Taking a Chance
Jesse Nash has seen more trouble in the last year than in all the previous years of his life combined. And he's more than ready for some good times. He'd planned on retiring from the Rodeo circuit, but his family needed money, and the Rodeo was his best bet for a big payday. And it paid off—in more ways than one. Not only did he take home the buckle and the purse as All-Around Cowboy at Nationals, but he met someone—someone who has him thinking about more than a quick roll in the hay. The problem is the woman he is interested in, Carly Marsh, wants nothing to do with love and commitment. A quick roll in the hay? That, she can do. The tables are turned, and Jesse isn’t quite sure how to deal with it. But he’ll figure it out and somehow convince Carly there are things worth taking a chance on. Like love. And him.
Taking a Chance Free Chapters
Chapter 1 | Taking a Chance
Carly stood on the porch of the house she’d called home since she was a child and looked out over the land. Until recently, she’d figured this was where she’d always be, working the ranch and growing old here.
Then a few months ago, her grandmother and mother died in a car accident and suddenly everything changed. Sure, she’d made friends and had a good life. She had a ranch that held its own, but with no family she felt alone and adrift. She’d never imagined she would feel that way, but here she was.
Her brothers had all been encouraging her to sell and move closer to family. Cliff and Cam offered to build her a place on their ranch in Florida. Their wives, Lily and Ellie were both in agreement and while Carly knew that the family would accept her into their midst with love, she wasn’t eager to settle in Florida. It felt a little like being a fifth wheel on a machine that was running real nicely on four.
Besides, Ellie’s brother Eldric was staying with them until he figured out what he was going to do, and she didn’t think adding another person to the mix was going to be beneficial for anyone.
But most of all, she wasn’t ready to let Cliff and Cam know what she’d discovered after their mother died. She was still reeling from the discovery, and she wasn’t at all sure how they would take it.
Carly’s oldest brother, Colton, offered another suggestion. There was a spread in North Carolina that adjoined his. She could sell the ranch in Arizona, buy that adjoining property, and go into business with him. He said he’d welcome the help and with the extra acreage and her experience, he thought they could do well.
At first, she had resisted, but he’d convinced her to go to North Carolina and look at the place. Carly had fallen in love with it and while she was there, she’d spent some time with Jesse Nash. She hadn’t told any of her family that she’d been talking with Jesse.
They’d met when Jesse and his sister-in-law, Mik were in Arizona for a rodeo. Since Colton was old friends with Jesse’s brother, who happened to be Mik’s husband, she offered them a place to stay while they were there.
Carly had hit it off with Mik from the start. It was like meeting a kindred spirit and she had the feeling that if they were closer, she and Mik could become good friends.
Jesse? Well Jesse had lit a fire in her like nothing she’d ever felt. He’d had her at hello, and she pretty much let him know it. When he’d let her know that he was interested in her but not in a one-night-stand, she hadn’t known whether to be complimented or insulted. It didn’t take much to figure out that it was a compliment.
Jesse was a two-time World Champion rodeo cowboy and he had buckle bunnies coming out of the woodwork wanting some of what he had to offer. It wasn’t that he didn’t have his pick of women; it was that he was tired of that way of life. He’d flat out told her.
Carly hadn’t expected to think about him when he left, but she had. Enough that she’d flown to Vegas to see him compete and win in the Nationals. They’d talked on the phone at least once a week since then. The visit to North Carolina hitched her interest in Jesse up quite a few degrees. She’d like nothing better than to take a long hot ride with that cowboy. She just couldn’t make any kind of emotional commitment.
She’d given it a lot of thought and in the end decided to take Colton’s advice. She really liked his wife, Memory, and she liked the idea of having her own place on the adjoining property. They could work together but she would have her own space. The friendship she’d started with Mik could develop and she’d feel that she was part of not only a family but a community of sorts.
