Storm Warrior
She’s an alpha shifter and the head of the free world. He’s the only being who can save her in any world. Good luck making her admit that.
Storm Warrior Free Chapters
In the beginning of the celestial realm, Yahweh and Diablo shared authority. Diablo ruled the material elements of humanity and Yahweh the spiritual. The angels governed the realms of heaven until Diablo persuaded Lucifer and others to challenge Yahweh for the Celestial throne. After the angelic wars, Yahweh’s wife grieved the loss of her defeated son and followed Lucifer to the mate‐ rial realm. In his sorrow, Yahweh cursed his twelve sons to share his pain and forever be separated from their kindred spirits.
Time past…many forgot the curse. Until…a malevolent energy consumed the otherworld dimensions. Now only the twelve Sarim princes can stop darkness from destroying the universe. Each Sarim angel must find their archeia, soulmate and unite with their feminine half to heal the pockets of corruption that have invaded the planet.
Throughout the realms, the Fates scattered the chakra stones of the kundalini dragon in which the human race was conceived. To heal the curse each angel must locate the scattered chakra stone of his beloved archeia soul.
Should any of the twelve fail…Diablo and the darkness will rule humanity for the next thousand years.
CHAPTER ONE | Storm Warrior
I walked along the edge of the underwater dome toward the bank of the Archipelago River, surveying the portal chutes leading to the various dimensional realms of the planet. Every one of the pantheon gates stood unsupervised. I scrunched my brows down‐ ward at the inattentiveness of my senior cadets. The cadets had grown lax over the years, no longer fearing the wrath of the gods or an inva‐ sion from a disgruntled race.
I held my trident high, watching the storm wave rage outside the tubal shoots that led to the human surface. “Gavin, where are the lads who monitor chute nine?” I spoke into my ultra-wave phone, deter‐ mined not to let this breach of duty deepen my already rainy mood.
“They await the new arrivals from the human surface,” Gavin replied with a chuckle.
“Apparently, the news of females arriving has our young men distracted from their morning responsibilities.” I flashed to Archipelago’s docking station and surprised the young cadets when I materialized in the midst of the squad while the team leader repri‐ manded them for being too focused on the women. To show the cadets that commands were meant to be followed, I whirled a vortex tornado, startling the sub as it approached the outside dome along Archipelago’s docks. Better to teach them to fear my wrath before they foolishly assumed that the guild lacked strict adherence to my rules.
The submarine closed its hatch and severed the seal to submerge until I gave further instructions.
“Let Juna know the new females have arrived. Send our cadets back to their stations with a stern warning and an hour’s loss of pay.”
“Have you forgotten what it’s like to be young and excited and in love with the possibility of a mate?” Gavin approached the air ventila‐ tion system and turned the switch to off. He cocked his brow at me and moved to seal the funnel from flooding with excessive seawater.
“All right, just make sure they understand the importance of protecting their post.” I rolled my head, hoping to loosen the knots in my neck. I’d over-reacted with my show of temper, but the eerie premonitions of an invasion seeped in my conscious thoughts. The dreams grew stronger until I walked around like a living time bomb.
A signal beeped on my phone. Incoming at chute twelve, not what I needed at the moment. Only those from my father’s celestial home came through twelve. I flashed to my quarters, knowing I had little time to waste. I unlatched the door to my two-bedroom condo and headed to my office. Unlocking the armoire desk, I entered the codes of the submarine’s arrival. In twenty minutes, Gavin would unload the sub and assign the girls to their dorms. A tap-tap-tap and the door opened into the small sitting room with a two-seater couch and a round rosewood table between two leather-back chairs where I enter‐ tained guests or the occasional business meeting.
“I’ll be right there.” I logged off the data system and joined my brothers for their unexpected visit.
Zadkiel, my older brother, and Gabriel, my younger sibling, entered the room.
Gabriel held a box and plastic bag. “Cake and homemade fudge brownies.”
I didn’t know what he was after, but apparently, Uriel, my brother, and sister-in-law Moira were involved if Gabriel came bearing treats from Moira’s bakery.
Power radiated from Zadkiel. The leader of the Dominion governing council stood tall as an old oak and his body was just as sturdy. If my eldest brother brought sweets, he had news I wouldn’t like. “Sit down.” I pointed to the two brown leather chairs. Zadkiel sauntered to the chair and made himself right at home.
