The CEO's Surrogate
When Valdez asked Evangeline Swiss to be their surrogate, they had no idea they were related in a whole twisted plot. Their families were tangled in a way that was dangerous but unknown to them. Their coming together wasn’t meant to be. The instant their relationship became public; series of events began to unfold that threatened not just their relationship but their very existence. For billionaire Jason Valdez, getting a surrogate was the last thing he wanted. Heck, he was losing his wife. Who cares about raising a child? But he had a dying wish to keep. His wife; Ellen needed him to be happy and, on her dying bed, pushed the Swiss lady to her. Judging by their first meeting, he had nothing nice to say about Evangeline Swiss, blond, savvy and a curvy woman who wears her heart on her face. Evangeline Swiss, a smart business tycoon, ended a successful business meeting with shocking news. The Internet was splattered with naked pictures of her best friend and her boyfriend. It was a bitter pill she was forced to swallow. So, when told about a surrogacy proposal, she found the idea interesting. So, for fun, she chose to be one. What she didn’t expect was falling in love with the hooded blue-eyed father of her baby. And just when she was settling into the rhythm of their romance, the storm rises. She wonders if their coming together was not even manipulated from the beginning. And how was she to face this history their families shared despite the odds? Would these two souls find peace amidst the raging wars all around them? And can they make their relationship work despite shocking revelations that threatens to force them apart?
The CEO's Surrogate Free Chapters
PROLOGUE | The CEO's Surrogate
Jason stepped into his bedroom to find her curled in his bed. He stayed back, scared of what would happen if he moved closer. He had deliberately stayed at the office so she could be asleep before he came home. He was scared of the way he felt around her. Her growing stomach was doing things to him. And though he wanted to feel this way again, he didn’t want it to be so soon. Now when his wife’s dead body lade barely cold in her casket.
The woman tossed and turned in his direction. She turned again apparently having a dream. His legs moved of their own accord to the bed. The duvet that covered her was parted from her curvy boobs down to her stomach. She had on a transparent robe that covered lace bra. Sighing, he sat down beside her and pulled the duvet up to cover her. Then he found himself starting at long smooth leg too. He covered that up. Either it was long he had sex or this woman right here was making him hard in a way he never had before.
“Jase.” she muttered.
Jason tensed. Only Ellen used that name. Somehow though, Evan and had picked that particular name for him too. It was like both women were made just to confuse him while turning his world upside down.
“Jase, let him go.”
She was doing it again, muttering while she sleeps. As she kept muttering in her sleep, Jason realised his late wife; Ellen, had been right after all. Evangeline does sleep-talk. He tried listening to whatever she was saying. They came only in ragged breaths.
He sat up straight. Did she say ‘Love'? Unsure, she bent closer to her face. His left ear was pressed closer to her lips, and though he stayed there a while, no sound came out from those lips. Warm air fanned his ear instead. He moved back and turned to stare at her. Her lips formed an irresistible L-shaped. He stared at them. They were fuller and pinker, a result of his blooming baby in her stomach. Done with the games and heartaches, he let his heart guide him this time as he took her lips gently.
Evangeline woke up to the arousal. Jason’s mouth was demanding hers to open. They were gently nudging, his tongue pushing forward too. She opened up for him and was swept up in the current of kisses. This was something more. It was not like the chaste kiss they had shared the other day.
These were passionate and intriguing and exciting feelings she never thought she had. Her stomach fluttered happily, and she felt hot fluid drop in her panties. Embarrassed, she tried pushing him away. But he wouldn’t let go. He held her head in place and continue to kiss her.
His hands started down on night robe and pried them open. The cool night air blew her open boobs, but they were covered by his warm hand before she could feel the chill. She gasped as his warm hand palmed her skin. His tongue found the perfect time to plunge in deeper. Pulling away, he loomed over her and settled beside her. She sat forward, willing him to continue. When he hesitated, she pulled him closer and delved in his mouth too.
Jason started to draw a light circle around her breast through the sheer lacey bra. He could feel her nipples hardening. As his hand found her open mold, she tensed.
“It’s okay.” he encouraged, as he busied his hand with her strap.
She let him unhook it. Their eyes met and locked sensually as he let her robe fall off her shoulders. He took his time drinking in her voluptuous curves. He had always guessed she filled up in the right places. She was sexy and inviting. Slowly, he moved closer to her and resumed kissing her. But this time, it was brief. His mouth slides down her neck.
Then her neck collar. Finally, he found her hardened nipple. With a gentle suck, she became lucid in his hands. While he worked that breast, his other hand pulled and rubbed the other nipple. Evangeline gasped then flinch as he gently bit at her sensitive nipple. He continues to work on both boobs, alternating between both at intervals with his hands and mouth until she climaxed. Then he began to act frenzy, apparently needing to sate himself too.
He removed her clothes with practiced precision and gently too. All the while is cautious of her budging stomach. When she was completely naked, he proceeded to undress her. Like he did her, Evangeline let her gaze travel down his whole length. He was stone rigid, and his arousal made her tingle sweetly in her inner tight. Satisfied with the look in her eyes, Jason joined her in bed. He laid down and gently lifted her on him.
Evangeline was going to protest. She wanted him in deep rides with her. But before she could, he pushed her down in one stride, forcing her to take the whole length of him. She moaned out in pleasure. They soon found a rhythm.
She swung down to move deliriously on him while he jerked upward to drive himself deeper into her. Their moans and groans with their passionate lovemaking sweat filled the air. Their lovemaking continued until the early hours of the morning. Both demanding and getting their fill of each other. Exhausted, they had both fallen asleep.