Despite telling Memory that her decision had nothing to do with Jesse Nash, it factored into the equation. She hoped that maybe he’d see that “friends with benefits” wasn’t a bad thing because it was all she had to offer. She wasn’t about to let herself fall in love and he was definitely the kind of man that would be all too easy to fall for.
She’d walked that path once, when she was not yet twenty, and all it had given her was a broken heart and a serious mistrust of the opposite sex. Nope, she wasn’t interested in commitment. Men were great when the need arose and self-satisfaction just wouldn’t fill the bill, but she was not about to be tricked into love. She’d been burned once and that was more than enough.
“Penny for your thoughts.”
Carly turned to look at her brother, Colton, as he walked up beside her with a mug of coffee in his hand.
“Just thinking.”
“Second thoughts?”
“No. Just thinking. Never really considered leaving here.”
“I can see why. It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah, it is.”
“And you did a hell of a job with the place, Carly.”
“Thanks, Colton that means a lot. But it wasn’t really like work, if you know what I mean. I love ranching and—well heck, it’s all I know so I guess that’s pretty lucky for me, but I did love it here and I know I’ll miss it but with Mom and Grandma gone now I think I’m ready to move on.”
“I think you’ll like it in North Carolina. I know you were young when Mom and Dad moved so you might not remember a lot about it, but you’ve seen it. It’s a nice place to love and the ranch is good land. I figure we ought to be able to support close to a thousand head between the two of us.”
“Don’t forget the horses. You know I still want to keep my hand in that.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t forget that.” He said and chuckled. “Remember that first horse you had? What was his name?”
“Chuckles, yeah.” Colton shook his head and laughed. “That was one right sorry nag. Sway backed so bad he looked like he’d been hauling brick and damn near blind.”
“He was my first love.”
“Oh god, don’t I know? Mom found you asleep in the barn more mornings than in your bed.”
Carly chuckled. “I guess I did give her a fit, didn’t I?”
“I guess we all did.” He clamped his hand on the top of her shoulder and squeezed. “You were a good daughter and took good care of her and Grannie. Never told you before, but I appreciate that.”
“It wasn’t hard.” She looked up at him. “They were my family.”
“And you still have family.”
“I know.” She put one arm around his waist and gave him a hug. “And I’m excited about getting started on the new place, getting to know Memory better and learning my way around the area.”
“She’s real excited about it, too. And you know, she wanted to come with me, but she had a job in LA, and we wanted to do it now while I was gone instead of waiting till I got back.”
“The two of you are kinda glued at the hip, aren’t you?”
“A bit.”
“And you love it.” She gave him another squeeze. “Who would’ve thought? Now all my big brothers are married and there’s even a new baby on the way.”
“Yep. And who knows, there might be some of that in store for you.”
Carly made a rude sound with her lips. “Never.”
“Never say never, little sister. It’ll have you eating crow.”
“Not much danger of that. I’m only interested in the ranch.”
“More to life than work, baby girl.”
Carly hated that an image of Jesse Nash’s smiling face flitted through her mind, along with memories of all the nights she’d lain awake, lonely and wondering if it was the universe’s plan that she always be alone, an outsider looking in on the happiness of others.
Shoving thoughts of love from her mind, she gave a last look over the place she’d long called home. It was time to leave, to start a new chapter. She just hoped she wasn’t making a monumental mistake.
Jesse sat down on the porch to pull off his boots. He removed his hat, leaned back in the chair, and closed his eyes. It was sticky as hell today, the humidity doing its best to rival the temperature. When the Farmer’s Almanac promised a hot and humid summer, it had hit the nail on the head.
Jed walked in, kicked off his boots, and took a seat in the chair adjacent to Jesse. “Damn, it’s hot.” He leaned back and stretched out his legs.
“Says the man who spent two weeks in the Bahamas.”
Jed grinned. “Have to admit that it wasn’t bad.”
“I’m sure Mik would be happy to hear that assessment of your honeymoon.”
“I was talking about the place, smartass.”
Jesse grinned. “Yeah, I know. Just messing with you.”