“Moira sent a special lemon cake to enliven your raging spirit.” Gabriel’s cherubic smile glowed with a musical joy that always riled my temper.
I shook my head, grumbling at Moira’s constant attempts to illu‐ minate my perpetual rain cloud. “Tell her I’m fine and thank you.”
“She’s become quite the mother hen since she and Uriel mated,” Gabriel said. He placed the cake on a side table against the wall leading to a tiny kitchenette with a fridge, sink, and counter. He took the remaining empty seat and propped his feet on the small table. How I’d missed his presumptuous nature hit the center of my chest. Before Uriel’s marriage to Moira, I’d ignored my siblings, refusing to invest time in family or angelic concerns.
Gabriel had the sweetest spirit of my twelve brothers. I scrutinized his demeanor. The golden hues surrounding him made me envious of his ability to see beauty in the darkest circumstance.
“What’s up?” I leaned against the rear wall beside the large statue of Poseidon, which stood taller than my six-foot-five height. The god of Oceania’s training guild created a powerful, stark image if one sat facing him while being reprimanded. I’d watched many a cadet tremble when facing my wrath if I stood next to the god of the sea. Yet, my brother paid little heed to the protector of Archipelago Island. A sharp-edged pain stabbed at my chest and I flinched. The scar underneath my left pectoral muscle became agitated and raw. Ignoring the jab, I crossed my arms in hopes of hurrying this family reunion. I needed to witness the new pairings and see which males and females gravitated to each other.
Zadkiel rubbed at his own scar and his mouth grimaced into a frown. “The time is ready for the next of the twelve Sarim princes to locate the second of the kundalini gems.”
“And what does this have to do with me?” “It’s you.”
“I’m thrilled.” In truth, finding my mate terrified me.
“We have knowledge of where your kindred spirit resides.” Gabriel summoned his trumpet and blew the wedding march just to ruffle my feathers. “Brother, with your sunny disposition, your mate would rather burn you at the stake than bed you.”
Zadkiel laughed at Gabriel’s dig, irritating me even more.
“I’m glad Uriel found his archeia. Which means we all have an opportunity to find our soulmates! Even you, Storm Warrior.”
Storm Warrior, an interesting nickname those who knew me best used when they wanted to make a point. “We’ll see.”
Gabriel smirked and blew on his trumpet once more, hoping to rile the others with the obnoxious rendition of “Power of Love.”
Jeffrey, my concierge for the guild, came in with a pot of coffee and a bottle of Scotch. “Sounds like congratulations are in order.”
My two brothers howled in response as they both jumped from their chairs to take the coffee and Scotch from Jeffrey.
“Don’t start planning a wedding, Gabriel’s just practicing his wit for the day.”
“Either way, a woman staying for longer than a week might lighten the mood around here.” He glanced to the other bedroom, where my female companions stayed while visiting the island.
“I appreciate the coffee. Thank you.” I closed the door and poured each of us a shot. As angels, alcohol didn’t affect our bodies in the same way as mortals.
“Is Luc still banished from Kumuria? Or has he cowered and given in to our father’s demands?” I asked, folding my arms across my chest and sneering at the two of them for disrupting what I needed to do with the incoming Nephilim.
“Don’t begrudge Luc for returning to our father’s side.” Gabriel smiled, picking up a magazine that dropped to the floor and throwing it in my office.
What the shit? Coming into my house, telling me I was the next brother to fulfill the curse, then making themselves at home tended to grate on my nerves. Fuck! I needed a fight in Poseidon’s coliseum, a place where warriors competed with ancient swords to the death.
Somewhere to disperse this darkness I’d avoided since my banish‐ ment into the earthly plane.
My phone binged. I read Gavin’s text. The guild’s food supplies have arrived in tubal three.
Zadkiel’s cleft chin held a stubborn expression. “Your archeia’s in danger!”
My brows arched. “What?”
“The choir of angels has consulted the oracle. You, my brother, are in for one hell of a challenge.” Gabriel leaned back, gauging my reaction.