The next morning, Evan woke up late. She continued to sleep until the late hours of the morning. Tired, she stretched and tensed as her body ached. Smiling, she reached over to the other side of the bed. If it had been once warm, the warmth wasn’t there anymore. It was cold.
Her eyes opened in apprehension as she looked everywhere for the man she had just spent the night with. Managing to drag herself off the bed, she went to the bathroom, then the kitchen and finally the living room.... he wasn’t there. Jason Valdez had once again left her. Searing pain tore at her heart. She wouldn’t let that bother her. She needed to leave his apartment early. There was no point stating where she wasn’t wanted. Why did he always do this?
Feeling dirty, she went to the bathroom to draw herself a warm bath. As she washed thoroughly in the toilet, memories of last night washed her. She couldn’t remember the last time sex had felt this good. Angry at herself for thinking such, she sponged herself until her pale skin reddened. Then she came out and dressed up hurriedly. Her gaze fell on the bedspread that had witnessed so much of their lovemaking. A sad tune started to play in her head. Annoyed, she packed the spread and dumped them in the laundry machine. She added the detergent and set it. While waiting for the device to clean the stains, she went about packing her things.
Suddenly feeling the urge to eat and craving some fruits, she opened the fridge. Instead, the fruit salad Jason had brought in last night stared at her. Still upset, she ignored it but then reached for it. She took a reluctant bite and closed her eyes in ecstasy.
“Hmmmm!” Loving the taste, she sat down to eat.
The meal made her heavy, and she strolled to the dishwasher. Done, she aired the clothes in the laundry machine. Once back, she looked everywhere. Sure there was nothing more to do, she took her bag and began to head out. At the door, she stumbled by a rigid body. Shocked, she looked up to see herself staring into cold blue eyes.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Jason asked.
Exhausted, emotionally drained, heavy, with hormones running wild, Evangeline burst into tears.
Jason did all he could to calm her down. But even then, she continued to cry in heavy sobs. When she quietened a little, she smiled through swollen eyes at him.
“I’m sorry, it must be the hormones.”
He didn’t even know how to respond to that. Should he ask why she was leaving? What if that makes her cry again?
“You were leaving?” He decided to pry, stilling himself for whatever she would say to him.
“I thought you’d left again.”
“Oh! I just went to sort some things out in the office. I did promise you a nice weekend and I intend to make it worth it.” he assured.
“Shh ahh.” Jason cautioned Evan with a finger to his lips. He had sensed another presence in his home the moment he stepped in. Just now, he heard the door creaked. Someone was trying to get in.
He walked Evan out of the living room to his bedroom through the other door. This room was too open. So many entrances and open space to be safe for only him. Though two security men were somewhere in the house, he had no idea where they were and if they were alert. He needed to get them online. But first, he had to keep Evan safe.
When they were both safely in, he secured the room and called Sloane. “He’s here.” he told him. As the men quickly coordinated his team, he disconnected and dropped the phone.
“What are you doing?” he asked seeing Evan moving around aimlessly.
“My legs are cramped.” she explained.
“You need to stay put.” he told her.
“My legs.” She bit her lips and he knew she was in some kind of pain.
He was beside her immediately, “Deep breaths.” he said and helped her to the bed, then propped her legs up for easy blood flow. “Okay?”
His team had supplied each room with a gun in case this happened. He reached for the one in this room under the sink. Checking the latch and the bullet, he closed it back and moved towards the door. From the keyhole, he tried to check if the intruder was in. Seeing no one, he stayed put. He was still there when he saw his own men come in through the other door.
Whoever had come in hadn’t known they had been prepared for this. He was about to open the door when he saw his men rush at the door. Someone had been lurking there. They grabbed the man, bound him and gently tapped his door. Jason opened to see the gagged man on his floor. He stooped down to you’ll off his mask. It was the same man that had been following Evan all day.
“Who the hell sent you?” he asked before slamming his fist angrily into his face.
CHAPTER 1 | The CEO's Surrogate
It was late in the afternoon. Though the warm sun blazoned above, and the interiors of the Valdez’s mansion was warm, his wife was shivering terribly. The humidifier was turned on too. Jason Valdez watched his shivering wife with pity. The blanket meant to keep her warm seem to be doing a better job now. But that did little to stop the pain she was in.
The private nurse he paid to attend to her round the clock, checked her drip and quietly left the room. His wife turned slightly and he was by her bedside instantly. He helped her up a little and sat down with her. Her smile was pained. He swallowed pitifully, short of words to soothe her.
Ellen Valdez smiled at her devoted husband, “You should be at work.”
With a dark grimace, Jason looked at her. The sadness he felt in his heart was masked with a courageous smile. He shifted uncomfortably under her piercing gaze. He didn’t want her seeing through the facade.
“Work can hold. I won’t leave you for that. You know that.” His grumbling stomach reminded him the last meal he had was brunch, yesterday.
She let her hand pat down his stomach, “Please eat. You cannot really take care of me if you faint.” she teased, pressing the bell beside her, the sound could be heard echoed in the other room.
The nurse rushed to her room immediately. “Please tell Cora to get my husband served a voluptuous meal here.” The nurse nodded and left immediately.
“You must eat here, if you want me to stop worrying about you.”
His love for her burned in his face. He smiled down at her. This was one reason he loved her. Ellen was a bright soul. He had met her at a very dark period in his life. Raised as the sole heir to the Valdez umpire, growing up had been lonely. He had no siblings to play with and no friends. His parents were hardly home. They were always on business travels or family gatherings.
