Daniel moved the knife from her throat, pushing her towards his men. They walked into the living room. Daniel forced Ivy to sit down.

“You here, make sure she doesn’t move,” he barked orders to his men. “We have to wait for your parents to get home. Then we can end this quickly,” he said pacing the hallway near the front door.

Ivy looked down at the phone again, one of Daniel’s men put his hand on her shoulder, putting his nail into her skin. “Ow,” she whined.

Daniel looked in her direction. “To provoke my men, you must have tried to warn your parents,” he said, walking towards her.


“Relax, and he’ll let up.”

Ivy looked down at his hand, his decayed fingers relaxed their grip before he released her entirely. Daniel went back to pacing near the hallway.

A knock at the door alarmed the two hooded men. “Come here, Ivy,” Daniel said walking towards her. “You tell them about us, I will kill them, and their blood will be on your hands, got it?” he growled.

Ivy stood. “Yeah, whatever,” she said walking towards the door. Daniel trailed her with the knife. She opened the door. “Can I help you?” Ivy asked nervously. Daniel nudged her back, glancing around Ivy noticed he wasn’t a normal postman.

The man cleared his throat. “Yes, I have a letter here for your parents. Are they home?” he said, glancing around nervously.

Before Ivy had a chance to answer, Daniel pulled her back into the living room. He grabbed the man, pulling him inside.

The man stumbled around. “Geez, get your dog off me, girl,” he complained.

Daniel threatened him with the knife. “What is this letter you speak of?” he asked.

The man pulled the letter from his bag. “Um, something certified. I don’t know what it is.”

Daniel grabbed it out of his hand. “Give it to me now.” Daniel ripped open the letter and read it. He looked towards the hooded men and nodded. One grabbed Ivy, while the other three took the delivery boy into the kitchen and outside.

Ivy struggled to get free. “Hey, where are they taking him?”

Daniel looked over at Ivy. “Do you know what this letter is?” he asked, waving it in front of her.

Finally, Daniel allowed her to be released; he pushed her down in the chair. “Um, no. What is it?” she said.

Daniel tossed the letter onto the table, “It's a letter warning your parents of our arrival,” he spat. “We got here just in time, although your parents know we have been searching for you. I think that is why they started training; they knew we were coming.”

The two men returned without the delivery person; Daniel nodded at them. Ivy tried walking towards the kitchen, Daniel stopped her. “He has to be killed. He works for those that want to kill us,” he said stepping in front of the door.

Taking a step back, Ivy knew if they wanted to kill her, she’d die. “Really? Dude you need to go back on your meds, there is no one out to kill you. You won't kill my parents because you think they are a part of something, which they aren’t!”

Daniel shook his head. “Ivy, you don’t understand. Our numbers are low and need to kill them. When you turn eighteen, you’ll understand. You’ll start to see.”

Ivy tried walking past him again; he grabbed her arm, twisting it until she sat down again. “Keep quiet, you’re starting to give me a headache.”

A car pulled into the driveway. Ivy tried to stand up, but the hooded man put his nail into her skin again. Ivy relaxed a little, he let up on the pressure.

The lock clicked, and the front door opened. Ivy’s Mom walked in talking on her cell phone. She looked up before realizing Daniel was behind her, she put the knife to her throat. “Walk, Witch.”

She did as she was told. “I’m guessing you’re Daniel?” she said, glancing down at Ivy.

“Yes. So, you were warned,” Daniel said pushing her down in the chair.

“Yes, a few weeks prior. We knew you’d come and kill us. I’ve already arranged for Ivy’s safety. So, do what you came here to do,” she challenged.

“Mom?” Ivy whined, “What is he talking about?”

“I’m sorry Ivy, I thought you’d be safe if you didn’t know what you are.” Her mother’s eyes were pleading “Wait, Mom, you know something about this?” Ivy whined; she didn’t want her mother to lie, but she didn’t want to know the truth—she was scared.

Chapter 2 | Shadow Dweller: The Coming of the Light

Ivy’s mom looked at her, and then at the men standing behind her daughter. “Well, yes, I do actually. What they have told you is true. But it’s been years since we fought and killed the Shadow Dwellers,” she said. “Daniel, why do you come now?”

Daniel shook his head. “I have a letter warning you about us coming for you,” he said, shaking the piece of paper over her.

