The Beast's Angel

The Beast's Angel

Chapters: 21
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Kim Black


Moving to a new school is never easy, especially for only-child Jane Adams. Even with unwavering support from her loving parents, she can't seem to shake her loneliness. But when she meets Lucas Hemington, she's immediately drawn to him, even after multiple people warn her to stay far, far away. He's got a monstrous reputation—people say he's violent, ruthless, and heartless. They're all afraid of him. But she's determined to prove that he's not the monster people think he is. Even beasts have hearts.

Romance Young Adult Contemporary Billionaire Opposites Attract Love At First Sight

The Beast's Angel Free Chapters

Chapter 1 — Saving my life | The Beast's Angel

Jane's POV:

"Jane! Go put on a jacket!" My mother yelled as soon as I entered the kitchen.

I looked at my outfit again. I was wearing black skinny jeans, a white, loose shirt that reached just below my butt, and my black and white converse. The shirt's sleeves only reached my shoulders, leaving both my arms bare.

"But mom, I—" I didn't get to finishing my whining as her voice cut me off.

"No buts, Jane. You catch colds easily. Plus, it's not like we're in the middle of summer." She scolded. As much as she was right, I still didn't want to acknowledge it. Ever since I was young, I would get sick easily. That's why my parents were always cautious about what I wore or when I went out, and as much as it pissed me off, I knew that they did it out of love and care.

"Come on, Jane. It's your first day at this school. You don't want to be late, do you?" She asked, raising one of her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes at her but said nothing as I turned around and made my way to my bedroom. Our new house was only one story high. No basement, no attic, no second floor. Only one floor. My parents and I don't mind though. It's always been just the three of us, and living in a big house wasn't necessary.

I opened my closet and pulled out a black full-sleeved cardigan. I wore it and made my way out.

My mom rolled her eyes at me. She hoped I would wear a thicker jacket, but since I did put something on, she just ignored it.

I sat on my seat in front of our kitchen table and started munching down on my pancakes, moaning lightly at the taste.

I finished my breakfast, took my lunch bag and a juice box from the fridge, and placed them in my bag before waving my goodbye to my mom and leaving the house. Too bad my father was still asleep so I couldn't see him before leaving.

I stepped outside my house and was greeted with the cool autumn air. I took in a deep breath and started my walk to school. My new school was only ten minutes away, so a ride wasn't needed.

I placed my headphones in my ears and started walking. Ten minutes later, I was standing in front of the school. I was about to step inside when I was suddenly yanked to the side. The sudden action surprised and confused me at the same time, but I then realized that my life was actually saved from the speeding car that had just passed past me.

I breathed in deeply, trying to process what just happened. I traced the hand that was holding my upper arm only to be met with a pair of warm chocolate-brown eyes staring right back at me. The boy had deep brown hair that almost reached his shoulders, with shorter strands at the front falling onto his eyes and covering almost all of his forehead. He was wearing black jeans, a white v-neck shirt, and a black leather jacket on top. His muscles were very prominent. I thought his shirt would rip off any second. He also had some black converse on. Our clothes matched.

I was about to thank him for saving my life, but he suddenly let go of my arm, abruptly turned around, and entered through the school gates. I just stood there in shock at his actions. But I shrugged it off and entered the school.

I made my way to the main office and was greeted by a lady that looked to be in her forties. She handed me my schedule, locker combination, and school map with a smile spreading across her face.

I gave her a small smile and started making my way to my first class. Looking at the schedule, I found out that I had history first period. Only God knew how much I hated history.

Making a face, I started walking down the hallway to history. The school map helped, and it didn't take me long to get there.

All eyes were on me as I opened the door and stepped inside the class. Even the teacher's gaze snapped towards me. I felt uneasy under their weird gazes.

"You must be Jane Adams, right?" The teacher asked, to which I just nodded.

"I'm Mr.Gressingham, your history teacher. Please take a seat." He said, gesturing for me to take the empty seat at the back.

