Sudden Billionaire Heiress After Divorce

Sudden Billionaire Heiress After Divorce

Chapters: 138
Updated: 01 Jan 2025
Author: Sam-crowned


Alda's dreamy wedding night turns into a nightmare when a mysterious text from her sister unveils her husband Tyler's shocking betrayal. Desperate for answers, Alda confronts Tyler, only to discover a truth that leaves her shattered. As the icy silence of deception envelops their once-happy home, Alda is faced with a choice: succumb to the pain or emerge stronger than ever. In this riveting tale of heartbreak and resilience, she is ready to make him suffer as she serves him karma on a silver plate.

Rejection Revenge Cheating Strong Female Lead Dark Billionaire

Sudden Billionaire Heiress After Divorce Free Chapters

Chapter One | Sudden Billionaire Heiress After Divorce

Alda POV.

It was our wedding night, the weather was cold and crisp. He wrapped his hands around my body and whispered words that kept me warm: ”Every day for the rest of our lives, I only want to look at your face and admire how beautiful you are.”

Little did I know that those tender vows spoken in the chill of that night would soon be drowned in the icy silence of betrayal, and I’d be ready to serve karma on the silver plate.

It all started one late night. The weather was the same as it was on our wedding night only that this time, he was not there to keep me warm.

I covered myself with a blanket to shield myself from the cold, imagining him to be by my side as I never suspected that he might be somewhere else keeping another woman warm. I kept myself entertained with a popular TV show while scrolling through my WhatsApp chats simultaneously.

Suddenly, I got a text from Jasmine, my younger sister, who was the happy bridesmaid on my wedding day. “Hey, Alda, where is Tyler? Is everything okay there?”

I did not understand the context of the text. My eyes flashed in a little confusion about why my little sister, who lives with my mom so far away, suddenly texted me and asked where my husband was.

“Yo, what do you mean?? Everything’s fine over here,” I quickly replied, hoping that she would provide context to her question.

“Check Tyler’s status now,” she responded as soon as my reply to her turned blue.

Without any delay, as fast as my fingers could swipe to the status screen, I immediately pulled the screen to the right, and I could see loads of statuses on my screen, like different books on the shelf waiting to be opened.

Immediately, I flipped my eyes through the list, hoping to stumble on Tyler’s status one way or the other, but all to no avail. Somehow, his status couldn’t be found, like a book missing from the shelf.

“Yo, what’s happening? Ain’t no Tyler’s status there.” I quickly responded.

“Where is he at, Alda?” My little sister questioned me again, and I immediately lost my peace. I paced back and forth like a fish swept onto the sand by the storm of the sea.

“Speak, Jasmine. What do you see?” I asked again.

“Tell me where your husband is first,” Jasmine replied, brushing my question away. She would not let out the cat until I told her what she wanted to hear.

“He told me he has a business meeting until morning. Why are you asking?” I quickly answered, hoping that at this moment, Jasmine would at least tell me what she saw.

“I think you should call him right now. Because his ass uploaded some nasty status, and you saw none of it,” Jasmine texted.

Seeing what Jasmine texted prompted me to catapult myself into Tyler’s inbox. Then I realized that I could not see his last seen, but his display picture was still visible. “Could Tyler have suddenly turned off his last seen because of me?” I asked myself quickly.


In a rush, like a nervous woman who had just thought that her husband might be keeping a secret from her, I quickly tapped on the video call button and called Tyler immediately.

His phone rang and rang, but he was not picking up. This is definitely not like Tyler; even if he was so busy, he would find a way to pick up my call. But now he is not picking up. Could my gut be right? Was he there with another woman?

Calling him for the second time was also a futile effort. He did not pick up, no matter how long his phone rang, like the buzz of bees around their honeycomb. This catapulted me up from the bed, and even if the night was injecting cold and endurance, the heat of my emotions boiling inside of me right now did not make me feel the impact of the cold any longer.

Quickly, I scrolled away from Whatsapp and opened my phone text message app. “Tyler, where are you?” I sent as I glued my eyes to my phone screen, watching as my phone notification beeped. "Sent.”

However, no matter how many minutes more I waited, if I saw a reply come in after that text, it was a lie. Instead, my phone rang suddenly, and I picked up immediately like a desperate housewife who anticipated the love of her husband.

“What do you mean, where am I? I told you I went for a business meeting,” he whispered, as if being careful not to be heard.

“Why are you whispering, Tyler? Who’s there with you?” I asked immediately, like a detective unraveling secrets in the shadows.

“I am not whispering. It’s you that needs to check why you are asking me all these,” Tyler said, his voice stronger yet still in a whisper, like he was angry at my charge at him, but he doesn't know how to express his anger on the phone.

"Is that your wife?" a low female voice said in a distant voice underneath Tyler's voice suddenly, which immediately made my head bang like a door slammed shut, echoing the sudden closure of a chapter in my once serene world.

“Who’s that, Tyler? I heard a feminine voice underneath your whisper,” I said and immediately my ears rose like those of an alert dog, ready to jump and attack.

"Who is who?" Tyler defended himself immediately, as if I were insane and did not know what I heard.

“I heard the voice of a woman there, Tyler! Where the f**k are you? I want FaceTime right now! Why the f**k are you not saying anything? Tyler... Tyler!"