At age six, he had been shipped off to boarding school. Though the Valdez was feared, the little heir was seen only as a tool to amass great wealth. Many had become friends with him just to prey on him. His named alone opened series of doors for him. But that could be both good and bad.
The seniors looked for every way to get him in a corner and collect whatever he had on him. Nothing was spared, his money, his gold chain, even designer shoes. They were sold and cashed outside the school by buyers no one knew of. A kind teacher had picked interest in him and scared off senior bullies, but didn’t help. He wasn’t always around to fight for him. And to the young boy, reporting after the deed had been done was barking up the wrong tree. The bullies might be punished but what had been done, had been done.
Nobody could help him. In his desperation he had told his dad who was bent over his laptop one evening.
“They sell my things.”
But it had been something strange to say, apparently. The school’s walls were as high and strong as anything. No one knows how the buyers came in and how the things were sold. So, naturally his father had assumed he was lying so he could change his school.
“Who’s buying them?” His father asked, laughing deeply but still concentrated on his work he had been doing.
“I don’t know how, but they sell....stuff. My gold chain was taken and I searched everywhere for it. It just vanished. Even my Rolls-Royce wristwatch.”
“Then you didn’t search everywhere. It must have been hidden somewhere.”
He continued to rant in his father’s ears until exhausted, the man had screamed that he would do something. “I’ll change your school, okay?”
The sad boy had busted into tears. Surprised and frustrated, his father had asked, “Isn’t that the whole point of all this? I’ll fix it.” He promised.
Nothing had been done about it. The torture continued until three months after when he lost both parents. It had been a fatal plane crash that claimed lots of lives.
Though they hadn’t been much help while alive, their death was a blessing. He became the sole owner of chains of businesses. And he was to assume ownership immediately. And so little Jadon Valdez was forced to grow up at such tender age. The first thing he did was changed his school.
The school were disappointed and reluctant to let him go. They did all they could to hold him back until he threatened to expose the misdeeds going on in the school. It worked! And so, at a young age, he had learned to fend for himself.
He had learnt mastery of blackmails and threats in cutting deals. If the Valdez family was feared, the young heir was feared more. He bought a harem of hefty security men and ran the businesses using the internet as his guide. Sometimes he erred greatly, but he learnt as he grew.
His father had been kind enough to document every business deals and gains. He wrote down how to deal with some clients and the percentages accorded to certain customers. Leaving this behind in a big ledger helped. Jason employed the best Tutors and was home schooled. He learnt the business gimmicks from the father’s ledger and online. His tutors were from all over the world.
He became fascinated with developing software. One of his tutors turned him to a Ukrainian developer who helped him put his interest to good use. He became one of the best developer ever. At age fifteen, he developed a software that translated his father’s secret letter entering that had been coded. He didn’t trust anyone to translate and not steal off his company. He worked at getting his own translator and succeeded.
But even the Almighty Jason who was successfully running great business chains failed to master the tricks of the heart. When he turned twenty, already with the physique and prestige he carried, he became a popular face.
As a developer, his works brought him into limelight. Women flocked around him. He partied hard and worked harder. And then he’d met his first love; Kelsy. Just like that, everything he’d learnt over the years went flying into the woods. He fell in love hard. Over the years, he had made some pretty bad enemies as a business tycoon.
It was too late to realise Kelsy was the daughter of his number one enemy; Jonah Hill. Kelsy Hills was on a mission to get his latest gadget and was successful. It had been a huge blow.
Like every lesson learnt the hard way, he had been taught not to love women. He used and discarded them at will. Never letting anyone in. He was in that dark moment when he had met Ellen. She was employed by his company extension in the lower level and they had met in the elevator. He rarely used the staff elevator. That evening however, he had mindlessly strolled down the lower floors and his security had assumed he wanted to, so they had followed him obediently.
Ellen’s bright smile and demeanour had caught his attention instantly. So he began to monitor the lower floor and see what was going on there since he didn’t want to ask his PA or PI looking into it.
At first, her sweetness was a turn off. He hated women who acted all innocent and sweet. Kelsy had been that way when they first met. But Elle was just being who she is; herself. It took a long time to realise she was real. And the moment he saw her as the light he needed in his life, he pursued her relentlessly.....until he had fallen sick.
A strong cough brought Jason back from his dive into the past. He stood up to get tissue for the blood that was sure to accompany that terribly disturbing cough. Another vigorous spasm shook her again and he reached over to clean the blood. Her face was tightly squeezed in pain.
“It hurts.” Ellen said, unable to bear it anymore, “I’m sorry, have to let me go.”
It felt nice to be able to breathe in the cool air. Evangeline Swiss smiled as she walked down the short driveway to her Maserati. She was dying for a hot blast of Los Angeles cool air. Nothing like having the cool air fanning your face. She started the car and drove out into the heavy traffic typical of Los Angeles.
The city was boisterous with activities as usual. Horns blared everywhere. It wasn’t unusual to see people gathered in a corner. They were probably marketing stuff. Evan rolled down her glass and let the cool air blow her face. She smiled while letting her left hand dangle down the side of her car.
The cool air blew it. “Yeasss.” She yelled and wind up the glass again. As the traffic light turned red, she stepped on the brake. A little girl was being helped across the road. She turned and smiled at the elderly woman who waved her off. What attracted her was her hairdo. It was full and nicely rolled up.
It reminded her of her niece, her sister’s chatty twin. Remembering her sister had called earlier, she reached for her iPhone and quickly scanned through the several missed calls.