As I made my way to my chair, I noticed the mystery guy sitting in the desk in front of me. He didn't spare me a glance as he continued sketching some drawing in his notebook.

I sat down as Mr.Gressingham started teaching. However, my attention wasn't on the class being taught. All my attention was on the guy in front of me. I realized that he was sitting straight, his back not touching the back of his chair, but what surprised me more were the low moans of pain that I would hear every now and then. If he was uncomfortable in this position, why not just lean his back and sit comfortably?

When the bell rang signaling the end of the class, I thought I'd try approaching the guy again to thank him, but he was way faster than me and fled the class like he was being chased by a lion.

I sighed deeply and left the class myself. As I made my way to my locker, I realized that a girl was standing in front of the locker adjacent to mine, fumbling with whatever she had inside.

I opened my locker and placed my bag inside, seeing as I didn't get the chance to place it there in the morning. I took a small notepad for my notes and was about to head to English class when I was stopped midway by someone calling me.

I turned around to see that it was the girl calling me. She had dirty blonde hair that fell to her shoulders and bright green eyes.

She was wearing a dark green skirt that reached her middle thigh, a hot-pink shirt, and a small full-sleeved jacket on top. It was the same green color as the skirt. She was wearing white ankle boots and long, light green socks that reached her mid-calf.

"You're new here, right?" She asked me and I nodded. She smiled brightly at me.

"I'm Sarah Harding." She said, extending her arm for a handshake.

"I'm Jane Adams." I replied back, shaking her hand.

"What class do you have now?" She asked excitedly.

"Uhmm...English, I believe."

Her face suddenly lit up at my answer.

"OMG! Me too." She said enthusiastically. "Let's go together." She looped her arm in mine and started skipping happily to class. I smiled down at her.

We both made our way to English class and sat next to each other. I noticed the mystery guy sitting at the far end corner, his back still not touching anything. He was leaning on the wall next to him, his arms folded across his chest and his eyes shut.

"So, where did you come from?" Sarah's question snapped me out of my daze and made me turn to look at her.

"Uhmm....N-New York," I replied. She gasped at my answer.

"New York? Then what made you come here?" She asked in a confused tone.

"My father's company had to send people to work at their new branch here while they recruit new employees, and my father was one of the unlucky ones to move," I explained.

"Oh." Was all her reply.

"Hey Sarah?" I asked.


"Who's he?" I asked her, pointing my index finger towards the mystery guy. She gasped loudly, making me look at her in surprise.

"Don't you ever, ever go near him! Luca Hemington is so dangerous and has a lot of anger issues. He doesn't give a damn about beating anyone to a pulp, whether it is a boy or a girl." She leaned in closer to me and whispered. "You know, rumor has it that he actually killed someone before, but because his family is loaded, they were able to easily bail him out." She went back to her original position. "So you have to be careful around him. He's an inhumane beast."

Chapter 2 — Taming the beast | The Beast's Angel

Jane's POV:

Sarah and I were currently leaving our lockers and heading towards the cafeteria. Turns out, we also had lunch break together.

Ever since she told me about Luca and how 'dangerous' he is, I couldn't get him out of my mind. A very big part of me didn't believe what Sarah said. After all, they were just rumors, and him saving my life today, made me believe that they were all just lies. However, there was still something about him, something I'm very curious to know.

As we rounded the corner, my eyes caught a glance at him going up the stairs. It looked like he was heading to the roof.

"Uhmm...ah...Sarah...I-I.."I stuttered trying to look for a convincing lie.

"I...I forgot something in my locker. I'll quickly go get it. You should head to the cafeteria and ill be there shortly." I lied with a smile, hoping that she will believe me.

She smiled at me and nodded her head. I inwardly let out a 'phew' and watched as she started making her way to the cafeteria. When I made sure that she left and that she won't see me, I started making my way after Luca. If he's heading to the roof all alone, then maybe that'll be my chance to thank him.

I opened the door and peeked my head inside. There he was standing behind the railing. His back was still as straight as a wall and he was holding his notebook, sketching again.

