The Laws of Love and Wolves

The Laws of Love and Wolves

Chapters: 39
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: TwistedMuse


Werewolves aren’t real, right? Amelia Rowe takes a job at Wolfe & Howell Law Firm, where it is whispered that everyone who works there are bloodthirsty beasts. Amelia doesn’t believe in all the superstitious chatter, even when her roommate tries to convince her otherwise. While at work she catches the eye of her tall, dark, and handsome boss. However, he has a secret. Alpha Marcus knew Amelia was his mate the moment she bumped into him. Did the Goddess know what she was doing when she paired the two together? Will their love be able to handle all the hurtles that life throws their way? Or will another who threatens to expose the firm for what they really are prevail?

Werewolf Romance Meant To Be Office Romance Character Growth Alpha

The Laws of Love and Wolves Free Chapters

Chapter 1 | The Laws of Love and Wolves

A woman paced back and forth along the concrete sidewalk. Her heart pounding in her ears and butterflies flapped relentlessly against her stomach. Ignoring the hustle and bustle of the city around her. She was utterly nervous and terrified. Pausing the rhythmic trekking, fearing if she continued at her rate of movement she would wear a path in the stone surface, she took a deep breath. Attempting to calm herself and prepare for the task at hand. Straightening her shoulders and pressing her hands down the front of her skirt, she took a quick glance in the mirror-like window in front of her.

The dark tint of the wall gave her an odd coloring instead of the complexion that was normally seen in the mirror but was still effective at giving her appearance a ‘once over’ one more time. Golden hair was pulled to the side, just behind her ear in a ponytail. Wispy strands were pulled free from their confines to frame her face. Subtle makeup brought out her natural creme colored skin, and made her bright blue eyes stand out. Though right now they were conveying the nervousness she felt within.

“Get yourself together Amelia, you don’t have time for this.” She scolded herself under her breath. Her eyes glanced over the rest of her reflection.

She had to admit that the secondhand suit tugged her curves nicely after the little 'do it yourself' altering she did at home. It was a black blazer with blue pinstripes, with a matching pencil style skirt. A pair of black pumps she had in her closet for forever, and a pale blue camisole with lace across the top finished off the ensemble. She looked like she actually belonged in the business world.

Glancing up at the name on the side of the building brought a small curl to the edge of her lips. Wolfe & Howell, in bright gold letters. The name in itself was funny given the rumors that flew about this place. Maybe their names are what really started it all. Jasmine, Amelia’s roommate, had almost fallen over when Amelia had said she had an interview at the law firm today.

“You what?!” Jasmine choked on her coffee. “I would not be caught dead working there. They’re nothing but a pack of ravenous wolves. It’s too dangerous, you should call and cancel.”

Amelia inwardly chuckled at and shook her head at the memory. Taking the meaning as cutthroat lawyers. Funny, because she always remembered people referring to lawyers as Vampires.

Unfortunately, time was running out for Amelia. She had bills stacking up, and no income to feed the money hungry gremlins. Right now, she would willingly go dancing with the devil himself if it meant getting a job to be able to support herself again. Her last job laid her off due to downsizing, so right now she was grabbing at whatever could help her out.

Unfortunately, with a small degree in Animal Science, you are not going to get far in a big city. All the jobs that her degree would have been of use at were “no longer hiring at this moment.” So, she had to start looking outside the box. That is when an ad for a level entry office personnel at a law firm caught her attention. Reasonable pay, benefits, easy hours, it seems almost perfect. Until the name of the company came into view.

There is no denying the whispers and the gossip heard all around town. Like Bigfoot in the Midwest and the Moth Man in the northeast. Well, this town had wolves. She could not help but be a little uneasy about this, as everyone talked. It is that feeling someone would get walking into a forest where someone else swore they saw a Sasquatch. You start to second guess your own common sense. But how real could those accusations really be? Werewolves did not exist. They were supernatural creatures of myth and legend.

“I mean come on, really!? Werewolves in Chicago?” Amelia thought to herself and shook her head. Adjusting her purse on her shoulder and checking the time on her phone, she took another deep breath to steady herself, and strode through the door. She hesitantly walked up to the desk just inside the doorway.

“Hi, I’m here for a 11 o’clock interview.” she politely stated.

“Name please?” the bored women behind the counter questioned, not even bothering to look up.

“Amelia Rowe?” Amelia was almost unsure of her own name and was unnerved by the crudeness of the person before her.

“Take the elevator to the 3rd floor, the conference room is on the left.” The lady spoke again as she threw her hand out towards Amelia with a visitors’ badge.

“T-thank you.” Amelia stated as she took the badge and quickly stepped towards the elevator. Eager to get away from the hostile air about the lady behind the desk, and eager to get this over with.

She could not help but glance around. It was a massive building, both inside and out. The feel inside was unsettling. Amelia rung her hands together, took a deep breath, counted to ten and stepped into the elevator with as much confidence as she could muster.