A couple calls had been left by her sister, “Siri, call Adriana.”
As the phone rang on the other end, Evans wondered why her sister left her several calls just out of the blues. Adriana wasn’t one to call more than twice. But today, she had left close to ten calls and four messages all saying the same thing: “Call me.”
“Finally, Evan. What the heck is wrong with you? Are you okay?” Adriana said in rushed tone. She must have been eating.
“Am I okay? Girl you literally blew up my phone. What’s going on?”
The swift intake of breath on the other end made the hairs on Evan’s neckline stand. Something wasn’t right. “Adriana?” She called.
“What’s going on? Are you eating? Are the twins okay?”
“Yes. I’m having lunch. The twins are okay too. It’s you I’m worried about.” Adriana replied from the other end a little reluctantly.
“I’m fine. I’ve been busy closing up a huge deal. It took almost a week. And you know how that goes for me.” Evangeline tried explaining still feeling uneasy. Adriana was skirting around a particular problem and she was trying hard to figure it out. If it had to do with her, she wonders if the deal she had just closed had a clause she hadn’t seen it. But aside her PA, Audrey no one else knew about the deal.
“Yes, you shut the whole world out.” Adriana muttered sadly jeering Evans back to the present.
The other cars behind her blasted their horns angrily. Evangeline started the car and started driving. “You say that like it’s wrong.”
“You know how I feel about it. Only dad does that and look what it did to mom.”
“Well. I’m not dad. And I don’t have any spouse to hurt,” she dismissed her concern as she smoothly navigated the car into the mall.
“Maybe not this time. What about Logan? Have you tried to know if that hurts him?” Adriana asked again.
“He’s a busy man Ad. He’s got an empire to run.” Evan dismissed stepping out of the car. “I’m heading towards his apartment after shopping.”
“When was the last time you went online?”
“Oooh, what did I miss?” She started to reach for her phone.
On the other end, Adriana realised that was a mistake, “No, no. Don’t do that.” Adriana was screaming on the other end. “There’s something you should know.” She was saying but she could sense her sister was no longer with her. She knew even before she heard her say “Siri, show me recent online updates.”
Evan would be seeing the ghastly pictures right about now. “Evan? Evangeline? Evan?”
Evangeline stared in shock at the pictures on her phone. She jerked as she heard her sister shouting her name. Steadying her breathe, she spoke into the phone in a raspy voice, “Ad, let me call you back.” Then disconnected the call.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” She said, slumping in the car. She took her time going through every horrid picture. When she was done beating herself up mentally, she turned off the car, locked it and stepped out. Calling a cab, she gave the driver Logan’s address.
The drive to the place was so long. Evangeline wondered if the building was this far from the mall. In the few months she and Logan had started dating, she had built a routine around them. They were both so busy. It seemed fair to find a way to keep their relationship afloat. She was left to find a balance as Logan always wanted her around despite his own insane schedule.
So, she would drive down here to get the groceries from this particular mall as it seemed closer to his place. Today however, she wondered if she had misjudged the distance like she had misjudged the man apparently. She ignored her sister who kept calling repeatedly. “I can handle this sis.” She sighed. The driver turned to ask if he was being spoken to.
“Oh, ignore that. Can you please step on it though? Thank you.”
“Okay ma’am.”
The driver wade in and out of the traffic and was soon at Logan’s. She tipped him extra and stepped out. The security man recognizing her as his boss’ woman smiled and immediately opened the gate. Evangeline smiled and walked through the insanely huge barricade. She had often teased Logan about the huge doors.
The sight that greeted her left her stomach whirling. “Mary?” She called her friend who was shamelessly clinging to her man.
“Mary?” The two quickly let go of each other’s hands. “What’s going on here?” She asked perplexed. The image of the two on the internet and the sight she had just met were flashing through her mind in a slow mo. She stilled herself as Logan walked towards her. Something in her expression made him stop mid stride. Good!
“Evan, it’s not what you think.” Logan said. He stood a few feet away, gauging her mood. He realized what this must have looked like: caught red handed. Just yesterday his picture had surfaced the internet and they were not good ones. Now, the lady with whom the pictures concerned was wrapped in his arms. He took another step, “It was....”
“Fine.” Evangeline said and turned to leave. What had she come here to do anyway? There was nothing left to be done. If proof was what she needed, she had it. She blamed herself for being so gullible. How had she let this happen? And right under her nose!
Sad and disappointed, she hailed a cab and left home with both betrayals helplessly looking on.
“Take me to the airport please.” She suddenly told the man.
The driver stopped the car. “I’m heading to the airport, please take me there.” She repeated. There wasn’t any point going home. It was the last place she wanted to be right now. She will probably need a few clothes as she wasn’t sure she was coming back soon. But she could shop for those later. Right now, all she needed was a distance from this city and the memory it holds. She dialled her PA’s number.
“Hey, Audrey. Please come to the airport now with my passport and wallet. It should be in the lower cabinet.”
Once at the airport, she waited impatiently for Audrey to arrive. She picked her phone and dialed her number. A phone ringing beside her made her raise her head. Audrey was a few feet away. The young lady hurried to meet her.
“Did you get everything?” Evangeline asked her PA who handed her the passport and wallet.
“I did ma’am.” Audrey replied calmly even though she was worried about this sudden journey. Her boss had packed nothing. She was travelling without a single clothe other than the lovely red gown she had on. She would probably shop for some anyway.