I took out my juice box from my lunch bag and slowly made my way towards him. I got the juice box and brought it right in front of his face. He stumbled backwards a bit in surprise, his notebook and pencil falling on the ground.

I chuckled lightly at his reaction. He in return looked at me in shock. I composed myself and waved the juice box in front of him. His gaze moved from my face to the box and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

When he didn't attempt to move and take it from me I took his hand, opened his palm and placed the box in it then closed his fingers on the box. I looked up at him and smiled. He still had that shocked and confused expression.

"What it is?" He asked after a couple of seconds.

"My thank you." I replied, still smiling at him.

"It was nothing." He shrugged and bent down to pick his notebook and pencil.

I gasped dramatically. "What do you mean by it was nothing. You saved my life. I would've died." I scolded with a pout at the end.

"Why are you talking to me?" He asked a bit weary.

I frowned at him. "You don't want me to talk to you?" I asked shocked. "I just want to thank you. Geez. I'll leave if you want."

"N-no. That's not it." He replied almost instantly. "It's just that everyone here is afraid of me and won't talk to me, afraid that if they said the wrong thing I'll beat them up or something."

"Oh." Was all I could say. He really didn't like the situation he's in. Apart from his intimidating aura and tensed muscles, the guy actually had the looks. His body was perfect too and can make all girls swoon over him. Maybe in a parallel universe, he's actually a very popular guy.

"It's not afraid of you. If anything, I think you're cool." I said after some time. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. It was hard seeing it from his hair though. Maybe if he got a haircut and showed his face better, he'd look less intimidating.

"So, what are you drawing?" I asked, changing the subject. He quickly closed his notebook.

"Nothing." He replied. I narrowed my eyes at him. He averted his gaze to the opening in front of us. I was holding onto the railing that reached only to my belly button, but Luca was still standing straight.

"I wanna see that nothing." I told him with determination.

"No you don't." Came his reply.

"Yes I do. Come on. Show me." I nagged and he just shook his head.

"It's just a drawing. It's not like you drew me naked or something." I said and let out a mocking laugh, but it quickly died down when I saw Luca's pale reaction. My face paled in return.

"Oh no you didn't." I whispered out in shock. "You actually did draw me naked?!" I yelled this time.

"No, no....I didn't. I-I...." He said but was cut mid-sentence when I quickly pulled the notebook from his hand.

"No, wait..." He said but I didn't listen and moved back a bit so he won't get his notebook back before I look into it.

I opened the cover to be met by a very beautiful sketch of a waterfall. It was drawn perfectly with the details that I felt like I'm looking at the real thing. It wasn't colored though. I looked at it in awe for a few minutes before I got the heart to turn the page. Next, I was entranced by the beautiful birds he drew. Two humming birds were flying in front of a tulip. The details drove me crazy. I kept on flipping through the pages and stare at each drawing for what seemed like hours before I was able to move my hand and turn the pages. I looked at almost ten pages before I came across a picture of a girl. It was still incomplete but he still got to sketch most of it. But that wasn't what caught my attention most. It was a sketch of me. I was standing on the cliff, wearing my white dress. It reached mid-thigh and its sleeves only reached my shoulders. It went was blowing from my side, making my hair fly with it. I hand one hand down while the other was tugging a strand behind my ear and I was smiling widely.

I remember that day. It was the day right after we moved here. I asked my parents if I can take a look around town and they agreed. I took my bicycle and started cycling around the neighborhood until I found that cliff. The scenery was so beautiful and I couldn't help to look at it. I took off the jacket that my mom made me wear and made my way to the tip. I stood there for about two hours just watching the scenery below me and enjoying the cool wind on my skin. I remember how it joyed me and made me smile and laugh like some maniac.

I looked up at Luca in awe. "Y-you were there?" I asked him, still in a daze. He nodded slightly.

"I di—" He started but I cut him off.

"It's amazing." I told him, as I averted my gaze back to the drawing. I then looked back at him.

"Can I keep it?" I asked eagerly.

"It's still not finished." He replied back.

