The Legal Wife

The Legal Wife

Chapters: 45
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Fantastic Yeoja


Ashin Michaels has never loved someone as much as she loved her husband, Kristoff Marx. She had spent most of her life crushing hard on him and was really elated that she finally married him in a pragmatic marriage. But she knew that he doesn't love her, not the way she wanted him to. She knew that he will never love her like a woman. He will never want her like the way she desires him. As painful as it is, she has learned to understand him and his feelings for her. She was trying to be contented with her life with him. She was trying to be contented with her relationship with him. After all, she is the legal wife. Everyone who would want him would go through her first because she's recognized one. She's the lawful wife.

Billionaire Romance Contemporary Contract Marriage Famous Possessive

The Legal Wife Free Chapters

Prologue - ASHANTI | The Legal Wife

I woke with the alarm clock blasting on my bedside table. I immediately sat up and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. I looked at the watch and it’s already six in the morning—an hour earlier than the usual time I wake up.

I walked down to the kitchen to cook breakfast. I am not really the best person to cook but I’m trying to practice. At least for my husband and me…

I prepared what I needed for the fried rice and the sides. I know what to do. I’ve watched several cooking shoes lately and I believe I am going to really get better at this. I just need practice, like what Lora, our helper, and my mom tell me all the time.

“Practice never betrays you,” is what my mother has been telling me. Even when I was just starting to design clothes, it has been my motto. No one was born a genius or skillful, anyway.

I was on the final egg—the last egg standing because I’ve burned them all—when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

I looked behind me and saw Kristoff, walking down with his black three-piece Armani suit. His hair is sort of styled in a messy way but he still looks more handsome than ever. His tall stature had been so helpful with his charisma but I would say that he’s cold aura is his signature asset.

He looked at me and smiled a little. His eyes have always been so intense like he’s always thinking about melting whoever or whatever his gaze lands on.

“Done cooking?” he asked as he looked at the pan.

I bit my lip and shut my eyes. He shouldn’t see this, alright. He shouldn’t see that the egg looked like it was cooked in the lava of a volcano because of its black color.

I heard him snort. I pouted but I didn’t show him. I don’t want him to know that I am disappointed at how he looked at my cooking.

“Remind me to not let you step into the kitchen next time, Ashanti,” he said in almost a chuckle. “You are the best when you design clothes. Just stay like that.”

This time, I looked at him with a serious gaze.

He smiled and shrugged before taking the fried rice and the eggs towards the dining table. He prepared the table while I watched him. He looked like he was having fun while fixing the table. Well, it should be fun fixing my failed cooking, I guess.

I walked towards the dining area and crossed my arms across my chest. “You don’t have to eat that. I don’t even know if they’re edible.” I bit my lip.

I’ve already accepted that I am not a good cook. But to hear him say that I needed to stay out of the kitchen seemed to have hurt my pride a little. How hard is it to be considerate of others’ feelings sometimes?

Kristoff looked at me. “I will eat them, Ashanti. Why would you tell me that they’re not edible? You cooked these,” he said before sitting. “You should come here and eat with me. We will be late for work.”

I took a deep breath and stared at him for a moment before sitting across him.

We seem to be a normal married couple. But no, we aren’t. He isn’t in love with it. I don’t think he’d fall in love with me. He probably sees me as a fangirl—someone who admires him so much.

Because I do.

I don’t know if it was college when I’ve fallen in love with him. He seemed to be the perfect guy. No, he is the perfect guy. He is handsome, intelligent, soft-spoken and rich. God has given him everything a man could wish for. And I wanted him. I wanted him so bad.

I am not really sure if it’s because of my persistence that he asked me to be his fake girlfriend. Yes, I was contented with that. I was his fake girlfriend in college and no one knew about that except the two of us. From what I remember, he asked me to pretend because he doesn’t like how the girls flock at him every time. Having a girlfriend is the only way that those girls will stop.

It was really fun. I was known to be Ashanti Michaels, the girlfriend of the infamous Kristoff Marx. Everyone respected me because I wrapped Kristoff around my fingers. Well, no one knew it was all fake and staged. Everything was just for the show.

That’s why I was so shocked when I woke up one day with Kristoff proposing to me. A lot of questions have been running in my head. Why is he doing this? Why is he proposing to me? Does he love me?

No. He doesn’t. When I ask him why he would always change the topic. He would always escape. And I think that’s when I just have to convince myself that I should be happy. Well, I should. I married my ultimate crush.

I bit my lip as I watched Kristoff’s expression as he ate the egg. I am not expecting anything good about his expression but at least let him not be mad at me for wasting food like this.

He chewed the egg and stopped halfway. His expression turned dull and black and negative. He looked like he could puke any moment from now.

I immediately gave him water which is the safest of everything in the table, and he gulped it down.