“A letter?” she said turning to look at the paper. He dropped the letter in her lap. She quickly read it and then looked at Ivy. “I see.”

Daniel walked around to face Ivy. “You see Ivy you are important. You will be the next greater power,” he said, facing Ivy’s mom. “You see you should have listened to your husband and gave her to another family member. She would have been safer. Shadow Dwellers have certain energy when a family is intact,” he said, half smiling.

“That’s just a myth. Why come now? Why teach her to be dark like you?” she challenged.

“Because your daughter is special, and it takes a certain way to change her to become one of us; don’t worry I’m here to start the process,” he said, looking at Ivy.

“Yes, Ivy is different, I was told she was only half Dweller. A rarity,” she spoke again.

“My sources tell me differently. We have to kill you. Your daughter is coming of age, and we must teach her our way,” Daniel said. “Rhen, she’ll fully turn, and it will be the end of the White Dwellers.”

“She’d never learn your ways. You are evil, the bottomless pit where good people never go,” Ivy’s mom spat at him.

“Well, she will be, and we will train her,” he said.

Ivy stood up; she challenged Daniel, “Whatever, dude. I am not your kind. You need to let us go. My parents aren’t hunting you. They have too much at stake here. I want to talk to your boss now!”

“Ivy, be quiet,” Ivy’s mom pleaded with her daughter, but she wouldn’t listen.

Finally, Ivy realized she was upsetting her mom, and Daniel was getting impatient, she sat down again, waiting for someone to say something.

Ivy’s mom flipped over the couch, kicking one of the hooded men in the face. He stumbled back; she punched him again he flew into the bookcase. Ivy’s mom was on a roll until Daniel summoned a purple energy ball and he hit her in the back. She went down; Daniel walked over to her. Ivy got to her feet, and she jumped on Daniel before landing on the couch with him.

“You’re not killing my mom,” she said, struggling with him.

Daniel pulled her arms apart, pressing her down until his men grabbed a hold of her. “She has to die, Ivy,” he said walking past her. “She’s gone; find her now. Bring her to me,” Daniel growled, walking towards the kitchen. “Your mother would have made you a good Dweller; now, she’ll never see what you are going to be capable of,” he said, looking at Ivy.

One of Daniel’s men cried out in pain, and he went down. Ivy’s mom stood behind him. “Now your kind has less. I would tell your friend to release my daughter before I kill you,” she growled.

Ivy took that chance that her mom gave her to run and hide while they were fighting. She wasn’t sure she was getting out of this, but she knew she had to try. Running up the stairs, she went to her parent's room to hide. She crawled under the bed, and waited, and waited.

The sound of breaking glass scared Ivy, and then it suddenly got quiet. Ivy tried to keep her breathing under control; she wasn’t sure what these people were. She knew they weren’t human.

“Hm, she has to be in here,” Daniel said coming into the room. “Here,” he said, looking under the bed. “Got ya.” Someone grabbed her legs and pulled her out from under the bed. “Now, Ivy, I need to finish what your mother decided to do. We’re going to finish her off. Now be a good girl and follow me downstairs.”

They went down the stairs. Daniel pushed Ivy to the ground when a purple orb came flying at them. “Ah, there she is,” he said, jumping over the banister. She tried hitting him with another and missed.

Daniel took a step towards Ivy’s mom. “You can try to kill me. I would be a sacrifice and your daughter would be taken to our world. You would never see her again. Would you like that?” he challenged.

She shook her head. “You're planning too anyway,” she spoke. “I’m going to die saving my daughter. Nick and his family will be here soon to stop you from starting a war you’re not even sure about.”

She summoned another purple ball, tossing it in the air. Daniel dodged it, running towards Ivy’s mom. Daniel pushed a dagger into her stomach, twisting it allowing the poison to spread. She went down, grabbing her stomach. Daniel stood up, looking at Ivy.

“MOM!” Ivy cried, trying to get out away from the hooded man. He held onto her until Daniel allowed him to release her.

He pulled the dagger out of her stomach and examined it before speaking. “You see, this dagger is coated with poison. You will die, not I,” he said looking down at the dying woman. “Now, when is your husband going to be home? I'd like to end this tonight,” he said.

“II don’t know,” Ivy’s mom said, out of breath.

