Sugar Daddy

Sugar Daddy

Chapters: 34
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Lovelivelust


!! Mature Content 18+ Erotica Novel!! Adriana is a very successful businesswoman. She’s powerful, with wealthy men and women at her fingertips. While Adriana loves to indulge in sex and lovers, she never has and never will commit to one man. Alexander is a very handsome playboy actor. He wasn't always so wealthy, though. As an aspiring actor, he fucked his way up the ladder. He will do anything for power, for money. He craves the attention given to him when he’s draped in luxury and beautiful women. Alexander's at the top of his game after twenty years in the industry, so he's shocked when his agent, Drew, tells him to call a very expensive escort service to fix him a date for his next premier. Find out what happens when Alexander hears Adriana’s sultry voice for the first time…

Billionaire Romance Erotica BxG Age Gap Cheating

Sugar Daddy Free Chapters

Chapter 1 — Another Day at The Office | Sugar Daddy

"That's not how it is supposed to work, Mr. McCain. Yes...I know you paid a large amount of money. Yes...but our woman is still free to decide. It is quite clear on the agreement, sir. Let's see, how about if I set you up with a more suitable girl for you? I'm really sorry about this. Why don't you take Jaquelyn to dinner first? Any place of your choosing with all expenses on us as a token of our apology. Then if you deem her appropriate, she will replace your previous woman? I will take care of everything personally. Yes sir, I understand. I will set it up with Jaquelyn tonight. Thank you, sir."

Damn billionaires!

I finally ended the call. Mr. McCain was one of our top paying clients with an extreme daddy kink fetish and only a handful of our women would comply. The arrangements that we made were more of a sugar daddy type of thing, but the kink itself was always optional.

I sighed as I drank my morning espresso and puffed my cigarette.

Ah...this was the morning that I was waiting for.

All quiet...alone in my office, polluting my spacious dark paneled interior office. I had been trying to quit smoking for months now. But it seemed too precious for this kind of morning time.

Then there was a knock at my door. I smiled immediately looking at the man who came in.

"Francois darling, this is too early even for you, isn't it? What can I help you with? What do you want?" He came into my office looking all dark and brooding.

Oh, he was just too handsome.

"You baby, I want you." He laughed and sat in front of my desk. He laced his fingers and crossed his legs casually.

"Some of the babies have been harassing me. Shocking, with these handsome features, I know. I should've known better. Just tell Charlie and Darla to back off a little okay? Oh...and what's his name, Harold? Yes, also Harold. He seemed to think I'm an all for one and one for all kind of guy." He explained his issues, making me laugh.

Francois was our professional photographer. He had been making our personal portfolio photos for years now. He was the best. He could make all the photos look so sinful, yet innocent and sophisticated at the same time.

"Oh, Francois, you are too handsome for your own good sometimes. Stay, and have some coffee with me." I took one last puff of my cigarette, put it out, then went to the balcony door, and opened the outdoor space to let the fresh air in.

That was when I felt him behind me, resting his arm around my waist. "But it's you that I want Adriana, always you." I chuckled and turned my body to face him.

"All in good time, Francois. You will have your way with me tonight. Oh...sorry, tomorrow night. I have this McCain thing to settle. That man has some challenging fetishes that only some of our babies can handle." He groaned, but relaxed as I kissed him deeply.

"I'll wait for you baby. Now, where's my coffee?" he whispered seductively in my ear, making me laugh again.

We spent the morning talking about work, the babies, and about how they came on to him, making me laughed hard.

"Oh my god, Francois! Stop it! My stomach hurts. It's too fucking hilarious. Maybe you should start wearing a shirt that says, oh...I don't know. Something like, for work only, sexual advances please." I started laughing again. "You know what, I just can't baby. I'm so sorry. You're too fucking handsome as a photographer. And when you're in front of the camera and telling them to strip. I think that's when they mold themselves to your wishes and take it literally." I told him sitting on his lap while drinking our coffee on my office sofa.

Francois and I had this on and off sex buddy, non-written agreement. It started when he was comforting me one day after too much stress, and we ended up fucking our brains out. Since then, we would casually meet up for sex a couple of times a week. It was casual, it was comfortable, and it had been working between us for a couple of months now.

We would cuddle and flirt in my office or in his studio, but still be professional in front of everyone else. People suspected, but none ever dared question us. I think that was also why Francois was being approached by the sugar babies.

"Do you ever think that they know about us, and that's why they're making advances towards you?" I smiled seductively at him, trailing my hand to his chest.

I loved our cuddling time. Francois was such a romantic, but I would never actually date him. He had asked before, and I had said no to him already. He meant too much for the company, and should anything go wrong between us, I would lose a very valuable asset.

I kissed him again one last time and stood up. I finished my coffee and gathered my things.

"I'm going to the country club now. I'll see you later this afternoon, Francois. And I will call the babies later regarding your complaints, okay?" I winked at him and strutted my way out of the office, passing my secretary.

"Gary, darling, please forward important phone calls to my phone. I'll be waiting for McCain and get Jaquelyn to call my mobile, will you? I'll be back around three, okay? Thank you, Gary." I tapped on his desk and went straight to the elevator.

It was all about appearances here at the office. Gary was a very beautiful, handsome man. I didn't know his preference. He looked manly but sometimes he had quirks that would show whenever he had too much to drink.

The main thing was that he decorated the front of my office beautifully. He always looked sharp with his office attire, and he would make women ask for him. Yes, we also catered to women, and I had asked him to be one of the babies, but he just laughed at me. He was flattered, but not sure he could perform under such pressure. His modesty amused me, which was also why he had been my secretary for the longest time.

