The Ex-Wife
Natalia Walker has always been too soft for her own good, but her life takes a drastic turn when her husband kicks her to the curb. Pregnant and alone, her personality changes to accommodate her situation. When her ex reappears four years later, will she take him back? Or are some hearts broken beyond repair?
The Ex-Wife Free Chapters
Prologue | The Ex-Wife
Chase Williams' POV:
"Mr. Williams."
I looked up from my computer as I heard my assistant Amber speak.
"Yes?" I asked, waiting for an answer.
"There's a gentleman here to see you."
"Does he have an appointment?" I asked, going back to my typing.
"No, he doesn't." I raised an eyebrow at her. Why would she bother me if the guy didn't have an appointment? Honestly, she's a great assistant but sometimes I wonder about her.
I was just about to tell her to leave my office when she said something that had me weak in the knees, as it was completely unexpected. It's also not something I thought I'd hear at work of all places.
"He says it's about your wife."
My head snapped up to look her in the eyes. It was all I could do to keep my cool. With a stiff nod in her direction, I swiveled around in my chair to gaze out at the city before me. My wife, Natalia, was the light in the darkness that surrounds me. I met her when I was in an awfully bad place, dealing with the death of a remarkably close friend. Jordan was the only person I could ever really count on, so his death hit me hard and I was all alone.
We met when she accidentally bumped into me, spilling her hot chocolate on me. I was quite surprised because it was in the middle of the day and she was drinking hot chocolate. She apologized repeatedly and even offered to purchase a new shirt for me since mine now had a stain on it from the hot chocolate. This was the first time in a long while that anyone had ever been so nice to me. There wasn't even a hint of recognition on her face, so it was all without her even knowing who I was. Her kind and compassionate nature were what drew me to her and so I asked her out on a date. We had so much fun that I asked her over and over until we moved in together and I eventually proposed to her.
I've had the time of my life with her. I love her so much and I'm so glad that I get to spend the rest of my life with her. She's truly my other half. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love her.
"Mr. Williams?"
I turned around when I heard my name being called. I looked up to see that it was a scrawny looking man with an envelope in his hand. Well, this just got a whole lot more interesting.
"Can I help you?"
"No," he responded "but I think I can help you."
I looked up at him, clueless about how he could help me.
"This was left at my house, it had your name on it and $5000 attached to it," he said handing me the envelope, "The note said that I should deliver this package to you and I'd be able to keep the $5000."
I cautiously took the envelope from him. "How does this concern my wife?" I asked confused.
He did not say anything, he only signaled to the envelope showing me to turn it around. There was a note attached to the envelope. The words typed on it piqued my curiosity about what was inside the envelope.
Looks can be deceiving…just like your wife.
The words on the card were like a knife jammed straight into my heart. I desperately tore open the envelope to reveal the contents inside. I did not even realize that the man left as I was so transfixed by the photos before me. The photos showed me my biggest fear—my Natalia was cheating on me.
I always thought she could do better than me, but I thought that she loved me. Clearly, I was wrong. I couldn’t believe that she would do this to me. In this very moment, all I felt was heartbreak. Grabbing my car keys, I flung open my office doors and stalked towards the elevator, I was so angry that I missed the smirk on Amber's face. In a rage, I quickly got my car by myself since I gave my driver the day off.
In less than twenty minutes I arrived home. I headed straight for the music room where I knew she would be because she loved to write songs and play the piano. As soon as I stepped into the room, she paused her playing to look up at me, a beautiful smile set on her face.
"Hey honey, how was work?" she asked.
"It was fine," I hissed looking away from her.
"What's wrong?" she asked, her beautiful blue eyes gazing at me with concern.
The way she looked at me was my undoing. It was like she did not even know what was wrong. The sincerity and love in her eyes almost made me believe that the proof that I held in my hands was non-existent, but I would not let her fool me twice.
"Get out!" I shouted at her, "Get out now and don't you dare ever come back."
She flinched from the sudden loudness of my voice. I have never really shouted at her so I could understand why she was surprised. Silent tears began to pour out and I mentally restricted myself from comforting her. My heart broke as she wiped at the tears that were now streaming down her face.
"What did I do?" she cried, "where should I go, I'm preg—"
I did not give her the chance to finish her sentence. I couldn't bear to see her crying. It broke my heart seeing her this way. But I had to be strong. She cheated, and I can never forgive her for that.
"I don't care, you slut, just stay the hell away from me."
With that, I turned away from her, ignoring her cries and the voice inside my head telling me to comfort her. Like the heartbroken man that I was, I locked myself in my study. My thoughts went back to my wife and all that we had been through.
Looks truly are deceiving.
Chapter 1 — First Day of School | The Ex-Wife
Natalia Walker's POV:
(5 years later)
"Wake up mommy."
"Wake up."
"It's my first day of school."
I jumped up out of bed when I heard my son's voice. I slowly rubbed my hands on my eyes trying to get rid of the sleep in them. I looked over to my son who was silently staring at me in amusement. I swear he is too old for his age. I smiled at my baby, and he grinned right back at me.
"Come here, L," I smiled, using the nickname I gave him when he was born.
I watched him run over to me and as he tried to climb up on the bed. He already knew that he could not climb up on his own, but he always tried. His steely determination reminded me so much of his father. Even now, years later he can still make me cry. Keeping the tears at bay, I grabbed onto his small arms and pulled him onto the bed and into my lap.
"You ready for your first day of school sweetheart?" I asked already knowing the answer.
He looked up at me, his big brown eyes bright with excitement, "Yes, mommy, I'm ready. I'm a big boy now."
I smiled to myself, pulling him close to me. Unfortunately, Luke was the spitting image of his father. The day he was born was one of the happiest and saddest days of my life. When Chase kicked me out of his life, I knew that I would have a reminder of him forever. I just didn't think that they would look so alike, especially since L is just four years old. So instead of just a reminder, I see Chase every day that I see Luke.
I did not realize that I was crying until I felt Luke wipe the tears away. He was so caring and sweet.
"Why are you crying, mommy?" he asked.
"It's nothing," I smiled through the tears, "it's just that I'm going to miss you so much."
"Don't cry, mommy," he hugged me tightly, "I'm going to miss you too."
I kissed his cheeks in thanks. I smiled as he giggled. He is a good boy.
"Let's get you ready," I jumped out of bed hoisting him up into my arms.
"Be good for the teacher," I said to Luke as he nodded his head enthusiastically.
His excitement was contagious. I pulled him in for a quick hug, glad that he wasn't one of the kids that would pull away just because we were at school. It would break my heart if he did.
"I love you, honey," I whispered into his ear, pulling away so I could get a good look at him.
"Love you too mommy," he grinned, kissing me on the cheek.
"Off you go."
Not needing to be told twice, Luke ran off into the classroom. I stood behind the door watching him as he took a seat while talking to a little blonde girl. My baby, a charmer already. Chuckling softly to myself I exited the school building and pulled out my car keys. I opened the front door, climbed into the car and put the key in the ignition after closing the door.
Pulling onto the road, I drove straight home. I got my things together and exited the car. As I turned to walk up the steps to the front door, I looked up to the house and I gasped. I saw someone who I thought I would never see again.