Sewa and Antonio have finally confessed their love to each other and have started a real relationship. Antonio’s son, Diego, lives with them, whom Antonio had neglected for seven years. Sewa knows Antonio is keeping something from her, but she doesn’t want to pressure him into telling her because she trusts that he’ll tell her in his own time. That is, until Samantha, Diego’s biological mother, claims she knows what Antonio is hiding. Then, Antonio’s past flings start showing up, trying to claim Antonio for themselves. [Note: This is the sequel to Sinful, also available on Readict!]
Sinner Free Chapters
CHAPTER 1 | Sinner
As I stepped out of the airplane, there was no mistake that I was back home. I didn't need to be told by anyone; the soft wind that welcomed me told me that much.
I was finally back home after five months. In those five months spent with my father, I had an exciting time. I'm pretty sure the FBI agent in charge of Antonio and I must've bathed in holy water every day and finally quit his job because we did a lot of...
Nevertheless, I was very excited to be back. I missed the people I loved so much that I felt like inviting them home with me. I missed Diego and his cute self; believe it or not, I missed Noah too. I missed him because there was a very high probability that I'd never see him again.
My excitement led me into the airport after getting my luggage. The place was crowded like the president or a very important person was visiting or something. I kept my eyes out for Antonio because he told me he'd come pick me up, but he was nowhere to be found.
I didn't want my excitement to die down, so I kept looking, and finally, I saw a very pretty placard that said "Mommy" with a little cute boy running toward me.
"Diego," I smiled, dropping my luggage and receiving the little boy in my arms. If I didn't realize I missed him before, I definitely did at that moment.
I hugged him as tight as I could, inhaling his soft baby scent.
"I've missed you," my voice was shaky.
"Daddy, Mommy is such a cry baby!" Diego mocked. I looked up and saw Antonio towering over us.
"That's all you have to say after stealing all the love and attention?" Antonio joked, and we laughed.
"Can I get some now?" Antonio asked, opening his arms. Diego held me tighter, silently telling me not to let him go. I smiled and rubbed his back, telling him it will be okay.
"If I don't give Daddy some love and attention, he's going to cry," I whispered to Diego. He laughed and let me go.
"Hey, handsome," I smiled, leaning into my man. Antonio pulled me in immediately, hugging me tight, very tight.
"I've missed you too, Daddy," I whispered seductively into his ear. Antonio froze.
"Let's go home right now!" Antonio's demeanor changed. I knew what was about to go down, and I was ready for it. He grabbed my luggage while I grabbed Diego as we walked out of the airport.
"Nice to have you back, ma'am," Larry smiled at me.
"Thank you," I smiled back. Antonio gave me a warning glance, and my smile disappeared.
We got into the car and drove home. Home, I liked the sound of that.
I was tired, honestly tired, and in need of serious rest, but the look in Antonio's eyes told me we were going to do something far from restful. I was in grave danger.
When we got home, I carried Diego in my arms, but Antonio took him away from me, handing him to the ever-ecstatic housekeeper, whose name I managed to forget every time.
Antonio came back. He had a nasty, wicked smirk on his face. I knew that look all too well. However, he wasn't looking at me; he was looking behind me. I turned to see what the big deal was, and I almost cried out in surprise.
It was the immaculate picture of me, hanging on the wall like a billion-dollar painting. I turned back to Antonio and jumped on him.
"You're the sweetest," I cried. He put his hands under my butt, supporting me. Then he started moving... towards the stairs. No words said, just heavy breathing and a hard dick pressing into my entrance. Curse the fucking position we’re in.
When we got to Antonio's room, he threw me on the bed.
"I'm sorry. I don't feel very gentlemanly right now," his husky voice said. I smiled at him. I felt the same thing; it was bad enough that we had to pleasure ourselves while I was away. I needed it too. I missed him so much.
"Have me however you want me," I whispered in his ear, biting his earlobe softly.
"Fuck," he groaned and placed his lips on mine. I shut my eyes immediately, feeling giddy at the contact.
The kiss started off with so much passion and was getting hotter as the seconds passed. My fingers flew to Antonio's hair, softly pulling the strands and moaning into the kiss.
"I've missed you and your body too much," he groaned between kisses.
"I thought I'd die," he added. My heart melted at that statement. He just knew what to say and when to say the right things (sometimes).
Antonio let his hands roam about my body slowly, making me feel every touch more than I was supposed to.
He tugged on my shirt, letting me know he wanted it off, I didn't have time to react, because he took it off himself, in one swift motion.
"I'll fuck you so hard you'll regret ever leaving me!" Antonio growled while looking at my breasts that were caged in my black bra.
He unhooked my bra, setting my breasts free. Antonio looked from me to my breasts with a mischievous smile on his face. He kissed me more and trailed the kisses down to my breasts, taking in one nipple into his mouth and teasing me.
He bit my right nipple slightly, then blew on it like he was trying to blow out a candle.
Oh fuck! I was trying too hard to keep my moans in because we had a child in the house. God forbid the child should hear me scream.
On cue, Antonio said, "Let me hear you" like he read my mind.
He bit a little harder on my nipple, flicking his tongue on the bud and making animal-like sounds, which was the hottest thing ever.
Antonio moved to my other breast, giving it the same attention he gave to the previous one.
"Mmm," I moaned, biting my lips softly.