Ivy struggled to get to her mother, but Daniel wouldn’t allow it. “You see Michelle, I was sent by Drake. Drake kept tabs on your daughter at school. I know enough of what’s going on, and Nick has yet to show. So, don’t get your hopes up that he can save anyone. He’s already too late.”

“If you're going to kill my mom at least let me, say goodbye,” Ivy cried.

Daniel looked over at Ivy and shook his head. His men let go of her, and she fumbled to where her mother laid dying. “Mom?” she whispered.

“Ivy, you cannot go with them, no matter what happens. They will train you to kill innocent people. That is the only reason we were hunting them before I got pregnant with you,” she said, out of breath.

Tears rolled down Ivy’s face. She didn’t know what to do. “I'm not going to do anything they say. I promise.”

Daniel grabbed Ivy from the back, pulling her to her feet. “Oh, but you are. You will have no choice,” he said, pushing her into two of his men. “Well, I was expecting to do this the easy way, Ivy. I thought you would be more cooperative; I see it’s not going to work in my favor,” he complained.

Ivy struggled to get free. Daniel pulled out a syringe filled with a purple-colored liquid.

“You bet it’s not!” she growled, struggling to push him away.

He grabbed her wrist, pulling her sleeve up. Ivy ripped her arm out of his hold. He looked at her like he wanted to smack her, instead, he grabbed her arm again. His men helped him hold it in place.

“NOOOO!” Ivy yelled, pulling her arm as hard as she could.

“Be quiet, Ivy, this is only going to hurt once it is fully in your system.” He pushed the needle into her skin, he dug around for the vein he wanted before pushing the liquid into her body.

Her body felt weird; her legs felt like Jell-O. Daniel helped put her on the couch. The room started spinning it was like a roller coaster ride.

“Three more doses of that, and you will become one of us,” Daniel’s voice echoed in her head.

“So, I am not your kind? You are MAKING me one of you?” Ivy mumbled; she wasn’t sure if she was making sense.

“No, Ivy, you are our kind. This speeds up the process a little, so you become fully one of us when you turn eighteen,” he said. “Don’t worry Drake will show you how when you can understand how this works.”

Ivy sat up enough to see Daniel was leaning over checking her mom out. “Is she?” she asked.

Daniel looked over at Ivy. “She'll stay alive long enough for your dad to get home, but then she'll die, and so will he,” he said, looking at his dagger. “Lay her down, please. The more relaxed she is, the easier it will be for her.”

Ivy’s dad arrived home. Ivy tried standing. Daniel’s men forced her to lay down, and she struggled with them. Daniel looked at the door. “Sounds like Daddy’s home,” he said, half smiling and waiting near the door.

The front door opened; Ivy’s dad walked in. “Honey, I'm home,” he yelled as he walked into the living room.

He saw Michell and then Ivy. He looked towards Daniel and frowned. “My wife—what did you do to her?” he said as he leaned down to see if she was still breathing.

Daniel looked at Ivy, and then her father, “I've killed her, and I've come to kill you.”

“Fat chance, Daniel. You see, my wife was the weak one,” he challenged.

Daniel walked towards Ivy’s dad. “Your little wife said the same thing about you, but look, she is dead, and you are next.”

Ivy’s dad took a step towards her. “My daughter?” he asked, looking at Ivy.

“Is mine,” Daniel said as he stabbed him with the same dagger he used on Michelle.

Ivy struggled sitting up again, “NOOO!” she cried out.

He went down next to his wife. Ivy stood up, she swayed back in forth. Whatever Daniel gave her was strong. “No, Ivy, it’s time for your next dose of medicine,” Daniel said walking towards her. “I’m going to give you two doses; you have a long road ahead of you,” he said, injecting her two more times.

Ivy struggled. “No, I don’t want to become like you. I am human. Just leave me alone!” she cried out.

Daniel pulled the syringe away; Ivy swayed back and forth. “Sit her down, please,” he said, walking into the kitchen.

Daniel sat down at the table and punched some numbers on the phone. Ivy couldn’t hear what he was saying, but it sounded like the person on the other end was happy with what he did.

He glanced at her as he closed his phone. “Well, my work here is done until you are of age. We have one more injection and will be gone before the police get here to investigate this.” He laughed.