“You did good keeping the place up while we were all gone.”
“Just glad we’ve got a place to keep up.”
“Amen brother.”
“So, what’s the deal with Ellie Marsh’s brother, Eldric? Mik said he was coming up to visit Alex?”
Jed straightened in his chair. “Yeah, Teddy is convinced that he can reach Alex.”
“Beats the hell outta me. Some Fae something or other.”
“You buy into all that?” Jesse shifted positions, leaning forward and propping his forearms on his knees. “I mean, I accept that Mik and her sisters are—well you know, they have those—abilities. But Fae? Come on, I know there’re things we can’t explain but Fairies from another realm or dimension or whatever? That kind of stretches disbelief if you know what I mean.”
“I do, but Teddy believes it and Mik—well she’s a little on the fence but she’s going to go along with whatever Teddy wants right now to keep the peace.”
“No shit. Like cozying up with Robert Dalton Manning.”
Jed shrugged. “Well, say what you want but the man did us a solid turning back over the money we paid to buy him out of that old deed. Made it possible for us to pay Colton back and with what you, Mik and Jesse brought in; it put us back in the black. And if what Teddy says it true, and it seems that it is, he’s taken a whole lot more shit from Deidre Manning than the rest of us.”
“Yeah, you’ve got a point. Man, that woman is some piece of work. You think she’s just bat-shit crazy or can a person really be that evil?”
“Yes on both counts. Let’s just hope we get to the bottom of this and can finally move on from everything that has to do with her, Sara Whitestone and that cursed coin.”
“I’m with ya.”
Jed stood and stretched. “I think I’m gonna grab a beer and a shower. Mik and Teddy should be back from the hospital in an hour or so and I told her I’d throw some chops on the grill. Jake should be pulling in any time now with those two new boarders’ horses.”
“Sounds good. I can heat up some beans or something. Chop up a salad.”
“Thanks. By the way, in case I didn’t say so before, I’m real sorry things worked out the way they did at the sheriff’s department.”
Jesse waved it off. “No worries. Working there made me realize my heart wasn’t in it. I’m happier here.”
“Glad to hear it. Oh, I heard from Colton. He flew down to Arizona today to help Carly drive back with her horses. She bought the place next to him. Nice spread, over four thousand acres. They’re gonna combine their operations.”
“Hope it works out for them.”
“That’s it?” Jed asked and cocked an eyebrow. “Way I remember Nationals is there was some heat between you and Carly.”
“Heat’s easy, brother. You know that.”
“That’s all there is?”
“Don’t know. Kinda wanted to explore the possibilities but don’t know if she is. She doesn’t seem too interested in relationships.”
“Well damn, she’d be the first woman on the planet who isn’t.”
Jesse laughed. “Don’t I know it? Yeah, she’s a breed all her own. Seems like someone holding onto a lot of secrets and maybe some old pains. Whatever the case, she let me know pretty quick she isn’t opposed to no-strings sex but anything else just isn’t in the cards.”
“And you didn’t take her up on that?”
Jesse stood. “Guess your and Jake’s turnaround are rubbing off on me. Life seems to be pretty good for you and so far the family curse—”
Jed’s throat clearing had him changing his words. “Oh yeah, I forgot, no more calling it a curse. Well, the family—uh, condition hasn’t seemed to hurt you all so maybe there’s a chance for me, too. Truth be told, I’m getting a little tired of the love ’em and leave ’em life. Settling down has its appeal.”
“Amen to that. And it’ll happen. Just give it time.”
“All I can do.”
“Yep. Okay, let’s shake a leg. Mik’ll have my hide if dinner isn’t ready.”
Jesse laughed and slapped Jed on the back. “Whipped already big brother?”
Jed scowled at him in mock fierceness then grinned. “And loving it.”
Jesse laughed and followed Jed inside. Yeah, he thought he could handle finding a woman of his own and experiencing happiness like his brothers had found. Trouble was the only woman he’d found of interest was the one woman who wanted to have nothing at all to do with love.
