The Disguised Billionaire

The Disguised Billionaire

Chapters: 36
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: EnjoyLiveLove


When your parents tell you that you have to move halfway across the world for reasons they can't seem to tell you about, what will you do? Protest and list off the reasons why it's a horrible idea, of course. Just like what one girl did. Amber Lee. She's the daughter of the multi-billionaire, James and Eliza Lee, have two absolutely drool-worthy brothers, a pretty face with an interesting personality to match, and she's being forced by her parents to move to Canberra for two years and come back right after. Only problem is, people can't find out it's her. But when her brothers pay her a visit at the wrong time, she has to do everything she can not to let her friends find out the truth she is so badly trying to hide. But why? Because her parents told her to, of course. And so, the pretense begins.

Romance Billionaire Strong Female Lead Surprising Acceptance

The Disguised Billionaire Free Chapters

Prologue | The Disguised Billionaire

"Amber, dear." Mom said as she walked in the game room and saw my brothers and I playing Black Ops 3.

"Yeah?" I replied, not taking my eyes off the screen and continued to kick Aiden's ass in the game.

“I have to talk to you." She said softly. Curious, I passed the controller to Zyljan and stood up, making my way towards Mom who's standing in the doorway.

They paused the game and looked at Mom and I with curiosity burning in their eyes. I know they want to know what Mom is about to say, but kept quiet, since they know what's good for them.

I went outside with her and closed the door behind me. I faced to look at her and saw sadness and fear swirling in her eyes. It's quite hard to decipher though if I'm correct because Mom's great at concealing her emotions.

"What do you want to talk about, Mom?" I asked while leaning against the wall while she just sighed.

"Amber, what I'm about to say is a very hard decision for your father and I to make and I know it's going to be hard for you too—well at least I think so. All I want you to do is just trust us on this one because we want what's best for you, and we want you to be safe." She paused and looked at me in the eye, no doubt seeing the confusion and curiosity plastered on my face.

"Safe? Safe from what?" I asked and she just sighed.

Why does she keep on sighing? Mom sighing is not a good sign.

"I can't tell you as of now, sweetie but for the meantime, I want you to live with your aunt, uncle, and cousins in Canberra." She said softly and I looked at her wide eyed.

"In Australia? You want me to go to Australia? Mom, Detroit and Canberra are far away. You want me to go halfway across the world?" I asked and she just sighed—again.

"Yes, honey. That's what your Dad and I came up with. Like what I said, we want you to be safe and Canberra is the last place they'll think of going. You have to trust us." She explained.

"Wait, they? They who?" I asked and she just shook her head. My curiousness only heightened because of her response. What the hell are they hiding from me?

"We'll tell you when the right time comes. Now, pack your bags, honey. Your flight leaves in three hours." She began to walk away but stopped and looked at me with a smile. "Oh! And Amber, dear? Be sure to bring enough clothes for two years." And with that, she walked away once again, leaving me gobsmacked and mouth hanging open.

Seriously? Two years in Canberra alone? What the hell came up in Mom's mind that she decided to send me halfway across the world?

With a sigh, I went towards my room and closed the door behind me once I was inside. I opened my closet full of clothes and started packing.

Goodbye, Detroit. I'll miss you and I'll see you again in two years. I wonder what awaits me in Canberra. Might be something interesting, might be something that totally sucks. But I'll never know if I won't be there to find it out.

Chapter 1: Meeting Them in Gloria Jean’s | The Disguised Billionaire


Amber Lee

"Aiden and Zyljan Lee are so hot! I wonder if they have girlfriends." My best friend, Hannah, said while staring at Aiden and Zyljan in a magazine page questioningly. That's the only reason why she bought that magazine—it’s because Aiden and Zyljan are there. Like, seriously? What sane person would buy a magazine just because of that? I shuddered at the things she said, and she glared at me.

What? It feels weird for me.

"I know, right? I wish Aiden and I could meet and we'll live happily ever after." My other best friend, Stacy, said dreamily and I prevented myself from chuckling.

But despite my amusement at their sentiments, I still wonder how in the world they can they say those things. In front of me, nonetheless. I know they don't know but it's still kind of creepy hearing those things about my brothers. I would rather swim in an ocean full of sharks than hearing those things coming from my best friends. That's like, weird—and disgusting. I mean, that's my brothers they're talking about!