I should be happy at the possibility, but instead, a hollowness filled my heart. I’d hoped to be one of the last of the Sarim princes, instead of the second. I wasn’t ready to feel anything but rage. I’d grown tired of the endless dissatisfaction of sex and women. Inside my heart, I’d become hardened and cold. What could I offer a mate? I could never live up to the perfection of a healed spirit, nor did I deserve too. Gabriel and Michael earned their archeia. Me I feared to hope, to believe that Yahweh truly meant for us to heal.
“Where is the gem I’m to locate?”
“The sacral carnelian scarab from the ancient Roman dynasty is buried deep within Poseidon’s castle. Metatron has offered two coins to help you find the gem. One is used to enter the Olympian pantheon. The other will be payment to ride the hippocampus, the famous horse/fish creature dominating the Greek seas,” Zadkeil said.
I groaned, wishing I wasn’t the chosen second. “Sounds easy enough.” A sigh escaped my lips. I had new academy recruits to deal with and would prefer my brothers finish their litany and hurry along.
Gabriel cocked his brow. “You will not be allowed entrance to Poseidon’s home until after the union with your archeia.”
Lines of worry had collected near the corners of Zadkiel’s mouth.
The desperation in his gaze intrigued me.
“Who is she, and where can I locate her?” I asked, ready to find reasons to avoid facing the challenge.
“She’s the President of the United States.”
“What?” I tried to suppress the horror filling my mind. “Fuck.” Grace Isaeva was the most beautiful woman I’d seen in the last decade.
“A coven of mages from the otherworld has established residence with the D.C. witch covens and joined forces with a warlock they call Norman.”
“How does that affect the guild and the Nephilim under my leader‐ ship?” I brushed my fingers through my hair, concerned only for those I protected.
“We believe Norman and his brother intend the president harm.” “Mortals have freewill.” I flailed my arms at Zadkiel.
“Your archeia may die within the next week if you don’t find a way to save her.” Gabriel shouted liked I was hard of hearing.
“Can’t Yahweh stop the warlock?” Anger seized me at the constant oppression of my father.
“The fates prevent his interference because of Diablo and Yahweh’s agreements. Because Grace is your archeia, you may interfere and save her life.” Zadkiel touched my shoulder and moved in close to me. “Save your archeia. If you reject her and fail to fulfill the curse…” His words trailed off in a whisper, “I desire my archeia to return to me. The separation grows harder each day.”
Zadkiel’s painful words tore at my soul.
“Like I don’t have enough to deal with at the moment.” The guilt slammed hard against my heart. I smashed my fist against the wall.
“The Nephilim guardians will be needed to help humanity survive the conflict between species written in the legends of the third tribu‐ lations of humanity.” Gabriel’s expression darkened. “The curse of the Sarim princes threatens the shaky relationship with the humans, magicals, and shifters. Should Diablo and the dark forces prevent the rising of the kundalini dragon, the goodwill between the species will unravel.”
“Grace Isaeva fights for the rights of all species, especially the shifters.” Zadkiel’s voice rang with an intimate pride for the mortal female. “She hides a secret and must confront the prejudice of anti‐
quated laws against those who stand for equality for every race. She fights for all the species to experience justice in a humane system.”
“I’m incapable of love.” I looked to Gabriel. Understanding dawned in his eyes.
“Your archeia needs you, and you need her. Neither of you can succeed without the other.”
“I fear our doom is near. My heart storms like the sea unable to locate the calm.”
“Forgive our father and return home to him.”
Gabriel’s energy surrounded him like a beacon of light, offering me a lifejacket.
“Not on your life! Tell the bastard to kiss my ass.”
“You’re blinded by rage.” Gabriel held out my trident he’d retrieved from the corner of my office. “Please, as a favor, visit Father.”
I reached for my staff and turned toward the statue of Poseidon before facing Gabriel. My heart softened at the sorrow reflected in his eyes. “I am sorry. I see you in my dreams. You search and call for your archeia in the dawning of the morn.”
“Brother, we must protect the supernaturals and humans against those who will invade if the kundalini fails. Find it in your soul to love again.” Zadkiel laid his hand on Gabriel’s shoulder and forced an amiable smile.
Guilt washed over me like threads of magick closing around my heart. “I can’t.”
“Then you doom us all.” Gabriel turned away, his shoulders slumped as he walked toward Zadkiel.
Zadkiel and Gabriel flashed from the room.
I dropped to my knees and, for the first time since the war of the angels, I roared with the salt of the sea, petrified of the future and the weight of the kundalini.