Chapter 2 | Taking a Chance
Dalton stared at his Aunt’s image on his phone. Since he’d talked her into getting more current with technology, she’d started using the video chat feature to communicate.
“Are you sure it’s Deidre’s men?” He asked.
“Positive. Remains of three men were found in a burned car in Georgia, south of Atlanta. The authorities identified them, and it was the men she hired to shoot you and Alex Morgan.”
“Which means we have nothing on her.” Dalton felt his blood-pressure rise. Seemed that no matter what he did, Deidre was always a step ahead. “Damn, that bitch. Every time we gain an inch we lose two.”
“I know it feels that way, but I promise you that we will force her out of Manning Enterprise and get you back where you belong, in the CEO seat. Look at the progress we’ve made. She forced me off the Board, but I’m once more fully ensconced, and my influence is growing daily. We will see things set to right.”
“I know you mean that, Aunt Henrietta and I love you for all your support, but what are we possibly going to do?”
“You leave that to me, dear. I still have a few cards up my sleeve and I promise you that we will see her not only removed from the company but behind bars.”
“I hope you’re right because I’m completely out of ideas.”
“I am, trust me. Now, switching topics. I think someone needs to let the Nash family and Alex Morgan know about this turn of events and I think you should be the one to tell them.”
“Why me?”
“Goodwill? They are not our enemy. Remember that.”
“You’re right. I’ll tell them. In person.”
“Thank you, my dear. I will speak with you later.”
The screen went blank and for a few moments, Dalton stared at it. He didn’t know how Henrietta could force Deidre out of the company much less see her behind bars. She had been a plague on his family since she walked into his father’s life.
He wished that he had the balls to just shove her head in a toilet and drown the bitch.
But he wasn’t about to rot in jail, so he had little choice but to hope that the cards Henrietta had up her sleeve were strong.
Carly turned at the sound of an engine, looped the reins of her mount over the corral fence, and headed in the direction of the noise. She wasn’t expecting anyone and as far as she knew, there were no deliveries scheduled today.
She passed her ranch foreman, John Stillman. He and two other of the ranch hands, Tom and Mike were on horseback and headed toward the gate. He reined his horse to a stop beside her. “Talked to the guy in Columbia this morning about that mare you’re interested in. He came down twelve hundred on the price, but he said you have till the end of the week to decide.”
“Well that’s tomorrow.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Okay.” She considered it for a few moments and as she was thinking saw the truck pull up to the house and stop. She didn’t recognize it but was pretty sure whoever it was would make themselves known shortly, so she turned her attention back to the matter at hand. She was convinced the mare would be a good choice to breed with the new stallion she’d added to the stable. “Fine. Tell him it’s a deal if he throws in a vet check and up to date vaccinations.”
“I think he’ll go for that.”
“Good. Thanks, John. I’ll have a check waiting on you in the office when you get back. Oh, while you’re out, Colton said he spotted a weak fence post in the southern pasture near the creek. How about checking that and if it needs to be replaced get someone on it?”
“I’m on it.”
“Thanks John. I’ll talk with you later.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Carly looked back in the direction of the house and standing beside the truck was Jesse Nash. She mentally cursed herself for the excitement that swelled inside her at the sight of him. Jesse was one of the finest looking men she’d ever seen. Smart and funny and sexier than sin. And that was the problem. He was too damn sexy. He might think he wanted what his brothers had but a man like him was not going to be the type to be content with sitting home every night.
She knew from being at Nationals when he claimed the title of All Around Cowboy that he had belt buckle bunnies after him all the time. She was willing to bet it wasn’t just the bunnies. He probably attracted women like flies to manure. Still, he was damn nice to look at, and could definitely inspire some lusty fantasies.
“Hey,” he said as she walked up to him.
“Hey, yourself.”