“Here’s my car keys. I left it on Madison-Square Park. Please take it home for me. I’ll be gone awhile. You must be available whenever I need you.”
“Okay boss.”
“Anything happens, call me immediately, alright?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“And if any of my friends. Well, maybe just Zoe. If she comes over, tell her to call. I should be back soon.” She handed him the car keys and walked towards the bookings counter.
“What about the Harrisons? You were supposed to meet today and finalize the matching glow deal over lunch.” Audrey said calling after her boss.
Evangeline sighed and turned back to face her. “You are my freaking PA. Do your job. Reschedule the meeting with one excuse or anything. I’ve got to go.” She stormed off and the look on her face didn’t decimate even as she spoke with the flight attendant who kept glancing at her nervously. She handed over her passport and booked her flight.
The attendant smiled uneasily. Evangeline Nelson wasn’t a strange face here. She uses her their plane every time she travels. She already have a spot too. He checked to be sure she could have her privacy considering she was in no mood for petty talks. And he got her booked on the next flight. Handling her the passport and other documents, he told her to enjoy her trip.
Wordlessly, Evangeline collected her documents and started to walk away. Her phone vibrated again. It was her sister again. She picked the call.
“Oh, thank God. I’ve been worried.” Adriana said breathlessly.
“Adriana, I’m on my way to you. I’ll be there by evening.”
“Alright. Have a safe trip.” She said.
Evangeline disconnected the call as she made her way to the private room she had reserved. It wasn’t empty. She didn’t like that. Dropping her bag on the couch, she turned around to get the hostess just as she heard the pilot announce over the speaker that due to an emergency their flight would be leaving now.
At a loss, she sat back down hoping that whoever would be sharing the space with her for the couple hours would be kind enough to let her be. Sighing in irritation, she laid on the couch and soon dozed off totally exhausted.
The nap all but lasted an hour. An annoyingly loud sound woke her up. Evangeline stretched and yawned wondering what had awaken. She looked at her strange surrounding. It took a while before she could pick out that she was still on the plane. The place reeked of drugs. Not one for drug smell, she flared her nostrils in irritation. What’s going on here? A few steps across from her were a couple all curled up in an awkward position. She sat right to have a good view. The man, probably the husband was bent across the wife, kissing her. Were they? As she was about changing position, the man stood up. He had obviously not being kissing her. He held her head up then went to sit on the spot so she could rest her head in her lap.
The obvious display of affection only pissed her off. Not that she could say anything about it. But she was about to sigh loudly so they could feel her presence when she noticed the machines.
They beeped loudly, obviously timed. The sound that woke her must have been from those. They were about six, each connected to a main, and bigger one that runs through the woman’s stomach. She instantly felt bad for her. She must have been glaring for ages before realizing the woman was saying something to her.
“What?” She asked, quickly composing herself.
“Don’t look at me so guiltily.” Her eyes pleaded but her thin lips smiled at the younger blonde woman.
Evangeline was at a loss. The words were spoken so weakly she had to strain her ears to catch each word. “I’m sorry.” She answered while looking at the husband apologetically. He was glaring at her. She didn’t understand the sour look. Had she done anything to annoy the man? She frowned and turned away.
“It’s okay.” The woman said and beaconed her closer. Evangeline reluctantly walked towards them fully aware the man’s eyes were digging holes into her. She perched on the corner of the bed that the woman patted, implying she should sit there and then held the woman’s outstretched hand.
“Such a beauty.” She smiled at her. “I’m sure Jason would be glaring at you right now.” Ellen Valdez said knowing her husband so well.
Oh! So he’s Jason. The name sounded awfully familiar. Smiling at the woman, she said nothing.
“Ignore him. He’s been tensed all day.” The woman said and started rubbing Evan’s hand. “You were muttering in your sleep.” She continued. “It wasn’t a good sound. Betrayal?”
Evan tried to withdraw her hand but the woman held her tightly. She didn’t like this line of conversation. For a couple minutes since she woke up, she had not remembered Logan and her friend tangled in bed on the internet and the sore sight that had greeted her at his home this afternoon. But this woman was making her remember every horrid detail.
“Long story.” She replied hoping she would drop it. The words had barely been out of her mouth that the woman went into a rigorous convulsion. The man stood up instantly and pressed a button. Doctors started to troop in. She stood up and walked some few feet away to make room for them and watched as they struggled to keep the woman alive.
As the doctors worked on the woman, Jason started pacing back and forth. His anger filled the room. Evangeline stepped away from his path into her side of the room. She slumped into the little bed she had been lying on earlier.
“Why the hell are we still on air?” Jason bellowed at a man who could only be his PA. “Find out, now.” The man scurried away. “And you…” He glared at Evans.
“Next time you feel sorry for someone, make sure to wipe the smug look off your face. You don’t have to show it.”
So that was why he had been mad at her. Normally, she would have ignored him and excused it has been under duress. But not today. She had gotten enough of shits today to last a lifetime.
“It’s my freaking face. My face, my freaking expression. What you gonna do about it?” She yelled back at him. The two glared at each other.
They were still glaring at each other when the PA came back in. He watched the two, perplexed. They were oblivious of the scene they were creating. Some of the doctors were looking at them with interest already. Coughing loudly, he announced that they would be landing soon.
Jason ignored Evan and was at his wife’s bedside immediately. The doctors had stabilized her and she was in a deep sleep. Some of the staff finished packing all their instruments and two men wheeled the woman out. At the door, Evangeline held the woman’s hand. It was so cold. Scared, she prayed that the woman be okay. The men wheeled her out then. Jason walked right out the door without a glance at her.