I looked at him with a worried look. “You can skip breakfast. You don’t need to eat it,” I said it first before he utters a word.

He looked at me and smiled. “The egg is fine, Shan. You just shouldn’t place sugar in it though,” he said as he calmly took the bacon that looked like a grilled pork belly.

I looked at him in disbelief. It is the first time that I cooked for him and it was a total failure. I am never going to make another reckless move like this again or we’ll all end up hungry and angry.

“I’ll just get you some lasagna from last night. I’ll just reheat it,” I told him and stood up when he held my hand, pulling me back.

I looked at him with narrowed eyes and he just shook his head. “I’m going to eat your cooking. This is the first time that you cooked breakfast. I’ll eat them all.”

It feels like my heart melted at that moment. The way his voice soothed my bleeding pride and hurt heart made me adore him even more.

If there was one thing that I am grateful for with our marriage, it is his kindness and chivalry. Our marriage is not like those of typically fixed marriage. Sure, he doesn’t love me. I am quite sure of that but he never lets me feel like I wasn’t taken care of.

Kristoff would always remember all the important dates in our life together and he would bring me out from time to time.

It is mainly the reason why I kept holding on to the fact that he cares for me. Eventually, I am wishing, it would turn into love.

“The bacon is fine. Tastes a bit weird but fine.” Kristoff complimented my bacon.

I looked at him and smiled. The anxiety in me is slowly going away. “Thanks,” I said. “Thanks for eating it even though it isn’t edible… somewhat,” I continued.

He laughed. “Of course, you prepared it. I couldn’t just leave it behind like that,” he said. He didn’t tell it sweetly but it sounded really sweet to me. I can even feel the ants eat me now.

I smiled at him. And I am quite sure, I am blushing right now. “Thank you again,” I replied.

He smiled. “But you should not do this again, especially when there are guests. Please, I don’t want anyone to know that I married kitchen-illiterate.” He joked.

I nodded and chuckled. “Yes. I won’t,” I replied as I took a bite of my own cooking. Damn, I think it is going to be a tough time for me and my stomach today.

Chapter 1 - WORK AND LOVE | The Legal Wife

“Wow! You are early, Ashanti.” Min greeted me as I entered the office.

I smiled at her and nodded. “Kristoff wanted us to leave the house together so, I had to come early,” I replied as I placed my things on my table.

She just gave me a smile and I know there is a meaning behind it.

Minerva Crescent is one of my closest people in the office. She had been my person to run to, other than Genevieve, my best friend, when I am facing problems in any aspect of my life. She pretty much knows everything about me and I know that I, too, know things about her life as well.

There isn’t any awkward boss-subordinate relationship between us because one, we are of the same age and, two, I don’t look at her as a subordinate. She is a friend. She’s someone reliable.

I looked at the pile of folders on my table. There are about twenty of those in my estimation.

“These are the designs that we came up to for the fashion show next month,” Min told me even without me asking her.

I looked at her and nodded. “Are there any plans for the event yet?” I asked her as I browsed through the designs they gave me.

Min nodded. “We are planning to invite actors, actresses and idols to model for us. Through that, we can gain more people to attend the show because of the fans,” she replied. “But that is still boiling at this moment. We haven’t polished anything yet.” She added.

I looked at and smiled. “Sure. I’ll consider that, too.” I smiled at her. “Thank you. You all worked hard,” I told her.

She smiled and left for her job. “Thanks, Shan,” she said last.

I smiled and looked at the designs. These are all good. Most of them, I have seen Hollywood personalities wear. Some are patterned with some of the trending clothes nowadays.

We all know that fashion is forever changing, and so with music—as what Kristoff told me the last time we talked about our jobs—so, people needed to be updated with the mainstream right now.

That is why we are conducting a fashion show next month. We are planning to make it really big as we are planning to involve a lot of people of all ages for them to know what the trends these days are.

Someone knocked on the door. It is Nina, my secretary.

“Good morning, Mrs. Marx.” She bowed at me.

I nodded and smiled. “What is it?” I asked her with a smile.

She smiled back at me. “Someone came to see you, Ma’am,” she said.

I narrowed my eyes on her. Who would want to see me this early? “Who is it?” I asked curiously.

“Hi, Shan!” Genevieve came running to me like a maniac who saw a ghost but is actually running towards the ghost now.

I looked at her with my face really un-paint-able this moment. I was giving her my narrowed eyes and curious look.

She chuckled once she saw and got my expression. “Don’t be like that! I even bought you presents from the Philippines!” She beamed as she waved the gigantic paper bags she is holding.

Genevieve Peters is my best friend. We’ve known each other since elementary school. Back then, we were known to be the quiet and noisy tandem. I was the quiet one, she was the loud. We’re definitely the opposites but we made it work.