The elevator finally opened. I got in and started typing on my phone until I reached the parking garage. Then I drove to the country club in search of new sugar babies.

Chapter 2 — Cruising The Country Club | Sugar Daddy

"Seriously, did you hear about Lorraine Matthews? She was ditched and left penniless by the Matthews. They're ruthless, I tell you. They just moved up to another state with their other families and left her behind." A woman in a pink tennis skirt was gossiping over her iced tea while flirting with her tennis instructor.

"I just bought her horse, actually. Lucy, the groundskeeper at the stable told me that I got a very good deal since she couldn't afford to keep her horse anymore." Another woman joined in on the conversation and smiled triumphantly at her little group.

I was listening in on them from my table just beside theirs while pretending to read a novel.

Mm...Lorraine Matthews.

Now, if I only knew where I could find Lorraine Matthews. My mind instantly went to the bar. She must be sad after selling her horse. These rich kids sometimes were too spoiled for their own good, but hey...I was not going to judge, as long as I could reel them in, then I was good.

Then I found a beautiful young woman with puffy eyes. I knew it was her when I noticed that she was looking around. Her eyes pondered to those judgmental women that were whispering about her.

I'm just going to shoot for it.

"Do you have the time to talk? I might have a business proposal for you. We can change the venue if you'd like. I'm Adriana." She was looking at me, questioning me with her skeptical eyes.

"Em...What kind of business proposal?" she said.

"Why don't we grab lunch, and talk more? How about I meet you at the bistro across the street? Fewer eyes there." I winked at her as she looked at her surroundings. A few people were looking at us.

"Okay. I'll meet you in ten. I'm going to get my car."

I arrived before her and ordered some food to loosen the conversation.

"Hi, I hope you didn't mind that I ordered for us. It's all on us of course. Company expenses." I smiled at her.

She introduced herself.

See that was not that hard. 

"...Yes Lorraine, no we haven't met before. I'm a member of the club. I'm what you’d call a headhunter for a job. But I specialize in a different kind of field. I've heard about your situation. Please don't leave. Just listen and think about it. You don't have to answer or even get back to me if you're not interested."

She was about to get up. Sometimes they would feel embarrassed, subjected, objectified, and so on. Then I gave her my card. There was no company name. Just my name and my mobile number. There wasn't even a last name.

I drank more champagne and so did she, while she was trying to stay as still as possible.

"Good. Thank you, Lorraine. First, we are offering you a very exclusive contract. Our company handles the biggest clients in the country. We are very proud of our listing." I held her hand and looked straight into her eyes.

I knew she was confused. This had always been my opening line. It was subtle and slow, but sure enough would reel them in before I finally went in for the kill.

I did a quick background check on her name, and Gary was doing a more extensive one for me at the office.

"We know about your situation. We could help you. And we could also profit from you. It's a win-win. We have studied your background. As I say, we have the biggest clients. We don't let random people in. It's a very exclusive offer. We offer you as a highly paid escort. I assume you know what a sugar daddy is. Well...I'm recruiting you to be our sugar baby." There, I went for the kill. She finally choked on her drink.

"What the hell? How could you? Why? What makes you think? Damn it? Is this a joke? Who put you up to this?" She blurted out question after question. But I calmly rubbed the top of her hand and smiled sincerely.

"Lorraine, I know it's a lot to take in. I need you to think about it. I'm not waiting for a fast response. This lifestyle is not for everyone. But this is a very exclusive proposal. I assure you that no one will know. We are very discreet because of our client's names. That's why we only recruit a handful of ladies in a year. Just sleep on it for a couple of days, weeks, up to you. I will be waiting. I hope you do join us. At some stage, you will easily get your horse back. The money is very enticing. But I won't talk about that. I will need your commitment first. I will need your open mind for this lifestyle. Take the card. Call me when you have your answer."

We talked some more and finished our lunch. Then I left her at the bistro to give time for her to process everything.

Okay. Now it's time to get back to the office.

I was puffing on another cigarette with my afternoon espresso that Gary had made me just minutes before my arrival.

Then he was giving me the final report on Lorraine Matthews, including her educational background, her previous boyfriend. Hmm...the senator's son, not too shabby. The list goes on and on to her parents and their new family. She had a clean record. No involvement with police, drugs, or any criminal activities.

She was good to go, just needed her to agree with the idea. I was thinking it would take her, maybe about a week to make a decision.

I was focusing on McCain's issue now. "Hey Gary, did you get in touch with Jacqueline yet?" I got a text from Gary earlier saying that she was coming to meet me just after three.

"Yes, she's on her way here. There she is." He smiled widely at me.

Oh, such a pretty smile.

"Adriana, hi...sorry, parking issues." She grinned at me. Then we continued our discussion in my office. She was such a good sugar baby for us. Quite an asset. She joined us when she was only eighteen, and had come from an abusive relationship with her boyfriend.

Jacqueline was one of our top money makers. She finally agreed to meet with McCain for dinner and would accommodate his needs. She was very adventurous and a people pleaser. She just loved me too much to disappoint me.

"Adriana, you know I'd do anything for you after all that you've done for me. You know I wouldn't survive if I didn't have you, and now I'm going to study fashion in college. Next, I will set up my own boutique and it's all because of you." She hugged me with teary eyes.

"Oh Jacqueline, sometimes I take too much advantage out of you. But please tell me if you're not comfortable, okay? I know you're very adventurous, but just in case, okay?"

We finally laughed it off and continued discussing other things.

It was after dinner time when I got the call from McCain saying that he was smitten by Jacqueline and would proceed with her. After telling him that I would email further details via our usual line of communication, I hung up.