On her path, Evangeline smirked and turned away. She heard nothing about the couple when she highlighted from the plane. She would have loved to bid the woman she had known all for five minutes a farewell before leaving. The woman was induced and might still be. Probably wouldn’t even know she had been there.
A private jet had been waiting standby to fly the couple to their final destination. She stepped down from the plane only to see the twins running towards her. All thought of the couple was forgotten as she hopped the distance half way to her niece and nephew. “Hey you!” She beamed as she was being swept into a tight hug. She rubbed their chestnut hair happily.
“How are you Linne?” Elizabeth asked pulling away from the threesome hug. It was only Elizabeth who called her Linne. She smiled at the little girl with wide eyes. Before she could reply, her brother; Ethan asked, “How is Audrey? Did you bring her?”
“I’m fine, Liz,” She replied the first twin and turned to the other. “And why would I bring Audrey? Aren’t you happy to have me by your side?”
Last summer, she had forced Audrey to spend Christmas with her family in Miami. Audrey had no family herself and spends most holidays doing nothing. Out of pity and a sense of responsibility, she had asked the PA to come with. Ethan had bonded with her the moment he saw her. Their friendship had gone on even after their two weeks break. He had insisted Audrey call to check on him every now and then. Sometimes, he cries until his mom calls Audrey and have him speak with her. Lately, he had stopped bothering with the calls but that didn’t mean he has forgotten the pretty Lady.
Elizabeth was another story. While Ethan had clicked with Audrey instantly, she had avoided the lady all through the holiday. She made sure Audrey’s and her path didn’t cross. She cried when left alone with her and wouldn’t even collect anything from her. This must have endeared Ethan more to her PA. Like they say, though twins, they had nothing in common. Their connection ended the moment both were delivered. Ethan loved his toys as well as meeting people while Elizabeth prefers playing by herself and hated being left alone with strangers. It wasn’t a surprise she had no friends while her twin had tones both kids and adults. Surprisingly, Elizabeth was the chatter box. She was inquisitive.
“It’s the scores she bought for him.” Elizabeth tongues out at him.
“Don’t you dare!” Ethan threatened and they were both going to stop arguing and running around when Evan cautioned them.
“Well.” Ethan shrugged and started to pull her towards the exit. “Mom’s waiting there,” He explained.
“Where’s your bag?” Elizabeth asked looking around.
Realizing now that she had forgotten to get her seven-year-old relatives something along the way, she started to think of something they’d love to have.
“Oh, it’s just me and my wallet this time.”
“It’s a short visit then.” The little girl replied, disappointment written all over her face.
Evangeline knew that look, “I miss you too, Liz. I’m staying awhile. The visit was impromptu. We can both just go shop for some.” That seem to brighten up her niece’s face.
Ethan suddenly stopped and stood across her path, “And did you even buy anything for me? Us?” He corrected as his sister glared at him.
“Wait and see, baby.” Evangeline replied smartly. They got to Adriana who looked at her with poppy eyes. She suddenly remembered Jason accusing her of wearing her heart on her face. She must have had this look on when she looked at his wife.
“Please don’t look at me that way.” She accused and opened the car.
“No hugs?” Adriana said as she settled in. the twins scooted into the car too and closed the door.
“Not when you have that look?” Evangeline replied, bringing out her phone. She went online and made a quick order for the twins. She paid extra to have the delivery ready before they were home. Satisfied, she smiled at her sister proudly. Adriana shook her head. She had expected to see a distraught sister walking out the plane. Whoever this was, wasn’t distraught. She had a smile plastered on her face. Perhaps she was taking it so hard and this was some sort of psychological breakdown. Whatever it was, she hopes Evan was alright. Her sister had been through series of heartbreaks. And this time her best friend?
“I’m okay, really.” Evangeline said cutting into her sister’s worried thoughts. She turned towards the window as an ambulance sped past them. Her heart reached out to the woman from the plane. Suddenly feeling overwhelmed, she let her head rest on the car seat and sighed heavily.
It wasn’t until midnight before she had the room to herself. Immediately after dinner, she had excused herself and went to the room she usually stayed whenever she visited Adriana. The twins had followed her playing around and bombarding her with questions.
She remembered the look on their faces when they saw the delivery man waiting by their gate. They had both jumped out of the car and ran to inspect their present. Ethan got a big bicycle while Elizabeth had a car with a full grown toy.
“I can make her hair.” She screamed as she unwrapped her gift. She had given her aunt a big warm and ran to join Ethan who had rode the bicycle away then. Moments like those were ecstatic. She treasured moments like these. The twins were a gift both to her and their mom.
They had come at a time when Adriana desperately needed a miracle. She had been married close to five years before they came along. And those five years had been pretty rough. She had watched her sister go from cheerful to something sour. Gone was the Adriana that was fun to be with.
In her place was an irritating, easily provoked sister. She stopped dressing up and stayed indoor most of the time. She was always moody. Evangeline had flown in almost every weekend and every other day she was free to get her to be cheery.
Whenever she wasn’t around, Noah her husband stayed close. Like everyone, he was scared she might end up hurting herself. Doctors had been concerned about their childlessness. Medically, both couple had been certified okay. No one could understand the delay.
When eventually Adriana took in, she regained her vigor. Having her back to her old self was a blessing again. The twins had given their family a new start. And nothing was too much to hand over to those lovely kids. Both kids had been chatty all day. Several times she tried to get them out of her room so she could rest, but they wouldn’t leave. They were either running around, chasing each other or throwing pillows. She let them be while getting ready for bed. She changed in the bathroom and came back to see they had climbed into the bed and waiting for her to get in. She understood what that implied. Only she would have to disappoint them this one time.