I looked at her as she sat in front of me. “So, how was the Philippines?” I asked as I diverted my gaze on the designs again.

She sighed heavenly. “I never wanted to leave that place. I bet their beaches are the best and I want to stay there forever!” She beamed as she slouched on the couch.

I looked at her. “So, did you have fun with Chester?” I asked.

Chester Moore is Kristoff’s friend. He is also courting Genevieve ever since we were in high school. Look at how persistent he is. And this friend of mine, I might say, is so lucky to have him.

Genevieve smiled at me. “Well, it’s always fun when Chester is around,” she replied happily, sounding really proud of her suitor.

I gave her a mischievous smile. I know Genevieve. She likes Chester ever since. I just don’t get why she won’t say yes to him. I mean, we’re of legal ages and she should get married, too, you know!

“Aren’t you going to be together?” I asked her.

Genevieve looked at me and smiled. “We are getting there anyway. I am not rushing things,” she replied.

“Not rushing my ass. Yes, you are not rushing things, you are buffering. Like, slower than the internet connection,” I replied making her laugh at me.

“Well I am not like you and Kristoff. You married early and look at what you have now. No child yet.” She teased me back.

I glared at her. This has been our argument since. She wanted to have a niece already and she is rushing me and Kristoff about it. Our parents, too.

She leaned closer. “Don’t tell me, nothing happened still?” she asked me.

I rolled me eyes. So what? Nothing happened yet. It is not like we are rushing on doing it anyway. We are fine by our own right now. We don’t need a baby yet.

Genevieve laughed at me. “You should’ve seen you face,” she said as she was holding her tummy for laughing out loud.

I rolled my eyes and threw her a folder. “Hurry up and just help me decide what design is good for the fashion show!” I told her to stop from laughing.

She looked at me and smiled at the folder. She looked into it. To be honest, I actually trust Genevieve’s fashion sense. She is a ramp and fashion model. She’s even planning on making it to the fashion week in New York next year.

“What are you planning to do for the event?” she asked me as she closed the folder.

I sighed. “Nothing drafted yet. I am planning to finish this by the end of the week. There are a lot of things to settle. But I guess we already have a date. On the twenty-eighth next month,” I replied.

She nodded. “You should also start gathering your models now.” She added. “You know that models are busy these days.” She continued.

I nodded. “Well, we are planning on taking hit celebrities so that we can attract fans to attend the event,” I replied. That was the original plan. I hope it will work.

Genevieve nodded. “That would be easy for you. Kristoff has a lot of hit idols and artists in his company,” she spoke.

I looked at her. I didn’t even think of that. Why was I so dumb?

She looked at me. “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought of that idea?” she asked me almost in disbelief. She would be shocked if she heard my reply.

“I didn’t, to be honest,” I said in all honesty.

Her eyes widened. “Oh, my gosh! Are you serious?” she asked, as I thought, shocked as hell. “That is so impossible of you!” she spat.

I laughed. “Well, I got a lot of things in my mind now, so, I haven’t thought of that.” I defended myself.

Genevieve rolled her eyes. “Whatever. You are unbelievable,” she said as she took another folder to check on the designs.


I was standing in front of the building tonight, waiting for a cab. Yes, I am the boss who hails a taxicab this early of the night.

Kristoff shouldn’t have dropped me off the office. I hadn’t brought my car because of that and now, I am hailing a taxi.

Suddenly, my phone rang. As I looked at the screen, I saw Kristoff calling.


“Shan, are you still in your office?” he asked on the other line, his husky and handsome voice is making me melt.

I have to get a hold of myself. “About to go home,” I replied as calm as I can.

I can hear him chuckle from the other line. “Stay there. Let’s eat before we go home,” he suggested.

I almost thought I was hearing voices. Did I hear him right? He’s asking us to eat out now? In this ordinary night? I wanted to laugh but the warm feeling surfacing is taking over.

So maybe, Kristoff is really hyper today. I don’t know why. He dropped me to the office and now he is asking me for a dinner. Oh, Lord. Am I going to die tomorrow?

“What do you think?” he asked. He must have been losing patience because I haven’t answered.

I cleared my throat. “Yeah. Sure,” I replied.

“Okay. I’m driving there now. Wait for me.” Then he hung up.

And me?

I am left here in the façade of the office, not knowing what to feel. Am I going to die soon? Why is Kristoff becoming all so clingy to me now? Why? I need an immediate answer. I swear if he goes on like this, I will have to control myself from falling so deeply into him. This is mad.

Ten minutes later, he arrived just like what he said. He rolled the window of the shotgun seat down and peeked on me who was standing there. “Come on?” he asked with his gentle voice this time.

I nodded and entered his Audi. And I feel so uncomfortable. I don’t know why but I can’t even look at him. This giddiness is eating me! Somebody help my poor self.