He turned and opened the passenger door of his truck. “I brought you a housewarming gift—from everyone at the ranch.” He pulled out a big cardboard box. It was loaded with supplies. Potatoes and meat wrapped in butcher paper along with homed canned beans and corn, two big, wrapped loaves of bread, and several jars of jam and various other staples like salt, pepper, oil, and seasonings.
“That was really nice. And I’m sure Colton and Memory will appreciate it. I’ve been mooching off them ever since I got here.”
“I’ve got something else but why don’t I take this inside for you, first?”
She led the way into the house. Jesse put the box on the kitchen table, and she started unloading. “Be sure and tell your family how much I appreciate this.”
“I will.”
“So, how’ve you been?” She asked as she grabbed a stack of the wrapped portions of meat and put them into the freezer.
“Doing better every day.”
“I heard about that mess with Mik’s sister. Man, you were lucky that place had surveillance, but did you find out who it was that was trying to set you up?”
“Yeah, the police have the man’s name who did the shooting but so far he’s in the wind.”
“Sooner or later he’ll screw up and they’ll get him. Or a bounty hunter will tag his sorry ass and drag him in.”
“Maybe. I’m just glad to be free of it.”
“So, how’s Mik’s sister? Alex, right? Hey, how about a glass of iced tea?”
“Sounds good. And yeah, it’s Alex. She’s still in a coma. Teddy, the other sister—who’s now married to Jake, talked with Ellie and her brother and from what I hear, Eldric is going to come up and see if he can get through to Alex.”
“So your family buys into all that Fae business?”
Jesse shrugged. “I tell you, between my family, Mik’s and yours I’m to the point that I’m pretty damn sure my bead on reality is damn narrow.”
Carly nodded. “I know what you mean. Still, I don’t know what Eldric can do. Other than look good.”
“Oh? You got a thing for Eldric?”
“Not in a million years. But he fine as frog’s hair split four ways. Anyway, Colton tells me you have the ranch back on its feet pretty good now.”
“Yep. It was touch and go for a while, but we’re doing okay.”
“You back with the sheriff’s department?”
“No, I decided to stick with ranching.”
“Why? If you don’t mind me asking.” She finished putting up the last of the supplies and fixed two tall glasses of iced tea.
“Well, I guess it’s because we pretty much live for what we do. I mean, money pays the bills, so we do what we have skills to do to earn a living.” He accepted the glass she offered. “Thanks. But there’s more than just earning your bread and butter.”
His gaze locked with hers. “Everyone has a passion and in the end, it’s the passion that matters.”
Carly was in the process of taking a drink from her glass. The look on his face distracted her, so much that she choked on a chunk of ice. Literally. Choked and spewed.
Jesse put his glass down and ran over to her. He turned her around and thumped her on the back. It nearly drove her into the kitchen counter. “Oh, damn. Sorry. Are you okay?”
She wasn’t. She was still trying to catch her breath and not having any luck. The thought flashed through her mind that she sure hated to die this way. Local rancher dies from choking, precipitated by acute onset of horniness.
Jesse lifted her arms out and up and wrapped his arms around her. Oh god, he’s going to do the Heimlich! She would have protested if she were able, but it was taking everything she had to suck in air.
One swift hug and a chunk of ice shot out of her mouth, hit the kitchen counter, and bounced. Carly sucked in oxygen in a big greedy gulp, then another.
“You okay?” Jesse didn’t release her but leaned down over her shoulder to look at her, his breath sweet and warm against her face.
She turned her head, tilting her face up and their eyes met. Oh! Something when “click” inside her. Something strong and hot. Something that had been slumbering for so long that its awakening was like a summer storm, full of energy and power.
Jesse’s blue eyes darkened a shade and for a moment, they were frozen in place, looking at each other. His hand moved up and one finger stroked softly down the side of her face. A sizzle of fire sped from the point of contact, clear down to her toes. He blinked and cleared his throat. “You okay?”
Hell no she wasn’t okay. She was embarrassed as all get out and so worked up she felt like throwing him on the floor and raping him. But she wasn’t about to say that so instead she nodded. “Yeah, thanks.”