But, of course, if he heard all of that, it was a lie. He had already hung up the call long before I could tell, and immediately when I tried his number again, “Hey, it’s Tyler here; drop your message. I will call you right back,” his voicemail said. And at this moment, I could not believe my ears, as all I wanted to do was to wake up from this terrible dream so badly.

“My own husband is cheating on me. What is going on?” I asked myself again and again before I finally launched back into Jasmine's WhatsApp inbox like a desperate swimmer reaching for a lifeline in a sea of uncertainty.

“He hung up on me, Jasmine.” I texted.

“I warned you about this guy, but you insisted and got married to him. Now his cheating ass is not even sorry about cheating on you after all you have done for him. "Jasmine texted back immediately as she sent a trio of screenshots of Tyler’s status before he took it down, and my eyes could not believe what I saw.

“Who is this woman stealing my husband?” I exclaimed.

Chapter Two | Sudden Billionaire Heiress After Divorce

Alda POV.

The next morning came like an unwanted visitor, as I heard a persistent knock on the door, its loudness echoing through the quiet house like a drumbeat of unwelcome news. It was terrible enough that I hardly got any sleep throughout the night. Now, incessant loud knocking on the door again, even at 6 A.M.?

As I walked to the door with my defeated feet and sad face, like a wilted flower bending under the weight of an unexpected storm, “Hey!” said Diana the moment I opened the door.

“Move out of the way, you donkey honk,” she added, almost crushing me to the floor with her weight and size, like a bulldozer clearing a path through fragile emotions.

Diana was Tyler’s mother, who never liked me even before Tyler and I got married. She was that wicked witch who decided to haunt me even in my own house just a few weeks after our wedding.

I understood the fact that Tyler’s family was going through a period of bankruptcy, and they needed every help they could get. And as his fiancée, I worked my ass off at two jobs so that I could pay for a home for us to move into immediately after our wedding. From my little saved up money, I also established a small-scale eatery, which I handed its ownership to Tyler’s. And now he chose to pay me back by cheating?

I never long for any other man throughout the year we dated, despite all the guys coming at me and offering to take me out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. "I am engaged," I always said, even when he had not proposed to me yet. And while we got married, having an unnecessary conversation with another man irks me to the bone marrow. Is it a crime to be so faithful to one's man?

"Where is my food? I want to eat this minute!" Diana yelled from the dining room.

“Alright Diana, I will do that right away.” I answered from the entrance door.

“Don’t f**king tell me you will do that right away. Just f**king do it. You useless brat!” Diana cursed.

It had always been like that since she moved in with us. I was the one who did everything in the house—from sweeping every morning, to washing the plates, to cooking the food, to washing and mopping the bath. It got worse when Diana made it one of my mandatory chores to always wash her clothes and clean her shoes for her.

As time passed, I became a maid in my own house. Hearing how Diana yelled at me from where she was, I smirked a bit like a cat with an unknown intention. But if I were to have any intention to hurt her, it was a lie. I loved my husband, and for this love, I still did anything for his family.

I walked into the kitchen, turned on the cooker, and boiled some rice instantly so that my mother-in-law could eat and be satisfied. At this moment, I heard the entrance door open again. When I turned to look at who it was, I saw that it was Tyler walking in.

Taking a good look at him, I saw that he was still dressed in the same suit he wore to work yesterday, and he carried the same briefcase he carried to work yesterday. “A symbol of a typical man who had indeed gone to a meeting overnight,” I thought and smirked immediately.

“Hey darling!” Tyler greeted me after he greeted his mom and walked over to me in the kitchen, then placed a kiss on my cheek. In the same manner, I feigned a smile on my cheek as if last night never happened. “How was the meeting?” I asked in a tender voice as I began washing the plate in the sink while the rice continued to boil.

Seeing how I was starting to wash the plate, Tyler wrapped his arm around me and kissed me again on the cheek from behind. If only he knew that was one way he had exposed himself to his cheating ways. I could immediately smell another woman all over him like a lingering perfume.

“That reminds me, what were you saying on the phone yesterday?” He asked suddenly as he turned me around to face him and kept his gaze locked into my eyes.

"ugh!" Taking a deep sigh, everything I saw in those eye bulbs of his was a strange woman making love to him on a strange bed, and that again irked me to the bone marrow.

“Don’t mind me. I guess I missed you too much, and I wanted you back home so quickly,” I lied. Discussing our personal issues where his mother could hear us was one thing I detested. However, it was not the case for this day. Hence, I looked at him and let out a smile again.

“Why not go in and freshen up before breakfast?” I said this as I leaned on my toes and kissed his forehead immediately.

“Why is my f**king breakfast not yet ready? Are you going to starve me to death, you nasty idiot?” Diana yelled from the dining room suddenly and instantly, “I apologize for my mother, Alda, please..."

“It’s okay, Tyler. Go in and freshen up so you could have breakfast,” I interrupted him with a crafted, reluctant smile, like a fragile flower bending under the weight of unspoken understanding.

“I will be going upstairs then,” he said, kissing my forehead as he left immediately.


“The rice is almost cooked, Diana. Just wait a little bit more,” I said aloud from the kitchen.

“Well, waiting a little bit more is enough to send me to the grave. If you won’t cook my food fast enough, why don’t I tell my son to get a divorce and leave your nasty ass alone? You are no good for him anyway,” Diana yelled.

“My dearest son, I don’t know why he married you. You are just as useless as a flashlight with dead batteries. I can’t wait for the day when it will finally happen. I will be the happiest on earth,” Diana added.