"Let's get me inside you!" Antonio smiled. He kissed me quickly and hurried to the drawer to take out a condom. It was as if he knew I wasn't on the pill anymore. Good thinking. I took off my jeans, and since I had a habit of walking around with no panties, I laid back on the bed with my legs open wide, wet and ready for destruction.
I was really back home.
CHAPTER 2 | Sinner
I had woken up with the expected soreness between my legs. Hell, my nipples were sore, and they hurt like a bitch. When I had woken up, Antonio wasn't in bed. He probably went to work. He claimed he missed me but couldn't skip work for me. That's crazy.
I had also asked the housekeeper for Diego, and she told me he had gone to school. I had no idea Diego had started school, but I was happy. I was glad that I didn't have to tell Antonio to put him in a school.
It was a Saturday, and I had nothing better to do, so I called Dan. We were to meet at some cafe somewhere. So, I took a warm shower, got dressed in the coziest sweats I owned, grabbed my phone and some money, and left the house.
Dan and I had become friends. He was a very cool person and had good intentions for everyone. While I was away, he'd call me sometimes, and we'd talk for hours, Antonio hated it, of course, but there was nothing he could about it.
"Sewa!" Dan greeted me. He was sitting outside the cafe, while I was about to enter.
"Dan," I smiled. He walked up and hugged me.
"I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I actually missed you," he smiled.
"Aw, I missed you too," I smiled. We found ourselves a table in the cafe and ordered our various beverages.
"So, tell me, how was Nigeria?" he asked me.
"Same old, same old. Busy and lively," I told him.
"How's Samantha?" I asked him. He’d told me that he had taken her to the hospital for treatment, and she was responding well to it.
"She's all good, almost like her usual self. I really thought it was going to be impossible, but she's better," he smiled. Dan was all smiles; his eyes had a certain brightness to them, all because he was talking about Samantha. It made me wonder if that's what Antonio looked like when talking about me.
Who am I kidding? Antonio is a loner. He hardly had people to talk to, so who would he talk to about me?
I let out a sigh and fixed my attention on Dan.
“And it's all thanks to you! I don’t even know what I would’ve done if it weren’t for you.” Dan had a sad smile.
“Oh, please! You’re spoiling the mood!” I slapped his shoulder slightly.
The vibration in my pocket stopped me from talking. It was Aliyah calling.
“If it isn’t the bitch that finally returned,” she said.
“I’ve missed you too, mama,” I laughed.
“You’re rude as fuck! You came back, and you didn’t even give me a call? Tell me why Antonio had to tell me you were back!” she yelled.
“I’m sorry! I was going to come by later. I just came out to get coffee with Dan!” I told her.
“Oh, now you’re picking him over me? Where are you guys? I’m coming right now,” her accented voice yelled.
I hung up and sent her the location. I never realized I was that important to people.
A few minutes later, Aliyah walked into the café, her bright skin, long hair, and red lips gaining her the attention she deserved. I waved my hands at her; when she saw me, she smiled. She had the brightest smile I had ever seen on her.
“Hey girl.” I hugged her.
“I’m angry! Dan! Are you trying to steal her away from me?” She turned to Dan. Dan was speechless.
“I don’t even know what’s going on here,” Dan joked, and we laughed.
“I got my nails done yesterday,” Aliyah yawned, showing off her perfect manicure.
“It’s so pretty.” I smiled at her.
“That’s it?” she asked me. I was confused; did she want more compliments?
“Dan, you see it, right? Do you like it?” She asked him, practically putting her hand in his face. I laughed at them, and especially at Aliyah, because that wasn’t something she usually did. It was refreshing.
I looked over at her nails again, and that’s when I saw it.
“Wait! Aliyah! You’re engaged?” I yelled, gaining the attention of every single person in the café.
“Sorry,” I mouthed to them.
“Dude, I thought you were blind!” She laughed.
“Oh my God! How did it happen? When did it happen?” I asked her.
“Yesterday! We went out on a date on his yacht, and everything was magical and beautiful. It was sunset. I was wearing the most disgusting bikini ever. I spilled wine on the white one I was wearing, and the other was just sitting there, so I wore it. Anyway, I was taking in the scenery and everything when Harry called my name—not babe, or honey, or anything—he called me by my name, so I knew something was up. I turned dramatically to see him on one knee. Honey, when I say I almost died, I almost died! I was so shocked because marriage isn’t something we’ve had the chance to talk about. Yes, there were times he called me wifey and stuff. Sometimes, when I accompanied him for events, he introduced me as his wife. I had no idea what it was leading to. It was so special,” Aliyah explained. I was so happy for her. She looked so excited, and I was excited for her. Harry had some issues, but he was a good man, a very good man.
“I’m just here taking pointers,” Dan smiled. I looked at him in shock.
“You’re going to ask Samantha to marry you? I asked him.
“Well, eventually, but not right now. When I’m sure she’s very stable and stuff, I will,” he said.
“Aw, you guys are the cutest,” I cooed.
“Now, it’s just you! Are you going to keep fucking Antonio and not get married?” Aliyah asked. Ouch!
“He did ask on the night of the studio opening. I told him that I do want to marry him, but I wanted us to be better people, for both of us. I wasn’t ready,” I told them.
“Shut up!” Aliyah said, her eyes wide.
“I know,” I laughed awkwardly.
“So, are you a better person now? Do you think he’s better? Can y’all get married already?” Aliyah asked.
“We’ll see,” I smiled at them.
“I know what we need,” Aliyah said.
“Party!” she yelled, gaining the attention of others.
We all agreed to it and went to our various houses to get ready to party.