A little while later she was leaving the conference room, her head held a little higher. The job was hers, and she was to report for duty first thing in the morning.

Two figures watched as Amelia practically danced out of the lobby, from a window looking down on it.

“Are you sure it's a good idea to hire her, Jax?” a smooth baritone voice asked of the man beside him.

“Of course, I am. It’ll give us a slightly friendlier face. Have I ever steered you wrong Marcus?” The second threw back, as he clapped his companion on the back.

Marcus made an“hmph”noise admitting defeat, but still not fully happy about the situation, as he continued to stare at the bouncing woman below.

Chapter 2 | The Laws of Love and Wolves

“Are you sure you really want to work for these people?” Jasmine asked, concern and worry written clearly across her face, as she sat across from Amelia at the dining table. Thai food boxes were spread across the faux wooden surface as they each picked what they wanted from the contents within. A celebratory dinner for a new job, and a cheap meal for when the fridge was empty. Once her first paycheck hit, Amelia would go shopping and stock back up on things. It had been difficult to do with only Jasmine’s income barely supporting them.

“Not like I have much of a choice Jaz.” The blonde stared at her exotic looking friend and roommate.

Jasmine had been Amelia’s roommate for almost a year, and they had become good friends during that period. They looked nothing alike. Amelia with her typical Scandinavian looks of blonde hair and blue eyes. While Jasmine had an olive skin tone, wavy auburn hair, and brown eyes.

“It has great pay and benefits, plus weekends off! I won’t be able to find something even remotely similar. This is the best job I was able to find, and land to keep us both in the apartment.” Amelia continued.

“Don’t you have anyone back home to help you out for a little bit? Just till you can find something else?” Jasmine inquired.

“You know I don’t.” Amelia stated in a quiet tone, an almost solemn expression taking over her features. Her family was still a tender subject, even after the 5 years she had been living in Chicago.

When she refused to stay in the small country town and live the life that her parents had planned out for her, they became furious. The verbal and emotional abuse was enough to drive anyone crazy. She refused to roll over and quit just to pacify her parents. So, Amelia packed what bags she could carry, her savings, and left on the first bus she could take.

There were no pictures of her family in their shabby chic apartment. No memorabilia from her childhood, it had all been left behind. It was a cozy space that Amelia had filled with refurbished and secondhand furniture. Picking up pieces from thrift stores and flea market sales, giving them new life, and a new purpose. Just like she had been doing with herself. It was a place to call home that she had built from a blank canvas and had no intention of leaving it now.

Jasmine stared at her roommate; Amelia never went into detail about why she left her hometown. A small pang of pity hit her heartstrings, before she gave an understanding nod.

“Just figured I’d ask.” The auburn-haired woman stated as she glanced back at the noodles on the plate in front of her.

“Plus, while I was there today no one seemed to have any excess fur. Or looked like they would enjoy a good game of fetch at the park.” Amelia decided to lighten the mood a little and change the subject. Jazmine wrinkled her nose at her friend’s comment.

“Emmy, you know werewolves don’t always look threatening. That’s why they're dangerous. They can look like everyday people, as ordinary as you and me. But underneath, they’re bloodthirsty monsters who stalk their unsuspecting prey until the right time to pounce.” Jasmine stated in a matter of fact like voice as she bounced forward in her seat, acting out a pouncing motion to go with her speech.

This fear that werewolves were real, had started to crawl its way through the city some time ago. Long before Amelia had moved to Chicago. Violent attacks in the parks, or down the back alleys that left gruesome scenes behind. Putting the entire city into a frenzy for about a week until it seemed to blow over. The media stated it was nothing but gang violence but the tabloids, conspiracy theorists, and dark parts of the web thought differently.

Amelia, being a sensible person, did not pay attention to what the back doors of the internet had to say about the attacks. She was logical, and having studied animal behavior and species in college, she was convinced that werewolves were just myths and legends. There was no factual evidence to state otherwise. But Jazmine was more eclectic, and open minded and backed the idea that there were monsters out in the world that no one could prove the existence of.

“You’ve been reading too many of those tabloids again, haven’t you?” Amelia asked her friend, a teasing smile pulling at the edge of her lips.

“It can’t all be made up of mumbo jumbo, can it? Some articles even have pictures to prove it!” Jasmine defended.

“Pictures can always be faked with potshop and a good graphic artist.” Amelia rebutted. Jazmine threw an annoyed pout at Amelia, which caused the blonde woman the chuckle a bit.

“It’s ok Jazzy, I still love you.” She said reaching across the table to pat her friend’s head, as Jasmine swatted her hands away in a playful manner.

“Just promise me you’ll be careful while you’re there. Please.” Jasmine's brown eyes pleaded with Amelia.

“I promise.” Amelia smiled. “I can even wear my silver necklaces when I go to work, if it’ll make you feel better.”

Jasmine returned the smile.