Now, you must be wondering why I said they are my brothers when they are the sons of a billionaire and I'm just plain old Amber.

Well, I'm also their sister. 


Two years ago, my parents came up with a plan—and a stupid one, if I may add—that I should come here in Canberra, Australia for something they can't seem to tell me about. I still remember our conversation like it was just yesterday.

I grabbed the magazine from them and stared at the sight in front of me, wondering what they're doing right now. I really miss them. It's been two long years since I last saw them in person. I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye to them when I was about to leave. It really sucks. Mom made me move faster cause I might miss my flight.

Like there's no personal airplane I could ride if I miss my flight.

"I wonder where their sister is. She's not there in every photo shoot they have for the last two years. She's usually always in the picture." My other best friend, Sophie, said. Once those words escaped her mouth, I froze on my spot.

This is what I told Mom when we talked a few months after I arrived here in Canberra but she didn't listen. Now look at what's happening right now. I can't tell them that the only daughter of the multi-billionaire is here with them right now. They'll freak out! They'll laugh at me and think I'm going crazy. As much as I love my best friends to death, I can't blow my cover.

Mom didn't even tell me the reason why I have to keep this disguise on. She just told me that my disguise and I are going to be the best of friends.



"Yeah and it's such a coincidence that she has the same name as Amber." My other best friend, Drake, said and they all looked at me.

"What? It's just a name. What's with that? Amber is a pretty common name." I reasoned out and they took their time staring at me before they went back to their own business. I could almost hear the relief ringing out in my mind.

Amber really is a pretty common name, you know.

My parents named me Amber because of my eyes. I have amber eyes, same with Aiden. Zyljan's the only one who has hazel eyes. Aiden and I's eyes came from our father, while Zyljan's eyes came from our mother. It's such a shame that they can't see my amber eyes because of my contacts.

I heard my phone buzz beside me, and I saw that I have two new messages. I opened it and when I saw who it was from, my eyes almost bulged out.

From: Aiden 10:47 AM

Hello, It's me.

Don't mind me, I'm just about to become the next Adele. Kidding. God, your weirdness is rubbing off of me. You're not even here and I can still whiff your weirdness in the air I breathe. If you think this is my way of telling you I miss you, then yes, you are absolutely right. Not that I would say you're right after this. It's only temporary so don't go getting your hopes up. Shit, I'm already rambling. The fuck Amber, your weirdness is contagious. And yes, I miss you *rolls eyes while flipping my non-existent long hair* Well, shit. I'm totally out of it. You're weird, God.

Anyhow, despite the long rant I just texted you (see above for proof), I just wanted to say that you're finally welcomed back into your homeland. Aye, homey, we gon party all night. *fist bumps you on the face* We'll be there in three days' time to pick your weird and stupid self up. And by we, I mean me, myself & I. You know, there's actually a song that's titled like that. Have you seen Cameron Dallas' dubsmash on that song? He's so hot *swoons* Ew, I'm turning gay just by texting you. I can't believe I just said Cameron is hot. Well whatever, Zyljan's coming with me too, by the way. Don't miss me too much after this text message; you'll still get to see my handsome face everyday.

I looked at Aiden's message with raised eyebrows, trying to suppress a loud laughter to come out of my mouth. Oh my God, I have a stupid brother. I think his idiocy finally ate himself up and took over his whole body. Sometimes I wonder how he's able to survive without finding a way to kill himself by accident.

From: Zyljan 10:48 AM

Hi ugly duckling. Yes, I just called you ugly. Seriously, you're like the black penguin or swan or whatever that animal is because you know, I totally forgot but anyway, you're like that black something animal who's the only different one between the three of us. Ew, Amber, why are you so ugly?

Totally kidding, babe. Ew, why did I just call you babe? That's like incest. Delete, delete, delete. Well whatever, I just want to say that you're not some prodigal daughter anymore. Aiden and I will see you there in three days to pick you up. I could always just tell Aiden to text you, but I don't actually trust he'll text you with this confidential information. And by confidential, I mean not totally confidential, by the way. Shit, both of your weirdness is rubbing off of me. Goodbye ugly duckling. See you in three days!