“Bed time story?” Elizabeth asked, looking bright eyed.
“Not tonight.” She replied stifling a yawn.
“You must be really exhausted. Mom said to let you rest.” Elizabeth added and Ethan got up to leave.
Evangeline smiled. If she had known the yawn was all it needed to get them out, she had have done it hours ago. The two gave her a warm hug, thanked her again for their gifts and left her room. She smiled at their poise. Adriana was raising them to be great elites.
Finally, alone in the room, Evan realized she wasn’t even tired enough to sleep. She turned on the TV after closing the door quietly and mute the volume. Then she went to lay down on the bed. Flipping through then channels, she couldn’t find something fun to watch.
She turned it off and took her phone. Audrey had left her a message. She replied and was about dropping it when she saw Logan’s picture in her gallery. Angrily, she went to the gallery and deleted every picture.
The last one was a picture they had taken with Mary at the picnic Zoe had organized. The picture brought back memories. She sat up remembering how she had caught Mary smiling down at Logan that day. It wasn’t strange to see her light up every time he entered the room. They had been childhood friends just like she had been friends since with Mary since college days. But those two had grown up together. They were almost inseparable. It was Mary who introduced Logan to her and they had clicked instantly. Logan was charming and cool headed. It didn’t take him a week to sweep her off her feet. The two had started dating a month after. But somehow, she could sense Mary wasn’t too happy about it.
“I can’t believe you’re seeing Logan.” Mary voiced one evening unable to hold it anymore. The tri had gone for their weekend spa treatment as usual. They were now being massaged in the same room by three experts.
“Didn’t you introduced them?” Zoe asked, raising her head from the bed to stare down Mary. The lady working on her back paused to let her turn around.
“My words exactly.” Evangeline mocked sighing contentedly while her neck was being rubbed.
“I like him. He’s cool headed.” She added, then looking at her friend she asked, “Is seeing Logan such a bad idea?”
“I don’t want you getting hurt. He might be my friend but Logan is a playboy.” Mary said seriously.
“Well, I don’t know about that. We will ride along and see, won’t we now?”
Zoe waved off whatever Mary had been about to say, “She can take care of herself Mary. Besides, I see why she likes him. He must be a beast in bed.”
When Evan chuckled and used her hand to zip her mouth, Zoe laughed “See? If Logan is a player, then he wouldn’t mind getting played too.”
It had been a rule with the friends never to get emotionally attached to any guy. The pact had been made when Zoe got played by her boyfriend. All three had had their shares of guys. Most had been cut off by them while some had blown them away resulting in devastating heartbreak. They were all from wealthy homes, had money to lavish around and were doing well for themselves. No man deserve so much to break them. “I just don’t want you to get hurt.” Mary had said with a note of finality.
“I won’t.” She had said casually. She hadn’t planned on having feelings for Logan. He was sweet and all but she didn’t want anything messed up. It was supposed to be that way until things changed.
She didn’t know when exactly it happened. All she knew was she was falling for the man in a way that she had never before. Ashamed, she had kept this a secret, making sure not to give herself away. She could only tell Adriana about it. Which was why the day Zoe accused Mary of clinging to Logan too much, she had let her senses be at alert.
It didn’t take long to find out Zoe was right. Mary might be his friend, but she was the woman in his life and Mary wasn’t giving the man a breathing space. She was always around him, trying to get his opinion on something or get him to do something for her. “Do you like Mary?” She had asked him one evening. Logan Thames had been about to kiss her when she turned away then ask the question weighing his reaction.
“Where did that come from?” He had asked looking worried. Undeterred, she had asked again.
Logan had sat up straight, seeing that she meant it. “I don’t, she’s just my childhood friend. I have no feelings for her and never will. And I’m sure it’s mutual,” He declared sincerely. Evangeline wasn’t so sure about that.
“You know her boyfriends. I’ve met some too.” Logan said, laughing hard at the idea of being with Mary. “She’s one crazy gal.” He busted in another bout of laugh that made Evan lose her cool. She started laughing with too.
“Oh, so I’m amusing now?” She threw a pillow at him.
“It’s ridiculous,” He grabbed her and she had wriggled out of his grasp and ran outside the room. Whatever preposterous idea she had had of both friends having had dissipated then.
At least that was what she had thought at the time. If Logan didn’t like her, then all was okay. She had assumed. If Mary did have feelings for him, she didn’t say. But somehow, the two had found themselves tangled in a hotel room naked. Her vibrating phone brought her back to the moment.
It was Logan again. She ignored it and read the message out loud instead. “It’s not what I think? Yet there are naked pictures of you both everywhere,” she said, amused at the old line he was using on her.
Then she told Siri to check the internet. Someone had tried deleting the pictures. That wasn’t a surprise. Logan had the resources to pull that off. Thinking of resources, how had the pictures surfaced on the internet anyway? Logan’s media team tackled every negative comments and image of him online.
Bad press wasn’t good for the company so they handled that well. But somehow this had managed to pass their sniffing nose. It could only mean that it was done by someone who could bypass them. Someone who had access and knew how to get him alone. She found the pictures on a blog and started looking. She had no idea what she was looking for until she saw a picture. Evan stared at it again.
In the picture, Logan’s face was turned slightly away from the camera but he was sleeping. Mary on the other hand had on a thoroughly-fucked and exhausted look to indicate what had been going on before the picture was taken. She had been aware of the camera, Evangeline noted with disdain.