"No, I like it. Can I please keep it?" I pleaded again as I moved forward towards him. "Please, please, pretty please." I begged, moving forward with each word, pouting and giving him my puppy dog eyes. I even folded my hands in a pleading way.

He sighed deeply. "Okay."

I squealed in a high-pitched tone and without thinking jumped, giving him a hug.

I quickly pulled away when I realized what I just did. My face turned scarlet red and I looked at my feet like it was the most interesting thing.

"S-sorry. I-I didn't mean to...uhmm....I'll just go." I stuttered not able to face him. I pushed his notebook towards him and quickly turned around and left.

That was so awkward. I can't believe I actually hugged the guy. What will he think of me now. Some sluts throwing myself at him? I barely know the damn guy. Ugghhhh.

The rest of the day went by rather.......awkwardly. I tried to avoid meeting Luca's gaze, afraid of the way he would look at me at. I wanted to be his friend and didn't want things to be awkward between us.

A bid Sarah goodbye and started making my way home. We have stayed back in the library doing our history home works since I suckered terribly at it and needed help.

It was dark outside but since my house was close, it was okay. As I was walking I noticed Luca being held by two boys, each one holding his arms, and another one was walking in front of them, smoking a cigarette. I hid behind a tree and slowly started following them as they entered the alley. I hid behind the wall and looked from the corner.

"You think you're so tuff huh?" The one smoking said as he turned to face Luca. He was still being held by the other two. The smoker took a deep breath from his cigarette before tossing it to the ground and stepping on it.

"My girlfriend is afraid to go to math class because of you and that's not something I appreciate." He said.

"I don't even know who your girlfriend is." Luca said calmly, not fazed by the three guys in front of him. They all looked big built but Luca was way bigger.

"Ha. You think my girlfriend would know a mister like you?" He asked mockingly. "You know maybe if left, people would be able to live peacefully and not be on guard from the monster living with them."

"We should teach him a lesson Henry." Said the one holding Luca's right arm.

The smoker smirked at Luca. "Maybe we should." He said and pulled out something from his pocket that glistened in the moonlight. After concentrating, I realized that he was holding a pocket knife.

I gasped inwardly. They're going to hurt Luca. Right on cue, the smoker brought the knife a slashed Luca's upper arm. Blood dripped down his arm and fell to the ground.

Luca seemed unfazed at the first but as soon as he saw the blood I saw something change in his face. He looked like someone that was possessed. His fists clenched and his body tensed. His whole body started vibrating and in less than a second, he kicked the smoker right in the stomach, making him fly across the alley and hit the wall. I thought he lost conciseness but his low groan proved me wrong.

I didn't get the chance to dwell on the matter as my attention was averted to Luca again. He brought his hands to the shirts of the guy holding him and swiftly flipped them over to the ground. He was free.

I thought he will stop at that but he didn't. He went on to the smoker and raised him by his shirt. He punched face hardly making him fly again to the other side, blood dripping from his mouth. I heard a cracking when his fist collided with the guy's face.

The two other guys composed themselves and lounged at Luca from the back but he quickly turned around and kicked the one to his right making him stumble to the back before falling to the ground. The one on his right looked scared at first but then aimed a punch at Luca. Luca, however, caught the guys fist and threw him over his shoulder.

The three guys had all their energy and power drained out of them but Luca still went on. I caught a glimpse of his face. He looked scared himself. like someone was going to kill him. I realized now why they call him a beast, but in my opinion he was far from it. He looked like a frightened kid that just wants to protect himself and live.

Luca was going to throw another punch at one of the guys but I quickly ran towards him and pulled his arm, making him face me and we both stumbled back before falling to the ground.

Luca's face was buried in the crook of my neck as I wrapped my arms around his head. I started patting his head and running my fingers through his hair as I whispered calming words into his ear.

"Sshh....It's okay. They're gone now. They're all gone now." I cooed.

I felt his body relax as he in turn wrapped his arms around my waist. He was back to normal.

The beast was tamed.