I rolled my eyes at Zyljan's text, but a smile slipping on my lips nonetheless. I have weird brothers, I tell you. I can't believe Mom gave birth to boys that have the tendency to be idiotic and stupid at the same time.

My friends noticed the way I was grinning creepily at my phone, making them look at me with raised eyebrows. "What's with the creepy grin, Amber? Did you finally kill someone you wanted to kill?" Drake asked.

"No," I replied with a roll of my eyes. "but yes, oh my gosh!" I screamed while jumping up and down, whilst my friends just looked at me like I'm a retarded idiot, losing its mind.

I just ignored them and continued screaming while jumping up and down.

"Woah! Easy, tiger!" Drake said with mirth palpable in his face. I finally stopped and sat back down on my bed, panting heavily, while they looked at me, clearly amused.

Okay, that was seriously not a great way to express my joy. I'm starting to feel a little light-headed.

Once I stopped panting, Sophie asked, "Alright, what are you so happy about?"

"Um, it's nothing. Just something about Jessica." I explained and they looked at me suspiciously, but shrugged it off. Jessica is Aunt Emerald's daughter, the ones I'm staying at right now. Jess and I are pretty close. They know Jess as my sister, not my cousin and they know Aunt Emerald and Uncle Evan as my parents, and not my aunt and uncle. I didn't tell them who those three people really are in my life because they'll question me about it. I don't really want them asking questions, so I told them a lie.

"Sophie, your brother is here!" Aunt Emerald yelled from downstairs, and Sophie sighed.

"Well, I have to go. See you guys tomorrow!" And with that, she went out, leaving us staring at the door.

"And then there were four." Hannah said and we chuckled.

"You guys wanna go to the mall?" Stacy suggested, and we replied with 'yeah's, except for Drake. We looked at him and he just shrugged.

"I can't go with you girls. I have to take my brother to soccer practice." He said and we 'aww'ed.

"That's so sweet!" I gushed and he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." He said and stood up, making his way towards the door and went out, closing the door behind him on the process.

"And then there were three." I said and they smiled.

"So," Hannah said. "mall?" She said with a grin and we nodded our heads while chuckling.


"So where we going now?" I asked as soon as we stepped foot inside the mall. They only shrugged in response.

"Gloria Jean's?" Stacy suggested and we nodded.

We made our way to Gloria Jean's and found a booth to stay on once we were inside. We sat down and Hannah went to order our drinks. I excused myself to go to the restroom, when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered, not bothering to look at the caller I.D.

"Do you know who this is?" I chuckled and continued on making my way to the restroom.

"Of course! So how are you, weirdo?" I asked and I heard chuckles on the background.

"I'm fine. Where are you?" He asked distractedly but I just shrugged it off. It's probably just nothing. Knowing him, it’s most likely nothing of importance. I looked at myself in the mirror and checked if I smudged my makeup or something.

"In the restroom at Gloria Jean's. You?" I asked and put my phone between my shoulder and my neck while I washed my hands.

"Such a coincidence! We're also here at Gloria Jean's!" He replied and I chuckled, getting my phone between my shoulder and neck.

"Yeah but the only difference is, you're not here in Canberra. You're in Detroit with Mom, Dad, and our older brother." I replied and the other line went silent. I heard whispers and shuffling from the background as I made my way out of the restroom.

"Den? Still there?" I asked, but I was greeted by silence once again.

After what felt like hours, he finally replied.

"Look, Ams, I'll call you back when I can." He said hastily.

"But—“ I protested but was cut off due to Aiden's annoying voice, uttering something.

"Bye!" And with that, he hung up. I looked at my phone like it started to talk to me.

Well thank you for the call, Aiden. I rolled my eyes inwardly at my thought.

"Okay, that wasn't weird at all." I said to myself sarcastically. I shook my head and put my phone on the pocket of my jeans.

When I was already out of the restroom, my mouth was covered by a hand. Oh my God, I'm going to die! I was about to shove that person away and scream at the top of my lungs, but that person spoke before I had the chance to do what I was about to do.

"Miss me?" A very familiar voice asked. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and the person removed his hand away from my mouth. I turned around, and I was greeted by the people I was expecting the least to show up here.

