Shawn's Assistant 2

Shawn's Assistant 2

Chapters: 39
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: svdsouls


Amelia Johns won the jackpot when her assistant job to famous singer Shawn Melendez turned into a romance with the star himself. When she finds out she's pregnant, however, she becomes worried about how it will affect their relationship. How long can she hide this before he finds out? And what will happen when Camila comes back into the picture?

New Adult Romance BxG Unexpected Romance Pregnancy Marriage

Shawn's Assistant 2 Free Chapters

Chapter 01 | Shawn's Assistant 2

"Lia, baby, calm down," Laura said.

"Fuck, Laurs, I can't," I said as tears ran down my face.

"Babe, calm down. Look at me—you're going to be a mother," Laura said.

"Do you hear yourself, Laura? I'm going to be a mother! A fucking mother! And Shawn is the fucking dad!" I said.

"Aren't you happy? With Shawn?" Laura asked.

"I am! I love him so much! But I know he won't be happy with a baby right now! He's on fucking tour! He's growing into a big celebrity," I said, breaking down.

"Lia, who said he wouldn't want it? Did you ever talk about this? Nope! Stop crying. Look, babe, I'm here with you, and I'm so happy for you. You should tell him, and if he doesn't want it, me and your family will be there with you, and we'll take care of the baby and love him," Laura said.

"Get yourself together, call Shawn, and tell him to meet you as soon as possible," Laura said as she helped me get up.

I washed my face then I grabbed my phone and called Shawn.

"Yes?" an unfamiliar voice said.

"Shawn?" I said.

"No, this isn’t Shawn," the guy said over loud music.

"Oh, sorry, wrong number, I think," I said.

"No, this is Shawn's phone. Wait," the guy said. "Shawn! Your phone!”

"Hello?" Shawn said.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey, baby. How are you?"

"I'm good. How about you?"

"I'm great. I miss you."

"I miss you too. Shawn…"


"You busy?" I asked.

"No, I'm just at a party. Did something happen? Are you okay?"

"Um… yeah, I just wanna know when you’re coming back?"

"I don't know, maybe next month? Did something happen, Lia?"


"Babe, tell me," he said.

"Something happened, but I just wanna see you."

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"It can't be said over the phone. I'll just tell you when I see you."

"Baby, I can take a flight now and be there" Shawn said.

"No! No, Shawn, you have a show tomorrow. We'll talk when I see you, and don't get drunk because we don't want a singing Shawn with a headache at the concert."

"Baby, a month is too far away. You know that all I'd be doing is thinking about you and being worried."

"Babe, it can wait. Nothing too important, so don't worry, please"

"Okay, babe, are you sure?"

"Yeah, baby, don't worry."

"I love you so much, and if you need anything, just give me a call."

"I love you too. Bye."

"Lia, I made an appointment for next week" Laura said entering my room. "What happened with Shawn?"

"He'll be here the next month," I said.

Laura hugged me.

"You're gonna be alright, momma bear" she said.

"Thanks for being here," I said.

A week later, I had an appointment to check if I was really pregnant.

"Amelia Johns" a nurse called again.

"Yes," I said, standing up with Laura beside me.

"The doctor is ready to see you," she said before me and Laura entered the room.

"Amelia?" he said.


"Congratulations, you're having a baby," the doctor said with a smile.

"Really?" I said happily.

"Yes, really! You're going to be a mother. You're three months pregnant," he said.

"Three months! How?" I said.

"Some people may not have pregnancy synonyms in the first months, but they come later, and I guess this happened to you," he said.

"Oh my god!" Laura said, pulling me into a hug.

"That's why I'm getting fat!" I said, making Laura and the doctor laugh.

"Do you want to see your baby now? Or with the baby's father?" he asked, and I looked at Laura.

"She'll come with the baby's father," Laura said.

"Just give us a call, and we'll book you an ultrasound appointment. Be careful. Don't bend, jump, or do any crazy stuff. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, and make sure you eat healthy food. If you get severe morning sickness, just call us and I'll prescribe you some pills," he said.

"Okay, thank you, Doctor," I said shaking hands with him.

"Thank you!" Laura said.

"Just doing my job, and again, congrats," he said.

We gave him a smile before going out, and Laura instantly pulled me into a hug.

"I'm gonna be an auntie!" she said.

"I have a baby, Laurs, here in my tummy," I said, putting my hands on my stomach.

"I'm so happy. I can't wait till you tell your family!" she said.

"Tell my family? I don't think so," I said.

"What! You know Nate would be mad at me if he knew that I knew and didn't tell him," she said with a frown.

"What if they tell Shawn?" I asked.

"You do realize that he is your boyfriend and the father of the baby," Laura said.

"Fuck, Laurs, I don't know what to do," I said.

"I think you should tell Shawn. Try to talk with him," Laura said.

"You think so? Would he be happy?" I asked.

"I don't know, but we have to see, and if anything, you know we're with you!" Laura said before we headed home.

Chapter 02 | Shawn's Assistant 2

Next month:

"Can you see my tummy?" I asked Laura.

"Of course not! Since you are wearing the largest hoodie you own!" Laura said.