This was it then. “So funny.” She laughed and stretched tiredly then stood up from the bed. The view from this room had always been lovely. She parted the curtain and pulled a chair towards the window. The flashy lights everywhere made the whole place look spectacular. A soft knock on her door made her turn towards the entrance. “Come in, Ad.” Her sister walked in quietly and closed the door.
“They finally slept.” She announced, implying the twins had turned in for the night “So, it’s just us girls now,” pulling a chair towards the window, she sat down and both women stared at the light. “You’ve always loved Miami.”
“I do.” Evangeline smiled. This was the city that raised her. They had schooled here and started life right here. Her first kiss, first boyfriend and everything firsts had happened right here in this City.
The Swiss family was a well-known name. Evangeline and Adriana had grown up to know they were princesses here. There’s was old wealth. But everything had changed after her parents divorced. Though their dad left, her mother had stayed with the girls. That had somehow tainted the good memories she had of Miami. Places that one’s held good memories became filled with sadness and it was pointless staying on. “I just couldn’t stand it anymore after dad”.
“He did a number on us all. Didn’t he?” Adriana put in sadly. Recalling those days were a torture. Her family had been perfect; having an Attorney dad and mom with the other companies to run. Both parents loved them just as the kids had assumed they loved each other. But it had all been a front they put up so the kids wouldn’t know. Indoors, their discreet fights and accusations.
“I was crushed when he left.” She continued while Evan stared out the window intensely. “But mom must have been so shocked. She was ill weeks after, though she kept claiming it had nothing to do with dad leaving.”
The two sisters chuckled. “But you were pretty upset. You cried a lot.”
Evangeline smiled sadly, “I was devastated. I started to hate everyone you know.” She sighed.
“Miami was no longer what it used to be. I couldn’t stay.” She said apologetically.
“You shut everyone out.” Adriana told her sister sadly. “And left to start Madison.”
“Which is raking in millions now by the way.” Evangeline told her proudly.
“Cheers to that.” She hugged her and whispered, “Not like you needed the millions. Dad left us heaps of that.”
Evangeline shrugged, nothing as best as having your own hard earned money. Her sister had taken her share of the family wealth and was doing well. She was also managing the law firm with their mother and so far, they were doing okay.
Noah was seeing to the running of the cotton manufacturing company as well as coffee shops and every other family extension business. The controlling power however remained in the family. Apparently love didn’t clear doubts of betrayal it would seem. Even though her sister loved her husband dearly, she didn’t let him get the controlling power. She had a feeling the twins would be getting those and her own kids, should she ever get some.
Smiling at her sister, she replied “I love making my own money more.”
“And shutting the world out while you do.” Her sister retorted darkly, hating that she wouldn’t pick her calls or even bother checking on the family whenever she had a business deal to close.
Evan was ruthless when it came to sealing deal. She could have used that power and be a prolific lawyer, instead she had chosen technology over family tradition. If she had wanted to be a lawyer, their father walking out on them had quenched that.
Evangeline sighed, and muttered under her breathe. “I must have gotten that from dad.” She smirked. “I didn’t hear Noah come in. Is he home?”
“He travelled and should be back this weekend. Business.”
“Okay.” She pulled her robe tighter and pulled down the blinds. It was getting chilly already.
“So, how are you holding up?” Adriana asked seriously.
Evangeline thought about it awhile. “That I’m disappointed is an understatement. But other than that, I’m okay.” It felt strange to be. But she realised it was the honest truth.
“Sure? Mary in bed with Logan? It must have been shocking.”
“I think in a way I knew she liked him. I just didn’t expect Logan to fall into this crap.”
Adriana tensed, “You knew and didn’t see why it could be a problem later? You’re smarter than that.”
“He doesn’t have feelings for her.” Evan defended, knowing she was right about that. Her sister’s wide eyed expression made her add, “But she does...”
“Honestly, it had been a shock at first seeing those pictures, you know. I felt betrayed.” she turned back to the view.
“Then tonight I saw the pictures. Really looked at them objectively, like when you are try finding to find the loophole in a business deal.” She sighed.
“It was funny seeing me analyse my relationship that way.” She shrugged.
Adriana patted her hand, Evan reached over to rub the hand. “Then I found it.” She stood up to pick her phone from the bed so she could show her sister the picture. “Look at it very well, the angle of the camera” she pointed out.
“Where do you think it was?”
Adriana studied the picture, “Under the pillow?” She asked.
“Bingo!” Evangeline announced excitedly. When her sister stared at her with confusion, she explained, “It wasn’t paparazzi or hotel staff trying to buy spotlight with their pictures, it was someone in the room. It couldn’t have been his PA or anyone that could lose their job… It can only be---”
“It’s Mary.” Adriana finished off.
“But what has she got to get from it all?”
“Everything. She wanted me and Logan done. And she got it.”
Adriana was in shock. She kept staring at the picture. “Does Logan know this?”
“I don’t care if he does, sis. He was in that room with her. That’s all that matters. We’re done.”
“This changes everything Evan. Don’t you think so?” Adriana pointed out.
“I don’t think so. Can we stop talking about this now? I’m exhausted already.”
“Fine.” She stood up and patted her sister, then walked out of the door. Stopping at the door way, Adriana peered at her. “I’m seeing mom tomorrow with the twins. Should I let her know you’re coming? Dinner with her would be good.”
Her sister and mom were hardly on good terms.
“Sure,” Evangeline replied stiffly.