I hugged him tightly and he chuckled. Once we pulled away, he kissed my forehead and I proceeded to the person beside him. I hugged him tightly, and he hugged me back with the same force, except the way he hugged me was suffocating.

What a very nice way to die, gladly done by my idiotic brother.

"Um excuse me, do you want me to die?" I asked him and he immediately pulled away from me. There was another boy beside him, but I don't know him at all.

"Den, who's that?" I asked while pointing to the boy beside him with a dirty blonde hair, and green eyes.

"This is Chase, my best friend. Chase, this is my twin sister, Amber." Aiden explained and I smiled at his best friend.

"Nice to meet you." I said and he nodded in acknowledgement, no smiles, no laughs, nothing. I subtly raised a brow and looked back at my brother who gave me a smirk.

Okay then.

I turned to look at Zyljan, and he was already looking at me with a smile, I can't help to hug him again. I missed him so much! Two long years of being away from them. 

The reason? I still don't know.

But I'm going to find out about it soon.

We pulled away, and he put his arms around me. We sat down on a booth that has another boy sitting on, looking at the people passing by the street.

"Another friend of yours?" I asked and my brothers shook their heads.

"Is that your friend?" I asked at Chase and he also shook his head. I looked at the boy across me with confusion and they seemed to notice this, because Zyljan nudged the boy, making him look at us. The moment our eyes met, that's when I knew who it was.

"Austin!" I said and he grinned at me.

"Long time no see, my lovely cousin." He replied with a smile and I chuckled.

"So what brought you guys here?" I asked after a long silence.

"We're here for you." Zyljan replied and I looked at him with confusion.

"I thought you said you're coming in three days' time? What made you change your mind?" I asked and he looked at me with a grin.

"We were already here when Zyljan and Aiden texted you." Austin explained and I rolled my eyes.

"Of course. Now I feel like an idiot." I mumbled and heard chuckles all around me.

"You're always an idiot." Aiden remarked with a laugh to which I just ignored. But of course, he got a huge reaction from the others.

"Oh ha ha. Go ahead and make fun of Aiden's girl version." I said. They stopped laughing and looked at me blankly. After awhile, they started laughing again like retards.

Some people started looking our way and I looked at them apologetically. "Sorry, they just got out of the mental hospital. I think they aren't that well yet."

They nodded in understanding and one of them said, "You better bring them back there miss. They're going to need all the help they can get."

I tried to suppress a laugh and only nodded my head, thanking the woman right after. Austin kicked me under the table, making me glare at him.

"What? That was funny." I said and they looked at me blankly. I rolled my eyes. "Well whatever, that was funny for me."

After a short glaring contest and lots of kicking under the table, we just decided to stay quiet.

"Den, I thought you said she's your twin sister? You guys look nothing alike." Chase said.

Until Chase decided to speak and break the silence that was engulfing us, of course.

The three boys chuckled, while I just smiled at him.

"She's wearing a disguise, idiot!" Aiden explained.

"And when you see what she really looks like, I'm sure you'll be on your knees, begging her to be yours." Austin said and I almost choked on the water I'm drinking while Chase just chuckled beside me.

"Austin!" I said and he just looked at me innocently, while the others just laughed.

"What? It's true! If only I wasn't your cousin, I'd be making ways on how to get you to be mine right now." He explained and Aiden and Zyljan smacked the back of his head in unison.

Now that's dramatic.

"Ow!" Austin said while rubbing the back of his head and glared at the two idiots, also called as my psychotic brothers.

We laughed, until Austin asked me something. "How did you know it was us when we're wearing a disguise just like you?"

I just shrugged in response. "I've already seen all of your disguises so I know what they look." I said and they nodded.

"Why are you wearing a disguise anyway?" I asked with a confused expression fogging up my face.

"The media are starting to get very over-bearing." Zyljan replied, as he took a sip of his drink.

"And annoying too." Austin rolled his eyes as he spoke.

"Why are you wearing a disguise?" Chase shot back, making me look at him blankly, then look back at the others, who are giving me a grin.

Now I know why this guy became Aiden's best friend. He's obviously much too like him.

"Mom's orders." I replied simply. Chase rolled his eyes before taking a sip of his drink, just like Zyljan.

Way to be friendly.