" I literally look so fat" I Said.

"You're not fat! You're gonna be a mother loser! And I'm like 100 percent sure, Shawn will figure out" Laura said.

"Laura shut up, you're panicking me" I Said "I feel like throwing up".

"Did you take the pills?" Laura asked.

"I did" I said as I drank a sip of water before resting on the bed.

"I'm gonna head out now, I'll see you later, bye baby, by momma bear" Laura said leaving a kiss on my cheek before heading out.

I closed my eyes after that and fell into deep sleep.

Hours later, noise was filling the apartment making me wake up.

I rubbed my eyes as a figure opened the room door and stood there.

"Baby?" The figure said with a smile.

"Shawn!!!" I said before standing up and running to him.

"I missed you lots, lots, lots with 1000 more lots after it" he said placing kisses on my face.

"You don't know how much I missed you more" I said hiding my face into the crook of his neck.

Shawn suddenly took me into bridal style.

"Shawn?! What the heck are you doing?" I asked..

"helping my princess?" Shawn said.

"I can walk, just 2 steps" I Said.

"Wait is someone here getting a bit heavier?" Shawn said.

"Are you calling me fat?" I asked as tears filled my eyes.

Crazy hormones...

"Baby, Lia? No, I didn't mean that! Don't cry! Why are you crying? No baby" he said placing me on the bed and pulling me to his chest.

"I'm sorry baby, don't cry, you're not fat, I didn't mean that, I was just messing with you" Shawn said kissing the side of my head.

"Sorry, um about this all, it's just I'm not feeling really well that's all" I Said.

"Not feeling well? Are you okay? What happened? Why didn't you tell me? Did you see the doctor? Let's go see a doctor!" Shawn said as worry filled his eyes.

" Shawn, calm down baby, I went to the doctor, and he said it w-was just... the f-flu, so nothing is too serious" I Said.

I hate lying to him.

"Did you take your meds?" He asked.

"I did" I said.

"Let's just get you some rest, come here" Shawn said helping me lay on the bed and putting a blanket on top of me.

Shawn removed his shoes and his jacket.

"Shawn, rest with me?" I Said.

"Sure" he said before he joined me, I buried my face into his chest while he rested his head on the top of my head.

"I missed you" he whispered.

"I missed you more" I whispered back.

"Now go back to sleep, love." He Said as I fell asleep between his arms feelings safe and comfortable.

I opened my eyes and was greeted with Shawn's face while he was laughing at something he read on the phone.

"what's so funny?" I asked.

"oh, good morning! Nothing's too funny, it's just Sam and Stassi are fighting, the squad are here in town with me, and Stassi wants to come here to see you while Sam wants to go shopping and they're fighting on the group" Shawn said.

"They're In town?!" I Said feeling happy.

"Yeah" Shawn said.

"Let me text them" I said taking Shawn's phone and texting them.


Babes please come! I miss you guys so much Sam please I need to see Stassi, only for an hour or less It's just I miss you guys!!!!


Wait, didn't you see her yesterday?

and why do you want to see Stassi?


Yeah! Why do you need to see my baby?


Aw! I miss you so much more, I need to see you today and I'm bringing the girls whether they like it or not!


Wait, are you cheating on Sam?”


No! You idiots! It's Lia you fuckers!






Oh my god Sam! Stassi is cheating on you with Lia!



I miss you so much boooooo, and I love you lots.


Someone is jealous here.


Don't care 🤷🏻‍♀.



You'll come or not?



Whether they like it or not.


Yas, pizza party at 7pm :)

Bye loves "You're too cute, you know that?" Shawn said pulling me above him.

"you say that a lot, but you're way more too cuter" I Said leaving a kiss on his neck.

"God you make me so weak" Shawn said as I chuckled leaving another kiss on his neck.

"Get that beautiful ass ready for doing dinner, oh, you rest babe, I'll just order pizzas" Shawn said.

"No, no, no, it's okay, order pizza but I'll have to do some appetizers and some kinds of salad, and I'll have to order drinks" I Said.

"How about? No? Get some rest" Shawn said.

"Baby! I've been resting for a long time! Can you let go of me I need to get things ready" I Said.

Just then the doorbell rang.

"Who's That?" I Said as Shawn shrugged.

I went to the door to find Jai, Nate and Laura standing.

"Hello babes" Laura said kissing my cheeks and entering to the living room.

"SHAWN!" I could head her yell as soon as she saw him.

"Shawn's here?" Jai asked while hugging me.

"Yea" I nodded.

"Hey sissy" Nate said.

"Shawn! Hello" Nate said, hugging Shawn.

"Hey Guys! I missed you guys a lot, lot, lot" Shawn said.

"Missed you too Shawn" Laura said.

I stood beside Shawn as he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder.

" so, what are you guys doing here?" I asked "I don't remember inviting you" I said.

"You think you could have a pizza party without us?" Laura said.

"How did you guys know" Shawn said as he smiled.

"Claudia told me and you didn't!" Laura said crossing her arms.

"Anyways the party still have few hours till it starts" I Said.

"We could help, I Came early to help you" Laura said.