“Okay. Okay. Good.” He released her and stepped back. “So, I still have something for you. Out in the truck.”
She could have hugged him in relief for not making a big deal out of what had happened. “Well, let’s go see. I do love surprises.”
He chuckled and followed her outside. She stopped at his truck, and he went around to the back, lowered the tailgate, and unfastened the bed cover.
“No way!” She gaped at what she saw.
“Your family is giving me this?”
“No. I am.”
That shocked her. “You? Jesse this has to be worth a fortune.”
“Actually, I made it.”
Carly couldn’t have been more surprised if he had suddenly sprouted horns. The object of discussion was a hand-tooled saddle. “You made it?”
“Yeah. I’ve always been interested in learning and all that mess with the shooting made me realize that life’s damn fragile and short, so maybe I should stop putting off the things I want to do. I found a guy down in South Carolina, in Lancaster, not far from the ranch, who still makes saddles. He’s an old guy, close to eighty. Anyway, I paid him into letting me apprentice with him. This is my first.”
“It’s beautiful, Jesse.” She wasn’t lying. It was a beautiful piece of work. She’d never owned a saddle so beautiful. She ran her hand over it and then looked at him. “You sure you want to give it away?”
“No, I want to give it to you.”
Carly knew it was a mistake the moment his gaze locked with hers. Daydreams of hot sweaty sex danced in her mind, making her grow far warmer than the temperature warranted. “I—I don’t know what to say.”
“How about, thanks Jesse.”
Gratitude helped minimize some of the hold the hunger had on her. “Thanks, Jesse. I’ll treasure it.”
“You’re welcome.” He gave her a smile and then hoisted the saddle from the truck. “Where you want it?”
She pointed across the way to the tack barn, and they fell into step beside one another. “So, you had a chance to get out and about since you’ve been here?”
“Nope.” She pointed to the side door of the barn. “Right there. Been pretty busy.”
“You free this weekend?”
She stopped and looked at him. “Free?”
“To go out. Maybe dinner and some dancing, or a movie?”
“Like a date?”
Jesse laughed. “Well yeah, I guess. Or two friends out to have a little fun.”
“Friends? Is that what we are?”
Jesse’s smile faded and the look that replaced it had her wanting to snatch that saddle from his hands, push him down on the ground, and have a long hard ride. God the man had too much sex appeal for his own good.
“For now.” He finally answered.
“For now?”
“And what about later?”
His grin was back. “Well that’s the fun part about it—figuring out what comes next. But friends is a good place to start. You can’t have too many, you know.”
Carly almost argued that point, almost told him that it was pointless for them to go out for any reason. She wasn’t looking for love and he’d made it plain back in Vegas that he wasn’t interested in hooking up just for sex.
But she couldn’t make herself speak those words because the truth was part of her wanted to go through that process and see where it might take them. God only knew she had a miserable track record and probably would screw up whatever they might possibly have, but maybe somewhere in the past decade she’d earned enough good karma that if nothing else, she’d at least be able to build a solid friendship with him.
“You got that right and yeah, I’m free on Saturday if that works for you. But you don’t have to take me to dinner. I mean, you pretty much just delivered it. Why don’t I cook? And after we can take a ride and I’ll show you the place. Besides I’d like you to meet this new mare I’m getting tomorrow. You can use those Whisperer powers and tell me what you think.”
To his credit, he didn’t get offended or put off by her referring to his abilities. Instead he smiled. “That sounds good to me. Six work for you?”
“Indeed it does. Now let’s get my prize saddle put up and then I’ll treat you to a beer to celebrate.”
“Okay, but what are we celebrating?”
“Having a friend generous enough to bring me all that food and make me a saddle. I’d say that’s a lot to celebrate.”
“I’m with ya.”
Carly grinned, suddenly feeling ten years younger. Maybe Colton was right, maybe here was where she really could start over.