I smiled at them and opened my mouth to say something, when my phone buzzed. I got it out of my pocket and saw that I have a new message.

From: Hannah 11:16 AM

Ams, where are you? You've been gone for thirty minutes! Stacy said you went to the restroom but I didn't see you there. Call me once you've read this.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath, but they seemed to hear it because they looked at me in confusion.

"Look, it's been fun seeing you guys again, but I have to go. I can't blow my cover. See you guys again in three days! Bye!" I said and immediately went to where Hannah and Stacy are sitting on.

I sat beside Hannah and they looked at me with worry and suspicion.

"Where have you been? You got us worried sick!" Stacy said and I rolled my eyes.

"It's just been thirty minutes. What's there to worry about?" I asked and rest my head against my palm.

"You could have been abducted! Or raped! Or knocked dead!" Hannah started and I rolled my eyes at her.

"You guys are overreacting. Like, way over the top overreacting. I'm here now, aren't I? So it's pretty clear that none of those things happened to me, right?" I stated and they rolled their eyes.

They started telling me things on how I should tell them when I go somewhere and other things. I started to tune them out when they started about how I could abducted and things like that. I rolled my eyes and just looked behind Stacy, and that's when I saw them, on their way out of Gloria Jean's. They caught my eye and they raised an eyebrow, probably wondering why I looked so bored.

"They're lecturing me." I mouthed to them and they chuckled. I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly.

"Who?" Zyljan mouthed and I gestured to the two girls I'm with. Their eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I sighed.

"My best friends." I mouthed back and they nodded.

"Are they hot?" Austin mouthed and I rolled my eyes. Wow, it's just been forty minutes, and my cousin is already planning to hit on my friends. I caught Chase's eye and he winked at me. I rolled my eyes at him again and gestured for them to wait. I fished my phone out and typed a new message.

To: Zyljan; Aiden 11:24 AM

Can the two of you please smack the back of the head of Chase and Austin? And you guys have to smack it together. Like, in unison. Got it?

I pressed send and I looked up at them. I smiled innocently at them and I saw Zyljan and Aiden fish out their phones. Once they're done reading it, they nodded with a smirk and I grinned.

They smacked the back of the head of Austin first and he glared at the two of them while rubbing the back of his head. They smacked the back of the head of Chase next and he also glared at them, also rubbing the back of his head. Now this is what a brother is for.

I grinned at the sight in front of me and then I saw Zyljan and Aiden motion towards me and I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped to the floor.

Traitors! They're supposed to be my brothers! They're supposed to help me get away with the things I do! Not let people know I'm the mastermind! Stupid traitor brothers.

Chase and Austin grinned evilly at me while Zyljan and Aiden just mouthed a 'sorry' to me. I rolled my eyes at them and saw Chase whisper something to Austin's ear. He grinned and so did Chase.

Why do I have a feeling that they're making a plan on how to get me back? Like, revenge or something? What's wrong with my brothers? Why aren't they doing anything to help me at all?

"Amber? Amber? Amber!" Hannah said while Stacy snapped a finger in front of me. Why do I have a feeling that it's not the first time they're calling me and trying to get my attention?

"What are you looking at?" Stacy asked me while looking behind her, finding…nothing? Where did those idiots go? I looked at the window, and that's when I saw them, passing by. I caught Chase's eye again, and he winked at me—again.

Stupid flirt.

Aiden noticed this and he smacked the back of Chase's head on his own choice.

I chuckled lightly and returned my gaze back to my two best friends, looking at me as if I was crazy.

"Are you fine?" Hannah asked and I nodded with a smile.

"Now, you girls wanna go back to the amusement park?" I asked and they nodded their heads enthusiastically.

"Well then, let's go." I said and stood up, the both of them following me shortly.

When we were out of Gloria Jean's, Hannah asked me something.

"Ams, where were you for that thirty minutes?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I met some," I paused, thinking of a good excuse what to call the people I was with earlier. "old friends of mine." I stated and looked at them with a grin, while they looked at me excitedly.

"Can we meet them?" Stacy asked with a hopeful expression.

I chuckled and said, "I don't think that's a pretty good idea, Stace. Not a good idea."

I turned to look at them and they had confused expression written all over their face.

"Not a good idea." I repeated and smiled.